Surfactant-enhanced remediation of contaminated soil: a review

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This paper will provide an overview of the laboratory research, field ..... Summary of surfactant soil flushing field tests. (PV, Pore ... months, US$ 1.2 million Cdn.
Engineering Geology 60 (2001) 371±380

Surfactant-enhanced remediation of contaminated soil: a review C.N. Mulligan a,*, R.N. Yong b, B.F. Gibbs c a

Department of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W., Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 1M8 b Geoenvironmental Engineering Research Centre, Cardiff School of Engineering, Cardiff University, P.O. Box 917, Newport Road, Cardiff, CF2 1XH, United Kingdom c MDS Pharma Services, 2350 Cohen Street, Montreal, Canada H4R 2N6 Accepted for publication 30 May 2000

Abstract Extracting aqueous solutions with or without additives are employed to solubilize contaminants in soil. Since water solubility is the controlling removing mechanism, additives are used to enhance ef®ciencies. These additives can reduce the time to treat a site compared to the use of water alone. Additives must be of low toxicity and biodegradable. The research in this area has focussed mainly on halogenated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and is still quite limited for metal removal. Additives include surfactants, organic and inorganic acids, sodium hydroxide, which can dissolve organic soil matter, water-soluble solvents such as methanol, displacement of cations with nontoxic ones, complexing agents such as EDTA, acids in combination with complexing agents or oxidizing/reducing agents. Cationic, anionic and nonionic surfactants are particularly used for soil washing or ¯ushing. They contain both hydrophobic and hydrophilic portions, making them ideal for solubilization of hydrophobic compounds. Numerous studies have indicated that surfactants enhance recoveries of non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs). There have also been indications that pretreatment of soil with surfactant washing to solubilize hydrophobic compounds such as PAHs enhances biodegradation of these contaminants. A few in situ ®eld studies have been performed with surfactants. Large-scale treatment has been done mostly for organic removal. Soil pH, soil type, cation exchange capacity (CEC), particle size, permeabilities and contaminants all affect removal ef®ciencies. High clay and organic matter contents are particularly detrimental. Understanding the chemistry of the binding of the contaminant and the hydrogeology of the site are very important. Once the water is pumped from the soil, it must be extracted and then treated to remove the hydrocarbons and metals. Several technologies exist such as sodium hydroxide or sodium sul®de precipitation, ion exchange, activated carbon adsorption, ultra®ltration, reverse osmosis, electrodialysis and biological processes. Recycling of the surfactants is desired to decrease treatment costs. This paper will provide an overview of the laboratory research, ®eld demonstration and full-scale application of surfactants for the remediation of contaminated soil. The majority of pilot scale in situ ¯ushing tests, particularly in the United States, have involved the use of surfactants and co-solvents. There are only a few full-scale projects however. Recent laboratory scale efforts by the authors concerning the use of biosurfactants, biologically produced surfactants, to enhance the removal of copper, cadmium and zinc from contaminated soils and sediments are discussed. Three types of biosurfactants were evaluated for their effectiveness. They included a lipopeptide called surfactin from Bacillus subtilis, a rhamnolipid from Pseudomonas aeruginosa and a sophorolipid from Torulopsis bombicola. The results indicated the feasibility of removing the metals with the anionic biosurfactants even though the exchangeable fractions were not signi®cant. q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Soil ¯ushing; Soil remediation; Surfactant; Metals; Field studies

* Corresponding author. Fax: 11-514-848-2809. E-mail address: [email protected] (C.N. Mulligan). 0013-7952/01/$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0013-795 2(00)00117-4

