GRADE ENTERING IN. FALL 2016: Program preferences (see reverse for options): ... their under water home! Investigate, ex
Summer 2016 Harvard Museum of Natural History Summer Science Program Summer 2016 HMNH Scholarship Information WHAT:
10 scholarships for week-long summer science programs at Harvard Museum of Natural History, 26 Oxford St., Cambridge Ed Portal members entering grades 1-8 July & August (dates vary; please see program descriptions on pag Thursday, April 14 at 7p.m. to the Harvard Ed Portal
Applicant Information: Please complete all sections. AGE:
Program preferences (see reverse for options): Preference #1 ______________________________________________ Preference #2 ______________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Information: Please complete all sections. PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME:
Application checklist: All materials are due Thursday, April 14 at 7 pm £ £ £ £
HMNH scholarship form HMNH medical form HMNH waiver form Return all application materials to: Harvard Ed Portal 224 Western Ave. Allston, MA 02134
Questions? Please email:
[email protected] or call (617) 496-5022.
SUMMER SCIENCE WEEK PROGRAMS Spend a week of your summer in the museum! Through activities, games, and study in the galleries, students will learn and have fun. July 11-15, 2016
Oceans Alive entering grades 1-3 Sharks, crabs, sea stars and turtles; these are just a few of the marine creatures we’ll study as we dive into the underwater world. Learn all about our blue planet by investigating real specimens, observing adaptations of live ocean animals, making crafts, playing games and exploring our new Marine Life exhibit.
Impressions of Nature entering grades 4-7 Natural history and art have been linked for a long time. Come explore the museum and your creative side with in-depth art activities like printmaking through collographs, monotypes, or relief prints.
July 18-22, 2016 Budding Botanists entering grades 1-3 Take a closer looks at plants; some are older than dinosaurs, others eat animals, and many can survive environments that are too extreme for people. We'll examine living plants, fossils, and even the Museum’s glass flowers. Come get your hands dirty while we craft, play, experiment, and - of course - grow!
Prehistoric Worlds entering grades 3-5 Take a step back in time and learn how scientists use fossils and geologic clues to discover prehistoric worlds. What was your own backyard like 500 million years ago, 200 million years ago, or even 10,000 years ago?
July 25-29, 2016
Earth Explorers entering grades 1-3 Our planet is an exciting place! Explore geology and paleontology using the museum’s collection and exhibits. Study rocks, fossils, volcanoes and earthquakes through experiments, specimens and models.
Native American Technologies entering grades 4-6 Become an experimental anthropologist and use a spear thrower, drill a hole with a bow-drill, and try other technologies of Indigenous people of North America. Hosted by Peabody Museum of Archaeology & Ethnology
Time: Monday through Friday, 9:30 am to Noon Fees: $160 members/$180 nonmembers Register online at Questions:
[email protected] or call 617.495.2341.
August 1-5, 2016
Animal Naturalists Two sections: entering grades 3–5 and grades 6–8 Combine your love for animals and drawing in this art and science program. With a museum educator, investigate the lives of birds, mammals, insects, reptiles, and amphibians. With artist Erica Beade, draw these animals from the exhibitions and classroom specimens while practicing various drawing techniques. *$10 materials fee applies
August 8-12, 2016
Amazing Animals entering grades 1-3 From slow-moving sloths to fast-swimming sharks, from tiny insects to giant giraffes, the world is full of amazing animals. Travel through the museum’s exhibits to learn about animals near and far. Explore your questions though crafts, games, and live animals. Ocean Week entering grades 5-7 Ocean Week brings the magic of the sea to the HMNH. Students will immerse themselves in marine science as they work with graduate students on inquiry-based lessons examining museum specimens, observing live animals and even dissecting a squid!
August 16-18, 2016
Under the Sea ages 4–5 with one adult Dive under the sea and learn about marine animals and their under water home! Investigate, explore, and learn through stories, songs, hands-on activities, crafts, observations of live animals, and gallery explorations. This program is designed for an adult/child team to work and learn together. $120 nonmembers/$105 member per child + adult pair
HEALTH HISTORY AND EMERGENCY INFORMATION This form must be returned by June 1st, 2016 to the address at the bottom of the page. Must be filled in completely and signed by parent/guardian of minors.
Child’s Full Name
Grade in September 2016 _________ Birth date ___/___ /____ Sex ! M ! F SSW Program:__________________ Address : _________________________________________________________________________ City/Town:_____________________________ State:________________ Zip Code:______________
Parent/Guardian Name___________________________ Business Phone _________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name __________________________ Business Phone _________________________________ Emergency Contact Name ________________________ (must be available during program hours)
Health Insurance Co._____________________________
Home Phone__________________ Cell Phone ___________________ Home Phone __________________ Cell Phone ___________________ Phone __________________ Policy # ______________________
HEALTH INFORMATION Please complete in full: 1. Allergies: (check boxes that apply) !bees !insect bites !pollen !foods !other; please specifiy_____________ Does your child have an epipen?¨ If so, what and what type of reaction? _________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Please provide a description of any current physical, mental, or psychological conditions or factors requiring medication, treatment, or special restrictions or considerations while at the Museum program:__________________________________________________________________________ _______ _________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Other information that you wish to provide about your child:________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________
Harvard Museum of Natural History, Education Department 26 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 617-495-2341
[email protected]
HARVARD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY SUMMER SCIENCE WEEK [Page 2] EMERGENCY AUTHORIZATION AND WAIVER This form must be completed and returned by June 1st 2015 for your child to participate in that program.
Must be filled in completely and signed by parent/guardian of minors.
WAIVER AND RELEASE: I wish to enroll my child in the Summer Science Week program at the Harvard Museum of Natural History in Cambridge, Massachusetts and I hereby give permission for my child to participate in that program. I hereby agree, on behalf of my child and myself, to assume all of the risks in connection with my child’s attendance in the Museum programs, except in the case of negligence or willful misconduct and hereby release, indemnify and hold harmless Harvard University and the Harvard Museum of Natural History and their employees, officers, members of governing boards, and its representatives (including volunteers) from any loss, liability or claim of any kind, direct or indirect arising out of or in connection with my child’s participation in the Harvard Museum of Natural History Summer Science Week programs for children. I affirm that I have read and understand this document. The information contained on the attached health history form is complete and correct. If my child shall be injured or become ill, I understand that the Museum Program Director will attempt to notify me at once. If I cannot be reached, or if in the judgment of the Museum Program Director, the injury or illness appears to require immediate medical attention, the Museum Program Director will call for emergency response. Parent/Guardian signature_____________________________________ Date _________________
I authorize the Harvard Museum of Natural History to take, use, and publish photographs and videos of my child for its records of the Museum program or for promotional purposes related to the Museum programs in publications, print ads, and electronic media.
! no
Harvard Museum of Natural History, Education Department 26 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 617-495-2341
[email protected]