Survey on Attacks Pertaining to Wireless Mesh Networks and ...

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communication. Various advantages of wireless mesh network such as: ... advantages of hybrid WMNs. .... Wired network Access Points that required network.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 149 – No.12, September 2016

Survey on Attacks Pertaining to Wireless Mesh Networks and Approach towards Counter Measures Seema Devi

Sandeep Dalal

Student Department of Computer Science and Applications Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, India

Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science and Applications Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, India

ABSTRACT Wireless Mesh Networks (WMN) is an integral broadband wireless network who provides high bandwidth internet service to users. It is kind of multi-hop networks having many to many connections with the capability of dynamic sanify network topology. WMN’s utility network performance can cause a massive fall. Channel your physical security vulnerabilities, due to the dynamic changes of topology is a major challenging issue. Self –Configuration is a wireless mesh network self-organized nature make it vulnerable to various type of more attacks .In this paper we have discussed Some attacks that TCP / IP model are performed at different layers of security challenges, analyzing the counter remedies and protection mechanisms in place various attacks listed. Some attacks that TCP / IP model, are performed at different layers of security challenges, analyzing the counter remedies and protection mechanisms in place various attacks listed.

Keywords Wireless Mesh Networks, Wormhole attack, Grey Hole attack, Security, Attack, Challenges

1. INTRODUCTION Wireless Mesh Networking is an emerge technology. Wireless mesh network originates mesh nodes which form the backbone network [1]. Nodes automatically configure network connectivity and dynamically reconfigure the network "self- build” and “self-healing" features are to maintain returns. Akyldiz [3] states that WMNs are expand to retutation limitation and reform the performance of ad-hoc network. Centralized management [2] need to be selfsufficient because of the relationship between the mesh nodes are removed .Various applications [4] of wireless mesh network as: 

Broadband home network

Community and vicinity networking

Diligence Network

Compose Automation

Transit System

Medical and health System

Defense and Vigilance system

Sudden disaster network

Peer to peer communication

Security has become the main concern to provide secure communication. Various advantages of wireless mesh network such as: 

Simple Installation and Less Cost

Nodes Self connectivity

Network Stretchibility

Creation of the newly added nodes

2. CHARACTERISTICSOF WMNs Wireless Mesh Networks is dynamic, self-association, selfconfiguration and self-sanify characterized by stretchable integration, rapid deployment, enabling easier maintenance, low cost, high scalability and credible services. Network deployment and maintenance is greatly reduced complexity and the ability to organize their own [3]. Wireless Mesh networks consist of: 

Mesh clients : Minimal mobility

Mesh routers : Static or Mobile in nature

WMNs are used to integrate different types of network like Internet, Cellular, Wi-Fi networks, WiMAX, Sensor networks etc. a)

Infrastructure wireless mesh routers offer those services to the clients. The network has self-sanify characteristics.


Ad hoc network are formed from WMNs clients. Devoted routers or infrastructure are existing so that the self-configuring client and client WMN routers act as traffic to be. WMNs have two other advantages of hybrid WMNs.

This technology development is to negotiate with the challenge safety, architecture and protocols designed issues. It is still quite inadequate for deploy sizable Wireless mesh Network has become notable aspect 

Network radio outreach

Network Capability


Tractability and Security problem remains constant open

Security is one of the tricky component that needs due precaution. Several mechanisms are used for providing security in WMNs:


International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 149 – No.12, September 2016 

Secure Routing

Conviction Management

Message authentication protocol (MAC)


Intrusion Detection system


Figure 1: Showing typical Infrastructure Wireless Mesh Network



A wireless mesh network security requirement can be classified as:

WMNs completely for some reasons it is difficult to protected. Some security challenges are below:


Data Validation: To ensure the data is originated from the exact source.


Data Privacy: To ensure that only authorized nodes can get the content of the messages.


Data Integrity: To ensure that any received message has not been modified or alteration by unauthorized parties to send.


Availability: To ensure that services offered by WSN or by a single node should be available while necessary.


Non Repudiation: To ensure nodes which send a packet to a destination node cannot disprove that the packets sent and received packets to the destination cannot deny.


Multi-hop nature: Multi-hop [11] to delay in detection and treatment is intended for attacks. Moreover since the majority of the one-hop out protection schemes are proposed for the network, one of them being attacked are not sufficient to protect the WMN.


Multisystem Security: [11] WMNs include wireless technologies such as IEEE (Bluetooth), IEEE 802.11,00 and IEEE (WiMAX) etc. A Safety network is required not that easy to provide in the network.


Multitier Security System: [11] Security is needed to protected not only the client nodes but also the mesh routers and as well as the mesh clients.


We expected [10] the node is being compromise due to deduction of physical security. Therefore the system outside the network from malicious attacks

several 802.15 802.16 but it’s


International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 149 – No.12, September 2016 launched from inside the network is vulnerable to attacks. e)

WMN has memory and computational constraints [10], the security are not applied to conventional schemes.


Shared wireless links: [12] since a single radio channel is used by mesh clients to transmit data packets eavesdropping or the replay attacks like MAC layer are possible to be back.


