solvent. This comes at the price of unrealistic short-time dynamics: the ballistic flight length ..... where AA is the number of contacts in the quadrant AA, etc.
Supplemental Information for
Chromatin organization by an interplay of loop extrusion and compartmental segregation Johannes Nuebler1, Geoffrey Fudenberg2, Maxim Imakaev1, Nezar Abdennur1, Leonid A. Mirny1 1
Institute for Medical Engineering and Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA 2
University of California, San Francisco, Gladstone Institutes, San Francisco, CA 94158, USA
Polymer simulations Polymer simulations were performed using a lab written wrapper (available at around the open source GPU-assisted molecular dynamics package Openmm (1, 2). Polymers are represented as a chain of monomers with harmonic bonds, a repulsive excluded volume potential, and an additional small attraction for the interaction of two monomers of type B (Fig. S1). Loop extrusion is modeled as an additional harmonic bond between two not necessarily adjacent monomers (i,j). When the loop extrusion factor (LEF) takes a step this bond is deleted and replaced by a bond between (i-1, j+1), provided that there are no loop extrusion barriers or another LEF at the updated sites. Details of the loop extrusion simulations can be found in (3). For each Hi-C contact map simulations were carried out as follows. Unless otherwise mentioned, we use a chain with 20,000 monomers (equivalent to 50 Mb) in periodic boundary conditions (see Fig. S10 for a comparison to spherical confinement) and a volume density of 0.224 monomers per unit volume. Simulations were initiated with compact, unknotted chain conformations and allowed to expand before conformations were recorded. Expansion times were chosen such that the mean square displacement of a monomer equals the radius of gyration of the polymer coil (for periodic boundary conditions) or the confinement volume radius (for spherical confinement). Subsequently, the simulation was run for the same duration as the expansion time. During this run, 500 conformations were recorded. The entire procedure was repeated 20 times, yielding 10,000 conformations. From these, a Hi-C map was computed by defining a cutoff radius, mimicking the crosslinking radius in an actual Hi-C experiment. The cutoff radius was four monomer diameters (we verified that result are insensitive to the cutoff).
Converting simulation parameters to real time and length scales In our simulations, the chromatin fiber is a chain of monomers connected by harmonic potentials subject to a monomer interaction potential (excluded volume and B-B attraction) and bending stiffness. Furthermore, a 1D layout of LEF barriers and compartmental segments is defined along the polymer, which involves sizes of TADs and compartments. These simulation parameters need to be converted to parameters of the actual chromatin fiber in the cell. We here address this conversion, noting up front that many involved quantities are not well characterized. Our conversion should therefore be taken only as a rough guide. We start by considering length scales. The spatial coarse graining of our simulations, i.e. how many base pairs correspond to one monomer in our simulation, is chosen by computational feasibility considerations. Conversion to physical parameters proceeds in the following steps: 1.) choice of the persistence length for the simulated chromatin fiber, 2.) estimation of the persistence length of the biological chromatin fiber, and 3.) determining conversion factors from comparing 1.) and 2.). 1. Persistence length in simulations We choose lp = 2 monomers. 2. Persistence length of the biological chromatin fiber The persistence length of the fiber can be given either in nm or in bp, related by the compaction ratio c, which is measured in bp/nm. Reported values, based on cyclization experiments (4, 5) or imaging (6), vary greatly and are roughly in the ranges c = 25 … 150 bp/nm and lp = 30 … 200 nm. For our conversion we use c = 50 bp/nm and lp = 100 nm. During preparation of this manuscript we learned of an
