Mar 7, 2018 - Every year we are facing different challenges, some of them are already well-known, some of them come to t
Responsible Tourism Partner
EXPERT KNOWLEDGE – included in your ITB Berlin Ticket
GET INVOLVED! Dear friends & colleagues, dear exhibitors and visitors, Every year we are facing different challenges, some of them are already well-known, some of them come to the fore due to recent developments. In 2018, the tourism industry will not only have to deal with the undeniable impacts of condemnable wars, terrorist threats, child abuse, gender inequality and discrimination due to sexual orientation, of global warming, poaching and expulsion – but will also have to face nuclear threat, stress in wellestablished tourism destinations due to overtourism and the huge global problem of 8 million metric tons of plastic in our oceans every year. So even though all this doesn’t sound like fun – and tourism is supposed to be fun – we, as an industry, that wants to provide dreams, cannot look away. And we don’t: It is our task to find solutions through awareness raising and dialogue with all involved players of the industry. Once again, ITB Berlin 2018 will invite to join panel discussions, lectures and presentations related to all these burning issues – at the ITB Berlin Convention, on the stages of hall 4.1 and at several other locations on the fairgrounds. All together, we can achieve our goal not only to enjoy but to also make tourism an instrument to help create peace and wealth for all. Instead of encouraging overtourism and pollution, a sustainable and responsible tourism can contribute to deliver economic growth also to underdeveloped regions. This is one more reason why ITB supports the newly founded Adventure Tourism Foundation (ATCF) which shares the same values – our 10th ITB Blue Yonder Responsible Tourism Networking Event (Friday 6pm, hall 4.1b) will be celebrated this year in conjunction with ATCF! One seminar I want to point out, because it is close to my heart: The 1st Gender Equality in Tourism Seminar, which was falling due since a long time, will take place in our Palais am Funkturm on International Women’s Day, March 8, followed by the IIPT Celebrating Her Awards. If we see how many seminars are still dominated by men, even in the sustainability sector, we must invite women to raise their voice – women are definitively carrying half of heaven on their shoulders. 2017 was the UNWTO Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development but in 2018 we keep going: Together with the Federal Ministry for Economic Corporation and Development and the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) we will dedicate a whole afternoon to sustainable development. We are also happy that this year’s Official ITB Berlin Partner Region Mecklenburg Vorpommern, a beautiful destination in the northern part of Germany with numerous lakes, castles and stunning beaches at the Baltic Sea is also very involved in climate protection. Our ITB Opening Show – for the first time – will be climate neutral: ITB has purchased “forest stocks” in the region to compensate its CO² footprint. Furthermore, in 2018 ITB obtains 100% of its energy from certified renewable energy sources. So we are moving on.
Rika Jean-François Commissioner ITB Corporate Social Responsibility
Yours, sincerely
Photo: courtesy of Stefanie Hachmann
We will need your help to get involved to get sustainable thinking into main stream tourism! Thank you for joining the discussions, seminars and lectures – prepared for you by many enthusiastic industry fellows.
13.00 – 15.00
Hosted by: • Prof. Dr. Heike Bähre, iNTEGRON-Institut, Berlin • Prof. Dr. Ulrike Fergen, University of Applied Sciences (FHM), Schwerin
11.00 – 11.45
THE INFLUENCE OF GEOPOLITICS ON TOURISM AND THE ECONOMY The influence of geopolitics on tourist behaviour and tourism is undisputed. What findings can be drawn from usergenerated contet and which geopolitical influences currently have a particular negative or positive effect on tourism? Analyzes of the TripAdivor’s database show exciting findings. • Charlie Ballard, Global Director Strategic Insights, TripAdvisor
17.00 – 17.45
THE FUTURE OF SHARING IN EUROPE’S METROPOLISES: BASIC DATA FOR POLICY MAKERS Berlin, London, Amsterdam and Reykjavik – for the first time, reliable basic data about Airbnb offers and the booking behavior of Airbnb users are available. The study data are an important decision-making tool for the hotel industry and for upcoming measures from policy makers. • Dr. Jeroen A. Oskam, Director Research Centre, Hotelschool The Hague
FORUM “Tourism and Migration – Risks and Chances” Top keynotes and discussion on the situation of migration and its impact on tourism and hospitality on European, German and regional level. Exclusive empirical study results on ECVET based competence validation and labour market inclusion models for migrants and refugees in Europe. The tourism debate of sustainable integration of low-skilled refugees into the tourism labour market in Berlin-Brandenburg. Case-study: Outbound Romanians’ shape of the cultural landscape Bucovina, an Austro-Hungarian monarchy province lost 100 years ago, today a cross-border destination in Ukraine and Romania 13.00 – 13.05
HALL 4.1A, BIG STAGE INSULARITY AND SUSTAINABILITY – APPROACHES TO SUSTAINABLE TOURISM WITHIN THE FRANCOPHONIE INITIATIVE FOR SUSTAINABLE TOURISM IN SIDS What makes sustainable tourism development in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) particularly challenging and rewarding? This event introduces you to the work of the initiative for sustainable tourism in SIDS of the Francophonie Institute for Sustainable Development, its scope and activities. • Loukmann Said El Hadi, Advisor to the Vice-President of the Union of the Comoros • Patricia Prosper, Managing Director, Discovery Rodrigues • Michèle Collard, Director, Discovery Rodrigues • Daniella Payet, Founder, Seychelles Sustainable Tourism Foundation
13.20 – 13.50
13.50 – 14.30
UNESCO GLOBAL GEOPARKS NETWORK – A GLOBAL PLATFORM OF COOPERATION OF SUSTAINABLE TOURISM The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) defined a Geopark as “a territory encompassing one or more sites of scientific importance, not only for geological reasons but also by virtue of its archaeological, ecological or cultural value”. The UNESCO Global Geoparks Network strives together for a sustainable tourism experience and increased appreciation for Earth’s landscapes, cultural, natural and geological treasures.
PANEL-DISCUSSION RISKS AND CHANCES OF MIGRATION CONCEPTS IN HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN GERMAN HOSPITALITY With regards to demographic change professionals from job placement agencies, project management consultancies and hotel managers discuss pros and cons of migration and diversity concepts in the hospitality industry. What chances offer ECVET-based competence validation and labor market inclusion models for migrants and refugees? Panel guests: • Dr. Michael Schwaiger, Managing Director, E.N.T.E.R (Network of 940 members + 44 countries) • Prof. Dr. Ulrike Fergen, University of Applied Sciences, Schwerin • Peter Wölffling, Managing Director, IHK-Bildungszentrum Frankfurt (Oder) • Giancarlo Bethke, Managing Director Ahorn-Hotels, Owner + Managing Director DIEHOGA Denkfabrik, Berlin • Oliver Winter, CEO, A&O HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG, BERLIN • Roberta De Lucia, Managing Director A&O Hotel and Hostel Venice, Italy
• Prof. Dr. Nickolas Zouros, President, UNESCO Global Geoparks Network; Coordinator, European Geoparks Network; Coordinator, University of Aegean, Department of Geography, Lesvos Island UNESCO Global Geopark, Greece GEO IN: INSULAR GEOPARKS – CHALLENGES AND PERSPECTIVES ON SUSTAINABLE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT Geo-tourism is the new trend in environmental – alternative tourism. GEO-IN is a cooperation project financed by E.U. INTERREG Greece-Cyprus that involves 4 insular Geoparks, three from Greece, namely Psiloritis and Sitia from Crete and Lesvos, and Troodos from Cyprus. the Lesvos Petrified Forest, the Natural History Museum of Crete, the Development Company of Troodos and the Cyprus The GEO-IN aims to preserve and protect the natural and cultural heritage, to use it for the development of new geotourist products.
KEYNOTE 1: “SKILLS SHORTAGE AND MIGRATION”: RESULTS OF TWO EU+ STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP PROJECTS FOR ECVET BASEC COMPETENCE VALIDATION AND LABOUR MARKET INCLUSION MODELS FOR MIGRANTS AND REFUGEES Exciting and forward-looking trends will be presented in a multimedia demonstration. • Prof. Dr. Ulrike Fergen, University of Applied Sciences (FHM), Schwerin • Pia Winkler M.A., University of Applied Sciences (FHM), Schwerin
Moderated by: Diana Körner, Sustainable Tourism Consultant, IFDD (Institute de la Francophonie pour le Développement Durable) 12.00 – 12.30
OPENING OF THE FORUM • Prof. Dr. Heike Bähre, iNTEGRON-Institut, Berlin • Prof. Dr. Ulrike Fergen, University of Applied Sciences (FHM), Schwerin
13.05 – 13.20
11.00 – 12.00
FORUM “Tourism and Migration – Risks and Chances”
Moderated by: Prof. Dr. Heike Bähre, Owner/Managing Director, iNTEGRON-Institut, Berlin 14.30 – 14.55
CASE-STUDY BUCOVINA – MIGRATION IMPACTS ON CULTURAL LANDSCAPES AS DESTINATIONS / Presentation in English with following interview in German • Dr. Carmen Chasovschi, Ass.-Prof., Fakulty Economics and Business Admínistration, Suceava University “Stefan cel Mare“, Member of the Board of Bucovina Tourism Association, Romania
• Dr. Ilias Valiakos, Deputy Director, Natural History Museum of the Lesvos Petrified Forest, Lesvos Island UNESCO Global Geopark, Greece
14.55 – 15.00
CLOSING • Prof. Dr. Ulrike Fergen, University of Applied Sciences (FHM), Schwerin • Prof. Dr. Heike Bähre, iNTEGRON-Institut, Berlin
Interview by Pia Winkler M.A., University of Applied Sciences (FHM), Schwerin
• Michaela Thurau, head of cooperation, atmosfair gGmbH • Thomas Bösl, CEO Raiffeisen-Tours RT-Reisen GmbH Moderated by • Dr. Dietrich Brockhagen, CEO atmosfair gGmbH • Matthias Beyer, CEO mascontour GmbH 16.00 – 17.00
HALL 4.1B, SMALL STAGE (PowWow Stage)
TRAVEL AGENCIES BECOMING GREEN – THE TRAINING OF SUSTAINABILITY STARTS NATIONWIDE Interviews on sustainable travel. Interactive presentation of the training program
BETWEEN WELL-BEING AND OVER-TOURISM – PLANNING AND MONITORING OF TOURISM AT DESTINATION LEVEL All over the world tourism hotspots suffer from over-tourism. But this is just the visible tip of the iceberg. How can tourism be planned and monitored in a way that leads to long-lasting improvements of local peoples’ well-being?
10.00 – 11.15
OPENING OF THE 13TH POW-WOW FOR TOURISM PROFESSIONALS: The Pow-Wow for Tourism Professionals is a highly interactive and dynamic symposium where exhibitors, sponsors, partners and renowned guest speakers from all over the world showcase their uniqueness and services
10.15 – 10.30
WELCOME ADDRESS 15TH ANNIVERSARY OF HALL 4.1B – ADVENTURE TRAVEL • RESPONSIBLE TOURISM 13TH POW-WOW FOR TOURISM PROFESSIONALS • Mariana McGill, Consulting Partner, ITB Berlin, Founder and Managing Director, Latin America World, Germany
10.30 – 10.45
Greetings by Antje Monshausen, Head of Tourism Watch – Brot für die Welt Panel guests: • Ruedi Nuetzi, Country Director Indonesia / Program Manager, Swisscontact • Girda Safitri, Marketing Manager, Flores Destination Management Organisation, Indonesia • Joan Torrella: Director of the Tourism Department in the City Council of Barcelona, Spain • Andres Ochoa, Sustainability Officer, Fundación de Turismo para Cuenca, Ecuador • Sumesh Mangalasseri, Managing Director, Kabani – the other direction, India
• Peter Saabye Simonsen, Secretary Manager, Wadden Sea National Park, Denmark 10.45 – 11.00
Moderated by: Jochen Temsch, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Sub-Head of Resort, Travel, Mobility and special themes 17.00 – 18.00
TOURCERT – TRAVEL FOR TOMORROW: Certification ceremony, film & presentation Opening: Marco Giraldo, TourCert Managing Partner
11.00 – 11.15
18.00 – OPEN END 11.15 – 12.00
GET-TOGETHER Forum “Tourism and Migration – Risks and Chances” YIG Lounge (hall 4.1. – booth 117) • Prof. Dr. Ulrike Fergen, University of Applied Sciences (FHM), Schwerin • Prof. Dr. Heike Bähre, iNTEGRON-Institut, Berlin
MACROPLASTICS POLLUTION IN THE SOUTHERN NORTH SEA – SOURCES, PATHWAYS AND ABATEMENT STRATEGIES TACHLING PLASTIC WASTE IN THE SEA WITH ‘WOODEN MESSAGE BOTTLE’ Marine debris has become a growing global issue, which has already shown to have significant impacts on marine ecosystems. It is a dangerous threat to marine wildlife such as turtles, seabirds, fish and marine mammals by entanglement or ingestion. It damages habitat, has an impact on the economy as well as tourism and it is considered as a risk to human health and safety. The research project “Macroplastics Pollution in the southern North Sea” aims to acquire solid, scientific knowledge and an understanding of current and future distribution patterns of plastic debris along the coastline of northwest Germany, including the East Frisian Islands. It also aims to identify potential sources, polluters and pathways of marine debris. The ultimate goal is to collaboratively develop mitigation strategies for this environmental problem. • Dr. Holger Freund, Head of Geoecology Working Group, Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany • Katharina Stephan, Research Assistant, University of Oldenburg, Germany
12.00 – 12.45 WEDNESDAY, 7 MARCH
PROMOTING CYCLING TOURISM IN EUROPEAN COASTAL REGIONS Many coastal regions of Europe are increasingly benefiting from the development of cycling tourism, which can help with issues of seasonality and sustainable transportation to name just two of the many benefits. Get to know EuroVelo, the European Cycle Route Network, which includes several routes linked to coastal areas (e.g. EuroVelo 8 – Mediterranean Route and EuroVelo 10 – Baltic Sea Cycle Route). • Ed Lancaster, Senior Policy Officer, European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF), Belgium
HALL 4.1A, YIG-LOUNGE, Booth 117 15.00 – 15.45
ENVINRONMENTAL ENGAGEMENT IN COASTAL DESTINATIONS OF THE BALTIC SEA An overview about initiatives and projects of the non-governmental organization The Coastal Union Germany (EUCC-D). The EUCC-D has been involved in more than 30 national and international projects within the field of coastal and marine management. Best practices include “OstseeAscher”, a cooperation with the tourism centre of Rostock-Warnemünde or “OstseeKiste”, a cooperation with the Youth Hostel Organization of ITB 2018 Partner Region Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. • Nardine Stybel, Managing Director, The Costal Union (EUCC-D), Germany
Guests: • Tania Sarmiento, Director & Andrés Ochoa, Sustainability Manager, Fundación Turismo para Cuenca, Ecuador • Marisol Acosta, Director of PromPerú, Peru Tourism Promotion Board
Moderated by: Nadine Kreutzer, Journalist & Moderator followed by Get-together & live jazz music
THE COAST – A WEALTH OF BEAUTY, CULTURAL TREASURES AND BIODIVERSITY …FACING MAJOR THREATS The Wadden Sea, stretching for over 500 km along the North Sea coast of Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands, is unique and characterized by tidal flats and barrier islands. It was nominated UNESCO World Heritage in 2009. The ecosystem has an enormous bio production and one of the most important habitats for migrating birds in the world. However, the coast and the Wadden Sea face several threats like climate change means sea level rise, offshore energy like gas and oil drilling nature, overfishing, litter, nitrogen from agriculture, demographic changes and depopulation.
