Supplementary Card Application Form - EastWest Bank

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Jun 30, 2017 - EASTWEST SUPPLEMENTARY CARD APPLICATION FORM ... Company/Business Address ... Company/Business/Phone Numb
Share your privileges and get rewarded Nothing beats sharing your privileges with the people who matter most. Give your loved ones EastWest Supplementary Cards and receive a cash credit for every approved card*. *Cash credit varies depending on card type. Maximum of two (2) newly approved Supplementary Cards. Promo period is from July 1 to December 31, 2017. Terms and conditions apply. Visit for more details. Per DTI-FTEB Permit No. 7764, Series of 2017.

EASTWEST SUPPLEMENTARY CARD APPLICATION FORM Please ensure to fill-out all fields in this form.

Submit a completely filled-out EastWest Supplementary Card Application Form together with a photocopy of one (1) valid ID with picture and signature of the Supplementary Card Applicant [e.g., Company ID, Driver's License, Passport, Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) ID, SSS ID, BIR ID, School ID, etc.] through any of the following: • E-mail: [email protected]

• Fax: (02) 830-8950

Upon approval, your EastWest Supplementary Card will be delivered to your billing address on record.


Credit Card Number

Full Name First





Full Name Middle

If not applicable, please write N/A.

Source of Funds Salary/Benefits Allowances Business Income

Remittance Retirement/Separation Others ________________

No. of Years with Present Employer/ Business

Position/Job Title


Name to appear on Card (Must not exceed 19 characters including spaces)

Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY)

Place of Birth

X X-X X X X-


Important note: Must be at least 13 years old if related to the Principal Cardholder within second degree of consanguinity. If not related, Supplementary Card Applicant must be at least 16 years old.


(Please indicate the first 6 digits and last 4 digits of your EastWest Credit Card number.)


Employment Self-Employed Government Private

Retired Others ___________________

Nature of Work/Business

Male Female

Company/Business Name

Citizenship/Nationality Filipino



Company/Business Address

Relationship to Principal Cardholder Spouse Parent

Son/Daughter Parent-in-Law

Brother/Sister Other





Present/Home Address No.





Gross Annual Income

Tax Identification Number (TIN)


(include local/extension and if provincial, include area code)


Zip Code

Permanent Address No.

Zip Code

Company/Business/Phone Number


Please check if same as Present/Home Address Village/Brgy/Municipality

Monthly Sub-limit*(optional) Php (Unless otherwise indicated, the default monthly sub-limit is 100% of the Principal Cardholder’s credit limit.) City/Province

Home Phone Number

(if provincial, include area code)

Zip Code

Mobile Phone Number

*The assigned monthly sub-limit on the EastWest Supplementary Card (”Supplementary Card”) is not separate from and forms part of the Principal Cardholder’s credit limit. Minimum monthly sub-limit for Supplementary Cards is Php2,500, except for EastWest EveryDay MasterCard with minimum monthly sub-limit of Php10,000. The assigned sub-limit is the same every month even if the Supplementary Card transactions in previous months are not paid in full, for as long as the Principal Cardholder has an available credit limit.

AGREEMENT I/We hereby certify that all information and documents given in this application are complete, true and correct and that my/our signature/s herein is/are genuine. Disclosure and Sharing of Information a. Processing of my application I/We hereby authorize EastWest, any of its offices, branches, subsidiaries, affiliates, agents and representatives and third parties, to conduct random verification with the BIR, any other appropriate government agency or third party including banks and financial institutions to establish the authenticity of the information I/we declared and the documents I/we submitted in relation to my/our application as it may be necessary for the processing and evaluation of my/our application and I/we hereby waive any rights on the confidentiality of my/our income information as required by BSP Circular 622, as amended by BSP Circular 855. I/We further consent and authorize the disclosure of information pursuant to Republic Act No. 10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012, its Implementing Rules and Regulations, and other rules and regulations relating to data privacy. b. Account Maintenance and Servicing I/We hereby authorize the transfer, disclosure and communication of EastWest of any information relating to my/our account/s with EastWest together with all of the documents submitted for this application to any of its offices, branches, subsidiaries, affiliates, agents and representatives of EastWest and third parties for application processing, data processing/storage, customer satisfaction surveys, and for any other purpose as EastWest may deem appropriate, and as may be required by law or regulation. I/We hereby also authorize the regular submission and disclosure to any and all credit information service providers, such as, but not limited to, Credit Card Association of the Philippines, Credit Information Corporation, BSP, Anti-Money Laundering Council, Banker's Association of the Philippines, any information, whether positive or negative, relating to my/our basic credit data (as defined under R.A. No 9510) with EastWest, as well as any update or correction thereof. The foregoing constitutes my/our written consent for any such submission and disclosure of information relating to my/our account/s for the purpose indicated above and under applicable laws, rules and regulations. I/We agree to hold EastWest free and harmless from any and all liabilities that may arise from any transfer, disclosure or storage of information relating to my/our account/s. c. Marketing and Sales Offers I/We hereby authorize the transfer, disclosure and communication of EastWest of any information relating to my/our account/s with EastWest together with all of the documents submitted for this application to any of its offices, branches, subsidiaries, affiliates, agents and representatives of EastWest and third parties for product and service offers to be made to me/us through mail/e-mail/fax/SMS or telephone and for any other purpose as EastWest may deem appropriate, unless I/we expressly notify EastWest otherwise through the following contact information: Customer Service: (02) 888-1700 E-mail: [email protected] I/We understand that this application is subject to EastWest's credit policies and procedures. I/We understand and agree that should my/our credit card application be approved, my/our card may be delivered activated subject to EastWest’s activation policy and guidelines. In case of disapproval of my/our application, I/we understand that EastWest is under no obligation to disclose the reason/s for such disapproval unless

