Supplemental Information Platinum-decorated ... - Caltech Authors
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I, the 15-mer library (plus flanking regions) and PTC are shown. ... of intron 6 retained in transcripts containing the selected and control ISS ... Figure S7. ... frequency of all 4-6-nt n-mers in the enriched sample set (NES) vs. ...... Edge weight
Bold and underlined=0.7-1.0; underlined=0.4-0.7; regular=0.0-. 0.4. ..... 0.242. 0.110. 0.188. 0.377 0.159 0.133 0.128. 21333233-R1. 0.095. 0.049 ... The percent of the standard deviation divided by the average value and the percentage of.
shown as a tic-tac-toe game, where each player has nine unique. DNA origami ..... releasing the previously bound corner tile and integrating itself into the array.
relationship between the agreeableness domain and the revised SC (a), the relationship .... the ticket and had to replace it, they would not go or buy a new one2.
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1Department of Chemistry, University at Buffalo-The State University of New York, Buffalo, ... obtained from Spectrum Chemical Mfg. Corp (Gardena, CA).
RDB. 2818. MYC-MGA2 in YEPlac181. S. Jentsch. RDB. 2819. GAL-MYC-SPT23-HA in YIPlac211. S. Jentsch. RDB. 1937. GAL-FLAG-SPT23-HA in YEPlac181.
20 Shibaura Institute of Technology, Saitama, Saitama, 337-8570, Japan. 21 Space ... 35 California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA.
[email protected]. Wayne Kreider. Center for Industrial and Medical Ultrasound. Applied Physics Laboratory. University of Washington. ABSTRACT.
DESCRIPTION OF THE BUILDING. The San Diego Gas and Electric Building is located in the block between lst and 2nd and Ash and A Streets in San Diego. It.
mid-infrared domain for future space-based missions like DARWIN/TPF. Key words. ... facilities, like the ESO's VLT-Planet Finder (Mouillet et al. 2003).
I thank the author of CMacTeX, Thomas Kiffe, for his swift personal attention to my inquiries ... can be transformed into an implementation in a standard programming language, as well as a ...... IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1999.
Alfred A. Noyes Laboratory of Chemical Physics,1 California I nslitute of Technology,. Pasadena, California 91109. (Received 15 March 1968). A theoretical ... waves k and k+q, (k+ql V[ k), depends not only on (1 but also on k.5 ..... The effect of.
JOURNAL OF THE ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES. VOLUME 39. Effective ..... ova uw. -1.406715. 2.674331(-2). 1.317695(-2). -2.996639. -4.474937. -2.535815.
Supplemental Information Platinum-decorated ... - Caltech Authors
Supplemental Information Platinum-decorated Carbon Nanotubes for Hydrogen Oxidation and Proton Reduction in Solid Acid Electrochemical Cells V. Sara Thoia, Robert E. Usiskin a, and Sossina. M. Hailea
Figure S1. Schematic of the electrospray apparatus.1
Figure S2. TGA profiles of 30 (red) and 46 wt% (black) Pt-CNTs under a flow of air, Ar, and 2.04% H2 bal at 200 mL min-1 and a heating rate of 10 °C min-1. The negligible mass change (< 1%) upon switched from oxidizing to reducing atmosphere indicates there is negligible formation of PtOx.
Figure S3. Cross-sectional SEM analysis of a) layered-composite and b) co-sprayed composite of 30 wt% Pt-CNT-CsH2PO4 from Strategies 1 and 2, respectively, illustrated in Scheme 2 in the main text. The straw-like layer is the carbon paper electrode and the thin white layer is the CsH2PO4-based electrode.
Figure S4. Symmetric cell impedance measurements of electrosprayed commercial CNTs (as received). Measurements are performed at 240 °C in a dynamic atmosphere of 0.4 atm H2O and balance H2 supplied at a gas velocity of 6 cm min-1 (inset: equivalent circuit used for fitting).
1. A. Varga, N. A. Brunelli, M. W. Louie, K. P. Giapis and S. M. Haile, J. Mater. Chem., 2010, 20, 6309.