(no character or print folders). 1 red, 1 yellow, and 1 green ... 1 -70 pg spiral. Headphones (No Ear Buds) ... Supply L
Arp Elementary School Supply Lists 2017-2018 Life Skills Plastic Pencil Box 4 black and white composition journals 1 package of large Expo dry erase markers 1 package of small Expo dry erase markers 1 package of (pink-not pencil toppers) erasers 2 boxes of facial tissue (i.e. Kleenex) 1 package of glue sticks (i.e. Elmer's) 1 bottle of white glue (i.e. Elmer's) 1 package of highlighters 1 package of snack size plastic bags that zip or seal (i.e. Ziploc) 1 package of quart size plastic bags (i.e. Ziploc) 1 pair of rounded tip scissors PreK Headphones (No Ear Buds) Backpack lrg. enough for folder to fit (no rollers) 2 boxes Kleenex 6 boxes of Crayola Crayons Friskars scissors for kids (metal, round tips) 2 bottles White Elmer's school glue 24 washable glue sticks 1 box qt. size Ziploc bags 1 box gallon size Ziploc bags 2 plastic blue folders with brads 2 plastic red folders with brads 1pkg construction paper 1 play-doh 4oz.can, Assorted colors 4/set Nap mat Blanket/towel for nap extra set of clothes to keep in classroom Boys only: 1 pkg brown or white paper sacks & 1 pkg small paper plates (plain and no Styrofoam) Girls only: Cotton balls & 1 pkg of large paper plates (plain and no Styrofoam)
Kindergarten Supplies List 2017-2018 Headphones (No Ear Buds) 1 Backpack (no rollers) FISKARS scissors (metal, round tips) 6 boxes 24 ct CRAYOLA crayons 2 boxes 8 ct CRAYOLA markers (thick tips) 2 bottles Elmer's White washable School Glue 4 pink block erasers 2 boxes Kleenex 2 purple plastic folders w/brads and pockets (no character or print folders) 1 red, 1 yellow, and 1 green plastic folder w/brads and pockets 2pkg #2 pencils 1 pkg (24ct) sheet protectors 8 expo dry erase markers 8 glue sticks boys- 3 pkg Clorox wipes girls- 1 pkg gallon plastic bags 1 pkg quart size plastic bags *Towel or blanket that can fit in their backpack for nap time First Grade 1 Backpack (NO ROLLERS) 1 pr. FISKAR scissors 2 purple plastic folders (pockets and brads) 1 yellow and 1 blue folder (pockets and brads) 2 pkg. 24 pencils 8 Elmer’s glue sticks 4 boxes (24) crayola crayons 2 boxes Kleenex 2 large pink erasers 4 fine point expo dry erase markers 1 pkg. highlighers (no gel) 1 -70 pg spiral Headphones (No Ear Buds) Girls: fine point crayola markers Boys: 1 box thick tip crayola markers
Arp Elementary School Supply Lists 2017-2018 2nd Grade Headphones Plastic school box 1 Backpack (NO ROLLERS) 2 boxes of Kleenex 2 boxes of crayons (16 or 24 ct) 1 box of markers (wide or fat tip) Scissors for kids 4 pkgs of 12 (#2) Ticonderoga pencils 2 pink erasers 12 glue sticks 2 composition/spiral notebooks wide ruled 4 plastic folders w/brads and pockets (1 each: red, yellow, blue and purple) 4 dry erase markers (preferably Expo) Girls: 1 bottle of hand sanitizer; 1 pkg manila paper (11x18) Boys: 1 pkg. gallon size bags; 1 pkg construction paper (9x12) 3rd Grade Please put name on these items: Headphones (for computer) 1 Backpack (NO ROLLERS) 1 zippered pouch for supplies Fiskars pointed scissors 3 pkgs Crayola colored pencils Community items- please do not put name them: 5 composition notebooks 4 folders w/pockets and brads (1 each: yellow, red, green & blue) 2 purple plastic folders with pockets/brads 2 pkgs. wide-ruled notebook paper 3 pkgs. 24 ct. #2 pencils 4 glue sticks 3 large pink erasers 1 pkg. expo fine point dry erase markers (black) 1 pkg. sticky notes 2 highlighters 1 pkg. index cards 1 pkg. manila paper 2 boxes of Kleenex 1 bottle hand sanitizer 1 pkg. disinfecting wipes
4th Grade (1) pkg page protectors (4) composition notebooks (2) pkgs. notebook paper (2) glue sticks (1)bottle of Elmer’s glue (1) pkg of colored construction paper size 12x18 (2) plastic folder with brads and pockets for daily folders (3) Pocket folders with brads (1) box of kleenex PUT NAME ON THESE ITEMS headphones/earbuds (required) 3 packages of 24 pencils #2- name on each pencil (1) pkg dry erase markers (asst. colors broad or narrow tip). (1) hand pencil sharpeners must fit inside pencil bag (2) large pink erasers (1) pair of scissors (2) packages of crayons, colored markers, or colored pencils (1) zippered pencil bag (1) 1 ½ inch 3-ring binder with pockets OPTIONAL ITEMS: (1) Clipboard (optional) 1 pkg of Sharpie Markers (optional) Pencil top erasers (optional) 5th grade 2- composition book-no wires 4- 1 in. 3 ring binder 1- red folder 1- purple folder 1- pkg. color pencils (map colors) 3- boxes pencils or Mechanical pencils Box 24 ct. Crayons 3- packages notebook paper 3- boxes Kleenex 4-glue sticks zipper pouch index cards Expo Dry Erase markers