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Sweet & Maxwell international catalogue 2013

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Welcome to our 2013 International Catalogue for Hong Kong. Hong Kong law is developing at an unprecedented pace. We are committed to keeping you, the customer, at the heart of everything we do. This means that we have many new products and services and that our portfolio has grown substantially in the past twelve months – there are many new books from securities to personal injury. We are delighted that Thomson Reuters, Sweet & Maxwell, has been appointed as the publisher of Hong Kong Lawyer, the official journal of the Law Society of Hong Kong and Human Resources, the official journal of HKIHRM. These industry leading publications allow Sweet & Maxwell to truly be a one-stop-shop for your legal information needs. Westlaw HK continues to evolve in line with your research needs and now has more analytical commentary than ever before! At time of writing, twenty-seven titles are available on Westlaw HK including exclusive must-have, major

works such as The Hong Kong White Book, Archbold Hong Kong and Chitty on Contracts: Hong Kong Specific Contracts. Many more titles will follow in 2013. As local Hong Kong law continues to grow, Sweet & Maxwell publications keep you abreast of developments in the local legal landscape. Our Hong Kong Law Library serves as the premier reference law library in Hong Kong. Our Practitioner, Ordinance and Academic series continue to set the standards in their practice areas. As part of Thomson Reuters we are able to bring you renowned works from sister publishers including Sweet & Maxwell, West, Carswell and Thomson Reuters Australia to name just a few. We always welcome your feedback on our products and services so please feel free to contact us at any time. Thank you for your continued support throughout the years and we wish you all the best for 2013!

Klaus Pfeifer Managing Director Thomson Reuters Legal Asia

PUBLISHER INTRODUCTION Aranzadi www.aranzadi.es The leading legal publisher in Spain and the first to publish material on the internet, Aranzadi sets the market standard in Spain for online research services. Aranzadi also publishes a wide range of CD ROMs, DVDs and print products for legal professionals and law students. Aspatore www.aspatore.com Aspatore Books exclusively publishes C-Level executives and partners from the world’s most respected companies and law firms. Each publication provides professionals of all levels with proven business and legal intelligence from industry insiders—direct and unfiltered insight from those who know it best. Carswell www.carswell.com Canada’s leading provider of specialized information for legal, tax, accounting, and human resources professionals. With products and services in a variety of formats – CD-ROM, online, books, diskette, looseleaf, journals, newsletters, and reports – the Carswell name has become synonymous with high-quality information. ELLIS Publications www.ellispub.com A leading publisher of European Union (EU) legal and regulatory information. La Ley www.laley.com.ar As the official publisher of the Argentine courts, La Ley publishes primary, secondary, and analytical law works, and is also a leading tax publisher. Les Editions Yvon Blais www.editionsyvonblais.com Canada’s leading French-language legal publisher, Les Éditions Yvon Blais provides primary and secondary legal information for Quebec lawyers, notaries, judiciary, and law students in print, looseleaf, CDROM, and online formats. RIA www.ria.thomsonreuters.com RIA is the premier provider of technology and information to tax professionals in accounting firms and corporations, providing industryleading tax compliance software for even the most complex requirements, and the most comprehensive and innovative tax research and information products available.

Sweet & Maxwell UK www.sweetandmaxwell.co.uk Sweet & Maxwell is a leading provider of information and solutions to legal and professional markets in the UK and Ireland. With over 200 years of history and heritage in legal publishing, Sweet & Maxwell offers detailed and specialist knowledge, understanding, interpretation, and commentary across a wide range of subjects in a variety of formats to meet customers’ needs – books, journals, periodicals, looseleafs, CD-ROMs, and online services. W. Green www.sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/wgreen W. Green has provided the Scottish legal profession and Scots law students with an unparalleled range of legal texts and law reports for more than 100 years and now offers a rapidly expanding range of digital products. Round Hall Ltd. www.roundhall.ie Ireland’s largest law publisher, Round Hall’s portfolio includes a range of information services and publications as well as a constantly expanding booklist. Sweet & Maxwell Hong Kong www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk From offices in Hong Kong, Sweet & Maxwell has become one of Asia’s most respected providers for the legal and regulatory professions. Sweet & Maxwell Malaysia www.sweetandmaxwellasia.com.my Sweet & Maxwell Malaysia publishes the All Malaysia Reports, All Malaysia Law Index and has recently launched online service Westlaw Malaysia. In addition, Sweet & Maxwell Malaysia publishes a wide range of products for the legal and regulatory markets. Sweet & Maxwell Singapore www.sweetandmaxwellasia.com.sg Sweet & Maxwell Singapore publishes a wide range of legal, taxation, accountancy and regulatory products. Thomson Compumark www.compumark.thomson.com Compumark is the worldwide market leader in trademark research. Providing trademark searching and watching, the company covers the European, African, Asian and Australian markets.

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General .......................................................................................................... 2 Cases ............................................................................................................. 3 Major Works . ................................................................................................. 4 Commentary . ................................................................................................ 6 Legislation ..................................................................................................... 9 Current Awareness ....................................................................................... 10 Journals & News ........................................................................................... 10 UK & International . ....................................................................................... 11 Global Legal Research Solutions . ............................................................... 12 Training & Support ....................................................................................... 12 Hong Kong & china Titles


Hong Kong Law Reports .............................................................................. 14 Major Works . ................................................................................................ 16 •  Hong Kong Civil Procedure ..................................................................... 16 •  Archbold Hong Kong . ............................................................................. 17 •  Chitty on Contracts: Hong Kong Specific Contracts ............................... 18 Hong Kong Law Library . ............................................................................. 20 China Law Library ....................................................................................... 26 Hong Kong & China Practitioner Titles ....................................................... 32 Hong Kong Ordinances Titles ..................................................................... 46

Common Law library


Academic Titles


practice areas


Alternative Dispute Resolution .................................................................... 71 Banking and Finance . .................................................................................. 77 Building and Construction .......................................................................... 85 Civil Procedure and Evidence ...................................................................... 89 Commercial Law . ........................................................................................ 95 Company Law and Insolvency . .................................................................. 103 Competition Law ........................................................................................ 109 Contract Law ............................................................................................... 113 Criminal Law ............................................................................................... 117 Employment Law ....................................................................................... 123 Environmental Law .................................................................................... 129 Family Law .................................................................................................. 131 Insurance Law ............................................................................................ 133 Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law ............................ 137 Land Law .................................................................................................... 147 Private International Law ............................................................................ 151 Professions/Practice Management ........................................................... 155 Public Law .................................................................................................. 159 Reference . .................................................................................................. 163 Shipping ..................................................................................................... 169 Tort and Personal Injury ............................................................................. 173 Trusts and Equity . ...................................................................................... 179

Index ........................................................................................................... 184 Order Form . .................................................................................................189


journals Thomson Reuters, Sweet & Maxwell is proud to be the home for key industry and monthly publications that serve as the ‘voice’ in Hong Kong for members of their professional communities.

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Hong kong law journal

the law list

Thomson Reuters, Sweet & Maxwell has been publishing the Law List since 1999. Throughout the years we have continually upgraded its content and enhanced the layout making it user friendly and easier to navigate.


The Law List provides Hong Kong’s legal community a comprehensive source of contact information for law firms and individual members practicing in Hong Kong. It includes foreign lawyers and global firms with offices in Hong Kong, notaries public, China - appointed attesting officers, law costs draftsmen and accredited mediators.

Hong Kong Law Journal is the leading scholarly journal in the English language on common law in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and law in the mainland PRC. Eminent jurists from Hong Kong and abroad examine and discuss the latest developments in Hong Kong Law. All contributions are reviewed by a panel of experts. • Up-to-date, reliable, authoritative and academic critique of the law of the region • Includes comparative, jurisprudential, international, and interdisciplinary material relevant to the study of law

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h k - l a w y e r . org

December 2012




香港 律師


hong kong lawyer

The Hong Kong Lawyer is the official journal of the Law Society of Hong Kong.

December 2012 2012年12月

Cover Story Face to Face With


封面專題 h k - l a w y e r . org







Damage limitation

“We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today”: Why Hong Kong Needs a Children’s Commission

Black letter over “judicial innovation”


November 2012


Neil Kaplan

「我們擔憂兒童的未來,卻忘記了他們當前 的存在」:香港為何需要兒童事務委員會



香港 律師



香港 律師


封面專題 專訪包致金法官:


Cover Story Face to Face With

Justice Kemal Bokhary:

A Life in Law FUNDS 基 金


IHL FOCUS 企 業 律 師 焦 點

Unleashing the Qualified Foreign Investor 放寬對合格境外投資者的規限

Putting more focus on children: the Children’s Dispute Resolution Pilot Scheme 更側重於兒童: 兒童糾紛調解試點計劃

Bonuses – The dangers of oral announcements

ON CHINA 中 國 實 務

Dealing with China’s card monopoly 中國電子支付服務市場


Hong Kong Lawyer provides the legal community with news and insights necessary to keep abreast of latest trends and developments. The magazine focuses on topical, relevant content through features and regular sections, and ensures that each issue is read and trusted amongst the legal community.


Hong Kong Lawyer goes out to every lawyer registered with the Law Society of Hong Kong, as well as members of the Hong Kong Bar Association, corporate and government counsel.


香港 律師


The way people engage content is constantly evolving. The Hong Kong Lawyer offers multiple channels for readers to access content and for advertisers to engage with them.


Receive our regular e-newsletter to stay up-to-date with key developments. Sign up at www.hk-lawyer.org/en/enews-subscription.asp.

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The Official Journal of the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management 香港人力資源管理學會會刊


September 2012


human resources

September 2012

The Official Journal of the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management 香港人力資源管理學會會刊



October 2012

October 2012

Understanding Pay Trends 認識薪酬趨勢 Accredited Law Officer of HR

Eliminating the Double Taxation Problem



Corporate Yoga and Stress Relief

HR Excellence Awards - Inspiration, Recognition, Celebration 卓越人力資源獎 - 啟發、肯定和表揚專業精神

The Official Journal of the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management 香港人力資源管理學會會刊


HUMAN RESOURCES Tackling Corporate Fraud

Protection for Female Employees in Mainland China

The Power of Humour in the Workplace



From contracts to employer branding, from interviewing to staff wellness, Human Resources is an important part of every HR professional’s tool box and provides a voice and platform for experts in these fields as well as development and support for its readers. The journal contains news, analysis and commentary relating to HR management covering topics such as: • • • •

compensation and benefits employment laws training and succession planning business and management knowledge

November 2012


The fresh look of Human Resources combines those sections readers value so much with new features and content, such as:

Global Trends and the Changing Role of HR Special Issue

The Official Journal of the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management 香港人力資源管理學會會刊


December 2012

HUMAN RESOURCES Understanding the MPF Employee Choice Arrangement


November 2012

環球營商大趨勢 人力資源顯智慧

Leveraging Social Media for Recruitment

Human Resources is the Official Journal of the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management (HKIHRM) and is a leading forum that addresses the unique issues and challenges affecting HR and related professionals in Hong Kong.

Prohibition of Business Strife in Mainland China


December 2012

Nurturing an Engaged Workforce 培養投入工作的團隊

COVER STORY Engaging, thought-provoking stories on leading topics and issues of the day INTERVIEW A platform to hear and learn from key thought leaders in the industry LEISURE TIME A section that keeps readers informed of the latest lifestyle trends affecting the workplace – NEW SECTION

Annual subscription HK$2,420, 10 issues per annum FEATURE



Designing Compensation Packages for Expatriates

Adjustment of an Employee’s Job Position

May Your Glasses Never Rest!


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westlaw HK GENERAL

westlaw hk Legacy of support and development

Westlaw HK is firmly established as a partner in Hong Kong’s legal community from helping students get a start on their legal careers to ensuring legal practitioners have access to everything they need and can access it efficiently and have confidence in the results. From court books to the latest analytical commentary, historical law to legal developments as they happen, we work with leading legal minds in Hong Kong to develop content that is second to none and a powerful platform that delivers results like no other.

Unrivalled content, powerful platform, consistently meeting your needs and expectations The way you work and how you find information will always change, but some things remain constant: the need for confidence, efficiency, flexibility, value for money and support. Westlaw HK continually evolves to ensure we always meet these needs and your increasing expectations in an everchanging legal landscape.

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Westlaw HK Cases

hong kong law reports & Digest Hong Kong court of final appeal reports Hong kong chinese law reports & Translations unreported judgments



Additionally, Westlaw HK ensures that commonwealth precedent is covered with extensive UK, Australian and Canadian case law, with subscription packages to suit the needs of all practitioners. Also Westlaw HK offers access to the most comprehensive US case law collection available. Market leading functionality including KeyCite and Case Analysis, ensures that Westlaw HK users understand the importance of the case they are reading, and helps to more quickly identify cases of relevance. CASE ANALYSIS Powerful analysis with one summary document containing all the key points. The case analysis gives you direct history, indirect history, legislation cited, cases cited and cases citing this case. Compiled by a team of legally qualified editors, this document points you quickly and accurately to all the relevant and related information.

CASE STATUS ICONS A simple system to help identify where points of law have been overturned, reversed or superseded. Indicates that a case has been judicially considered and received positive or neutral treatment as part of its direct or indirect history. Indicates that at least one point of law has been overruled or reversed. This is an immediate notification that the case is no longer good law. Indicates that the judgment has received mixed or mildly negative treatment from citing cases.

Westlaw HK provides unparalleled case law coverage. It is the only online source of Authorised Case Law in Hong Kong providing the Hong Kong Law Reports & Digest, Hong Kong Chinese Law Reports & Translations and the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Reports, something which no other publisher or online service can claim. This ensures that Westlaw HK users have access to the official content authorised and sanctioned by the Hong Kong Judiciary. This authorised case law is supported by an extensive unreported judgments database to deliver comprehensive case law coverage.

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major  works

The Hong Kong White Book

Westlaw HK gives you commentary on the Rules of the High Court both before and after Civil Justice Reform to ensure you have all the relevant materials at the touch of a button. Hong Kong Civil Procedure Forms are available online so it’s easy to download the forms needed for a specific case. The current edition of the Hong Kong White Book and the last pre-CJR edition (2009) are both included as part of a regular Westlaw HK subscription. Hong Kong Civil Procedure News is now available on Westlaw HK as a journal. HKWB023.fm Page 510 Saturday, October 13, 2012 1:15 PM


23/0/1 1. 2. 3.

Security for costs of action, etc. (O.23, r.1) ................................................... Manner of giving security (O.23, r.2) ............................................................. Saving for enactments (O.23, r.3) .................................................................

para. 23/1 23/2 23/3

Editorial Introduction

23/0/2 The court has a discretionary power, at any stage of the proceedings, to order a person in the

position of plaintiff to give security for his opponent’s costs. But the discretion is not at large. There are two principal sources of law, O.23 and the Companies Ordinance, s.357. (Note also O.59, r.10(5) (security for costs on appeal) and Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Ordinance (Cap. 484), s.25(1)(a).) Rule 1(1) states that if, having regard to all the circumstances of the case, the court thinks it just to do, it may order security for costs in any one of four situations. The first mentioned (and, from a practical point of view, the most important) is that the plaintiff is ordinarily resident out of the jurisdiction (r.1(1)(a)). Section 357 of the Companies Ordinance gives the court power to order security where there is reason to believe that a plaintiff limited company may be unable to pay the defendant’s costs in the event of his being successful in the action (see paras 23/3/14 et seq.). Following the introduction of the Civil Justice Reform, the Court will engage in active case management in order to further the underlying objectives. As part of the new regime, parties must consider carefully whether to initiate a particular interlocutory application as the Court may take into account the parties’ conduct in exercising its discretion as to costs. Accordingly, any such application, including an application for security for costs under this Order, which the Court considers ought not to have been made could carry immediate and significant costs consequences for the party making the application. The bulk of the notes in this Order relate to r.1(1)(a) and to s.357 of the Companies Ordinance (see para.23/3/14). For information on r.1(1)(b) (nominal plaintiff), see para.23/3/9, on r.1(1)(c) (misdescription of plaintiff ’s residence), see para.23/3/11, and on r.1(1)(d) (change of plaintiff ’s address) see para.23/3/12.

Related sources



• • • • • • •

RHC, O.1A (Objectives) RHC, O.1B (Case Management Powers) RHC, O.32 (Applications and proceedings in chambers), r.11B (Court’s power to consequences of failure to comply with court order on interlocutory application) RHC, O.59, r.10(5) (Security for costs on appeal) RHC, O.62 (Costs), r.5 (Special matters to be taken into account in exercising discretion) Arbitration Ordinance (Cap. 341), s.2GB(1)(a) Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Ordinance (Cap. 484), s.25(1)(a)

Security for costs of action, etc. (O.23, r.1) 1.—(1) Where, on the application of a defendant to an action or other proceeding in the Court of First Instance, it appears to the Court— (25 of 1998 s.2) (a) that the plaintiff is ordinarily resident out of the jurisdiction, or (b) that the plaintiff (not being a plaintiff who is suing in a representative capacity) is a nominal plaintiff who is suing for the benefit of some other person and that there is reason to believe that he will be unable to pay the costs of the defendant if ordered to do so, or (c) subject to paragraph (2) that the plaintiff’s address is not stated in the writ or other originating process or is incorrectly stated therein, or (d) that the plaintiff has changed his address during the course of the proceedings with a view to evading the consequences of the litigation, 510

Features of the Hong Kong White Book on Westlaw HK: • Full PDFs of the printed version available for download • All sections are fully searchable • Legislation is clearly shaded • Links to Hong Kong case law • Links to Hong Kong legislation • Links to UK case law • Links to UK legislation • Fully linked tables of cases • Fully linked tables of legislation • Fully linked index • Hong Kong Civil Procedure Forms • Hong Kong Civil Prodecure News

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Archbold Hong Kong is the definitive court book relied on by any criminal law practitioner in Hong Kong. This landmark addition to Westlaw HK ensures that criminal law practitioners have the full primary law and analytical resources available at their fingertips.

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Archbold Hong Kong

Archbold Hong Kong on Westlaw HK delivers a service which not only provides the content of the printed work online, but it also adds to the service by delivering features to make the text easy to use and to get you to the right section faster. A subscription to Archbold Hong Kong on Westlaw HK doesn’t start and end with the printed subscription. Subscriptions can start at any time and new editions and supplements published over the life of your subscription are also included to give you the full service online. Archbold Hong Kong News is now available on Westlaw HK as a journal.

• Main work & supplements individually presented • Consolidated main work and supplements providing ‘current’ version • Full PDFs of the printed version available for download • All sections are fully searchable • Shaded legislation • Links to Hong Kong case law • Links to Hong Kong legislation • Links to UK case law • Links to UK legislation • Fully linked tables of cases • Fully linked tables of legislation • Fully linked index • Archbold Hong Kong News CHITTY ON CONTRACTS: HONG KONG SPECIFIC CONTRACTS

Since 1826, Chitty on Contracts has provided complete insight into contract law - allowing you to establish the responsibilities, obligations and entitlements of each party and achieve the best outcome for your client. Following the renowned Chitty style, and matching its highly respected quality, Hong Kong Specific Contracts is regularly cited in court and is a must-have for any Hong Kong law library.

