Supplementary Material Social dominance orientation

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.05†. -.07‡. -.05†. -.03 .03 .07‡. -.05†. -.03 .10§ .09§. Frequency of contact with higher-weight individuals. 6. Pre-medical school. 1 .24§ .23§ .14§ .28§ .10§ .11§.
Supplementary Material Social dominance orientation, dispositional empathy, and need for cognitive closure moderate the impact of empathy-skills training, but not patient contact, on medical students’ negative attitudes toward higher-weight patients Angela Meadows*, Suzanne Higgs, Sara E Burke, John F Dovidio, Rebecca M Puhl, Michelle van Ryn, Sean M Phelan* * Correspondence: Corresponding Authors Angela Meadows: [email protected] Sean M Phelan: [email protected]

Supplementary Table 2. Bivariate correlations between variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. BMI 1 -.07§ .18§ .05‡ -.03 .15§ .07§ .09§ Y1 Anti-fat attitudes 2. AFAQ-Dislike 1 .20§ .42§ .11§ -.17§ -.04† -.03 3. AFAQ-Fear of fat 1 .19§ .02 -.02 -.00 -.01 4. AFAQ-Willpower 1 .10§ -.03 .02 .02 5. IAT-Weight 1 -.05† .01 -.00 Frequency of contact with higher-weight individuals 6. Pre-medical school 1 .24§ .23§ 7. Staff, faculty, interns 1 .68§ 8. Medical students 1 9. Patients Favorability of contact with higher-weight individuals 10. Pre-medical school 11. Staff, faculty, interns 12. Medical students 13. Patients Y1 Individual difference variables 14. Elitism 15. Egalitarianism 16. Cognitive empathy 17. Emotional empathy 18. NFC – Seizing 19. NFC - Freezing 20. Social desirability responding Perspective-taking skills training 21. Hours of training Y4 Anti-fat attitudes 22. AFAQ-Dislike 23. Negative attitudes toward higher-weight patients AFAQ, Anti-fat Attitudes Questionnaire; IAT, Implicit Association Test; NFC, Need for closure † p < .05 ‡ p < .01 § p < .001

9 -.01

10 .05‡

11 .00

12 .03

13 -.01

14 .03

15 -.06‡

16 -.03

17 -.06‡

18 -.04‡

19 .02

20 -.06‡

21 -.01

22 -.05‡

23 -.06§

.00 .03† .05‡ .03

-.44§ -.11§ -.25§ -.07‡

-.22§ -.04‡ -.11§ -.05†

-.23§ -.05‡ -.11§ -.06†

-.25§ -.08§ -.17§ -.09§

.31§ .07§ .26§ .05†

-.24§ -.04† -.29§ -.07‡

-.25§ -.03§ -.18§ -.05†

-.34§ -.01 -.24§ -.03

.05‡ .12§ .05‡ .03

.20§ .09§ .17§ .07‡

-.25§ -.11§ -.23§ -.05†

-.00 .03 -.04† -.03

.56§ .15§ .32§ .10§

.45§ .14§ .35§ .09§

.14§ .20§ .10§ 1

.28§ .24§ .09§ .03

.10§ .12§ .09§ .09§

.11§ .12§ .10§ .08§

.12§ .13§ .13§ .01

-.05‡ .00 .02 -.04†

.02 -.07§ -.07§ .00

.12§ .03 .02 .06§

.09§ -.01 -.00 .03

-.08§ -.05‡ -.05‡ -.05‡

-.12§ -.04‡ -.04† -.05‡

.03 -.01 -.01 -.02

.03 .08§ .06§ .01

-.15§ -.08§ -.05‡ -.03

-.15§ -.09§ -.08§ -.03


.25§ 1

.27§ .82§ 1

.30§ .65§ .65§ 1

-.14§ -.12§ -.12§ -.12§

.16§ .10§ .08† .11§

.17§ .11§ .13§ .13§

.25§ .15§ .17§ .17§

-.07§ -.03 -.03† -.06‡

-.17§ -.12§ -.14§ -.13§

.19§ .14§ .14§ .16§

.02 .06‡ .05‡ .07§

-.33§ -.29§ -.31§ -.38§

-.31§ -.29§ -.30§ -.45§


-.44§ 1

-.24§ .29§ 1

-.36§ .37§ .47§ 1

.09§ -.02 -.08§ .00 1

.25§ -.22§ -.58§ -.33§ .25§ 1

-.16§ .17§ .40§ .33§ -.04† -.34§ 1

.03 -.02 .09§ .05‡ -.00 -.05‡ .01

.23§ -.20§ -.19§ -.27§ .05‡ .15§ -.21§

.21§ -.22§ -.20§ -.28§ .06§ .18§ -.23§





.69§ 1