Deduction of association: [12] Due to ad hoc nature of WMN change the faith relationship among nodes.


Substantial Risk: [12] The lack of physical security node is likely to settle.


Resource Avail: [12] Security are not suitable for traditional plans WMNs because of lake of computational constraints and memory.

Security services to avoid an attack and attempt to breach system security policies. Attacks on the security can be categorized by their temper, opportunity, behaviour and the destination layers as shown in Figure 2. [5] Passive attacks (without any data modification) attacks and unrest imposed on network resources based on active (modification of data) attacks are classified. Traffic inspection and eavesdropping are passive attacks whereas simulation alteration of message respond and abandonment are active attacks. Attack can be categorized as external or internal grounded on the people starting the attack. External attacks are started from the interrupters who are not legal users and their objective is to demote network achievement starting from. Denial of Service is such kind of attack. Internal attacks are introduced by malicious or self-centered nodes. Depending on behavior of rational assaulter (some advantages in rule of quality or price) or malicious attackers can be classified as


Figure 2: Various types of Attacks

6. PROTOCOL LAYER ATTACKS The attacks may present in Physical layer, MAC layer, Network layer, Transport layer and Application layer of the protocol stack.


International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 149 – No.12, September 2016

6.1 Security Attacks on the Physical Layer of WMNs There WMNs first physical layer consists of different types of attacks. Attacker could smash external hardware just the routers are installing in the outdoor area. Such vulnerable routers are attackers can easily marrow the information. The pinpoint Jamming, jamming at time, reactive jamming attacks can be applied in physical layer [13]. In pinpoint jamming attacker transmit constant sound. In cyclic jamming attack or scrambling attack an assaulter transmits small periodic signals. In last reactive jamming attack when so ever a node discovers that an attacker has started transmission signal to transmit.

6.2 Security attacks in MAC Layer of WMNs Many types of attack are possible in MAC layer and consist of following: a.

Passive eavesdropping: WMNs nature of broadcasting the transmission it falls within the transmission range of attacker passive communication node is possible to actuate the eaves dropping. It can be launched in internal nodes and exterior nodes. Internal eavesdropping by malicious middle nodes keeps copy the information and proceeds to any node in the network without further knowledge [14].


Flooding attack: An attacker sends many messages to its neighboring node to control several MAC. Due to the fairness of the channel is physically misuse [15].


MAC Pinchbeck: If an assaulter attempt to replace the MAC address of the frame is broadcast.


Jamming Attack: Jamming attacks are also feasible in MAC Layer.

6.3 Network layer security attack in WMNs Many attacks the network layers are also feasible. These attacks are forward classified in: Control Plane: Control Plane or Routing to notice routing functionality of network. Control Plane attack are distinguished as: 1.

Rushing Attacks: On Demand routing protocol an assaulter sends multiple routing packets beyond the network in a small interval of time to keep node occupied.


Overflow routing table: The new routes are being created by an attacker enough to escape routes with the intention of making fictitious nodes attempts to build new roads.


Worm-hole attack: In this attack malicious attacker to consent two nodes utilize the path or collude with more despite node is during the installation of a burrow. A worm-hole attack using successful communication channel. Once sufferer nodes enter malicious nodes in the way of routing nodes malicious node begins dropping packets.

Figure 3: Attacks on Different Protocol Layers


International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 149 – No.12, September 2016 fake those messages to request the retransmission of the frame so that the host can fail.

6.5 Security attacks in the Application Layer of WMN Application layer attacks viruses as well as concern in wireless networks, malicious code, denial of the application, worms etc.

7. PHYSICAL SECURITY THREATS [10] Fig. 4 Wormhole Attack 4.

Traditional wireless network arrangements were inside physical and administrative control of the director or agency of an enterprise environment. Outdoor wireless mesh network mesh access points need to be out of the operator’s physical control. Physical device security attitude more defiance for outdoor deployment. Wireless mesh access points lighting positions are moving away or external buildings, an environment where the deployment of a wide area network that is not under the control the operator of the physical and administrators, such devices could be several thousand.

Wired network Access Points that required network quantivalence. Wired network Access Points sometime media backhaul which can uncover desperate wired network connection is required.

Battery fatigue attack sleep deprivation attack is known as a real threat and simple denial of service attacks more dangerous. Attack on CPU count may deny the avail of denial of service while battery exhaustion can cripple the sufferer.

Sinkhole or black hole attack: The attack a malicious packet forwarding nodes begins to explain to its neighboring nodes. That packet to advance the most optimum node. A vicinage node began to forward packets malicious node packets are forwarded by the neighboring nodes goes.

Fig. 5 Black hole Attack 5.

Grey Hole Attack: Grey Hole attacks are a diversity of Sinkhole attack [16]. During the attack they just drop selective packet not entire packet [13].


Location disclosure Attack: During the attack framework or network node reveal report about the location [17].