estimate based on parameter sweeps for whole nucleus simulations in yeast (7) arriving at c = 61 bp/nm and lp = 88 nm. 3. Comparison of simulation and biological parameters With the above parameters for the persistence length and compaction ratio we arrive at the following conversion 1 monomer = 50 nm = 2.5 kb We point out again that this is a rough estimate only, due to the experimental uncertainty of the compaction ratio and the chromatin persistence length. Our values are very close to the estimate from (8) which gave 53 nm for 3 kb. Next we aim at converting time scales. First we note that, even with spatial coarse graining, accurate molecular dynamics simulation of our system is computationally not feasible for 2
times we are interested in (at least several minutes). This is true even in implicit solvent simulations. Our approach is to strongly reduce the collision frequency with the implicit solvent. This comes at the price of unrealistic short-time dynamics: the ballistic flight length of our monomers becomes unrealistically large, namely it is of the order of the monomer size. Yet, on times considerably longer than the collision frequency, Rouse diffusion is recovered for our polymer. We thus need to convert simulation time units to physical units. This is based on comparing mean square displacements (MSDs), namely the relation M SD(t) = D t α , between simulation and experiment, where D is the anomalous diffusion constant. As the length conversion is known from above, this fixes time scale conversion. In simulations, D depends on several simulation parameters, in particular on the density of the implicit solvent (parametrized by the “thermostat” value in openMM) and is obtained from simulations without loop extrusion. For the biological case, values for D have been reported as D = 0.01 μ2 /s1/2 in yeast (9) and D = 0.015 μ2 /s1/2 in mammals (10). Note, however, that these already include active
processes, including loop extrusion. We thus also consider a smaller value of D = 0.005 μ2 /s1/2 . As a reference case we here chose D = 0.01 μ2 /s1/2 .
For a chosen pair of D_exp and D_sim we determine the conversion factor according to the formula γ = tsim /texp =
Dexp /Dsim
where β is the length scale conversion from above and α is the time exponent, for which we use ½ in accordance with experiments and simulations.
Choice of simulation parameters for TADs, compartments and loop extrusion factors TADs TADs are defined by the positions of extrusion barriers (CTCF sites) and the barrier permeability. As we do not aim to reproduce a particular genomic region we place TAD borders randomly along our polymer, taking only the average genomic distance between TAD boundaries from experimental considerations. To this end we analyzed annotated domains and loops from (11). Loops had an average size of 1.1 Mb. This, however, included 3
a few extremely large loops. Loops shorter than 5Mb had an average size of 387 kb. Domains had an average size of 258 kb. For convenience, we chose an average TAD size of 375 kb (150 monomers) in our simulations. We draw TAD sizes from a distribution that has an exponential tail but also suppresses very short TADs, namely p(d) = d/d0 exp(− d/d0 ) which has a mean of 2d0 which we chose to be 375 kb. The actually chosen TAD sizes were (in monomers): [55, 146, 38, 277, 35, 115, 51, 89, 560, 348, 191, 145, 164, 172, 70, 130, 127, 116, 259, 227, 560, 321, 284, 113, 252, 127, 36, 123, 97, 209, 156, 33, 60, 100, 54, 55, 303, 52, 177, 175, 216, 132, 682, 266, 277, 153, 95, 223, 382, 367, 110, 66, 199, 150, 262, 49, 191, 262, 169, 59, 79, 296, 125, 158, 61, 476, 96, 185, 71, 270, 451, 319, 55, 80, 135, 161, 29, 184, 98, 74, 148, 34, 122, 31, 150, 300, 77, 144, 139, 32, 28, 100, 72, 55, 90, 408, 170, 154, 168, 107, 185, 152, 8, 65, 430, 41, 112, 48, 76, 111, 74, 115, 283, 177, 229, 234, 74, 156, 114, 42, 40, 143, 56, 191]. The mean TAD size of the actually chosen TADs was 161 monomers (402 kb). TAD boundaries are characterized by their extrusion barrier permeability to LEFs. As mentioned in the main text, the exact values are not known. We chose a permeability of 10% (meaning LEFs get trapped at barriers with a probability of 90%, once trapped they remain there until they dissociate). We point out, however, that the exact value is of minor importance (see Fig. S3 for a parameter sweep).
