Feb 22, 2012 - The microscopic physics of heavy fermion metals is de- scribed in ..... pulsion between the f-electrons is large but finite, we expect a strongly ...
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
Superconductivity in Ce- and U-based ”122” heavy-fermion compounds 1
Max-Planck-Institut f¨ur Chemische Physik fester Stoffe, Dresden, Germany 2 Max-Planck-Institut f¨ur Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden, Germany 3 Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA
This review discusses the heavy-fermion superconductivity in Ce- and U-based compounds crystallizing in the bodycentered tetragonal ThCr2 Si2 structure. Special attention will be paid to the theoretical background of these systems which are located close to a magnetic instability. KEYWORDS: heavy-fermion superconductivity, cerium, uranium, quantum phase transition
Unconventional superconductivity most commonly occurs in the vicinity of magnetic order. It is to be contrasted with BCS superconductivity, which is driven by electron-phonon interactions and to which magnetism is detrimental.1 The magnetism in these unconventional superconductors signals the importance of electron-electron repulsion, which gives rise to several related effects. In addition to magnetic order, the electron correlations promote the localization of charge carriers, and can give rise to unusual normal states. Heavy fermion superconductors represent prototype systems for the interplay between such correlation effects and unconventional superconductivity. The microscopic physics of heavy fermion metals is described in terms of the competition between the Kondo effect and the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interaction of the f electrons.2–5 The competing interactions give rise to a variety of phases, including magnetic order and paramagnetic heavy Fermi liquid. Superconductivity usually occurs near the transition between the corresponding ground states. The T = 0 transition between the competing ground states can be either of first order or continuous. In the latter case, the transition specifies a quantum critical point.6, 7 The associated quantum fluctuations determine the behavior at low energies, giving rise to non-Fermi-liquid properties.3, 4, 8, 9 Many heavyfermion materials have been shown to display such quantum critical behavior, which is typically revealed through thermodynamic and transport measurements. For instance, the electrical resisivity typically exhibits a power-law dependence on temperature with unusual exponents, ∆ρ = ρ(T ) − ρ0 ∝ T n , n < 2 (in contrast to n = 2 for the Fermi-liquid behavior). This is illustrated by the schematic phase diagram,10 Fig. 1a, for CeCu2 (Si1−x Ge x )2 . Here, the control parameter that tunes between the ground states is hydrostatic pressure (and hence the lattice density). Superconductivity shows up around the magnetic instability at pc1 where antiferromagnetic order is fully suppressed. Fig. 1a also contains a second dome of superconductivity near pc2 , which is connected with a first-order valence transition. This illustrates that the ground states involved in the transitions can go beyond magnetism. There are also cases where the underlying order remains mysterious, often termed “hidden” order. In this article, we review the physical properties of the “122” heavy-fermion superconductors. At present, this family
arXiv:1202.4114v2 [cond-mat.supr-con] 22 Feb 2012
Oliver Stockert, 1,2 Stefan Kirchner, 1 Frank Steglich, 3 Qimiao Si
Heavy fermion
Magnetic metal
Intermediate valence
Ce Cu T
Lattice density
Si X
Fig. 1. (Color online) (a) Schematic phase diagram near quantum phase transitions in heavy-fermion systems.10 (b) Body-centered tetragonal crystal structure of Ce-based CeT2 X2 (T = Cu, Rh, Ni, Pd; X = Si, Ge) heavyfermion compounds.
is formed by the Ce-based compounds, CePd2 Si2 , CeNi2 Ge2 , CeRh2 Si2 , CeCu2 Ge2 , and CeCu2 Si2 and the U-based hidden order compound URu2 Si2 . The 122 compounds crystallize in the body-centered tetragonal ThCr2 Si2 structure (space group I4/mmm ) shown in Fig. 1b. Within this structure the magnetic 4f ions occupy the corners and the center of the unit cell. Since the next-nearest neighbor distances of the 4f ions within the basal plane and from the corner to the center of the unit cell are almost identical, the interactions in these compounds are truly three-dimensional, in contrast to, e.g., the layered perovskite high-temperature cuprate superconductors. This lattice implies that magnetic frustration may exist in the 122 heavy-fermion systems.11 CePd2 Si2 , CeRh2 Si2 and CeCu2 Ge2 are well-ordered antiferromagnets with N´eel temperatures of several Kelvin, and magnetic order vanishes only upon applying a pressure p & 1 GPa where superconductivity appears. In contrast, CeCu2 Si2 and CeNi2 Ge2 are located at or very close to a magnetic instability already at ambient conditions, and a subtle interplay between magnetism and superconductivity occurs. In general, superconductivity in the 122 compounds is observed only in a narrow range around the zero temperature transitions. However, although magnetic and valence instabilities are disconnected, they might be close enough to each other resulting in one extended superconducting regime as seen in both CeCu2 Si2 and CeCu2 Ge2 . The excited crystalline electric field (CEF) levels of all above mentioned compounds are well above 1 meV corresponding to ≈ 10 K.12, 13 Therefore, their low-temperature magnetic behavior is entirely determined by the spin dynamics within the CEF ground state doublet of the cerium 4f moment.14–16 Table
Our key experimental results are summarized in Figs 2, 3. In the lower temperatures than the transitions observed lar behavior was observed even at the lowest temperatures corroborated in Fig. 1(b) by the maximum materials studied, the antiferromagnetic ordering temperature TN, is consistent with the occurrence of superco another edge of lon at which there is which a discontinuity in the gradient of the resistivity [18]. The crossover temperature below the resistivdata for ra�T ��T cerium at Tcompound � 0.2 on K.the These a (not shown), was found to decrease slowly and monotonically with order . 2 0.65 to region B of the CePd ity shows a T behavior increases their2Si2shift b phase to higher We stress temperatures, that in each materialinduced studied, both increasing proportionally pressure, p. Over a wide diagram, TN is close to being linear in p, and extrapolation this temperature dependence of the normal [Fig. 4(a)]. Note that a similar observation was recently can from beINVITED interpreted by a freezing out state of rt J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. REVIEW PAPERS regime to absolute zero allows us to define an effective critical nature and existence of the superconducting tran made by Grosche et al. [19]. pressure At the same at of TNand partquality. of the spin-fluctuation 28 kbar.temperatures, In CeIn3, the variation with plong-range is more to sample pc of In particular, the supercond Compound T N (p = 0) which T K (p = 0) γ(p = 0, T → 0) rapid, propagation µord pthus, T cestablishing pc ) only n inina ∆ρ ∝ T nstate kbar. The behaviour of Tby it(p =appear and we estimate pDC�T samples with residual resistivities c c to be �26 N as the resistivity behavior changes, both ��T and FL at low T , as falls below 1 K has [K] [K] [J/molK2 ] vector Q not been resolved [µB ]in these studies. [GPa] [K]range, as expected at pc in the case of anisotropic a�T ��T show strong deviations from the 2 ln T depenFig. 4(a). (iii) In our B � 0 results for t Si , the resistivity r does not exhibit the In the case of CePd coherence lengths of the order of a few hundred 15 19 2 2 14, 19 18 2 CePd2 Si2 10.214 0.2519 (1/2T1/2 0)14, 0.66 2.817, 0.4317, 18 1.217, 18 2 standard form expected of acrossover Fermi liquid. Careful analysis shows depende dence;10cf. arrows in Figs. 1(a) and 1(b). These a corresponding change into a T 32 varies as T 1.2�0.1 30 25, 26 CeNi2 Ge2 – 3021 0.3521 (1/2pc1/2 – over nearly 0two decades0.2 1.1–1.5 it in0)fact in 25, 26, Magnetic interactions that near this temperature–pressure is theoreticallyphase expec temperatures are pushed upwards increasing 32 to temperature down the millikelvinfield, range (Fig. 2,observed, inset). Below though The observed di (0 0with 3/4) an abrupt drop least qualitatively con 500 mK for and inCeCu narrow near pc, we observe QCP. CePd2Si2 and CeIn 31 region 3 are at rather Au [4]. The resistivity results locate similar to what was first reported (0.23 0.23a0.5) 62xlimit,xconsistent with the occurrence of a is expected in terms of the magnetic interactionstm in r to below the detection 15, 35 36, 38, 39 40 39 CeRh2 Si2 3633, 34 30 − 100 (1/2dependence 1/2 transition, 0) − 1.434 during 1.06our bT 1.5 observed The Dr�T � � r0.023 2 37r0 �superconducting very tonow a consider QCP. a2In this case, comparison. a low-tem as1.3 discovered initialclose obser-0.42 more quantitative In 14, 36 2 that the magnetic transition is continu (1/2 1/2) vations in1/2 September 1994 . At a given pressure, this transition assumed Ge samples with residual resistividependence was theoretica in several CeNi sition into a T 2 2 falls scattering of quasipar may be characterized by T , at which r50, close to nc. The incoherent 47 46 a temperature 51 to 50% of0.651 CeCu2 Ge2 4.1545, 46 0.148 (0.28 0.28 0.54) 146this ctransition 251 expected to lead to a resistivi its normal value. The width of 68 interactions is then 1.5 and state 3 mV cm [see, e.g., 9.4grows ties r04 15ranging between too markedly [20]. Further on, if10,potential scattering 53–55 52 68 52 59 CeCu2 Si2 0.8 10 1 0.215 0.54) away from0.1 0 0.6 1-1.5 as (0.215 the pressure is varied pc. We stress that experimentally, r ¼ r þ Fig. 2(a)] is in accord52with the prediction by the NAFFL is reduced and the anisotropy of theATquasipa 99to pc. By energizing r is found close a Nb–Ti URu2 Si2 17.5 (T 0 )96–98 60117 0.07 (1to0actually 0)99 vanish only0.03 0 1.595, 96 ? constants the exponent xi where r0 and A are of coil placed in our pressure cell, it was established that the upper theory [1–3] for the asymptotic behavior (at B � 0) in reinforced, an increase the and validity regim critical field Bc2 varies as dB ðp Þ=dT� � 6 T=K near Tc. This is a that is, smaller that it is in a conventional Ferm lawhigher is than predicted in Ref. [20]: In a powera three-dimensional system. high Itheavy-fermion characterizes diverging —much rate of change forsuperconductors suchaa small valueand of TcURu Table I. Thermodynamic and transport properties of Ce-based ”122” eel 2 Si2 (T N (p = 0) and T K (p = 0): N´ figure a conventional However, tation the data within quasiparticle-quasiparticle crossfor section 1.2 temper temperature and Kondo temperature at ambient pressure; γ(p = 0, scattering T the →expected 0): Sommerfeld coefficient being of superconductor. the specific heat atof ambient pressure for T a→restricted 0; it is the2 same order T 20.5 of magnitude as the value found in the Tsuperconductor . In Fig. 4(b), this should manifest itself in an increase of to a�T �� Dr�Theavy ��Tfermion Q and µord : propagation vectorproportional and ordered moment of the magnetic order; pc~ : critical hydrostatic pressure to fully suppress magnetic order; T (p = p ): 0.8 c c CeCu2Si2 (ref. 27). We note that in T n 10 superconducting transition temperature at p = p ; n at p : exponent in the temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity at p , ∆ρ ∝ T ). The precise a super-with a traditional analysis,atheof slope Bc2(T ) at Tc implies 24.0 0.4of the c c we show for call samples studied the slope theof low-T exponent increasing perfection ˚ , a text. conducting of 150 valueDisplayed which is below thetemperatures T K have been meaning for multiple entries in the column ’propagation vector’ for CeNi CeRh2 Silength in Athe Kondo 2 2 Ge2 andcoherence 2 is given 0 plots (cf. Fig. 3) as a funcstraight lines in the Dr vs T results displayed in Fig. 2(a) are at strong value of lmfp that we estimate for our best samples. No super0 0.4 0 determined mainly by microscopic measurements (e.g., quasielastic neutron scattering). 40,41
! (µ" cm)
Superconductivity near magnetic quantum critical points: CePd2 Si2 and CeNi2 Ge2
Temperature (K)
! (μ"cm) (b) CeNi2Ge2
28 kbar 2.8 GPa
40 40
!!(µ"cm) (µ" cm)
10 10
Temperature (K) Temperature (K)
d (ln #!) / d (ln T)
T (K)
conductivity has been observed in specimens with residual resistivities above several �Q cm, namely those with an estimated lmfp that is
I summarizes key properties of the relatively small number of Ce-based 122 heavy-fermion compounds and URu2 Si2 which become superconducting. We will discuss them in more detail in the following.
1 27 kbar 0
20 Tcc 20
1 (T(K))
20 40 20 40 1.2 (K ) ) TT1.2 (K1.21.2
n 0
10 20 Pressure (kbar)
antiantiferromagnetic ferromagnetic state state
CePd2 Si2 is one of the first compounds in which magnetsuperconducting superconducting state Figure 3 Temperature–pressure phase diagram of high state ically mediated superconductivity around a pressure-induced CeIn . A sharp drop in the resistivity consistent with quantum critical point was suggested.17, 18 It orders antiferro3T 3T conductivity below T is observed in a narrow window ne which the Ne´el temperature T tends to absolute zero. Upp magnetically below T N ≈ 10.2 K in a simple commensurate 00 0 10 20 30 40 is complete even below p itself. Lower inset: just above p , 0 1 Pressure 2 (kbar)3 4 structure with a propagation vector Q = (1/2 1/2 0).14, 19 The transition, n a plot n of the temperature dependence of d(ln Dr) Pressure (GPa) T (K that ) the normal state resistivity varies as ordering temperature is quite high, of the same size asFigure the 2 Temperature–pressure phase diagram of high-purity single-crystal demonstrate CePd Si . Superconductivity appears below T in a narrow window where the degrees K (ref. 29) (Dr is the difference between the normal Kondo temperature (cf. Table moment reaches FIG.I). 1.The Ceordered increment to the (a)to absolute and thermal FIG.state 2. a-axis Electrical resistivity asby extrapolating a function Nespecific ´ el temperatureheat T tends zero. Inset: the normal residual value—which is calculated the nor Fig. 2. (a) Temperature-pressure phase diagram of CePdzero). . Supercon2 Si2For 19 over nearly resistivity transition been scaled absolute clarity, the values of T have expansion ( b) of CeNi fortwothree CeNi C�Tabove vsthe superconducting T and a�T vs varies T, as T ture with r0 a value of only 0.66 µB 14, corresponding to an2 Ge enhanced 2 as 2 Ge 2 samples ductivity appears aBnarrow pressure range the N´eel temperadecades in temperature . The upperonly criticalin field at the maximum value of T where resistivity exponents of CeIn and CePd Si may be unde scales, for B � 0 and differing ���, 0.43 mV cm ���, and 0.34 mV cm �� specific heat coefficient γon≈ logarithmic 0.25 J/molK2temperature .19 As displayed in varies near T ture at a rate of approximately !6 T/K. Fornormal-state clarity, the valuesresistivity of T have along account thea-axis underlying symmetries goes zero. Inset: the the varies as of the antiferromagn magnetic fields.successively Arrows indicate positions ontothree, theand solid with differing exponents ´ model. (a) and dr �near r been scaled by a factor the originline the inset has set at 5 K 18 the magnetic interactions Superconductivity Fig. 2(a) applying hydrostatic pressure reduces ρ ∝ T 1.2of over almost twoofdecades in been temperature. (b) Electrical resistivbelow absolute zero. expected to be a natural consequence of the same model shown in Fig. 4(a). vs T ( b). the antiferromagnetic order in CePd2 Si2 , and superconduc- ity of CeNi2 Ge2 at low temperatures for three samples with different purities Nature © Macmillan Publishers Ltd 1998 ρ vs. T n .25 NATURE | VOL plotted 394 | 2 JULYas 1998 tivity appears in a narrow1294 range around the critical pressure 18 pc ≈ 2.8 GPa where magnetism is fully suppressed. The superconducting transition temperature reaches a maximum in Ce(Ni1−x Cu x )2 Ge2 long-range antiferromagnetism occurs value of T c = 0.43 K. The electrical resistivity displays clear for a Cu content x > 0.25.16 In thermodynamic and transport non-Fermi-liquid behavior in the normal state above the suproperties CeNi2 Ge2 exhibits pronounced non-Fermi-liquid perconducting dome around pc , i.e., ∆ρ ∝ T 1.2 over almost 2 behavior, e.g., the electrical resistivity varies with temperadecades in temperature as seen in the inset of Fig. 2(a). The ture as ∆ρ ∝ T n , n = 1.1 − 1.5.25, 26 The exponent n is lower commensurate magnetic structure remains unchanged under for samples of higher purity as expected theoretically27 and as pressure20 as revealed by single crystal neutron diffraction shown in Fig. 2(b) where the electrical resistivity ρ is plotted up to 2.45 GPa, i.e., close to pc . According to these neuversus T n .25 The purer the samples, the larger are the deviatron scattering experiments the ordered moment decreases lintions from Fermi-liquid behavior. While Pd-doped samples at early with smaller N´eel temperature which was taken as a the critical Pd concentration obey a square-root temperature strong support for an itinerant spin-density-wave scenario at dependence of the specific-heat coefficient γ = C/T ,28 i.e., 20 the quantum critical point. C/T = γ0 − aT 1/2 , non-Fermi-liquid behavior with a logarithAmong the Ce-based 122 compounds CeNi2 Ge2 takes a mic divergence in C/T is present for pure CeNi2 Ge2 ,25 C/T ∝ special role in the respect that this heavy-fermion compound ln T/T 0 . Moreover, in highest-purity CeNi2 Ge2 samples in(γ ≈ 0.35 J/molK2 , T K ≈ 30 K21 ) is not magnetically orcipient superconductivity is found below T c ≈ 0.2 K.25, 26, 29, 30 dered, but is located already at ambient pressure near a magIt is worth mentioning that in addition to the superconductnetic instability of spin-density-wave type.22 This vicinity to ing dome around the magnetic instability at ambient presmagnetic order is manifested by alloying experiments indisure a second extended superconducting regime has been obcating that already a small amount of doping on the Ni site is served in resistivity measurements at higher pressure between sufficient to induce antiferromagnetic order. Via isoelectronic p ≈ 1.5 and 6.5 GPa with a maximum T c ≈ 0.4 K.26, 30 Neusubstitution antiferromagnetism appears in Ce(Ni1−x Pd x )2 Ge2 tron scattering experiments on pure CeNi2 Ge2 so far have foabove a critical Pd concentration x ≈ 0.065 − 0.1,23, 24 while 3
