arXiv:1306.5848v1 [math.NT] 25 Jun 2013
Sums of products involving power sums of ϕ(n) integers Jitender Singh1 Abstract A sequence of rational numbers as a generalization of the sequence of Bernoulli numbers is introduced. Sums of products involving the terms of this generalized sequence are then obtained using an application of the Fa` a di Bruno’s formula. These sums of products are analogous to the higher order Bernoulli numbers and are used to develop the closed form expressions of products involving the power X for thesums x k , n ∈ Z+ which are defined via the sums Ψk (x, n) := µ(d)d Sk d d|n
M¨obius function µ and the usual power sum Sk (x) of a real or complex variable x. The power sum Sk (x) is expressible in terms of the well Bk+1 (x + 1) − Bk+1 (0) known Bernoulli polynomials by Sk (x) := . k+1
Keywords: Power sums, Euler totient, Bernoulli numbers, M¨obius Bernoulli numbers, Sums of products
Singh [1] introduced the power sum Ψk (x, n) of real or complex variable x and positive integer n defined by the generating function X d|n
x ∞ tk e(1+ d )td − etd X Ψ (x, n) = µ(d) k etd − 1 k! k=0
Department of Mathematics, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar-143005, INDIA
[email protected];
[email protected]
from which he derived the following closed form formula for these power sums: [ k2 ] Y 1 X k+1 Ψk (x, n) = B2m xk+1−2m (1 − p2m−1 ), k = 0, 1, ... 2m k + 1 m=0 p|n
(1.2) where Bm are the Bernoulli numbers and p runs over all prime divisors of n. In particular Ψk (n, n) gives the sum of k−th power of those positive integers which are less then n and relatively prime to n. We will call Ψk (x, n) as M¨obius-Bernoulli power sums. Present work is aimed at describing sums of products of the power sums Ψk (x, n) via introducing yet another sequence of rational numbers which we shall call as the sequence of M¨obius-Bernoulli numbers. The rational sequence {Bk } that appears in Eq.(1.2) is defined via the generating function ∞
X tk t Bk , |t| < 2π = et − 1 k=0 k! and was known to Faulhaber and Bernoulli. Many explicit formulas for the Bernoulli numbers are also well known in literature. One such formula is the following [2]: k X
1 X Bk = (−1)n m + 1 m=1 n=1
m n
nk , k = 0, 1, ...
M¨ obius-Bernoulli numbers
Definition: We define M¨obius-Bernoulli numbers Mk (n), k = 0, 1, ... via the generating function ∞ X X tµ(d) tk 2π = M (n) , |t| < ∀ n = 1, 2, ... k td e − 1 k=0 k! n d|n
We immediately notice from the Eq. (2.1) that the M¨obius-Bernoulli numbers are given by Mk (1) = Bk ; Mk (n) = Bk
Y (1 − pk−1 ) for all n ≥ 2, k = 0, 1, ....
Singh[1] has obtained the following identity relating the function Ψk (x, n) d to the M¨obius-Bernoulli numbers. Ψk (x, n) = kΨk−1(x, n) + (−1)k Mk (n), dx from which we observe that Ψk (x, 1) = Sk (x), Ψ0 (x, n) = ϕ(n), Ψk (0, n) = 0 ∀ k = 0, 1, ... where ϕ(n) is the Euler’s totient. Definition: Let n be a positive integer and k a nonnegative integer. Define higher order M¨obius-Bernoulli numbers by X k N Mk (n) := Mk1 (n) · · · MkN (n), k1 , ..., kN PN i=1
ki =k
which are described by the generating function N ∞ X tµ(d) X 2π tk N H(t) = , |t| < ∀ n, N = 1, 2, ... (2.3) = M (n) k td e −1 k! n k=0 d|n
Note that Mk1 (n) = Mk (n) ∀ k = 0, 1, ... Some of the first few higher order
M¨obius-Bernoulli numbers are given by the following: M0N (n) M2N (n) M4N (n) M6N (n)
= (ϕ(n))N = N(ϕ(n))N −1 M2 (n) = N(ϕ(n))N −2 {3(N − 1)(M2 (n))2 + ϕ(n)M4 (n)} = N(ϕ(n))N −3 {15(N − 1)(N − 2)(M2 (n))2 + 15(N − 1)ϕ(n)M2 (n)M4 (n) + ϕ(n)2 M6 (n)}
etc. dk H(t) . In this regard, a formula for the higher t→0 dtk order M¨obius-Bernoulli numbers can be obtained from the following version of the well known Fa`a di Bruno’s formula [3]. Note that MkN (n) = lim
Lemma 2.1. Let N be a positive integer and f : R → R be a function of class Ck , k ≥ 1. Then Dk (f (x))N = N !
k X (f (x))N −j j=1
dk ,k dxk
where D k =
(N − j)!
i=1 ki =k
k k1 , ..., kj
Dk1 f (x) · · · Dkj f (x) λ(k1 )! · · · λ(kj )!
