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The SV-500 Series of 2-way normally closed internally piloted piston solenoid valves have an epoxy-encapsulated coil. These valves feature a brass body, ...



Ideal for Pressures to 700 PSI For Gases or Liquids Temperatures to 99°C (210°F) 120 Vac Standard (dc Optional)

The SV-500 Series of 2-way normally closed internally piloted piston solenoid valves have an epoxy-encapsulated coil. These valves feature a brass body, PFTE sealing material for main seat, Viton® O-rings and core seals, and a temperature range of 0 to 100°C (32 to 212°F). SV-500 Series valves are ideal for neutral media such as compressed air, hot air, water, and oxygen, and for use in breweries, fire prevention systems, water supply, and air conditioning installations. Electrical connection is by conduit plug.

SPECIFICATIONS Shown Larger Than Actual Size

SV-500 Series



Basic Unit

Mounting Position: Any (preferably with solenoid system upright) Max. Ambient Temp.: 54°C (130°F) Voltage Tolerance: ±10% Power Consumption in Warm State: ac: 21 VA (inrush); 12 VA/8 W(hold); dc: 8 W

Response Times

Options (no extra charge) Ordering Suffix -24VDC* -12VDC* -240 VAC

Description 24 Vdc operation 12 Vdc operation 240 Vac operation

*DC options not available on 2 or 2 1⁄2" size valves

Orifice Size Opening Time Closing Time (msec) (msec) 7 ⁄16" 20-40 100-250 3 ⁄4", 1" 100-400 300-1500 11⁄4", 11⁄2" 100-700 600-1500 2", 21⁄2" 500-1200 1500-5000 Response times are measured at outlet A on energizing/de-energizing until attainment of pressure rise to 90%/pressure drop to 10% at working pressure of 85 psi.

Cycling Rate: With lubrication up to 250 cpm Duty Cycle: Continuous (100%)

To Order (Specify Model No.) Normally Closed Valves Model No. SV-501 SV-502 SV-503 SV-504* SV-505* SV-506* SV-507*

Price $ 141 169 375 321 323 699 1088

Port Connection (NPT) 1 ⁄2 3 ⁄4 1 11⁄4 11⁄2 2 21⁄2

Cv 2.4 5.8 11.7 21 21 42 42

Water ac 15 to 700 15 to 355 15 to 355 15 to 355 15 to 355 15 to 355 15 to 355

Pressure Range (PSI)1 Water Air dc ac 15 to 700 15 to 700 15 to 355 15 to 565 15 to 355 15 to 565 15 to 230 15 to 355 15 to 230 15 to 355 15 to 230 15 to 355 15 to 230 15 to 355

* Note: Only the SV-501, SV-502, and SV-503 are UL and CSA approved. 1 The maximum pressure for the UL listed valves is 355 psi. Comes with complete operator’s manual. Ordering Example: SV-505, brass valve, 11⁄2" NPT connection, $323


Air dc 15 to 700 15 to 455 15 to 455 15 to 230 15 to 230 15 to 230 15 to 230

Orifice Diameter (in) 7 ⁄16 3 ⁄4 1 11⁄4 11⁄2 2 21⁄2

Weight kg (lb) 0.6 (1.3) 1.2 (2.7) 1.7 (3.8) 2.9 (6.3) 3.3 (7.3) 5.8 (12.8) 6.9 (15.2)