Compartments Our goal was to create compartmental segments that are typically larger than TADs but are interspersed with small segments of the respective other type. To that end we proceed as follows: We draw segment sizes from a distribution with mean c1. After each draw, with probability p we insert a small interval drawn from a distribution with mean c2. This has the effect that, when a small interval is inserted, the next larger compartmental segment is of the same type as the previous larger one. We chose c1=350, c2=100 and p=0.8 for our chains with 20,000 monomers and p=0.6 for chains with 10,000 monomers (Fig. S1E). The choice of these parameters were guided by considering the compartment profile autocorrelation. In particular, we wanted to achieve a decay length that (i) resembles the decay length of compartment profiles from experimental Hi-C maps, and (ii) exhibits a change upon removal of loop extrusion that is similar to experiments (see also section “Discussion of quantitative differences between simulations and experiments for Nipbl removal” below). The chosen compartmental segment sizes were (in monomers): [354, 467, 391, 60, 350, 117, 89, 398, 47, 363, 121, 340, 105, 485, 245, 633, 57, 782, 61, 497, 648, 99, 599, 58, 319, 58, 613, 187, 117, 543, 13, 379, 312, 112, 418, 165, 247, 159, 173, 71, 439, 243, 570, 10, 69, 59, 326, 265, 284, 20, 191, 209, 83, 76, 190, 8, 797, 669, 130, 1051, 100, 240, 42, 487, 55, 62, 25, 176, 444, 114, 462, 91, 126, 288, 40, 273, 34]. The mean of the actually chosen compartmetal segments was 260 monomers.
To clarify compartment related terminology: in simulations, each locus is either of type A or B (see above), depending on its interaction preference with other loci. We refer to a checkerboard pattern in Hi-C maps as compartmentalization and to the corresponding colocalization in 3D as compartmental segregation. Furthermore, we compute compartment profiles from eigenvector decomposition of a (distance corrected) Hi-C matrix (2, 3). Compartmental segments of type A/B are intervals where the eigenvector is positive/negative. Note that a locus of a given type may not be able colocalize with other loci of the same type. Compartmental segments may thus differ from the underlying types of loci. With experimental data, the compartment profile is used to assign A/B status to loci since the underlying types are not known. For consistency, we do the same for simulated Hi-C maps when measuring the degree of compartmentalization.
Loop extrusion factors Loop extrusion factors (LEFs) are characterized by their density on the fiber, their processivity, and their speed. As mentioned in the main text, we chose a processivity λ =250 kb and an average separation of d=750 kb. This is a factor of 2-6 lower than suggested by a previous study (3). We chose these parameters, however, because they lead to better consistency with the experimental perturbations studied here. In particular, we took into consideration: (i) the compartment profile autocorrelation change upon removal of loop extrusion, (ii) the very small change in contact probability scaling upon removal of CTCF, and (iii) substantial reduction in compartmentalization in removal of WAPL. As a full simulation of a relatively large system (20000 monomers, 10000 conformations) is required for each set of parameters for each layout of TADs and compartments we refrained from an extensive sweep of all possible parameters and rather were guided by a hand-picked sampling of parameter space. Furthermore, we stress that our major focus here is not to tweak simulation parameters to match experiments as much as possible, but rather to demonstrate that the interplay of loop extrusion and compartmental segregation predicts several observables correctly across different experimental perturbations. As active loop extrusion is a non-equilibrium process, the LEF speed v matters: for slow enough LEFs loop growth is quasi-static and loops are equilibrated by thermal diffusion, while fast LEFs lead to non-equilibrated loops. It is currently not possible to determine which regime is realistic, because in vivo LEF speeds are unknown and thermal diffusion of the chromatin fiber in the absence of LEFs is insufficiently characterized. Rough estimates are: (i) TADs of up to 1MB in size are observed, while LEF residence times are of the order of 1hr, suggesting a speed of at least ≈278 bp/s. (ii) Data for bacterial condensin suggests 770 bp/s (12). (iii) In vitro experiments for condensin suggest 63 bp/s (13) and up to 1500 bp/s (14). We here chose a reference case that corresponds to approximately 577 bp/s. As this value is subject to considerable uncertainty we study the dependence of our results on the LEF speed in the main text. We here give a conversion of our simulation LEF speeds to actual speeds, based on the conversion of length and time scales discussed above. 5
assumption Dexp [μ2 /s1/2 ] (chromatin)
simulation LEF physical LEF speed comment speed (3D steps / (bp/s) 1D step)
2x faster
reference case
5x slower
2x faster
reference case
5x slower
2x faster
reference case
5x slower
Table S1. Conversion of LEF speeds in simulation to physical units. Note that this conversion is based on several parameters that are known with insufficient accuracy as discussed above (section “Converting simulation parameters to real time and length scales”). Most notably, as shown in this table, the conversion depends sensitively on the (anomalous) diffusion constant for the chromatin fiber in the absence of loop extrusion. The values in bold face are what we consider as reference case in the main text.
