A grade in Swedish as a second language entitles you to apply to any secondary
school programme. You can also learn Swedish as a second language at.
Swedish as a second language – when you have another first language Swedish as a second language is a separate subject. A grade in Swedish as a second language is of equal value to a grade in Swedish as a first language. A grade in Swedish as a second language entitles you to apply to any secondary school programme. You can also learn Swedish as a second language at secondary school level. The next page answers nine of the most frequently asked questions and comments about Swedish as a second language. If you have any questions, please contact the Headmaster at your school. You find the telephone number on the web: www.skola.umea.se
Pre-school and Compulsory School Administration Stadshuset, 901 84 Umeå 090-16 12 20 www.umea.se/skola
1. Why should I take Swedish as a second language? You should learn Swedish because it is fun to be able to use and develop a language. Swedish is also an essential instrument for achieving good results in your other subjects. 2. Is Swedish as a second language an easier programme than Swedish as a first language? No, it is not! The targets are the same but when learning Swedish as a second language you will spend more time on grammar, vocabulary, spoken and written language. 3. I speak Swedish well enough and my teachers say that I am good. Why should I still learn Swedish as a second language? The demands are higher at secondary school. When learning Swedish as a second language, you will have an opportunity to continue improving your language. In this way, you can manage your studies better. 4. Is it not better to be with native speaking Swedish pupils rather than those who have Swedish as a second language? You will only speak Swedish during your lessons in Swedish as a second language (except perhaps when you need a friend to explain something). Besides, all your other lessons are with native speaking Swedish pupils. 5. My Swedish is so good that learning Swedish as a second language seems too easy. It does not matter how good your Swedish is, we can still help you improve on what you already know. There are no limits to learning a language. 6. I can use the dictionary for words that I do not understand. Do I really need to take a special course for that? It is good that you look up words you do not understand and it is something you will have to continue with. But, why should you not get help? Why should you always have to spend more time on your homework than your school friends? At least you will be learning one of your subjects on your own conditions! 7. I do not want to be separated from my class. Why do I have to? All pupils at school will work in different groups at one time or another. Learning Swedish as a second language instead of Swedish as a first language is no different from learning French instead of German.
Pre-school and Compulsory School Administration Stadshuset, 901 84 Umeå 090-16 12 20 www.umea.se/skola
8. What are the exams in Swedish as a second language? When learning Swedish as a first or second language, you will have to sit a national exam called ‘National Curriculum Exam in Swedish as a First or Second Language’. Your exam result is an indicator to your teacher before setting the grade. 9. I am much better than many other native speaking Swedes in my class. Why do I need to be put in a separate group? Why should you compare yourself with those who are not as good as you? Why not set your sights higher than the bottom of the class? Why be content with that?
Two subjects – of equal value! Swedish as a second language Pass = 10 p Pass with credit = 15 p Pass with distinction = 20 p Swedish as a first language
Pass = 10 p Pass with credit = 15 p Pass with distinction = 20 p
Pre-school and Compulsory School Administration Stadshuset, 901 84 Umeå 090-16 12 20 www.umea.se/skola