achieving SAW in trustworthy ubicomp application software, and the runtime ..... Develop a language for specifying SAW requirements D1 and D2 based on our ...
Support for Situation-Awareness in Trustworthy Ubiquitous Computing Application Software
Stephen S. Yau, Dazhi Huang, Haishan Gong, Yisheng Yao Department of Computer Science and Engineering Arizona State University Tempe, AZ 85287-8809, USA {yau, dazhi.huang, haishan.gong, yisheng.yao}
Abstract Due to the dynamic and ephemeral nature of ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) environments, it is especially important that the application software in ubicomp environments is trustworthy. In order to have trustworthy application software in ubicomp environments, situation-awareness (SAW) in the application software is needed for enforcing flexible security policies and detecting violations of security policies. In this paper, an approach is presented to providing development and runtime support for incorporating SAW in trustworthy ubicomp application software. The development support is to provide SAW requirement specification and automated code generation for achieving SAW in trustworthy ubicomp application software, and the runtime support is for context acquisition, situation analysis, and situation-aware communication. To realize our approach, the improved Reconfigurable Context-Sensitive Middleware (RCSM) is developed for providing the above development and runtime support.
Keywords: Trustworthy ubiquitous application software, situation-awareness, Situation-Aware Interface Definition Language (SA-IDL), Situation-Aware (SA) middleware, SA security policies, development and runtime support. 1. Introduction The objective of ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) is to provide access to information and computing resources for users at any time and anywhere, and make the underlying computing and communication techniques transparent to users. Ubicomp environments can be considered as a collection of embedded, handheld, wearable, and mobile devices, all connected to each other through wireless or wired networks and acting collaboratively to perform certain tasks for users with little or no user attentions. Due to the dynamic and ephemeral nature of ubiquitous computing environments, it is especially important that the application software in ubicomp environments is trustworthy under various situations. Thus, application software running on the mobile and wearable devices in ubicomp environments often needs to be Situation-Aware (SA), i.e., the application software should have the capability of being aware of situations and adapting devices’ behavior based on situation changes. A situation is a set of contexts over a period of time that is relevant to future device actions. A context is any instantaneous, detectable, and relevant property of the environment, the system, or users, such as time, location, light intensity, available bandwidth and a user’s schedule [1]. Contexts may be sensed and extracted by a set of sensors deployed in the environment or connected to mobile devices. Situation-awareness (SAW) is essential for trustworthy ubicomp application software because it is needed for enforcing flexible security policies and detecting violations of security policies. However, incorporating SAW in
trustworthy ubicomp application software is challenging due to the severe resource constraints of ubicomp devices and the ephemeral and heterogeneous ubicomp environments. Hence, development and runtime support for SAW is needed to simplify the development and improve the performance of trustworthy ubicomp application software. In this paper, we will identify the development and runtime support for SAW in trustworthy ubicomp application software, and present our approach to providing such support using SA middleware. An example will be given to illustrate our approach. 2. An Illustrative Example Before presenting our approach, we would like to discuss the following example to show the need for SAW in trustworthy ubicomp application software and how SAW can be utilized to provide trustworthiness, especially in enforcing flexible security policies and detecting violations of security policies. Consider a Smart Classroom, in which students and instructors use their PDAs (or tablet PCs) to engage in activities, such as gaining accesses to equipment in the classroom, group discussions, and course material dissemination [2]. Some PDAs are connected to sensor units which collect context data from ambient environments. The following scenario shows some operations of ubicomp application software in Smart Classroom: i.
A door with embedded processor and sensors is used to control the access to the Smart Classroom. Sensor data is collected every second. Each person will carry an RFID tag storing the person’s identification and role (instructor/student). When a sensor on the door detects a person standing in front of the door for three seconds, the door controller checks whether the person has the permission to enter the classroom, and will open the door if permitted. The door controller can retrieve the information of the course which is going to be held or being held in the classroom from a course monitor, regarding the course time and the valid RFID list. The access control policy, “Instructors and students of a class are allowed to enter the classroom 15 minutes before their class starts or during the class” needs to be enforced by the door controller.