Definition of compartment and TAD scores A compartment score quantifies compartmentalization of a Hi-C contact map. Such a score should measure the excess of contacts between monomers within a compartment over contacts across a compartment. This requires a definition of which monomers belong to which compartment. Two different approaches can be taken: either monomers are classified based on their underlying properties, or based on their (average) environment in 3D space. These classifications need not be equivalent. Indeed, we have shown in this paper that loop extrusion can counteract segregation of segments, in particular short ones, into their native compartments. 6
In simulations we know by definition for each monomer if it is of type A or B and we can thus use this information to develop an appropriate compartmentalization score (COMPscore1 below). The same is not true for experimental data, where the underlying types of loci are not known. We thus use a different method for experimental data, consistent with previous convention (15), namely COMPscore2.
COMPscore1: Inferring compartmentalization from simulated data This score assumes that we know the compartmental type of each monomer. We can use this score for Hi-C maps from simulations, where the types are known by definition. COMPscore1 is computed as follows: for a given distance s along the polymer we consider all pairs (i,j) with j-i=s, i.e. we consider a diagonal with distance s from the main diagonal. For a given s we count the the number of pairs (i,j) where i and j belong to the same compartment, #pairs_within_comp(s), and to two different compartments, #pairs_across_comp(s). Furthermore, we count the actual number of contacts in the Hi-C map hmap such that i and j belong to the same compartment, #contacts_within_comp(s) = sum(hmap(i,j) if i and j from same compartment and j-i=s) and analogously for different compartments. From this we define av_within(s) = #contacts_within_comp(s) / #pairs_within_comp(s) , which is the average value of the diagonal with distance s from the main diagonal of hamp restricted to pairs that belong to the same compartment. In the same way we define av_across(s) where the two loci belong to different compartments. From this we compute COMPscore1(s) = (av_within(s) - av_across(s)) / (av_within(s) + av_across(s)) . This yields a value between -1 and 1, where COMPscore1(s)=0 if a contact between i and j is equally likely whether they belong to the same or different compartments, and COMPscore1(s)=1 if there are only contact within compartments but none across, and COMPscore1(s)=-1 if there are only contacts across compartments. Finally, we average this this measure over all s from 0 to L/2, where L is the size of the contact map (we average only up to L/2 since there are fewer contacts in the outer parts of the map): COMPscore1 = for s = 0...L/2 . The properties of this score include: (i) COMPscore1 is insensitive to the absolute number of reads in the matrix (the “sequencing depth”). More precisely, multiplying each entry of hmap by a factor does not change the score. (ii) COMPscore1 weighs all distances form the main diagonal equally (i.e. the “scaling” is unimportant); it measures the “contrast” along each diagonal, irrespective of the average value. (iii) COMPscore1 is between -1 and 1, with 0 for no compartment segregation and 1 for perfect compartment segregation.
TAD score: Inferring TAD strength from simulated data The TAD score is defined in complete analogy to COMPscore1. The only two differences are: (i) #pairs_within_TADs(s) and #contacts_within_TADs(s) are counted within each TAD individually, there is no long-range association of TADs. (ii) The average across linear separations in COMPscore1 = for s = 0...L/2 is taken up to L/2 where L is the size of the largest TAD in the system.
