Supporting Information Relationships between soil properties and the occurrence of the most agronomically important weed species in the field margins of eastern Arkansas - implications for weed management in field margins N E Korres, J K Norsworthy, K R Brye, V Skinner Jr, A Mauromoustakos Table S1. Misclassification values (actual vs. predicted) for the occurrence of the weeds under examination in relation to soil properties. Extractable Soil Nutrients
Soil Physical Properties
AMAPA1 Absent Present Total ACTUAL BRAPP2 Absent Present Total ACTUAL DIGSA3 Absent Present Total ACTUAL ECHCG4 Absent Present Total ACTUAL IPOSP5 Absent Present Total ACTUAL SIDSP6 Absent Present Total ACTUAL SORHA7 Absent Present Total
A. palmeri (AMAPA); 2U. platyphylla (BRAPP); 3D. sanguinalis (DIGSA); 4E. crus-galli (ECHCG); 5Ipomoea spp. (IPOSP); 6S. spinosa (SIDSP); 7S. halepense (SORHA). Misclassification rate values, along with other statistics, for each weed species examined in relation to each soil property are provided in Tables 2, 3 and 4.
Table S2. Range of extractable soil nutrients and number of cases where individual weed species were recorded as present (or absent) at 57 randomly selected soil sampling sites Digitaria sanguinalis Na