= 1, 2, ...; λ(ki ) is the multiplicity of occurrence of ki in
the partition {k1 , ..., kj } of n of length j and λ(ki )! contributes only once in the above product. Proof. We use induction on k in proving the result. For k = 1, we see that j = 1 in the RHS of Eq.(2.4) and it reduces to N(f (x))N −1 D 1 (f (x)) = D 1 (f (x)N ). This proves that the result is true for k = 1. Let us assume that the formula (2.4) holds for all positive integers ≤ k. Now assume that f is of class Ck+1 and consider D
((f (x)) ) =N !
k−1 X j=1
X (f (x))N −(j+1) (N − (j + 1))! Pj i=1
ki =k
k k1 , ..., kj
D1 f (x)Dk1 f (x) · · · Dkj f (x) λ(k1 )! · · · λ(kj )!
N −k−1
+N ! +N !
(f (x)) (Df (x))k+1 (N − k − 1)! k X (f (x))N −j j=1
(N − j)!
ki =k
k k1 , ..., kj
D(Dk1 f (x) · · · Dkj f (x)) λ(k1 )! · · · λ(kj )! (2.5)
At this point observe that any partition π ′ of k + 1 can be obtained from a partition π of k by adjoining 1 and let us denote the set of all such partitions of k + 1 by S. Denote by T the set of remaining all partitions of k + 1 where each π ′ is obtained simply by adding 1 to exactly one member of π. In each of these cases one has k + 1 choices of doing so for a fixed π. In the former case for each π ′ ∈ S, |π ′ | = |π| + 1 which happens in the first summation above in (2.5) which reduces to the following (k + 1)N !
k X (f (x))N −j j=1
(N − j)!
′ {k1′ ,··· ,kj+1 }∈S
k ′ ′ k1 , ..., kj+1
Dk1 f (x) · · · Dkj+1 f (x) . λ(k1′ )! · · · λ(kj′ )!
In the latter case for each π ′ ∈ T, |π ′ | = |π| and the terms after first summation in (2.5) reduce to (k + 1)N !
k+1 X (f (x))N −j j=1
(N − j)!
′ {k1′ ,··· ,kj+1 }∈T
k ′ k1′ , ..., kj+1
Dk1 f (x) · · · Dkj+1 f (x) λ(k1′ )! · · · λ(kj′ )!
(f (x))N −k−1 (Df (x))k+1 corresponds to j = k + 1. The (N − k − 1)! result follows by substituting (2.6) and (2.7) in (2.5). This completes the where the term N!
final step of induction. Theorem 2.2. For each positive integer N & n, the higher order M¨obiusBernoulli numbers are given by MkN (n)
= N!
k X (ϕ(n))N −j j=1
(N − j)!
ki =k
k k1 , ..., kj
Mk1 (n) · · · Mkj (n) . λ(k1 )! · · · λ(kj )!
Proof. First note from definition that MkN (n) = lim D k (H(0)). The result folt→0 X tµ(d) , 0< lows at once by applying Lemma 2.1 to the function f (t) = etd − 1 d|n X µ(d) 2π t< and then taking limit t → 0 throughout and using ϕ(n) = n d d|n
N Proposition 2.3. M2k−1 (n) = 0 for all positive integers k & N and n > 1.
Proof. Observe from Eq.(2.3) that for a positive integer N, the following holds: N N X X tµ(d) X tµ(d) = tδ1n + = H(t) H(−t) = t µ(d) + etd − 1 etd − 1 d|n
P for all n > 1 where the arithmetic function d|n µ(d) = δ1n is the Kronecker delta. We have proved that H is an even function of t for n > 1. Thus
N the coefficient of t2k−1 in the RHS of Eq.(2.3) (which is precisely M2k−1 (n)) vanishes for each k = 1, 2, ...
Remark: If we extend the definition of higher M¨obius-Bernoulli numbers to complex N = 6 0, the formula (2.9) for MkN (n) is still valid just on replac! ing (NN−j)! by N(N − 1) · · · (N − j + 1) in it. In this regard we note that N M2k−1 (n > 1) = 0 holds for all k = 1, 2, ... and N ∈ C.