COMPscore2: Inferring compartmentalization from experimental data For COMPscore2, we first compute the “observed over expected” matrix from a given Hi-C contact matrix, i.e. each diagonal with distance s from the main diagonal is divided by the mean number of contact in this diagonal, which gives equal weight to all diagonals irrespective of their mean intensity. We then order rows and columns of the resulting matrix based on the compartment profile (which we obtain from eigenvector decomposition of the scaling-corrected Hi-C maps, see above). This leads to accumulation of AA and BB contacts in the quadrants along the diagonal and AB and BA contact in the off-diagonal quadrants (15). We then compute COMPscore2 = (AA+BB) / (AB+BA) , where AA is the number of contacts in the quadrant AA, etc. COMPscore2 is not a value between -1 and 1, but rather always a positive number. Furthermore, COMPscore2=1 if there is no compartmentalization and COMPscore2>1 if there is. However, COMPscore2 can be converted to a value between -1 and 1 in the following way COMPscore2_rescaled = (COMPscore2 - 1) / (COMPscore2 + 1). We apply this rescaling because ratios of COMPscore2 are hard to interpret (e.g. the ratio of scores 1.01 and 1.1 is very close to unity, but the first has virtually no compartmentalization, the latter 10x more). While we prefer to use COMPscore1 for simulation data in principle, we use COMPscore2_rescaled for both experimental and simulated data when we compare compartmentalization between experiment and simulation (Fig. 2).
Note that we don’t define a TAD score for experimental data as we refrain from quantifying TAD strength for experimental data in this study.
Quantification of the degree of phase separation from 3D polymer conformations For simulated data the 3D conformations of the fiber are readily available, which enables the use of non-Hi-C derived measures of compartmental segregation. We use an order parameter based on the normalized number difference of A-type and B-type monomers in small boxes, as described in the main text (Figs. 1,3, S1). We used the following box sizes: Fig. 1: 15 units. Fig. 3: 12 units. Fig. S1: 15 units. The length unit is the monomer diameter, i.e. the equilibrium bond length of the bead-spring polymer.
Discussion of quantitative differences between simulations and experiments for Nipbl removal (Fig. 2) We here address in detail quantitative discrepancies between our simulations and experimental data for the removal of cohesin/loop extrusion (Fig. 2A). (i) Our simulated compartments in the absence of loop extrusion appear somewhat smaller than in the experimental example. This is apparent in our HiC map and in the more pronounced decay in compartment profile autocorrelation. We point out, though, that in many chromosomal regions the experimental compartments are also smaller, and that increased Hi-C resolution might reveal even finer structures. We also mention that the compartment profile autocorrelation is somewhat sensitive to the exact TAD and compartment configuration, not only to their average sizes. This is in line with differences between chromosomes as reported in (16). (ii) Changes in contact probability scaling are more pronounced in simulations. It is noteworthy, though, that the characteristic loop extrusion hump is much more pronounced in many other datasets, including the ones used in this paper (see Fig. 2B,C). (iii) The increase in compartmentalization upon removal of loop extrusion is somewhat more pronounced in simulations than in experiments. This could indicate that some compartment mixing remains present in experiments, either by residual cohesin (see Fig. S2 for 10% residual LEFs in simulations) or some other processes in the nucleus not considered here. We stress that our major focus is to correctly qualitatively predict multiple observables across different experimental perturbations (see below for removal of CTCF and WAPL).
Polymer simulations with static loops In order to perform simulation with static loops our goal was to preserve the statistical properties of the loops from our reference case with active loop extrusion. We thus recorded 9
loop configurations (left and right monomers (i,j) tethered by an LEF bond as described above) from our dynamic simulations at a given time point during the simulation. Those loops were put into our static loops simulation and the polymer dynamics were simulated as usual. In order to get better statistics of static loops we picked a new set of loop positions five times during the simulation and replaced the previous static loop bonds with the new ones. As our polymer equilibrates on the length scale of individual loops within the time between two successive recorded polymer configurations (out of the 500 recorded configurations for each run) this updating did not bring the polymer significantly out of equilibrium.