C.N. Mulligan et al. / Engineering Geology 60 (2001) 371±380

1. Introduction The injection or in®ltration of solutions into soil using surface trenches, horizontal drains or vertical drains is called in situ ¯ushing. Water with or without additives are employed to solubilize contaminants. The ef®ciency of the extraction depends on the hydraulic conductivity of the soil. High permeability gives better results (greater than 1 £ 1023 cm=s†: The solubility of pollutants and if the pollutant was originally solubilized in water or not are key factors in determining removal ef®ciencies. Prior mechanical mixing of the soil can disturb the in®ltration of the extractant. Understanding the chemistry of the binding of the contaminant and the hydrogeology of the site are very important (USEPA, 1987). Since water solubility of many organic contaminants is the controlling removing mechanism, additives are used to enhance ef®ciencies. Those liquid contaminants that remain as a separate phase are called nonaqueous phase liquids (NAPL). NAPLs that sink below the water table are denser than water and are called DNAPLs and those that are lighter are called LNAPLs. The former are thus particularly dif®cult to remediate (Pankow and Cherry, 1996). Some examples include chlorinated solvents such as trichloroethylene (TCE), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) including phenanthrene, naphthalene, that are found in coal tar and creosote and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) such as Arochlor 1242. Matters become even more complicated since these contaminants are often mixed with metals or radionuclides.

2. Background on surfactants Cationic, anionic and nonionic surfactants can be used for soil washing or ¯ushing. They are useful in displacing DNAPL by reducing interfacial tension between DNAPL and groundwater. It is these capillary forces that restrict the mobility of the DNAPL. The mobilized contaminant can then be recovered in extraction wells (Fig. 1). Surfactants can be used in mixtures or with additives such as alcohol and/or salts such as sodium chloride. Polymers or foams can also be added to control the mobility of the contaminants. The surfactants must be recovered and reused for the process to be economic.

Contaminated soil

Surfactant injection


Groundwater level

Low permeability zone Contaminant plume Fig. 1. Typical in situ soil ¯ushing installation.

Surfactants are amphiphilic compounds (containing hydrophobic and hydrophilic portions) that reduce the free energy of the system by replacing the bulk molecules of higher energy at an interface. They contain a hydrophobic portion with little af®nity for the bulk medium and a hydrophilic group that is attracted to the bulk medium. Surfactant monomers will form spheroid or lamellar structures with organic pseudophase interiors. This coincides will lower surface and interfacial tensions (Fig. 2). The minimum concentration at which this occurs is called the critical micelle concentration (Rosen, 1978). Salinity, hydrocarbon chain length and surfactant type (hydrophile± lipophile HLB) will in¯uence the concentration. Surfactants have been used industrially as adhesives, ¯occulating, wetting and foaming agents, de-emulsi®ers Monomer CMC

Physical property



Solubility Surface tension Interfacial tension Surfactant concentration

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the variation of surface tension, interfacial and contaminant solubility with surfactant concentration.

C.N. Mulligan et al. / Engineering Geology 60 (2001) 371±380

and penetrants (Mulligan and Gibbs, 1993). Petroleum users have traditionally been the major users, as in enhanced oil removal applications. In this application, surfactants increase the solubility of petroleum components (Falatko, 1991) or lower the interfacial tension to enhance mobility of the petroleum. They have also been used for mineral ¯otation as well as the pharmaceutical industries. Typical desirable properties include solubility enhancement, surface tension reduction, the critical micelle concentrations, wettability and foaming capacity. Numerous batch and column studies have indicated that surfactants enhance recoveries of NAPL (Ellis et al., 1985; Abdul et al., 1992; Kan et al., 1992; Soerens et al., 1992) by solubility enhancement or desorption. There have also been indications that pretreatment of a soil with surfactant washing (Igepal CA-720) to solubilize PAHs enhanced biodegradation of these contaminants (Joshi and Lee, 1995). Anionic and nonionic surfactants are less likely to be absorbed to the soil. Cationic surfactants have been used to lower aquifer permeabilities by sorption on to the aquifer materials (Westall et al., 1992). Surfactant soil washing was originally developed in petroleum recovery operations. Surfactants have potential for use in aquifer remediation of DNAPLs. Several factors can in¯uence the ef®ciency of soil ¯ushing with surfactants. Groundwater that is too hard may be detrimental to the effectiveness of a surfactant (AAEE, 1993). Surfactants can adsorb onto clay fractions, reducing their availability. Too quick biodegradation can inactivate the surfactant although some degradability is required to avoid accumulation. Removal of the surfactant from the recovered water from ¯ushing can be dif®cult and lead to high consumption rates. The main factors that should be considered when selecting surfactants include effectiveness, cost, public and regulatory perception, biodegradability and degradation products, toxicity to humans, animals and plants and ability to recycle. The ®rst consideration is that the surfactants are ef®cient in removing the contaminant. This can be established by previous experience or by laboratory studies prior to the ®eld-scale demonstrations. To reduce risk, food-grade surfactants (T-MAZ 28, T-MAZ 20 and T-MAZ 60), which have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration


