Sustainable forest management: challenge and opportunity to combat ...

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Sustainable forest management: challenge and opportunity to combat Climate Change. Demostrative project LIFE FOREST CO2.
Sustainable forest management: challenge and opportunity to combat Climate Change Demostrative project LIFE FOREST CO2 TECHNICAL MEETING DRAFT PROGRAMME

Date: Wednesday 31st January 2018 Place: European Parlament Room: JAN6Q1

12:30 - 12:45 WELCOME by Ramón Luis Valcárcel, Vicepresident of the European Parliament 12:45 - 13:00 LIFE FOREST C02: INTRODUCTION TO THE LIFE PROJECT. Mrs Consuelo Rosauro Meseguer, Natural Habitat General Director Region of Murcia 13:00 - 13:15 THE LIFE FOREST CO2'S EU LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK. Mrs. Valeria Forlin, DG CLIMA European Commission 13:15 -13:45 MEPS VIEWS: Q&A 13:45 CLOSING REMARKS