It is important that students are clear in their minds of the precise location for each ... The school has to implement
February 2018
Janet White, Examinations Officer
EXAMINATIONS – Summer 2018 The main block of examinations starts Monday 14th May until Monday 25th June. All students must attend timetabled classes for revision sessions until examinations in that subject are complete. From the 11th June all AS students will begin A Level work in their timetabled classes. ALL STUDENTS MUST ATTEND even if they think they may not continue this subject on into the next year. Registers will be marked to show if you miss a class as if you are in an exam, or if you are on study leave in the morning for an afternoon exam (AS, A level or GCSE exams only). It is important that ALL STUDENTS complete an ‘END OF YEAR FORM’ and return this to their tutors before they leave school. Enclosed with this newsletter is a copy of your son/daughters individual timetable showing the examinations that they have been entered for. Please check these with them and report any errors to their subject teacher, or a member of the Examinations Team. EXAMINATION TIMETABLES AND ROOMING You can access an electronic version of the schools timetable by visiting click on Academic and then Exams. Individual personalised timetables have been issued to your son/daughter with this notice. All students should check their individual timetable; most exams this summer will be taking place in the main hall or Gymnasium and full exam rooms will be displayed on the canteen windows 1 week in advance. It is important that students are clear in their minds of the precise location for each of their exams. All students will need to know their candidate number, as seating in each room is in candidate number order Paper copies of seating plans for GCSE Maths, English & Science only will be displayed in each department at least 1 week before the examination dates.
EXAMINATION CLASHES Occasionally a student may find that he/she has modules timetabled for the same session creating a clash of exams. If the clash involves 2 modules, these will be taken one in the morning and one in the afternoon If the clash involves more modules or totals more than 6hrs, it is important that students advise the examinations department, as specific arrangements have to be put in place, including possibly 24hr supervision. STUDENTS NEED TO REPORT TO THE EXAM OFFICE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE IF A CLASH IS IDENTIFIED. If your son/daughter is identified as having a clash, they will be retained in isolation in between each exam and have been asked to bring a packed lunch with them on clash days, please ensure they do this, as they must be supervised between examinations. EXAM REGULATIONS The school has to implement a very precise set of requirements in all public exams. May I stress the importance of knowing, understanding and applying these requirements? They are largely common sense; however, everyone has to be sure to get them right. Each year, during the exam period we are inspected by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) to ensure the school, as an exam centre, is setting the expected standards. A copy has been provided to all students and is available online at the school’s website under exam guidelines; please take the time to read this with your son/daughter to ensure that you are both aware of the regulations. ATTENDANCE TO THE EXAMS Punctuality is important. Exams are scheduled to start at 9.00 am and 2:00; these are actual start times. Students must arrive a minimum of 15 minutes prior to this time - this is to ensure efficient preliminary administration including seating students, distribution of materials, going over instructions etc. EQUIPMENT It is important that your son/daughter is prepared for the examinations, it is their responsibility to ensure that they have all the tools they will need to take the exams, ie Black Pens, Pencils, Ruler, Rubber, Sharpener, etc. in a clear pencil case/bag. Please encourage them to be prepared before every examination they are due to take.
To ensure conformity to the JCQ regulations all Calculators taken into examinations must not have a programmable memory and must have all covers removed. We cannot guarantee equipment for students who fail to come prepared will be available
MOBILE PHONES, IWATCH, OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVISES (mp3/4 Players, iPods etc), Please encourage your son/daughter to leave their mobile phone, iwatch or any other electronic devise at home, they will not be allowed to have it on their person in the examination room. Anyone found in the possession of any of this equipment during the examination, whether they intended to use it or not, will be reported to the Examination Board and may be disqualified from that examination and any subsequent exams. Students may be asked to prove they do not have these items on their person and will be advised ALL watches must be removed and maintained on the exam desk throughout the exam. Sports caps and woolly hats etc. will not be allowed. Refusal to observe staff requests may result in the student not being allowed into the examination room.