ii. Due to the fact that several persons may enter the classroom together, another sensor, classroom monitor, on the door is used to count the number of persons entering or leaving the classroom. The ubicomp application software in smart classroom also keeps track with different RFID signals in the classroom. When the number of persons in the classroom is greater than the number of RFID signals in the classroom, it means that at least one person without RFID tag is in the classroom, or at least one person in the classroom wearing an invalid RFID
tag. The door controller needs to identify such a violation of the access control policy in (i), and notifies the instructor that there are some persons in the classroom without proper authorization by triggering the alarm. In this example, a person can enter classroom only under a specific situation of “allow entering classroom”, defined by time, location, user’s identification and user’s action. When the situation is changed, for example passing the class time or wearing an invalid RFID, the person will not be able to enter the classroom. The alarm is triggered under the situation of “intruder in classroom”, which means that an unauthorized person entered the classroom. This example shows how SAW can be used to enforce flexible access control policies (see i), from which access decisions are dynamically changing when situation changes, and to detect violations of the access control policies (see ii) in ubicomp application software. 3. Development and Runtime Support for SAW in Trustworthy Ubicomp Application Software Trustworthy ubicomp application software usually operates with the three phases shown in Figure 1: Phase 1. Acquiring from ambient environments the relevant contexts, which constitue the situations triggering proper actions of the software. Phase 2. Recognizing situations that will trigger any
Situationtriggered Actions
SA Security Policies
Situationtriggered Actions
SA Security Policies
actions of the software. Situation Analysis
Situation Analysis
Phase 3. Triggering proper actions for enforcing SA security policies based on the current situation. In Phase 3, situation-triggered actions often need to be performed in real-time, and require proper
Context Acquisition
Context Acquisition
Trustworthy Ubicomp Application Software
Trustworthy Ubicomp Application Software
Mobile Device
Mobile Device
Figure 1. Execution process of trustworthy ubicomp application software
scheduling if multiple actions need to be triggered simultaneously. Furthermore, the situation-triggered actions in one trustworthy ubicomp application software may require spontaneously establishment of communication channels with other trustworthy ubicomp application software. This type of communication is called SA communication [3] since the establishment of communication channels is triggered under certain situations. From these three phases, besides the capability of security policy enforcement, trustworthy ubicomp application software needs to have the capabilities of context acquisition, situation analysis, SA communication and action scheduling. Due to the severe resource constraints of ubicomp devices and the dynamic changing ubicomp environments, the development and runtime support should simplify the development and improve the performance of trustworthy ubicomp application software with these capabilities, and facilitate the runtime reconfiguration of the
software to adapt to the changing ubicomp environments. Hence, the following development support for SAW in trustworthy ubicomp application software is desirable: D1. Generate specification of situations of interests and relevant contexts. D2. Generate specification of actions to be triggered with their real-time requirements under certain situations. D3. Verify SAW requirements of the software. D4. Automated code generation of the components for SAW the software. D5. Test automation for the SAW aspect of the software. The following runtime support is required for SAW in trustworthy ubicomp application software: R1. Transparent and on-demand context acquisition with well-defined interfaces for the software to retrieve contexts from various sources. R2. Situation analysis to recognize the situations of interest based on situation specifications. R3. Situation-based action triggering and scheduling to satisfy their real-time requirements. R4. SA communication for spontaneous establishment of communication channels. The above desirable development support should reduce the development effort of the software and greatly improve the reusability of the software. The above required runtime support should consume little resources, such as energy, memory, and CPU time of ubicomp devices, and allow runtime reconfiguration of SAW requirements. 4. Current State of the Art Substantial research has been done in context-aware computing in ubicomp environments, including some frameworks, toolkits and infrastructures for providing support to situation- or context-aware application development. CALAIS [4] focuses on applications accessible from mobile devices and supports acquisition of context about users and devices, but it is difficult to evolve existing applications when requirements for context acquisition and the capabilities and availabilities of sensors change. Context Toolkit [5] provides architectural support for context-aware applications, but does not provide analysis of complex situations, which may need multiple contexts over a period of time. CoolTown [6] supports applications that display contexts and services to end-users. MobiPADS [7] is a reflective middleware designed to support dynamic adaptation of context-aware services based on which application’s runtime reconfiguration is achieved. GAIA [8] provides context service, space repository, security service and other QoS for managing and interacting with active spaces. TSpaces [9] utilizes tuple spaces to store contexts and allows tuple space sharing for application software to read and write, but it ignores