ROUNDTABLE HUMAN RIGHTS IN TOURISM HUMAN RIGHTS IN PRACTICE – LAND AND RECOURCE RIGHTS OF COASTAL FISHING COMMUNITIES IN THE ERA OF TOURISM DEVELOPMENT The majority of global tourism takes place in coastal areas – and especially small islands focus on tourism as a strategy for focus on tourism as a strategy for diversifying their economy and fostering economic development. As tourism grows, pressure increases on resources and land. How does tourism affect fishing communities and how can tour operators empower coastal communities? • Herman Kumara, National Convener, National Fisheries Solidarity Movement, Sri Lanka • Peter-Mario Kubsch, Chief Executive Officer, Studiosus Reisen, Germany • Camilo Alvarado, Coordinator South America, VSocial Foundation, Colombia
15.00 – 16.00
Moderated by: Antje Monshausen, Chairwoman, Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism; Head, Tourism Watch – Brot für die Welt, Germany 6
CSR PROGRAM WEDNESDAY, 7 MARCH 2018 12.45 – 13.15
IRAN’S BEAUTIFUL COASTS – FROM THE SHORES OF THE C ASPIAN SEA TO PERSIAN GULF’S UNIQUE ISLAND The Iranian plateau is bound to the north by the Caspian Sea, to the south by the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman. These coastlines offer diverse geographical and climatic features influencing its people’s way of life. Each region presents its culture, architecture, food and economy in a unique way reflecting distinctive environmental factors. Many of their fragile ecologies face environmental challenges. In May 2017, the island of Qeshm became a UNESCO Global Geopark, whose preservation is supported by green tourism activities managed by local communities.
16.00 – 16.30
THE BLUE FLAG PROGRAMME – AN INTERNATIONAL ECO-LABEL FOR BEACHES, MARINAS AND BOATING TOURISM OPERATORS For the coastal environment, water quality, safety and access for all, the Blue Flag represents a serious and profound commitment to both people and the environment. Central to the ideals of the Blue Flag programme is the aim of connecting the public with their surroundings and encouraging them to learn more about their environment. • Isabel Lissner, International Blue Flag Coordinator, Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), Denmark
• Amar Grover, Consultant, Travel Writer and Photographer, Land of Turquoise Domes Tour and Travel Company, United Kingdom • Keyvan Lankarani, Cultural Consultant and European Representative, Land of Turquoise Domes Tour and Travel Company, Iran 13.15 – 14.00
SUSTAINABLE COASTS IN LATIN AMERICA AND EUROPE In this presentation, the focus will be on the impact and the solutions to keep the beauty of the coastal regions alive, encouraging sustainable tourism. The partner countries of TourCert in Latin America all have access to the sea. Especially islands like the Galapagos are under major threat of climate change and tourism. Likewise, TourCert partners on the coasts of the North Sea as well as of rivers and lakes in Germany, including the Danube region, will be the topic of the presentation.
16.30 – 17.00
• Angela Ziltener, Founder, President and Project Manager, Dolphin Watch Alliance, Switzerland 17.00 – 17.30
• Marco Giraldo, Managing Director, TourCert, Germany 14.00 – 14.30
LOCAL GUIDE – CONSERVATIONIST NATURE GUIDE COMMUNICATOR The Oder-Delta region along the German-Polish border offers the best conditions for nature lovers and species conservation. Diverse nature tourism offers can combine the local added value with the necessary protection of the unique natural areas of this Baltic Sea coastal region. Together with various local and national partners of ITB’s 2018 Partner Region Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Germany) and Poland as well as with the initiative Rewilding Europe, we are committed to a cautious valorisation of the unique nature and landscape around the Oder-Delta.
MASS TOURISM PUTS DOLPHINS AT RISK AND TERRORIZES THEM Apart from dolphin watching, swimming with wild dolphins has become a very popular tourist attraction, the two growing at an alarming rate. Uncontrolled growth must be countered establishing “Codes of Conduct” to protect the marine mammals living there. Increasing tourism is a complicating factor since resident dolphin groups are very popular with tourists. In the Azores, Bimini or Mozambique established Codes of Conducts safeguard dolphin friendly tourism
5TH ANNUAL SHORT FILM SHOWCASE: CHARTING THE WAY FORWARD Award-winning short films on responsible tourism stories from destinations around the globe. Short films will include selections from GLP Films’ partnerships with leading destinations and travel brands, including recent releases emerging destinations, plus films on culture, conservation, wildlife and adventure travel. • Rob Holmes, Founder and Chief Strategist, GLP Films, United States of America
17.30 – 18.30
WELCOME NETWORKING COCKTAIL RECEPTION brought to you by ZAMBIA TOURISM BOARD WELCOMING REMARKS • S. E. Anthony Mukwita, Ambassador of Zambia to the Federal Republic of Germany, Zambia
• Judith Kühn, Project Manager, Environmental Action German, Germany THE AZORES ARCHIPELAGO – NINE ISLANDS CERTIFIED BY NATURE The Azores have been, for centuries, a stepping stone for explorers crossing the Atlantic. This archipelago of nine lush volcanic islands offers astonishing landscapes, rich biodiversity and cultural traditions, which are unique and flagrant in its authenticity. The Azores are internationally recognized for its commitment to sustainability, offering e.g. sustainable whale watching and hiking.
• Eduardo Elias, Product Manager, Azores Promotion Board, Azores, Portugal 15.00 – 15.30
FORMENTERA: SAVE POSIDONIA PROJECT The Save Posidonia Project is a pioneering project in the western Mediterranean that the Insular Council of Formentera is using to promote sustainable tourism and launch an action plan to raise funds for the conservation of the Posidonia Oceanica species of sea grass. To coincide with the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, last year 2017, it was possible to support the cause by sponsoring one of the 7,600 hectares of Posidonia that grow around Formentera. In addition, all events held in Formentera in 2017 contributed to the Save Posidonia Project. There is also a micro-sponsorship platform to allow individuals, businesses or national and international organisations to become involved and participate in conserving this marine habitat, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999. The aim is to involve individuals, businesses and national and international organisations in raising awareness and taking action to conserve what is an essential part of the ecosystem of the Balearic Islands. • Alejandra Ferrer Kirschbaum, Managing Director, Tourist Board Formentera, Spain
15.30 – 16.00
SUSTAINABLE COASTAL ANGLING TOURISM – A DEVELOPMENT CHANCE FOR THE SOUTH BALTIC REGION The South Baltic Region provides many interesting areas for recreational fishing. As a new touristic trend coastal angling tourism offers a unique development chance, especially for less developed coastal areas and even in the off-season. It offers diversification opportunities for the coastal tourism sector with promising market potentials. The mission of the European Union project CATCH (Coastal Angling Tourism – a development chance for the South Baltic Region / Denmark, Lithuania, Poland and Germany) is to support recreational sustainable fishing tourism through better information, target-oriented marketing and close cooperation between providers, angling associations, tourist offices and other involved stakeholders. • Katharina E. Poser, Research Associate, University of Rostock, Germany • Theresa B. Horn, Project Manager, The Coastal Union Germany (EUCC-D), Germany
KEYNOTES: INTRODUCTION OF WTCF RESEARCH The highlights of the World Tourism Economy Trend Report 2018 and the UNWTO/WTCF City Tourism Performance Research Report will be presented in two keynotes. • Dr. Song Rui, Director, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences • Esencan Terzibasoglu, Special Advisor to the UNWTO Secretary-General, UNWTO
14.00 – 14.45 Different topic, same location!
INTERJECTIONS – QUESTIONING THE UNQUESTIONED AT ITB – POWERED BY THE INSTITUTE FOR TOURISM & DEVELOPMENT Politics as a seismograph – A new factor for travel decisions? How do tourists assess the attractiveness of destinations? By the political situation in a country, the prevailing mood in favor of or against cultural diversity, the persecution of minorities, their marginalization, or the unpredictable behavior of politicians. Greetings: Dr. Dietlind von Laßberg, Vice Chairwoman, Institute for Tourism and Development Moderated by: Andreas Stopp, Journalist, Deutschlandfunk Panel guests: • Sören Hartmann, CEO, DER Touristik Group, Member of the Management Board, REWE Group • Prof. em. Dr. Hans Hopfinger, Chair of Cultural Geography, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt • Christiane Schlötzer, Deputy Feature Editor, Süddeutsche Zeitung WEDNESDAY, 7 MARCH
14.30 – 15.00
17.00 – 17.45
ITB DESTINATION DAY 1 – brought to you by ITB Advisory Hosted by: Dr. David Ermen, Senior Manager Hospitality & Tourism Centre of Excellence EMEA, PricewaterhouseCoopers AG
11.00 – 11.45
12.00 – 12.45
Moderated by: Dr. David Ermen, Senior Manager Hospitality & Tourism Centre of Excellence EMEA, PricewaterhouseCoopers AG
OVERTOURISM – EXCLUSIVE STUDY FROM DGT AND AIEST FOR ITB BERLIN: STATUS QUO, MEASURES, BEST PRACTICES FROM EUROPEAN TOURISM DESTINATIONS Tourism is threatening to suffocate itself: Due to space limitations, further growth in tourism will inevitably lead to ever more and even larger conflicts in touristic destinations worldwide. • Prof. Dr. Christian Laesser, Adjunct Professor of Tourism and Service Management, University of St. Gallen, Secretary General, AIEST (International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism) • Prof. Dr. Harald Pechlaner, President, AIEST (International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism), Professor for Tourism, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt • Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schmude, Professor for Economic Geography and Tourism Research, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, President, DGT e.V. FOCUS ON OVERCROWDED DESTINATIONS: MEASURES AND LESSONS LEARNED Destinations where tourism has had particularly negative effects have been obliged to take drastic measures. What have been the effects of these measures? Pioneers from affected tourism regions will reveal recipes for success and lessons learned for people responsible for managing destinations.
Panel guests: Ministers from pioneering countries in tourism development
HALL 7.1B, AUDITORIUM LONDON ITB FUTURE DAY Hosted by: Prof. Dr. Roland Conrady, Scientific Director of the ITB Berlin Convention, University of Applied Sciences Worms 11.00 – 11.45
13.00 – 13.45
13.00 – 13.45
ITB CRUISE EXECUTIVE PANEL: THE FUTURE OF CRUISE IN TIMES OF GROWTH AND PROFITABILITY, MAINSTREAM AND LUXURY How do cruise lines successfully conquer new markets? How do mainstream cruises differ from luxury expedition cruises? And last but not least: how can sustainability challenges be overcome?
14.00 – 14.45
THE SHARING ECONOMY – CHALLENGE OR OPPORTUNITY FOR TOURISM DESTINATIONS? How can cities use sharing concepts? Which underlying conditions are necessary so that everyone can benefit – the citizens, the newest residents in Berlin and the tourists? Does the sharing economy pose a challenge to the traditional tourism industry or does it actually complement tourism services and is thus a relevant business factor?
TACKLING “OVERTOURISM” AT DESTINATIONS: BEST PRACTICE SOLUTIONS FROM SETTING QUOTAS TO PRICING TO HIGH TECH The massive increase in conflicts at tourism hotspots shows that things can’t continue as they have until now. The latest McKinsey study (comissioned by the WTTC) takes a look at affected tourism regions and provides recommendations for actions. • Gloria Guevara Manzo, President & CEO, World Travel & Tourism Council • Margaux Constantin, Associate Principal, McKinsey
Moderated by: Thomas P. Illes, Cruise Analyst, University Lecturer and Journalist Panel guests: • Christian Böll, Managing Director Europe, Norwegian Cruise Line • Michael Zengerle, Managing Director, MSC Kreuzfahrten
KEYNOTE: TRAVEL: A GATEWAY TO GLOBAL PEACE AND PROSPERITY The mission of travel companies must be to make traveling easier and worry-free, and to help each traveler become an ambassador of their own cultural identity. What should travel companies do in order to generate economic, environmental, and social benefits for local people? Keynote speaker & Interview guest: Jane Jie Sun, CEO, International Ltd. Interviewer: Philip C. Wolf, Founder, PhoCusWright, Serial Board Director
Moderated by: Dr. David Ermen, Senior Manager Hospitality & Tourism Centre of Excellence EMEA, PricewaterhouseCoopers AG Panel guests: • Mato Frankovi�, Mayor, City of Dubrovnik • Joan Torrella, Tourism Director at the City Council, City of Barcelona • Frans van der Avert, CEO, Amsterdam Marketing
ITB MINISTERS’ ROUNDTABLE: TOURISM IN THE 21ST CENTURY: TOURISM POLICY CAUGHT BETWEEN GROWTH STRATEGIES AND OVERTOURISM – IN COOPERATION WITH MC GROUP Exponential growth is impossible in finite spaces, the sustainability of the environment, society and infrastructure has its natural limits. What should tourism policy look like in the future to properly manage tourism growth? Which measures have already proved successful? Tourism ministers of important tourism destinations discuss sustainable strategies and solutions.
