SVProf Sound velocity profile acquisition Manual - Eiva

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File: C:\EIVA\NaviScan\Manuals\SVProf.doc ... Author: JBL. Approved by. SVProf. Sound velocity profile acquisition. Manual ..... INSTRUCTION FOR USE.

SVProf – Sound velocity profile acquisition.

SVProf Sound velocity profile acquisition Manual

File: C:\EIVA\NaviScan\Manuals\SVProf.doc Date: 12. maj 2007

Document: SVProf - pages 18 Author: JBL Approved by.




SVProf – Sound velocity profile acquisition. 1. Contents. 1. CONTENTS................................................................................................................ 2 2. GETTING STARTED. .............................................................................................. 3 2.1 2.2

REQUIREMENTS. ..................................................................................................... 3 STARTING THE PROGRAM........................................................................................ 3

3. THE MAIN WINDOW.............................................................................................. 4 4. THE MENU BAR....................................................................................................... 5 4.1 FILE MENU.............................................................................................................. 6 4.1.1 Open................................................................................................................ 6 4.1.2 Save. ................................................................................................................ 6 4.1.3 Save As. ........................................................................................................... 7 4.1.4 Import.............................................................................................................. 7 4.1.5 Export.............................................................................................................. 9 4.1.6 Print. ............................................................................................................. 10 4.1.7 Print preview................................................................................................. 10 4.1.8 Print Setup. ................................................................................................... 10 4.1.9 Exit. ............................................................................................................... 10 4.2 EDIT MENU. .......................................................................................................... 10 4.2.1 Profile data. .................................................................................................. 10 4.3 VIEW MENU. ......................................................................................................... 10 4.3.1 Profiles.......................................................................................................... 10 4.3.2 Toolbar.......................................................................................................... 12 4.4 OPTIONS MENU. .................................................................................................... 12 4.4.1 Select COM port. .......................................................................................... 12 4.5 WINDOW MENU. ................................................................................................... 13 4.6 HELP MENU........................................................................................................... 13 4.6.1 About. ............................................................................................................ 13 5. INSTRUCTION FOR USE. .................................................................................... 14 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4

IMPORTING PROFILE(S) ONLINE FROM A SVEP. ...................................................... 14 IMPORTING A NAVISCAN PROFILE. ....................................................................... 14 EXPORTING A PROFILE FOR USE IN NAVISCAN. ..................................................... 16 EDITING A LOADED PROFILE. ................................................................................ 17

File: C:\EIVA\NaviScan\Manuals\SVProf.doc Date: 12. maj 2007

Document: SVProf - pages 18 Author: JBL Approved by.



SVProf – Sound velocity profile acquisition. 2. Getting started. 2.1 Requirements. •


An available serial port.

2.2 Starting the program. Simply run the program from the start menu. Or execute SVProf.exe, normally located in C:\EIVA\NaviScan\bin

File: C:\EIVA\NaviScan\Manuals\SVProf.doc Date: 12. maj 2007

Document: SVProf - pages 18 Author: JBL Approved by.


SVProf – Sound velocity profile acquisition. 3. The main window. When the application is started, the user is presented with an empty client area. From here it is possible to open a sound velocity profile in three different ways.

File: C:\EIVA\NaviScan\Manuals\SVProf.doc Date: 12. maj 2007

Document: SVProf - pages 18 Author: JBL Approved by.



SVProf – Sound velocity profile acquisition. 4. The menu bar. • • •

By opening an existing *.sva file, which is the format containg the most information Importing a NaviScan SV-profile. Download one or more SV-profiles from a SVEP.

Figure 1: Startup screen

Figure 2: One profile document open

File: C:\EIVA\NaviScan\Manuals\SVProf.doc Date: 12. maj 2007

Document: SVProf - pages 18 Author: JBL Approved by.



SVProf – Sound velocity profile acquisition. 4.1 File menu.

4.1.1 Open. The open menu choice allows you to open files of the type *.sva (Also known as GMI format). This is the only type of file through this menu option.