the status of the devices where the application software executes, network conditions, and the surrounding environment as part of the overall context. However, none of these approaches support context discovery, SA communication and runtime modification of context- or situation-awareness requirements. We have developed a middleware, Reconfigurable Context-Sensitive Middleware (RCSM) [1, 20, 28], which provides some essential runtime and development support, including automated generation of Adaptive Object Containers (ADCs) for situation analysis, transparent context acquisition, SA communication and situation-based action triggering for SA ubicomp application software. However, it does not provide on-demand context acquisition and action scheduling, not allow runtime modifications of SAW requirements, and not support sharing situation information among multiple SA ubicomp application software. In this paper, we will present a new middleware design, which will overcome these difficulties of our RCSM [1, 20, 28]. Many access control mechanisms, such as mandatory access control (MAC) [10], discretionary access control (DAC) [11], and role-based access control (RBAC) [12], have been developed. However, the highly dynamic nature of trustworthy ubicomp application software imposes additional requirements on the security mechanisms, such as providing support of least privilege in dynamic environment, and reducing management overhead, which are not solvable by these classic access control mechanisms. In MAC, the security labels of subjects and objects are relatively static. MAC does not sufficiently address least privilege in dynamic systems and offers little support for message integrity. In DAC, whoever is authorized to access an object may do whatever with the object as he likes, including delegating the access rights to others, or using it for some purpose which may violate the system security requirements. The combination of DAC and MAC overcomes most of these difficulties, but the large management overhead makes it not suitable for trustworthy ubicomp application software. In RBAC, permissions are assigned to roles and roles are assigned to users. When the assignment of permissions to roles is relatively stable, adopting RBAC significantly reduces the management overhead. If the concept of a role is relatively unstable, as in trustworthy ubicomp application software, the assignment of permissions to roles is not as static as desired, and hence the advantage of using RBAC in its original form [12] is very limited. Recently, a general temporal RBAC (GTRBAC) [13] has been developed to incorporating temporal constraints to activate and enable roles such that more flexible policies can be specified to address least privilege and management overhead. However, other non-temporal context constraints, such as location and network bandwidth, also need to be incorporated in trustworthy ubicomp application software for specifying and managing security policies easily.
So far, several context-based access control systems [14, 15] have been developed for ubicomp applications. Covington et al [14] defined environment contexts as environment roles, and permissions are assigned to the subjects if the environment roles are evaluated as true based on the current context value. However, it is not easy to use environment roles to express the status of subjects and objects, which is often needed in access control. For example, the current access right of a user may depend on whether the user has been successfully authenticated by someone in the system. Cholweka et al [15] developed a context-sensitive access control model, in which the access rights of a subject are granted based on the actual task of the subject. These context-based access control approaches [14, 15] can be considered as special cases of our approach of SA security policy specification and enforcement, which will be presented in Section 8 of this paper, since the definition of situation is broader than the context in [14, 15]. 5. Modeling SAW in Trustworthy Ubicomp Application Software To facilitate the analysis and specification of SAW requirements of trustworthy ubicomp application software, we have developed an ontology for modeling SAW in the software. Our SAW ontology describes the essential entities for representing SAW and the relationships among these entities. The advantages of our SAW ontology are that it describes an abstract and application-independent view of SAW, and can be easily shared or extended to model SAW in different application domains. Figure 2 Action
shows the following entities in our SAW ontology:
A context has a context name and a context type.
Is a
A context value domain is defined for each context
Atomic Situation
Situation Operator
type and context operators are defined on context
Is a compose
Composite Situation
value domains.
compose Argument
Context Operator
value of
value of
An argument could be a constant, a variable of
value of Context
specific context type, or a context value at a has
particular time. •
has Context Type
A context operator is an operator used for defined on
calculating or comparing arguments involved in an atomic situation. •
An atomic situation is a situation defined using
Context Name
variable hasValue @ time t Context Value
Context Value Domain
Figure 2. Our ontology for modeling SAW in trustworthy ubicomp application software
context operators and arguments, and cannot be decomposed into any other atomic situations. •
A situation operator is a set of logical and temporal operators.
