The aptitude to vanish at a point or along a curve by a convenient choice of ..... the tetrad were parallel-transported everywhere, the left-hand side would vanish.
it is closely related to a correct statement of the principle of equivalence. Starting .... The above definition of uniform acceleration can easily be put into the co-.
Quantum Minimal Coupling Principle with a claim which states that gravity .... to claim that the contribution to the corresponding probability coming from those.
Feb 4, 2003 - 2.2.2 Naturally Adapted Charts to a Given Reference Frame . . 6. 2.2.3 Local .... these classes share some important aspects of the IRFs of SRT.
Aug 29, 2009 - dark matter in a satellite falling toward its host galaxy .... proper numerical modeling is proportional to the fourth. Simulation. S1. S2. S3. S4. S5.
Dec 30, 2013 - Peacock [17], and by Cheng [18]. Frame dragging, rotational and ..... [16] Ignazio Ciufolini and John Archibald Wheeler. Gravitation and Inertia.
Apr 10, 2014 - if it did, it could serve as a limitless source of radiative energy, a kind of perpetuum mobile. That this is not the case can be shown in a variety.
Oct 23, 1994 - experiments suggests that, essentially independent of solar models, some new physical ..... in the standard solar model as described in [22].
May 8, 2007 - arXiv:0705.1116v1 [physics.gen-ph] 8 May 2007 ... theory predicts, say string theory for instance, may lie safely outside the experimental range.