weakly firs
netic transition lines x maximum of !0, and (iv) a steep drop of # 0.1) samples, theforexponent reaches two in high-press The pro # 0.1 (p # 1.5 GPa, circ1 electronic scattering "! with further increasslow minima (Fig. 3C) at pc1 ($ & 1.35) and near ductordown CeC cles), x # 0.25 (pc1 # 2.4 "p &squares), 3.7 GPa,and close to 1the pressure at which ing pressure. These properties of the CeCu2(Si/ heavy fermio GPa, x# isostructura Ge)2 system point toward a second transition !(T) becomes essentially linear (Fig. 2B). (17, in [p have18), long c1 # 11.5 GPa (7), Tc J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. INVITED REVIEW PAPERS urations (one shown by the continuous interaction line] coincide. Pure trons, andcom ze cused on the magnetic response at ambient pressure. Incom-depenelectron Fig. 3.Si Pressure CeCu 2 2 [(6), Tc shown tion electro dence of key properties unusually mensurate spin fluctuations have been detected with a wave by the dotted line; (8), Tc Microscopic of the by CeCu Gex)2 with a pea 2(Si 1–x shown the dashedvector Q1 = (0.23 0.23 0.5) and a characteristic energy of system. line] (A) Experimental supercondu dotted is assumed magnetic q 31 4 meV. In addition, magnetic correlations occur at low temphase diagram showing ticular here to have pc1 # 0.4 tion of thos supe antiferromagnetic peratures at the commensurate wave vectors QGPa. (1/2approximate 1/2 0) (TloN, eral 2 = The trol phenom of both open symbols) and super32 cation small of the volume colheavy ferm and Q3 = (0 0 3/4), whose energy scale is quite with suggests tha conducting (T , (12) closed cin lapse observed is havior, nee 0.6 meV, as expected for a compound close toindicated magnetic order. symbols) transition temGe CeCu 2 2, by a vertical manifestati peratureslineversus relative merge into dashed at "p # 4 pressure "p # p – pc1, tivity, 3. Superconductivity near first order transitions: GPa. SC, superconducting; region. whi W which reflects the inverse requiremen AFM, antiferromagnetic. straddles th CeRh2 Si2 and CeCu2 Ge2 unitResidual cell volume, ture that int (B) resistivityand !0 ical point against which the mag(right scale) and low-T CeRh2 Si2 exhibits antiferromagnetic order with a quite weakly firs netic interac netic transition33,lines for x electronic scattering 34 The pro high N´eel temperature T N = 36 K at ambient pressure, # 0.1 (p # 1.5 GPa, cirperconducti c1 "! # !(2K) – !0 (left ductor CeC cles),high x #versus 0.25 (pc1relative # 2.4 existence o which has to be compared to a correspondingly Kondo scale) GPa, squares), and x # 1 isostructura 15, 35 "p. neu(C) Powerconnected temperature T K (cf. Table I). As revealedpressure by powder [pc1 # 11.5 GPa Tc have law exponent $ (7), versus shouldlong motv tron diffraction the antiferromagnetic structure is by commenshown the continuous interaction "p. We obtained residual resistivity !0 and the exponent $ by fitting the power-law form ! # narrow-ban Pure Fig. 4. (Color online) resistivity Temperature-pressure phase diagramagainst of surate with a propagation vector Q1 = (1/2!line] 1/2 0)$coincide. just to thebelow-temperature, normal-state and checking for consistency electron com 0 % AT that density CeCu shown 2Si2 [(6), Tcderivative the logarithmic dln(! – ! )/dlnT. The power-law exponent $ shows a distinct CeCu (Si Ge ) displaying the antiferromagnetic and supercon2 1−x x 02 unusually low T N , followed by a second magnetically ordered phase for by the dotted (8),0 T(inset) general role c minimum nearline; "p & and atransitions second minimum "p & 3.7 GPa, where thepressure exponent ducting phase T N and Tnear of the relative c in dependence with shown by $ the T < 25 K and characterized by an additional propagation vectivity ainpeak co approaches & 1dashed(Fig.∆p2B). In thep intervening region, the exponent attains a localantiferromaximum = p − with p being the critical pressure to suppress c1 c1 dotted line] is assumed magnetic qu 14 of $ & 1.5, that is, well below the Fermi-liquid value $ # 2. ing the high tor Q2 = (1/2 1/2 1/2). The ground state magnetic structure 10 magnetic order (x = 0.1: circles; x = 0.25: squares). While for pure here to have pc1 # 0.4 tion of supe has been determined as a 4q structure with the CeCu2 Si2 (dashed and dotted lines) and CeCu2 Ge2 (solid line) an extended GPa.two Thepropagaapproximate lotrol of both cation of themagvolume col2106 19observed DECEMBER 2003 VOL 302 SCIENCE pressure regime is where superconductivity occurs, twowww.sciencemag.org distinct tion vectors Q1 and Q2 .36 In both phases the ordered suggests tha lapse observed in (12) superconducting is domes are present for 10% Ge doped CeCu2 Si2 (circles). netic moments of the two magnetic sublattices are aligned CeCu2Ge2, indicated by a vertical merge into along [001]. Their magnitude attains µord ≈dashed 1.3 − line 1.4 µatB "p at # 4 SC, superconducting; region. Wh low temperatures, values quite close to the GPa. expected value 39 AFM, antiferromagnetic. straddles th dependence. However, the A coefficient of the electrical refor the CEF ground state doublet. Upon applying hydrostatic (B) Residual resistivity !0 ical point in sistivity shows a pronounced maximum at the critical pressure (right and low-T pressure the ordered magnetic moment and the N´eelscale) temperanetic interac 40, 42 pc . At the same time, the temperature-independent speelectronic ture T N of CeRh2 Si2 are successively suppressed, see inset–scattering of! (left perconducti "! # !(2K) 0 cific heat coefficient γ rises steeply from ambient pressure, existence of Fig. 3(a).36, 37 Despite the high ordering temperature of T N =relative scale) versus where the mass enhancement is small (γ = 23 mJ/molK2 ) pressure "p. (C)toPowerconnected 36 K only a moderate pressure pc ≈ 1.06 GPa is needed 2 37 law exponent $ versus up to p where γ ≈ 80 J/molK is found (cf. Fig. 3(a)). should moti c fully suppress antiferromagnetism, and bulk "p. superconductivWe obtained residual resistivity !0 anda the exponent $ by in fitting the power-lawAs form !# narrow-band Beyond p only slight decrease γ is observed. disc $ ity appears in a very narrow pressure range around thetocritical !0 % AT the low-temperature, normal-state resistivity and checking for consistency against that density played in Fig. Haas-van Alphen measurements logarithmic dln(! – !03(b), )/dlnT.deThe power-law exponent $ shows aunder distinct pressure pc .36, 38, 39 The superconducting T c the reaches a maxi-derivative general role minimum near "p & 0 (inset) and a second minimum near "p & 3.7 GPa, where the exponent pressure indicate an almost unchanged Fermi surface up to mum at pc with T c ≈ 0.42 K.40 It should be noted that antifertivity in cor approaches $ & 1 (Fig. 2B). In the intervening region, the exponent attains a local maximum 1 GPa branches appear/disappear around 0.6 GPa due of $ & 1.5, below(some the Fermi-liquid value $ # 2. ing the high romagnetism vanishes in a first order phase transition at that pc asis, well
a (mJ/molK2)
recently proven by clear volume discontinuities in thermal ex- to a change in magnetic structure from the 4q to a single Q1 point to a sudden of the Fermi www.sciencemag.org surface 2106 pc .41, 42 More- structure), but19 DECEMBER 2003 change VOL 302 SCIENCE pansion measurements under pressure around 43, 44 topology at p . This abrupt change in the Fermi surface c over, at the magnetic instability Fermi-liquid behavior is obtopology at p is interpreted as a transition from localized 4f c served. For instance, the electrical resistivity displays Fermielectrons at low pressure to itinerant 4f electrons above p . 2 c liquid behavior even around pc with a ∆ρ(. = temperature !% ;01AT ?260/1= 2+ @AB5-75 1/4 9A(#-5.0B 2+ !2=-45 CD E$FF$G HHDDIHHDJ EEQM CeCu2 Ge2 can be regarded as the well magnetically ordered sister compound to the heavy-fermion superconductor CeCu2 Si2 . Below the N´eel temperature of T N = 4.15 K, CeCu 2 Ge2 orders in an incommensurate magnetic structure (a) (b) 80 with a wave vector Q = (0.28 0.28 0.54) and an ordered moL R E V I E W L E T T E R SCeRh2Si2 12 MAY 1997 ment of roughly 1 µB .45, 46 With a Kondo temperature similar to the ordering temperature47 and a low Sommerfeld coefficient of the specific heat48 (see Table I) CeCu2 Ge2 is be60 lieved to be a local-moment antiferromagnet. However, the1.0 oretical calculations indicate that a full local-moment picture 0.5 cannot account for the observed incommensurate propagation 40 vector, but a certain degree of itineracy is needed.49 Under 0 hydrostatic pressure magnetic order is suppressed discontin0 0.5 1.0 1.5 p (GPa) uously and superconductivity occurs.50 At the critical pres20 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 sure pc ≈ 9.4 GPa necessary to fully suppress antiferromagp (GPa) ure as FIG. 2. Linear-in-temperature specific heat coefficient g of netism the superconducting T c attains a value T c ≈ 0.6 K.51 Rh Si CeRh Si as a function of pressure. The inset is a plot of was T �P� normalized to its P � 0 value for two different samples. #!