where XP_001699296.1 is CHLREDRAFT_152504 [Chlamydomonas reinhardtii]
C Hit number 2 >NP_010605.1 Yft2p [Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c] Probab=88.28 E-value=3.6 Score=40.86 Aligned_cols=211 Identities=18% Similarity=0.143 Sum_probs=77.7 Template_Neff=6.000 Q ss_pred Q CHLREDRAFT_152504 Q Consensus T Consensus T NP_010605.1 T ss_pred Confidence
FITM homologues in SAR protists identified in the protein database Proteins annotated with Scs3p domains from organisms that are neither fungi nor metazoa (animals) were obtained at NCBI/protein by searching for “scs3p AND (alveolata OR stramenopiles)”
Table S2 A. PSI-BLAST with human FITM2, inclusion cut-off e-value 0.001, 3rd iteration # Protein identifier in NCBI, name of hit (with highlighting of “phosphatase”) 1. . . 396 397 398 399 400 401 402