Figure 3: Open profile 4.1.2 Save. This will write the loaded profile to disk using the current document name. • CAUTION This application interprets files of GMI format. This format is a report form, which means that it may be formatted with page breaks and sometimes comments have been added to the header. When SVProf rewrites the profile data, any comments and pagebreaks will be lost. File: C:\EIVA\NaviScan\Manuals\SVProf.doc Date: 12. maj 2007

Document: SVProf - pages 18 Author: JBL Approved by.




SVProf – Sound velocity profile acquisition. 4.1.3 Save As. This menu option allows you to save the current document using a different name. Through this option you will only be able to save in *.sva format. If you wish to save in other formats, you must do it through the “Export” menu option.

Figure 4: Save profile with a new name 4.1.4 Import. Use this menu option if you wish to import files from another format than *.sva. You can import profiles from a SVEP unit or from a NaviScan Sound Velocity profile. Both types contain less information than than tha *.sva format. The missing information is filled in with 0 values.

Figure 5: Import popup menu • Online from SVEP. When you select this option you will be presented with the dialog shown in Figure 6: Download dialog. When at least one download is completed the “OK” button is enabled. You will only be able to select each profile once.

File: C:\EIVA\NaviScan\Manuals\SVProf.doc Date: 12. maj 2007

Document: SVProf - pages 18 Author: JBL Approved by.



SVProf – Sound velocity profile acquisition. Start download of selected

Erase the contents of the

Figure 6: Download dialog.

File: C:\EIVA\NaviScan\Manuals\SVProf.doc Date: 12. maj 2007

Document: SVProf - pages 18 Author: JBL Approved by.



SVProf – Sound velocity profile acquisition. • NaviScan SVEP. When this option is selected you choose a file to import as a NaviScan sound velocity profile. SVProf will attempt to interpret the file you choose and convert it to *.sva format. if the extension of the file you choose is *.txt it will be replaced with *.sva, otherwise the the extension *.sva will be appended.

Figure 7: Import NaviScan SVEP. 4.1.5 Export. Through this menu option you are able to export the loaded profile for use in NaviScan. SVProf automatically suggest the C:\temp\Specsvp.txt, since this is the location NaviScan look for the profile to use. It is possible to choose another filename and location.

Figure 8: Export menu.

File: C:\EIVA\NaviScan\Manuals\SVProf.doc Date: 12. maj 2007

Document: SVProf - pages 18 Author: JBL Approved by.

Page 10

SVProf – Sound velocity profile acquisition.

Figure 9: Export dialog. 4.1.6 Print. Prints the active window. 4.1.7 Print preview. A normal print preview. 4.1.8 Print Setup. Allows you to choose printer. 4.1.9 Exit. Exit SVProf. 4.2 Edit menu. 4.2.1 Profile data. This menu option brings up the the current file for editing in notepad. When notepad is started SVProf locks until notepad returns and the edited file is reloaded into the current document. Figure 10: Edit profile data. 4.3 View menu. From here you can toggle toolbar and status bar or select the “Profiles” sub menu.

Figure 11: View menu. 4.3.1 Profiles. Through thhis popup menu you choose what information to display. By default you will be presented only with the sound velocity. You can open and close the windows by checking/unchecking each profile view. If you uncheck all profile views the document is File: C:\EIVA\NaviScan\Manuals\SVProf.doc Date: 12. maj 2007

Document: SVProf - pages 18 Author: JBL Approved by.

Page 11

SVProf – Sound velocity profile acquisition. closed. The profiles you select will only apply to that particular document currently selected.

Figure 12: View profiles popup menu.

File: C:\EIVA\NaviScan\Manuals\SVProf.doc Date: 12. maj 2007

Document: SVProf - pages 18 Author: JBL Approved by.

Page 12

SVProf – Sound velocity profile acquisition. 4.3.2 Toolbar. Shows or hides the toolbar.

Figure 13: Toolbar 4.4 Options menu.

Figure 14: Otions menu. 4.4.1 Select COM port. This dialog allows you to select the serial port to connect to, when downloading sound velocity profiles from a SVEP.

Figure 15: Select COM port dialog.