$% Q% P)*++5)* -*,*"-*"'* (8 427 ./* -:;< 8)*L5*"'@ In contrast to 12++ other systems which exhibit a superconducting 4=7 '@'3(.)(" !" W*B/ &C!&% from In both cases, the 3. dotted(a) constructions are guides toγthe Fig. The coefficient ofeye. the linear-in T specific heat of CeRh2 Si2 lot of dome just around p , the superconducting T c in CeCu2 Ge2 c as a function of hydrostatic pressure p. Inset: Normalized N´eel temperaircles. 37 as the ,)*++5)* 5, .( R%U OP2% ./* '@'3(.)(" !" #!$% & '())*+,("-+ .( ./* *0.)*123 4120!151 () 1!"!6 remains almost constant with further increasing pressure up very largeture values of this ratio [3]. Neither of these effects T N (p)/T N (0) versus pressure p. All lines are just guides to the eyes. ponds are found in our measurements. Inspection of the data in 2)*2 (8 ./* #*)1! +5)82'* !#% 9(+. (8 12++*+ (8 =)2"'/*+ - 2"- , !"')*2+* +.**,3@ ?!./ !"')*2+!"$ 1517 ')(++6+*'.!("23 (b) Pressure dependence of the de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) frequencies in to p ≈ 13 GPa, as seen in Fig. 4. For even higher pressures Fig. 1 shows the absence of any-:;< significant temperature ,)*++5)*> )*2'/!"$ &U#R 2. E%RQ OP2> ?/!'/ !+ 8(5) .( X;* =)2"'/*+ "21*- !> ( 2"- - ?*)* *0,32!"*- =@ ./* CeRh magnetic field Therefore, applied along the a axis.43, 44 The data were �T at low temperatures. dependence of C2mSi 2 for T shows a strong increase with a maximum of T c 32)$*) ./2" ./(+* 2. 21=!*". ,)*++5)*> ?/*)*2+ ./2. (8 c ≈ 2 K at ./*()*.!'23 #*)1! +5)82'*+ !" A2B/&C!& DE&F% G/*+* =)2"'/*+ .!1*+ 2
a can f TN in the P� $
we conclude thatatthere is no evidence these−data for taken temperatures T1(+. =in 102 160 mK.=@ ./* '("-5'.!(" *3*'.)("+ ?/!'/ 3!H*3@ 8()1*non-Fermi-liquid behavior. This 2)* conclusion is supported as well by our resistivity measurements (not shown) =)*2H ./)(5$/ ./*that 2".!8*))(12$"*.!' I)!33(5!" J("* =(5"-6 give, for T # 10 K, r ~ T b with b � 2.80 6 0.5 at
=)2"'/ ! !"')*2+*+ 3!"*2)3@% G/* ,)*+*". !"')*2+* (8 ./* '@'3(.)(" 12++ !+ 2,,)(0!12.*3@ '("+!+.*". ?!./ 2" !"')*2+* &
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p ≈ 16 GPa. Only beyond 16 GPa superconductivity is suppressed again.51 At pc , i.e., at the first-order antiferromagnetic quantum phase transition, Fermi-liquid properties are found in the electrical resistivity, i.e., ∆ρ = AT n , n = 2 with just a broad maximum in A, while at higher pressure the temperature exponent n decreases and reaches almost n = 1 around p = 15 GPa. 4.
Superconductivity in CeCu2 Si2
We now turn to an in-depth discussion of the superconducting properties of CeCu2 Si2 . As for CeNi2 Ge2 , CeCu2 Si2 is located already at ambient conditions at a magnetic instability, with the appearance of unconventional superconductivity around the quantum critical point. Thus, magnetically ordered and superconducting ground states are experimentally easily accessible either at ambient or very low hydrostatic pressures or by small Ge substitution on the Si site. CeCu2 Si2 was the first unconventional superconductor with T c ≈ 0.6 K, discovered in 1979.52 Ten years later it was realized by NQR and µSR measurements53–55 that a magnetically ordered state does exist in CeCu2 Si2 below T N ≈ 0.8 K. Since at that time no sufficiently large single crystals were available to perform neutron-scattering experiments, the nature of the magnetic order remained unidentified. From a tiny (0.5%) increase in the electrical resistivity below the magnetic ordering temperature56 it was suggested that CeCu2 Si2 orders in a small moment spin-density wave, with the opening of a spin gap. The ground state in CeCu2 Si2 depends very sensitively on the actual composition within the narrow homogeneity range in which this tetragonal heavy-fermion compound forms. After detailed investigations with different compositions57 it was concluded that slight Si excess leads to antiferromagnetic order (A-type), while in contrast Si deficiency or Cu excess results in purely superconducting samples (Stype). In samples crystallizing with the nominal 1 : 2 : 2 stoichiometry both superconductivity and antiferromagnetism are observed. In these A/S-type samples there is a first-order transition from the antiferromagnetic phase at higher temperature to superconductivity at lower temperature. The two orders exclude each other on a microscopic scale.58 As already mentioned, CeCu2 Si2 can be easily tuned through the quantum critical point by external hydrostatic pressure as depicted in Fig. 1. An initial magnetically ordered ground state is successively suppressed and superconductivity appears around the quantum critical point. The superconducting ground state extends to a pressure as high as 10 GPa and is not restricted to the close vicinity of the quantum critical point. Studying the normal state properties at the quantum critical point, i.e., when applying an overcritical magnetic field to suppress superconductivity, one observes in Stype CeCu2 Si2 non-Fermi-liquid behavior in the heat capacity and electrical resistivity, which is indicative of a threedimensional spin-density-wave type antiferromagnetic instability. This was inferred from the observation that the Sommerfeld coefficient of√the heat capacity depends on temperature as C/T ∝ γ0 − α T 59 and the electrical resistivity varies with temperature as ∆ρ ∝ T n , n = 1 . . . 1.5.10, 59 A recent pressure study on an A/S-type CeCu2 Si2 single crystal60 revealed a line of QCPs in the normal state, i.e., in the zerotemperature magnetic field – pressure plane. This line hits
the superconducting phase boundary (upper critical field vs. pressure) where the latter exhibits its maximum. It can be extended into the superconducting state and, thus, demonstrates a close connection of magnetism and superconductivity. Antiferromagnetic order Initial neutron diffraction experiments were performed on powder samples due to the unavailability of sufficiently large single crystals at that time. Incommensurate antiferromagnetic order was detected in CeCu2 (Si1−x Ge x )2 for x ≥ 0.6.46, 61, 62 Subsequent single crystal neutron diffraction experiments on CeCu2 (Si1−x Ge x )2 with lower Ge content down to x = 0.05 revealed that the magnetic structure is incommensurate for the whole doping series with a wave vector Q of the antiferromagnetic order (with respect to a nearby nuclear Bragg reflection) being close to Q = (0.25 0.25 0.5).63–67 While the QL component of Q = (QH QH QL ) remains almost constant for all Ge concentrations with QL ≈ 0.5, QH changes from QH ≈ 0.27 − 0.28 for x > 0.25 to QH ≈ 0.22 for lower Ge content.65 Moreover, CeCu2 (Si1−x Ge x )2 with x > 0.25 exhibits spin-reorientation and lock-in transitions within the magnetically ordered state. At high temperatures just below the N´eel temperature the propagation vector in CeCu2 (Si1−x Ge x )2 is slightly temperature dependent. However, at the lock-in transition, the magnetic structure changes through a first-order transition with a jump of the propagation vector to a fixed spin structure with no further change of the propagation vector towards lower temperatures. Here, the low-temperature phase in CeCu2 (Si0.55 Ge0.45 )2 has been studied in detail with a combination of magnetic x-ray scattering and high-resolution elastic neutron scattering.67 The measurements revealed that the magnetic structure breaks the body-centering of the crystallographic structure below the lock-in transition and is best described by two counterrotating cycloids.67 At ambient pressure the ordered moment µord ≈ 0.5 µB for CeCu2 (Si0.55 Ge0.45 )2 is already substantially reduced compared to that of CeCu2 Ge2 . In general, the ordered moment and the N´eel temperature in CeCu2 (Si1−x Ge x )2 decrease for lower Ge concentration towards CeCu2 Si2 . The nature of the antiferromagnetic order in pure CeCu2 Si2 was determined to be an incommensurate spin-density wave.65, 68–71 Initial neutron diffraction experiments were performed on A-type CeCu2 Si2 68, 70 and later confirmed on an A/S-type single crystal.71 As displayed in Fig. 5(a) intensity maps of reciprocal space were recorded at different temperatures in order to search for magnetic superstructure peaks. Antiferromagnetic peaks are clearly visible at temperatures below T N ≈ 0.8 K but disappear above T N . Their incommensurate positions are described by a propagation vector Q = (0.215 0.215 0.530) at T = 0.05 K.68 While at high temperature the propagation vector shows temperature dependence, the magnetic structure locks in to a structure with constant propagation vector below T = 0.3 − 0.35 K via a first order transition. The ordered magnetic moment is estimated to be µord ≈ 0.1 µB assuming a similar structure as for the Ge substituted samples. Band-structure calculations using a renormalized band method yielded the Fermi surface of the heavy quasiparticles shown in Fig. 5(b).68 The strong corrugation gives rise to nesting with a wave vector τ being almost identical to the observed propagation vector Q of the mag-