have been examined (Shiau et al., 1995). These surfactants were able to remove one to two orders of magnitude more chlorinated organics such as perchloroethylene (PCE), trichloroethylene (TCE) and 1,2 dichloroethane (1,2-DCE) than water alone by formation of microemulsions. Other surfactants with indirect food additive status such as alkyl diphenyl disulfonate (DOWFAX) indicated lower levels of losses via sorption and precipitation while substantially solubilizing naphthalene and other PAHs. Recently, a plant-based surfactant from the fruit pericarp of Sapindus mukurossi, a plant from the tropical regions of Asia has shown potential for the removal of hexachlorobenzene (Roy et al., 1997). FDA approval, however, does not guarantee that the surfactant or its biodegradation products are safe and acceptable to the regulators and the public. Solubilization of TCE by surfactants was not permitted in a pilot test (Fountain et al., 1996), even though the surfactant has a toxicity similar to sucrose and that it was used in food and food processing. Many surfactants are of low toxicity to humans but can affect animals and plants. Ethoxylated alcohols, which are found in laundry detergents and dish soap, are toxic to ®sh. They can be, however, degraded in biological wastewater treatment systems. Overall, desirable surfactant characteristics include biodegradability, low toxicity, solubility at groundwater temperatures, low adsorption to soil, effective at concentrations lower than 3%, low soil dispersion, low surface tensions and low CMC (Kimball, 1992). Anionic surfactants may precipitate. However, coinjection with a nonionic surfactant can reduce precipitation and also CMC values (Sabatini et al., 1995). Biosurfactants may be more biodegradable, more tolerant to pH, salt and temperature variation, and in some cases less expensive (West and Harwell, 1992). 2.1. Biosurfactants Some surfactants, known as biosurfactants, are biologically produced from yeast or bacteria from various substrates including sugars, oils, alkanes and wastes (Lin, 1996). For example, Pseudomonas aeruginosa can produce rhamnolipids from substrates including C11 and C12 alkanes, succinate, pyruvate, citrate, fructose, glycerol, olive oil, glucose and


C.N. Mulligan et al. / Engineering Geology 60 (2001) 371±380

Table 1 Classi®cation and microbial origin of biosurfactants. (Adapted from Mulligan and Gibbs (1993) and Banat (1995)) Surfactant class


Trehalose lipids

Arthrobacter paraf®neus Corynebacterium spp. Mycobacterium spp. Rhodococus erythropolis


Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Sophorose lipids

Candida apicola Candida bombicola Candida lipolytica

Glucose-, fructose-, saccharose lipids

Arthrobacter spp. Corynebacterium spp. R. erythropolis

Cellobiose lipids

Ustilago maydis

Polyol lipids

Rhodotorula glutinus Rhodotorula graminus

Diglycosyl diglycerides

Lactobacillus fermentii


Acinetobacter calcoaceticus (RAG1) Pseudomonas spp. Candida lipolytica


Arthrobacter sp. Bacillus pumilis Bacillus subtilis Bacillus licheniformis Pseudomonas ¯uorescens

Ornithine, lysine peptides

Thiobacillus thiooxidans Streptomyces sioyaensis Gluconobacter cerinus


T. thiooxidans Corynebacterium alkanolyticum


Capnocytophaga spp.

