Supplemental Material Developmental Exposure to Concentrated ...
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study is evaluating an occupational exposure, indicate any co- exposures ..... testing was done in the health care center by one of the ...... Selikoff, I. J. (1979).
Early Life Exposure to Perfluoroalkyl Substances and Childhood. Metabolic Function ... Maternal PFAS plasma concentration (ng/mL) 1,645. 1,109. 536. PFOA.
Supplemental Material, Table S1. Sequences of primers used for qRT-PCR. Forward primer. Reverse primer. ACAA2. AAGCCGCTAACGAGGCTGGC.
For all the other luciferase assays, H1299 cells were seeded in 24-well ... after transfection with Dual-Luciferase Reporter Assay System (Promega, # E1910).
onse rates, B. er-response ng FR25 bas ported as gro e of statistic . Run rates, times (E) fo seline sessio oup mean ± cal analyses. C. FR comp or mice expo ons.
Supplemental Material
Developmental Exposure to Concentrated Ambient Particles and Preference for Immediate Reward in Mice Joshua L. Allen,1 Katherine Conrad,1 Günter Oberdörster,1 Carl J. Johnston,2 Brianna Sleezer,1 and Deborah A. Cory-Slechta1 1
Department of Environmental Medicine, and 2Department of Pediatrics, University of
Rochester School of Medicine, Rochester, New York, USA Table of Contents: Page 2:
Figure S1: Baseline FR25 data
Page 3:
Figure S2: Spontaneous locomotor activity data
Page 4:
Table S1: Summary of statistical main effects and interactions for baseline FR25 data and FR waiting-for-reward data
Page 5:
Table S2: Estimate of inhaled dose
Correction In the manuscript originally published online, an author was omitted. Carl J. Johnston and his affiliation have been added here.
Figure S1. S A. Respo onse rates, B.. Run rates, C. FR comppletion time, D. Post-reinnforcement ppause times (D)), and E. Inter-response times (E) fo or mice expoosed to CAPS S in postnataal, adult, or bboth exposuree period durin ng FR25 basseline sessio ons. Five inddividual sessiions were coombined intoo a single daata point. Rep ported as gro oup mean ± SE, n = 7-8//treatment ggroup. Labelss above the x axis indiccate outcome of statisticcal analyses.
B 1200
Vertical Counts
Ambulatory Counts
10000 Session
8000 1
Figure S2. Horizontal and vertical spontaneous activity from 2 sessions from mice exposed to CAPS or filtered air in postnatal, adult, or both exposure periods. Data acquired for 2 days following cessation of final FR 25 training/baseline session. Reported as group mean ± SE, n = 7-8/treatment group. A. Ambulatory (horizontal movement) activity across sessions. B. Vertical (rearing) activity across sessions. Labels above the x axis indicate outcome of statistical analyses.
Table S1: Summary of two-factor repeated measures ANOVA results for FR and waiting behavior collected from FR baseline performance and FR waiting-for-reward sessions. P