week ending 2 APRIL 2004
gation vector #, which suggests that the normal Fermi liquid may become unstable with respect to the formation of a spin-density wave. al plane, roughly perpendicular The magnetic susceptibility "0 #q$ was evaluated adopting the Lindhard formula. The quasiparticle energies r. Assuming the same structure were determined from the renormalized band method d moment !0:1!B for CeCu2 Si2 [16]. This method which is essentially a one-parameter theory reproduces the Fermi surfaces and the highly that in the non-Fermi-liquid anisotropic effective masses of heavy-fermion comving the same crystal structure pounds quite well [17]. The ansatz starts from a standard y spin fluctuations with a charab initio band-structure calculation for the weakly correlated conduction states. The strong local correlations are V have been found (a) at the incom(b) included by choosing the f-phase shifts at the Ce sites q " #0:23 0:23 0:5$ [15], i.e., at according to FIG. 3 (color). (a) Comparison of the measured ~ f propagation vector the long-range orderonline) in (a) Intensity map of the 200 ! Fig. 5. (Color reciprocal plane $ ~(hhl) " arctan ; fm #E$map vector # with theoretical intensity foraround the%~fmwave vector E% owever, these spin fluctuations in 68 q = (0.21 0.21 1.45) CeCu Si at T = 50 mK and 1 K. (b) Corrugated 2 2 150 of noninteracting dependent magnetic susceptibility "0 #q$ where the index m refers to the eigenstate jmi of the ny critical slowing Fermi down surfaceas of the the heavy quasiparticlesininthe CeCu as derived from calcu2 Si2 electric quasiparticles reciprocal #h hfield l$ plane of CeCu crystalline (CEF) split J " 5=2 2 Sispin-orbit 2 . The ! 0. 100 lations using the renormalized band method. The vector τ Tdenotes nesting multiplet. Theatcorresponding %~fm " %~the calculations are performed " 100 aenergies mK using f & "folm , the order in CeCuwave resultsof from band are separated an excitation energy "m 2 Si2 vector the renormalized surface.. lowing Fermi parameters to68centers, characterize the bylow-energy excita50 from the centers corresponding to the CEF ground state. mi surface. This is inferred from "CEF " jmi 330asK. of the tions: T ' ! 10 K, The states well The as the contribution energies "m are taken from the calculated static magnetic ~ f " kBsurface incoherent background has been subtracted. width (b) Fermi experiment. The renormalized ! T ' of0 the -0.4 -0.2 quasiparticle is adjusted to reproduce a C=T value of oninteracting quasiparticles as a of the heavy quasiparticles in band CeCu 2 Si2 as calculated with the 2 ( 0:7 J=#mol K $ for T ! 0 [18]. The structure in "0 #q$ ector q. "0 #q$ exhibits a prorenormalized band method. The vector # connects parallel flat
S-type CeCu2Si2 T = 0.06 K Q = (h h 1.458)
ht (meV)
Neutron intensity (counts/mon 512 min)
(h h 1.458) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
ht (meV)
Neutron intensity (counts/mon 514 min)
y map of the reciprocal #h h l$ plane in CeCu2 Si2 at T " 50 mK and 1 K. etic peak at q " #0:215 0:215 1:47$ hown in (a) and (b) taken on E6]. etic peak at roughly the Soc. sameJpn. wave J. Phys. OLUME 92, N UMBER 13 K and 1 K Vfor the second crystal otes the instrumental resolution).
CeCu2Si2 S-type Q = QAF, T = 0.07 K B=0 B=2T
0.7 300 0.5 200 0.3 100 0.2 0
ht (meV) (h h 1.458) netic order. In addition, the wave-vector dependent susceptibility, calculated for non-interacting quasiparticles, shows a parts (‘‘nesting’’) of the Fermi surface. e position of the observed propamaximum at the wave vector q = Q. When the Coulomb re- Fig. 6. (a) Energy scans in S-type CeCu2 Si2 at Q = (0.215 0.215 1.458) 136401-3 state at T = 0.07 K, B = 0 and in the normal state at pulsion between the f-electrons is large but finite, we expect a in the superconducting T = 0.07 K, B = 2 T.75 (b) Wave vector dependence of the magnetic response FIG. 2strongly (color). (a) Intensity map ofbut the reciprocal #h h l$ plane reduced nonzero onsite component of the effec- in S-type CeCu2 Si2 around the antiferromagnetic Q at T = 0.06 K for several around q " #0:21 0:21 1:45$ in CeCu Si at T " 50 mK and 1 K. exchange When (b) ! tive scan across the magnetic interaction. peak at q " #0:215 0:215 1:47$ this U eff is combined with energy transfers ~ω. Inset: Dispersion of the magnetic response as deduced at 50 mK and 1 K [data shown in (a) and (b) taken on E6]. Iq , across given in Eq.peak (1)at roughly (see below, Sec. 6), there will be an RPA- from the scans displayed in the main panel.75 (c) ! scan the magnetic the same wave vector q as in (b) at 0.5 K and 1 K for the second crystal type enhancement of the susceptibility of χ0 (q, ω) to χ(q, ω) measured on E4 (‘‘res’’ denotes the instrumental resolution). at q = Q. The nesting wave vector Q then specifies the ordermoments lying in the basal plane, roughly perpendicular vealed a jump height in C/T at T c being comparable to the wavevector. vector. to theing propagation Assuming the same structure huge normal state value of C/T at T c .52 yields an effective ordered moment !0:1!B for CeCu2 Si2 2
[14]. It is worth noting that in the non-Fermi-liquid compound CeNi2 Ge2 , having the same crystal structure as CeCu2 Si2 , high-energy spin fluctuations with a characteristic energy of 4 meV have been found at the incommensurate wave vector q " #0:23 0:23 0:5$ [15], i.e., at roughly the same wave vector the long-range order in CeCu2 Si2 is observed. However, these spin fluctuations in CeNi2 Ge2 do not show any critical slowing down as the temperature is lowered T ! 0. The antiferromagnetic order in CeCu2 Si2 results from 2 2surface. This is inferred from an instability of the Fermi Fig. 3(a) which displays the calculated static magnetic susceptibility "0 #q$ of noninteracting quasiparticles as a function of the wave vector q. "0 #q$ exhibits a proc nounced maximum at the position of the observed propa-
Competition between long-range antiferromagnetism and suSuperconducting state perconductivity The magnetic response in S-type CeCu2 Si2 was studied Several experiments were devoted studying the ofinterFIG. 3to (color). (a) Comparison the measured propagation vector # with theoretical intensity map for the by wave high-resolution vector inelastic neutron scattering in the normal play between superconductivity anddependent antiferromagnetic order. magnetic susceptibility " #q$ of noninteracting 74–76 as In detail the moSiwell . The as the superconducting state. quasiparticles in the reciprocal #h h l$ plane of CeCu Neutron scattering measurements were performed on atanT "A/Scalculations are performed 100 mK using the folmentum lowing parameters to characterize the low-energy excita- and energy dependence of the spin excitations were type CeCu Si single crystal whichtions:shows a transition into " 330 K. The contribution of the T ! 10 K, " measured throughout the relevant part of the Brillouin zone incoherent background has been subtracted. surface the antiferromagnetically ordered state at T ≈ 0.7 K and a (b) Fermi N of the heavy quasiparticles in CeCu Si as calculated with the around the antiferromagnetic wave vector Q. The aim of the renormalized band method. vector # connects parallel flat superconducting phase below T ≈ 0.55 K. Inside theTheantiferparts (‘‘nesting’’) of the Fermi surface. measurements was twofold: first, to characterize the magnetic romagnetic phase magnetic order with the same propagation 136401-3 136401-3 excitation spectrum and to calculate the magnetic exchange vector has been detected as for A-type samples, but the magenergies and compare the results to the condensation energy, netic intensity has completely vanished in the superconductand second, to verify the vicinity of this compound to a quan71, 72 ing phase. Hence, it can be concluded that long-range antum critical point. S-type CeCu2 Si2 becomes superconducttiferromagnetism and superconductivity in CeCu2 Si2 exclude ing below T ≈ 0.6 K and shows an upper critical magnetic c each other on a microscopic scale. Neutron scattering results field B ≈ 1.7 T necessary to suppress superconductivity. No c2 together with µSR experiments provide evidence that the sulong-range antiferromagnetic order has been detected in Sperconducting volume fraction increases on the expense of type CeCu Si . 