A composite situation is a situation recursively composed by atomic situations and other composite situations using situation operators.
Actions will be triggered in a particular order determined by their priorities and execution deadlines, when a situation is recognized. The execution of actions normally causes a situation change. Our SAW ontology is organized in three layers describing a top-down process of SAW requirement analysis by
developers of trustworthy ubicomp application software. Layer L1 captures the triggering relations between situations and actions and corresponds to the first step of SAW requirement analysis, where a developer identifies a set of situations and actions of interest. Layer L2 shows how a composite situation is composed by a set of atomic situations and situation operators. In this step, developers need to decompose each of the identified situations into a set of atomic situations based on their temporal or logical relations. Layer L3 depicts the relevant contexts and the operations on these contexts for recognizing an atomic situation. In this step, developers analyze each atomic situation by identifying contexts, context related properties and context operators. Our SAW ontology helps developers capture sufficient SAW information through requirements analysis. It also provides a basis from which to build a specification language with good expressiveness to facilitate developers to easily specify the SAW requirements. The relations among entities in our SAW ontology define the process of situation analysis for recognizing a situation. Given SAW specifications, the process of situation analysis can be automatically done. We will show in Section 7.1 that such a specification language provides desirable development support D1 and D2, and in Section 6.2 that our approach to situation analysis provides required runtime support R2. A tool for automated code generation for trustworthy ubicomp application software is developed to provide required runtime support D4. 6. Design of a Middleware for Incorporating SAW in Trustworthy Ubicomp Application Software Middleware is an effective approach to providing the required runtime support due to the following reasons: a)
Middleware provides a set of low-level components effectively addressing the needs for SAW in trustworthy ubicomp application software. These components are shared and reused by various trustworthy ubicomp application software, and hence greatly reduce the cost of software development and improve the quality of the developed software.
b) Middleware masks the complexity of underlying hardware and software platforms by providing a set of welldefined interfaces to the low-level components for SAW, which allows developers to focus on high-level functionality of application software without worrying low-level details, such as contexts acquisition from lowlevel sensing units and situation analysis. c)
By separating the functional components of trustworthy ubicomp application software from its low-level components that provide runtime support for SAW, the developed software is easier to evolve since changes of the functional components and the low-level components will not affect each other.
d) Middleware can seamlessly integrate SAW and security of ubicomp application software to achieve trustworthiness. Existing techniques for middleware security [17, 18] have already shown how middleware can seamlessly integrate security capabilities into distributed applications based on existing security mechanisms. Given a suitable approach that integrates SAW and security aspects, such as our SA access control model [16], middleware will be an effective tool to integrate SAW and security to satisfy the need of trustworthy ubicomp application software for more dynamic security policy management and enforcement. e)
Middleware can greatly improve interoperability of various ubicomp devices. In Subsections 6.1 and 6.2, we will present our design of a middleware providing runtime support R1-R4 for
SAW based on our SA communication and context discovery protocols [3, 19-21]. This middleware is a
Application Objects
distributed object middleware [22] since trustworthy ubicomp application software often consists of a set of
Other Component
application objects interacting with other objects (locally or remotely). We call this middleware as Situation-Aware (SA) middleware, and the application objects of the software with SAW requirements as SA objects.
SA Data Manager
... Context Acquisition Request Collected Context
Other Component
Action Scheduler
Detected Situation
Context Manager
SAW SAW Requirements Requirements Action Detected Triggered Situation
Other Component
SA Comm.