Radius of gyration of a loop as a function of its length In Fig. 4F in the main text we plot the radius of gyration of a loop as a function of its length for extruded or static loops. We here note that for an extruded loop its length increases over time. The length axes can thus be directly converted to a time axis, where t=0 is the attachment of the LEF. We also note that we only used loops that are not stalled (an LEF counts as stalled when at least one of the two sides stopped extruding because it bumped into an extrusion barrier or another LEF). For short loop lengths (or times) the probability for an LEF to be stalled is very low. As loops get longer the chance to get stalled increases. As we are in the dilute regime, however, the chance to get stalled becomes substantial only when loops have grown to approximately their average separation between LEFs, i.e. 300 monomers (or 750 kb). The theoretical prediction for Rg for equilibrated rings is obtained as follows: For a ring made of an ideal semiflexible chain (Kratky-Porod model) one has (17, 18) = L lp / 6 where L is the chain length and lp the persistence length. The above result is more commonly written as = L a2 / 12 for the freely jointed chain model of a polymer, where a is the Kuhn segment length (17, 18). The relation between the freely jointed chain and semiflexible chain models is a=2lp, which yields the above result. We obtained the persistence length for our non-ideal chains (by measuring the decay of the tangent-tangent correlation function along simulated polymer configurations in the absence of loop extrusion) to be lp= 1.82 monomers. The grey curve in Fig. 4F is obtained from using the above expression with the measured persistence length.
Parameters for plots of Hi-C data Throughout the text contact frequency is shown on a log-scale with bounds adjusted for optimal feature visibility. The main purpose of colorbars for Hi-C maps is to show the max/min span (the absolute values are of little interest since they reflect normalization conventions, coarsegraining and the sequencing / simulation depth). Resolutions for shown Hi-C contact maps: Experimental data: 200 kb for 50 Mb maps, 40 kb for 5 Mb maps. Simulated data: 100kb (40 monomers) for 50 Mb maps, 12.5 kb (5 monomers) for 5 Mb maps. The scaling P(s) for experimental Hi-C maps is computed genome wide, other quantities on the shown regions.
Parameters for sweeps, Fig. 5 We here list the simulation parameter for the sweeps shown in Fig. 5. Values are given in simulation units. All sweeps contain the WT reference case (Fig. 2). It’s parameters are: - LEF residence time = 50 - LEF separation = 300 - LEF speed (in #simulation blocks between LEF steps) = 200 - volume density = 0.224 - barrier insulation = 10 % - Eattr = 0.12 kBT - Erep = 3 kBT In each of the the sweeps one parameter is varied. Namely: -
LEF residence time: 5, 10, 50, 150 LEF separation: infinity, 3000, 300, 200 “LEF density”: LEF speed: static loops, 5x slower, reference case, 2x faster “chain passing”: Erep = 1.5, 3, 5 kBT “compartmental interaction”: Eattr = 0.08, 0.1, 0.12, 0.14, 0.16 kBT “nuclear volume”: volume density = 0.113, 0.224, 0.335 “TAD boundary insulation”: boundary permeability = 0%, 10%, 50%, 100%.
