Summer Conference 2017 - Whole Education

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Jun 23, 2017 - *1 free ticket included in Secondary WE Partner and ... [email protected] or call ... Summer Conf
Summer Conference 2017 In partnership with Shireland Research School

23rd June 2017 with celebration and awards dinner on evening of 22nd June Summer Conference in partnership with Shireland Research School

Ticket prices and booking

23rd June, Shireland Collegiate Academy

Book your tickets here

+ Hear from primary and secondary practitioners and specialists about a range of evidence-informed and impact-focused projects that you could run in your school including flipped learning, maths mastery, social action and many more (see overleaf)!

Summer Conference 23rd June Whole Education members | £95*+VAT Others | £195+VAT

+ Hear how your school could link with a research school to get up to £5k funding for innovation-led research projects

Pathfinder school membership

Awards Dinner: celebration of practice 22nd June, 7pm at Fazeley Studios, Birmingham + Celebrate the impact of brilliant practice happening in schools across the Whole Education Network

*1 free ticket included in Secondary WE Partner and

Celebration of Practice Dinner 22nd June Whole Education members | £39+VAT Others | £69+VAT Very limited places remaining for Whole Education members: Dinner and hotel package |£79+VAT Includes a ticket to our celebratory awards dinner at Fazeley Studios and accommodation at Bloc Hotel Birmingham on Thursday 22nd June. Book your tickets here or contact [email protected] or call 0207 250 8422 for more information.

Summer Conference in partnership with Shireland Research School 23rd June Introduction Whole Education’s Summer Conference on 23rd June in partnership with Shireland Research School  will provide an opportunity to learn about a vast range of practice and projects from across the country that your school can engage with.  We’re excited to be showcasing projects that are evidence-informed and impact-focused, with inputs from both primary and secondary teachers and leaders, alongside specialists providing research-grounding.  The EEF Toolkit and themes provide a framework for how evidence-based practice can be transferred into the classroom and the potential this has for impact on students. These will be represented throughout sessions - check out a flavour of these sessions now! 

Agenda 09:30 - 15:00 (arrivals and networking from 08:30) A day that combines a choice of two one hour breakout sessions and a series of shorter table sharing sessions on over forty different areas of practice. A range of primary, secondary and cross-phase sessions will be delivered by schools and specialists, with evidence-based innovative practice being shared across a broad range of topics. 08:30 Arrivals and networking 09:30 Introduction and Welcome | Douglas Archibald, Whole Education and Nicola Jones, Shireland Collegiate Academy 09:40 Breakout Sessions Round 1 | Various contributors +Planning, delivering and evaluating your own small-scale impact project (Primary and Secondary) +Flipped learning in your classroom, team and school (Primary and Secondary) +Approaches to Maths Mastery (Primary and Secondary) +Peer review for a self-improving system (Primary and Secondary) +Mindfulness for staff (Primary and Secondary) 10:40 Break

11:00 Table practice sharing sessions | Various contributors Choose from over 20 different 15 minute table sharing sessions from primary and secondary practioners and specialist organisations, to gain insight into the work that practioners are doing. Sessions will include: +Project-based learning +Raising attainment of disadvantaged +Feedback and marking youngsters +Developing student leadership and social action +Outdoor learning +Whole school numeracy +Engaging parents and families of vulnerable students +Driving ambition in post-16 learners +Flipped learning + Using technology in business

12:40 Lunch 13:15 Breakout sessions Round 2 | Various contributors +Collaborative learning for teachers: learning from ‘Film Club’ +Embedding a culture of youth social action +Applying for 5k funding for your impact project + Supporting EAL learners: lessons for practitioners +Developing oracy in your school - why, how and what? +Understanding student behavioural styles - coaching to support student agency in learning 14:15 Keynote: Enjoying the fascination with learning | Professor Mick Waters Professor Mick Waters works with schools in the West Midlands on raising standards and with school across the country on innovative approaches to learning and pushing the boundaries to make learning better.

14:50 Evaluations 15:00 Close

Don’t forget to book your tickets now!

Whole Education Celebration of Practice Awards Dinner 22nd June, 7pm We invite you to come and celebrate the fantastic practice in the Whole Education Network at the iconic venue, Fazeley Studios. A limited number of package tickets are available to stay at the Bloc Hotel in Birmingham for a total cost of £79 - book your tickets here. We’re delighted to be joined for the evening by Sir John Dunford, Chair of Whole Education and former Pupil Premium Champion. John has over 45 years in numerous education roles involving leadership, policy making and government relations, during which he has been influential in shaping national education policy and widely quoted in the media. John has a deep knowledge of schools and teaching, as well as a passionate interest in supporting schools providing a ‘whole education’ for all students.