virus preincubated with SMase. O SMase before infection. 120 i. O SMase after infection. I SMase during infection, no preincubation. 100 -. Relative infection (%).
gene Pax4, RNA samples of undifferentiated cells, pancreatic precursor and differentiated cells were prepared. Abbreviation Description. Arrays. R1-ESC-1.
Sup Figure S9. N ok-1 parent. Col-0 parent. F. 1 Col x N ok. F. 1 N ok x Col. Col-0 allele. N ok-1 allele. Col-0 allele. N ok-1 allele. #1. #2. #3. #4. #1. #2. #3. #4.
Fig. S3 Pothlichet et al.,. 0. 1,2. 2,4. 3,6. 0. 3. 6. 9. 0. 1,5. 3. 4,5. Control. RIG-I. Control. RIG-I. Fold increas e v s M o ck treated an d control v ector tra n sfected.
mary gland brain eye em bryonic tissue bone m arrow urinary thym us head and neck gastrointestinal tract testis liver pancreas lung spleen blood skin tissue tra.