Survey - national nutrition monitoring bureau

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Ms. Dhara Vikarmbhai patva ... Dr. Amiya Ranjan Mehant/ Ms. Sukhalatha Paikray ..... Distribution (%) of HHs by major oc
NNMB Technical Report No. 26


Diet and Nutritional Status of Rural Population, Prevalence of Hypertension & Diabetes among Adults and Infant & Young Child Feeding Practices -Report of Third Repeat Survey

NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF NUTRITION Indian Council of Medical Research Hyderabad - 500 007. INDIA 2012

NATIONAL NUTRITION MONITORING BUREAU Director: Dr. B. Sesikeran (Up to, Aug 2012) Officer in-charge: Dr. Kalpagam Polasa



Dr. G. N. V. Brahmam (Up to, Aug 2011)

Scientist ‘F’ & HoD, Division of Community Studies

Dr. A. Laxmaiah (From, Sept 2011)

Scientist ‘E’ & HoD, Division of Community Studies

Dr. R. Hari Kumar

Scientist ‘D’

Dr. N. Arlappa

Scientist ‘D’

Dr. N. Balakrishna

Scientist ‘D’

Dr. I. I. Meshram

Scientist ‘C’

Dr. K. Mallikharjuna Rao

Scientist ‘C’

Mr. Ch. Gal Reddy

Scientist ‘B’

Mr. V. Bhaskar

Scientist ‘B’ (From March 2007 - March 2009)

Mr. G. Manohar

Scientist ‘B’ (From May 2010 to till today)

Mr. Sharad Kumar

Sr. Technical Officer

Mr. M. Ravindranath

Sr. Technical Officer

Name of Technical Staff & Designation Mr. P. V. Rao, T.O (Retd...)

Mr. N. Srinivasachary, T.O

Ms. G. Madhavi, Technician

Mr. V. Radhakrishna Rao, T.O

Mr. Ch. Krishna, T.A

Mr. G.L. Stephen, Technician

Mr. U. D.Awasthi, T.O

Ms. N. Madhuri, SHV (Retd...)

Ms. G. Neeraja, R.A

Mr. S. Prabhakar, T.O

Mr. R. Raghunadh Babu, DEO

Ms. R. Rajeswari, R.A

Mr. D. P. R. Vittal, T.O

Mr. C. Saibabu, Technician

Ms. G. Vijaya Pushpalatha, R.A

Mr. K. Nageswara Rao, T.O

Mr. G. Govindarajulu, Technician

Secretarial Staff

Mr. Ch. Nagambika Prasad, T.O Mr. S.P.V. Prasad, Technician Mr. B. Pothuraju, T.O


Mr. G. H. Rao, P.A

Mr. K. Sreeramkrishna,Technician Mrs. G. Prashanthi, P.A

Rural-Third Repeat Survey 2011-12



Medical Officer/ Social Worker


Andhra Pradesh

Dr.G.N.V. Brahmam/ Dr. A. Laxmaiah

Dr. G. Praksah / Mr. N. Srinivasa Rao

Ms. Vijaya Durga / Mr. Ravi Teja


Dr. Gautam Nayak

Dr. Manohar P.Barot/ Ms. Kinnari D Shah

Ms. Dhara Vikarmbhai patva


Dr. S. I. Bendigere/ Dr. R.Narayan

Dr. M.K. Ashwini/ Ms. K.V. Jai Shankar

Ms.G. Shashi


Dr. K.T.Sreelatha Kumari

Mr. T.Santosh Kumar/ Ms.P.H. Sumitha

Ms. Neetha Thomas

Madhya Pradesh Dr.Tapas Chakma

Dr. Rakesh Babu/ Mr. Gajanand S Dhore

Ms.Supriya Agarwal


Dr. S.K.Kar

Dr. Amiya Ranjan Mehant/ Ms. Haraprava Sahu

Ms. Sukhalatha Paikray

Tamil Nadu

Dr. Vidya Ramachandran

Dr. T. Sundar/ Ms. Mary Jeraldin Jeya

Mr. S. Manohar

West Bengal

Dr. Kamalesh Sarkar Dr. Nadira Mallick & Mr. Kaustav Das

Ms. Alolika Mukherjee


Dr. M.C. Sahare / Dr V.V.Doifode

Dr. Dinesh V.Bhale/ Ms. Mamta S Patil

Ms.Ojaswini D Rajguru

Uttar Pradesh

Dr.V.K.Srivastava/ Dr. Uday Mohan

Dr. Shravan Kumar Jaiswal/ Ms Aamera Faruqui Ms Sumita Verma

South Asia Network for Chronic Diseases (SANCD) Project Staff & Designation Andhra Pradesh

Mr. K. Pramod, Lab Technician


Mr. Himanshu Ashokbhai Patel, Lab Technician


Mr. K.C. Mithun Kumar, Lab Technician


Mr. S. Dileep Kumar, Lab Technician

Madhya Pradesh

Mr. Arif Iqbal, Lab Technician


Mr. Gurucharan Mantri, Lab Technician

Tamil Nadu

Ms. S. Bhanupriya, Lab Technician

West Bengal

Mr. Sarbeshwar Sanpui, Lab Technician


Mr. Pritesh P. Sahare, Lab Technician

Uttar Pradesh

Mr. Sivasingh Rajpoot, Lab Technician


Rural-Third Repeat Survey 2011-12

CONTENTS Particulars

Page No.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................................