Detected Situation
Situation Analyzer
Detected Situation
Security Policy Enforcement
Permission request Permission granted / denied
6.1 Architecture of Our SA Middleware Figure 3 shows the architecture of our SA
Messages From Applications
Messages To Applications
SA Middleware Messages From Remote Devices
Messages To Remote Devices
Collected Context
Context Acquisition Request
middleware, which runs on each ubicomp device, Network & OS
Local Sensing Units
where a trustworthy ubicomp application software is Figure 3. Architecture of our SA middleware
running. Multiple trustworthy ubicomp application software can run simultaneously on top of this SA middleware. This SA middleware collaborates with SA middleware running on other devices to discover remote application objects and context sources. Runtime support R1-R4 is provided by the following four components in our SA middleware: • Context Manager providing R1. It receives context acquisition requests from Situation Data Manager, and sends collected context data to Situation Data Manager. The design of Context Manager is partly based on the context management module in our RCSM. An important new capability provided by Context Manager is context discovery, which enables on-demand context acquisition. • Situation Analyzer providing R2. It recognizes situations based on the SAW requirements stored in Situation Data Manager, and notifies other components of the recognized situations. We have developed a new situation analysis process, which eliminates redundant computation and allows runtime modifications of SAW requirements. • Action Scheduler providing R3. It identifies the actions to be triggered by the recognized situations, invokes the security policy enforcement component to check whether the actions are permitted under the situation, and schedule the permitted actions. • SA Communication Subsystem providing R4. It discovers a suitable remote object to communicate with the local object based on the recognized situations, and establishes the communication channel between the objects. For this component, we reuse the design for our RCSM. In addition, Situation Data Manager in our SA middleware stores the SAW requirements of trustworthy ubicomp application software, which are needed by other components in our SA middleware to perform their tasks. Situation Data Manager also maintains the relevant context and situation history for analyzing complex situations. By sharing context and situation information among multiple trustworthy ubicomp application software, Situation Data Manager also improves the efficiency of our SA middleware. The security policy enforcement component in our SA middleware for trustworthy ubicomp application software will be discussed in Section 8. 6.2 Components of the SA Middleware Due to the severe resource constraints of ubicomp devices and the dynamicity of ubicomp environments and software requirements, an SA middleware must satisfy the following requirements: M1. It must adapt to the needs of trustworthy ubicomp application software. M2. It must be lightweight and energy-efficient.
M3. It must operate in a timely manner. Therefore, the components in the SA middleware must satisfy M1-M3. In this subsection, we will discuss each major component of the SA middleware, except Action Scheduler. Further investigation is needed to identify the most appropriate scheduler for trustworthy ubicomp application software among existing schedulers [23, 24].
Context Manager Context Manager must have the following capabilities to support transparent and on-demand context acquisition:
CM1. Local sensing unit management, which includes maintaining the information of sensing units on the device, and dynamic addition, removal or reconfiguration of local sensing units. CM2. Context acquisition, which includes acquiring context data from local sensing units and responding to context acquisition requests from local Situation Data Manager or from remote Context Managers. CM3. Context discovery, which includes discovering remote sensing units dynamically through collaboration with remote Context Managers when the requested context data is not available in the local device. In the above capabilities CM1-CM3, the context discovery and context acquisition from remote Context Managers require communication among devices, which is likely to cause long delay and consume much energy. Hence, the key issue for developing Context Manager is the development of a protocol for context discovery and remote context acquisition, which satisfies M1-M3. We have developed an adaptive, lightweight and energyefficient context discovery protocol, R-CDP [19], to address this issue. A Context Manager has been developed using R-CDP (see Section 9). Other protocols or mechanisms may also be used to develop Context Manager if they satisfy M1-M3 and provide the required capabilities CM1-CM3.
Situation Analyzer Situation Analyzer analyzes the relevant context and situation history maintained by Situation Data Manager to
determine the current situation based on SAW requirements of the trustworthy ubicomp application software. When contexts are updated by Context Manager, Situation Analyzer starts a new round of analysis of each situation of interest to the application software. The analysis process in Situation Analyzer should have the following characteristics to satisfy M1-M3: C1. Any situation should be evaluated at most once in each round. When a situation is used to trigger actions of multiple trustworthy ubicomp application software or to compose several more complex situations, Situation Analyzer should only evaluate this situation once in each round and make the result available for further usage.
