Supplem showing decomp farthest Leucine mentary Figu g ... - Nature

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Supplementary Figure 3. Variably burnt Dromaius (emu) eggshell the display similar burning patterns to those found on Genyornis eggshell from the same ...
mentary Figuure 1. Aminno acid trannsects througgh three varriably burnt Genyornis eggshell Supplem showingg complete decompositi d ion of intraccrystalline amino a acids at blackeneed ends, varriably less decompposition farthher from charred regionns, approachhing unburnnt amino acid concentraations farthest from charriing. The staable amino acids a Glu = Glutamic A Acid, Val = Valine, Leuu = Leucinee are shown,, less stable amino acidds were moree depleted.

Supplem mentary Figgure 2. Conncentrationss of the stabble amino aacids glutam mic acid (Gllu), valine (Val) annd Leucine (Leu) in bburnt and unnburnt Gennyornis eggsshell. A) A Amino acidd transects throughh a fully bllackened G Genyornis egggshell from m region "Q" " (Fig. 11) showing complete decompposition of intracrystalliine amino aacids at all llocations, inndicative off heating in excess of 500 °C throughoutt the fragment, whereaas other fragments from m the samee collectionn have A/I ( ntal Data 2).. B) Aminoo acid conccentrations consisteent with an age of 47.55 ± 2.5 ka (Supplemen throughh unblackeneed eggshell from three different coollections inn region "W W" (Fig. 1), exhibiting no signss of burningg. M08-A3330 collectiion includess some variably burnt eggshell, prresumably from thee same egg as the analyyzed fragmeent.

Supplementary Figure 3. Variably burnt Dromaius (emu) eggshell the display similar burning patterns to those found on Genyornis eggshell from the same region. A) Recent deflation of a late Holocene kitchen midden in region "W" (Fig. 1) containing variably burnt Dromaius eggshell and abundant marine shellfish and occasional vertebrate bone, both of which also exhibit burning. B) Fragments of a single late Holocene Dromaius egg from the south coast of Western Australia that include variable burning patterns.

Genyyornis AAR R (A:I) Lab ID D A:II AAL-1 13994B 0.3 329 AAL-9 9944E 0.3 330 AAL-1 13994D 0.3 336 AAL-1 13994C 0.3 347 AAL-1 13994A 0.3 348 AAL-1 13873E 0.3 349 AAL-9 9944A 0.3 354 AAL-1 13873F 0.3 359 AAL-9 9944C 0.3 373 AAL-9 9944B 0.3 374 AAL-1 10766A 0.9 982 AAL-1 10766C 1.0 041 AAL-1 10766B 1.0 044 AAL-1 10765A burnt AAL-1 10765B burnt AAL-1 10765C burnt Genyo ornis 14C age a 14 Lab ID D Co onv. C ag ge NSRL L-26734 42 2,010 ± 110 00 BP OSL dates d Lab ID D OS SL age ±1  Adl20 098 23 3.1 +/- 0.6 kka Adl20 099 23 3.5 +/- 0.9 kka Adl2100 43 3.1 +/- 1.6 kka 101 58 8.7 +/- 2.4 kka Adl 21

3D Scan n of residua al in site GG G-16, Willa andra Lakes R Region Wo orld Heritag ge Area, NS SW.

1 1. 2 2. 3 3. 4 4. 5 5.

GG16-1 (0.62m) 23.1+ 0.6 GG16-2 (0.94m) 23.5+ 0.9 GG16-3 (1.80m) 4 43.1+ 1.6 GG16-4 (2.60m) 5 58.7+ 2.4 Floor of blow out w with surface e scatter off nis egg she ell and ston ne artefactss Genyorn 6 6. Hearthsttone in situ u

Su upplementa ary Fig. 4 Garnpung g GG-16 3D scan of ae eolian residual with OSL date es located d. In situ bu urnt and un nburnt Gen nyornis eg ggshell exccavated at “3”; hearthstone locatted at “6”” is stratig graphically be elow the G Genyornis collection, based on o tracing strratified sed diment in the field. AAR A in 16 excavated e Ge enyornis re eflect the ccommon ra ange of A::I found in va ariably burnt collecttions, with h some fragments ha aving eleva ated A:I. T The lowestt six A:I arre used to de efine the m mean A:I for this site. 3D sccan by E. Be eckett and D. William ms (unpub.); OSL da ates by N. Sp pooner (unpub.).

Genyo ornis Lab ID D AA-10 0238


Ca age 14 Co onv C datte 42 2,400 ± 176 60 BP

OSL date d on qua artz enclosing Genyornis eggsh hell Lab-ID D OSL Age A * 5 55,000 ± 5,000 yr

mentary Figgure 5. Woood Point site at regionn "PB" (Figg. 1) with a section skeetch 1 and Supplem details oof OSL2, 14C and AAR (both from this paper) results. Veertical scalee as shown, hhorizontal scale relative. Thee lowest 13 A/I (0.355 to 0.375) were w used too calculate a mean vallue for the site; higgher A/I are presumed tto have beenn heated; buurnt eggshelll is commoon at this sitte (Fig. 2). Eggshelll collectionns by D.L.G. Williams, G. & M. M Miller, and M M. Smith.

Supplementary References 1 Bird, M. I. et al. Radiocarbon dating of organic‐ and carbonate‐carbon in Genyornis and Dromaius eggshell using stepped combustion and stepped acidification. Quaternary Science Reviews 22, 1805‐1181 (2003). 2 Roberts, R. G. et al. New ages for the last Australian Megafauna: Continent‐wide extinction about 46,000 years ago. Science 292, 1888‐1892 (2001). 3 Cupper, M. L. & Duncan, J. Last glacial megafaunal death assemblage and early human occupation at Lake Menindee, southeastern Australia. Quaternary Research 66, 332‐341 (2006).