Sustainable Cities in Developing Countries

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Sustainable Cities in Developing Countries EDITED BY CEDRIC PUGH ‘For the serious practitioner and thinker, this book presents a wealth of ideas and experiences about building sustainable cities from a uniquely qualified set of individual contributors’ from the Foreword by Dr Carl Bartone, Urban Development Division, The World Bank Sustainable Cities in Developing Countries creates new paths for the understanding of sustainable urban development. It presents original knowledge, perspectives and examples on the sustainability of cities, grounding its analysis in the dialectic between their economic, social, political and environmental realities. Wide-ranging contributions from worldrenowned experts are brought together in a comprehensive and multi-disciplinary review of the major issues, including legal mechanisms, health, economics and the environment, and the application of Local Agenda 21 in cities. Tracing the evolution of theory in relation to urban growth and development, it provides guidance for moving towards sustainable urban environments and descriptions of the efforts made by several cities in this respect. Practitioners and academics alike will find this book of unique relevance in its rigorous examination of the unfinished agenda relating to urban environmental degradation and in its elaboration of principles of best practice. This book presents original knowledge, perspectives and examples on the sustainability of cities and their economic, social, political and environmental realities.

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For further details of our titles on cities and communities visit our website

Introduction • Sustainable Urban Development: Some Millennial Reflections on Theory and Application • Sustainable Legal Mechanisms for the Protection of the Urban Environment • Environmental Health or Ecological Sustainability? Reconciling the Brown and Green Agendas in Urban Development • Inequalities in Urban Environments, Health and Power: Reflections on Theory and Practice • Health, Governance and the Environment • Sustainability in Squatter Settlements • The Localisation of Agenda 21 and the Sustainable Cities Programme • Economic and Environmental Sustainability in Shanghai • A Millennium Perspective and Conclusions Cedric Pugh is Professor of Urban Economic Development at Sheffield Hallam University. He is author of Housing and Urbanization: A study of India and Sustainability, the Environment and Urbanization.

CONTRIBUTORS Bharat Dahiya • Amanda Perry • David Satterthwaite • Carolyn Stephens • Trudy Harpham • Maria Allison • Gordon McGranahan • Peter Abelson To receive our latest e-mail bulletins, sign up via our website Sustainable Cities in Developing Countries • PB • £17.95 • 1 85383 619 2 • Hb • £45.00 • 1 85383 624 9 • 256 pages • 234x153mm • Figures, Tables, Index


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