Features of Chitty on Contracts: Hong Kong Specific Contracts on Westlaw HK: Chapter 4 CARRIAGE BY SEA

1. Introduction .......................................................................................... 2. Types of contract of carriage .............................................................. (a) Bills of lading .............................................................................. (b) Charterparties .............................................................................. 3. Liability of a sea carrier at common law............................................ 4. Contractual exemption clauses........................................................... 5. Seaworthiness..................................................................................... 6. Deviation ............................................................................................ 7. Freight ............................................................................................. 8. Bills of lading and related documents—introduction ........................ 9. The bill of lading as a receipt ............................................................. 10. The bill of lading as a contract ........................................................... 11. The bill of lading as a document of title ............................................ 12. The Carriage of Goods by Sea Ordinance ......................................... 13. Particular issues involving bills of lading .......................................... 14. Voyage charterparties .........................................................................

para. 4 – 001 4 – 002 4 – 003 4 – 007 4 – 011 4 – 019 4 – 024 4 – 037 4 – 042 4 – 049 4 – 062 4 – 080 4 – 112 4 – 130 4 – 178 4 – 192

1. IntroduCtIon General matters. The law of carriage of goods by sea is a complex web of 4 – 001 legal concepts of which contract is just one. Whilst the present work deals with the law of contract it is impossible to avoid some references to the law on bailment and tort than might otherwise be the case in other chapters. The carriage of goods by sea covers everything from the loading of cargo on board the ship, its carriage, care during carriage to its discharge and delivery at the destination port. This somewhat simplistic overview conceals a complex array of parties and obligations which operate throughout the process, either continuously or at certain distinct stages. The nature of these obligations can be classified into distinct concepts. Foremost amongst these will naturally be contractual carriage although this in turn covers a wide variety of types of arrangements and obligations. In essence, however, the most common practice is for a party to enter into an agreement with the owner of a ship for the carriage of certain goods from one place to another. To the extent that a person consigns goods to the care of a third party, the law of carriage of goods by sea is a branch of the law of bailment and the current case law reflects the continuing importance of this legal concept. Whilst less relevant nowadays, the ancient obligations of carriers may still be relevant even though the nature of the obligations is not in itself contractual. Finally, as has been highlighted above, it is not possible entirely to divorce the contractual law of carriage of goods by sea from tort. Certain remedies may be available to a party which may or may not enable them to bypass particularly unhelpful clauses in the contract of carriage. [305]

Chitty_Ch-4_cxn2.indd 305

11/12/08 3:51:10 PM

• Full PDFs of the printed version available for download • All sections are fully searchable • Shaded legislation • Links to Hong Kong case law • Links to Hong Kong legislation • Links to UK case law • Links to UK legislation • Fully linked tables of cases • Fully linked tables of legislation • Fully linked index • Pop-up footnotes • Supplements

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Features of Archbold Hong Kong on Westlaw HK:

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Westlaw HK Commentary



In addition to authorised law reports, essential major works and legislation, Westlaw HK contains an enviable and constantly growing collection of authoritative analytical commentary texts – including the most trusted titles in Hong Kong – all delivered on an intuitive, cutting edge platform. With flexible package options to suit your requirements, Westlaw HK ensures you have the right tools at your fingertips.

Commentary titles on Westlaw HK include: Major Works • Archbold Hong Kong • Chitty on Contracts: Hong Kong Specific Contracts • The Hong Kong White Book The Hong Kong Law Library • Arbitration in Hong Kong, A Practical Guide, Second Edition • Colinvaux’s Law of Insurance in Hong Kong, Second Edition • The Conflict of Laws in Hong Kong, Second Edition • Construction Law and Practice in Hong Kong, Second Edition • Discrimination Law and Practice in Hong Kong • Employment Law and Practice in Hong Kong • Family Law and Practice in Hong Kong • The Law and Practice of Hong Kong Companies, Second Edition • The Law of the Hong Kong Constitution • Tort Law and Practice in Hong Kong, Second Edition

Hong Kong Practitioner Titles • Civil Procedure in Hong Kong, A Guide to the Main Principles, Second Edition • Company Law in Hong Kong – Insolvency • Company Law in Hong Kong – Practice and Procedure • Contract Law in Hong Kong • Criminal Litigation in Hong Kong, Third Edition • The Hong Kong Basic Law Annotations and Commentary • Hong Kong Mediation Handbook • Intellectual Property Law and Practice in Hong Kong • International Banking and Finance Law, Principles and Regulations • Principles and Practice of Civil Procedure in Hong Kong, Second Edition • Probate Practice in Hong Kong, Third Edition • Professional Conduct and Risk Management in Hong Kong China Law Library and China Practitioner Titles • Arbitration in China, Regulation of Arbitration Agreements and Practical Issues • China Arbitration Handbook • Competition Law in China and Hong Kong • Employment Law and Practice in China • State Secrets and Trade Secrets in China • The Law of the WTO: China and the Future of Free Trade • Trademark Law in China: Pirates in the Middle Kingdom, The Ensuing Trademark Battle, Second Edition Offshore Titles • Bermuda, British Virgin Islands and Cayman Islands Company Law • British Virgin Islands Commercial Law – Coming Soon

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Arbitration in Hong Kong, A Practical Guide, Second Edition

Colinvaux’s Law of Insurance in Hong Kong, Second Edition

The Conflict of Laws in Hong Kong, Second Edition

Discrimination Law and Practice in Hong Kong

Employment Law and Practice in Hong Kong

Family Law and Practice in Hong Kong

Construction Law and Practice in Hong Kong, Second Edition

The Law and Practice of Hong Kong Companies, Second Edition

Law of the Hong Kong Constitution

Tort Law and Practice in Hong Kong, Second Edition


Probate Practice in Hong Kong, Third Edition

Civil Procedure in Hong Kong, A Guide to the Main Principles, Second Edition

Company Law in Hong Kong - Insolvency

Contract Law in Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Basic Law Annotations and Commentary

Criminal Litigation in Hong Kong, Third Edition

Hong Kong Mediation Handbook

Professional Conduct and Risk Management in Hong Kong

International Banking and Finance Law, Principles and Regulations

Intellectual Property Law and Practice in Hong Kong

Principles and Practice of Civil Procedure in Hong Kong, Second Edition


China Arbitration Handbook

State Secrets and Trade Secrets in China

Employment Law and Practice in China

Arbitration in China, Regulation of Arbitration Agreements and Practical Issues

Competition Law in China and Hong Kong



Bermuda, British Virgin Islands and Cayman Islands Company Law


British Virgin Islands Commercial Law

The Law of the WTO: China and the Future of Free Trade

Trademark Law in China: Pirates in the Middle Kingdom, The Ensuing Trademark Battle, Second Edition

• Series on Contemporary Chinese Law (available via Westlaw International) Chinese International Economic Law, Vol. 1 Chinese Business Law, Vol. 2 Chinese Criminal Law, Vol. 3 Chinese Taxation Law, Vol. 4

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Westlaw HK provides fully comprehensive Hong Kong, UK and international legislation, supported by a unique versioning facility, showing you how the law stood at a particular time before and after any amendments.

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HOng Kong & china titles

HONG KONG Law Reports

Hong kong & china titles

Hong kong law reports

Hong Kong law reports & digest 2013 General Editor: Dr Gerard McCoy SBS, SC

The Hong Kong Law Reports & Digest (HKLRD) is the only AUTHORISED law reporting service in Hong Kong endorsed by the Judiciary. HKLRD provides an authoritative, consistent and authentic statement of the law. AUTHORISED


• AUTHORITATIVE HKLRD, Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Reports (HKCFAR) and Hong Kong Chinese Law Reports & Translations (HKCLRT) are the official reports of the courts of Hong Kong.

• From the 2013 service we will feature even more English cases.

• QUALITY Every headnote is reviewed by experienced practitioners, judges and leading counsel before inclusion in HKLRD and HKCFAR.


• RELIABILITY HKLRD, HKCFAR and HKCLRT are your essential Hong Kong case law references, giving you assurance that you are relying on the best source.

• TIMELY Know what’s coming in the next edition of the HKLRD print parts before they are delivered.

COMPREHENSIVE • DEPTH Representing over 100 years of case law in Hong Kong (since 1905), HKLRD has twice the historical depth of other reporting services.

• Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Reports print parts are also included.

• FREE The first and only free Hong Kong Official Case Law alert that provides updates on ALL reported case law.


HKLRD Now is a Hong Kong Official Case Law update delivered to your inbox every two weeks that gives you the catchwords of the cases in the next HKLRD print part. To register visit www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk and click on the HKLRD Now registration button. Sweet & Maxwell

• RELEVANT No need to wait for the print parts to circulate to know which cases will be relevant to you.

Fortnightly Service The Authorised HKLRD Print Parts Service Product Code: 001655PPSER HK$14,460

• CONVENIENT Linked to HKLRD on WestlawHK providing easy access for WestlawHK subscribers.

2013 Bound Volumes Product Code: 001659BVSER02 HK$14,460

• BREADTH Includes not only case selection of the most important cases by the General Editor, but HKCFAR and Chinese judgments with official English translations approved by the judiciary



2013 Print Parts + Bound Volume Product Code: 001655PK2 HK$21,560

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Hong Kong Law Journal

The Authorised Hong Kong Chinese Law Reports & Translations

Rick Glofcheski

The Authorised Hong Kong Court Of Final Appeal Reports (HKCFAR)

Mr Justice Patrick Chan PJ; The Late Hon. Mr Arthur Leong GBS; Mr Patrick WS Cheung

Since the first High Court trial and judgment in Chinese in December 1995, there has been an increasing use of Chinese in courts resulting in a growing number of Chinese judgments of jurisprudential value as yet unreported. • Chinese judgments selected by a panel of judges and judicial officers headed by Mr. Justice Patrick Chan PJ

• Includes comparative, jurisprudential, international, and interdisciplinary material relevant to the study of law

• 250 Chinese judgments handed down between 1995 and 2008 in seven volumes

Sweet & Maxwell Annual subscription   001653ISSER HK$2,079


• Fully bilingual set of law reports • Fully bilingual catchwords, headnotes and indices “The publication of these Chinese judgments and translations marks a new era in law reporting…It is a step forward in promoting a truly bilingual system in Hong Kong.” Mr Justice Patrick Chan PJ

Contents • Reports • Bilingual headnotes • Subject index • Cumulative tables - legislation mentioned, cases cited, cases in list of authorities not cited and other materials mentioned Jurisdiction: Hong Kong Sweet & Maxwell Annual Subscription  001644PPSER HK$2,398


Seven Volumes 1995 - 2000, 2001 2003, 2004 - 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 – 2 volumes Sweet & Maxwell Dec 2010 HK$21,000



Prices are based on the 7 volume set. Individual volumes cannot be purchased separately.

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HONG KONG Law Reports

• Up-to-date, reliable, authoritative and academic critique of the law of the region

This prestigious product is the official law reporting service of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal and consists of judgments of great significance. All headnotes are reviewed by the Court of Final Appeal, guaranteeing the highest level of accuracy and quality. A unique feature of this product is that it contains Chinese translations of all headnotes.

hong konG & china titles

Hong Kong Law Journal is the leading scholarly journal in the English language on common law in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and law in the mainland PRC. Eminent jurists from Hong Kong and abroad examine and discuss the latest developments in Hong Kong Law. All contributions are reviewed by a panel of experts.

HOng Kong & china titles

Hong kong & china titles


Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2013 Edition


Editor-In-Chief: The Hon. Mr. Justice Chan PJ; General Editor: Mr. Martin Rogers


The 2013 service continues to bring confidence and authority in the courtroom, keeping you up-to-date through four volumes, one special release, and four e-newsletters.

The sheer volume of activity in the Hong Kong courts year-on-year continues to grow at an exceptional pace. The expectation of the courts that any practitioner appearing before them be up-to-date on new developments remains undiminished. CJR IN THE HIGHER COURTS In the three years since Civil Justice Reform has come into force, a large volume of civil procedure cases have now reached the appellate courts. In the Wing Fai case – a decision that is being read all over the world, the Court of Final Appeal recently pronounced on dismissal against want of prosecution and Civil Justice Reform. ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION Developments to alternative dispute resolution continue to gather pace. The development of modern commercial mediation has been covered in the April 2012 Special Release.


The impact of these developments and cases, and the precedential certainty that they create, add to the authority and weight of the 2013 Edition of the Hong Kong White Book. It is the book of the Hong Kong courts – written and reviewed by many esteemed judges and legal practitioners – giving you the weight of authority when referring to it in court. Sweet & Maxwell 2013 Edition Nov 2012 HK$8,400



Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2014 Edition

The past twelve months has seen a significant rise in the number of reported civil procedure cases. Civil Justice Reform has come under appellate scrutiny in areas such as costs, striking out, and interlocutory appeals; the lower courts have

explored the boundaries of the Reform; and there have been decisions in areas such as discovery, jurisdiction, extensions, pleadings, injunctions and enforcement. There have been cases in evolving areas such as anonymity orders. There is some talk about another round of reform. All of this highlights the level of activity, the importance of keeping up-to-date, and the role of the Hong Kong White Book as the bible of the civil courts. ADR is now an essential part of litigation. The Mediation Ordinance comes into force in 2013 and mediation is already seen as virtually compulsory. The new Arbitration Ordinance has been in force for over a year and the courts have repeatedly emphasized the integrity of the arbitral process - it is only in limited circumstances that they will refuse to enforce an arbitral award. Recognising the changing landscape, for the first time, the HKWB Service will have a volume dedicated to ADR.

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hong konG & china titles

Archbold hong kong 2013 Edition


Editor-In-Chief: The Hon. Mr. Justice Bokhary NPJ General Editor: Mr. Michael Blanchflower SC

The 2013 service keeps you up-to-date through the main work, two supplements and four e-newsletters. Over 200 new cases covered in the Archbold 2013 Service. new general editor MAJOR WORKS

The Hon. Mr. Justice Bokhary NPJ continues as the Editor-in-Chief. Mr. Michael Blanchflower SC has been appointed as the new General Editor. Archbold Hong Kong continues as the one and only companion for every criminal practitioner giving you confidence in the face of an ever changing legal environment within the courtroom. Sweet & Maxwell Dec 2012 HK$7,500



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Chitty on contracts UK 31st Edition & hong kong specific contracts, third edition NEW

Hong kong & china titles

Editor-In-Chief: The Hon. Mr. Justice Ribeiro PJ; General Editor: Mr. Brian Gilchrist

In conjunction with the publication of the 31st edition of Chitty on Contracts, Sweet & Maxwell is pleased to announce the new and updated version of Chitty on Contracts – Hong Kong Specific Contracts, Third Edition. Based on the UK Volume of Specific Contracts, this preeminent work contains “all the hallmarks of the Chitty brand”. Since 1826, Chitty on Contracts has provided complete insight into contract law – allowing you to establish the responsibilities, obligations and entitlements of each party and achieve the best outcome for your client. CHITTY ON CONTRACTS – HONG KONG SPECIFIC CONTRACTS, THIRD EDITION Chitty on Contracts – Hong Kong Specific Contracts is the definitive text on specific contracts most relevant to Hong Kong.


Authoritative and highly respected – regularly cited in court


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Chitty offers expert interpretation of the legal position, ensuring you have taken every eventuality into account when drafting contracts. 

Package 1 41390589 UK Vol.1 and HK Vol. List Price: HK$10,480*

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• Chitty on Contracts – Hong Kong Specific Contracts is the only source of Hong Kong law for some areas such as Joint Ventures, Gaming, IT Law Up-to-date with new content across all chapters • Includes hundreds of new decisions on contract and commercial law since the last edition • Incorporates all the supplement content from the second edition


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Package 2 41392474 UK Vol. 1 & 2 and HK Vol. List Price: HK$11,470* *Chitty on Contracts, Hong Kong Specific Contracts cannot be purchased as a stand-alone product. To purchase Chitty on Contracts – Hong Kong Specific Contracts, customers must purchase Chitty on Contracts 31st Edition, Volume 1 or Volumes 1 and 2

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The hong kong law library


The Hong Kong Law Library is recognised for its authoritative and comprehensive coverage of law in Hong Kong. These titles provide a complete library of information, interpretation and advice on law in Hong Kong and are core texts for every practitioner.

Colinvaux’s Law of Insurance in Hong Kong, Second Edition

The Conflict of Laws in Hong Kong, Second Edition

The Hong Kong Stock and Futures Exchanges – Law and Microstructure

Arbitration in Hong Kong, A Practical Guide, Second Edition

Law of the Hong Kong Constitution

Tort Law and Practice in Hong Kong, Second Edition

Discrimination Law and Practice in Hong Kong

NEW IN 2013: • Law and Practice of Hong Kong Companies, Third Edition Construction Law and Practice in Hong Kong, Second Edition

Family Law and Practice in Hong Kong


Employment Law and Practice in Hong Kong

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HOng Kong & china titles

hong kong law library

Hong kong & china titles

hong kong law library

Recognised for their authoritative and comprehensive coverage of common law in Hong Kong, these works, many of which are regarded as definitive texts on their subjects, bring together a wealth of knowledge from eminent practitioners and academics. The depth of analysis provided on case law, shows how the principles have been applied and gives guidance on how to tackle any issues that might arise. They provide a complete library of information, interpretation and advice on common law in Hong Kong and are core texts for every practitioner.

Law and Practice of Hong Kong Companies Third Edition


David C. Donald

John Brewer

The latest edition of this practical book presents everything that both the in-house counsel and practitioner will need for their day to day practice in regards to legal management of a corporation in Hong Kong. The book is fully updated and incorporates the key aspects of the new Companies Ordinance ranging in topics from incorporation to dissolution, formation of joint ventures, the purchase of sole trader and partnership business to civil and criminal proceedings. The new edition of this highly popular and practical work offers you even more coverage and detail. Revised and updated content includes the practice and procedure on the listing of companies on the Hong Kong Exchange; the continuing obligations of directors and officers of such companies; and suspension, cancellation and withdrawal of listing of such companies’ shares as well as continuing insights on the regulation of listed companies and takeovers, mergers and reconstructions. Sweet & Maxwell Dec 2013 TBC

The Hong Kong Stock and Futures Exchanges – Law and Microstructure




The Hong Kong Stock and Futures Exchanges – Law and Microstructure is the first book designed to provide readers with a legal, regulatory and operational insight into the mechanisms for securities trading in Hong Kong. This book opens the “black box” by providing detailed and comprehensive analyses not only of the licensing of exchanges and brokerdealers, but also of the processes and mechanisms for trading, clearing and settling transactions in stock, options, and futures. Further, it benchmarks the state of the Hong Kong market against international regulatory standards and developments in international securities markets. The text also explains the exciting technical and international transformation of the Hong Kong exchanges in recent years and proposes a model for the eventual integration of the Hong Kong securities market into the securities markets of mainland China. Experienced authorship by Professor David C. Donald, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Law • Possesses years of experience in the areas of securities markets and market structure gained in Europe,


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the U.S. and Hong Kong • Executive Director of the CUHK Law Faculty’s Centre for Financial Regulation and Economic Development

The Conflict of Laws in Hong Kong

Colinvaux’s Law of Insurance in Hong Kong

Second Edition

Second Edition



Graeme Johnston

Professor Robert Merkin

Completely up-to-date, reflecting all significant developments since the first edition

Colinvaux’s Law of Insurance in Hong Kong, Second Edition continues to be the only book in Hong Kong to provide readers with the general principles of Hong Kong insurance law. It is based on the popular and prestigious UK model adapted especially and specifically for the Hong Kong insurance market. This is a “musthave” reference source for anyone practicing insurance or reinsurance law, including practitioners, solicitors, in-house counsels, insurance companies and brokers, as well as academics and students.