required by law or regulation. The accomplished application form and requirement/s I/we submitted become the property of EastWest and EastWest is under no obligation to return the said documents to me/us regardless of the outcome of the application. By signing below, I/we agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions Governing the Issuance and Use of EastWest Credit Cards as found in the Bank's website. I/We also agree to be bound by any and all amendments thereto, as well as all laws, rules, regulations and official issuances applicable to EastWest which may hereinafter be issued, as well as such other terms and conditions governing the use of other facilities, benefits, products or services which shall be made available to me/us. I/We also agree that EastWest may change any of the provisions in its Terms and Conditions and the fees and charges for its products and/or services from time to time and I/we agree to be notified of such changes through notice sent to me/us through any of the following means, at the discretion of EastWest unless I/we request otherwise: (i) mailed and/or e-mailed notices (sent to my/our mailing or e-mail addresses indicated in EastWest's records), (ii) notices posted at EastWest's branches or (iii) notices in its website. PRINCIPAL CARDHOLDER’S SIGNATURE


 

 

Signature Over Printed Name


Signature Over Printed Name


By signing in this section, I/we agree that this Application Form may also serve as my/our application for other products of EastWest, such as, but not limited to home loan, auto loan, personal loan, EEL, among others, as I/we may subsequently request from EastWest or if I/we are deemed qualified by EastWest. I/We undertake to submit additional documents as may be required by EastWest for the processing of my/our application. I/We understand that the issuance of additional product/s of EastWest shall be subject to credit evaluation and the approval shall be subject to the discretion of EastWest and that the availment of additional products is my/our option. I/We understand that EastWest can rely on the authority/ies given under this section unless I/we explicitly revoke the same. PRINCIPAL CARDHOLDER’S SIGNATURE


 

 

Signature Over Printed Name


Signature Over Printed Name




SOURCE CODE EWB-2017.07.80.01

Supplementary Card Promo Terms and Conditions 1.

The promo is open to all EastWest Principal Credit Cardholders (”Principal Cardholder”) in good credit standing*. First Mastercard Cardholders and Corporate Cardholders are not qualified to join the promo.


Promo period is from July 1 to December 31, 2017.


To join, the Principal Cardholder must nominate a Supplementary Cardholder. The Principal Cardholder may nominate a maximum of two (2) Supplementary Cardholders within the promo period. Supplementary Card Applicants must be at least 13 years old for relatives up to the 2nd degree of consanguinity and affinity and at least 16 years old for non-relatives.


The Principal Cardholder must submit a completely filled-out and signed EastWest Supplementary Card Application Form together with a photocopy of one (1) valid ID with picture and signature of the Supplementary Card Applicant [e.g., Company ID, Driver’s License, Passport, Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) ID, SSS ID, BIR ID, School ID, etc.] via e-mail to [email protected] or fax to (02) 830-8950. To request for an additional EastWest Supplementary Card Application Form, simply call EastWest’s 24-Hour Customer Service at (02) 8881700 or visit to access the downloadable form.


The EastWest Supplementary Card Application Form and photocopy of a valid ID of the Supplementary Card Applicant must be received within the promo period. Only completely filled-out and signed application forms with corresponding documentary requirements will be processed.


To qualify for the cash credit, the Supplementary Cardholder must make a purchase at any merchant using his/her newly approved Supplementary Card within ninety (90) days from the date of card issuance. Spend amount may be single or accumulated. Cash advance availments, Insta-Cash, Balance Transfer, Convert-to-Installment, Quick Bills transactions, auto-charged insurance premiums, fees and charges are not considered qualified purchases for the promo. CASH CREDIT PER EASTWEST CREDIT CARD TYPE





Practical Mastercard, Classic Visa/Mastercard Gold Visa/Mastercard, Hyundai Mastercard, Dolce Vita Titanium Mastercard, EveryDay Titanium Mastercard Platinum Visa/Mastercard






Principal Cardholder must be in good credit standing throughout the promo period until the posting of the cash credit/s.


The cash credit will be posted on the Principal Cardholder’s Statement of Account (SOA) on the next billing cycle after the newly approved Supplementary Card has reached the purchase requirement.


The Principal Cardholder understands and agrees that, as a condition for receiving the cash credit under this Program, the Supplementary Cardholder shall retain his/her EastWest Credit Card until its next anniversary date. In the event that the Principal Cardholder cancels his/her EastWest Supplementary Card prior to its next anniversary date, the Principal Cardholder shall be charged through his/her EastWest Credit Card an amount not exceeding the value of the cash credit awarded.

10. The issuance and use of the Supplementary Card is subject to the Bank’s credit policies and the Terms and Conditions Governing the Issuance and Use of EastWest Credit Cards. 11. Disputes in respect of the Principal Cardholder’s eligibility, coverage of the promo dates, fulfillment, etc., shall be resolved by EastWest at its sole discretion with prior approval from DTI. *Cardholders in good credit standing are those whose accounts are not delinquent, not under investigation due to suspected fraudulent activities, those whose EastWest Credit Cards are not reported lost or stolen and those who have not, otherwise, violated any of the Terms and Conditions Governing the Issuance and Use of EastWest Credit Cards.

Per DTI-FTEB Permit No. 7764, Series of 2017. EastWest is regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. For inquiries or complaints, you may call EastWest’s 24-Hour Customer Service at (02) 888-1700 or e-mail cards@eastwestbanker. Similarly, you may contact the BSP Financial Consumer Protection Department at (02) 708-7087.