Fatty acids (corynomycolic acids, spiculisporic acids, etc.)

Penicillium spiculisporum Corynebacterium lepus Arthrobacter para®neus Talaramyces trachyspermus

mannitol (Robert et al., 1989). They are synthesized as metabolic by-products. Composition and yields depend on the fermentor design, pH, nutrient composition, substrate and temperature used (Mulligan and Gibbs, 1993). They can be potentially as effective with some distinct advantages over the highly used synthetic surfactants including high speci®city, bio-

degradability and biocompatibility (Cooper, 1986). For example, glycolipids from Rhodococcus species 413A were 50% less toxic in naphthalene solubilization tests than Tween 80 (Kanga et al., 1997). Biosurfactants are grouped as glycolipids, lipopeptides, phospholipids, fatty acids and neutral lipids (Biermann et al., 1987). Most of these compounds are either anionic or neutral. Only a few are cationic such as those containing amine groups. The hydrophobic part of the molecule is based on long-chain fatty acids, hydroxy fatty acids or a-alkyl-b-hydroxy fatty acids. The hydrophilic portion can be a carbohydrate, amino acid, cyclic peptide, phosphate, carboxylic acid or alcohol. Their CMCs generally range from 1 to 200 mg/l and their molecular weights from 500 to 1500 amu. (Lang and Wagner, 1987). A wide variety of microorganisms can produce these compounds (Table 1). Biosurfactants have been tested in enhanced oil recovery and the transportation of crude oils (Hayes et al., 1986). They were effective in the reduction of the interfacial tension of oil and water in situ and the viscosity of the oil, the removal of water from the emulsions prior to processing and in the release of bitumen from tar sands. Emulsan w has been commercialized for this purpose (Anonymous, 1984). It contains polysaccharide-attached fatty acids and proteins attached. Although most biosurfactantproducing organisms are aerobic, a few examples of anaerobic producers exist. Bacillus licheniformis JF-2 is an example, which would be well suited for in situ studies for enhanced oil recovery or soil decontamination (Javaheri et al., 1985). A 70% bioremediation and bioreclamation rate of a slop oil-contaminated soil was achieved with oil-degrading cultures (Dave et al., 1994). Rhamnolipid surfactants have been tested and found to release three times as much oil as water alone from the beaches in Alaska after the Exxon Valdez tanker spill (Harvey et al., 1990). Scheibenbogen et al. (1994) found that the rhamnolipids from P. aeruginosa UG2 were able to effectively remove a hydrocarbon mixture from a sandy loam soil and that the degree of removal was dependent on the type of hydrocarbon removed and the concentration of the surfactant used. Van Dyke et al. (1993) previously found that the same strain could remove at a concentration of 5 g/l, approximately 10% more hydrocarbon

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Table 2 Summary of surfactant soil ¯ushing ®eld tests. (PV, Pore volume; BTEX, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene; TCE, trichloroethylene; TCA, trichlorethane; TCET, tetrachlorethane, PCE, perchloroethylene: PCB, polychlorinated biphenyls) Group


Contaminant removed


SUNY-Buffalo with Dupont at Corpus Christi Site

Addition of 1% surfactant (approved in food preparation) Witconol 2722 and Tergitol 15-S012 2% mixture of surfactant added to sandy aquifer 0.75% nonionic ethoxylated surfactant washing with recovery Injection of 4% Witconol and Tween 80 and modeling

73 gal carbon tetrachloride successfully removed in comparison to pump and treat

Fountain (1993)

80% of PCE recovered

Fountain and Hodges (1992)

10% of PCBs, oils removed in ®rst test and 14% in second exceeding expectations Removal of 10% dodecane required 0.7 l surfactant and 130,000 l water Injection of 7.7 pore volumes of 2.5% SDS removed as much PCB as 20 to 40 pore volumes of water (90% waste volume reduction) DNAPLs, TCE with some PCBs and other chlorinated solvents, .90% removed by solubilization

Ang and Abdul (1991)

Canadian Air Forces Base at Borden (SUNY) General Motors NAO Research and Development Center University of Michigan Eckenfelder, Inc.