2 2 the antiferromagnetic volume when lowering the temperature Energy scans have been recorded at the antiferromagnetic through T c , without coexistence of both phenomena in the wave vector Q (in the vicinity of (002)) in the normal and 58, 71 As mentioned before, the superconducting same volume. superconducting states of S-type CeCu2 Si2 , as displayed in transition at T c in A/S-type CeCu2 Si2 has been confirmed to 75 Fig. 6(a). Here, measurements in the superconducting state 58 be first order. were performed in zero magnetic field at T = 0.07 K, i.e., Another set of neutron scattering experiments focussed on well below T , while the normal state has been generated by c an A/S-type CeCu2 Si2 single crystal in which the antiferroapplying an overcritical magnetic field (B = 2 T) at lowest magnetic and the superconducting transitions are almost detemperatures. The response consists of a strong, incoherent 73 generate, i.e., T N ≈ T c ≈ 0.7 K. The neutron measurements elastic signal and the magnetic response. The magnetic flucagain clearly indicate that also in this crystal magnetic order tuations in the normal state are quasielastic and can be well and superconductivity compete and exclude each other in the described by a simple Lorentzian line multiplied by the Bose same volume. Instead, phase separation into superconducting factor (dashed line). It should be noted that irrespective of and antiferromagnetic volumes is present. how the normal state was approached, i.e., either by appliThe neutron experiments on A/S-type CeCu2 Si2 indicate cation of a magnetic field or by increasing the temperature that the same 4f electrons of cerium are involved in the anabove T , the magnetic response turns out to be quasielastic. c tiferromagnetic order as well as in the unconventional superIn contrast, the response in the superconducting state appears conducting state. The latter fact was already concluded from to be gapped, and spectral weight is transferred from low enthe first heat capacity measurements on CeCu2 Si2 which reergies to energies above the spin excitation gap which attains a 0
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value of ~ωgap ≈ 0.2 meV at T = 0.07 K. This corresponds to ~ωgap ≈ 3.9 kB T c and is roughly 10% smaller than the value predicted for a weak-coupling d-wave superconductor77 and about 20% below 5 kB T c as inferred from Cu-NQR measurements.78, 79 With increasing temperature the spin gap becomes smaller and closes at T c . The wave vector dependence of the magnetic response in the superconducting state is displayed in Fig. 6(b).75 The spin excitations around the antiferromagnetic wave vector Q are part of an overdamped dispersive mode with a mode velocity being more than an order of magnitude smaller than the renormalized Fermi velocity.80 This indicates a clear retardation in the interactions between the spin excitations and the heavy quasiparticles.75 With this detailed knowledge of the energy and momentum dependence of the spin excitations in S-type CeCu2 Si2 , the difference in magnetic exchange energy between the superconducting and the normal state could be calculated.75 The gain in exchange energy as described in section 6 is larger roughly by a factor of 20 than the condensation energy.75 This implies that the spin excitations are the driving force for superconductivity in CeCu2 Si2 . It also implies that there is a large loss of kinetic energy, that can be interpreted as the result of Mott-like physics associated with the Kondo effect. To be able to study the spin fluctuations in the normal state of CeCu2 Si2 when tuning the system towards the quantum critical point, superconductivity was suppressed in a magnetic field B = 1.7 T (≈ Bc2 ). At higher temperature the magnetic response at the ordering wave vector Q remains quasielastic, but broadens and decreases in intensity.76 Conversely, the magnetic response displays a pronounced slowing down for T → 0. The temperature dependence of the spin fluctuations and their scaling behavior are in line with the expectations for a three-dimensional spin-density-wave quantum critical point. Valence instability In close analogy to the Berk-Schrieffer paramagnon scenario of magnetically mediated superconductivity, it has been argued that density fluctuations may induce Cooper pairing.81–83 Near, e.g., charge-density-wave (CDW) instabilities, density-density fluctuations are expected to be large and the associated charge susceptibility will be enhanced.83 Near an abrupt change of the unit-cell volume without changing the crystal symmetry (“Kondo-volume collapse”), which is typically of first order, the associated charge susceptibility remains finite but increases with closer proximity to the critical endpoint. A first order valence instability is known to occur in cerium-based heavy fermions as well as in elemental cerium where the 4f electron delocalized towards the highpressure side. The first direct indications for a valence transition in CeCu2 Si2 under pressure come from LIII x-ray absorption spectroscopy.84, 85 In elemental cerium, the critical endpoint occurs at very high temperatures. In contrast, in the series CeCu2 (Si1−x Ge x )2 (x = 0.01, 0.05, 0.1) and CeCu2 Si2 the critical endpoint is shifted down to 10−20 K, opening the way for sufficiently large density-density fluctuations to drive superconductivity.86 The hallmark of this quantum phase transition in CeCu2 (Si1−x Ge x )2 at a pressure of around 4 GPa is the linear-in-temperature resistivity that appears to be disorder independent and the colossal pressure dependence of
the residual resistivity close to the transition.86 Heat capacity and electrical resistivity under pressure in CeCu2 Si2 point to p∗c ≈ 4.5 GPa as the pressure where the first-order quantum phase transition occurs.87 Near this pressure, the ground state of the series CeCu2 (Si1−x Ge x )2 (x = 0, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1) is superconducting and at pc an increased jump of the specific heat has been observed.87 X-ray diffraction under pressure and at 10 K has established that in CeCu2 Ge2 an anomalous volume contraction occurs at a pressure around 15 GPa which is close to the pressure where T c is maximal (≈ 16 GPa).88 The enormous enhancement of the residual resistivity around the pressure of the valence transition together with the linearin-temperature behavior of the resistivity are strong indications that the superconductivity in proximity to p∗c is driven by nearly critical valence fluctuations.87 Miyake and coworkers have considered a microscopic model that includes the Coulomb interaction between the 4f-electron and the itinerant electrons.82 Based on a slave boson calculation in the large-N limit (N being the spin degeneracy) and Gaussian fluctuations around the saddle point, it was shown that a superconducting pairing interaction ensues which is almost constant in momentum space. This is in line with expectations for a valence transition which leaves the crystal structure invariant. For a recent review on the effects of valence fluctuations in Ce- and Yb-based heavy fermion systems, see.89 As a result, the series CeCu2 (Si1−x Ge x )2 (x = 0, . . . , 1) is characterized by two superconducting phases of different origin (cf. Fig. 4). Near the antiferromagnetic quantum critical point, superconductivity is magnetically driven whereas the superconducting phase near the valence transition seems to be mediated by local density fluctuations. The two superconducting domes are merged in pure CeCu2 Si2 and CeCu2 Ge2 yielding one extended pressure range where superconductivity is found, they have been separated into two superconducting regions in Ge-doped CeCu2 (Si1−x Ge x )2 .10 Order parameter symmetry For electronically driven superconductors, a standard swave order parameter is not favored since the pairing potential shows strong momentum dependence across the Fermi surface. All 122 superconductors discovered so far are evenparity superconductors and the most likely order parameter symmetry is d-wave. CeCu2 Si2 is so far the only 122 system where the order parameter symmetry has been investigated in detail. Heat capacity measurements performed above T c /2 suggested that the superconducting pairing symmetry changes with pressure from d x2 −y2 in A/S-type CeCu2 Si2 to d xy in the valence driven superconducting phase.90 Heat-capacity measurements on S-type CeCu2 Si2 were inconclusive.75 At temperatures right below Tc , they also point to a d x2 −y2 order parameter. As one lowers the temperature further, the data are more compatible with d xy as the pairing symmetry. In a recent experiment on S-type CeCu2 Si2 , angle resolved Hc2 measurements were performed which clearly point to a d xy symmetry of the superconducting order parameter.91 The spin fluctuation spectrum of superconducting S-type CeCu2 Si2 near the critical pressure has been investigated in detail.75 The opening of the superconducting gap is accompanied by an enhancement of the spin fluctuations, see Fig. 6(a). This is unlike the sharp spin resonance seen in, e.g., CeCoIn5 or the cuprates.92
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The spin resonance was taken as an indication for a d x2 −y2 order parameter.93 For CeCoIn5 , however, a different interpretation of the spin resonance has been made by considering the strongly three-dimensional character of the Fermi surface.94 5.