Comprehensive and completely upto-date, exploring hot topic issues such as: • Roles and powers of the SFC and the HKEx • The law and operation of securities trading on the SEHK and HKFE

• The place of Hong Kong within the international and Chinese financial systems The book offers an analysis and evaluation of the HKEx’s recent strategic initiatives, including: • The increasing role of trading in securities denominated in RMB • The upgrade of computer systems to handle more speed and data flow • The increasing importance of international alliances and acquisitions TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. The Hong Kong Exchanges 3. The Licensing and Regulation of Brokers and Dealers 4. Trading on the Exchanges 5. Clearing and Settling Trades 6. The HKEx in a Chinese National Market System Sweet & Maxwell Dec 2012 HK$3,800


• An entirely new chapter on the conflict of laws aspects of arbitration, taking account of the new Arbitration Ordinance • Detailed analysis of the important post-2005 statutes affecting domicile and the cross-border enforcement of judgments • Full consideration of the law on state immunity following FG Hemisphere and Intraline, including issues such as waiver and state owned enterprises • The impact of the civil justice reforms, including the new regime on injunctions in support of foreign proceedings (replacing the Leiduck rule) Authoritatively cited in court, comprehensive coverage with practical and detailed analysis covering the classic conflict of laws topics • Jurisdiction Includes detailed discussions of approaches within particular legal contexts • Contract, tort, company law, property law, family law, insolvency and estates Sweet & Maxwell 9789626614075

• Specialises in insurance, reinsurance and arbitration law • Has published over 40 books and numerous articles on insurance, reinsurance and arbitration law • President of the British Insurance Law Association and Vice-President of the International Association of Insurance Law (AIDA)


• Expands coverage and focus on specific classes of insurance including global war risks; People’s Republic of China; insurance structure; life insurance; property insurance; motor vehicle insurance; liability insurance; reinsurance… plus more! Comprehensive coverage beyond insurance law • Discusses Hong Kong regulatory legislation and all other relating Ordinances that lay down compulsory insurance requirements which affect insurance contracts TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Contract of Insurance 2. Conflict of Laws

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• Enforcement of judgments

Aug 2012 HK$3,000

Expert authorship in the insurance field, Professor Robert Merkin

Up-to-date with revisions on all chapters including nearly 100 new cases

• Choice of law Hardback

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• The law and operation of clearing and settlement in HKSCC, CCASS, HKCC, DCASS

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3. Construction of the Policy 4. Insurable Interest 5. Risk 6. Utmost Good Faith 7. Terms of Insurance Contracts 8. Premium 9. Claims 10. Indemnity 11. The Rights of Insurers 12. Regulation of Insurance Business 13. Assured 14. Insurance Intermediaries 15. Reinsurance 16. Life and Accident Insurance 17. Property Insurance 18. Liability Insurance 19. Motor Vehicle Insurance 20. Financial Insurance 21. Marine Insurance 22. War Risks 23. Insurance Law of the People’s Republic of China


Tort Law and Practice in Hong Kong

General Editors: Rick Glofcheski; Farzana Aslam

Second Edition Multiple Authors

Hong Kong has seen many changes to Employment Law over the past few years: the passing of the Race Discrimination Ordinance in 2009, the Employment (Amendment) Ordinance in 2010, and significant increases in case law. Employment Law is now one of the leading practice areas in law firms, with the Minimum Wage Bill significantly impact business of every kind. Employment Law & Practice in Hong Kong provides you with:

Sweet & Maxwell Jun 2012 HK$3,775

Employment Law and Practice in Hong Kong


• A fully comprehensive text on every aspect of employment law in Hong Kong including: employment contracts, leave entitlements, remunerations, termination, health and safety at work and more • Unique chapters with discussion and analysis on privacy at work, discrimination, cross-border employment and trade unions • Up-to-date contents, taking into account the newly passed legislation, consultation papers, codes and guidelines and government policies, recent court cases and upcoming legal developments

hong kong law library

• Practical advice on non-contentious day-to-day employment work and employment-related litigation including: how to interpret an employment contract, whether a bonus is discretionary, how to effect a termination clause, and what an employer should do to ensure protection of personal data is sufficient and in compliance with the law, plus a chapter on dispute resolution to help you when a matter becomes contentious.

Written by leading practitioners and academics, Tort Law and Practice in Hong Kong is the authoritative, comprehensive work for Hong Kong practitioners and is cited with approval in judgments. The second edition is fully revised, capturing over eight years of recent case law, and a chapter on the emerging area of Data Privacy has been added. At over 1500 pages, its scope is exhaustive; and, with high level of scholarship, in-depth. Detailed, authoritative • Two new chapters: Privacy and Misfeasance in Public Office • Encompasses all the changes in Tort Law over an eight year period • Provides in-depth treatment in a number of key areas, e.g. professional negligence, nuisance Content substantially localised to fit the increasing demand in Hong Kong • Highlights local jurisprudence rather than international jurisprudence Renowned author team of highly experienced practitioners • Editor-in-Chief: The Hon. Mr Justice Bokhary NPJ; General Editors: Neville Sarony QC, SC and Professor DK Srivastava, and a team of expert academics, senior and seasoned practitioners Sweet & Maxwell Nov 2011 HK$3,750

Sweet & Maxwell Oct 2010 Mainwork

9789626613504 HK$3,675

Dec 2011 9789626614549 First Supplement   HK$1,000




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Discrimination Law and Practice in Hong Kong

Arbitration in Hong Kong, A Practical Guide

Law of the Hong Kong Constitution

Multiple Authors

Second Edition

General Editors: Johannes Chan SC (Hon); C.L. Lim

Editor-in-Chief: Hon. Chief Justice Ma; General Editor: Denis Brock

• Duncan Abate – a renowned attorney highly knowledgeable in the area of employment law • Hong Tran - Leading AsiaLaw Labour & Employment Lawyer Unrivaled, up-to-date coverage • From human rights to public law, no other text gives you more coverage including the new antidiscrimination laws Practical advice and guidance • Discusses practical issues as well as incorporating relevant and recent Hong Kong legislation in regards to discrimination • Provides a technical approach to exploring and analysing legal arguments


A “who’s who” author team of leading experts and practitioners • Editor-in-Chief: Hon. Chief Justice Ma • General Editor: Denis Brock • Contributors include one HKIAC former chairman and three secretary generals Incorporates and explains all the changes brought about by the new Arbitration Ordinance • Significantly rewritten to reflect the changes to the law and practice of arbitration in Hong Kong Substantial new content • Over 70% of new material with two new chapters • Discusses the recent landmark decision of Democratic Republic of Congo v FG Hemisphere

• Provides comprehensive analysis of the Basic Law and the concept of “one country, two systems” • Contains both the breadth and the depth that the Basic Law entails-no aspect has been left untouched • From the law relating to state immunity in Democratic Republic of Congo v. FG Hemisphere Associates LLC, to rights protection, to the issue of electoral reform Powerful author team, with real expertise • General Editors Professor Johannes Chan and Professor C.L. Lim and a team of distinguished contributors, are adept at identifying areas of potential difficulty within the subject Addresses the unique situation of Hong Kong’s constitution • Deals with the rights that belong to Hong Kong and the way those rights have been enforced by Hong Kong courts • Contains a detailed statement and discussion of the relevant legal principles in relation to those Articles of the Basic Law most frequently litigated and advised upon Sweet & Maxwell Sep 2011 HK$2,000



Sweet & Maxwell Sep 2011 HK$3,000

Sweet & Maxwell Oct 2011 HK$2,000

The new Arbitration Ordinance brings substantive changes to the law as it stands. This new edition of Arbitration in Hong Kong – A Practical Guide has been significantly re-written to reflect the changes in the law and practice of arbitration in Hong Kong by a group of leading practitioners. Adopting a comprehensive yet practical approach, Arbitration in Hong Kong: A Practical Guide brings together general principles, procedure, specialist arbitration and relevant reference material. It is guaranteed to be indispensable for anyone practising arbitration in Hong Kong.




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TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Application of Anti-Discrimination Legislation 3. Prohibited Grounds of Discrimination 4. Defining Discrimination 5. Exceptions 6. Victimisation 7. Harassment 8. Other Unlawful Acts 9. Vacarious Liability 10. Equal Opportunities Commission 11. Remedies 12. Judicial Review 13. Impact of International Treaties on Hong Kong Discrimination Regulation

Fully examines all aspects of the Basic Law

hong konG & china titles

Author team of highly experienced practitioners including (among others):

Family Law and Practice in Hong Kong

Hong kong & china titles

General Editor: Philippa Hewitt

Family law is a delicate subject simply by virtue of the fact that it is about the breakup of the family. The tone of the book encourages doing what’s in the best interests of children at all times. Many precedents are attached to the main text which aim to help new practitioners in this area. This title covers recent, dramatic changes in the law • Replaces the “reasonableness needs” approach with a fairer 50/50 rights based approach • Covers Legal Aid changes to the Ordinary Scheme and Supplementary Scheme • Incorporates the 2011 amendments to the English Family Proceedings Rules Content reviewed by District Court Judges • Reviewed by District Family Court Judges: HHJ Bruno Chan, HHJ CK Chan, and HHJ Sharon Melloy Clear, concise, comprehensive and practical

hong kong law library

• Detailed precedents provided in the Appendix for new/ first time family law practitioners • International Jurisdiction chapter written by practitioners of those jurisdictions • Provides practitioners with all the necessary tools to work within the realm of Family Law TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Jurisdiction of the Family Court – Divorce and Dissolution 2. Practice and Procedure of the Divorce Suit 3. Jurisdiction and Forum 4. Ancillary Relief: The Law 5. Ancillary Relief: Orders That Can Be Made 6. Variation and Maintenance Pending Suit Applications 7. Ancillary Relief: Practice and Procedure 24

8. Nuptial Agreements 9. Trusts and Divorce 10. The Law in Relation to Children 11. Practice and Procedure in relation to Children 12. Other Applications Relating to Children 13. Hong Kong Law Reform Commission Report on Child Custody Access 14. Domestic Violence in Hong Kong 15. Injunctive Relief on Financial Matters 16. Enforcement of Judgments 17. Costs 18. Legal Aid 19. Family Mediation 20. International Overview of Matrimonial Finance in Other Jurisdictions Sweet & Maxwell May 2011 HK$1,800



Construction Law and Practice in Hong Kong Second Edition Teresa Cheng S.C.; Gary Soo

Only construction law publication written by professionals in construction law • Teresa Cheng S.C. – specialised in international construction, commercial and investment disputes in various jurisdictions; a Chartered Engineer • Gary Soo – specialised in construction related disputes; a Chartered Engineer Practical commentaries on all aspects of construction law • Includes specific chapters on construction contracts, covering the 2005 standard form of building contracts and the NEC3 forms Completely up-to-date covering the Arbitration Ordinance and Civil Justice Reform • Substantial revision and additions for various chapters with important local case law development in Hong Kong since the 2004 edition Sweet & Maxwell Jul 2011 HK$1,200



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The china law library

The China Law Library is a reference library from Sweet & Maxwell bringing you a comprehensive focus on corporate and commercial law and practice in China. Individual volumes within the series have been specifically written for practitioners by authors with international expertise and knowledge. Each title offers authors’ opinions and advice on the practical implications, presenting options for practitioners to follow. The accessible style allows you to easily refer to key subject areas.

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Tort Law in China


Mergers and Acquisitions in China, Second Edition

China Arbitration Handbook

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Second Edition

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china law library

The China Law Library is a reference library from Sweet & Maxwell bringing you a comprehensive focus on corporate and commercial law and practice in China. Individual volumes within the series have been specifically written for practitioners by authors with international expertise and knowledge. Each title offers authors’ opinions and advice on the practical implications, presenting options for practitioners to follow. The accessible style allows you to easily refer to key subject areas.

Corporate Law in China: Norms, Structure and Operation Second Edition


Contract Law in China Second Edition Professor Bing Ling

Professor Will Wei Shen

Corporate law in China: Norms, Structure and Operation provides a comprehensive and critical study of China’s corporate law regime and the newly revised PRC Company law. This title also consists of an in-depth analysis of the two types of corporations: Limited liability companies and joint stock companies. The structure of China’s corporate law is examined by the author and our book also discusses the broader context of recent developments in the field of the corporate law in China. With the author’s comparative insights into corporate law and their knowledge in the Chinese legal development, this is a “must-have” guide for practitioners, regulators, academics, students, business professionals, and especially foreign investors who are engaged or interested in understanding Chinese corporate law.

The second edition of Contract Law in China offers readers an in-depth analysis of the 1999 law and the related judicial interpretations. With tremendous developments that have occurred in this area of law, the adoption of the PRC Contract Law in 1999 is contrasted with the pre1999 law and practices as well as equivalent laws in civil and common law jurisdictions. The new edition of Contract Law in China provides a comprehensive and critical study of the law of contract in China to readers. As the author discusses the demands of China’s burgeoning economy and the integration of this market into the international trading system, he also considers the international significance of these reforms. Sweet & Maxwell Aug 2013 TBC

Sweet & Maxwell 9789626614365


china law library

Oct 2013 TBC



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Tort Law in China D.K. Srivastava; Min Kang Gu


Tort Law in China is the first and only book that fully examines the impact and ramifications of China’s Tort Liability Law enacted on 1 July, 2010. This title is an invaluable resource, providing readers with a comprehensive analysis and critical studies of this law, leading cases, and relevant legislation.

• Informs how an entity’s activities in China are most likely to be affected • Helps identify issues which may potentially create liability Comprehensive – fully examines: • The 92 articles of China’s Tort Law and the legal history behind its enactment • Legal precedence, general applications, rights and interests protected under the law • Defenses, remedies, and tortfeasors under the law Renowned and respected authorship • D.K. Srivastava, Professor (retired), City University of Hong Kong School of Law and Chinese University of Hong Kong School of Law • Min Kang Gu, Professor – City University of Hong Kong School of Law Sweet & Maxwell Mar 2013 HK$2,500



Second Edition


Owen Nee, S.C.

Written by a highly regarded and well-known author – Mr. Owen Nee, Senior Counsel, Freenberg Traurig LLP • Was named in the 2008 Asialaw Leading Lawyers survey as “one of the most highly acclaimed legal experts in the Asia-Pacific region” in the areas of capital markets and corporate finance TABLE OF CONTENTS

Joint venture as a way of getting a foothold in doing business in China continues to be the most important topic for Western businesses. Shareholder Agreements and Joint Ventures in China: Business Laws of China, Second Edition provides a guide to the growing influence of China in the world marketplace and how to secure a foothold in this emerging market. This title also offers information on the legal framework for and structuring of a joint venture in China. It includes practiceoriented examples and case studies that effectively illustrate shareholder agreement and joint venture theory for busy practitioners; tables containing original Chinese language titles of laws and rules and their English translations; and provides thorough citations to Chinese laws and rules, which makes research in traditionally hard-to-reach materials easier. The second edition is completely upto-date with new content across all chapters including ‘hot topic’ areas such as: • An analysis of the twelfth Five-Year Plan • Open Door Policy • Domestic, foreign and corporate land users • National security review Offers analytical, concise discussion of all aspects of shareholder agreements, providing a one-stop resource for practitioners

Part I.  The Basics of Joint Venture Arrangements 1. The Historical Transformation of China’s Economy 2. Basis for Joint Venture Agreements 3. Joint Venture Contracts 4. Articles of Association 5. Cooperative Joint Venture Contracts 6. Technology Transfers 7. Acquisition of Land and Building 8. Trademark Licensing Part II.  Legal Framework and Structuring 9. Joint Venture Structures 10. Companies Formed under the Company Law 11. Management Compensation and Stock Option Plans 12. Labor Law, Labor Contracts, and Labor Unions 13. Mergers and Acquisitions 14. Shareholder Agreements in Acquisitions 15. Financing Joint Ventures 16. Liquidation and Bankruptcy 17. Dispute Settlement in Joint Ventures 18. Enterprise Income Tax Law 19. Industries where Joint Ventures are Mandatory 20. Common Joint Venture Compliments and Complaints

hong konG & china titles

Explains the intricacies of China’s Tort Law and how to properly commence a tort action before China’s civil court system

Shareholder Agreements and Joint Ventures in China: Business Laws of China

Sweet & Maxwell Jul 2012 HK$3,000



china law library

• Draws together overarching issues and gives reference to real-life practices and procedures to explain the complex process throughout the text • Issues include transaction structure and process, merger control, government regulations and approvals

[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification


China Arbitration Handbook

Hong kong & china titles

General Editor: Dr Raymond H M Leung

With the growth and influence of China and Asia in general, the region is positioning itself as a centre for dispute resolution, not only locally and regionally, but also internationally. Taking a practitioner approach, this book will be the definitive text on one of the fastest-growing areas of law in China. Written by leading experts in China, it offers professionals clear, practical ‘how-to’ knowledge as well as analysis of relevant disputes across a breadth of areas.

5. 6. 7. 8.

Arbitration Process and Procedure Arbitrator’s Skills Psychology of Arbitration Legal Implications of Arbitration in China 9. Enforcement of Arbitral Awards in China 10. Case Analysis: Business-related Disputes in China 11. Case Analysis: Labour, Maritime, Agricultural Land and Personnel Disputes in China 12. Problems with Arbitration in China 13. Future of Arbitration in China Sweet & Maxwell Jul 2011 HK$2,000


Authors and editorial team are leading experts in the areas of arbitration and mediation • General Editor Dr Raymond Leung, Past President of Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators and Accredited Arbitrator for CIETAC, Beijing Arbitration Commission, Shenzhen Arbitration Commission, and Wuhan Arbitration Commission Not your typical law and practice text • The first part discusses the history, definition, resources and procedure of arbitration in China; the second part uses case analyses to show how arbitration is actually performed in China Comprehensive, up-to-date coverage

china law library

• Key chapter on enforcement of arbitral awards (both domestic and foreign) by PRC courts by a judge of the Supreme People’s Court as well as analysis of actual disputes before arbitration commissions in areas such as construction, shareholder and investment, agency, intellectual property, real estate, labour, maritime and agricultural land Only book that covers all major jurisdictions and goes beyond CIETAC TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Definition of Arbitration in China 3. History of Arbitration in China 4. Resources for Arbitration in China



Mergers and Acquisitions in China Second Edition Multiple Authors

Renowned author team • The main authors, Owen D. Nee Jr. and Jingzhou Tao, are both veteran China law practitioners and are widely recognised for their knowledge of Chinese law and procedure and their vast experience • Contributors from a diverse range in the academic, business and legal fields who have extensive experience in dealing with international and domestic businesses in and out of China offering breadth and depth of information Additional, new and practical content including outbound mergers and acquisitions • New chapter highlights Chinese companies’ efforts to invest their money in foreign companies and assets • Offers most current analysis of key issues and pitfalls to avoid in placing foreign businesses into China Goes beyond the law and legal practices • Covers cultural and Chinese business customs • Informs company officers of how to respect centuries old business customs, the cultural understandings and business norms that must be taken into account when dealing with Chinese businesses TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. The Early Development of China’s Economy and the Origin of M&A Activity 2. The Current State of M&A Activity in China 3. Examining the Target 4. Joint Venture Method to Acquire a China Business

[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification

Sweet & Maxwell Jul 2011 HK$2,900



Intellectual Property Rights in China Multiple Authors

This title explains the structure and role of the intellectual property rights system in the modern Chinese economy. The content conveys the expertise of leading Chinese practitioners with straightforward and practical guidance. As part of China entering the world stage in recent years it has rapidly developed its intellectual property system. This rapid development has engendered significant change and one of the major challenges facing foreign companies in China, and the law firms advising them, is how to protect their intellectual property rights whilst successfully conducting business in China. This book, written by leading practitioners who work within the system, contains the highly practical discussion and insight required to effectively protect intellectual property rights.