Injection of 2.5% SDS and recycle/reuse of surfactant

US DOE Gaseous Diffusion Site Portmouth, OH

4% sodium dihexyl sulfosuccinate surfactant/4% isopropyl alcohol as cosolvent and 2% electrolyte (1:1 NaCl and CaCl2) Surfactant

Dover AFB, Dover DE (single phase microemulsion) Ecosites Inc., Estrie Reg. Shop, Que., Canada

Biodegradable nontoxic surfactant

Fredicksburg, VA Wood treating site

Alkaline agent (0.5% Na2CO3), nonyl phenol surfactant with 10 mol ethylene oxide (0.1% wt Makon-10) and polymer (1500 mg/l xanthan gum) Patented non-hazardous, biodegradable surfactant (1±2% concentration)

TWCC Biosolve Group

Hill Air Force Base, Layton, UT Cell 5, Surfactant Mobilization

6.6 PV of surfactant (2.2% Aerosol OT/ 2.1%Tween) and Electrolyte (CaCl2) injected

Cell 6, Surfactant Solubilization

10 PV of 4.3% surfactant (Dowfax)

DNAPL (PCE or perchloroethylene) Hydrocarbons, LNAPLs, ªCutting Oilº, 160,000 kg hydrocarbon recovered in 12 months, US$ 1.2 million Cdn for fulll scale, commercial completed project Creosote-based wood treating oil (DNAPL), unable to inject ¯uid, poor site evaluation

80% removal of NAPL, 90% removal of transmission ¯uids in Northern California, increases biodegradation by 30%. Cost US$ 0.35±0.85 per gallon LNAPL (JP-4 jet fuel, chlorinated and nonchlorinated VOCs, naphthalene, pesticides, PCBs, dioxins) Mixture of VOCs, naphthalene, pesticides, PCBs, dioxins, JP-4 fuel

Abriola et al. (1993) Underwood et al. (1993)

Jafvert (1996)

Internet report: index.htm Jafvert (1996)

Rice University (1997)

USEPA (1998)

Jafvert (1996)

Jafvert (1996)


C.N. Mulligan et al. / Engineering Geology 60 (2001) 371±380

Table 2 (continued) Group


Contaminant removed


Cell 8, Surfactant/cosolvent solubilization

Surfactant (3.5% wt Brij 91) and cosolvent (2.5% wt npentanol), , 10 PV injected

AATDF (1998)

OU2-Micellar Flood

0.6 PV of surfactant (7.5% sodium dihexyl sulfosuccinate), cosolvent (3.75% isopropyl alcohol) and electrolyte (7000 mg/l NaCl) 400 mg/l of Triton X-100

LNAPL (JP-4 jet fuel, chlorinated and nonchlorinated solvents, PCBs), 72% average reduction Chlorinated solvents (TCE, TCA, PCE, and TCET), petroleum hydrocarbons, DNAPL (70% TCE), 99% recovery of DNAPL TCE, rate of desorption increased by 30% by surfactant addition PCBs (solubility increased by 50 times) in fractured a cost of US$ 40±100 per sq ft

Jafvert (1996)

BTEX, aliphatic hydrocarbons (2500 kg/day of hydrocarbons recovered, 85% extraction ef®ciency, 1000 m 3/week) Cost US$ 50±250/m 3 23,000 gallons of residual wood treating oil (DNAPL) recovered (89%) Cost of US$ 50±125 per cubic yard Oil waste and chlorinated solvents in the form of DNAPL (density, 1.02; viscosity, 18 cp), 86% recovery of DNAPL PCE, TCE and recalcitrant jet fuel, PCE and LNAPL concentrations increased 40and 90-fold, respectively TCE (DNAPL)