Data control Attack: Data control or path forwarding network attacks target path forwarding practicality. This type of attack is initiated by the nodes in network abuse. Bansalet. al.[18] divide two groups greedy nodes and malicious nodes. A greedy node tries to disturb the operation of a selfish node network; even in the operating costs of the other nodes is concerned about his performance. Eavesdropping is a simple way to control the attack.

Security of user secrecy is a very notable matter in wireless network communication. However it is difficult to ensuring privacy of the users. To realize the message are protected within the network as there are not many security solutions or machine which guarantee that knowledge authorized parties themselves [19]. Table1.WMN of a communication protocol stack and their potential security vulnerabilities in different layers of the system presents a summary of the different types.

6.4 Security attack in transport layer in WMNs Attackers might mark the Transport layer. Flood attacks are feasible in Transport layer and desynchronization. In flooding attacks malicious node to reach a maximum limit to the resource requirements can request a new connection. In desynchronization attack a malicious node might frequently Table 1: Various Types of Vulnerabilities and their Defense Mechanisms LAYER






Collision Exhaustion Unfairness Forged routing information & selective forwarding

Spread-spectrum, prior messaging, lower duty cycle, field mapping, change mode Error-correction code Rate limitation Small frame Egress filtering, confirmation, monitoring



International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 149 – No.12, September 2016 Sinkhole Sybil Wormhole Hello Flood

Transport Application Privacy

Ack. Flooding SYN, Flooding, Desynchronization Logic errors, Buffer overflow Traffic analysis, Data privacy and location privacy attack

Surfiet check Confirmation, surveillance, surfiet Authentication, probing Confirmation, Geographic and temporal information by using packet leashes Confirmation, bi-directional link confirmation, verification Client puzzles, SSL-TLS confirmation, EAP Application confirmation, affiance computing, Antivirus. Holomorphic encryption, onion routing, traffic plans based on entropy calculations, the Group signed Anonymity based plans, using pseudonyms


cryptographic algorithm which may deserve for motion customers.

DoS in any form opposite any network are regarding as a serious attack. Broadband wireless network the results of different DoS attacks vary with the nature and type of DoS attack. If start against a single node either to exhaust its battery to separate it from the network operation. Selfish mesh router attack in WMN and wicked BS attacks are used to make services unavailable to a target area in wireless broadband networks.

C. Pair-wise key sharing [10] In Wireless mesh network symmetrical cryptography is feasible because of the asymmetric cryptographic technique require less computation. A better solution Diffie-Hellman key exchange to be used [21]. Diffie-Hellman key interchange is cryptographic protocol allowing two companies that have no primarily knowledge of each other both parties commonly setup an unsecured communication channel that allows distributed key. The key is symmetric key cipher to encrypt communications using the later can be used.


DoS attacks and possible Counter Measures [10] Needs to be investigated to overcome it to some extent are these: -

Cognitive radios implementation at physical layer need to be investigating to manage the jamming and scrambling kind of attacks, all of which are common in the broadband networks.

The current encryption mechanisms used in broadband networks WEP, DES, and AES, which are vulnerable to attacks like eavesdropping. Improved and efficient encryption mechanisms need to be proposed exclusively for each broadband technology as the successful eavesdropping facility attackers to launch DoS attacks.

Intrusion detection mechanism to detect and respond especially for the network layer apprehend particularly for WMN environment.

Location detection mechanism is basis on signal strength and AP test request spate of the attacks and de-authentication type with the ability to identify malicious node mesh wireless router needs to be ready, the same system IEEE 802.16 networks can be used to recognize fake registration requests flood.

Improve routing protocols specifically for multihop WMNs are desired.

B. Cryptography and Digital Signatures [10] Nodes can create digital signatures and check them then solution is straight forward. The use of Public key cryptography node can verify the signature of the other nodes the two nodes will setup a general confidential key signs technology access and protected by the secret key messages will be able to accept. Many of the nodes in WMN have compute and lack of battery verification action that involves public key cryptography may not be computed. However Elliptic curve cryptography ECC [20] assembles some energy and calculation effective techniques to implement

D. Secure Routing [10] To achieve availability dynamically changing topology and routing protocol must be robust against spleen attacks. Threats can originate from two bases in routing protocols. First come from external assaulter and second more serious types of threats also come from compromised nodes in correct routing information may be advertised to other nodes. In order to prevent such attacks we can utilize assured properties of WMNs to achieve safe routing. Like multipath routing [22] take advantage of multiple routes in a successful manner without data retransmission. Original concept for error detection and correction through additional routes to transmit information is unnecessary. Even if some route adjustment the receiver still be able to legalize messages.

9. CONCLUSION WMNs are able to provide seamless connectivity to the nature of self-healing system. WMNs successful implementation of secure conventional and enhanced security protocols required. Thwarting security to prevent attacks on network layer and above all security measures to maintain security is impossible. So far, the proposed security measures introduced in the various layers are not the solution for a variety of attacks. Network layer security attacks can be caused by events in the lower layers is caused. This is necessary to secure a crosslayer approach WMNs. The major security requirement threats and security risks are analyzing WMNs and finally some security mechanisms are discussed.

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