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Development of China’s Intellectual Property Rights Law System 2. Trademark Law & Related Issues 3. Patent Law 4. Copyright Issues Under the AntiUnfair Competition Law 5. Intellectual Property Rights Issues Under the Anti-Unfair Competition Law 6. Domain Name 7. Industry-Focused Intellectual Property Rights 8. Intellectual Property Rights Issues Under the Antimonopoly Law 9. Intellectual Property Rights Border Control Rights Enforcement Strategies 10. Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement Strategies 11. Commercialisation of Intellectual Property Rights

hong konG & china titles

5. Acquiring an Interest in an Existing Foreign Invested Enterprise 6. Acquiring an Interest in a Limited Liability Company 7. Acquisition of Shares in Listed Companies 8. Mergers 9. Reorganisation of State Owned Enterprises by Foreign Investors 10. Shareholder Agreements in Acquisitions 11. Acquisitions of Interests in Certain Regulated Chinese Enterprises 12. Antitrust Law Issues 13. The Taxation of Mergers and Acquisitions 14. Labor Law Effects on Mergers and Acquisitions 15. Bribery and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 16. Outbound M&A Activity

Sweet & Maxwell Feb 2011 HK$2,900



Renowned author and editorial team of IP Practitioners in China • Including advice from Dr. Zhipei Jiang, former Chief Justice of IPR Tribunal Supreme People’s Court of the PRC Complete coverage • Covers trademark, copyright and patent laws • Includes discussion on related legislation such as anti-unfair competition law, anti-monopoly law, and border control (among others) • Contains thorough citations to Chinese laws and rules, making research in traditionally hard-toreach materials easier china law library

Tailor-made content • Chapters on industry-focused rights for businesses which have particular concerns over IP protection (eg. Pharmaceutical products)

[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification


Competition Law in China and Hong Kong Mainwork & Supplement

Hong kong & china titles

Editor: Graeme Johnston

China enacted an Anti-Monopoly Law in August 2008 which affects many companies operating in China. There are heavy fines for infringements of the law and threats of negative exposure for those who don’t fully understand how the new laws operate. This book gives you a depth of understanding you will not find simply by reading the relevant legislation and official materials. • First comprehensive English language textbook on the relevant competition law regimes • Practical and realistic approach to the subject by leading legal practitioners • Appendix with English translations with easy to use references with the official Chinese text of the relevant legislation, regulations and sample merger control decisions TABLE OF CONTENTS I  Introduction 1. Competition Law and Economics II Mainland China 2. Introduction 3. The Anti-Monopoly Law 4. Monopolistic Agreements 5. Abuse of Dominant Position 6. Merger Control III Hong Kong 7. Introduction 8. The Telecommunications and Broadcasting Sectoral Regimes Sweet & Maxwell

china law library

Jul 2009 9789626613245 Hardback Mainwork & First Supplement   HK$2900


[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification



HONG KONG COMMENTARY AND ANNOTATIONS LIBRARY is a new and growing collection of titles from Sweet & Maxwell which offers in-depth commentary as well as an analysis and understanding of all the Ordinances enacted by the Hong Kong SAR Legislature.

The Hong Kong Discrimination Ordinances: Commentary and Annotations

The Hong Kong Employment Ordinances: Commentary and Annotations

The Hong Kong Antimoney Laundering and Counter-terrorist Financing (Financial Institutions) Ordinance: Commentary and Annotations

The Hong Kong Copyrights Ordinance: Commentary and Annotations

The Hong Kong Patents Ordinance: Commentary and Annotations

The Hong Kong Arbitration Ordinance: Commentary and Annotations

The Hong Kong Competition Ordinance: Commentary and Annotations

The Hong Kong Property Ordinances: Commentary and Annotations

The Hong Kong Securities and Futures Ordinance: Commentary and Annotations

The Hong Kong Drug Trafficking (Recovery of Proceeds) Ordinance: Commentary and Annotations


852 3762 3222

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HOng Kong & china titles

hong kong & china practitioner titles

Hong kong & china titles

Hong kong & china practitioner titles

The Hong Kong and China Practitioner Titles from Sweet & Maxwell Hong Kong are titles that take a very practical approach to the law. Written by leading practitioners in their jurisdictions and fields, these titles move beyond the law and analysis of the law itself, to provide focused, practical guidance and advice on how to conduct oneself under the law.

Trademark Law in China – Pirates in the Middle Kingdom Third Edition


Loke-Khoon Tan

In this new edition of Trademark Law in China, a comprehensive analysis of China’s developing trademark law is provided. The use of case studies to neatly illustrate the applications of relevant rules and regulations allows readers to have a better understanding of trademark laws in China. The author also included translations of the Chinese intellectual property and trademark laws, related notices and also regulations and cases decided by the Chinese Supreme People’s Court in this new edition of the book. Sweet & Maxwell Dec 2013 TBC



Banking Law in Hong Kong NEW

Claire Wilson

This title focuses on the fundamental aspects of Banking Law in Hong Kong with highlights in the commercial banking industry as well as regulatory and banking law issues. This book provides readers with an up-todate commentary of the current law governing the banking sector in Hong Kong. In discussing the core areas of Banking Law, the book addresses: (i) banking policy, regulation and supervision; (ii) the structure of banking business in Hong Kong; (iii) issues related to banking business; (iv) the prevention of financial abuse; and (v) electronic banking. This publication also focuses on the current status of banking in Hong Kong. Since the financial crisis in 2008, Banking Policy has been updated to promote stability and to address systemic risk. This has led to changes in legislation and other regulations and codes of conduct. Sweet & Maxwell Oct 2013 TBC


[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification



Compliance and Company Secretarial Practice of Hong Kong Companies Andrew Tsang; Natalie L.Y. Chan


Sweet & Maxwell Jun 2013 TBC



This book consists of generic principles of banking and finance law concerning Hong Kong post 1997. The uniqueness of this book is to fill the gap on how common law continues to apply in Hong Kong. The book explains how some of the changes are affected by the Chinese PRC Law, especially the conflict of law concerning state immunity (sovereign debt) litigating in Hong Kong. • Unveils the uniqueness of the Hong Kong banking supervisory and regulatory system. • Explains the monetary function of the HKMA under Basic Law as to the extent of its power in market stability and regulation • Covers all banking related topics including the settlement system in Hong Kong and its relationship with RMB offshore clearing system Sweet & Maxwell Feb 2013 HK$2,800


Herbert Smith




This title emphasizes and focuses on the significant anti-corruption practices and legislation in: (i) Hong Kong; (ii) Mainland China; (iii) Taiwan; (iv) Korea; (v) India as well as growing economic countries such as Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. Corruption and corporate compliance are both a key business risk for companies around the world. This is driven by a number of factors including the introduction of the Bribery Act in the UK and the increased activity in the US by US enforcement agencies under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) to stem the tide of “dirty” business tactics in the Asia region. Local authorities in Asia are now also taking steps to address these challenges. Asia is now one of the largest regional markets in the world and continues to be of significant influence in the ever-growing global economy. The increase of globalization and trade coupled with heightened regulatory activity means that all businesses in the Asia region must take a more proactive approach to ensure they meet the statutory obligations of their respective jurisdictions. This publication provides In-House Counsel as well as Practitioners and Regulators with practical guidance to understand and ensure these regulations and practices are met and complied with. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction to Corruption in Asia 2. Key Areas of Corruption Risk in Asia 3. Overview of Foreign AntiCorruption Laws in Asia 4. Overview of Domestic AntiCorruption Laws in Asia 5. Overview of Foreign AntiCorruption Laws in Asia 6. International Treaties and CrossBorder Cooperation 7. Maintaining and Asserting Privilege with Clients 8. Designing an Anti-Corruption Compliance Program in Asia 9. Corruption in China 10. Corruption in Hong Kong 11. Corruption in India 12. Corruption in Indonesia 13. Corruption in Japan 14. Corruption in Korea 15. Corruption in Singapore

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hong kong & china practitioner titles

With the inclusion of comparative insights of the compliance and company secretarial practice from the authors, this title is an invaluable source to practitioners, and anyone who is engaged or interested in the field of business law.

Mark Hsiao, LL.B, LL.M (LSE:Lond), PhD(IALS:Lond)

Corruption and Fraud in Asia

hong konG & china titles

Compliance and Company Secretarial Practice of Hong Kong Companies aims to fulfill the needs of its readers by providing a neat and concise guide to everything they need to know about compliance and company secretarial practices. It consists of comprehensive analysis of explicit guidelines to help facilitate wider understanding to readers, and it also acts as an introduction to the compliance and company secretarial practice.

Principles of Hong Kong Banking Law

16. Corruption in Taiwan 17. Corruption in Thailand 18. Corruption in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia

Bullen & Leake & Jacob’s Precedents of Pleadings Hong Kong

Sweet & Maxwell

Editor-in-Chief: The Hon. Mr. Justice Bokhary NPJ General Editor: Godfrey Lam, SC

Hong kong & china titles

Oct 2013 TBC



Sweet & Maxwell hong kong & china practitioner titles


Audrey Campbell; Jack Burke


Trial Advocacy in Hong Kong is a highly practical work on how to carry out advocacy effectively in Hong Kong. It provides readers with the necessary skills to prepare a case, deliver opening submissions, conduct an examinationin-chief, succeed in the complex art of cross-examination and re-examination, and present closing submissions. Many illustrations of these various skills are included, with references to the legal context that govern these areas. Sweet & Maxwell Aug 2013 HK$880


[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification



Bullen & Leake & Jacob’s Precedents of Pleadings Hong Kong is the essential guide to drafting statements of claim. It offers authoritative, structured precedents of statement of claim complete with guiding commentary across both mainstream and specialist areas of practice. This publication provides all the pre-requisite examples and precedents required to equip practitioners for drafting air-tight pleadings. It is encyclopaedic in scope, delivering structured, succinct precedents of statement of case for all branches of litigation.

Aug 2013 TBC

Trial Advocacy in Hong Kong



Bokhary Recollections The Hon. Mr. Justice Bokhary NPJ

Companies Ordinance (CAP. 622) NEW

Sweet & Maxwell Jan 2013 HK$588


The new Companies Ordinance (No 28 of 2012) is a hugely important development and it is imperative that lawyers, accountants, compliance officers, and academics become fully conversant with its new provisions. With only 12 months to go before the Ordinance comes into force, they should do so NOW. For the first time the full text of the Ordinance is available, together with an Introduction by members of the Companies Ordinance Rewrite Team at the Department of Justice, which highlights the major changes and the guiding principles behind the new Ordinance. It should be on the desk of every lawyer, accountant and other professional whose practice will be affected. Sweet & Maxwell


Jan 2013 9789626615447 HK$1,200


Second Edition


Harney Westwood & Riegels

British Virgin Islands Commercial Law is the only publication that focuses exclusively on the British Virgin Islands. The book provides a deep analytical view of the offshore jurisdiction’s legal landscape as it relates to companies, credit and security, mutual funds, insolvency, dispute resolution, taxation, trusts and more. The second edition will keep you fully up-to-date on one of the world’s fastest developing jurisdictions. It incorporates the major changes that occurred in 2012 including the passing of the BVI Business Companies (Amendment) Act 2012 and the accompanying BVI Business Companies Regulations 2012. Their enactment makes the second edition a must-have for anyone with interests in BVI law and practice. Written by Harneys, the BVI’s leading law firm, British Virgin Islands Commercial Law continues to be the authoritative reference for lawyers and other professionals who work frequently with corporate structures and transactions in which there is a BVI element. Written by practitioners who know the jurisdiction better than any other • Harney Westwood & Riegels is the leading international offshore law firm in the British Virgin Islands Incorporates major developments in 2012 including: • The new BVI Companies (Amendment) Act 2012 • The new BVI Business Companies Regulations 2012 • The new Investment Business (Approved Managers) Regulations 2012 • Amendments to the Securities and Investment Business Act 2010 • Amendments to the Mutual Legal Assistance (Tax Matters) Act 2003

[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification


hong kong & china practitioner titles

Mr. Justice Bokhary NPJ was one of the founding judges of the Court of Final Appeal of Hong Kong. He is famous throughout the common law world. He is known for his humanity, erudition and the occasional dissent.


hong konG & china titles

In Recollections, Mr Justice Bokhary NPJ tells a story of Hong Kong. It is full of anecdotes and famous personalities, some legal, some not so legal - from Andrew Li to Bruce Lee. There are stories from his time in practice and as a judge. There are even cartoons. It is a whimsical and wonderful journey into Hong Kong and our legal system from the 1950s onwards to the establishment of the Court of Final Appeal. Written in the Judge’s simple, elegant prose, these Recollections are informed by his kindness and sense of humour.

With an Introduction by ELG Tyler, Stefan Lo and Natalie Wong

British Virgin Islands Commercial Law

• Amendments to the Partnership Act 1996 Three new chapters, plus updated content across all other chapters • Partnership Law

hong kong & china practitioner titles

Hong kong & china titles

• Tax and Tax Information Exchange Agreements TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction to BVI law and its development 2. Company law 3. Credit and security 4. Law of property 5. Financial services law 6. Investment funds 7. Insolvency law 8. Dispute resolution 9. Trusts 10. Partnership law NEW! 11. Banking law NEW! 12. Tax and tax information exchange agreements NEW! Sweet & Maxwell 9789626614792

Fourth Edition


Christopher Bickley

• Banking Law

Dec 2012 HK$4,388

Bermuda, British Virgin Islands and Cayman Islands Company Law


The use of offshore vehicles for international financial transactions is flourishing and is becoming more and more popular in the Asia Pacific region. The Fourth Edition of this landmark work Bermuda, British Virgin Islands and Cayman Islands Company Law is an indispensable, practical guide to the laws of these important jurisdictions. The downturn in world economies has led to the insolvency and restructuring of many offshore entities bringing a new focus on the insolvency regimes in each jurisdiction with recent reported cases in Bermuda, BVI and the Cayman Islands. This new edition examines these major changes and provides updated analysis, commentary and template forms for a variety of actions as well as extracts of relevant regulations. The side-by-side comparison of these three jurisdictions is particularly useful for onshore practitioners or company secretaries.

actions • Extracts of relevant regulations TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction to Bermuda 2. Introduction to the British Virgin Islands 3. Introduction to the Cayman Islands 4. Joint Ventures, Preference Share Issues and Shareholders’ Agreements 5. Security Issues 6. Initial Public Offerings 7. Directors 8. Shareholders 9. Alterations to Constitutional Documents and Capital 10. Takeovers and Acquisitions 11. Amalgamations, Mergers and Continuations 12. Mutual Funds 13. Investment Managers 14. Securitisation 15. Segregated Accounts Companies 16. Liquidations Sweet & Maxwell Dec 2012 HK$3,800

Experienced and respected authorship • Christopher Bickley – Partner at Conyers Dill & Pearman, a leading international offshore firm in Hong Kong Fully updated to reflect major developments in these three jurisdictions: • The use of private trust companies and the regulation that applies to them • The development and listing of special purpose acquisition corporations (SPACs) • Cayman Islands’ new merger law and new liquidation regimes • Recent BVI case law on BVI shareholder dissent rights on a merger • Plus new content on: Fund Litigation , Insolvency, Tax Implications and more! Provides a useful, side-by-side comparison of these jurisdictions taking into account the impact of the global financial crisis • Presents updated analysis and commentary • New template forms for a variety of


[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification



Commercial Litigation in Hong Kong: A Practical Guide Editor-in-Chief: William Stone; SBS, QC General Editor: Denis Brock


Highly respected editorial and author team • Editor-in-Chief: William Stone, SBS, QC, Retired Judge of the Commercial Court, Hong Kong • General Editor: Denis Brock; Partner, King & Wood Mallesons Most in-depth, comprehensive and practical resource on the topic covering areas such as: • Injunctions and other interlocutory relief • Security for costs and summary judgment • Mediation and the enforcement of foreign judgments

Nov 2012 HK$2,300



Second Edition


Editor-in-Chief: The Hon. Madam Justice Kwan

This most recent release of Company Law in Hong Kong – Practice and Procedure will further revise and update the principles of company law and examines the practicalities of establishing and running a company. Its contents include nature of companies, share capital and transfer, membership, meetings and resolutions, enforcement of duties, protection of minorities, and more! Company Law in Hong Kong is an essential reference work for company lawyers and practitioners in Hong Kong. Written and edited by a distinguished team of practitioners and academics, it contains revised and upto-date narrative and source materials and covers all aspects of company law from formation, share capital and dividends to takeovers, restructurings, winding up, cross-border issues and with references to the PRC’s new Companies Law (enacted January 1, 2006). Distinguished author team of experienced practitioners and academics • Editor-in-Chief: The Hon. Madam Justice Kwan (High Court) • General Editors: Mr. John Scott SC (Des Voeux Chambers); Brian Gilchrist(Clifford Chance); Mr. Thomas Vaizey (Dragon Capital) Comprehensive content

• Overseas advocates advising and conducting cases in Hong Kong

• Includes all the content from previous release completely updated

Covers the unique nuances of the commercial court providing insights on:

Up-to-date covering all new developments

• The specialist rules that have developed within the Commercial Court • Particular emphasis on pre-emptive remedies

• All 13 chapters are updated with the latest and most recent legal precedents, case law, and opinions Sweet & Maxwell Nov 2012 HK$2,000



[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification


hong kong & china practitioner titles

Commercial Litigation in Hong Kong: A Practical Guide is the comprehensive, “go to” resource on the specialist issues of the Commercial Litigation and should be part of the collection of titles for anyone engaged in commercial disputes. It may provide that vital piece of advice which can make or break a commercial dispute.