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Supplemental Figures
Fig. S1. (A) Monomer interaction potential for our polymer simulations of chromatin. Monomers of type B experience a small attraction toward each other, which leads to spatial segregation of A and B type chromatin. The depth of the attractive part is our parameter Eattr. As it drives compartmental segregation, we refer to it as the compartmental interaction 14
parameter. (B) Second virial coefficient B2 as a function of Eattr. Note that B2 is positive for all values of Eattr considered in this paper (0-0.18 kBT). The B-B attraction thus induces phase separation (if strong enough) but not polymer collapse (see panel D). Our reference value
Eattr=0.12 kBT is highlighted. (C) As an order parameter to measure the degree of phase separation of A and B chromatin in our simulations we compute N as the mean absolute value of the normalized A-B number difference in small boxes as introduced in the main text (here and in Fig. 1: box size = 15 units). Due to finite size effects N is non-zero at vanishing compartmental interaction. Furthermore, the transition is smooth due to the presence of A and B blocks of various sizes. (D) To measure the particle density in the A-rich and B-rich phase we placed 6000 boxes at random positions in the simulation volume, selected boxes with more than 90% A content (red) or B content (blue), and computed the mean densities across such boxes (error bars are standard deviations, for small Eattr some data are missing since there were no boxes with >90% A/B content). Densities in A-rich and B-rich boxes remain similar for all compartmental interactions. For our reference case Eattr=0.12 kBT we have approximately 10% higher density in B-rich boxes in the absence of loop extrusion. With loop extrusion, differences tend to be smaller. (E) Contact maps are insensitive to the details of the compartment segregation mechanism. In the left column segregation is induced by attraction between monomers of type B. This case was used throughout the main text. In the right column the attraction is between monomers of type A.
Fig. S2. Parameter sweep of LEF density (or, equivalently, average LEF separation “sep”, measured in monomers). All other parameters are as in our reference case (WT) in the main text. From top to bottom: Contact maps (average loop lengths and fiber coverage with loops are given below the contact maps). Example configurations in periodic boundary conditions and in extended coordinates (A-type chromatin in red, B-type in blue, LEFs in yellow for extended coordinates). Compartment profiles. Contact probability scaling P(s), anchored at 100 kb. Compartment profile autocorrelation. TAD and compartment strength. Note the non-monotonic dependence of TAD strength on LEF density: For large densities the fiber assumes a bottlebrush shape where the distinction between intra- and interloop contact decreases (see also Fig. 2C). 16
Fig. S3. (A) Permeability of extrusion barriers, parameter sweep. All other parameters are as in our reference case in the main text (permeability=10 %, WT). Contact maps for our 50 Mb chromatin fiber and 5 Mb zooms (contact maps are decorated by the layouts for compartmental segments (red/blue) and TADs (triangles), and compartment profiles). (B) Same as Fig. 2C, but with extrusion barriers fully impermeable (0%). This demonstrates that the emergence of secondary corner peaks does not imply that loops extend beyond TAD boundaries. Rather, in WAPL removal, characterized by high processivity, the barriers (CTCF sites) often touch, which shows up as pronounced corner peaks and peaks between non-adjacent CTCFs (secondary corner peaks). At the same time, the spatial overlap of loops is increased compared to the more dilute wild type regime, which can reduce TAD boundary insulation. (C) Contact probability scaling P(s), anchored at 100 kb, and compartment profile autocorrelation (bottom row). 17
Fig. S4. Effect of the compartmental interaction parameter Eattr, parameter sweep. All other parameters are as in our reference case without loop extrusion (Nibpl removal) in the main text in Fig. 2A (here in leftmost panels). Contact maps (A), example configurations (B), compartment profiles (C), contact probability scaling anchored at 100 kb (D), compartment profile autocorrelation (E), and degree of compartmentalization (F) for varying depth of the attractive part of the B-B interaction potential (see Fig. S1 for its definition). We find that lowering the interaction parameter Eattr from 0.12 kBT to 0.08 kBT reduces the overall compartmentalization to a similar degree as adding loop extrusion (see F). In (E) the case with loop extrusion is also shown. It highlights that the effect of reduced compartment segregation potential is different from adding loop extrusion, since the compartment profile autocorrelation is insensitive to reduced compartmental interaction, while compartment mixing by loop extrusion has the distinct effect of leading to slower decay.
