4. Will the first score of the game be a touchdown? 5. Will there be a touchdown scored from 45 yards or more? 6. Will t
SUPER BOWL PROP POOL 1 Point Questions 1. Who will be the winning team? ______________ 2. Will the opening coin toss land on heads or tails? ______________ 3. Who will be the first team to score? ______________ 4. Will the first score of the game be a touchdown? ______________ 5. Will there be a touchdown scored from 45 yards or more? ______________ 6. 7. 8. 9.
Will Will Will Will
there be a field goal made from 45 yards or more? ______________ any player rush for 100 yards or more in the game? ______________ a quarterback pass for more than 300 yards? ______________ there be more than 2 interceptions in the game? ______________
10. Will there be a score within the first 7 minutes of the game? ______________ 11. Will there be more than 12 points scored in the first quater? ______________ 12. Will the defense or special teams of either team score? ______________ 13. Will there be a score within the first 7 minutes of the second half? ______________ 14. Will there be more than 25 points scored by halftime? ______________ 15. Will there be more than 4 total sacks in the game? ______________
2 Point Questions 16. Will there be more than 3 successful field goals in the game? ______________ 17. Will either team score in the final two minutes of the first half? ______________ 18. Will either team score in the final two minutes of the game? ______________ 19. 20. 21. 22.
Will the game be decided by more than 4 points? ______________ Will a quarterback score a touchdown? ______________ Will the losing team score more than 17 points? ______________ Other than 0-0 will there be a tie score at any point in the game? ______________
3 Point Questions 23. Will there be more than 3 turnovers in the game? ______________ 24. Will the winning team score more than 32 points? ______________ 25. Will there be more than 50 points scored in the game? ______________
Tie Breaker - Total Points Scored in the Game _______ Name ________________