Sweet & Maxwell

Company Law in Hong Kong, Practice and Procedure

hong konG & china titles

“ …Commercial Litigation in Hong Kong: A Practical Guide …directs the commercial practitioner to those important aspects of commercial litigation that must be considered in addressing any commercial dispute, actual or contemplated … a useful addition to the judge’s library …” From the Foreword by Mr Chief Justice Geoffrey Ma

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction to Commercial List Practice 2. Interlocutory Injunctions 3. Mareva Injunctions 4. Anton Piller Orders, Delivery Up of Goods & Search Orders 5. Norwich Pharmacal Orders 6. Pre-action Discovery and Discovery by Non-parties RHC O.24, r.7A 7. Security for Costs 8. Summary Judgment 9. Mediation 10. Provisional Liquidators, Interim Receivers and Court-appointed Receivers 11. Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in the Hong Kong S.A.R. 12. Admission of Foreign Advocates

Company Law in Hong Kong: Practice and Procedure 2013 Update

Company Law in Hong Kong – Insolvency NEW

hong kong & china practitioner titles

Hong kong & china titles

General Editors: John Scott SC; Brian Gilchrist; Thomas Vaizey

The 2013 release of Company Law in Hong Kong - Practice and Procedure continues to revise and update the principles of company law and examines the practicalities of establishing and running a company. Its contents include nature of companies, share capital and transfer, membership, meetings and resolutions, enforcement of duties, protection of minorities, etc. These updates and precedents coincide with the enactment of the new Company Ordinance scheduled to be fully enacted in early 2014! Company Law in Hong Kong continues to be the essential reference work for company lawyers and practitioners in Hong Kong. Written and edited by a distinguished team of practitioners and academics, the service contains revised and up-to-date narrative and source materials and covers all aspects of company law from formation, share capital and dividends to takeovers, restructurings, winding up, crossborder issues and with references to the PRC’s new Companies Law (enacted January 1, 2006).

Editor-in-Chief: The Hon. Madam Justice Kwan

2013 Edition


General Editor: Neville Sarony, QC, SC

Several hundreds new, local decisions keep you up-to-date and this release also incorporates all information from the first release to ensure you’ve got the most comprehensive information available to you. Content includes full coverage of voluntary and involuntary winding up, restructuring, the unique role of provisional liquidators in Hong Kong, costs, the treatment of assets, insolvency in the PRC and much more. Useful appendices include relevant legislation and rules, practice directions, precedent forms and more. Sweet & Maxwell Mar 2012 HK$2,000


Sweet & Maxwell 9789626615010


This most recent release of Company Law in Hong Kong - Insolvency focuses on all matters relating to Insolvency Law in Hong Kong and examines at every angle corporate insolvency law and practice.

All 13 Chapters are updated with the latest and most recent legal precedence, case law, and opinions as of December 2013 with special references to the 2014 enactment of the new Companies Ordinance.

Nov 2013 TBC

Personal Injury Tables Hong Kong



Personal Injury Tables Hong Kong 2013 contains essential reference information for calculating damages in personal injury and fatal accident cases. This is the only compilation of actuarial and multiplier precedent tables in Hong Kong and has been cited in court. Whilst the use of actuarial tables has not yet been adopted in Hong Kong, this book has tables for the current regime (multiplier precedents) and the prospective one (actuarial). The 2013 edition of this popular work has been fully updated and contains a wide range of information. The actuarial tables have been updated to take into account recent Hong Kong mortality projections by the Census and Statistics Department. The quantum of damages table has also been fully updated. With the issue of how to calculate multipliers before the court right now, this book is more important than ever and is the one resource you’ll turn to for evaluating damages! Fully revised and updated content • Takes into account 2012 Hong Kong mortality projections by the Census and Statistic Department • Quantum of damages table fully updated Only compilation that covers both accepted regimes • Multiplier precedents • Actuarial precedents Respected and authoritative • General Editor: Neville Sarony, QC, SC, Pi Chambers • Frequently cited in court Sweet & Maxwell Nov 2012 HK$1,080


[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification



The Renminbi’s Changing Status and the Chinese and Hong Kong Financial Systems Multiple Authors


Contributors are academics, a consultant, a development bank official and a barrister who are well versed and familiar with the money markets in Hong Kong and China: • Chapters and papers are the collected expert views of authors from around the world, each working in different disciplines, addressing the main and critical aspects of the Renminbi’s changing status Includes discussions on various issues arising from the changing status of the Chinese currency and its effects on: i. International trade ii. Banking iii. Securities market iv. Hong Kong’s monetary system

Sweet & Maxwell Nov 2012 HK$780



Third Edition


Rick Glofcheski

The third edition of Tort Law in Hong Kong continues the aims of previous editions, not only to provide a study text for intending lawyers, but also to provide the most up-to-date and comprehensive resource available for practitioners, academics and judges in the tort law topics under consideration. As with previous editions, the focus is very much on Hong Kong law, holding firm to the belief that the law must be studied and understood in a Hong Kong context, and within the judicial traditions according to which Hong Kong cases are decided and to which lawyers and prospective lawyers must become accustomed. Substantially revised and up-to-date with new content across all chapters • Incorporates the large body of Hong Kong law that has developed in the past five years • Cites more than 300 new cases including: Luen Hing Fat Coating & Finishing Factory Ltd v Waan Chuen Ming (2011); Blakeney-Williams v Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd (2012); Oriental Press Group Ltd v Fevaworks Solutions Ltd (2012); Payam Tamiz v Google Inc (2012); Oriental Daily Publisher Ltd v Ming Pao Holdings Ltd (2012); plus many more! Places the law in a Hong Kong context • Only in Hong Kong could a court decide that the burning of incense on a daily basis in the 8th floor corridor of a residential building might not be nuisance: Hu Wei Hsin v Ma Hung Wing (2011) Expert authorship by a leading academic • Rick Glofcheski, Professor, School of Law, University of Hong Kong Sweet & Maxwell Nov 2012 HK$1,300



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hong kong & china practitioner titles

This collection includes papers presented at the inaugural conference of the Law Faculty of the Chinese University of Hong Kong’s Centre for Financial Regulation and Economic Development (CFRED), held 11–13 August 2011.

Tort Law in Hong Kong

Part One: International Trade 1. Possible US Responses to China’s Currency Policies: Evaluating the Options 2. Is it a Good Idea to Challenge China’s Currency Issue in the WTO? 3. China’s Currency and IMF Issues 4. East Asian Supply Chains and Relative Prices: A Survey of the Evidence Part Two: The Regulation of Banking and the Securities Markets 5. Possible Problems on FDI and ODI Regulation Arising from the Liberalization of Capital Account in China and their Implications 6. Taiwan’s Securities Markets in the Shadow of Foreign Exchange Policies: Lessons from the Bubble in the 1990s Part Three: Should Hong Kong Adopt the Renminbi as Legal Currency? 7. The Introduction of the Euro: Reasons and Effects 8. Why Hong Kong can Adopt the Renminbi as Legal Tender

hong konG & china titles

The Renminbi’s Changing Status and the Chinese and Hong Kong Financial Systems is based on a collection of papers presented at the conference “The Renminbi’s Changing Status and the Chinese and Hong Kong Financial System(s)” in August 2011. The book explores how China’s gradual capital account liberalization and the growing role of Hong Kong as a leading offshore centre for RMB will affect the international monetary system, the balance of international trade, the shape of the world’s banking system and securities markets, and the future monetary system of Hong Kong. This collection of papers is an essential resource for anyone seeking to understand the actual and potential ramifications of current Chinese monetary policy.


Arbitrators’ Insights, Essays in honour of Neil Kaplan General Editors: Chiann Bao, Felix Lautenschlager


Reader friendly layout and format

Business Law in Hong Kong Third Edition


General Editor: DK Srivastava

• Legal principles in very simple language, followed by examples and cases • Problems are shaded in grey and the answers are found directly below

hong kong & china practitioner titles

Hong kong & china titles

• Case summaries are enclosed in a black border, making them immediately apparent to the reader

Mr Neil Kaplan is one of the world’s most eminent international commercial arbitrators. This Liber Amicorum is a rare anthology: a dialogue between leading international arbitrators from around the world. It is a view from the arbitral bench and contains insights from the perspective of the arbitrator. The dialogue is informed by pragmatism and dayto-day experiences. Arbitrators present their cutting-edge arbitral methodology. The way forward and controversial developments are analysed. Mr Kaplan’s pioneering role in Hong Kong, now at the forefront of international and Asian arbitration, is highlighted. It will be a welcome addition to any commercial arbitration library. Sweet & Maxwell Oct 2012 HK$1,388



The third edition of Business Law in Hong Kong continues to build on the success of the first two editions proving to be a hugely popular text. It provides an overview of some basic themes relating to law and the legal system in Hong Kong. Individual chapters on subjects such as torts, contracts, company law, the legal systems of Hong Kong and mainland China and e-commerce give readers a sense of the business and social environment in which law operates. The new edition takes into account recent developments in the law and includes discussions of numerous new cases with new content across all chapters including substantial changes to the chapters on contract law, tort law and agency.

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Legal System of Hong Kong 3. Legal System of China 4. Contract Law 5. Sale of Goods 6. Payment Systems 7. A Legal Guide to E-Commerce 8. Agency Law 9. Company Law 10. Partnership Law 11. Tort Law 12. Employment Law Sweet & Maxwell Oct 2012 HK$1,200

It is read by legal practitioners and students as well as students and professionals in other industries, in particular accounting and business professionals. Interest in the text comes not only from Hong Kong readers but also from institutions and professionals overseas who need information and a practical primer on business law and the legal environment in Hong Kong. As the most comprehensive and indepth text on the topic, it has become a valuable resource for anyone with an interest in business law in Hong Kong. General Editor: DK Srivastava • Formerly Professor, School of Law, City University of Hong Kong • Pro-Vice Chancellor, O.P. Jindal Global University Revised and up-to-date with new content across all chapters including substantial revisions to the chapters on Contract Law, Tort Law and Agency • Incorporates the large body of Hong Kong law that has developed in the past five years


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Civil Litigation in Hong Kong Fourth Edition

Probate Practice in Hong Kong NEW

Allan Leung; Douglas Clark

Third Edition


Arbitration in China: Regulation of Arbitration Agreements and Practical Issues

Christopher Sherrin


Dr. Gu Weixia

Experienced and respected authorship • Allan Leung: Senior Partner, Hogan Lovells • Douglas Clark: Barrister-at-law, Gilt Chambers. Completely up-to-date with new content covering numerous changes to the dispute resolution process as the result of CJR • Detailed commentary on the courts’ new powers on case management • Updated section on mediation • Updated chapter on the new Arbitration Ordinance Provides a well-rounded guide to dispute resolution in Hong Kong • Detailed commentary and analysis from practitioners with real-world experience

Comprehensive coverage • The only text in Hong Kong which covers both the substantive law and practice of non-contentious probate matters • Divided into four parts: matters pre-grant, obtaining the grant, administration and distribution of the estate Practical approach • Explains probate practice in a straightforward and sequential way with ample use of essential sample documents and checklists to help ensure all steps are completed Written by Christopher Sherrin, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong • Has written extensively in key practitioner texts on wills, intestacy, and trusts in Hong Kong and the UK

• Covers all major stages of the arbitral procedure in China – validity requirements at the drafting stage, relationship with the tribunal’s jurisdiction and power, and finally, judicial review by the people’s courts examining the unique system of arbitration that has developed – arbitration with Chinese characteristics • A useful source for those interested in not only the progress made in Chinese arbitration institutions, but also the broader political and economic dimensions of Chinese arbitral developments • Topics discussed include a wide range of issues that have received serious attention from the Chinese government, and especially those of its arbitration reformers • Dr. Gu Weixia (顧維遐) is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong. She was educated in China, Hong Kong and the United States. In 2006, she was a Fulbright scholar at New York University. She specialises in arbitration, business dispute resolution, and commercial law Sweet & Maxwell Mar 2012 HK$1,000



Sweet & Maxwell Apr 2012 HK$900



• Checklists • Sample documents Sweet & Maxwell Oct 2012 HK$980



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hong kong & china practitioner titles

In addition to a detailed commentary on the courts’ new powers on case management under the CJR, the fourth edition includes an updated chapter on the new Arbitration Ordinance, which came into effect in June 2011. Together with the updated section on mediation, one of the key features of the CJR, Civil Litigation aims to provide a wellrounded guide to dispute resolution in Hong Kong.

Probate Practice in Hong Kong, now in its third edition, is an invaluable reference source for probate practitioners in Hong Kong. It sets out the procedural steps necessary to obtain a grant of probate or letters of administration in a sequential way, together with guidance on post-grant administration of the deceased’s estate. This is a useful reference guide for small law firms and practitioners to ensure that all the essential steps are completed when they are dealing with probate matters in Hong Kong.

hong konG & china titles

The fourth edition of Civil Litigation is the first update since the Civil Justice Reforms (“CJR”) came into effect in 2009. After nearly a decade of consultation, the CJR has implemented numerous changes to the dispute resolution process in Hong Kong and to the rules of civil procedure. This fourth edition brings readers up to date with the changes under the CJR with the benefit of real experience from practitioners.

Civil Procedure in Hong Kong, A Guide to the Main Principles Second Edition


Mark Hsiao, LLB, LLM (LSE:Lond), PhD (IALS:Lond)

hong kong & china practitioner titles

Hong kong & china titles

Dave Lau

The second edition of this popular book on civil procedure has taken account of a further full year’s worth of cases since the last edition—more than two full years of cases since the introduction of the Civil Justice Reform (CJR). The book remains as a user-friendly, simply written and laid out guide to the main principles of civil procedure in Hong Kong. Covers main stages of civil litigation • Differentiates between the current rules and old versions of rules that are still potentially relevant; and in the context of the current rules, between new/amended rules under the CJR and pre-CJR rules which remain unchanged Completely up-to-date • Incorporates 2 full years of postCJR court decisions up to May 2011 • Includes updated judicial guidance on the interpretation and application of the many new provisions of Hong Kong’s civil litigation landscape. Provides commentary on recent case law • Covers areas such as sanctioned payments/offers, expert evidence, underlying objectives and case management Sweet & Maxwell Jun 2012 HK$980

International Banking and Finance Law: Principles and Regulations



International Banking and Finance Law: Principles and Regulations looks principally of these major regions of the United States, European Union, United Kingdom with comparative illustrations of the Hong Kong and China banking and financial systems and markets. It also illuminates to the readers of the breakdown of the financial safeguards which lead to the 2008 financial crisis and the new legal principles and regulations put in place by the key Western financial systems related to banking practice in hopes of preventing a subsequent crisis and clearly illustrates their application by reference to case law and the key legislation. Author Mark Hsiao is an expert in the field with a wealth of practical and academic experience • Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong • Taught financial law at University of London and was the director for the MBA Banking on the University of London External Programme • Lectured Equity & Trust, English Commercial Law, Company Law, and Banking & Finance at the Bangor University Contains legal and regulatory rules of the five main financial entities/ markets: Hong Kong, China, The United States, European Union and United Kingdom • Laws of each region are illustrated and compared • Provides information on how these markets interact with each other to co-exist in the international financial market

of international transactions, e.g. conflict of laws • Risk mitigation – examination of the important techniques and strategies essential to both international and domestic instruments • Rules and regulations – discusses those which have an impact on the international transactions TABLE OF CONTENTS Part I Fundamentals 1. Introduction to Regulations on Banking and Finance 2. Introduction to Financial Law 3. Legal Aspects of Deposits and Accounts 4. Laws on Banking 5. Legal Aspects of Money and Payments 6. Laws on Loans and Credit 7. Laws on Secured Credit Part II International Finance 8. Laws on Finance 9. Conflict of Laws 10. Syndicated Loans 11. Debt Securities Part III Portfolio Risk Management 12. Financial Derivatives 13. Novation, Assignment, Subparticipation 14. Settlement Systems 15. Securitisation Part IV Regulations on International Markets 16. Capital Markets 17. Primary Market (U.S.) 18. Primary Market (EU) 19. Secondary Markets (U.S., EU, U.K.) 20. Orgainisations and Recommendations 21. International Recommendations II Sweet & Maxwell Nov 2011 HK$1,280

• Covers the regulatory schemes in place to prevent the abuse of the banking system leading to another financial crisis Efficiently guides the reader through legal principles related to banking practice and financial regulations in four, convenient parts • Foundation of the markets – a view of what constitutes the markets • International transaction fundamentals – basic questions and answers asked in the beginning


[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification



Criminal Litigation in Hong Kong Third Edition

Substantially new and expanded content • Topics such as preparation for trial and video recorded interviews have been expanded

Christopher Knight; Anthony Upham

Contract Law in Hong Kong Lee Mason

• New chapters on The Duty Lawyer and Legal Aid, The Solicitor as Prosecutor, and Conflicts of Interest

• Emphasises good professional practice and risk avoidance measures to protect the practicing solicitor from accusations of negligence or unprofessional conduct • Focuses on problems practitioners are likely to encounter, provides practical guidance on how to deal with these situations, and to obtain the maximum advantage for the client • Illustrates processes from receiving clients’ instructions to guidance through the entire litigation process • Contains sample documents to use, tricks of the trade, and detailed checklists Written by experienced criminal litigation experts • Christopher Knight, senior partner at Knight & Ho, has been practicing law in Hong Kong for over 30 years • Anthony Upham has had international experience in practicing criminal law and now teaches on the LLB and the PCLL at the University of Hong Kong

Sweet & Maxwell Sep 2011 HK$980



Written by an expert in contract law – Mr Lee Mason • Assistant Professor of Law at the University of Hong Kong, teaches primarily in the area of Contract Law on both the JD and LLB programmes • Has written extensively on contract law “Demystifies” complex principles • Explains the underlying principles of contract law • Elucidates some of the more intricate aspects of contract law Focuses on local law and application in particular • Provides a clear and comprehensive account of the modern law of contract, written in the context of Hong Kong setting • High relevance to Hong Kong’s contract law practice Sweet & Maxwell Sep 2011 HK$980



[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification


hong kong & china practitioner titles

A practical ‘survival kit’ plus much more

Contract law in Hong Kong has become substantially localised in recent years. There have been many important local cases, including seminal judgments in key areas such as undue influence. Hong Kong’s legislation has unique aspects, such as the Unconscionable Contracts Ordinance. What’s more, the application of contract law has to be understood in the context of a Hong Kong setting. Contract Law in Hong Kong is therefore a very welcome and timely publication. Written by an expert, Mr Lee Mason, it is comprehensive in scope, emphasises the large body of local law, and is written in a clear style that “demystifies” intricate areas of law.

hong konG & china titles

Criminal Litigation in Hong Kong – a popular text that is now in its third edition – is all about knowhow and pragmatism. It covers criminal litigation from a uniquely practical perspective: it starts with how to receive instructions from clients and takes you through the entire litigation process. A publication that is particularly useful for junior practitioners, each chapter contains sample documents to use, tricks of the trade, and detailed checklists. Importantly, as the book is guided by the principle that the first rule of practice is to protect yourself at all times, it focuses on pitfalls to avoid.