14.00 – 14.30
MASTERS OF STORYTELLING: HOW NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC ENGAGES 350M FANS ON SOCIAL MEDIA In this session National Geographic, Europe & Africa, will share insights and learnings on how a 130 year-old brand has dominated the social media landscape. • Annabelle Canwell, Senior Vice President, National Geographic Partners, Europe & Africa
Introductory presentation & Moderated by: Dirk Rogl, Research Analyst, Phocuswright
STUDIOSUS TALK: TOURISM BOOM IN GREECE: SUSTAINABLE IMPROVEMENT OR ONE-OFF EXCEPTION? What role does the tourism industry play in overcoming the crises in Greece, and how sustainable is the current upswing? Is the shift of tourism flows permanent? What are the roles of the conditions in Turkey and Greece’s refugee treaty with its neighbor? Moderated by: Tanja Samrotzki, Journalist Panel guests: • Babis Foskolakis, General Manager, Sbokos Hotel Group • Michael Lehmann, Radio Correspondent for Greece and Cyprus, ARD • Peter Strub, Chief Operations Manager, Studiosus Reisen
Photo: courtesy of Karnataka Tourismn
15.00 – 15.45
Panel guests: • Burkhard Kieker, Managing Director, Berlin Tourismus & Kongress GmbH visitBerlin • Alexander Schwarz, General Manager Germany, Austria & Switzerland, Airbnb
ITB YOUNG PROFESSIONALS DAY Hosted by: Tobias Klöpf, Lead Young TIC, University of Applied Sciences Worms, Travel Industry Club 11.00 – 11.45
KEYNOTE: PURPOSE, HAPPINESS AND CONNECTION: GUARANTEES FOR PROFESSIONAL SUCCESS IN THE TOURISM INDUSTRY?! Professional success doesn’t occur automatically after completing professional training or a university degree. The passionate pursuit of objectives and carefully woven personal networks are also essential factors. The session shows ways to achieve successful personal development.
11.00 – 11.45
• Bruce Poon Tip, Founder, G Adventures 17.00 – 17.45 only in German
Moderated by: Jens Thraenhart, Executive Director, Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office
PRESENTATION OF THE DGT-ITB SCIENCE AWARD The German Society of Tourism Research (DGT) and ITB Berlin present awards for excellent thesis papers: The best dissertation, the best paper by a young talent, the best paper about sustainability in the tourism industry, and the best paper about the digitalization of the tourism industry.
Panel guests: • Gerrit Krueger, Operations Manager, Destination Mekong • Puppub Ongsiirikul Niddin, General Manager, Nam Kat Yor La Pa Resort, Lao PDR • Dr. Ha Van Sieu, Vice Chair, Viet Nam National Administration of Tourism • Visothy So, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Tourism of Cambodia • May Myat Mon Win, Chair, Myanmar Tourism Federation
Moderated by: Prof. Dr. Anita Zehrer, Vice-President & Board of Directors, German Society of Tourism Research (DGT), MCI Innsbruck
MEKONG FORUM: COLLABORATIVE SOCIAL COMMERCE & USER-GENERATED STORYTELLING Social Media for destination marketing: The collaborative social commerce platform enables any organization in the Mekong region to run their own social media campaign and get an expandable and customizable digital presence. Find out how exactly this platform works.
14.00 – 14.45
EUROPEAN INSTITUTE OF CULTURAL ROUTES The Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe as tools for European Tourism development: connecting citizens through heritage. Colette Flesch, President, European Institute of Cultural Routes Dr. Stefano Dominioni, Director, European Institute of Cultural Routes
VIRTUAL REALITY FOR DESTINATIONS: SCREENWRITING, PRODUCTION, MARKETING Virtual Reality technology offers impressive potential for the marketing of tourist destinations. But what about the art of storytelling? What does it take for a simple, cost-effective production to succeed? And how do you promote it effectively? • Steven Boylan, CEO & Co-Founder, TimeRiftTours • Nick Larson, General Manager Europe, Timelooper • Dr. Simon J. Young, CEO & Co-founder, Lithodomos VR
HALL 4.1A, BIG STAGE HALL 19, PALAIS AM FUNKTURM, AWARD STAGE 12.00 – 13.00 16.00 – 17.00
2018 SUSTAINABLE DESTINATIONS TOP 100 AWARDS Destinations are key players in enforcing sustainability in tourism, but their efforts were hardly recognized. This is now changing. ITB provides its prime auditorium to an award scheme exclusively dedicated to destinations: the Sustainable Destinations Top 100 Awards.
TRAVEL MAKES ME ___________. Happy? Splurge? Travel more? All of the above? WYSE Travel Confederation, along with a panel of experts in youth and student travel, will illuminate new insights on Millennial and Gen Z travelers based on the latest New Horizons survey of more than 57,000 young travellers from across the globe. Moderated by: Brian Young, G Adventures
Greetings: Rika Jean-Francois, ITB Corporate Social Responsibility, Commissioner, Germany
Panel guests: • Brenda van Leeuwen, Chief Executive Officer, • Paul Mockler, Head of Commercial Development, Failte Ireland • Sam Willan, Head of Marketing, StudentUniverse • Martyn Milford, Global Director of Sales & Marketing – Europe, Freehand and Sydell Group • Brian Young, Managing Director, EMEA, G Adventures
Moderated by: Valere Tjolle, Publisher & Editor – TravelMole VISION on Sustainable Tourism Lonneke de Kort, Director, Albert Salman, President, Green Destinations, Netherlands
Moderated by: David Chapman, Director General, WYSE Travel Confederation
HALL 21B, MEDICAL PRESENTATION HUB, 214 14.00 – 15.30 15.30 – 16.00 only in German
HEALING FORESTS – An innovation form ITB’s Official Partner Region 2018 Mecklenburg Vorpommern • Dr. Karin Lehmann, Vice Director, Kaiserbäder Usedom, Germany
only in German
TRAVELLING EDUCATES – panel discussion regarding sustainably excellent school trips organized by Fraktion DIE LINKE, German Federal Parliament Moderated by: Kerstin Kassner, MdB, Speaker for tourism-related politics of the Left Party, Germany
only in German
PANEL DICUSSION ON SAFETY AND PROTECTION OF CHILDREN AND YOUNGSTERS ON TRAVEL Schooltrip providers have the obligation to protect their young travelers. One of the focuses is to make sure, there is no room for sexual abuse. New standards have been created to guarantee a reliable quality for the youth travel sector.
12.00 – 12.45
• Johannes-Wilhelm Rörig, Independant Commissioner for Questions of Sexual Child Abuse • Lisi Maier, Deputy Federal Chairwoman, League of German Catholic Youth (Bund der Deutschen Katholischen Jugend) • Eva Lingen, Federal State Director, German Child Protection League (Deutscher Kinderschutzbund NRW) • Oliver Schmitz, Vice Chairman of the Board, BundesForum Kinder- und Jugendreisen • Helge Maul, Chairman Jugendreise-Akademie Jugendreise-Akademie Moderated by: Dennis Peinze, Director, BundesForum Kinder- und Jugendreisen
HALL 4.1B, SMALL STAGE (PowWow stage) 10.00 – 10.30
10.30 – 11.00
followed by small reception 12.45 – 13.15
PANEL DISCUSSION THE BIG RUN ON THE LAST NATURE DESTINATIONS: WILDLIFE – OVERTOURISM – OVERKILL? National parks and other nature protected areas awaken longing among travellers. Many destinations market themselves with untouched nature and wild animals. Nature becomes a prior image carrier and thus significantly influences the buying decision of tourists. However, what about the reality in the destinations? Traffic jam in the Serengeti as soon as a predator is spotted, it is nothing extraordinary today – and this with constantly increasing numbers of visitors, especially through new source markets like China. What can nature areas still cope with? Which possible solutions are available? Are there already proven alternatives? Can national park administrations restrict visitor numbers without forgoing revenues that are urgently needed for nature conservation? • Dr. Peter Prokosch, Founder and Chairman of the Board, Linking Tourism & Conservation (LT&C),; Norway • Sibylle Riedmiller, Member, The Long Run; Founder, Chumbe Island Coral Park, Zanzibar, Tanzania • Reinhard Woytek, Programme Director, Transboundary Use and Protection of Natural Resources (SADC), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ); Botswana • Peter Südbeck, Head Wadden Sea National Park Administration in Lower Saxony, Germany Moderated by: Eike Otto, Consultant for Tourism and Regional Development, Germany
11.00 – 11.30
• Petra Cruz, Director Europa, Dominican Republic Tourist Board, Germany • Elmar Mai, Biologist and Journalist, Germany • Marlene Rybka, Blogger, Whale Whisperer 2018, Germany • Marion Hammerl, President, Global Nature Fund, Germany
PRESENTATION OF NEW TRENDS AND VIDEO SPOTS – PROTECTION OF CHILDREN AND VOLUNTOURISM The tourism market needs specific child protection activities that are incorporated by the travel and tourism industry itself. How can the industry help to reduce the risks for sexual exploitation of children on a global scale? A selection of video spots will show the wide range of possibilities for travel and tourism actors on how to protect children within their activities. • Mechtild Maurer, General Director, Ending the Sexual Exploitation of Children (ECPAT), Germany
RESPONSIBLE WILDLIFE TOURISM AND CONSERVATION IN THE HIGH PAMIR-ALAI – REGIONS OF KYRGYZSTAN AND TAJIKISTAN International and domestic tourism is growing in two Central Asian countries – Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. The governments of these two mountainous countries are increasingly emphasizing the tourism sector in their government planning and development. In 2008, several community-based wildlife conservancies were set up throughout Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan with the support of wildlife conservation and development organizations. Each conservancy is managed by local communities and further supported and managed by the local and international scientists.
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC − A PARADISE OF NATURE The Dominican Republic is synonym of 1,600 km coasts and 600 km of beaches at the North, South, East and West. With a total of 21 blue flags, the Caribbean Island has the largest number of these quality certificates in all of the Caribbean and Latin America. The region Barahona, the far West of the Dominican Republic, is a place that stands out for its forests and birdwatching and its biosphere reserve Jaragua-Bahoruco-Enriquillo, recognized by the UNESCO since 2002. In the area of the Los Haitises National Park, up to 5.000 humpback whales migrate to mate and give birth between January and March. In order to promote eco-tourism in Samaná, the Dominican Republic Tourist Board has been running the “Whale Whisperer” project every year since 2010. Currently various projects are carried with the purpose to develop a more sustainable tourism and to position the country as a destination for ecotourism. One of the initiatives is supported by the European Commission and coordinated by the German Cooperation Agency (GIZ) and focus on the “contribution of the tourism sector to the restoration and protection of the coastal and marine biodiversity of the Caribbean”. Coral reefs and mangroves belong to the most threatened ecosystems worldwide.
TRAVELLING SUSTAINBLE ALONG THE DANUBE – TRANSDANUBE PEARLS The main objectives of the European Union (EU) project “Transdanube.Pearls – Network for Sustainable Mobility along the Danube” is to contribute to the development of a Danube Region, which provides socially fair, economically viable and health promoting mobility and tourism for visitors and inhabitants of the region by developing environmentally-friendly and safe transport systems. In this way, the project will counteract the ongoing popularity of private car usage, its negative impact on the environment and consequently improve the connectivity between the regions. The central element of the project is the establishment of a network of destinations (“TransDanube Pearls”) committed to sustainable mobility for tourists and inhabitants along the Danube which support the transnational cooperation between different stakeholders from the transport and the tourism sector. • Andreas Friedwagner, Managing Director, Verracon GmbH, Austria
13.45 – 14.15
SOUTH LUANGWA, THE JEWEL OF ZAMBIA’S NATIONAL PARKS FIRST UNWTO DECLARED INTERNATIONAL SUSTAINABLE PARK FOR TOURISM DEVELOPMENT – PLACING THE LOCAL COMMUNITY AT THE HEART OF OUR POLICIES Zambia, a member state of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), joined the rest of the world in commemorating 2017 as a special year dedicated to tourism and in so doing, undertook activities to promote tourism as one of the key drivers of responsible and sustainable development. In this context, the South Luangwa National Park was declared by the UNWTO, as the First International Sustainable Park for Tourism Development on November16th, 2017 in Mfuwe, Zambia. • Mwabashike Nkulukusa, Marketing Director, Ministry of Tourism and Arts, Zambia
14.15 – 14.45
• Kobil Shokirov, Tourism Coordinator, Hunting and Conservation Alliance, Tajikistan • Shirin Tagaeva, Tourism Coordinator, Panthera, Kyrgyzstan
ECOTOURISM FROM THE DANUBE DELTA TO THE CARPATHIANS The sight of migrating bird colonies in the DANUBE Delta is unique in Europe, and rare oak, ash and alder forests are hidden between the sand dunes and the vast waters. The local people are a mosaic of ethnic groups. The area is home to various sustainable development initiatives and a wide range of ecotourism businesses had developed here over time. The muddy waters that reach the Danube Delta get their strengths from the Wild Carpathians. In Romania various applied instruments have been developed in the last 10 years, in order to foster the ecotourism development. T Dozens of ecotourism destinations were developed according to the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) criteria. • Andrei Blumer, President, Association of Ecotourism in Romania (AER), Romania
11.30 – 12.00
DIVERSE SUSTAINABLE TOURISM EXPERIENCES IN SOUTHERN AFRICA’S TRANSFRONTIER CONSERVATION AREAS Many renowned tourism destinations such as Victoria Falls, Kruger National Park, the Fish River Canyon and the MalotiDrakensberg mountains are located within the Southern Africa’s Transfrontier Conservation Areas (SADC TFCAs). The main tourism experience in a TFCA is mainly wildlife based, but there are increasing opportunities to engage with the people living in and alongside these protected areas in order learn more about their cultures, lifestyles and experiences of living in landscapes that are rich in wildlife. • Roland Vorwerk, Marketing Manager, Boundless Southern Africa: South Africa • Thembi Kunene-Msimang, Executive Marketing and Communications, Regional Tourism Organisation of Southern Africa (RETOSA), South Africa
14.45 – 15.15
UNIQUE AND SUSTAINABLE TRAVEL EXPERIENCES IN KENYA – BEYOND THE BIG FIVE Get to know the real travel gems that Kenya has to offer – extraordinary and sustainable travel products that take visitors beyond the common Big Five safaris and beach resorts, and immerse them in authentic experiences with local communities, actively involve them in nature conservation and offer them adrenaline-charged outdoor adventures. • Karsten Palme, Project Manager, Coach, Dutch Centre for the Promotion of Imports (CBI), Germany
17.00 – 18.00
CSR PROGRAM THURSDAY, 8 MARCH 2018 – INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY RACING MADAGASCAR With 30 years in tour operating and event planning in Madagascar, Boogie Events Malagasy company is introducing a trail running event: Racing Madagascar. During this week-long event in northern Madagascar, the annual staged Ultra Trail is held. The ultra is a 150 km race in 6 days. With runners coming from the entire world, this unique trail running event is a meeting with the local sport athletes, a touristic discovery and of course, a sport challenge! The event is timed to comply with the international set by International Trail Running Association (ITRA).
