used to generate standard curves to determine the binding affinity of free RAD51 to each BRCn-DBD protein. B. Quantification of saturation binding analysis of.
D. mulleri. D. hexastigma. D. huichole. D. hydei. D. novemaristata. D. ellisoni. D. buzzati. D. nigrospiracula. D. neorepleta. D. stalkeri. D. pachuca. D. longicornis.
Page 1. Dele on at nucleo de posi on G2477, A2478 and C2488 reference DNA sequences. Figure S5.
Page 1. -0.25. 0.00. 0.25. 0.50. 0.75. Log. 10. S e. L a c ta te p = 0.006 p = 0.034. 0. 5. 10. 15. 20. Log. 2. P a ra s ite s. /u. L. 4.00. 4.25. 4.50. 4.75. 5.00. 5.25. Log.
mitochondrial ribosomal protein L51. 13132. -0.837. -0.2181. Yes. 26 DNAJA3. DNAJA3. Entrez,. Source. DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily A, member 3.
shp1 shp2 point at individual protoderm cells which are swollen and cause a slightly irregular shape of the embryo outline. (D) to (F), mutant embryos; (G) to (I),.
For best performance use only alkaline batteries. Replace batteries if booster no longer ... ... CAU
AON ipsi. FC ipsi. OTu ipsi. PC ipsi. Am ipsi. Str ipsi. AON contra. FC contra. TT ipsi. GL. Mit. GCL huα-syn 1.5h. Supplementary figure 8: Human-α-synuclein ...
Suppl figure 8 Untagged Monomers GL
huα-syn 1.5h OTu ipsi
Am ipsi
FC ipsi
TT ipsi
Str ipsi
AON contra
AON ipsi
PC ipsi
FC contra
Supplementary figure 8: Human-α-synuclein staining 1.5 h after injection of untagged α-syn monomers into the OB. Pictures of hu-α-syn staining at high magnification (scale bar represents 10 μm) in various brain areas 1.5 h after injection. Hu-α-syn-positive cells were detected in the same structures 1.5 h after the injection of monomeric untagged α-syn into the OB, as observed after injections of tagged α-syn. Hu-positive cells were present in the ipsi- and contralateral anterior olfactory nucleus (ipsi/ contra AON), in ipsi- and contralateral frontal cortex (ipsi/contra FC), in ipsilateral tenia tecta (ipsi TT), in ipsilateral olfactory tubercle (ipsi Otu), ipsilateral piriform cortex (ipsi PC), amygdala (ipsi Am) and striatum (ipsi Str). Scale bar represents 10 μm.