Superconductivity, magnetism and hidden order in URu2 Si2
One of the early discovered heavy-fermion superconductors is URu2 Si2 ,95, 96 with T c ≈ 1.5 K - substantially higher than T c of its then known Ce- and U-based counterparts CeCu2 Si2 (T c = 0.6 K), UBe13 (T c ≈ 0.9 K) and UPt3 (T c ≈ 0.5 K). In URu2 Si2 , superconductivity forms well below T 0 = 17.5 K, signaling a second-order phase transition, with a large mean-field type phase transition anomaly in the specific heat.96–98 From the exponential temperature depen- Fig. 7. (Color online) Temperature - pressure phase diagram of URu Si as 2 2 10. !Color online" High-pressure phase diagram of dence of the specific heat at T < T 0 , the opening of a gap FIG. deduced from resistivity (circles) and heat capacity (triangles) measurements URu2Si resistivity !circles" ac calorimetry ∆ ≈ 0.1 meV in the single-electron excitations was inferred. (HO: hidden order, LMAF: large moment and antiferromagnetic order, PM:!triangles". para2 from 121 magnetic phase, SC: superconductivity). The low-pressure hidden order !HO" state is characterized by a FS In addition, very different values for the Sommerfeld coefficient of the electronic specific heat have been estimated nesting (as which coexists probably with another order parameter. T → 0) above and below T 0 , i.e., γ ≈ 180 and 70 mJ/K2 mol, * only anisotropy AboveanPin-plane one transition observed; however, below the nesting of theismagnetic susceptibility respectively. This led to the assumption of (i) a removalcharacter of 114of the resistivity is preserved. Bulk superconductivity T . The four-fold rotational symmetry of the tetragonal 0 approximately 60% of the renormalized Fermi surface98 and, !SC" detected ac calorimetry !open triangles" is0 suppressed ThCr2 Si2by structure is spontaneously broken at T as reflected when taking into account also the ”Cr-type” shape of γ(T ) near by two-fold oscillations of the magnetic torque under inthe LMAF state appears. Open circles present the temperature of T 0 ,95, 98 (ii) the formation of antiferromagnetic (spin-densityplane rotation of the field. These observations suggest that the onset of the superconducting transition in the electrical wave) order at T ≤ T 0 . However, in proportion to the very the hidden order phase is an electronic “nematic” phase, i.e., resistivity. large removal of entropy associated with the continuous phase a metallic phase with translational symmetry preserved but transition at T 0 , the ordered moment found by neutron diffracbroken rotational symmetry, as discovered earabovespontaneously T . It is worthwhile to point out that a similar obsertion was much too small: µord ≈ 0.03 µB /U.99 A number lier cfor, e.g., Sr3 Ru2 O7 .115 The hidden-order gap is the subject of theoretical proposals concerning the nature of the ordered vationof was made at ambient pressure on assumed excellent 116 a recent first-principle theoretical treatment, in which low-temperature phase of URu2 Si2 appeared during the last 2 4+ crystals 40 and 41". to the oba 5 !see f (U Refs. ) configuration with Furthermore, CEF splitting isdue assumed. two decades, e.g., singlet magnetism,100 multipole101–103 servation or of the anomaly of the transition to the LMAF state Here, the hidden order was described by a multichannel orbital ordering,104 charge-density wave coupled to some anKondo effect which becomes arrested upon cooling to below at T !P" the temperature range of the validity of this exprestiferromagnetic order105 as well as helical spin order.106 It is x T 0 just = 17.5 K. However, present, no experimental evidence sion is above Px veryat small. fair to say that the nature of this phase is still unknown today, for CEF splitting has been reported for this compound with exponent x smaller than 2 is required to and it is commonly called ”hidden order”. Of course, this is A power law T K ≈ 60 K.117 More generally, the action of the Kondo effect a misnomer, as this phase is not hidden but of a nature that represent the data in the temperature range just above Tc. If a 118, 119 in U-based heavy fermions is conceptually debated, x could not yet be resolved. parametrization with a generalized power law !of= !the 0 +5A mainly because of the more delocalized character f xT is 99, 107 Inelastic neutron scattering results indicate the exisup to chosen in thecompared temperature from InTcshort, electrons to the range 4 f electrons. the 2.75 hiddenK, the tence of gapless overdamped in-plane magnetic excitations order phase remains enigmatic. x of the power law has a deep minimum with x at the incommensurate wave vector Q∗ = (1 ± 0.4, 0,exponent 0) Asat displayed Fig. 7#Fig. at finite pressure, hidden order be= 1.4 just Px = 0.5inGPa 9!c"$. The observation that the which become gapped (~ωgap ≈ 4 meV) and remain well decomes replaced by strong antiferromagnetic order (µord ≈ power law may change drastically in the vicinity of a firstfined (up to ≈ 10 meV) below T 0 . Similar spin dynamics has 0.4 µB ) with wave vector Q0 = (1, 0, 0),120 and the boundbeen observed earlier for the prototypical spin-density-wave order ary phase transition least was in afound restricted temperature between these twoat phases to stretch from 109 metal Cr.108 Angle-resolved photoemission measurementsrange has been pointed out recently for MnSi !Ref. 42" and pc ≈ 0.5 GPa (as T → 0) to a (possible) tricritical point on the other hand, revealed a light band which crosses CeRh EF 2 120 If SCThe would notantiferromagnetic appear, a T dependence ”weak” order, (≈ GPa, ≈43". 18 K). 2Si1.2 2 !Ref. near (0, 0, ±0.3) as well as (±0.3, 0, 0) above T 0 = 17.5 K, and which seems towould occur within the hidden order phase,only is most of the resistivity presumably be obeyed at very transforms into a heavy band below T 0 . In addition, magnetic likely due to static antiferromagnetically ordered regions that low temperature; its failure in an intermediate temperature excitations at a commensurate wave vector Q0 = (1, 0, 0) were a small partby of the sample, phase the 99, 107 rangeexist mayinbe caused multiband effectseparated and thefrom importance observed which form a gap of ≈ 1.6 meV below T 0 . surrounding hidden order region.121 Thus, d-wave superconHigh-resolution scanning tunneling miof theductivity magnetic contributions. 122, 123 seems to microscopically coexist with the hidcroscopy/spectroscopy studies110, 111 revealed asymmetric The phase diagram obtained from the den order but not with antiferromagnetism.121 resistivity and ac Fano-type resonances, which typically arise in Kondo sysspecific heat measurements is shown in Fig. 10. TN!P" seems tems. They show the same periodicity as the U lattice and 6. Theoretical considerations to be the continuation of the Tx!P" line. At low pressure, develop a gap below T 0 . This gap feature is described by a The interplay between criticality superconlinearly with quantum the slope !T / ! Pand = 1.01 K / GPa in T0!P" varies mean-field-type order parameter of the hidden order phase ductivity is of interest to a variety of strongly correlated sys111 110 in Ref.. In Ref., on the other hand, it is related, via good tems. agreement with the variation predicted from thermal For antiferromagnetic heavy fermion metals, studies in 44 and specific heat measurement via the Ehrenfest imaging heavy-quasiparticle interference, to a rapid splitting expansion recent years on the Kondo lattice models have revealed two of a light band into two new heavy-fermion bands, as was relation. point out the points. contribution Tx in the specific typesTo of quantum critical One is a at spin-density-wave predicted.112, 113 Recent magnetic torque measurements under critical point, where the Kondo effectCremains heat, quantum the electronic and124–126 magnetic contribution / T − BT2 is rotation of the magnetic field within the basal plane revealed intact and critical are fluctuations thethat antiferrepresented in the Fig. 11 atmodes 1.1 GPa. One can ofsee the sus-
pected first-order transition at T from the HO to the LMAF
hea from cor of t sur siti
and the T0 cor can 16 line rou alre stro to tran
has tran exi com the tran two cur exp per cal ond onl ord isti sub res
als bet
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T T0 E *loc
small Fermi surface
large Fermi surface
T T0 * E loc
Fig. 8. (Color online) Two types of quantum critical points (QCPs). Schematic temperature – control parameter T − δ phase diagrams for local criticality (upper panel) and spin-density-wave criticality (lower panel). For details see main text.