Fig. S5. Effect of loop extrusion factor speed, parameter sweep. TAD averages (A), example configurations (B), compartment profiles (C), contact probability scaling P(s), anchored at 100 kb (D), compartment profile autocorrelation (E), and TAD and compartment strength (F) for varying loop extrusion factor speed, including static loops and absence of loops. Parameters other than LEF speed are as in the corresponding main figures. For TAD averages we chose sections from contact maps that are three times the size of each TAD, rescaled them to 60x60 maps using linear interpolation and aggregated them across a given set of TADs. For plain averages we selected TADs with a narrow size range (90-110 monomers and 270-330 monomers) since otherwise the decay of contact probability with increasing genomic separation s (the P(s) scaling) leads to less weight for larger TADs. For “observed over expected” (O/E) averages we first computed O/E for the entire 50Mb contact map by dividing each diagonal by its mean. We then selected TADs and aggregated them. As expected, TADs with sizes comparable to the LEF processivity λ show pronounced corner peaks, which are less pronounced for larger TADs. The enhancement of the TAD body against the background increases with LEF speed for all TAD sizes.
Fig. S6. Cartoon representation of the importance of LEF speed compared to the speed of polymer dynamics. (A) When LEF dynamics are slow compared to polymer diffusion, loops have time to equilibrate while LEFs process along the fiber. (B) When LEF dynamics are fast compared to polymer diffusion there is less time to diffuse apart for the polymer loci that have been juxtaposed by the passage of an LEF. In Hi-C maps there will thus, on average, be more ‘memory’ of the presence of LEFs at loci where loops have passed by. In the ensemble average this leads to more pronounced TAD bodies. In the schematics of the aggregated contact maps (right) the decay of contact probability P(s) with increasing linear separation (P(s) scaling) is suppressed for simplicity. 21
Fig. S7. Hi-C maps from simulations for different degrees of chain passing (parameterized by Erep, the repulsive part of the monomer interaction potential), with and without loop extrusion. Other parameter are as in our reference case in the main text.
Fig. S8. Volume densities of simulated chromatin fiber, parameter sweep. Densities are measured in particles per unit volume, where the length unit is the particle diameter (or, equivalently, the average distance between adjacent beads in the chain). All other parameters are as in our reference case (WT) in the main text. Contact maps (A), example configurations with sizes of simulation boxes (B), compartment profiles (C), contact probability scaling anchored at 100 kb (D), compartment profile autocorrelation (E), and TAD and compartment strength (F). Changes in density are intended to reflect corresponding changes in nuclear volume (note that our simulations of 50 Mb of chromatin are performed in periodic boundary conditions). 23
Fig. S9. Loop extrusion factor residence time, or processivity λ, parameter sweep. All other parameters are as in our reference case (WT) in the main text. From top to bottom: Contact maps (average loop lengths and fiber coverage with loops are given below the contact maps). Example configurations in periodic boundary conditions and in extended coordinates (A-type chromatin in red, B-type in blue, LEFs in yellow for extended coordinates). Compartment profiles. Contact probability scaling P(s), anchored at 100 kb. Compartment profile autocorrelation. Strength of TADs (TAD score) and compartmentalization (COMP score). Note the non-monotonic dependence of TAD strength and compartmentalization on the processivity λ: for large enough λ LEFs get stalled while turnover rate keeps decreasing, which gives the fiber time to re-equilibrate and re-compartmentalize after passage of an LEF. 24
Fig. S10. Comparison between simulations in periodic boundary conditions (same as Fig. 2A) and in spherical confinement. Shown are contact maps, compartment profiles, contact probability scaling P(s) anchored at 100 kb, and compartment profile autocorrelation as well as 3D views of representative conformations. The main effect of spherical confinement is to limit the drop in P(s) (and thereby a visually more striking compartmentalization in spherical confinement). This is, however, a finite size effect: Simulations of systems much larger than our 50 Mb would take place in larger volumes and thereby allow for a more pronounced drop in P(s) also in spherical confinement. Note that in periodic boundary conditions phase boundaries between A and B chromatin (red and blue) are parallel to the box faces, which is an effect of forcing the up/down, left/right, front/back faces of the simulation volume to be identical. Despite these differences (limited P(s) drop and favored phase boundary orientations) the impact of loop extrusion on compartmentalization, as measured by the ratio of COMP score without/with LEFs, is very similar in periodic boundary conditions and spherical confinement.