USEPA (1998) GSI Environmental Marketing Information

Hydrocarbons, chlorinated hydrocarbons (Dichloromethane, chloroform, TCA, TCE)

Nash (1988)

Picatinny Arsenal, NJ S.S. Papadopulos & Assoc. (DeNAPL process) Delmont, PA

Serrener/Varisco Consortium, Quebec, Canada

Non-toxic biodegradable surfactant (91% Witconol SN-70, 9% Mirataine BET C-30), maximum concentration of 13,000 mg/l Surfactants

Surtek, Inc. Mobility controlled Surfactant Flushing

Low concentration of EPA and FDA approved surfactants

Thouin Sand Quarry, Quebec, Canada, Laval University

Surfactant/cosolvent (n-butanol, hostapur (SAS), d-limonene

US Coast Guard, Traverse City, MI

2100 l of 36,000 mg/l Dowfax 8390 injected

US DOE Gaseous Diffusion Pint, Paducah, NY

1% food grade sorbitan monooleate, (3.8 l/min over 3.8 days) 9±14 PV of Adsee 799 and Hyonic PE-90 (50:50) blend

Volk Air National Guard Base, WI

from a sandy loam soil than from a silt loam soil and that sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) was less effective than the biosurfactants in removing hydrocarbons. Recently, DescheÃnes et al. (1994) showed that the rhamnolipids from the same strain in a bioslurry could enhance the solubilization of four-ring PAHs more signi®cantly than three-ring PAHs and that the biosurfactants were ®ve

Jafvert (1996)

USEPA (1998)

USEPA (1998)

Jafvert (1996)

Jafvert (1996)

Rice University (1997)

times more effective than SDS. The bene®t of the addition of the biological and synthetic surfactants in assisting the biodegradation process was less evident. Research with another strain, Pseudomonas marginalis, also indicated that the produced biosurfactants solubilized PAHs such as phenanthrene and enhance biodegradation (Burd and Ward, 1996).

C.N. Mulligan et al. / Engineering Geology 60 (2001) 371±380

3. Field studies Several ®eld studies have also been performed with surfactant in situ ¯ushing. In 1988, a wood-treating site was used to test surfactant washing (Sale et al., 1989). Two blends were tested, one as a prewash and the other to further lower oil levels. Blend 1 consisted of 1% Polystep A, 0.7% NaHCO3, 0.1% Na2CO3 and 1000 mg/l xanthan gum and second blend comprised of 1.4% Makon-10 surfactant, 0.7% NaHCO3, 0.8% Na2CO3 and 1000 mg/l xanthan gum. Ninety-®ve percent of the oil was reduced and 99% of the surfactants were recovered. The combination of surfactants and sodium hydroxide has been used in enhanced oil recovery to reduce interfacial tensions. Alkaline agents can also react with hydrocarbons to form surfactants. The combination of these surfactants and the added surfactants can effectively reduce interfacial tension and enhance oil recovery (Sale and Pitts, 1988). This same mechanism then can be responsible for removal of hydrocarbons from a contaminated soil. The addition of polymer enhances the mobility ratio (i.e. enables the contaminant to be pushed instead of ¯ow passing around it). At a Canadian Forces Base Borden in Ontario, a test was performed in 1990±91. The hydraulic conductivity at the site was 1 £ 1024 cm=s with a low cation exchange capacity (CEC) and organic matter content. Based on the data at this site, approximately 21 pore volumes of 1% surfactant solution would be needed to remove TCE over a four-year period, whereas pumping and treating groundwater would require 2000 pore volumes over a period 100 times longer to decontaminate the site (AAEE, 1993). Other examples are shown in Table 2. Abdul et al. (1992) examined treatment of PCBcontaminated soils. The hydraulic conductivity was 1 £ 1023 cm=s: A 0.75% solution of Witconol was applied to the surface. During the test, 1.6 kg of PCBs and 16.9 kg of carrier oil were recovered. In 1996, Intera, Radian and the University of Texas conducted a study where 2.5 pore volumes of an 8% surfactant solution, 4% isopropanol and sodium chloride were used to remove mainly TCE. No con®ning walls were used. Approximately 99% of the DNAPL was removed to reach as ®nal groundwater concentration of 10 mg/l (Brown et al., 1999). In 1996, the University of Oklahoma and the US