In view of the theorem 2.2 and the proposition 2.3, we have for all positive integers n > 1 and k = 1, 2, ..., N M2k (n) = N !
k X (ϕ(n))N −2j j=1
(N − 2j)!
2k 2k1 , ..., 2kj
i=1 ki =k
M2k1 (n) · · · M2kj (n) . λ(2k1 )! · · · λ(2kj )!
As an example, let k = 4. There are five partitions of 4 which are given by 41 , 31 11 , 22 , 21 11 , 14 and therefore from Eq.(2.9) we obtain ϕ(n)N −4 8! 8! (M4 (n))2 ϕ(n)N −2 M8 (n) + ( M6 (n)M2 (n) + ) (N − 2)! (N − 4)! 6!2! 4!4! 2! ϕ(n)N −6 8! (M2 (n))2 ϕ(n)N −8 8! (M2 (n))4 + ( M4 (n) )+ } (N − 6)! 4!2!2! 2! (N − 8)! 2!2!2!2! 4! ϕ(n)N −2 ϕ(n)N −4 = N!{ M8 (n) + (28M6 (n)M2 (n) + 35(M4 (n))2 ) (N − 2)! (N − 4)! ϕ(n)N −8 ϕ(n)N −6 2 (210M4 (n)(M2 (n)) ) + 105(M2 (n))4 } + (N − 6)! (N − 8)!
M8N (n) = N!{
Remark: The formula (2.9) is not suitable for explicit evaluation of MkN for large k. Because number of partitions of k increases at a faster rate than k. For example number of partitions of 10 is 42, which is the number of terms N in the expression for M20 . In this regards, it will be good to see a formula for the higher order M¨obius Bernoulli numbers which can describe them better than the one we have given above!
Remark: If n = ps for some positive integer s and prime p, then the simplest possible formula (2.9) for the higher order M¨obius-Bernoulli numbers can be found as follows: H(t)|n=ps =
t t − tp t e −1 e −1
N m
t t e −1
tp tp e −1
N −m
Therefore N X dk H(t) MkN (ps ) = lim = t→0 dtk m=0
N m
k X j=0
k j
N −m k−j Bjm Bk−j p
where we have utilized the Leibniz product rule for higher order derivatives and Bjm is the higher order Bernoulli number given by (see for more details Srivastava and Todorov [4]) Bjm
j ℓ X j! X j+m−1 j+m ℓ h = hj+ℓ . (−1) ℓ j−ℓ h (j + ℓ)! ℓ=0
Similarly if we take n = ps11 ps22 for some positive integers s1 , s2 and distinct primes p1 , p2 then H(t)|n=ps11 ps22
N t t t t = − − + et − 1 etp1 − 1 etp2 − 1 etp1 p2 − 1 m0 m1 m2 X tp1 tp2 t N = et − 1 etp1 − 1 etp2 − 1 m0 , · · · , m3 P3 i=0 mi =N m3 tp1 p2 × (−p1 )−m1 (−p2 )−m2 (p1 p2 )−m3 etp1 p2 − 1
which gives MkN (ps11 ps22 )
m0 m1 tp1 t N k = lim D m0 , · · · , m3 t→0 et − 1 etp1 − 1 P3 m =N i i=0 m2 m3 tp2 tp1 p2 × (−p1 )−m1 (−p2 )−m2 (p1 p2 )−m3 etp2 − 1 etp1 p2 − 1 X X N k = m0 , · · · , m3 P3 k0 , · · · , k3 P3 X
mi =N
ki =k
Bkm00 Bkm11 Bkm22 Bkm33 p1k1 −m1 pk22 −m2 (p1 p2 )k3 −m3 (−1)m1 +m2
These formulas involve products of higher order Bernoulli numbers. So in general, the formulas for MkN (n) involve sums containing product of several higher order Bernoulli numbers and such a formula in the above sense would 7
be complicated and will take the following form: β Y
X N !k! = (N + k)! P2β −1
N +k m0 , ..., m2β −1 , k0 , ..., k2β −1
P2β −1 mi =N j=0 ki =k m β Bkm00 Bkm11 · · · Bk β2 −1 χ(k1 , ..., k2β −1 , m1 , ..., m2β −1 ) 2 −1 i=0
where χ(k1 , ..., k2β −1 , m1 , ..., m2β −1 ) =
β Y
s0 =1
β Y
(−ps0 )ks0 −ms0 · · ·
((−1)β ps0 ps1 · · · psβ−1 )k2β −1 −m2β −1 .