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Receiving Instructions to Visit a Person Detained in Custody 2. Visiting a Person in Police Custody 3. Accompanying a Client to a Police Station 4. Identification Parades 5. First Appearance Before a Magistrate and Applications for Bail 6. Subsequent Appearances Before a Magistrate: Transfers to the District Court and Committal Proceedings; Transfers Between Courts 7. Obtaining the Case Papers and Advising on Plea 8. Preparing for a Plea of Guilty or for Trial 9. Trials 10. Pleas of Mitigation 11. Reviews 12. Appeals 13. Applications to the Court of First Instance for Bail Pending Trial and Applications for Bail Pending Appeal 14. Juveniles 15. Appearance Before Special Magistrates 16. Termination of Retainer 17. The Basic Law, the Bill of Rights Ordinance and Abuse of Process 18. Costs 19. The Duty Lawyer and Legal Aid 20. The Solicitor as Prosecutor 21. Conflicts of Interest

The Essential Guide to Credit Management and Debt Recovery in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, India

hong kong & china practitioner titles

Hong kong & china titles

Bobby Roberto Rozario; Puru Grover

In the wake of the recent global financial and economic crisis and slow down, the risks to businesses resulting from bad debt and ineffective credit controls are greater than ever before. For businesses and companies to survive in these difficult economic times, there must be effective systems in place to successfully manage credit risks and recover bad debt.

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Credit Policy and Credit Management 2. Payment Terms and Methods 3. Credit Assessment 4. Credit Decisions and Controls 5. Recording and Measuring Debt 6. Collecting Payment 7. External Help in Collecting Debt 8. Small Claims Tribunal 9. Export Credit 10. Trade Credit Insurance and Factoring 11. Bad Debts 12. Recruitment Policies and Procedures Sweet & Maxwell Sep 2011 HK$799


The Essential Guide to Credit Management and Debt Recovery is a practical, easy-to-follow guide to proven credit management and debt recovery systems throughout the AsiaPacific region (focusing on Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore & India). Written by experts in the financial and credit/money management industry • Authors have drawn upon their years of professional and academic experience to provide a definitive guide for the industries in Hong Kong as well as Malaysia, Singapore and India Outlines step-by-step processes • Provides knowledge to form a foundation for strong credit and credit collection management in a new, electronic and cyber-credit based economy • Offers on-going education and training as a result of the advent of new technology leading to new policies, regulations and communication preferences Up-to-date content with useful sample forms • Updated to ensure the principles, practices, and procedures outlines are effective and relevant to the focused regions of Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore and India


State Secrets and Trade Secrets in China May Tai; Damien McDonald

Many foreign investors might find the state secrets and trade secrets law in China bewildering and complicated, in particular after the reform in 2010, yet protection of the same appears to be a crucial part to the survival of their businesses. The publication guides you through the concerned new state secrets and trade secrets law, both of which have come into force in 2010, with detailed and practical analysis. It is suitable for any professional/investor who needs to deal with the relevant area of law, including those who are currently running a business in China or with a Chinese party or are planning to do so in the near future. Only title that addresses the State Secrets Law • While other titles deal with Trade Secrets, this is the only one that address the State Secrets Law Comprehensive coverage of relevant cases and judgments, laws & regulations • Covers significant cases giving rise to the law (eg. Rio Tinto) as well as English and official Chinese versions of relevant extracted judgments, laws and regulations Practical advice and guidance on how to do business • Doesn’t analyse the law, rather gives readers practical information on how to organise and conduct business in the new legal environment (eg. compliance systems, identifying potential risks and mitigating advice, etc.) Sweet & Maxwell Mar 2011 HK$1,500

• Includes helpful specimen invoices, letters, and reminders which can be modified to suit any businesses’ needs


[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification



Intellectual Property Law and Practice in Hong Kong Kenny Wong; Alice Lee

hong konG & china titles

Over the past few years, Hong Kong has created its own body of intellectual property law and there have been many important developments. The most recent of these include the highly anticipated Companies (Amendment) Ordinance 2010, and the 2007 and 2009 amendments to the Copyright Ordinance. It is imperative that Iegal practitioners in Hong Kong are fully aware of these developments.

hong kong & china practitioner titles

Written by two respected authors, Mr Kenny Wong and Ms Alice Lee, Intellectual Property Law and Practice in Hong Kong is the only fully comprehensive, up-to-date book on IP law in Hong Kong. The book takes a highly practical approach, including two unique chapters on Commercial IP and Internet IP. This is the essential treatise for the modern day IP practitioner. • Comprehensive text covering every aspect of IP in Hong Kong • Most up-to-date contents with analysis on Companies (Amendment) Ordinance 2010 and the Copyright (Amendment) Ordinance 2009 • Unique practical content, including chapters on Commercial IP and Internet IP • Suitable for barristers, solicitors, corporate and in-house counsel, government departments, academics and students • Draws on valuable experiences and comparisons with the UK, US and EU. Sweet & Maxwell Jan 2011 HK$1,800



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HOng Kong & china titles

Hong kong ordinances titles

Hong kong & china titles

Hong kong ordinances titles

THE HONG KONG COMMENTARY AND ANNOTATIONS LIBRARY is the library from Sweet & Maxwell which offers an in depth commentary as well as an analysis and understanding of all the Ordinances enacted by the Hong Kong SAR Legislative Body. Each individual volume provides a section by section discussion and explanation by a renowned team of both practitioners and academics of that particular field. This library is a must for the practitioner as well as those wanting to know the ins and outs of the various Ordinances. THE HONG KONG PRACTICE SERIES is a set of Ordinance: Commentary & Annotation handbooks from Sweet & Maxwell Hong Kong. The series is designed to provide the richness you’ve come to expect from our Commentary and Annotations titles, in an easy-to-use format giving you a quick way to navigate yourself through legislation. Find what you need quickly and easily!


The Hong Kong Competition Ordinance: Commentary and Annotations Thomas Cheng


This title examines the Competition Ordinance and aims to answer all the questions and controversies accompanying the enactment of this important Ordinance. Continuing with Sweet & Maxwell’s tradition of being the most up-todate provider of legal information, the Hong Kong Commentary and Annotations Library examines the ‘new’ Competition Ordinance and aims to answer all the questions and controversies accompanying the enactment of this all too important Ordinance. After years of consultation and debate, and in the face of continuing opposition from many business sector representatives, Hong Kong finally passed the Competition bill this past July 2012. Though somewhat watered down from the version originally conceived by the Administration in Hong Kong, the competition law is a significant piece of legislation that has the potential to impact the day-to-day trading activities and strategic commercial decision making of nearly all businesses in Hong Kong - big or small. Making price-related decisions, involvement in contractual negotiations, structuring of joint ventures, participation in trade associations, communicating with competitors, and imposing of exclusivity obligations on trading partners are just a few of the responsibilities that many business staff have on a daily basis and which may be regulated by the new law.

The new competition law opens the way for investigations into suspect fuel prices and promo programs being offered to the consumers, and if such practices are deemed to be anticompetitive, charges will be levied and companies would be taken to court. The goal of the new law is to ban such anti-competitive practices such as price-fixing and bid-rigging to help small-businesses and mid-level enterprises. Business representatives, Practitioners, In-House Counsel and all legal teams should therefore ensure they comprehend the broad scope of the law, how it may affect their business, and the steps that can be taken to ensure compliance. With significant penalties able to be levied for infringements of the law, the importance of risk management in this area cannot be understated. This publication’s aim is to be that reference guide to all these important aforementioned issues. Sweet & Maxwell Dec 2013 TBC

[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification



The hong kong Property Ordinances: Commentary and Annotations Christine Yu


• Examines the laws on Housing Policy which guide the Hong Kong Government as well as the private sector of real estate developers who play an important role in meeting the housing needs of the community

Real estate has traditionally been important in the economic life of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong stock market has been heavily dependent upon property development companies. With all the news about the continuing rising costs of property preventing Hong Kong Citizens from affording a home, this publication publishes at the ideal time.

Hong Kong’s Housing Policy is currently formulated, co-ordinated and monitored by the Secretary for Transport and Housing. The Housing Department supports the Transport and Housing Bureau in dealing with all housing-related policies and matters. The Government’s housing policy is premised on three major guiding principles: (i) First, the thrust of the Government’s subsidised housing policy is to assist low income families who cannot afford private rental housing through the provision of public rental housing; (ii) Second, the Government’s role should primarily focus on land supply; and (iii) Third, the Government should maintain a fair and stable operating environment to enable the sustained and healthy development of the private property

Sweet & Maxwell Dec 2013 TBC



General Editor: Laurence Li


The Hong Kong Securities and Futures Ordinance: Commentary and Annotations is a concise reference work detailing section by section analysis of the complex rules and concepts that are contained in the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap 571). The Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap 571) came into operation on 1st April 2003, and has been assisting industries and protecting investors ever since. With the co-operation of all market participants, this ordinance firmly reinforces Hong Kong’s position as an international finance centre. Hong Kong’s Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap 571) is indeed Hong Kong’s landmark legislation that fully consolidated and revised all the pre-existing legislation regulating the securities, futures and leveraged foreign exchange contracts, intermediaries and markets in Hong Kong into one concise legal document. Sweet & Maxwell again continues its tradition of being the most up-to-date provider of legal information. The Hong Kong Commentary and Annotations Library examines and provides relevant commentary on every section of the Ordinance including the recent updates and amendments made to Sections 18, 102, 103, 104A, 106, 107, 108, 11, 182, 213, 379, 407, Schedule 1, Schedule 5, Schedule 8, and Schedule 10. Our aim here is to once again answer all the questions and shed light to all these amendments and revisions made to these sections of this Ordinance. This publication continues the format where the exact text of each section of the Ordinance is reproduced and is then immediately followed by the detailed legislative history, analysis, explanations, and commentaries on the legal significance of that particular section. This Ordinance is what guides the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) of Hong Kong in overseeing and regulating the securities and futures markets in Hong Kong. The SFC is responsible for fostering an orderly securities and futures market, to protect investors and to help promote Hong Kong as an international

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Hong kong ordinances titles

Levels of home ownership are high but there is still a very active private rental market and even more active commercial rental market. Confidence and the performance of the Hong Kong economy generally are reflected strongly in the property market. With the continuing rising costs of home ownership here in Hong Kong, Property speculators, Real Estate Practitioners, as well as In-House Counsel must be aware and conscious of all the relevant property laws in Hong Kong.

The Government is committed in using the authority granted to them in the Property Ordinances to enhancing the transparency of property and transaction information on the sales of first-hand private residential properties. In the past few years, the Transport and Housing Bureau has implemented through Lands Department’s Consent Scheme and the guidelines of the Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong to enhance the transparency of the price lists, sales brochures, show flats and transaction information. Our publication examines these laws enacted to strengthen the Government’s resolve to make private home ownership more accessible to all members of the Hong Kong community.

The hong kong Securities and Futures Ordinance: Commentary and Annotations

hong konG & china titles

• Examines the laws enacted to strengthen the Government’s resolve to make private home ownership more accessible to all members of the Hong Kong community

market. The Government needs to ensure adequate supply of land together with the necessary supporting infrastructure to meet market demand.

financial centre and a key financial market in China. In this regard, the SFC was created and authorised in accordance to all relevant powers endowed to it under the Ordinance. Accordingly, this publication in addition to providing annotations and commentary on all sections of the Ordinance, also examines the following topics:

Hong kong & china titles

• Setting and enforcing market regulations • Licensing and supervising market participants such as brokers, investment advisers and fund managers • Supervising market operators including exchanges, automated trading services and clearing houses • Authorising offering documents of investment products to be offered to the public • Overseeing corporate activities of listed companies under the Codes on Takeovers and Mergers and Share Repurchases • Educating investors on markets, investment products and their risks This publication will be the ultimate guide to the laws and legislation related to Hong Kong’s all important securities, futures, and money markets.

Hong kong ordinances titles

Sweet & Maxwell Nov 2013 TBC



the hong kong Anti-Money Laundering and CounterTerrorist Financing (Financial Institutions) Ordinance: Commentary and Annotations Sydney Yankson


Our Hong Kong Commentary and Annotations Library continues our legal analysis of the most influential laws enacted in Hong Kong with this publication on the “new” Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing (Financial Institutions) Ordinance (Cap 615). This legislation seeks to improve Hong Kong’s antimoney laundering (AML) regime by better alignment of the financial sector with prevailing international standards has just come into operation this past 1 April 2012. The new Ordinance provides a uniform set of requirements applicable to all financial institutions in the banking, securities, insurance and remittance and money changing sectors. In addition, the four relevant authorities (MA, SFC, IA and the Customs and Excise Department), in consultation with the Financial Services and Treasury Bureau, jointly drafted a set of guidelines applicable to all these aforementioned financial institutions. The individual relevant authorities also added supplementary or sector specific guidance that is necessary or appropriate for their respective sectors.

It also brings in a new licensing regime for money exchangers and remittance firms. They will need to apply for a license from the Customs and Exercise Department, which will undertake surveillance and punish non-compliance. More rigorous checks will now have to be made by Hong Kong based banks, brokers, insurance companies and money exchangers, with criminal sanctions for non-compliance. The most significant change under the new law; any failure to maintain appropriate customer due diligence has become a criminal matter, which is in line with global norms. With these significant penalties now able to be levied for any infringement of this law, the importance of risk management in this area cannot be understated. This publication’s aim is to be that reference guide to all these important aforementioned issues. Sweet & Maxwell Oct 2013 TBC

Previous to the enactment of the Ordinance, banks, brokers and insurance companies all had different guidelines, provided by their own industry regulators, to prevent money laundering. These standards were varied and most importantly, noncompliance will not trigger through punishment. In addition, about 2,700 money exchangers and remittance firms in Hong Kong are registered with the police, but the force does not perform anti-money- laundering surveillance. This has now all changed with the enactment of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing (Financial Institutions) Ordinance (Cap 615). The new Ordinance plugs these loopholes because it imposes a single set of requirements on all financial firms. They must perform more due diligence on a customer’s background, keep records and have procedures to make sure staff report suspicious cases to the police.


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the hong kong Mediation Ordinance: Commentary and Annotations

The Hong Kong Copyrights Ordinance: Commentary And Annotations NEW

Robert Morgan

The annotations and commentaries on the new Mediation Ordinance continues our tradition of being the first to analyse, comment, understand all new laws enacted by Hong Kong.

The two primary purposes of the Mediation Ordinance are to: (1) Promote and encourage mediation for the resolution of disputes in Hong Kong; and (2) To put the confidentiality of mediation communications on a statutory footing to ensure its statutory nature as well as to reenforce the convention of the “without prejudice” nature of the mediation communications as between the parties.

Sweet & Maxwell Oct 2013 TBC



This title enlightens readers to the intricacies and vast applications of the Copyrights Ordinance. It provides updated section-by-section annotations and commentaries to the Copyrights Ordinance and furthermore, comprehensive tables of cases and legislation are all included and cross referenced. Our commentary and analysis provides references to the most recent cases assisting in the interpretation of each section, relevant rules of court, definitions of words and phrases, discussion on practical aspects of application and contentious issues. Hong Kong and international cases of the UK and US, related legislation and other authoritative materials are identified and discussed in detail. All commentary provided for each section/part of the Ordinance are fully cross-referenced with its relevant case law and precedents, other related sections of the Ordinance, and both local and foreign legislation. This publication will be an invaluable source of reference for intellectual property practitioners, in-house lawyers, patent agents, academics, students and all others who are engaged or interested in the administration of copyrights law in Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong Discrimination Ordinances: Commentary and Annotations consists of up-to-date materials on four discrimination ordinances including the Sex Discrimination Ordinance (Cap 480), the Race Discrimination Ordinance (Cap 602), the Disability Discrimination Ordinance (Cap 487) and the Family Status Discrimination Ordinance (Cap 527). The detailed section-bysection annotations that are identified and discussed in this book include: references to cases assisting in the interpretation of each section; relevant rules of court; definitions of words and phrases; discussion on practical aspects of materials. Renowned author team of experienced practitioners and academics • Michael Ramsden: Barrister-atLaw, Faculty of Law - Chinese University of Hong Kong • Hectar Pun: Barrister-at-Law, Denis Chang’s Chambers • Ann T.Y. Lui: Barrister-at-Law, Parkside Chambers Comprehensively covers the major Hong Kong Discrimination Ordinances • Cap 480: Sex Discrimination Ordinance (SDO) • Cap 487: Disability Discrimination Ordinance (DDO)

Sweet & Maxwell Apr 2013 TBC


Multiple Authors

Hong kong ordinances titles

The commentary and annotations define all key terms of the new Ordinance as well as examining and explaining key precedents, such as the ramifications of an “agreement to mediate,” pursuant to whether the mediation will be wholly or partly conducted in Hong Kong or if the agreement to mediate provides that Hong Kong Law is to apply and which will be irrespective of whether the agreement to mediate or even if the mediation itself took place and predates the coming into force of this ordinance.


Earl Deng



hong konG & china titles

The Mediation Ordinance was passed rather quickly and easily by Legco this past 1 July 2012. This reflects the fact that the Mediation Ordinance is not controversial and that all stakeholders in Hong Kong are keen and anxious to further Hong Kong’s status as a ‘leading dispute resolution centre.’ To continue this mantra, the Mediation Ordinance was quickly passed with the enthusiastic support of all members of Legco.

The hong kong Discrimination Ordinances: Commentary and Annotations

• Cap 527: Family Status Discrimination Ordinance (FSDO) • Cap 602: Race Discrimination Ordinance (RDO) Clear, concise format with analysis that goes beyond the current state of legal implications under the ordinances • Each section and subsection of the Ordinance is highlighted in the headings for easy navigation • The concise format gives readers exactly what they need to aid their understanding of the Ordinance • Provides analysis of anticipated legal issues that may yet arise Sweet & Maxwell Apr 2013 HK$2,500



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The hong kong Drug Trafficking (Recovery of Proceeds) Ordinance: commentary and annotations

Hong kong & china titles

Multiple Authors



Michael Ramsden; Hectar Pun; Benson Tsoi

The author team identifies and discusses the Drug Trafficking (Recovery of Proceeds) Ordinance with detailed section-by-section annotations which includes reference to relevant rules of court, definitions of words and phrases and references to cases. The book will act as an invaluable source and a useful guide to practitioners, academics and students.

Completely up-to-date and comprehensive including information on new sections of the Ordinance that will impact professionals in the financial industry • Commentary and analysis is provided for every section and subsection of the ordinance

Renowned author team of experienced practitioners and academics

Renowned author team of experienced practitioners and academics • Michael Ramsden: Barrister-atLaw, Faculty of Law - Chinese University of Hong Kong

• Hectar Pun: Barrister-at-Law, Denis Chang’s Chambers

• Includes content on new sections such as 25A (1) and 25A (2) A concise, reader friendly format allows readers to quickly and easily find what they want • Each section and subsection of the Ordinance is highlighted in the headings for easy navigation

• Background materials include: background papers, public commentaries, debate notes and much more! Sweet & Maxwell Jan 2013 HK$2,500

• Miriam France: Barrister-at-Law, Inner Temple Chambers (London)

Sweet & Maxwell

• Susana Ng: Consultant, Allen & Overy Paperback

Every section of each Ordinance is thoroughly discussed with extensive use of a wide range of background materials

• Luke Marsh: Barrister-at-Law, Faculty of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong

• Farzana Aslam, member of the University of Hong Kong Law Faculty


• Cap. 25: Labour Tribunal Ordinance

• Michael Ramsden: Barrister-atLaw, Faculty of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong

• The concise format gives readers exactly what they need to aid their understanding of the Ordinance

Apr 2013 HK$900

• Cap. 608: Minimum Wage Ordinance

• Analysis is practical and supported with authorities, including Hong Kong precedents, cases from other jurisdiction and/or international conventions. The Hong Kong Employment Ordinances: Commentary and Annotations is an in-depth review and analysis to each section of these six key ordinances analysing key legislation, legal precedents and the guidelines set forth in them, for example the hiring and status of local and foreign employees, acceptable behavior in the workplace, protection from unjust termination, and more! The book provides a comprehensive guide and analysis in a simple and accessible collected volume. It provides immediate access to the latest legislation and judicial developments in regards to these ordinances with both academic and professional advice and analysis from our expert and experienced panel of annotators.

