Supplementary data S4. Maximum likelihood (ML) phylogenies of 11 vesicomyid mitochondrial genes. Five venerid species (Meretrix lusoria, Meretrix meretrix, Meretrix petechialis, Paphia euglypta, and Venerupis philippinarum) served as an outgroup. Numbers at the bipartitions indicate the ML bootstrap supports (left) and Bayesian posterior probabilities (right). “-” indicates that the Bayesian tree did not recover the bipartition. Scale bars indicate the rate of internal nodes except for the outgroup. Orange boxes indicate the clades that include Akebiconcha kawamurai, Calyptogena laubieri, Phreagena kilmeri, Phreagena okutanii, and Phreagena soyoae. Green boxes indicate the clades that include Calyptogena fausta and Calyptogena pacifica. Blue boxes indicate the clades that include Abyssogena mariana and Abyssogena phaseoliformis.
Supplementary data S5. Maximum likelihood (ML) phylogenies of eight vesicomyid symbiont genes. The symbiont of the vent mussel Bathymodiolus septemdierum was used as an outgroup. Numbers at the bipartitions indicate ML bootstrap supports (left) and Bayesian posterior probabilities (right). “-” indicates that the Bayesian tree did not recover the bipartition. Scale bars indicate the rate of internal nodes, except for the outgroup Orange boxes indicate the clades that include the symbionts of Akebiconcha kawamurai, Calyptogena laubieri, Phreagena kilmeri, Phreagena okutanii, and Phreagena soyoae. Green boxes indicate the clades that include the symbionts of Calyptogena fausta, Calyptogena nautilei, Calyptogena pacifica, and Pliocardia stearnsii. Yellow boxes indicate the clades that include the symbionts of Abyssogena mariana and Isorropodon fossajaponicum.