• Sonja Gottleb, Event Director, Boogie Events, Madagascar
15.45 – 16.15
• Dr. Andreas Hänel, Astronomer and Director, Planetarium in the Museum am Schölerberg, Osnabrück; Leader, Working Group Dark-Sky; Association of Star Friends; Commission Light Pollution, Astronomical Society, Germany
CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION AND ADAPTION NETWORKING EVENT The “marketplace” provides a platform to bring stakeholders from different sectors together to exchange knowledge regarding climate change mitigation and adaptation in the tourism industry. Best practice examples will be presented and thus will give ideas for further actions to increase the sustainable development of destinations and to decrease future climate change impacts on the tourism sector.
• Leoni Herhaus, Project Manager, The Coastal Union Germany (EUCC-D), Germany
16.15 – 16.45
DOMINICA – THE CONSEQUENCES OF CLIMATE CHANGE The Caribbean island of Dominica is known for its natural environment and for being home of the last indigenous people and many rare animals and plants. Sustainable tourism has been practised since the beginning. Dominica has been awarded one of ten ethical destinations three times consequently by Ethical Traveller (2015, 2016 and 2017). Hurricane Maria ravaged the island severely in September 2017. Almost 90% of all buildings were damaged. Rainforests have been destroyed and all nature sights have been affected. Today, Dominica is facing the challenges of recovery, the way back to tourism and of climate-resilient building.
Moderated by Claudia Brözel 11.00 – 11.30
FIRST-HAND INSIGHTS FROM A CLIMATE PROTECTION PROJECT IN KENYA – AVOID GREENHOUSE GAS (GHG) EMISSIONS AND IMPROVE PEOPLE’S LIFE! Counting the CO2-emissions of travelling, we easily risk consuming most of our personal yearly CO2-budget in just one trip. While recognizing this dilemma, we can take responsibility by compensating our CO2-emissions. A well-designed highquality climate protection project does not only save CO2-emissions. On top, it improves the lives of the local population in many different ways. - Get to know the “Stoves for Life”, a project in Kenya, providing ecological and socio-economic value for the environment and the people - The key role of carbon offsetting money in such a project - Why every small donation makes a difference? • Dr. Anton Espirca, Co-founder and Field Director, ECO2LIBRIUM, Kenya • Stefan Baumeister, Managing Director, myclimate Deutschland gGmbH, Germany
11.30 – 12.00
followed by GET-TOGETHER brought to you by BIONADE 17.30 – 18.00
1ST SNEAK PREVIEW OF THE DOCUMENTARY FILM “A WONDERFUL EXPERIMENT” – ROUND TRIPS OF HARIA SOCIETY FROM HARIA, LANZAROTE (SPAIN) TO ITB BERLIN The story of the efforts of a small village named Haria, located in a large palm grove in the northern part of the island of Lanzarote, to bring sustainability to the area will be told in that documentary. Antonio Padron Barrera, born and raised in Lanzarote, became part of this experiment of the “Haria-Society”, renovating traditional houses. • Bettina Bork, Director, Arte de Obra, Lanzarote, Spain • Antonio Padron Barrera, Architect, Bilder and Designer, Lanzarote, Spain followed by GET-TOGETHER
HOW TECHNOLOGY WILL PUT TRAVEL AT THE FOREFRONT OF THE EXPERIENCE ECONOMY We are at the early stages of the digital revolution in travel where everything from machine learning to AI to voice, AR and VR will create a personalized experience. Learn how technology is changing travel. • Alfonso Paredes, Vice President of Sales EMEA and LATAM, Expedia Affiliate Network
14.30 – 15.00
TOURISTS AS A NUISANCE FACTOR – IS OVERTOURISM ALSO A TOPIC IN GERMANY? “Overtourism” is currently on everyone’s lips and an increasingly hot topic outside cities as well. What’s behind it, and do DMOs and local authorities have the ability to counteract overtourism at an early stage? • Ina Pfingst, Senior Project Manager eLearning & Destination Marketing, TourComm Germany
HALL 7.1A, AUDITORIUM NEW YORK 2 ITB MICE FORUM Hosted by: Mario Schmidt, Owner, SCHMIDTfabrik-medianetwork
Moderated by: Fritz Lietsch, Chief Editor, Altop Publishing House and, Germany MYCLIMATE AWARDS The prizes will be awarded to European myclimate partners in three categories for outstanding commitment in climate protection.
ROI OF STORYTELLING: DISSECTING SUCCESSFUL CONTENT MARKETING STRATEGIES (DIGITAL MARKETING, DISTRIBUTION, CASE STUDIES AND MORE) Join GLP Films’ Founder & Chief Strategist Rob Holmes and learn from the latest content marketing case studies to see how to successfully leverage digital storytelling in your content strategy. • Rob Holmes, Founder and Chief Strategist, GLP Films
• Colin Piper, Director, Tourism, Chief Executive Officer and Tourism Director, Discover Dominica Authority, Dominica
16.45 – 17.30
ASTRO-TOURISM DAYTIME STAR-GAZING WITH THE ASTRONOMER DR. ANDREAS HÄNEL – SOLAR OBSERVATION WITH AN Hα-TELESCOPE Exhibitors and trade visitors will have the great opportunity to daytime star-gazing, depending on the weather, at outside the area between the Halls 4.2 and 6.2.
13.00 – 13.45
CULTURE – A KEY TO SUCCESS The emotional appeal and vitality of an event are key to its success. How do visitors become one with an event, trade fair and conference? Why must organisers make it possible for their audiences to immerse themselves and become actively involved? • Hans-Conrad Walter, Founder & Managing Partner, Causales – Gesellschaft für Kulturmarketing und Kultursponsoring mbH
15.15 – 15.45
17.45 – 17.55
• Dirk Schwenzfeier, Commissioner for the private sector and local authorities, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
ITB TOURISM FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT DAY Hosted by: Andreas Wurm, Freelance Journalist (rbb, NDR)
15.00 – 15.20
WELCOME & KEYNOTE ITB MARKETING & DISTRIBUTION DAY • Hans-Joachim Fuchtel MdB, Parliamentary State Secretary, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
15.20 – 15.45
Hosted by: Birgit Fehst, Moderator, Coach, Speaker 11.00 – 11.45
As part of the “10-Point Action Plan for Marine Protection and Sustainable Fisheries”, the BMZ has initiated a round table with local authorities and cruise companies. With this initiative, the BMZ launched a pilot project in May 2017 to support local authorities, NGOs and cruise companies to establish a network for sustainable destination management.
KEYNOTE: THE EVOLUTION OF AIRBNB AND HOW GLOBAL TRAVEL IS CHANGING Airbnb is redefining travel with a world of hosts. Airbnb co-founder Nathan Blecharczyk will share the latest updates from Airbnb and how travel is changing. Keynote Speaker & Interview guest: Nathan Blecharczyk, Co-founder & Chief Strategy Officer, Airbnb, Chairman, Airbnb China
Moderated by: Andreas Wurm, Freelance Journalist (rbb, NDR) Interviewer: Birgit Fehst, Moderator, Coach, Speaker Panel guests: • Lucienne Damm, Senior Environmental Manager, TUI Cruises Germany • Javier Pizaña, Director Local Government of Cozumel, Mexico • Dr. Tania Rödiger-Vorwerk, Deputy Director General “Environment and Infrastructure”, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) • Martina von Münchhausen, Expert on Tourism, WWF Germany
17.00 – 17.45
OUTLOOK KEYNOTE: RETHINKING THE DMO Destination marketing organizations need to completely revise their philosophy: They will need to tackle important issues, practice active management of destinations, become experience-designers, and they require totally new performance indicators. This is the only way for them to be able to develop into “smart destinations”. • Doug Lansky, International Tourism Thought Leader, Keynote Speaker, Travel Journalist and Author
16.00 – 16.45
One out of 10 jobs in the world is directly related to tourism. Therefore, the tourism sector is one of the most employmentintensive sectors of today’s economy. Two current practical examples show how German development cooperation is collaborating with the private sector in order to develop solutions for employment promotion in tourism.
Introductory presentation: Dirk Schwenzfeier, Commissioner for the private sector and local authorities, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
14.45 – 15.10
• Kirsten Cibis, Quality Manager, DER Business Travel, Germany • Prof. Dr. Guido Sommer, University Kempten, Germany • Jessica Espinoza, Coach, Germany • Dr. Dorothea Czarnecki, Referee, ECPAT Deutschland e.V., Germany
Panel guests: • Stefanie Berk, Chairwoman of the Management Board, Thomas Cook Touristik GmbH • Ahmed Farraq, Head of Operations, TUI Hotels & Ressorts • Andrea Mießner, Project Manager, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH 16.45 -17.00 17.00 – 17.45
FAIR JOBS HOTELS? Are you leading in a fair way?
only in German
The MENA region is a key destination for many German and European tour operators - especially the countries Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt. How is tourism going to evolve in the MENA region? How is tourism going to evolve in the MENA region? How can the European tourism industry contribute? What is the focus of development cooperation activities in the region? And how can all players cooperate in order to take positive effects? Keynote: Bettina Horstmann, Head of Division “Policy issues of development cooperation with MENA“, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Moderated by: Dr. Axel Klaphake, Head of Directorate “Economic and Social Development, Digitalisation“, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Panel guests: • Bettina Horstmann, Head of Division “Policy issues of development cooperation with MENA“, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) • Dirk Inger, CEO, German Travel Association (DRV) • Jörg-Michael Rösner, Head of Political Communication, Federal Association of the German Tourism Industry (BTW) • Dirk Schwenzfeier, Commissioner for the private sector and local authorities, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
• Alexander Aisenbrey, 1. Chairman Fair Job Hotels e.V., Director Der Öschberghof, Germany
Moderated by: Matthias Leisinger, Consultant for CSR and Sustainability in Tourism, focusright ltd., Leisinger
100 YEARS OF BAUHAUS Followed by reception in the Cultural Café
GROSSER STERN, ROOM VIP 1 14.30 – 15.30
TOURISM AND SDGS 2030 – A FAIRY TALE OR A FAIRY TALE ENDING? Launch of the Tourism 2030 Sustainable and Responsible Tourism Portal & Countdown Clock Organiser: ECOTRANS – European Network for Sustainable Tourism Development, Germany
• Herbert Hamele, President, ECOTRANS e.V., Germany PALAIS AWARDS 1 13.00 – 13.45
GENDER EQUALITY IN TOURISM Women’s rights are an essential part of the UNWTO Sustainable Development Goals: The 5th Goal focusses on achieving gender equality and empower all women and girls. The seminar will give an overview of the international status quo and look into the subject from various angles relevant for the tourism industry.