• Benson Tsoi: Barrister-at-Law, Parkside Chambers

Hong kong ordinances titles

The Hong Kong Employment Ordinances: Commentary and Annotations

Comprehensively covers the major Hong Kong Employment Ordinances: • Cap. 57: Employment Ordinance • Cap. 282: Employees Compensation Ordinance • Cap. 380: Protection of Wages on Insolvency Ordinance • Cap. 509: Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance


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Employment Ordinance NEW

Multiple Authors


Frederick Fong

Renowned author team of experienced practitioners and academics • Michael Ramsden, Barrister-atLaw, Faculty of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong • Luke Marsh, Barrister-at-Law, Faculty of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Provides a thorough analysis of the Employment Ordinance • Includes detailed commentary for each section of the Ordinance Presents a real-world approach to exploring, understanding and applying the Ordinance • The analysis and commentary provided is supported with authoritative sources including: Hong Kong precedents, policy reasons, and cases from other jurisdictions and/or international Conventions • Includes explanations with regard to the practical application of the relevant sections of the Ordinance as applied in practice Sweet & Maxwell Nov 2012 HK$1,400



TABLE OF CONTENTS Patents Ordinance (Cap 514) – Parts I – XIX Schedule 1 Schedule 2 Subsidiary Legislation included: • Patents (Designation of Patent Offices) • Notice (Cap 514A) • Patents (Transitional Arrangement) • Rules (Cap 514B) • Patents (General) Rules (Cap 514C) Sweet & Maxwell Jul 2012 HK$2,000



Authored by Frederick Fong • From Anthony Cheung’s Chambers Up-to-date and comprehensive covering each and every section of the Ordinance plus much more

Hong kong ordinances titles

• Farzana Aslam, member of the University of Hong Kong Law Faculty

This book presents the most recent annotated text of the Patents Ordinance (Cap 514), pertaining to patent law in Hong Kong, in a convenient and up-to-date form with section-by-section annotations and commentary provided by a well-regarded practitioner. It reproduces the exact text of the Patents Ordinance section-by-section followed immediately by commentary and analysis of the aforementioned ordinance sections. It incorporates the most recent case law, legal precedents, authoritative materials and amendments/revisions of particular sections. Additionally, it provides the legislative history and legal debates which led to the creation and wording of that particular section of the Ordinance.

• Gives references to the most recent cases assisting in the interpretation of each section, relevant rules of court, definitions of words and phrases, discussion on practical aspects of application and contentious issues

hong konG & china titles

The Hong Kong Employment Ordinance provides a thorough analysis of the Ordinance with detailed commentary for each section. It presents a real-world approach in examining, understanding and applying the Ordinance in practice. The analysis and commentary are authoritatively supported with Hong Kong precedents, policy reasons, and cases from other jurisdictions and/ or international conventions. This title is an indispensable reference and guide for anyone who requires an understanding and insight on applications of the Employment Ordinance.

Presents real-world and practical legal applications for daily practice

The Hong Kong Patents Ordinance: Commentary and Annotations

• Contains the most relevant and recent legal precedents, legislative history, and public policy concerns for readers to analyse and learn about that particular section/part of the Ordinance • Hong Kong and international cases from the UK and EU, related legislation and other authoritative materials are identified and discussed in detail Reader-friendly format provides precise, concise analysis and commentary • Ideal for busy practitioners, gets you to the information you need quickly • Each section and subsection is highlighted in the headings for easy reference

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Minimum Wage Ordinance NEW

Multiple authors

Electronic Transactions Ordinance

The Hong Kong Arbitration Ordinance: Commentary and Annotations

Pádraig Walsh; Amita Kaur

Hong kong & china titles

General Editor: John Choong; Romesh Weeramantry

Minimum Wage Ordinance is a vital resource and reference for anyone dealing with employment related issues to have on hand for a quick analysis and solutions to any questions that may arise in regards to the applicability of new Minimum Wage Ordinance. Vital resource and reference for employment related professionals • Analyses and presents solutions in regards to the applicability of the Ordinance • Provides answers to the debates and criticisms brought by the new law • Gives advice from the perspectives of both sides of the debate Renowned author team of employment law academics & practitioners

Hong kong ordinances titles

• Written by top academics and practitioners who have extensive experience in dealing with employment issues In-depth analytical commentary and thoughts on the new Minimum Wage Ordinance • Every section of the Ordinance is annotated and thoroughly discussed • Includes practical analysis supported with authorities, including Hong Kong precedents, cases from other jurisdiction and/or international conventions Sweet & Maxwell Jan 2012 HK$800



Electronic Transactions Ordinance provides complete analysis of the 2004 amendments incorporated in the Ordinance. It includes practical commentary for every section of the Ordinance, explanations with regard to the practical application of the relevant sections of the Ordinance as applied in practice in today’s financial and commercial transactions. Useful references from other jurisdictions (UK, Singapore, etc) comparing their systems with that of Hong Kong’s are also included. Provides thorough analysis of the Electronic Transactions Ordinance • With detailed commentary for each section of the Ordinance • The 2004 Amendments to the Ordinance are fully incorporated and explained in the commentaries Renowned author team • Pádraig Walsh, Clyde & Co • Amita Kaur, Clyde & Co Provides a technical, real-world application approach to exploring, understanding and analysing the Ordinance • The analysis and commentary provided is supported with authorities, including Hong Kong precedents, policy reasons, and cases from other jurisdiction and/or international conventions • Includes explanations with regard to the practical application of the relevant sections of the Ordinance as applied in practice in today’s financial and commercial transactions Sweet & Maxwell Nov 2011 HK$900




The Arbitration Ordinance, passed in November 2010, aims to reform the arbitration law in Hong Kong. Under the new law, Hong Kong will follow the international standard – the Uncitral Model Law, and there will be no separate regimes for “domestic” and “international” arbitrations. These changes will definitely cause significant impact to arbitration proceedings in Hong Kong. As the new law is intended to be selfcontained, i.e. easier for users to find all relevant provisions in one place, this publication will serve as a onestop-shop and user-friendly guide for readers who need to refer to the new law on a daily basis. Written by top arbitration experts • General Editors: John Choong and Romesh Weeramantry • Contains expert commentary by fourteen arbitration specialists with experience in both international and domestic arbitrations in a wide range of industries and specialities Guides legal practitioners and all relevant professions to grasp the new Ordinance • A comprehensive work containing distinctions between the new and the old law • Covers every section of the Arbitration Ordinance. Each section is self-contained (with the law itself and the commentary) with useful cross references Provides a technical approach to explore, understand and analyse the new law • Practical analysis supported with authorities, including Hong Kong precedents, cases from other jurisdictions and/or international conventions

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hong konG & china titles

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Arbitration Law in Hong Kong: Past and Present 2. The Model Law and the Arbitration Ordinance: Relevant Background 3. Preliminaries 4. General Provisions 5. Arbitration Agreement 6. Composition of the Arbitral Tribunal 7. Jurisdiction of the Arbitral Tribunal 8. Interim Measures and Preliminary Orders 9. Conduct of Arbitral Proceedings 10. Making of the Award and Termination of Proceedings 11. Recourse against the Award 12. Recognition and Enforcement Sweet & Maxwell Jun 2011 HK$2,000



Hong kong ordinances titles

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The leading work on civil and criminal evidence, Phipson on Evidence: Jackson & Powell on Professional Liability is divided into two parts: chapters covering the general law around professional liability - the duties, remedies, defences, litigation, human rights issues - are followed by detailed chapters covering individual professions in turn.

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The new edition:

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The authority on the law of negligence, and frequently cited in court, Charlesworth & Percy on Negligence covers both common law and statutory duty and: • Sets out the general principles, covering duty of care, liability and causation

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Offering a one-stop source to all the elements, principles, legislation and case law surrounding sale of goods not just in the UK but internationally, Benjamin’s Sale of Goods has firmly established itself as the only title you need on sale of goods. Frequently cited in court, its depth and coverage makes Benjamin an essential reference tool in any commercial law library.

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Organised logically, this title takes you through the whole sales of goods process starting with the nature and formation of these contracts, whilst highlighting legislation and case law you need to be aware of along the way.

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Trial Advocacy in Hong Kong Audrey Campbell; Jack Burke


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Trial Advocacy in Hong Kong is a highly practical work on how to carry out advocacy effectively in Hong Kong. It provides readers with the necessary skills to prepare a case, deliver opening submissions, conduct an examinationin-chief, succeed in the complex art of cross-examination and re-examination, and present closing submissions. Many illustrations of these various skills are included, with references to the legal context that govern these areas. Sweet & Maxwell Aug 2013



Tort Law in Hong Kong

Business Law in Hong Kong

Third Edition


Third Edition

Rick Glofcheski

General Editor: DK Srivastava

Substantially revised and up-to-date with new content across all chapters

General Editor: DK Srivastava

• Incorporates the large body of Hong Kong law that has developed in the past five years • Cites more than 300 new cases including: Luen Hing Fat Coating & Finishing Factory Ltd v Waan Chuen Ming (2011); Blakeney-Williams v Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd (2012); Oriental Press Group Ltd v Fevaworks Solutions Ltd (2012); Payam Tamiz v Google Inc (2012); Oriental Daily Publisher Ltd v Ming Pao Holdings Ltd (2012); plus many more! Places the law in a Hong Kong context • Only in Hong Kong could a court decide that the burning of incense on a daily basis in the 8th floor corridor of a residential building might not be nuisance: Hu Wei Hsin v Ma Hung Wing (2011) Expert authorship by a leading academic • Rick Glofcheski, Professor, School of Law, University of Hong Kong

• Formerly Professor, School of Law, City University of Hong Kong • Pro-Vice Chancellor, O.P. Jindal Global University Revised and up-to-date with new content across all chapters including substantial revisions to the chapters on Contract Law, Tort Law and Agency • Incorporates the large body of Hong Kong law that has developed in the past five years Reader friendly layout and format • Legal principles in very simple language, followed by examples and cases • Problems are shaded in grey and the answers are found directly below • Case summaries are enclosed in a black border, making them immediately apparent to the reader Sweet & Maxwell Oct 2012

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Sweet & Maxwell UK Sep 2012

• Provides a detailed analysis of administrative policies and judicial decisions

legislation and relevant case law to show readers how the UK tax system works both in principle and practice

Gower & Davies: Principles of Modern Company Law Ninth Edition


Professor Paul Davies; Professor Sarah Worthington

• Gives students the comprehensive guidance they need in order to understand this complex area of law, and provides company law professionals with a reliable reference guide • Covers all key areas of company law by way of a detailed, in-depth analysis in one comprehensive and lucid book • Provides an up-to-date source which readers can rely on, incorporating the fundamental changes brought about by the Companies Act 2006 Sweet & Maxwell UK Jul 2012



ADR: Principles and Practice Third Edition


Henry Brown; Arthur Marriott, QC

• Provides an encyclopaedic work of reference for practitioners and students • Integrates practice and theory of dispute resolution with a national and international perspective

academic titles

• Explores and integrates models of practice and negotiation



Sweet & Maxwell UK Apr 2012



Jurisprudence Sweet & Maxwell UK Jun 2012


Sixth Edition Paperback

Megarry & Wade: The Law of Real Property Eighth Edition


Dr Charles Harpum; Stuart Bridge; Dr Martin Dixon

• Places the development of land law in a historical context and sets out clearly the legal framework for real property, enabling practitioners to put the current law in context • Incorporates the raft of recent legislation and case law that has transformed property law in England and Wales, including the Perpetuities and Accumulations Act 2009 and the Supreme Court’s decisions in Cobbe v Yeoman’s Row Management Ltd, Kernott v Jones and Berrisford (FC) v Mexfield Housing Co-operative Limited • Provides a comprehensive examination of the rights and liabilities of landowners, setting out the legal requirements, explaining the technical issues and providing authoritative interpretation of statutes and measured analysis of relevant decisions Sweet & Maxwell UK

Sweet & Maxwell UK Jun 2012

of the rationale of why those rules are formulated in the way they are, assists a deep understanding of the fundamental principles of the subject.

Jun 2012




Professor Brian Bix

• Significantly revised and updated throughout • References and summaries scholarship through to 2012 • Expanded discussion of many important topics Sweet & Maxwell UK Apr 2012



Probate Practice in Hong Kong Third Edition


Christopher Sherrin

Comprehensive coverage • The only text in Hong Kong which covers both the substantive law and practice of non-contentious probate matters • Divided into four parts: matters pre-grant, obtaining the grant, administration and distribution of the estate Practical approach

• Comprehensive coverage at the appropriate level of detail for the standard full year course length to encourage a full appreciation of this complex subject.

Dr Dennis Baker

• Explains probate practice in a straightforward and sequential way with ample use of essential sample documents and checklists to help ensure all steps are completed

• Discusses the cases without overwhelming the reader with too much detail

Written by Christopher Sherrin, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong

• An accessible, learner friendly style – retaining a strong academic content – combined with the author’s lively, imaginative writing, encouraging students to engage with the subject.

• Readable and lucid style with unique question and answer format to encourage the reader to engage with the text

• Has written extensively in key practitioner texts on wills, intestacy, and trusts in Hong Kong and the UK

Glanville Williams Textbook of Criminal Law

Gateway to Land Law Nicola Jackson


• Clear exposure and analysis of the key rules and cases of land law, and more extensive explanation


Third Edition


• A range of illuminating practical examples to stimulate critical thought

Sweet & Maxwell Apr 2012

[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification



government, and especially those of its arbitration reformers

Holiday Law Fifth Edition


Professor David Grant; Stephen Mason

• Provides a comprehensive guide to the law as it relates to all forms of holidays • Includes the nature of the contractual relationship between tour operator, civil liability and the effects of insolvency • Examines the travel industry and looks at the agencies that regulate the industry

Author: Dr. Gu Weixia • Dr. Gu Weixia (顧維遐) is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong. She was educated in China, Hong Kong and the United States. In 2006, she was a Fulbright scholar at New York University. She specialises in arbitration, business dispute resolution, and commercial law Sweet & Maxwell Mar 2012



Sweet & Maxwell UK Mar 2012



Effective Legal Research Third Edition Arbitration in China: Regulation of Arbitration Agreements and Practical Issues Dr. Gu Weixia



John Knowles

• Helps users find the material they need with the minimum of effort, and to use it with confidence – essential skills for every law student • Presents the information in a step-by-step format, leading the reader through the world of legal research from using a law library to searching online • Explains how to research EU and ECHR materials

Articulates a dynamic theory on international, commercial arbitration

Includes an abundance of empirical evidence and comparative perspectives • A useful source for those interested in not only the progress made in Chinese arbitration institutions, but also the broader political and economic dimensions of Chinese arbitral developments Goes beyond academic enquiries, incorporating practice and policy concerns • Topics discussed include a wide range of issues that have received serious attention from the Chinese

Mar 2012



Nutshell European Union Law Seventh Edition


Mike Cuthbert

• A model question with answer plan is included at the end of each chapter to help students get top marks, including how to translate knowledge to exam performance, how to approach the question, how to structure the answer, pitfalls and how to avoid them • Diagrams throughout to visualise and reinforce complex points

Nineteenth Edition


Dr Jill Martin

• Examines all the latest case law, including Jones v Kernott on the family home; Sinclair Investments (UK) Ltd v Versailles Trade Finance Ltd on personal and proprietary remedies for breach of fiduciary duty; and Pitt v Holt on the jurisdiction to set aside a disposition by trustees or by a settlor on the ground of mistake • Discusses changes brought about by all recent legislation, including the Perpetuities and Accumulations Act 2009 and the Equality Act 2010, which abolishes the presumption of advancement • Provides coverage of the latest Law Commission reports Sweet & Maxwell UK Feb 2012



Nutcase: Constitutional & Administrative Law Sixth Edition


Dr Maureen Spencer; Dr John Spencer

• The text is broken down into manageable bite-sized chunks and bullets to aid navigation, assimilation and retention of information • Each chapter opens with a short introduction to outline the key concepts covered and condense complex and important information – so that students know what they need to commit to memory by the end of the chapter • The longest running revision guide series on the market, relied upon and trusted by students for over 30 years Sweet & Maxwell UK Feb 2012



• Includes documents such as tables of cases and statutes, lists of exam tips and lists of web resources Sweet & Maxwell UK Feb 2012



[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification


academic titles

• Covers all major stages of the arbitral procedure in China – validity requirements at the drafting stage, relationship with the tribunal’s jurisdiction and power, and finally, judicial review by the people’s courts examining the unique system of arbitration that has developed – arbitration with Chinese characteristics

Sweet & Maxwell UK

Hanbury & Martin: Modern Equity

to easily identify the relative significance of the cases examined

Nutcases Land Law Sixth Edition


Chris Chang

• Equips students with a full understanding of the most important cases, from the facts through to the decision and key principles • Highlights Court of Appeal, House of Lords and Supreme Court cases to enable time-pushed students to easily identify the relative significance of the cases examined • Includes boxed “think points” at the end of each chapter providing further case analysis and encouraging critical thinking – helping students to think like a lawyer

• Includes boxed “think points” at the end of each chapter providing further case analysis and encouraging critical thinking – helping students to think like a lawyer Sweet & Maxwell UK Mar 2012



Civil Procedure in Hong Kong – A Guide to the Main Principles Second Edition



academic titles

• Enables the reader to gain a concise overview of the subject’s major theories, developments, cases and legislation – ideal for when the reader is new to a subject or needs to brush up before exams • Content is more sophisticated than other revision titles, encouraging engagement with content rather than memorising cases • Key definitions, cases and legislation are boxed throughout – quickly get up to speed on a subject


Nutcases European Union Law Sixth Edition


Penelope Kent


Ninth Edition

Covers main stages of civil litigation • Differentiates between the current rules and old versions of rules that are still potentially relevant; and in the context of the current rules, between new/amended rules under the CJR and pre-CJR rules which remain unchanged Completely up-to-date • Incorporates 2 full years of postCJR court decisions up to May 2011 • Includes updated judicial guidance on the interpretation and application of the many new provisions of Hong Kong’s civil litigation landscape.



