Supplement for: Statistical Correction of the Winner’s Curse Explains Replication Variability in Human Quantitative Trait GWAS Cameron Palmer1,* , Itsik Pe’er1,2 1 Department of Systems Biology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, New York, United States of America 2 Department of Computer Science, Columbia University, New York, New York, United States of America *
[email protected]
Contents Contents
Am J Hum Genet Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet Ann Hum Genet BMC Genomics BMC Med Genet BMC Med Genomics Circ Cardiovasc Genet Eur J Hum Genet Front Genet G3 (Bethesda) Gene Genes Brain Behav Genes Immun Genet Epidemiol Genomics Genomics Inform Hum Genet Hum Mol Genet Immunogenetics J Hum Genet J Med Genet Nat Genet Nature PLoS Genet PLoS One Pharmacogenet Genomics Pharmacogenomics Pharmacogenomics J Science Twin Res Hum Genet Total:
8 2 0 0 3 0 4 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 24 0 0 1 26 0 18 6 0 0 0 2 0
23 2 1 1 3 1 12 3 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 48 2 2 5 48 7 31 21 1 1 1 2 3
Table A. Distribution of quantitative trait GWAS papers across journals, for journals that had at least one article annotated as “attempting replication” in the NHGRI-EBI GWAS Database as of 04 Feb 2016.
frequentist, additive, same trait in both stages, etc.
Papers removed
trait mean, variant frequency, sample size, effect size, standard error or p-value
all attempted replications reported
Filter subcategories
Papers remaining
Table B. Summary of quality control process applied to 332 candidate quantitative trait GWAS papers. Filters are hierarchical, in the sense that a paper failing a criterion at one stage of the process was not evaluated for other criteria of lower priority. The 100 papers passing these filters were further annotated for other discrepancies that would interfere with but not entirely prevent debiasing calculations: allele frequency from reference population instead of actual cohort; allele frequency from one round but not both; maximum sample size reported instead of per-variant sample size, reflecting missingness; extreme low precision errors; etc.
Statistical test restrictions
Complete data reporting for variants
Threshold replication model
Complete data reporting for study
Quantitative trait studies in GWAS Catalog
Filter type
all per-locus N max N
all per-locus N max N
all per-locus N max N
all per-locus N max N
60 29 31
13 4 9
87 39 48
100 43 57
976 646 330
383 129 254
1269 707 562
1652 836 816
< .0001 .371 < .0001
.043 < .0001 .019
< .0001 .94 < .0001
< .0001 .0053 < .0001
PB p
.14 1.0 .022
.12 .88 .018
.02 .41 2.1e-4
.17 .95 .0072
.019 .88 .0068
1.0 .0082 .022
.042 .54 .011
.15 .75 .17
.86 .21 .023
1.0 .15 1.0
.16 .13 .075
.18 .49 .81
.033 .59 1.0
.15 .25 .012
.16 .84 .051
.058 .058 .35
.19 .14 .49
.012 .5 .23
.21 .3 .11
.0014 .86 .02
.22 .35 .14
.41 .15 .17
.6 .79 .22
.15 .061 .017
.54 .09 .076
.24 .063 .45
.92 .74 .77
.22 .71 .1
.11 .45 1.0
.45 .78 .13
.018 .095 .091
.038 .098 .32
.16 .94 .045
.12 1.0 1.0
.0037 .51 1.4E-4
5.6E-4 .057 6.5E-5
.0079 .82 7.3E-09
.0089 3.0E-16 .057
2.8E-04 .33 2.0E-15
7.4E-07 .69 1.8E-06
Table C. Probability of observing true replication counts within decile bins according to WC-corrected power estimates. Data are partitioned by ancestry matching between discovery and replication as well as reporting of per-locus or max sample size. First three data columns are: number of papers in category, number of (independent) loci in category, Poisson binomial fit two-sided p-value for nominal replication in subset of papers. For graphical example of decile bins, see Fig 2. Null hypothesis for decile p-values: power within decile according to WC-corrected replication effect estimates is true generative probability for each variant, according to Poisson binomial distribution (Methods). Bins for which null is likely false (Poisson binomial two-sided test p < 0.01) are shaded.
N Reported
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99. Li, J. et al. Genome-wide admixture and association study of serum iron, ferritin, transferrin saturation and total iron binding capacity in African Americans. Hum. Mol. Genet. 24, 572–81 (2015). 100. L¨ uneburg, N. et al. Genome-wide association study of L-arginine and dimethylarginines reveals novel metabolic pathway for symmetric dimethylarginine. Circ Cardiovasc Genet 7, 864–72 (2014). 101. Lu, X. et al. Genome-wide association study in Chinese identifies novel loci for blood pressure and hypertension. Hum. Mol. Genet. 24, 865–74 (2015). 102. van der Valk, R. J. P. et al. A novel common variant in DCST2 is associated with length in early life and height in adulthood. Hum. Mol. Genet. 24, 1155–68 (2015). 103. Wood, A. R. et al. Defining the role of common variation in the genomic and biological architecture of adult human height. Nat. Genet. 46, 1173–86 (2014). 104. Kim, S., Shin, C. & Jee, S. H. Genetic variants at 1q32.1, 10q11.2 and 19q13.41 are associated with prostate-specific antigen for prostate cancer screening in two Korean population-based cohort studies. Gene 556, 199–205 (2015).