R6, Level 3, CityCube Berlin 10.30 – 11.30
Moderated by: Rika Jean-François, CSR Commissioner, ITB Berlin
Keynote Speaker: Hon. Lina Annab, Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, Jordan Introductory presentation: Sarah Mathews, Director Destination Marketing Sales Team Asia-Pacific, Tripadvisor, Chairperson, Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA)
10.45 – 11.45
Speakers: • Jenna Qian, CEO Destination Marketing, Ctrip Group • Prof. Dr. Claudia C. Brözel, Faculty of Sustainable Business Administration, University of Sustainable Development Eberswalde • Iaia Pedemonte, Director, Gender Responsible Tourism • Sandra Schmidt, Advisor Private Sector Cooperation/Section Sustainable Development through Tourism, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
EN ROUTE TO THE ANNIVERSARY – 100 YEARS OF THE BAUHAUS Joint press conference of the states of Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and Thuringia
subsequently:14:00 - 14.15 Uhr short Networking Coffee Break 14.15 – 15.30
10.00 – 11.00
only in German
Panelists: • Hon. Colombe Emilie Jessy Menos, Minister of Tourism and Creative Industries (MTIC), Haiti • Michelle Kristy, Associate Expert Women and Trade Programme, International Trade Center, SheTrades, Switzerland • Lavonne Wittman, VP PR & Communications, Africa SKAL International, South Africa The panel discussion will be followed by: 3RD “CELEBRATING HER AWARDS” OF THE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR PEACE THROUGH TOURISM INDIA (IIPT INDIA) The 3rd IIPT India Global Awards, “Celebrating Her”, acknowledge and felicitate exceptional women in the fields of travel, tourism and hospitality. 16.15
16.30 – 18.00
AWARD CEREMONY TO DO! 2018 – including the TODO! HUMAN RIGHTS IN TOURISM AWARD in cooperation with the Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism and Studiosus Reisen. The German Commission for UNESCO has taken over the patronage for the award ceremony. Moderated by: Nadine Kreutzer, Moderator Keynote: Verena Metze-Mangold, President, German Commission for UNESCO Panel guests: • Fabiola Arevalo, Responsible Tourism on Board Tren Ecuador • Michael Daiber, !Khwa ttu San Culture and Education Centre, South Africa • Dr. Rebeca Justicia, Maquipucuna Ecotourism, Ecuador • Herman Kumara, Human Rights Defender, Sri Lanka
• Klaus Betz, free journalist, Germany • Prof. Dr. Claudia Brözel, Faculty of Sustainable Business Administration, University of Sustainable Development Eberswalde, Germany • Dirk Dunkelberg, Vice Chief Executive, Deutscher Tourismusverband (DTV), Germany 11.30 – 12.30
ITB CYCLING TOURISM DAY: THE BENEFITS OF CYCLING TOURISM DESTINATIONS Cycling tourism is becoming an important feature of the tourism industry. In total cycling tourism contributes an impressive 12% to the overall tourism value creation in Germany. Unlike other means of transport the bicycle provides diverse, eventful and environmentally friendly experiences and can therefore easily be integrated into a huge range of tourism segments. This session will highlight the many benefits of cycling tourism and bring together expert speakers from the international and national (German) levels. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION – GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE • Patrick Fritz, Technical Coordinator, United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) EUROPE LEADING THE WAY • Dr. Eduardo Santander, Executive Director, European Travel Commission (ETC); Belgium • Ádám Bodor, Advocacy and EuroVelo Director, European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF); Belgium FRIDAY, 9 MARCH 2018
Greetings: Rika Jean-François, CSR Commissioner, ITB Berlin Introduction: Ajay Prakash, President, IIPT India, CEO, Nomad Travels
Followed by a reception with buffet 20
THE GERMAN RECIPE FOR SUCCESS • Louise Böhler, Head of Tourism, German Cyclist’s Association (ADFC); Germany • Kathleen Lumma, Director, Kooperation Deutschlands schönste Flussradwege; Germany
Moderated by: Ádám Bodor, Advocacy and EuroVelo Director, European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF); Belgium Bernadette Felsch, Deputy National Chairwoman, German Cyclist’s Association (ADFC); Germany
10:00 – 10:30
INAUGURAL EUROVELO CYCLE TOURISM AWARDS The session will also incorporate the presentation of the inaugural EuroVelo Cycle Tourism Awards. The audience can tweet questions about successful cycle tourism development, which will be answered during the sessions at Adventure Stage, Hall 4.1b, that follow.
• Susanne Brüsch, E-Bike Ambassador, Chief Executive Officer, Pedelec Adventures, Germany 10.30 – 11.00
followed by: delicious appetizers at the EuroVelo stand FREEDOM OF PRESS IN TOURISM An Insight from Experts – Examples of German Development Cooperation working towards a sustainable development through tourism. In this event, experts will report from different perspectives on various tourism related activities of their work around the world. They will provide an insight into the initiatives including programs on protection and sustainable use of natural resources, sustainable tourism in rural areas and measures for an effective disaster risk management.
• Roland Vorwerk, Marketing Manager, Boundless Southern Africa, South Africa 11.00 – 11.30
Moderated by: Nadine Kreutzer Presentation: Kaoutar El Rhaffouli, Head of Program, Sustainable Tourism for Employment and Income Generation in Rural Areas, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Morocco Statement: Jamila Raissi, CEO, Argan Oil Cooperative “Akkain”, Morocco 11.30 – 12.00
14:30 -15.00
12.30 – 13.00
15.30 – 16.30
VOLUNTOURISM – HOW TO BETTER PROTECT CHILDREN IN TOURISM DESTINATIONS The panel gives an insight in voluntourism activities, project visits and volunteering in shelters and schools as a growing tourism trend, and presents best-practices on child protection.
SUSTAINABILITY AND DIGITALIZATION AT THE HOTEL HAFFHUS – CERTIFIED BY GREENSIGN LEVEL 5 The Hotel Haffhus in MV has been engaged in sustainability for a long time. With the membership in the hotel cooperation “Greenline Hotels” this topic became a new impulse. Energy supply, digitization, employee interaction got a new meaning. We want to show our way to self-sufficient energy supply, electromobility and ecological handling of the environment. In the future our hotel would like to provide itself with the energy of the sun and the forest and reduce to zero our CO2 emissions by 2019. Dirk Klein, Chief Digital Officer and Marketing Manager, Hotel & Ferienalage Haffhus GmbH; Germany • Benjamin Köhler, Chief Sales Officer and Strategic Partnerships, Betterspace GmbH, Germany
12.30 – 13.00
CYCLING TOURISM DAY NETWORKING RECEPTION Join the winners of the inaugural EuroVelo Cycle Tourism Awards for celebratory drinks and finger food at the EuroVelo booth next to the Adventure Stage.
13.00 – 13.30
ESTABLISHING A CYCLE TOURISM PRODUCTS EUROVELO 10 – BALTIC SEA CYCLE ROUTE, EUROVELO 8 – MEDITERRANEAN ROUTE AND EUROVELO 15 – RHINE CYCLE ROUTE This workshop will look at what needs to be done by tourism destinations to develop successful cycle tourism routes. This panel session will feature representatives of three EuroVelo routes: EuroVelo 8 – Mediterranean Route, EuroVelo 10 – Baltic Sea Cycle Route and EuroVelo 15 – Rhine Cycle Route. • Łukasz Magrian, Deputy Director, Pomorskie Tourist Board, Poland • Sebastian Kaiser, Head of Product Management, Marketing and Sales Cooperations, Tourismus Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW) e.V., Germany
17.30 – 18.00
ADVENTURE TRAVEL CONSERVATION FUND (ATCF) • Gabriella Stowell, Latin America Regional Manager, Adventure Travel Association (ATTA), USA
18.00 – 20.00
ADVENTURE CYCLING THROUGH IRAN CENTRAL DESERT (DASHT-E KAVIR) This adventure journey covers 350 km biking in the Central Desert of Iran (Dasht-e Kavir) mostly in remote areas. The biking route is part of ancient Silk Road, which has been designed to disconnect riders from normal life and take them to Iran desert with different landscapes, crossing various mountain slopes, villages, oases, sand dunes and dried-up rivers. • Abolfazl Eskenasi, Managing Director, Caravan Kooch Adventure Travel, Iran • Seyed Ali Hashemi Yazdi, Tour Operation Manager, Caravan Kooch Adventure Travel, Iran
• Anita Dodds, Child Rights Consultant, South East Asia • Antje Monshausen, Head of Tourism Watch – Bread for the World
Moderated by: Sonja Kolonko, Journalist
INTERNATIONAL DOLLARD ROUTE – CYCLING WITHOUT LIMITS ON THE UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE WADDEN SEA How to involve information about the UNESCO World Heritage Wadden Sea in communication? The International Dollard Route is an approx. 300 km long cycling route around the Dollart-Bay in the border region of Germany and the Netherlands. • Ulrich Schmunkamp, Coordinator, Internationale Dollard Route e.V., Germany
Panel guests: • Julien Cesana, Head of Program, Program for Sustainable Tourism for Employment and Income Generation in Rural Areas, GIZ Morocco • Natalia Vega Corpuz, Advisor, Program for Conservation and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources, GIZ Madagascar • Danica Hüsken, EZ-Scout, Deutscher ReiseVerband e.V. (DRV) • Mareike Bentfeld, Advisor, Hotel Resilient, GIZ Thailand • Hans-Jürgen Cassens, Country Director, Program Integrated Sustainable Development of the Coastal Region, GIZ Albania
Panel guests: • Theo Noten, Program Manager, Defence for Children / ECPAT Netherlands • Damien Brosnan, Program Manager, • Nikki White, Director of Destinations and Sustainability, Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA) • Kerstin Dohnal, Consultant Tourism/Voluntourism, ECPAT Austria
CYCLING WITH ELEPHANTS Transfrontier Conservation Areas in Southern Africa are unique multi-country wildlife destinations. Three exciting multi-day mountain bike tours have been developed, each of these traverse incredible landscapes along exciting routes and link uniquely built temporary camps for guests.
Panel discussion chaired by: Ed Lancaster, Senior Policy Officer, European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF), Belgium
13.30 -14.00
E-BIKE TRAVEL TREND – POTENTIALS AND CHALLENGES FOR TOUR OPERATORS E-bike travel is getting more and more popular. This brings a huge potential to the tourism industry � and it brings challenges, too. E-bike expert and journalist Susanne Brüsch provides insight into the latest market trends in e-bikes
13.30 – 14.00
DRAU CYCLE PATH – QUALITY AND COORDINATION AS KEY TO SUCCESS The Drau Cycle Path in Austria is an international flagship project in product development. This long-distance cycle route was awarded a German Cyclist’s Association (ADFC) premium five star certification and is visited by 180,000 cyclists per year. Paco Wrolich will show how targeted coordination and sustainable quality management can lead to a successful cycle route.
STARPARKS IN NORTHEAST GERMANY The ITB Partner Region 2018 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is the least densely populated of the German states. Large areas are already nature protected areas and there often exceptionally dark skies can be observed. Protecting this natural darkness in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and the neighbouring Brandenburg could help to support sustainable astro-tourism in these regions. The presentation includes practical examples and tips that could inspire tour operators, tourism ministries, organizations etc. to promote this special interest tourism.
• Paco Wrolich, Cycling Project Manager, Kärnten Werbung Marketing & Innovationsmanagement GmbH, Austria 14.00 – 14.30
WHERE DOES THE MONEY GO? – ECONOMIC EFFECTS OF CYCLING TOURISM EXPLAINED USING SELECTED GERMAN REGIONS CyclingTourism is an important economic factor. Around 75% of cycling routes pass through rural regions. Tourist service providers from the accommodation, gastronomy and retail segments benefit from the economic factor of cycling tourism in these areas in particular. However, how much money does the cycling tourist spend? This session takes a look at the economic effects of cycling tourism in specific German cycling destinations.
• Dr. Andreas Hänel, Astronomer and Director, Planetarium in the Museum am Schölerberg, Osnabrück; Leader, Working Group Dark-Sky; Association of Star Friends; Commission Light Pollution, Astronomical Society, Germany RESPONSIBLE TOURISM 16.00 – 16.30
• Louise Böhler, Head of Tourism, Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club e.V. (ADFC), Germany • Mandy Schwalbe-Rosenow, Director, Büro Radschlang, Germany
BEST CASE PRACTICES FROM INDIA – RESPONSIBLE AND SUSTAINABLE TOURISM The presentation will include a quick peep into four states (provinces) of India. This will include a short video of each destination, followed by a case study from the destination. The case studies will include best practice cases of homestays, community tourism, rural tourism, wildlife conservation, projects that give an alternative source of income to artisans, help conserve and promote languishing arts etc.
ASTRO-TOURISM • Jayanthi Raghavan, Founder, Travel Responsibly and Sustainably, India 14.30 – 16.00
HIGHLIGHTS OF ASTRO-TOURISM AND HOW CAN WE PROTECT THEIR SIGHTS Due to light pollution the real night sky is no longer visible – 60% of Europeans and 80% of North Americans can’t see any longer the Milky Way. Since some years, a few places in populated areas where faint celestial phenomena still can be seen are protected as star parks, recognised by the International Dark Sky Association (IDA) and the Starlight Foundation. Communities help to reduce the light pollution by installing sustainable lighting that only illuminates areas when necessary, with reduced content of blue light. Dark skies have become an important component in many national parks.
• Dr. Andreas Hänel, Astronomer and Director, Planetarium in the Museum am Schölerberg, Osnabrück; Leader, Working Group Dark-Sky; Association of Star Friends; Commission Light Pollution, Astronomical Society, Germany ROLE OF PLANETARIUMS IN ASTRONOMY EDUCATION AND TOURISM DEVELOPMENT
HOW TO ENHANCE THE TRAVELLER’S EXPERIENCE AND MAXIMIZE THE BENEFITS OF TOURISM FOR LOCALS WITH SOCIAL IMPACT TOURS. Social impact tours can makes travel into a transformational experience, letting travellers explore places from a completely different angle and support causes they truly care about. This presentation will shed light on a case study of “In Focus” tours by Urban Adventures, followed by practical tips on how to design your own social impact tours that maximize benefits for locals and enhance traveller’s experience. “In Focus” grew from Urban Adventures’ desire to give back to the communities. These one-day experiences are run in conjunction with social enterprises and non-profit organisations, and are designed to highlight the projects being done at a grassroots level to support local communities.