REVISION Students should now be ‘fine-tuning’ their revision programmes. Advice will have been given to students about revision strategies, but it is worth restating some broad principles. Students should:(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)
Endeavour to revise in an active manner, that is, to rewrite and reorganise their notes and not just read through them. Sometimes students find it helpful to produce flow charts, diagrams, lists etc. to aid their learning and retention of material. Ensure they learn the more unfamiliar and ‘harder’ parts of the work before the more familiar ‘easier’ topics. Seek to revise in short bursts of time, punctuated with a break, then a short walk, a cup of coffee or such like, can be taken. None of us have the ability to concentrate for lengthy periods of time without becoming distracted! The timing of revision is very important for many people. Some study best in the early morning, others late at night, and others at yet a different time. Having a revision timetable and sticking to it is important. The task is seen to be a manageable one, and students are able to see that they are ‘on target’ to complete a topic by a set date.
SUPPORT AND GUIDANCE Any student who is encountering any problem with their revision programme should seek the support of an appropriate teacher; or head of year. APPLICATIONS THROUGH UCAS – A LEVEL STUDENTS ONLY For those of you who have applied through UCAS, you should have received decisions by now unless you have applied through UCAS Extra. If you need any help or support with your application, contact the 6th form staff
ILLNESS One would hope that every student will be fit and well throughout the exam period. However, unforeseen illness can strike; in which case the school needs to know as soon as possible so we can advise on the best approach. The importance of making every effort to take each exam has to be understood. Furthermore, students who miss any component of an exam without supporting medical evidence will not get an exam result.... only a bill for a wasted entry! This is approximately £16 per GCSE Unit or £20.00 per GCE Unit. ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE RECEIPT OF RESULTS BTEC/CACHE and GCE/GCSE Results will be available from the school in the main hall on Thursday 16th August 2013 from 10:00am – 12:00 pm for GCE exams And Thursday 23nd August 2013 from 10:00am – 12:00 pm for GCSE exams Results will not be handed to a 3rd party unless they have written authorisation from the student giving us permission to release them. RESULTS WILL NOT BE GIVEN OUT OVER THE PHONE Results not collected on the day will be posted home by 1st class post that night Our aim is to hand out results as speedily as possible. We would ask, therefore, that you avoid telephone and email enquiries at these times except in exceptional circumstances. 3
Publicising results Results are the personal property of individual students. They will therefore not be put on display. If the results are delayed, clear notices will be placed on the Examinations Notice Board with details of any new arrangements. We do hope that these procedures will work well and that the very understandable anxiety will be minimal. Once your son or daughter is in possession of their results, there will be information included relevant to their results. On results day, staff will be in school to offer advice and guidance on the best course of action. So it is important that they come into school on results day, particularly if this is their final year of study. If they are in their 1st year of study and need to re-sit modules next year, a charge will be made. ARRANGEMENTS FOR RECEIPT OF EXAM CERTIFICATES GCSE & A2 Exam certificates generally arrive in school around early to mid-November. These certificates will be retained in the exam office and notifications will be issued to encourage collection. If required certificates may be posted by Recorded Delivery to student’s home addresses however a charge may be levied for this service to assist with the costs. It is very important that you advise the college as a matter of urgency if you move address once you have left, as certificates posted out cannot be replaced. Certificates will not be handed to a 3rd party unless they have written authorisation from the student giving us permission to release them. Certificates for students not leaving in 2018 will be retained by the school for safe keeping until they do leave, then they will receive all of their certificates as a whole. Thank You
" Arnewood School
Summer 2018 Leavers – Certificate Postage Request I enclose £3.50 for the postage costs of 1st Class Recorded Delivery.
Student Name………………………………….
Student No …………………
Signature of Student ………………..………………………….
Postal Address for Certificates …………………………………………………………………………………. Contact Details in Emergency: Tel No ……………………………………………………………………………. (Please hand this slip in with your money to the Finance Office as soon as possible. Thank you)