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................. 1.

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 1


OBJECTIVES ....................................................................................................................... 1 2.1 General Objective ..................................................................................................... 1 2.2 Specific Objectives .................................................................................................... 1


METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................. 2 - 8 3.1 Study Design ............................................................................................................. 2 3.2 Selection of Villages .................................................................................................. 2 3.3 Selection of Households ........................................................................................... 2 3.4 Sample Size Estimation ............................................................................................ 2 3.5 Investigations ............................................................................................................ 3 3.6 Training & Standardization of Investigators .............................................................. 5 3.7 Quality Control ........................................................................................................... 5 3.8 Data Analysis ............................................................................................................. 5 3.9 Time Trends ............................................................................................................... 8


ETHIACL ISSUES ................................................................................................................ 8


RESULTS .................................................................................................................. 8 - 64 5.1 Coverage ................................................................................................................... 8 5.2 Socio-economic Profile ............................................................................................. 8 5.3 Food and Nutrient Intakes of Households .............................................................. 11 5.4 Food and Nutrient Intakes of Individuals ................................................................ 14 5.5 Nutritional Status ..................................................................................................... 26 5.6 Morbidity .................................................................................................................. 33 5.7 Association between Nutritional Status and Socio-economic and Demographic Variables .................................................................................... 33 5.8 Obesity and Diet Related Chronic Non Communicable Diseases among Adults ........................................................................................................... 34 5.9 Knowledge and Practices about Hypertension & Diabetes Mellitus and Risk Behaviours ............................................................................................... 37 5.10 Association between Hypertension, Diabetes and BMI, WC & WHR .................... 38 5.11 Association between Hypertension (HTN), Diabetes, Overweight/ Obesity and Abdominal Obesity and Socio-economic & Demographic Variables, Risk Behaviours and Food & Nutrients ........................... 39 5.12 Time Trends ............................................................................................................. 40 5.13 Infant & Young Child Feeding (IYCF) Practices ...................................................... 60


DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................. 65-68 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................ 69 - 70 TABLES

.............................................................................................................. 71 - 260

ANNEXURES .......................................................................................................... 261 - 298 NNMB

Rural-Third Repeat Survey 2011-12


Page No.

Fig 1

Distribution (%) of HHs by type of house and period of survey: time trends ..................................................... 40

Fig 2

Distribution (%) of HHs by major occupation of head of household and period of survey: time trends .............................................................................................................................. 41

Fig 3

Distribution (%) of HHs by land ownership and period of survey: time trends .................................................. 41

Fig 4

Average household intake of foodstuffs as % RDI: time trends ......................................................................... 42

Fig 5

Average household intake of nutrients as % RDA: time trends ........................................................................ 43

Fig 6

Average intake of foodstuffs among 1-3 year children as % RDI: time trends ................................................. 43

Fig 7

Average intake of foodstuffs among 4-6 year children as % RDI: time trends ................................................. 44

Fig 8

Average intake of foodstuffs among adult men (≥18 years) as % RDI: change over a period ......................................................................................................................... 45

Fig 9

Average intake of foodstuffs among adult women (≥18 years) as % RDI: change over a period .................... 46

Fig 10

Mean intake of nutrients among 1-3 year children as % RDA: time trends ....................................................... 47

Fig 11

Mean intake of nutrients among 4-6 year children as % RDA: time trends ....................................................... 47

Fig 12

Mean intake of nutrients among ≥18 years sedentary adult men as % RDA: change over a period ...................................................................................................................... 49

Fig 13

Mean intake of nutrients among ≥18 years sedentary adult women as % RDA: change over a period ..................................................................................................................... 49

Fig 14

Prevalence (%) of nutritional deficiency signs among preschool children: time trends .................................... 50

Fig 15

Distance charts for heights and weights of males and females – Kerala .......................................................... 51

Fig 16

Distance charts for heights and weights of males and females – Tamil Nadu .................................................. 52

Fig 17

Distance charts for heights and weights of males and females – Karnataka .................................................... 53

Fig 18

Distance charts for heights and weights of males and females – Andhra Pradesh .......................................... 54

Fig 19

Distance charts for heights and weights of males and females – Maharashtra ................................................ 55

Fig 20

Distance charts for heights and weights of males and females – Gujarat ......................................................... 56

Fig 21

Distance charts for heights and weights of males and females – Orissa .......................................................... 57

Fig 22

Prevalence (%) of undernutrition among 1-5 year boys according to WHO classification: time trends (7 states pooled) ............................................................................................ 58

Fig 23

Prevalence (%) of undernutrition among 1-5 year girls according to WHO classification: time trends (7 states pooled) ............................................................................................. 58

Fig 24

Prevalence (%) of undernutrition among 1-5 year boys & girls according to WHO classification: time trends .......................................................................................................................... 58

Fig 25

Distribution (%) of adult men by nutritional status according to WHO standards: change over a period .............................................................................................................. 59

Fig 26

Distribution (%) of adult women by nutritional status according to WHO standards: change over a period .............................................................................................................. 59

Fig 27

Distribution (%) of