• Tim F. Horn, Director, Zeiss-Grossplanetarium Berlin; Director, Stiftung Planetarium Berlin, Germany • Anula Galewska, Responsible Business Manager, Urban Adventures, Australia 17.00 – 17.30
• Dr. Sibylle Schroer, Scientific Coordinator, Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB); Dissemination Coordinator, STARS4ALL Collective Awareness Platform for Promoting Dark Skies in Europe, Germany • Dr. Miquel Serra-Ricart, Resident Astronomer, Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands (IAC), Tenerife; Director, Astronomical Observatory of Teide, Tenerife, Spain
• Dr. Andreas Jechow, Physicist, Ecological Light Pollution and Remote Sensing, Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB), Germany
HOW TO PROTECT ASTRO-TOURISM FROM LIGHT POLLUTION Light pollution is increasing globally by a rate of more than 2%. The increase of brightness in nightscapes can affect sights for viewing celestial phenomena. Furthermore it threatens the environment and human well-being. In this talk we will present how to use outdoor lighting in a sustainable way. Measures to protect nightscapes from light pollution are easy to obtain and will save money and energy. • Dr. Sibylle Schroer, Scientific Coordinator, Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB); Dissemination Coordinator, STARS4ALL Collective Awareness Platform for Promoting Dark Skies in Europe, Germany
• Masaru Takayama, Chair, Asian Ecotourism Network (AEN), Japan • Supaporn Praachumpai, Secretary, Asian Ecotourism Network (AEN), Thailand 17.30 – 18.00
THE POWER OF STORYTELLING IN TOURISM – STORYTELLER’S NETWORK It is the stories that make the destination. Here is a network of individual storytellers who gather on a platform called “storytellers network”. This session addresses the business model behind this initiative and on how it could be a replicable model across destinations around the world. • Gopinath Parajil, Founder, The Blue Yonder, India
18.00 – 20.00
We want to invite everybody interested in getting connected to tourism professionals who want to create better places to live to the
10th ITB Responsible Tourism Networking Event Meet us in hall 4.1b – small stage – on ITB-Friday at 6 p.m. Be part of the 2-minute-pitches open to everyone engaged in sustainability!
This special networking event brings together responsible tourism practitioners in destinations and markets, including trade visitors, exhibitors, sponsors and partners from all over the world. Listen to 2 minute pitches, pitch yourself and meet like-minded people, find new business partners and get inspired!
brought to you by
ITB2018_ResponsibleTourismNetworkingInvitation_105x210_en2.indd 1
Special guest: Mrs. Colombe Emilie Jessy Menos, Minister of Tourism in Haïti
12.02.2018 10:47:16
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12.02.2018 10:47:17
AURORAS UNDER THREAT? A JOURNEY TO LAPLAND ABOUT POLAR NIGHTS AND LIGHT POLLUTION Auroras (i.e. northern lights) have always fascinated humans, with the first depiction presumably dating back to cave paintings. A good place to view auroras is Lapland in Northern Scandinavia and the best time to view auroras is during winter because of the long nights. Night-time satellite data support the assumption that Lapland is a dark region. However, snow cover, specific arctic atmospheric conditions and recent user-behaviour due to efficient LED technology might have eroded this last dark frontier in Europe. Is it still dark in these regions? And are aurora observations under threat?
WRITING A NEW CHAPTER IN SUSTAINABLE ASIA AND BEYOND Asian Ecotourism Network (AEN) was formed in Bangkok, Thailand in June 2015 with a mission to bring the Asian ecotourism leaders together to synergize the stakeholders in the region to improve the quality of life of the communities while contributing to help protect the unique nature-based tourism assets that Asia is proud of. AEN recently gained the legal status with a new board structure comprising 23 members from 18 countries and provinces beyond Asia, including Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, South Korea, Sri Lanka, and Taiwan. Learn about the latest projects, e.g. setting the Asian Ecotourism Standard compatible with GSTC criteria.
printed on environmentally friendly paper
THE DECEMBER SOLSTICE Around December 21st our planet transits the winter solstice. At this point, the position of the Sun in the sky at noon is the most negative angular distance to celestial equator (ecliptic). Most cultures recognize it as a period of renewal that involves various celebrations. In Peru, it is the Capac Raymi, an Inca ceremony paying homage to sun. In Bolivia, the Willka Kuti, which in Aymara means “around the sun” and the Chileans and Argentines are gathered at the party Mapuche We Tripantu. Researchers of the STARS4ALL project documented the alignments of the sunrise during the December solstice in 2017 from several temples in Luxor (Egypt)
FRIDAY, 9 MARCH 2018 Panel guests: • Alexander Breitkreutz, Vice President IT and Process Management, DER Deutsches Reisebüro • Norbert Fiebig, President, German Travel Association (DRV), Patron Futouris • Friederike Grupp, Sustainability Consultant, Thomas Cook, Member of the Executive Board, Futouris • Prof. Dr. Edgar Kreilkamp, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Project Manager for the Green Travel Transformation project by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) • Prof. Dr. Harald Zeiss, Professor for Sustainable Tourism, Harz University of Applied Sciences, Chairman, Futouris
HALL 5.2A, BOOTH 116 (NEAPEL) 11.15 – 12.00
OPEN CHILD PROTECTION IN TOURISM MEETING The International Coalition of Tourism Partners (ICTP) & Nepal Tourism Board
HALL 7.1A, AUDITORIUM NEW YORK 2 HALL 7.1A, AUDITORIUM NEW YORK 3 ITB CSR DAY Hosted by: Prof. Dr. Stefan Gössling, Sustainable Tourism Researcher, Linnaeus University Kalmar, Lund University Sweden 10.45 – 11.00
WELCOME • Prof. Dr. Stefan Gössling, Sustainable Tourism Researcher, Linnaeus University Kalmar, Lund University Sweden • Rika Jean-Francois, CSR Commissioner, ITB Berlin
11.00 – 11.45
ITB DESTINATION DAY 2 Hosted by: Birgit Fehst, Moderator, Coach, Speaker 11:00 - 11:45
THE HOT SEAT: SUSTAINABILITY AND TOURISM – A CONFLICTED RELATIONSHIP?! The opponents in the Hot Seat will eloquently present their powerful arguments with factual evidence – they will enrich the discussion with new insights and uncomfortable truths. Form your own opinion and take home valuable food for thought.
Moderated by: Andreas M. Gross, President, ARGE Lateinamerika e.V. Panel guests: • Teresa Espinola, Director General of Tourism Products, SENATUR • John Garry, Account Director, Lieb Management & Beteiligungs GmbH • Angela Giraldo, Head of Training & Consulting Partner, TourCert • Matthias Sorke, Area Manager, Studiosus • Immanuel Zerger, General Manager, Soletiname Tours Nicaragua
Moderated by: • Prof. Dr. Stefan Gössling, Sustainable Tourism Researcher, Linnaeus University Kalmar, Lund University Sweden • Eike Otto, Consultant for Tourism and Regional Development, Opponents: • Michael Lutzeyer, Owner & Managing Director, Grootbos Private Nature Reserve South Africa • Prof. Dr. Niko Paech, Professor for Pluralism in Economics, Siegen University, Post Growth Economy Expert 12.00 – 12.45
13.00 – 13.45
INVESTMENT AND FINANCING FOR SUSTAINABLE TOURISM: COUNTRY PRACTICES AND POLICY MESSAGES For the very first time, at ITB Berlin 2018, the OECD will present the latest results regarding financing sustainable tourism. Together with the European Commission, highlights of good practices of over 50 countries will be presented. • Alain Dupeyras, Head of Regional Development and Tourism Division, Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities, OECD • Peter Haxton, Policy Analyst, Regional Development and Tourism Division, Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities, OECD
13.00 – 13.45
LATIN AMERICA FORUM: MEGA-CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS AND TOURISM: BIGGER – BETTER – BUST? Enormous dams, giant canals: Are these kinds of mega-projects even acceptable today – and are they tourism-friendly? Has the Latin American tourism industry benefited from such projects, and if so, how?
SMART DESTINATIONS: DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR MANAGING THE FLOW OF VISITORS – APPROACHES AND EXPERIENCES AWAY FROM LARGE CITIES –in cooperation with DIHK and the German Startups Association– Too many travelers bring not only life into destinations, but also a range of problems. Data and digital tools for “smart destinations” can help manage the crowds – from intelligent systems which help drivers find parking places to virtual experiences. Moderated by: Dr. Ulrike Regele, Director Commerce and Tourism, DIHK (German Chamber of Industry & Commerce) Panel guests: • Bastian Kneissl, Managing Director, Mapcase, Chairman of the Professional Travel Startups Group, German Startup Association • Thorsten Rudolph, Managing Director, Hochschwarzwald Tourismus GmbH • Gerald Swarat, Head of Berlin office & Project Coordinator for Smart Rural Areas, Fraunhofer IESE
MONEY RULES THE WORLD: IMPACT INVESTING, DIVESTMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY An uncomfortable truth: Things can’t change until big capital flows are redirected. Rating models for capital investments take sustainability criteria into account, banks and investors are steering billions away from “dirty” investments into “clean” companies and sectors. What does this mean for the global transportation sector, hotel industry and destinations?
Introductory presentation & Moderated by: Eberhard Brandes, CEO, WWF Germany
14.00 – 14.45
SUSTAINABILITY IN TRAVEL MARKETING: HOTEL CERTIFICATIONS ARE ACCELERATING THE “GREEN TRAVEL TRANSFORMATION” For the first time, leading tour operators’ catalogues and tourism distribution systems now include meaningful sustainability certifications. Practical experience in the area of travel marketing and market reactions: Are the certifications understood and accepted by customers, and are they leading to an increase in sales and customer satisfaction? Introductory presentation: Prof. Dr. Edgar Kreilkamp, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Project Manager, Green Travel Transformation project by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Moderated by: Matthias Beyer, Managing Director, mascontour GmbH
ITB ZAMBIA TOURISM FORUM Hosted by: Tobias Klöpf, Lead Young TIC, University of Applied Sciences Worms, Travel Industry Club
10.45 – 11.00
WELCOME • Tobias Klöpf, Lead Young TIC, University of Applied Sciences Worms, Travel Industry Club
11.00 – 11.45
MAXIMIZING HERITAGE INTERPRETATION FOR TOURISM PROMOTION AND DEVELOPMENT Heritage Interpretation is important in the promotion and development of tourism. The example of Zambia shows how a successful development of tourism programs supports sustainable development of cultural tourism in rural areas, particularly with local SMEs.
Panel guests: • Ali Masarwah, Editor-in-chief Germany, Austria and Switzerland, Morningstar • Volker Weber, Chairman of the Board, Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen (FNG), the Sustainable Investment Forum of Germany, Austria & Switzerland
Keynote: Hon. Charles R. Banda, MP, Minister of Tourism and Arts, Zambia Moderated by: H.E. Anthony Mukwita, Ambassador, German Embassy of the Republic of Zambia Panel guests: • Peter DeBrine, Senior Project Officer, Sustainable Tourism, UNESCO World Heritage • Ilona Hupe, Travel literature writer & publisher, Ilona Hupe Verlag • Kagosi Mwamulowe, Director Lusaka East Central Region, National Heritage Conservation Commission
DRV CHILD PROTECTION TREASURE HUNT – WINNERS ANNOUNCEMENT The DRV Child Protection Working Group in cooperation with ECPAT will organize an “ITB Treasure Hunt” during trade visitor days for young professionals which shall motivate them to deal properly with the problem of sexual exploitation of children in tourism. Those, who find out the right answers, can win a trip to the island of Kos, Greece or several other prices. supported by ITB Berlin CSR
FRIDAY, 9 MARCH 2018 12.00 – 12.45
TRANS REGIONAL TOURISM: COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT IN CONSERVATION AND TOURISM ECONOMIES How does cross-border tourism in the KAZA region succeed and how can the cooperation between regions be optimized? How do you ensure that tourism is sustainable, that it supports poverty reduction in rural areas and how do you protect the natural and cultural heritage of the region?
HALL 11.1, STAGE 16.15 – 16.30
Moderated by: Prof. Marina Novelli PhD, Professor of Tourism and International Development, University of Brighton Panel guests: • Elcia Grandcourt, Regional Director for Africa, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) • Naambo Josephine Iipinge, TFCA Coordinator, Ministry of Environment & Tourism, Namibia • Prof. Dr. Vet. Med. Andrew Nambota, Director Transfrontier Conservation Areas (TFCAs), Ministry of Tourism and Arts, Lusaka, Zambia • Gavin Rennie, General Manager Sales & Marketing, Africa Albida Tourism (invited)
TOURISM AND INTERNATIONALISATION • Prof. Kerstin Heuwinkel • Prof. Achim Schröder, htw Saar, Germany
MAJOR SUSTAINABLE TOURISM AND INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT HTW CHUR • Tanja Bügler, scientific officer and modul coordinator STID, HTW Chur, Switzerland
Hall 16, CULTURE LOUNGE HALL 7.1c, eTRAVEL LAB 14.00 13.00 – 13.30
#INSTAFOOD – HOW SOCIAL MEDIA IS CHANGING THE WAY WE EAT ON HOLIDAY Best practice examples show how Social Media is changing the way we eat on holiday. An interesting look at the effects of Social Media on Culinary Tourism and Destination Image.
UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE JOURNEYS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION The new online platform for Sustainable Travel • Peter DeBrine, UNESCO World Heritage Centre • Claudia Schwartz, German World Heritage Association
• Mihir Nayak, University Lecturer, University Fresenius 15.30 – 16.00
MEGATREND CULTURE TOURISM – OPPORTUNITIES FOR DIGITAL STARTUPS Digital startups are the engines of culture tourism in rural areas. Using European best practice examples, we will illustrate how to exploit potentials and promote young companies.
PALAIS AWARDS 2 • Dr. Karin Drda-Kühn, Managing Director, Kultur und Arbeit e.V. / EUROPETOUR
• Jessica Wybraniec, Stephanie Richter, Christina Bahmann, Students of the University of Sustainable Development Eberswalde, Brezel the World
Hall 10.1, DRV (German Travel Association) Stage, booth 117
DIVERSITY CORPORATE LGBT NETWORKS – UNUSED POTENTIAL IN THE TOURISTIC VALUE – ADDED CHAIN After developing diversity strategies, many global or regional acting companies have established LGBT networks to facilitate their own employees, to find out the needs of LGBT target groups or to recruit new talented staff. Especially, tourism companies fail to identify a huge potential in this area and in comparison to other industries act more conservative. How can passionate tourism experts get involved and use these networks more effectively? Panel guests: • Pablo De Luca, President, CCGLAR, Argentina • Dr. Stefan Gellrich, Accenture, Germany • Clark Massad, Vice-President, IGLTA, USA • N.N.
