A typical experiment would include: day 0, transfection of an. siRNA designed to reduce ..... Transient transfection of Flag/HA-AGO plasmids into MCF7 cells.
Supplementary Material for
Involvement of Argonaute Proteins in Gene Silencing and Activation by RNAs Complementary to a Noncoding Transcript at the Progesterone Receptor (PR) Promoter
Yongjun Chu, Xuan Yue, Scott T. Younger, Bethany A. Janowski, and David R. Corey Departments of Pharmacology and Biochemistry, 6001 Forest Park Road, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX 75390-9041
Supplementary Figure S1. Effect of knocking down one AGO on other AGO expression in MCF7 cells. (A-D) qRT-PCR analysis of all four Argonautes following an inhibition of one Argonaute. All data were normalized to GAPDH. The transfection concentration of all used siRNAs was 25 nM. MM: an negative control RNA duplex (25 nM). Error bars represent standard deviations, calculated from three independent experiments. ***p