File: C:\EIVA\NaviScan\Manuals\SVProf.doc Date: 12. maj 2007

Document: SVProf - pages 18 Author: JBL Approved by.

Page 13

SVProf – Sound velocity profile acquisition. 4.5 Window menu.

Figure 16: Window menu. 4.6 Help menu. Figure 17: About SVProf... 4.6.1 About.

Figure 18: About box.

File: C:\EIVA\NaviScan\Manuals\SVProf.doc Date: 12. maj 2007

Document: SVProf - pages 18 Author: JBL Approved by.

Page 14

SVProf – Sound velocity profile acquisition. 5. Instruction for use. This chapter describes briefly how to perfom common tasks in SVProf. 5.1 Importing profile(s) online from a svep. This explains how to import up to four profiles from a sound velocity profiler. The profiler must be compatible with the SVEP 5002 from GMI systems. 1. Confirm via ‘Options – Select COM port’, that the port you have selected is the COM port the SVEP is connected to. Also note that the baud rate, parity, databit and stop bit is set correctly. Typically 9600,N,8,1 2. Select ‘File – Import – Online from SVEP’. The following dialog appears.

3. Select the profiles that you wish to download and click the ‘Download’ button. When the process is done, the ‘OK’ button is enabled. Click it to continue. The following dialog appears. 4. Enter the ship identifier and press ‘OK’. The identifier will be used when generating the name of the profile documents.

5. A document for each downloaded profile is opened. 5.2 Importing a NaviScan profile. This procedure will import a file in NaviScan format and convert it into a *.sva document. The only data available in the NaviScan file is the sound velocity profile. All remainding fields will be set to zero (0.00).

File: C:\EIVA\NaviScan\Manuals\SVProf.doc Date: 12. maj 2007

Document: SVProf - pages 18 Author: JBL Approved by.

Page 15

SVProf – Sound velocity profile acquisition. 1. Select ‘File – Import – NaviScan SVEP’. 2. Browse to the location of the file and select it. Typically the file has the extension *.txt. 3. If the conversion is succesful a new document is opened. The *.txt extension, if any, is replaced with *.sva.

File: C:\EIVA\NaviScan\Manuals\SVProf.doc Date: 12. maj 2007

Document: SVProf - pages 18 Author: JBL Approved by.

Page 16

SVProf – Sound velocity profile acquisition. 5.3 Exporting a profile for use in NaviScan. This procedure describes how to export a sound velocity profile to NaviScan for online use. 1. Open or import a profile document. 2. Select the sound velocity profile to export and select ‘File – Export – NaviScan SVEP’. 3. The default folder is C:\temp, which is where NaviScan looks for a sound velocity profile. Keep the proposed file name (Specsvp.txt) and choose ‘Save’. 4. At this point NaviScan can not tell that the profile has changed. Therefore in NaviScan select the following menu option: ’Options – Load/Reload SVel profile’. This will make NaviScan use the updated profile.

File: C:\EIVA\NaviScan\Manuals\SVProf.doc Date: 12. maj 2007

Document: SVProf - pages 18 Author: JBL Approved by.

Page 17

SVProf – Sound velocity profile acquisition. 5.4 Editing a loaded profile. This procedure describes how to edit a loaded profile document. 1. Open or import a profile. 2. Select ‘Edit – Profile data’ from the menu or ‘Edit profile data’ from the context sensitive menu. 3. The profile is opened in notepad. Now you can add new rows at the bottom or modify existing rows. You can also modify the header information, but be sure only to modify the information outlined in the picture below. Any information entered in the outlined areas will be saved. The bottom depth, Mean SVEL and Mean density are calculated from the profile data. So entering any values here will have no effect. If you add or modify a row of data, be sure to enter values in all columns. Else SVProf will fail to reload the file and revert all changes made.

File: C:\EIVA\NaviScan\Manuals\SVProf.doc Date: 12. maj 2007

Document: SVProf - pages 18 Author: JBL Approved by.

Page 18

SVProf – Sound velocity profile acquisition.

File: C:\EIVA\NaviScan\Manuals\SVProf.doc Date: 12. maj 2007

Document: SVProf - pages 18 Author: JBL Approved by.