BREZEL THE WORLD WITH US Eight ladies, one goal: a tolerant web. Traveling with a “pretzel-spirit”. Students present their online campaign.
Photo: Courtesy of Stefanie Hachmann
12.00 – 13.00 16.00 – 16.30
Moderated by: Thomas Bömkes, Diversity Tourism GmbH, Germany followed by ITB AWARD CEREMONY: LGBTQ TRAVEL & TOURISM PIONEER Laudation: Rika Jean-François, CSR Commissioner, ITB Berlin
A5, LEVEL 1, CityCube Berlin 11.30 – 14.00
10.30 – 15.00
DAY OF ACCESSIBLE TOURISM 2018 In addition to the ITB Berlin Convention, the Barrier-free Tourism Day is taking place in the CityCube Berlin, level 1, hall A5. The German National Tourist Board (GNTB) is inviting trade visitors and media representatives for a dialogue regarding Tourism for Everyone presented by industry professionals and experts. For more info check: 3c 7. Lunchbox
518m ²
7.3 a Berlin
Tag des barrierefreien Tourismus
CityCube Berlin Barrier-free event CityCube Berlin
7.3 c hbox
r be Ü alk W
Säle A Halls A
6015 m²
Ebene Level 1
A4 A2
1 Ostfoyer y1 East Lobb
Snack Bar
Veranstaltungsflächen Event area Halle B
London 3 240 Pax
Flexible Trennwand Flexible partition wall
Paris 2 88 Pax
b Zusätzliche Mietfläche Cube Clu Additional rental space
Offices O
Säle A Halls A C Dessau 40-73 m²
5000 Pax
R/S Räume
14- 65 Pax R/S Rooms
Geldautomat ATM 1-13
Büros O Offices O
Toiletten M1 M2 M4 Toilets
M3 M4 7.2a Pax 88 Pax 45 Pax 88 Pax 88137 Pax M5 Lastenaufzug M6 M7 M8 M8 45 Pax 88 Pax 457.2b Pax 132 Pax
132 Pax Freight elevator 14- 65 Pax
1-13 7- 24Cloakroom m²
7- 24 m² Meeting Bridge
mm Messeda 240 Pax
168 Pax
New York 3 240 Pax
168 Pax
London 3 240 Pax
London 1 7.1b 240 Pax
London 2 London 1 168 Pax
Paris7.1c 1 360 Pax
Paris 2 1 Paris 288 Pax 360 Pax
Paris 2 288 Pax
7.2a 1 Helsinki 384 Pax
Helsinki Helsinki 2 1 384 Pax 384 Pax
Helsinki 2 384 Pax
7.2b Budapest 826 Pax
Budapest 826 Pax
240 Pax
Meeting Lindau
Bridge A
Bridge B
Bridge C
10.30 – 11.00 only in German
3 A Berlin 1
A Lindau 40-73 m²
London 3 London 2 240 Pax
Veranstaltungsflächen Event area Veranstaltungsflächen Event area
Treppe Treppe Stairway
Berlin 1 2732Pax Berlin 40-73 m² A2 B Weimar
49-114 m²
Behindertentoilette Behindertentoilette Disabled toilet
Toiletten Toiletten Toilets
Zusätzliche Mietfläche Zusätzliche Mietfläche Additional Additional rental space rental space
Aufzug Aufzug Elevator Elevator
Lastenaufzug Lastenaufzug Freight elevator Freight elevator
Nicht nutzbare Nicht nutzbare Flächen Flächen usable areas Not usable Not areas
Geldautomat Geldautomat ATM ATM
Garderobe Garderobe Cloakroom Cloakroom
Disabled toilet
Berlin 2 273 Pax B Weimar 49-114 m²
C Dessau 40-73 m²
Flexible Trennwand Flexible Trennwand Flexible partition wall Flexible partition wall
1 Ebene Level 1
Rolltreppe Rolltreppe Escalator
7.1 b London
• Frank Riedinger, independant author, Germany
7.1 a New York
C Dessau 40-73 m²
1 Ostfoyer by 1 East Lob
Maximale Reihenbestuhlun g/ Maximum Theatre-style
Halle B Hall B Meetingräume Meeting Rooms
Legende/ Legend
Halle 7/ Hall 7 A1 A2 A3 A4 439 Pax 439 Pax 476 Pax 397 Pax A5 A6 A7 A8 439 Pax 936 Pax 476 Pax 976 Pax 5000 Pax M1 M2 M3 M4 137 Pax 88 Pax 45 Pax 88 Pax M5 M6 M7 M8 45 Pax 88 Pax 45 Pax 132 Pax
12.00 – 12.30 STORIES FROM EAGLE HUNTING AND SHAMANS Frank Riedinger, ITB Book Award Awardee2018, reads from his book and introduces Mongolia in its cultural diversity, including reindeer breeder, eagle hunters and shamans. Paris
only in German 7.1 c
Press Contact: Olaf Schlieper T.: +49 (0) 69 9746 4278, E.:
[email protected]
CityCube Berlin
DOMINICA: THE SITUATION AFTER HURRICAN MARIA The consequences of climate change are a great challenge, even for sustainable destinations. How can tourism be revived after such a catastrophical event? • Patricio Massó, Tropical-Consult, Dominica
Dublin 1034 Pax
Dublin 10347.3a Pax
Säle Halls
240 7.1a Pax
New York 3 New York 1 240New 168 Pax Pax York 2
273 Meeting Pax 273 Pax Bridge A Lindau
Meeting Weimar
Legende/ Legend
7Entrance Halle 7/ Hall 7 New York 1 ng/New York 2 Einga
439 Pax 936 Pax 476 Pax 976 Pax
Halle B
Rooms yer Pax 88 Meeting Meeting Rooms Westfo137 Pax 45 Pax by 1 st LobM5 Aufzug M6 M7 We 45 Pax 88 Pax 45 Pax Elevator
Nicht nutzbare Flächen R/S Rooms Not usable areas Büros O
Berlin 2 73 Pax
Maximale Reihenbestuhlun g/ Maximum Theatre-style Halle 7/ Hall 7
Hall B Behindertentoilette Meetingräume Meetingräume Disabled M1 toilet M2 M3 1
Legende/ Legend
Business CityCube Berlin ter 7.1a A1 A2 A3 A4 Cen 8 SälePax 476 Pax 397 A1 Pax A2 439 Pax 439 10 A3 9 A4 Halls 439 Pax 11 439 Pax 476 Pax 397 Pax 12 A5 A6 A7 13 A8 7.1b A5 A6 A7 A8 439 Pax 936 Pax 476 Pax 976 Pax Rolltreppe Treppe
CityCube nce g/Entra EinganEscalator 5000 e Pax Jafféstraß
R/S Räume
Helsinki 2 84 Pax
B Weimar 9-114 m²
Hall B
Meeting Dessau
1 8. g 1 an 8. rg ay be w Ü alk W
New York 3 240 Pax
1 6. g 1 an 6. rg ay be w Ü alk W
ondon 2 68 Pax
HALL 4.1B, SMALL STAGE (PowWow stage) 3
1 2. g 1 an 2. rg ay be w Ü alk W
New York 2 68 Pax
7.1 Paris
1 4. g 1 an 4. rg ay be w Ü alk W
Säle Halls
1218 m² c
7.1 b London
Maximale Reihenbestuhlun g/ Maximum Theatre-style CityCube Berlin
1218 m²
oyer Eingangsf by Lob Entrance
1-13 Büros O 3 Offices 1-1
Legende/ Legend
only in German
Cube Ca
Service Center Halle 7
7.2 aParis Helsinki
2 Ostfoyer by 2 East Lob
7.1 a New York Halle 7 g an ng Ei e nc tra 7.1 a Hall 7 En w York Ne
A1 A7 1 Ostfoyer y1 East Lobb
7.1 c
7.1 b London
1130 m²
7.2 b Budapest
8.1 g an 8.1 rg ay be w Ü alk W
Halle LeBvel 1 Hall B
7.2 c Dublin
8.1 g an 8.1 rg ay be w Ü alk W
r1 Westfoye 1 y West Lobb
Cube Clu
Ebene Level 2
4.1 ng .1 ga y 4 a w
2.1 g an 2.1 rg ay be w Ü alk W
CityCube nce ntra Eingang/E e Jafféstraß
CityCube ntrance Eingang/E m e damen MesseEb
Mee Weimar
Bridge A
r be Ü alk W
er 1 Westfoy 1 y West Lobb
foyer Eingangs Lobby Entrance
7.1 b London
Meeting Lindau
2.1 g an 2.1 rg ay be w Ü alk W
Business Center
Bridge C
6.1 g an 6.1 rg ay be w Ü alk W
Offices 1-13
7.1 c Paris
Snack Bar
Meeting Dessau
ge B ting Brid
6.1 g an 6.1 rg ay be w Ü alk W
1130m ²
2 2. g 2 an 2. rg ay be w Ü alk W
7.1 a New York Säle A Halls A
e CityCub 2 nce trayer stfo /En 5 4 We 6 Eingang Lobby 2 st mm Weda O 1-13 ossse Me Bür
Brid Meeting Lindau
4.1 g an 4.1 rg ay be w Ü alk W
Business Center
ge A
1218m ²
Bridge B
2 Ostfoyer y2 East Lobb
Cube Caf
Meeting Weimar
Bridge C
2 4. g 2 an 4. rg ay be w Ü alk W
sfoyer Eingang Lobby Entrance
5 7.2a Helsinki
1 8. g 1 an 8. rg ay be w Ü alk W
1 4. g 1 an 4. rg ay be w Ü alk W
1 2. g 1 an 2. rg ay be w Ü alk W
Cube Clu
Halle 7 Eingang ce ran Hall 7 Ent
1 6. g 1 an 6. rg ay be w Ü alk W
1-1 Büros O 3 Offices 1-1
e CityCub nce /Entra Eingang ße Jafféstra
Snack Bar
6015m ²
3 Service Center Halle 7
Meeting Dessau
2 8. g 2 an 8. rg ay be w Ü alk W
Cube Caf
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3 7.2b Budapest
• Erik Neumeyer, Deputy Managing Director, German Hiking Association, Germany
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Barrier-free Tourism Day
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• Susanna Saari, World President, C.E.O., SKÅL International • Daniela Otero, SKÅL International • Rolf Wenner, President, SKÅL Germany • Hartwig Bohne, President, SKÅL Berlin – Zugang kostenfrei • Damien Brosnan, Programme Manager, The Code, Bangkok
518 m²
1218m ²
RECEPTION: SKÅL GET TOGETHER (for invited guests only) SKÅL International is a professional tourism organisation promoting global tourism and friendship and has members in 87 Countries. SKÅL supports the Code: The Code is an industry-driven responsible tourism initiative with a mission to provide awareness, tools and support to the tourism industry in order to prevent the sexual exploitation of children. During the reception SKÅL and The Code will sign a Memorandum of Understanding: The MOU is intended to raise awareness and promote The Code to SKÅL members.
Lunc 11. März 2016, 10:30 – 15:30, CityCube Berlin, Level 1, Saal A5 As the event is barrier-free in all terms, we provide consecutive, simultaneous and written interpreting services using qualified professionals. The event will be held in English and German (simultaneous interpreting provided). TheZusätzlicher simultaneous Besuch der ITB Messe nur mit Fachbesucherausweis (kostenpflichtig). 7.3 a GROSSER STERN, VIP ROOM 2 Berlin at the entrance free of charge. The venue will provide interpreting can be listened to with headphones, which will be provided CityCube Berlin sufficient space for wheelchair users. c 7.3 – Admission free of charge Lunchbox CityCube Berlin Berlin CityCube Handicapped lavatories are located in close proximity7.2to c the hall A5. Assistance dogs are allowed on the premises. Please note 7.3 c 11 March 2016, 10:30 am – 3:30 pm, CityCube Berlin, level 1, hall nchbox lin 11.30 – 13.00 SPECIAL FORUM ON HIKING 2018 LuA5 Dub CityCube Berlin that the dog owner has to carry a certification. 518m ² 7.3 a 7.2 b Digitalisation and regional indulgence are the main focus of this year’s special forum on hiking, organised by the German Berlin Budapest For an additional visit of the ITB Berlin fair please purchase a Trade Visitor Ticket. Hiking Association (DWV) in collaboration with the German National Tourist Board (DZT). ene 3 Eb 2c 7. a
Service Center Halle 7
ITB Partnercountry Mecklenburg Vorpommern will also be part, presenting eight new promotional videos in sign language.
New York 1 240 Pax
New York 2 168 Pax
New York 3 240 Pax
Veranstaltungsflächen Event area
Rolltreppe Escalator
Treppe Stairway
London 1 240 Pax
London 2 168 Pax
London 3 240 Pax
Flexible Trennwand Flexible partition wall
Behindertentoilette Disabled toilet
Toiletten Toilets
Paris 1 360 Pax
Paris 2 288 Pax
Zusätzliche Mietfläche Additional rental space
Aufzug Elevator
Lastenaufzug Freight elevator
Helsinki 1 384 Pax
Helsinki 2 384 Pax
Nicht nutzbare Flächen Not usable areas
Geldautomat ATM
Garderobe Cloakroom
14.30 – 15.00 SEARCHING FOR CASTORS IN A SOLAR BOAT The fluvial topography of Mecklenburg Vorpommern’s Peene valley and the Oder Delta, north of Berlin, close to the PolishGerman coast of the Baltic Sea offer a unique diversity of habitats in Central Europe. organised by HOP Transnationales Netzwerk Odermündung e.V.¥
15.20 – 15.35
TOURISM AND CULTURE – How does travelling change our attitudes towards other cultures?
