. 3. Include a quote about why you support NWZAW. 4. Include your
Support National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW) Go Orange Day – April 13, 2016 To show your support: 1. Take a picture of you and/or your team wearing orange 2. Send the picture to
[email protected] 3. Include a quote about why you support NWZAW 4. Include your Twitter handle (if you have one) 5. Follow ATSSA on Facebook and Twitter and SHARE with your friends and followers IF YOU CARE, SHARE!
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“We support NWZAW and Go Orange Day!” Site-Safe, LLC
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“We celebrate National Work Zone Awareness Week in support of roadside workers whose lives are in danger everyday because of distracted drivers. Don't be THAT driver, stay alert and slow down for orange!” Korman Signs, Inc.
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“SGL Constructors (Skanska-GraniteLane) supports NWZAW, because every worker deserves to go home the same way they came in.” SGL Constructors
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“We wear orange to support National Work Zone Awareness Week.” Dimensional Products Inc.
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW @DPIhighway
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“The 3M team supports National Work Zone Awareness Week. We are committed to delivering solutions that improve traffic safety and help bring families home safely.” 3M
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW @3M
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“We support National Work Zone Awareness Week and are proud to supply work zone safety products that help save lives!”
Eastern Metal of Elmira, Inc. / Signs and Safety Equipment, Inc.
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“We support NWZAW by wearing construction yellow/lime green in New Mexico. This is our state, these are our people.” New Mexico Chapter of ATSSA
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“We support NWZAW because we believe all of our many road workers deserve to work safely and go home to their loved ones every day!!” Dbi Services
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“Direct Traffic Control, Inc. is proud to support safety in work zones. We value each member of our team and want them to return home safely each day.” Direct Traffic Control, Inc.
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“The Team at FirstAidMart.com went ORANGE to support @ATSSAHQ for Go Orange Day during National Work Zone Awareness Week! (of course, our website and many products already WERE orange, but we joined in to show our support!)” First Aid Mart
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW @FirstAidMart
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“The City of Bonner Springs supports NWZAW by encouraging residents to pay attention in Work Zones - the Mayor issued a Proclamation on Monday night at the City Council meeting, attended by over 50 citizens and volunteers to remind Citizens of Bonner Springs to slow down in Work Zones.” City of Bonner Springs #OrangeforSafety #NWZAW
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“The City of Bonner Springs City Hall participated in the Annual NWZAW photo shoot and the staff from Public Works / Utilities Department joined together for their annual photo. All team members are wearing orange wrist bands to remind everyone in Bonner Springs and at home and in stores and other locations where our staff go about NWZAW.” City of Bonner Springs #OrangeforSafety #NWZAW
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“In support of NWZAW, Intermountain Rural Electric Association’s employees are showing their support on this beautiful day straight from Sedalia, Colorado. IREA serves more than 5,000 square miles and 150,000 customers in central Colorado. The safety of our employees is of upmost importance in the field, with equipment and our involvement with the public.” Intermountain Rural Electric Association
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“The Town of Clinton supports NWZAW and Go Orange Day!” Town of Clinton
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“Stay Alert. Slow Down. Together we can make a difference.” TAPCO
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW @TAPCOnet
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“Stay safe, someone at home is waiting for you.”
Colorado Barricade Co.
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW @COBarricade
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“We support work zone safety!” Concord General Services
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW @ConcordNHGS
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“Royal Truck & Equipment supports National Work Zone Awareness Week with the goal of increasing the public’s knowledge about the dangers that workers face every day in work zones across the country. We are also taking today to honor the workers who have lost their lives making America's infrastructure great.”
Royal Truck & Equipment #OrangeforSafety #NWZAW @RoyalTruckEquip
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“Safety is always on their minds!” Contractor’s Work Crew, MassDOT Jobsite
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW @MassDOT
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“ATSSA supports NWZAW to raise awareness about reducing crashes in work zones and because workers’ lives matter. Safer Roads Save Lives.” ATSSA Leadership & Staff
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW @ATSSAHQ
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“Safer Roads Save Lives.” Rita, ATSSA Member Engagement Department
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“My human made me wear orange because work zone safety is important…and I got treats.” Peanut the pup
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“We wear orange for safety and to support NWZAW." Give ‘Em A Brake Safety - Michigan
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW @gebsafety
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
"SolarTech is proud to build flashing arrow and message boards that help slow traffic and save lives. We’d like to remind motorists to slow down, pay attention and drive carefully through work zones." SolarTech
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“We support National Work Zone Awareness Week because the events held by the DOTs, and then covered by local media, really send the message to the driving public...be careful driving, be always alert, especially in work zones. Also, NWZAW is held at the perfect time of the year to send this message. In April, most of the country is gearing up for spring and summer construction, and new work zones are going up everywhere.” PSS #OrangeforSafety #NWZAW @PlasticSafety
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“We are committed to making roads safer in Virginia. Please slow down and respect our work force.” P.D. Brooks Company, Inc.