romagnetic order parameter. The other one is the local quantum critical point,127, 128 where the Kondo effect breaks down. These are described in terms of a Kondo-breakdown energy ∗ , which remains nonzero at a spin-density-wave scale, Eloc quantum critical point but vanishes at the local quantum critical point. Fig. 8 illustrates the phase diagrams in the temperaturecontrol parameter space. The control parameter is specified in terms of the ratio of the Kondo temperature to the RKKY interaction, defined for a Kondo lattice Hamiltonian, X X X 1X ti j Ii j Si · S j + HKL = c†iσ c jσ + JK Si · c†i σci . 2 σ i ij ij It contains a conduction-electron band, ciσ , whose hopping matrix ti j specifies a band dispersion εk . The spins of the conduction electrons, sc,i = (1/2)c†i σci , are coupled to the spin of the local moment, Si , via an antiferromagnetic Kondo exchange interaction JK . The corresponding bare Kondo temperature is T K0 ≈ ρ−1 0 exp(−1/ρ0 JK ), where ρ0 is the conduction electron density of states at the Fermi energy. Finally, the antiferromagnetic RKKY interaction has the typical scale I. When δ = T K0 /I is large, the Kondo interaction drives the formation of Kondo singlets between the local moments and conduction electrons. At high temperatures, the system is in a fully incoherent regime with the local moments weakly coupled to conduction electrons. Going below the scale T 0 , the initial screening of the local moments starts to set in. Eventually, at temperatures below a Fermi-liquid scale, T FL , the heavy quasiparticles are fully developed. Decreasing δ enhances the tendency of antiferromagnetic correlations. When the RKKY interaction among the local moments becomes larger than the Kondo interaction, the system is expected to develop antiferromagnetic order. An anti-
ferromagnetic quantum critical point is then to be expected when δ = T K0 /I reaches some critical value δc . At δ < δc , the antiferromagnetic order will develop as the temperature is lowered through the antiferromagnetic-ordering line, T N (δ). In addition, the RKKY interactions will eventually lead to the suppression of the Kondo singlets. Qualitatively, RKKY interactions promote singlet formation among the local moments, thereby reducing the tendency of singlet formation between the local moments and conduction electrons. This will ∗ define an energy (Eloc ) or temperature (T ∗ ) scale, describing the breakdown of the Kondo effect. The T ∗ line represents a crossover at finite temperatures, but turns into a sharp transition at zero temperature. The notion of Kondo breakdown in quantum critical heavy fermions was introduced in the theory of local quantum criticality127, 128 and also appeared in subsequent work.129, 130 The Kondo breakdown effect is alternatively referred to as a Mott localization of the f -electrons. For a spin-density-wave quantum critical point in heavy fermions, quantum criticality at asymptotically low energies is described in terms of order-parameter fluctuations. These are the antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations, which have been proposed to serve as a glue for superconductivity.131, 132 ∗ is nonzero in There have been indirect indications that Eloc CeCu2 Si2 . The low temperature/energy properties have been shown to be compatible with the three-dimensional spindensity-wave quantum criticality. These include the temperature dependences of the specific heat and electrical resistivity,56 as well as dynamical spin susceptibility.76 The effect of quantum criticality on superconductivity was recently studied in a quantitative way. The lowering of the magnetic exchange energy in the superconducting state is determined from the measured dynamical spin susceptibility in the normal and superconducting states:133, 134 Z ∞ d(~ω) 1 n(~ω) + 1 × (2) ∆E x = 2 2 π g µB 0 * h i+ S N I (q) Imχ (q x , qy , qz , ~ω) − Imχ (q x , qy , qz , ~ω) , (1) where denotes an average over the first Brillouin zone, and χS /N is the spin susceptibility summed over its three components. This is found to be larger than the superconducting condensation energy, ∆EC = U N (T = 0) − US (T = 0),
defined as the difference in internal energy between the (putative) normal and the superconducting states at T=0. As an immediate consequence, the antiferromagnetic excitations are seen as the primary driving force for superconductivity in CeCu2 Si2 . The analysis, however, reveals something more. It is found that ∆E x is about 20 times of ∆EC , implying a large kinetic energy loss, about 19 times of ∆EC . We can discuss the origin of this effect by recognizing that kinetic energy in Kondo-lattice systems is primarily associated with the Kondo effect. As superconducting pairing in CeCu2 Si2 occurs in the spin-singlet channel, the opening of the superconducting gap weakens the Kondo-singlet formation and, by extension, reduces the spectral weight of the Kondo resonance at low energies. The latter implies that, going into the superconducting state, single-
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Fig. 9. (Color online) Schematic curves of the density of states ρ() of the f-electrons vs. energy in the normal (dashed line) and superconducting (solid line) states of CeCu2 Si2 indicating the transfer of single-electron spectral weight from low energies in the normal state to energies above E ∗ in the superconducting state. The inset enlarges the small energy range.
electron spectral weight will be transferred from low energies ∗ to above the Kondo-breakdown scale Eloc . This is illustrated in Fig. 9. The case for superconductivity near a local quantum critical point is best made in the compound CeRhIn5 . Quantumoscillation measurements show that the pressure-induced antiferromagnetic to non-magnetic quantum critical point involves a sudden reconstruction of the Fermi surface,135 from small (f-electrons localized) to large (f-electrons delocalized). At the transition, the cyclotron mass, derived from de Haasvan Alphen measurements, shows a tendency of divergence; the latter is further supported by a strong increase of the Acoefficient of the T 2 term in the resistivity as the quantum critical point is approached.136 All these provide evidence that the antiferromagnetic transition is locally quantum critical, involving a Kondo breakdown. Near this quantum critical point, superconductivity appears with a large T c ≈ 2.2 K. CeRhIn5 is, therefore, a prime candidate of superconductivity associated with a local quantum criticality. 7.
Conclusions and Perspectives
We have reviewed the occurrence of heavy-fermion superconductivity in the Ce-based 122 systems and URu2 Si2 . The former materials may be divided into the local-moment, heavy-fermion antiferromagnets CeCu2 Ge2 , CeRu2 Si2 , and CePd2 Si2 with T N /T K ≈ 1, which are pressure-induced superconductors, and the itinerant systems CeNi2 Ge2 and CeCu2 Si2 with T N /T K 1.137 The latter compounds are superconductors already at ambient pressure. We have summarized the evidence for the spin-densitywave nature of the antiferromagnetic quantum critical point in the normal state of CeCu2 Si2 , and for the d-wave symmetry of the superconductivity near its antiferromagnetic quantum critical point. At the same time, the lowering of the magnetic exchange energy associated with the superconductivity by far exceeds the superconducting condensation energy. This is unexpected based on spin fluctuations alone, and can be naturally interpreted in terms of a transfer of single-electron spectral weight to energies above a possible Kondo-breakdown T ∗ scale and all the way to the 4f-electron Coulomb interaction
scale. It would be very instructive to search for such a T ∗ scale in CeCu2 Si2 . Furthermore, neutron scattering measurements under pressure in other heavy fermion materials displaying a potential spin-density-wave quantum critical point under pressure, such as CePd2 Si2 , would be invaluable. At the same time, CeRhIn5 under pressure is one concrete example in which evidence exists for unconventional superconductivity in the vicinity of a Kondo-breakdown local quantum critical point. It will be highly desirable to identify further examples of unconventional superconductors in this category. Unconventional heavy-fermion superconductivity also occurs in the vicinity of other types of quantum phase transitions. We have provided examples that involve first-order antiferromagnetic transitions, first-order valence transitions as well as the enigmatic case of URu2 Si2 . Here, d-wave superconductivity with broken time-reversal symmetry occurs near an antiferromagnetic quantum phase transition at nonzero pressure,122, 123 raising the possibility for the relevance of antiferromagnetic order to superconductivity. However, T c appears to diminish on approach to the antiferromagnetic order, and is nonzero only in the presence of the hidden order (cf. Fig. 7). This raises the alternative possibility that the superconductivity is driven by the hidden order. This is an important issue worthy of clarifying. New measurement techniques continue to become available to study heavy-fermion materials. A particular example is the scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy, which has been used to study the hidden-order phase in URu2 Si2 110, 111 and the emergence of the local Kondo screening and the concomitant onset of lattice coherence in YbRh2 Si2 .138 Extending these studies to below T c as well as to the low-temperature quantum critical regime promises to shed considerable new light on the heavy-fermion physics. Along similar lines, it will be important to develop low-temperature, high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission techniques, which should lead to much new understandings of the normal and superconducting properties of heavy-fermion materials. Theoretical studies of superconductivity in heavy-fermion metals benefits from the existence of well-defined Hamiltonians to describe the low-energy physics of these materials. These are the Kondo-lattice Hamiltonian or, more generally, the Anderson-lattice Hamiltonian. This has been important in several regards. It has allowed systematic studies on the heavy-fermion quantum criticality. It has also allowed a detailed analysis of the lowering of the exchange energy in the superconducting state of CeCu2 Si2 . More broadly, heavy-fermion compounds represent a prototype case of unconventional superconductors. There are several other families of superconductors which are also located in close proximity to magnetism. A prototypical example are the iron pnictides and chalcogenides.139, 140 Moreover, the parent iron pnictides are bad metals with a strong correlationinduced kinetic energy suppression,141 and the parent 122 iron selenides are Mott insulators.142 Taken together, these properties suggest that the interplay between magnetism, electron localization, and unconventional superconductivity also plays a central role in these new high T c superconductors. Acknowledgment The authors thank P. Gegenwart, C. Geibel, H.S. Jeevan, M.
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Loewenhaupt, M. Nicklas, and G. Zwicknagl for valuable discussions. The part of the work performed at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft under the auspices of the Research Unit 960 “Quantum Phase Transitions”.The work at Rice University was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DMR-1006985 and the Robert A. Welch Foundation Grant No. C-1411. S.K., Q.S., and F.S. acknowledge support in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1066293 and the hospitality of the Aspen Center for Physics.
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