ITB TRAVEL RAFFLE: Among stunning other prices, sponsored by various tourism destinations and organisations, ITB 2018 Partner Country Mecklenburg Vorpommern will sponsor a 7-day-trip into the nature reserve of Peene Valley, including a solar boat round trip.
• Hanno Martens, lecturer, Cologne Business School, Germany 15.40 – 15.55
START YOUR CAREER IN ECOTOURISM • Stephanie Kulak, General Manager, NJ MORE Field Guide College, South Africa
Another ecological precious price comes from Romania: A 7-day-trip exploring the mountain range of the Carpathians and its villages, meeting local communities.
Hall 4.1 b, Booth 110
SUNDAY, 11 MARCH 2018 HALL 4.1B, SMALL STAGE (PowWow Stage) 13.00 – 13.30
ITB PARTNER COUNTRY 2018 MECKLENBURG VORPOMMERN: DISCOVERING ZINGST • Tom Sievert, Product Manager Nature, Cure- and Tourism GmbH Zingst, Germany
13.30 – 14.00
OCEAN PROTECTION AT YOUR HOLIDAYS The Ocean Care Organization Sea Shepherd is giving advice how you can manage to enjoy “clean holidays”, following the maxim “Don’t destroy, what you want to enjoy”. Information on sun lotions, which pollute the oceans, on how to treat sea animals respectfully and several other tips will be very useful. • Nicolai Duda, Event Coordinator Germany, Sea Shepherd Deutschland e. V., Germany
HALL 4.1 GLOBETROTTER SPACE • A solarboat as used in Mecklenburg Vorpommern’s Peene region, will be displayed • Environmental Photo-Festival “horizonte Zingst”
Hall 4.1, Booth 107 (YIG Lounge) DELPHIC ART WALL – A WALL THAT UNITES! Paint your own picture of Europe!A multimedia arts & culture project
THE DELPHIC FESTIVAL – ITB GRANDE FINALE 2018 The Delphic Games, originally an international “contest of arts” which was held in Ancient Greece, is now meant to be a spiritual competition of humans which revives and enriches world cultures, strengthens their identities and leads to reconciliation and peace, the basic requirement for any kind of tourism. International dances and music performances as well as the “passing over of the baton” from ITB Partner Country 2018 Mecklenburg Vorpommern to Partner Country 2019 Malaysia can be witnessed.
Among others: • The environmental program “Ostseekiste” of the German Youth Hostel Association (DJH) will be presented in a playfull way – featuring the ecosystem of the sea. • The National Heritage Center of the island of Rügen with its unique chalk cliff, will give the opportunity to discover via microscope and experiments all kinds of secrets of nature and will introduce its environmental program.
15.30 – 17.00
THE VITREOUS CLASS ROOM ITB 2018 Partner Country Mecklenburg Vorpommern invites all visitors to visit the “Vitreous Class Room”, an installation, where various activities for children and adults will create awareness for the environment.
CSR PROGRAM EVERY DAY @ ITB: PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION The UNESCO World Heritage Wadden Sea – One of the world’s most important wetlands with unique natural values The photo exhibition consists of three columns addressing the following: • Mapping and visualization of the unique landscape (salt marshes, mudflats, dykes etc.) • Portraits of specific threats and challenges to the area (climate change, pollution, traffic etc.) • Best practice examples from the regions (beach cleaning days, monitoring etc.) Get an insight into this unique but vulnerable coastal landscape and learn about environmental and societal risks and how these challenges are addressed and met. ADDITIONAL USEFUL INFORMATION • Hall 26, booth no. 108a: Meet the new platform for female entrepreneurs “SheTrades – International Trade Center“ in Hall 26b (booth 226) and Hall 21a (booth 108a) and get informed about new projects of the German Society of Development (GIZ). One of the initiatives is‚ Four Countries, One Destination (CLMV).
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• With regards to the ongoing complex dramatic developments due to war ITB promotes “Wings of Help”, a private + industry-driven initiative which uses e.g. available cargo areas of aircrafts to help refugees and to fly in relief supplies. See:
09.09.13 13:06
• Information on Safer Travel is available at the ITB LGBT Booth in Hall 21b and on the website of the Berliner AidsHilfe e.V., an ITB-supported Berlin HIV Self-Help-Organization at • Are you thirsty? Check out Viva con Agua, a charitable business model based in St. Pauli, Hamburg (Germany), which helps to provide clean drinking water worldwide. ITB serves their water to its visitors in the fair management. • ITB supports Sozialhelden e.V., a network of volunteers sensitizing and finding solutions for drawbacks in our society. E.g. at everybody can easily find, mark and rate accessible locations worldwide • There is the possibility to compensate your carbon foot print online at en/ About ITB Berlin/Travel Info/ or onsite at the atmosfair booth in hall 4.1b, stand no. 249 • In hall 16, the ITB Culture Lounge showcases 70 exhibitors from 12 countries, including UNESCO world heritage sites. Visitors of the ‘Cultural Café’ in Hall 15.1 are entertained with lectures and presentations • ITB will provide free drinking water in Hall 4.1, booth 219 and in the congress area to refill your reusable water bottles! • ITB Berlin supports an awareness campaign of its Official 2018 Partner Region Mecklenburg Vorpommern for the German Coast Guard DGzRS. The German Maritime Distress Saviors cooperate across the borders with their neighboring countries and the rescue unit of the Hanseatic City of Bremen even internationally. The DGzRS is a member of the International Maritime Rescue Federation (IMRF). ITB hosts and hostesses will collect donations for the DGzRS. For donations of 5Euro +, the donors will receive a refillable ITB water bottle in exchange. A NEW PERSPECTIVE OF TRAVELLING: BERLIN TRAVEL FESTIVAL The Berlin Travel Festival, co-organised by Messe Berlin GmbH, is happening in parallelof ITB from Friday to Sunday (March 9 – 12, 2018 / Fr + Sa 10am – 10pm, Su 10 am– 7pm-) at the ARENA Berlin. Tickets are available at Entrance after 6p.m on Saturday and after 4pm on Sunday will be free for holders of a private visitor ticket of ITB Berlin. ITB 2018 Partner Country Mecklenburg Vorpommern will also organize several activities there, especially attractive for millennial travelers, e.g. the Zingst Environmental Photo Festival!
CONTACT ITB Berlin CSR, Rika Jean-François,
[email protected], Tel. +49 (0)30/3038-0, Copyright photos: Rika Jean-François and ITB Berlin – except as noted otherwise Printed on environmentally-friendly paper 34
ITB supports the “Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism” (ECPAT)
Logo ’The code’
Partial list of dedicated exhibitors (no claim to be complete) HALL 1.1 ATA, Associacao de Turismo dos Acores Convention and Visitors Bureau 210 HALL 2.2 Tala Bay, Red Sea, Aqaba, Jordan 209 HALL 3.1 American Indian Native Alaska Tourism Association 140 HALL 3.2 Bursa Culture and Tourism Promotion Association 116 HALL 4.1 ATA, Associacao de Turismo dos Acores Convention and Visitors Bureau 233 Royal Mountain Travel 238 China Charmission Travel 238 Adventure Travel Trade Association / ATCF 215 Alpine Nature Beyond Pvt Ltd 206 Asociaia de Ecoturism din România (AER) 237 ATA, Associacao de Turismo dos Acores 233 atmosfair 249 Boogie Events 220 Boundless Southern Africa 251 Brot für die Welt – Tourism Watch 224 Bundesforum für Kinder und Jugendreisen 118 Bundesministerium für wirtsch. Zus. und Entw. (BMZ) 200 217 Camp Adventures 213 Caravan Kooch Adventure Travel 236 Common Wadden Sea Secretariat rep. WS/WH Stakeholder Platform 216 Common Wadden Sea Secretariat/ Wadden Sea World Heritage a 230 ECPAT – Child Protection 222 Escape Campervans 214 EuroVelo, the European cycle route network 245 Evaneos 242 ExploRussia 239 forum anders reisen e.V. 203 Gems of Kenya 246 Global Discovery BV 238 Greenstorm Mobility 234 Himalayan Frontiers Culture& Adventure Tours 205 Ireland Walk, Hike, Bike 104 Iran Doostan Tours Co. Pjs. 204 Jordan Tourism Board 202 Juvigo GmbH 119 Land of Turquoise Domes, Tour & Travel Company 235 Latin America World 219 Local Roots 210 Matinbabad Desert Eco Resort and Organic Farm 207 Mecklenburg Vorpommern 110 Meininger 105 Mossala Island Resort 252 Music Tourism Convention 258 Myclimate Deutschland 218 Nationalparkforstamt Eifel LB WH NRW 260 Naturtejo Geopark 232 Orioly 255 Österreichisches Jugendherbergswerk 111 PETA Deutschland 209 Quinta de Pousadela 231a Ram Janaki Darsan Travels & Tours (p) Ltd. 243 Reisenetz 106 ruf Reisen GmbH 108 sleeperoo GmbH 110 Splendid Evasion, Lda. 250 Staycity Aparthotels 257 Studienkreis für Tourismus und Entwicklung e.V. 248 Taj Wildlife 226 The Blue Yonder 204 The Code 222 The Green Spot Travel 238 THRILLOPHILIA ADVENTURE TOURS PVT LTD 208 TO DO! – International Contest Socially Responsible Tourism 248 Tour Cert gGmbH 225 Tour Mongolia – Active Adventures Tours Mongolia 240 Travel & Plant 241 Turmundo 228 UNESCO GLOBAL GEOPARKS 232 WORLDIA 221
• All ITB Berlin staff members are reducing their carbon footprint on business trips by donating to projects in developing countries with the help of atmosfair. • ITB Berlin supports public transportation and has developed a convenient bus shuttle from hotels to the fairground to help preserve the environment. • Travel to ITB Berlin completely carbon-free by using German Railway (Deutsche Bahn)’s Special Event Roundtrip Ticket – starting from Euro 99,- –––> EURO 99,-. All of DB’s energy is 100% renewable. Link: / keyword: “itb” • To save energy and resources ITB in 2018 will not produce any print catalogue or quick finder; all relevant information is available online. A list of exhibitors will be available in the ITB News, printed in a climate-neutral way. We sustainably contribute to a forest protection project in Kenya.
Color: – Pantone 396 U/Black – CMYK: 20 C/1.5 M/97.5 Y/0 K (green)
WYSE Travel Confederation 100 Zambia Culture und Convention Partner 201 HALL 4.2 Nature Reserves 201 HALL 5.2a ECO TEAM – SRI LANKA 114 Responsible Treks 116 HALL 5.2b Active India Holidays 238 Banglanatak / Tour East 244 CGH Earth Hotels 206 Kerala Tourism 223 Sustainable Travel Pavilion 244 CGH Earth 206 SITA 209 HALL 6.2a Lower Saxony – Cycling 103 Mecklenburg Vorpommern 106 Tourismus-Cluster Schleswig-Holstein, 215 HALL 8.1 InfraCert GmbH 117 HALL 11.1 Cologne Business School GmbH 202 Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln 313 HALL 11.2 Nationale Naturlandschaften Thüringen c/o UNESCO-Biosphärenreservat Thüringer Wald 103 HALL 12 tmu Tourismus Marketing Uckermark GmbH 101 HALL 14.1 NATKO e.V 107 HALL 18 SKÅL International / Awards for Sustainable Development in Tourism 111a HALL 20 andBeyond (&Beyond) 113 Botswana Tourism Organisation 131 Ezemvelo KZM Wildlife 138 Lesotho Tourism Development Corporation 106 Boundless Southern Africa 107 HALL 21a Ghana Tourism Authority 108 SheTrades – International Trade Centre 108a HALL 21e Zambia Tourism Agency (ZTA) 201 HALL 22a avenTOURa GmbH 124 Caribbean Tourism Organization 117 HALL 22b Amadeus Travel Agency 201,201a Ecole Travel 201,201a Laguna Lodge Tortuguero 201,201a Guyana Tourism Authority 203 HALL 23a Via Natura Peru, Ecuador & Galapagos 201, 201a Mountain Lodges of Perú 111 Andean Explorer’s Cusco 118 Peruvian Sunrise Group S.R.L. 110 Pure! Travel Group 121 Sani Lodge 113 Andean Adventures Peru 118 YACUMA ECOLODGE 103 UniGalapagos / Ecoandes Travel 103 HALL 23b Miller Reisen GmbH 204 Condor Travel S.A.C 216 HALL 25 asr Allianz selbständiger Reiseunternehmen – Bundesverband e.V. 137 Orange County Resorts and Hotels 145 Gebeco GmbH & Co.KG 109 Intrepid Travel GmbH 148 Reisen mit Sinnen Pardon/Heider Touristik GmbH 113 Studiosus Reisen 107 HALL 26a Alila Hotels & Resorts 115 Borneo Nature Tours 117 HALL 26b Asian Trails Ltd. 207 Khiri Travel 203 Krabi Tourism Association 210 Sampran Riverside (Go Vacation Thailand) 224 Silk Road to Asia Travels 230 Bangkok Metropolitan Administration 233 Phuket Tourist Association 211 SheTrades – International Trade Centre 228 Explore Asia – Community-Based Tourism at Tamarind Lake Village 207 FASCINATING Myanmar Travel and Tours & Amara Group Company Ltd 223a GO Vacation Indonesia 224 HALL 26c Ger to Ger 316 Handspan Travel Indochina 337 HGH Travel 306 Lernidee Erlebnisreisen GmbH 301 Mai Chau Ecolodge 336 Mongolian Tourism Association 316 Norbu Bhutan Travel Pvt. Ltd. 329 Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) 306 Ecosea Travel Vietnam 306 Mr Linh’s Adventures 313 Trophel Tours & Treks 318 Accor Hotels Asia Pacific 340 Guizhou Tourism Development Commission 303 Bhutan Wind Horse Tours, Treks and Expeditions 332 Mai Chau Ecolodge – An eco-friendly and sustainable travel accommodations 336 Black & white: – Black
M1 M2