EPA R.S. Kerr Laboratory conducted a surfactant ¯ood by pumping 6.5 pore volumes of a 4.3% surfactant through a 3 £ 5 m sheet piling cell at Hill, AFB, Utah. In this case, the contamination was mainly a 8.5% saturation of LNAPL consisting of weathered jet fuel and other components. The surfactant was able to remove 90% of the LNAPL by mobilization. In the same year at the same site, the University of Florida conducted a test by injecting 9 pore volumes of 3% surfactant and 2.5% pentanol followed by a pore volume of 3% surfactant and then 6.5 pore volumes of water. Core data indicated that 90% of the NAPL was removed while partitioning tracer data indicated that 72% removal was achieved (Jawitz et al., 1998). In this case, solubilization was the main mechanism of removal. In general, high permeability soil is favored for surfactant ¯ushing since numerous pore volumes can be passed through the contaminated area. Layered systems are dif®cult to remediate due to limited contact in less permeable areas. Also, fractured rock is extremely challenging due to the ¯ow complexity in the fractured media. However, these challenges are relevant for all remediation technologies. Comparisons under the same conditions in these dif®cult media should be performed to determine if surfactant ¯ushing is able to remove contaminants faster than other technologies. 4. Metal removal by surfactants The research in the area for metal removal is still quite limited, particularly where metal removal is concerned (USEPA, 1987). They include organic and inorganic acids, sodium hydroxide, which can dissolve organic soil matter, water-soluble solvents such as methanol, displacement of toxic cations with nontoxic cations, complexing agents such as EDTA, acids in combination with complexation agents or oxidizing/reducing agents. Soil pH, soil type, CEC, particle size, permeabilities and contaminants affect removal ef®ciencies. High clay and organic matter contents are particularly detrimental. At Superfund sites, with signed Records of Decision (ROD), the combination of hydrocarbons and metals is found at 49% of the sites (USEPA, 1997). Even though organic and metal contamination

C.N. Mulligan et al. / Engineering Geology 60 (2001) 371±380

5. Conclusions It has been demonstrated that high contaminant removal rates are possible by using surfactants in in situ ®eld tests. Large quantities of soil do not need to be excavated and handled. The addition of the surfactants can accelerate remediation work and potentially a wide variety of contaminants in the vadose and saturated zones can be remediated. However, limited studies have been performed over a long period of time to determine the levels of residual contamination that are achievable at full scale. Some of the limitations may include low soil permeability, heterogeneity and extremely insoluble contaminants. For example, low permeability clays with hydraulic conductivities in the order of 10 24 cm/s may signi®cantly increase the time for the surfactant to permeate through the contaminated zone. Heterogeneities could cause some sections of the



Cu removal (%)

80 60 40 20 0 0


2 3 Time (days)



2 3 Time (days)



2 3 Time (days)



B 30

Zn removal (%)

are major concerns, very few technologies are capable of dealing with both types of contaminants. As previously mentioned, surfactants can be used to assist in the remediation of numerous types of hydrocarbon contaminants. Only recently, has it been shown that surfactants can be used to enhance metal removal (Mulligan et al., 1999a,b). Biologically produced surfactants, surfactin, rhamnolipids and sophorolipids (Mulligan et al., 1999a) were able to remove copper and zinc from a hydrocarbon-contaminated soil. This is due to the anionic character of these surfactants. A series of washings was performed with surfactin and compared to a control. Initial concentrations of oil and grease were 12.6% and the initial copper content of the soil was 550 mg/kg. Five consecutive washings were performed each lasting 24 h (Fig. 3). For copper, the control showed a ®nal cumulative removal of 20% while approximately 70% was removed by the surfactin. At the same time, approximately 50% of the hydrocarbons were removed by surfactin compared to 30% by the control. Therefore, these results seem very promising. Other advantages of these biosurfactants are that they are biodegradable and low in toxicity. In addition, they potentially can be produced in situ using the organic contaminants as substrates for their production. Larger scale studies, however, are required to determine their potential.





