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Common Name ... Turtles. Apalone spinifera. Spiny Softshell Turtle. X1. 1. X M, H, D. Chelydra serpentina serpentina. Eastern Snapping Turtle. X M, D.
Sustainability 2012, 4, 2334-2347; doi:10.3390/su4092334 OPEN ACCESS

sustainability ISSN 2071-1050 Article

Riparian Forest Restoration: Conflicting Goals, Trade-Offs, and Measures of Success Heather L. Bateman 1,*, David M. Merritt 2 and J. Bradley Johnson 3 1 2


Arizona State University, Polytechnic Campus, 6073 S Backus Mall, Mesa, AZ 85212, USA USFS Watershed, Fish, and Wildlife & CSU Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory NRRC, Fort Collins, CO 80526, USA; E-Mail: [email protected] Colorado State University, Department of Biology, Fort Collins, CO 80526, USA; E-Mail: [email protected]

* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mail: [email protected]; Tel.: +1-480-727-1131; Fax: +1-480-727-1236.

Supplementary Material Table 1. Species of amphibians and reptiles documented in the riparian forest and associated habitats (including ditches, canals, ponds, sandbars, and drier peripheral riparian habitat) of the Middle Rio Grande, New Mexico. An “X” indicates a species was encountered during the Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) restoration project from 2000 to 2006 or from historical records. In the RMRS columns subscripts indicate the number of sites where the species occurred and superscripts indicate the number sites where the species was “gained”. Letter superscripts found in the historic column represent the reference, which are listed below. Taxa Scientific Name Amphibians Ambystoma tigrinum Bufo cognatus Bufo punctatus Bufo woodhousii Pseudacris triseriata Rana blairi Rana catesbeiana* Rana pipiens Scaphiopus couchii Spea bombifrons

Common Name Tiger Salamander Great Plains Toad Red-spotted Toad Woodhouse's Toad Western Chorus Frog Plains Leopard Frog American Bullfrog Northern Leopard Frog Couch's Spadefoot Plains Spadefoot

RMRS Pre Post X1 X2 X12 X11

X21 X86 X11 X12



X6 X11

X93 X11

Historic X M, H, D, S X M, H, D X HM X M, H, D, S X M, H, D XM X M, H, D X M, HM, D X M, HM, D X M, H

Sustainability 2012, 4

S2 Table 1. Cont.

Taxa Scientific Name Spea multiplicata stagnalis Turtles Apalone spinifera Chelydra serpentina serpentina Chrysemys picta Terrapene ornata Trachemys gaigeae gaigeae Trachemys scripta elegans Lizards Aspidoscelis exsanguis Aspidoscelis inornata Aspidoscelis neomexicana Aspidoscelis tesselata Aspidoscelis tigris Aspidoscelis uniparens Aspidoscelis velox Cophosaurus texanus Crotaphytus collaris Crotaphytus wislizeni Eumeces obsoletus Holbrookia maculata Phrynosoma hernandesi Phrynosoma cornutum Phrynosoma douglasii Phrynosoma modestum Sceloporus clarkii Sceloporus magister Sceloporus cowlesi Urosaurus ornatus Uta stansburiana

Common Name New Mexico Spadefoot Spiny Softshell Turtle

RMRS Pre Post X6 X71 X11

X M, H, D X M, D X M, HM, D X M, HM, D XD X M, D

Eastern Snapping Turtle Painted Turtle Ornate Box Turtle Big Bend Slider Red-eared Slider Chihuahuan Spotted Whiptail Little Striped Whiptail New Mexico Whiptail Common Checkered Whiptail Tiger Whiptail Desert Grassland Whiptail Plateau Striped Whiptail Greater Earless Lizard Collared Lizard Leopard Lizard Great Plains Skink Common Lesser Earless Lizard Greater Short-horned Lizard Texas Horned Lizard Pygmy Short-Tailed Horned Lizard Round-tailed Horned Lizard Clark’s Spiny Lizard Desert Spiny Lizard Southwestern Fence Lizard Ornate Tree Lizard Common Side-blotched Lizard

Historic X M, HM, D

X11 X1 X12 X2 X1 X61


X121 X1 X12 X2 X1 X61


X H, D, S X H, D, S X M, H, D X HM, D X M, HM X M, HM, D, S XH XD XD XM X M, H, D, B XH X HM

X11 XM

X1 X91

X1 X113

X M, H, D XM X M, HM, D X M, H, D, S XD


X2 X M, H, D

Sustainability 2012, 4

S3 Table 1. Cont.

Taxa Scientific Name Snakes Arizona elegans Coluber constrictor

Common Name

RMRS Pre Post


Glossy Snake X22 X M, H Eastern Racer X11 X HM, D Western X33 Diamond-backed Crotalus atrox Rattlesnake X M, HM Crotalus viridis Prairie Rattlesnake X33 X M, HM Western Hog-nosed X31 X42 Heterodon nasicus Snake X HM Hypsiglena torquata (Texas) Night Snake XM Lampropeltis getula Common Kingsnake X6 X82 X M, HM, D, S New Mexico Leptotyphlops dissectus Threadsnake XD Masticophis flagellum Coachwhip X33 X22 X M, HM Pituophis catenifer Gophersnake X52 X63 X M, HM, D Rhinocheilus lecontei Long-nosed Snake X M, HM Sistrurus catenatus Massasauga X HM Plains Black-headed X21 X54 Tantilla nigriceps Snake X M, HM, S Black-necked Thamnophis cyrtopsis Gartersnake X HM, D Thamnophis elegans Terrestrial Gartersnake X11 X M, D Thamnophis marcianus Checkered Gartersnake X1 X21 X M, HM, D Thamnophis sirtalis Common Gartersnake X3 X41 X M, HC, D Reference codes are as follows: H = captured by Hink and Ohmart [1], HM = museum records and other observations reported in Hink and Ohmart [1] Appendix 2, D = habitat associations from Degenhardt et al. [2], S = captures by Stuart et al. [3] at BDANWR. M = Museum of Southwestern Biology georeferenced data from a 400 m buffer around the Rio Grande in Bernalillo, Valencia, and Socorro Counties, 705 records (1938–1995); * Species considered non-native, introduced.

References 1.

2. 3.

Hink, V.C.; Ohmart, R.D. Middle Rio Grande Biological Survey; Final Report to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Contract No. DACW47-81-C-0015; Center for Environmental Studies, Arizona State University: Tempe, AZ, USA, 1984; p. 193. Degenhardt, W.G.; Painter, C.W.; Price, A.H. Amphibians and Reptiles of New Mexico; University of New Mexico Press: Albuquerque, NM, USA, 1996. Stuart, J.N.; Farley, G.H.; Valdez, E.W.; Bogan, M.A. Studies of Vertebrates in Selected Riparian and Aquatic Habitats on Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Albuquerque, NM, USA, 1995.