C2. When the SAW requirements of a trustworthy ubicomp application software change, Situation Analyzer should automatically start to analyze the new situations based on the new requirements without off-line reconfiguration. Based on our SAW ontology, we have established the following situation analysis process with the two characteristics C1-C2: Step 1. Whenever updates on contexts {c0, c1, …, ck} are collected by Context Manager, Situation Analyzer starts a new round of situation analysis. Step 2. For each atomic situation a_situi, if a_situi is not defined using any context in {c0, c1, …, ck}, mark a_situi as “no change” and continue to evaluate the next atomic situation. Otherwise, evaluate a_situi as follows: Step 2.1 Get the value of each argument of a_situi by retrieving the corresponding context values from the context history maintained by Situation Data Manager. Step 2.2 Calculate the value of a_situi by applying the context operators used in a_situi on the corresponding argument values retrieved in Step 2.1. Step 2.3 Store the value of a_situi in Situation Data Manager. Step 3. For each composite situation c_situm, if all the situations composing c_situm are marked as “no change”, mark c_situm as “no change”, and evaluate the next composite situation. Otherwise, evaluate c_situm as follows: Step 3.1 Retrieve the value of each situation composing c_situm from Situation Data Manager. Step 3.2 Calculate the value of c_situm by applying the logical or temporal operators composing c_situm on the values of atomic situations retrieved in Step 3.1. Step 3.3 Store the value of c_situm in Situation Data Manager.
SA Communication Subsystem To support efficient SA communication, SA Communication Subsystem must have the following capabilities:
SAC1. Peer-to-peer dynamic discovery of remote SA objects that are suitable for communicating with a local SA object which needs the communication under the current situation. SAC2. Establishment of SA communication channel between two SA objects over wireless or wired networks. SAC3. Management of local SA objects that require communication with remote SA objects. Capability SAC1 is required because the device mobility and the lack of infrastructure support in ubicomp environments make infrastructure-based approaches [25-27] inappropriate. Capability SAC3 is required for providing the necessary information of SA objects for object discovery in SAC1.
We have developed adaptive energy-efficient protocols to support SA communication in ubicomp environments [3, 20, 21], and used these protocols to develop an SA Communication Subsystem (see Section 9). Other protocols or mechanisms may be used to develop SA Communication Subsystem if they satisfy M1-M3 and provide the capabilities SAC1-SAC3. 7. Providing Development and Runtime Support for SAW in Trustworthy Ubicomp Application Software Our approach to providing development support D1, D2 and D4, and the runtime support R1–R4 for SAW in trustworthy ubicomp application software consists of the following steps: S1. Develop a language for specifying SAW requirements D1 and D2 based on our SAW ontology. S2. Use an SA middleware to provide runtime support R1-R4 for SAW. S3. Design an architecture of trustworthy ubicomp application software, which will be running on top of the SA middleware, and develop a tool for code generation D4 based on the SAW requirement specifications. We will discuss each of these three steps in the following subsections. 7.1 An SAW Requirement Specification Language for Trustworthy Ubicomp Application Software Development Based on our SAW ontology, we have developed Situation-Aware Interface Definition Language (SA-IDL) for application developers to specify SAW requirements of trustworthy ubicomp application software. The specifications will serve as the basis of runtime situation analysis and automated code generation for the software. To achieve concise and reusable specifications, object-oriented representation for contexts is used in SA-IDL. Since modifying the definition of a context class will automatically affect its subclasses, trustworthy ubicomp application software can be easily modified by either changing the existing context specifications or adding new context specifications. As shown in the Table 1, SA-IDL provides the necessary primitives for specifying SAW requirements based on our SAW ontology: Table 1. Primitives in SA-IDL for the entities in our SAW ontology Entities in our SAW Ontology Primitives in SA-IDL context context instance location identifier
class variable representing a class object in operand Location class (SA-IDL reserved)
time identifier argument context instance
Time class (SA-IDL reserved) operand an instance of a context class
context operator atomic situation composite situation situation operator action situation triggers action relationship
function, arithmetic operator, compare operator, time constraint atomic situation composite situation logical operator, time constraint action rule
1) ::= ‘;’ 2) ::= [ …] 3) ::= ‘Class’ [‘extends’ ] ‘{‘ ‘}’ 4) ::= ‘AVG’ | ‘MAX’| ‘MIN’ |‘DELTA’ | ‘numOfList’ 5) ::= ‘+’ | ‘-‘ | ‘*’ | ‘/’ | ‘IN’ 6) ::= ‘&&’ | ‘||’ | ‘!’ 7) ::= ‘>’ | ‘>=’ | ‘