Cd removal (%)






0 4


Fig. 3. Series of washings for (A) copper, (B) zinc and (C) cadmium by 0.25% surfactin with 1% NaOH (B) and the control (1% NaOH) (A) according to Mulligan et al. (1999b).

treatment zone to receive more solution than others and thus increase solution requirements. Control of mobility by the addition of polymers or foam can reduce this problem. Another potential factor in surfactant ¯ushing that must be taken into consideration is that since the NAPLs are mobilized by the

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surfactant, there is the potential for downward or horizontal movement of the contaminant and subsequent groundwater contamination. Research is underway to minimize this possibility (Fountain, 1998). Another concern of the regulators is the toxicity of the ¯ushing solutions. Therefore, it is very important to develop the use of non-toxic biodegradable surfactants to enhance the acceptability of this technology. The development of the use of biosurfactants both for hydrocarbon and metal removal should help alleviate this concern. References AATDF, 1998. Surfactants and Cosolvents for NAPL Remediation. Technical Practices Manual. Ann Arbor Press, Ann Arbor, MI. Abdul, A., Gibson, T., Ang, C., Smith, J., Sobczynski, R., 1992. Insitu surfactant washing of polychlorinated biphenyls and oils from a contaminated site. Ground Water 30, 219±231. Abriola, L.M., Pennell, K.D., Dekker, T.J., Weber, W.J., Jr., 1993. Laboratory and modeling investigations of surfactant enhanced aquifer remediation. 19th Annual Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory Hazardous Waste Research Symposium, Cincinnati, OH, April 13±15, pp. 173±176. American Academy of Environmental Engineers (AAEE), 1993. In: Anderson, W.C. (Ed.), Soil washing/soil ¯ushing, Innovative Site Remediation, vol. 3, WASTEC. Ang, C.C., Abdul, A.S., 1991. Aqueous surfactant washing of residual oil contamination from sandy soil. Ground Water Monit. Rev. 11, 121±127. Anonymous, 1984. Surfactants. Chem. Week 135, 58. Banat, I.M., 1995. Characterization of biosurfactants and their use in pollution removal: state of the art (review). Acta Biotechnol. 15, 251±267. Biermann, M., Lange, F., Piorr, R., Ploog, U., Rutzen, H., Schindler, J., Schmidt, R., 1987. Synthesis of surfactants. In: Falbe, J. (Ed.), Surfactants in Consumer Products, Theory, Technology and Application. Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 23±132. Brown, C.L., Delshad, M., Dwarakanath, V., Jackson, R.E., Londergan, J.T., Meinardus, H.W., McKinney, D.C., Oolman, T., Pope, G.A., Wade, W.H., 1999. Innovative in situ physical and chemical remediation technologies Ð 6. Demonstration of Surfactant Flooding of an Alluvial Aquifer Contaminated with Dense Non-aqueous Phase Liquid. ACS Symposium Series, vol. 545, pp. 64±85. Burd, G., Ward, O.P., 1996. Bacterial degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on agar plates: the role of biosurfactants. Biotechnol. Tech. 10, 371±374. Cooper, D.G., 1986. Biosurfactants. Microbiol. Sci. 3, 145±149. Dave, H., Ramakrishna, C., Bhatt, B.D., Desai, J.D., 1994. Biodegradation of slop oil from a petroleum industry and bioreclamation of slop-oil contaminated soil. World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 10, 653±656. DescheÃnes, L., Lafrance, P., Villeneuve, J.-P., Samson, R., 1994.


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