Supplementary Material

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prospective randomized study of megestrol acetate and ibuprofen in gastrointestinal cancer patients with weight loss. Br J Cancer 1999; 79 (3-4): 495-500. 26.

Pharmacoeconomics 2007; 25 (5): Supplementary Material


1170-7690/07/005-0001/$44.95/0 © 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

Supplementary Material Health Utilities Using the EQ-5D in Studies of Cancer A. Simon Pickard,1,2 Caitlyn T. Wilke,1 Hsiang-Wen Lin1 and Andrew Lloyd3 1 College of Pharmacy, Center for Pharmacoeconomic Research & Departments of Pharmacy Practice and Pharmacy Administration, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA 2

Midwest Center for Health Services and Policy Research, Hines VA Hospital, Hines, Illinois, USA


United BioSource Corporation, Health Care Analytics Group, London, UK

Supplementary Material This supplementary material contains the figures referred to in the full version of this article, which can be found at


Figure 1: Summary of Article Retrieval

Articles Identified by Medline/Embase Search (n = 57) Articles from Authors’ Libraries (n = 7 Articles) Total articles identified by initial search (n = 64)

Full-text articles included for screening (n = 46)

Articles meeting inclusion criteria (n = 34)

Articles reporting EQ-5D scores (n = 31) • Summary index score (n = 26) • Visual analog scale (n = 17) • % problems by dimension (n = 6)

Articles reporting EQ-5D psychometrics (n = 12)


Figure 2: Number of cancer-related published studies in the last decade that have reported patients’ HR-QOL using the EQ-5D; data presented according to publication year ((Author: wording ok?)) 8

Number of Studies Published











Total Reported Studies



2000 2001 2002 Publication Year

EQ-5D Scores Reported




Psychometrics Reported

B BR RE E: :Ba 1s se t d li n ay e, P BR of 3 ret rd re BR E: 3 F atm A BR E: wk C en E 6 p cy t [ BR : 1 mo ost cle 16] E 2 p H [ BR : 1 mo ost DC 16] E: 8 m po HD [1 24 o st C 6] G m pos HD [16 I-L o t C ] IV GI- GI- po HD [1 : B Co Co st C 6] as Re Re HD [16 : G elin : N Sto C [1 ] I-L e o m 6 IV pr St a ] G : P e-s om [20 I-L o ur a ] IV st 1 ge [20 : P /2 ry ] os m [24 t6 o ] m [24 P o ] G RO [24 I-E ] G SO [30 I ] G -ST [4 I-C O 1] G GE oR [4 E G N: N: H e 1] EN P Lo dN [4 : P re- w R k 1] os tre is [41 t- atm k ] tre e [4 at nt 1] m [4 en 3 t[ ] 43 ]

% in each Category


Figure 3: Distribution of responses to Mobility dimension of EQ-5D

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

No Problems Some problems Severe problems Any Problems (Some + Severe)

B BR R E E: :Ba 1s se t d lin ay e, P BR of 3 ret r re BR E: 3 d F atm A B R E: wk C en E 6 p cy t [ BR : 1 mo ost cle 16] E 2 p H [ BR : 1 mo ost DC 16] E: 8 m po HD [1 24 o st C 6] G m pos HD [16 I-L o t C ] IV GI- GI- po HD [1 : B Co Co st C 6] as Re Re HD [16 : G elin : N Sto C [1 ] I-L e o m 6 IV pr St a ] G : P e-s om [20 I-L o ur a ] IV st 1 ge [20 : P /2 ry ] os m [24 t6 o ] m [24 PR o [ ] G O 24 I-E ] G SO [30 I ] G -ST [4 I-C O 1] G GE oR [4 E G N: N: H e 1] EN P Lo dN [4 : P re- w R k 1] os tre is [41 t- atm k ] tre e [4 at nt 1] m [4 en 3 t[ ] 43 ] % in each Category


Figure 4: Distribution of responses to Self Care dimension of EQ-5D

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

No Problems Some problems Severe problems Any Problems (Some + Severe)

B BR RE E: :Ba 1s se t d lin ay e, P B R of 3 ret r re BR E: 3 d F atm A BR E: wk C en E 6 p cy t [ BR : 1 mo ost cle 16] E 2 p H [ BR : 1 mo ost DC 16] E: 8 m po HD [1 24 o st C 6] G m pos HD [16 I-L o C IV GI- GI- po t H [1 ] D C C : B o o st C 6] as Re Re HD [1 6 G elin : N : St C [ ] I- L e o o m 1 6 IV pr S a ] G : P e-s tom [20 I-L o u a ] IV s t r g e [2 : P 1/2 ry 0] os m [24 t6 o ] m [2 4 P o ] G R O [2 4 I-E ] G S O [3 0 I G -ST [4 ] I- C O 1 ] G GE oR [4 G EN: N: H e 1] EN P Lo d [4 : P re- w Nk 1] os tre Ris [41 t- a t m k ] tre e [4 at nt 1] m [4 en 3 t[ ] 43 ]

% in each Category


Figure 5: Distribution of responses to Usual Activities dimension of EQ-5D

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

No Problems Some problems Severe problems Any Problems (Some + Severe)

B BR RE E: :Ba 1 s se t d lin ay e, P BR of 3 ret r re BR E: 3 d F atm A BR E: wk C en 6 p cy t [ E BR : 1 mo ost cle 16] E 2 p H [ BR : 1 mo ost DC 16] E: 8 m po HD [1 24 o st C 6] G m pos HD [16 I-L o t C ] G IV GI- I- po HD [1 C C : B o o st C 6] as Re Re HD [16 : : G elin N Sto C [1 ] I-L e o m 6 IV pr St a ] G : P e-s om [20 I-L o ur a ] IV st 1 ge [20 : P /2 ry ] os m [24 t6 o ] m [24 PR o [ ] G O 24 I-E ] G SO [30 I ] G -ST [4 I-C O 1] oR [4 G GE E G N: N: H e 1] EN P Lo dN [4 : P re- w R k 1] os tre is [41 t- atm k ] tre e [4 at nt 1] m [4 en 3 t[ ] 43 ]

% in each Category


Figure 6: Distribution of responses to Pain/Discomfort dimension of EQ-5D

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

No Problems Some problems Severe problems Any Problems (Some + Severe)

B BR RE E: :Ba 1s se t d lin ay e, P BR of 3 ret r re BR E: 3 d F atm A BR E: wk C en E: 6 m po cyc t [1 BR 1 o st le 6] E 2 p H [ BR : 1 mo ost DC 16] E: 8 m po HD [1 24 o st C 6] G m pos HD [16 I-L o t C ] IV GI- GI- po HD [1 : B Co Co st C 6] as Re Re HD [16 : G elin : N Sto C [1 ] I- L e o m 6 IV pr St a ] G : P e-s om [20 I-L o u r a ] IV st 1 ge [20 : P /2 r y ] os m [24 t6 o ] m [24 P o ] G RO [24 I- E ] G SO [30 I ] G -ST [4 I-C O 1] G GE o R [4 E G N: N: H e 1] EN P Lo dN [4 : P re- w R k 1] os tre is [41 t- atm k ] tre e [4 at nt 1] m [4 en 3 t[ ] 43 ]

% in each Category


Figure 7: Distribution of responses to Anxiety/Depression dimension of EQ-5D

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

No Problems Some problems Severe problems Any Problems (Some + Severe)


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