American Traffic Control Division, (Fredericksburg, VA) #OrangeforSafety #NWZAW
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“Because everyone deserves to go home at the end of the everyday.” Archer Western Contractors
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“We support National Work Zone Awareness Week and strives daily to improve the quality and safety of our work zones because ALL LIVES MATTER!” Superior Traffic Control
Corporate Memphis Nashville
Chattanooga #OrangeforSafety #NWZAW
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“As a proud 18 year employee at MassDOT, I truly appreciate and understand the importance of always putting safety first in the work place or on the job site.”
Joe Mucci, MassDOT
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW @MassDOT
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“Safety Always First.” Anil Shah, MassDOT
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW @MassDOT
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“How many cars speed through your work space? Think about that when you drive through mine. Slow down for work zones.” Jim K., ATSSA Member Engagement Department
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“We support National Work Zone Awareness Week because roadway maintenance workers do their jobs to ensure that the motoring public is able to travel safely throughout the United States. It is the drivers responsibility to be aware while traveling through work zones to keep the maintenance workers safe as well.” Zumar Industries Arizona
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW @ZumarIndustries
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“We are going orange to support National Work Zone Awareness Week. We are committed to making our work zones a safer place for all. We support our industry’s challenge to use extra caution in work zones. This year’s theme, “Don’t Be That Driver!” reinforces the message that motorists should be constantly alert and prepared for dynamic changes in and around work zones.” Zumar Industries California
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW @ZumarIndustries
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“We are going orange to support National Work Zone Awareness Week. It is our mission to show and encourage support for work zone safety. Go Orange Day is a great way to raise awareness among motorists, and we are proud to participate!” Zumar Industries Washington
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW @ZumarIndustries
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“We support NWZAW because it brings awareness to workers’ safety. Not just this week, but every day of every week! Our workers have families that want to see them come home safely.” H Ray, LLC
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
Show your support! Go Orange with ATSSA on April 13th “We encourage you to show support for NWZAW to help raise awareness of work zone safety.” Mitzi, Roger, Donna and Nate, ATSSA Executive Leadership
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“I wear orange to support Go Orange Day because road workers only have one life and it’s not crashworthy.” Lesly, ATSSA Member Engagement Department
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“We support Go Orange Day and National Work Zone Awareness Week because we care about roadway workers.” Jacquelyn, Bill, Neil and Lori, ATSSA Meetings Department
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“We support NWZAW to help raise awareness of the importance of work zone safety and to honor those who have lost their lives in work zones.” Mitzi and Amy, ATSSA Finance Department
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“Go Orange Day gives us another opportunity to do what we do every day at ATSSA – show our support for work zone awareness and work zone workers across the country.” Lenora and Jim, ATSSA Communications Department
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“As dedicated ATSSA staff, we passionately believe in promoting safety standards that help save lives. We wear orange to show our support for NWZAW.” Linda, Jena, Mary and Jessica, ATSSA Training Department
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“We support Go Orange Day because we care about the safety of roadway workers. As marketers, we know that initiatives like this are a great way to raise awareness.”
Tracey, Nick, Jess, Elizabeth, Gloria & Talis, ATSSA Marketing Department #OrangeforSafety #NWZAW
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“Go Orange Day is our opportunity to let the workers who are in the field every day know that we support them and will never relent in our efforts to achieve zero fatalities in work zones.”
Roger Wentz, ATSSA President & CEO
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“It doesn’t matter to us which team we are on, we all support work zone safety.” Talis and Mitzi, ATSSA Finance and Marketing Departments
#OrangeforSafety #NWZAW
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
“I support National Work Zone Awareness Week to help make work zones safe for daddies and mommies who work there. It is very important.” Jake, Future ATSSA Instructor #OrangeforSafety #NWZAW
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com
Connect with ATSSA www.facebook.com/atssatraffic www.twitter.com/ATSSAHQ #OrangeforSafety #NWZAW
American Traffic Safety Services Association www.atssa.com