• Enables the reader to gain a concise overview of the subject’s major theories, developments, cases and legislation – ideal for when the reader is new to a subject or needs to brush up before exams • Content is more sophisticated than other revision titles, encouraging engagement with content rather than memorising cases • Key definitions, cases and legislation are boxed throughout – quickly get up to speed on a subject Sweet & Maxwell UK Jan 2012



International Banking & Finance Law: Principles and Regulations Mark Hsiao, LLB, LLM (LSE:Lond), PhD (IALS:Lond)

• Covers areas such as sanctioned payments/offers, expert evidence, underlying objectives and case management Sweet & Maxwell Jan 2012


• Equips students with a full understanding of the most important cases, from the facts through to the decision and key principles

EU Environmental Law

• Court of Justice and the General Court cases are highlighted to enable time-pushed students

• Detailed insight into EU


Jan 2012

Nutshell Contract Law

Provides commentary on recent case law

Sweet & Maxwell UK 9780414022959

Sweet & Maxwell UK

Dave Lau


Professor Francis Rose

Feb 2012

• Examines the relationship between Community law and the laws of Member States

Robert Duxbury

Nutshell Company Law Eighth Edition

• Explains the development and sources of EC environmental law, relevant organisations, different types of instruments (legal, political and practical) and decision-making procedures


Sweet & Maxwell UK Feb 2012

environmental law written by an author with 30 years’ experience of working within the European Commission


Seventh Edition, University Edition NEW Professor Ludwig Kramer

Author Mark Hsiao is an expert in the field with a wealth of practical and academic experience • Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong • Taught financial law at University of London and was the director for the MBA Banking on the University of

[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification

London External Programme • Lectured Equity & Trust, English Commercial Law, Company Law, and Banking & Finance at the Bangor University Contains legal and regulatory rules of the five main financial entities/ markets: Hong Kong, China, The United States, European Union and United Kingdom • Laws of each region are illustrated and compared • Provides information on how these markets interact with each other to co-exist in the international financial market • Covers the regulatory schemes in place to prevent the abuse of the banking system leading to another financial crisis Efficiently guides the reader through legal principles related to banking practice and financial regulations in four, convenient parts • Foundation of the markets – a view of what constitutes the markets

programmes • Has written extensively on contract law “Demystifies” complex principles • Explains the underlying principles of contract law • Elucidates some of the more intricate aspects of contract law Focuses on local law and application in particular • Provides a clear and comprehensive account of the modern law of contract, written in the context of Hong Kong setting • High relevance to Hong Kong’s contract law practice Sweet & Maxwell Sep 2011



• Rules and regulations – discusses those which have an impact on the international transactions

Nov 2011



Contract Law in Hong Kong Lee Mason

• Topics such as preparation for trial and video recorded interviews have been expanded • New chapters on The Duty Lawyer and Legal Aid, The Solicitor as Prosecutor, and Conflicts of Interest Sweet & Maxwell Sep 2011



The Law of the Hong Kong Constitution

Criminal Litigation in Hong Kong Third Edition Christopher Knight; Anthony Upham

Fully examines all aspects of the Basic Law • Provides comprehensive analysis of the Basic Law and the concept of “one country, two systems” A practical ‘survival kit’ plus much more • Emphasises good professional practice and risk avoidance measures to protect the practicing solicitor from accusations of negligence or unprofessional conduct • Focuses on problems practitioners are likely to encounter, provides practical guidance on how to deal with these situations, and to obtain the maximum advantage for the client • Illustrates processes from receiving clients’ instructions to guidance through the entire litigation process • Contains sample documents to use, tricks of the trade, and detailed checklists

Written by an expert in contract law – Mr Lee Mason

Written by experienced criminal litigation experts

• Assistant Professor of Law at the University of Hong Kong, teaches primarily in the area of Contract Law on both the JD and LLB

• Christopher Knight, senior partner at Knight & Ho, has been practicing law in Hong Kong for over 30 years • Anthony Upham has had

• Contains both the breadth and the depth that the Basic Law entails-no aspect has been left untouched • From the law relating to state immunity in Democratic Republic of Congo v. FG Hemisphere Associates LLC, to rights protection, to the issue of electoral reform Powerful author team, with real expertise • General Editors Professor Johannes Chan and Professor C.L. Lim and a team of distinguished contributors, are adept at identifying areas of potential difficulty within the subject Addresses the unique situation of Hong Kong’s constitution • Deals with the rights that belong to Hong Kong and the way those rights have been enforced by Hong Kong courts • Contains a detailed statement and discussion of the relevant legal principles in relation to those Articles of the Basic Law most

[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification


academic titles

Sweet & Maxwell

Substantially new and expanded content

General Editors: Johannes Chan SC (Hon); C.L. Lim

• International transaction fundamentals – basic questions and answers asked in the beginning of international transactions, e.g. conflict of laws • Risk mitigation – examination of the important techniques and strategies essential to both international and domestic instruments

international experience in practicing criminal law and now teaches on the LLB and the PCLL at the University of Hong Kong

frequently litigated and advised upon

General Editor: Philippa Hewitt

Sweet & Maxwell Sep 2011


Family Law and Practice in Hong Kong

• Unique practical content, including chapters on Commercial IP and Internet IP


• Suitable for barristers, solicitors, corporate and in-house counsel, Government departments, academics and students

Construction Law and Practice in Hong Kong Second Edition Teresa Cheng S.C.; Gary Soo

Covers recent, dramatic changes in the law • Replaces the “reasonableness needs” approach with a fairer 50/50 rights based approach • Covers Legal Aid changes to the Ordinary Scheme and Supplementary Scheme

Only construction law publication written by professionals in construction law

Content reviewed by District Court Judges

• Gary Soo – specialised in construction related disputes; a Chartered Engineer

Clear, concise, comprehensive and practical

• Includes specific chapters on construction contracts, covering the 2005 standard form of building contracts and the NEC3 forms academic titles

• Incorporates the 2011 amendments to the English Family Proceedings Rules

• Teresa Cheng – specialised in international construction, commercial and investment disputes in various jurisdictions; a Chartered Engineer

Practical commentaries on all aspects of construction law

Completely up-to-date covering the Arbitration Ordinance and Civil Justice Reform • Substantial revision and additions for various chapters with important local case law development in Hong Kong since the 2004 edition


• Reviewed by District Family Court Judges: HHJ Bruno Chan, HHJ CK Chan, and HHJ Sharon Melloy

• Detailed Precedents provided in the Appendix for new/ first time family law practitioners • International Jurisdiction chapter written by practitioners of those jurisdictions • Provides practitioners with all the necessary tools to work within the realm of Family Law Sweet & Maxwell May 2011



• Draws on valuable experiences and comparisons with the UK, US and EU. Sweet & Maxwell Jan 2011



Cases and Materials on International Law Seventh Edition Professor David Harris

• Supplements cases and materials with expert commentary and analysis • Provides broad and comprehensive treatment of the subject making it a sound basis for any Public International Law course • Incorporates all major developments in the subject, including the expansion of human rights issues in International law Sweet & Maxwell UK Jun 2010



Hong Kong Mediation Handbook General Editor: Dr Raymond H M Leung

Intellectual Property Law and Practice in Hong Kong

Sweet & Maxwell Jul 2011

with analysis on Companies (Amendment) Ordinance 2010 and the Copyright (Amendment) Ordinance 2009


Kenny Wong; Alice Lee

• Only comprehensive book on mediation in Hong Kong • Outlines the important process of mediation, including the legal aspect • Comprehensive text covering every aspect of IP in Hong Kong • Most up-to-date contents


• Enables readers to develop highly complex and technical mediation skills, and related methodology, and put these skills immediately

[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification

into practice • Includes chapters on specialist mediation, such as construction disputes and financial products disputes Sweet & Maxwell Dec 2009



at admissions into prison and following the process through, considering daily life in prison right through to release • A comprehensive account of the laws governing prisons is provided, including admissions, disciplinary offences, parole and life sentences

Principles and Practice of Civil Procedure in Hong Kong Second Edition Camille Cameron; Elsa Kelly

Sweet & Maxwell UK

The Law and Practice of Hong Kong Companies Second Edition

Aug 2009



International Law

John Brewer

Sixth Edition Professor Rebecca Wallace

• Describes the substantive procedural principles - critical to an understanding of the International legal process

This practical book will present you with everything that you need for your day to day practice. From incorporation to dissolution, formation of joint ventures, the purchase of sole trader and partnership business to civil and criminal proceedings. This edition is highly popular and the practical work offers you even more coverage and detail.

Sweet & Maxwell Nov 2009



• Provides detailed discussion of human rights issues Sweet & Maxwell UK Jun 2009



Parker and Mellows: The Modern Law of Trusts Ninth Edition

• Contains initial and extensive consideration of the changes • Includes a CJR supplement focusing the analysis and impact of fundamental changes in Civil Practice post effective date of April 2nd, 2009.

A J Oakley

Sweet & Maxwell

• Sets out the underlying principles which govern this area of law

Sep 2008

• Uses a practical framework to explore the administration of trusts • Incorporates all key legislation and case law


Paperback academic titles

Content includes the practice and procedure on the listing of companies on the Hong Kong Exchange; the continuing obligations of directors and officers of such companies; and suspension, cancellation and withdrawal of listing of such companies’ shares.

• Incorporates discussion and analysis of both UK and US material including examples of US cases and sources

The second edition of the leading work Principles and Practice of Civil Procedure in Hong Kong provides a comprehensive explanation of the nature and operation of Hong Kong’s procedural rules. Over 2,000 new cases have been considered in publishing the second edition. Civil Justice Reform became effective in early 2009, since then practitioners have to conduct themselves in a very different litigation landscape, in particular how to best utilise the changes for the benefit of clients. The second edition assists practitioners to operate in this very different litigation landscape.

Land Law Fourth Edition John Stevens; Robert Pearce; Nicola Jackson

Sweet & Maxwell UK

Casebook on Scottish Criminal Law Fourth Edition Professor Christopher H W Gane; Sheriff C N Stoddart; James Chalmers

• The first text dedicated to prisons law in Scotland since 1995 • Covers criminal law in respect of imprisonment, both in respect of remands in custody and sentencing • The subject area is broached in a logical way, initially looking

Sep 2008



• Introduces the reader to substantive areas of land law • Explains basic principles and concepts in full in order that students fully grasp the subject • Deals with the complex issues which can arise in relation to priorities between competing interests Sweet & Maxwell UK Aug 2008



[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification


Central Issues in Jurisprudence Third Edition

refer to as they progress through their law courses and legal career. Sweet & Maxwell

Nigel Simmonds

• Gives students the knowledge to enable them to read the original writers with a real understanding of how the theories relate to each other • Presents how theories cluster around certain fundamental issues

Sep 2007



Hong Kong Evidence Casebook Simon N M Young

• Benefits from the author’s ability to make the subject accessible, but without over-simplification

comprehensive overview of Hong Kong’s legal system, making practical use of examples, diagrams and charts where appropriate. The second edition of this popular title confirms the assumptions and conjectures made in the first edition about the legal system after 1 July 1997, with updated examples reflecting the important changes and controversy in the law since the handover. Sweet & Maxwell Sep 2001

Sweet & Maxwell UK Jun 2008



Hong Kong Legal Research John Bahrij

• The first attempt to capture this uniqueness in a collection of cases, statutory materials, and commentary summarising the fundamental principles of evidentiary rules and trial procedures

academic titles

• Collects the major Court of Final Appeal decisions together with leading evidence cases and commentary from around the world

With the increased use of information technology, the last 10 years have seen dramatic changes in which the way research and the law have been made available. How do we know if the law is up-to-date? What sources of law are most reliable? Where can we go to find the range of texts and electronic resources available to assist us in finding the law? In Hong Kong, there are a number of jurisdictions relevant to law students and practitioners namely Hong Kong, China and overseas jurisdictions like the United Kingdom. This book covers basic legal research in these jurisdictions providing coverage of key legal resources. It explains and introduces key terms for legal citation and points to practical legal research techniques and applications. It also provides a research techniques checklist, explanation of key terms and government publications, list of most used journal and law reports citations and list of commonly used websites and government information. A must-have for all law students and practitioners in Hong Kong, this book serves the readers by providing a handy reference that they can continually


• The topics covered include: basic principles of admissibility and exclusion, competence and compellability, admissibility of prior statements, the collateral finality rule, warnings for special witnesses, hearsay, confessions, character evidence, expert opinion evidence and legal professional privilege Sweet & Maxwell Dec 2004



Introduction to Law in the Hong Kong SAR Second Edition Ian Dobinson; Derek Roebuck

An introductory guide to the legal system and the various legal processes that form the basis of the law in Hong Kong. The text provides a useful and

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9789626610336    Paperback

Alternative Dispute Resolution REUTERS/Ina Fassbender

Alternative Dispute Resolution

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Alternative Dispute Resolution

Alternative Dispute Resolution

The hong Kong Mediation Ordinance: Commentary and Annotations Robert Morgan


The annotations and commentaries on the new Mediation Ordinance continues our tradition of being the first to analyse, comment, understand all new laws enacted by Hong Kong. The commentary and annotations define all key terms of the new Ordinance as well as examining and explaining key precedents, such as the ramifications of an “agreement to mediate,” pursuant to whether the mediation will be wholly or partly conducted in Hong Kong or if the agreement to mediate provides that Hong Kong Law is to apply and which will be irrespective of whether the agreement to mediate or even if the mediation itself took place and predates the coming into force of this ordinance.

Analytical Commentary to the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules

Multi-Tasking Judge: Comparative Judicial Dispute Resolution

Dr Peter Binder

Tania Sourdin; Archie Zariski


• Concentrates on the legislative background of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules 2010 • Easy-to-follow article-by-article approach making reference to the official documentation and providing details on the background of each provision • Aimed specifically at aiding you to understand, research and interpret the Rules • The author was a member of the UNCITRAL Working Group that drew up the revised Arbitration Rules

Jan 2013 HK$2,886


• Brings together a series of conference papers presented by international experts in the field of judicial dispute resolution at the International Research Collaborative (IRC) in Judicial Dispute Resolution • Introduces 12 key papers from the IRC discussing judicial dispute resolution, reproducing the papers in an extended format and concluding with outcomes of the IRC Thomson Reuters Australia Jan 2013 HK$1,080

Sweet & Maxwell UK Hardback

Sweet & Maxwell Oct 2013 TBC




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Carel van Lynden


Arbitrators’ Insights, Essays in honour of Neil Kaplan NEW

General Editors: Chiann Bao; Felix Lautenschlager

• Explains alongside a questionnaire style covering all relevant aspects across jurisdictions • Gives easy insight in the (im)possibilities of enforcing judgments, awards and deeds around the world. Sweet & Maxwell UK Dec 2012 HK$2,220



Mediation: Law, Policy & Practice (Trial Practice Series) 2012 - 2013 Edition


James R Coben; Sarah Rudolph Cole; Craig A McEwen; Nancy Hardin Rogers; Peter N. Thompson

• Designed for use by judges, legislators, and practicing attorneys • Save research time with tables of federal and state legislation, as well as more than 2,000 key statutes

Mr Neil Kaplan is one of the world’s most eminent international commercial arbitrators. This Liber Amicorum is a rare anthology: a dialogue between leading international arbitrators from around the world. It is a view from the arbitral bench and contains insights from the perspective of the arbitrator. The dialogue is informed by pragmatism and day-to-day experiences. Arbitrators present their cutting-edge arbitral methodology. The way forward and controversial developments are analysed. Mr Kaplan’s pioneering role in Hong Kong, now at the forefront of international and Asian arbitration, is highlighted. It will be a welcome addition to any commercial arbitration library.

Arbitration World Fourth Edition


Karyl Nairn; Patrick Heneghan

• Reader-friendly format in Q&A style, allows for easy crossjurisdictional comparisons, covering over 35 jurisdictions worldwide • Also included is a ‘global overview’ and chapters from key institutions such as WIPO, UNCITRAL, ICC, AAA/IDCR and LCIA • Jurisdictional contributions and key institution chapters are provided by recognised leaders in the field • Provides a quick and easy first look at key issues in arbitration, helpful to general counsel and their clients Sweet & Maxwell UK Sep 2012 HK$3,330



Sweet & Maxwell Oct 2012 HK$1,388



Mediating with Families Third Edition


Mieke Brandon; Linda Fisher West Nov 2012 HK$3,090



Commercial Arbitration in Australia Second Edition


Doug Jones

• Background to the reform process • Relevant case law from around the world • Australian jurisprudence on arbitration law and practice • Section-by-section commentary on the uniform law using the Commercial Arbitration Act 2010 (NSW) as the basis • Consideration of alternative forms of dispute resolution

• Considers the variety and diversity of family relationships, such as those between same-sex, de facto and married couples, parents and adolescents, extended family relationships, siblings and their elderly parents • Discusses assessments for suitability and the range of dispute resolution processes such as shuttle, co-mediation, the conduct of financial and property matters, and the child’s voice in mediation Thomson Reuters Australia

Thomson Reuters Australia Nov 2012 HK$1,451

• Provides unique insights into the theory and practice of mediation in Australia



Aug 2012 HK$950



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Alternative Dispute Resolution

Enforcement of Judgments

Construction Arbitration Handbook Second Edition, 2012 Edition


Arbitration in China: Regulation of Arbitration Agreements and Practical Issues Dr. Gu Weixia

James Acret


Topics include:

Thomson Reuters Australia

Alternative Dispute Resolution

• Case summaries

Feb 2012 HK$907

• Text of the Arbitration Act • Industry rules • Suggestions on how to use alternative language to avoid problems • Discussion of awards enforceability, attacking an award, judicial attitudes toward arbitration, and choosing an arbitrator • Samples of typical contracts pertaining to construction arbitration • Examination of petitions and applications of awards West Jul 2012 HK$1,100



Consent in Context: Fulfilling the Promise of International Arbitration (Multiparty, MultiContract, and Non-Contract Arbitration) 2012 Edition


Karim Youssef

• Provides an in-depth analysis of the difficult issue of parties’ consent in complex multiparty and multicontract international arbitration • Highly comparative in approach, this title corrects popular errors in U.S. conceptions of European law and vice versa • Tracks the changing role of consent in arbitration agreements and subsequent arbitration-related proceedings West

• Covers all major stages of the arbitral procedure in China – validity requirements at the drafting stage, relationship with the tribunal’s jurisdiction and power, and finally, judicial review by the people’s courts examining the unique system of arbitration that has developed – arbitration with Chinese characteristics • A useful source for those interested in not only the progress made in Chinese arbitration institutions, but also the broader political and economic dimensions of Chinese arbitral developments • Topics discussed include a wide range of issues that have received serious attention from the Chinese government, and especially those of its arbitration reformers • Dr. Gu Weixia (顧維遐) is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong. She was educated in China, Hong Kong and the United States. In 2006, she was a Fulbright scholar at New York University. She specialises in arbitration, business dispute resolution, and commercial law




Second Edition Editor-in-Chief: Hon. Chief Justice Ma; General Editor: Denis Brock

A “who’s who” author team of leading experts and practitioners • Editor-in-Chief: Hon. Chief Justice Ma • General Editor: Denis Brock • Contributors include one HKIAC former chairman and three secretary generals Incorporates and explains all the changes brought about by the new Arbitration Ordinance • Significantly rewritten to reflect the changes to the law and practice of arbitration in Hong Kong Substantial new content


• Discusses the recent landmark decision of Democratic Republic of Congo v FG Hemisphere

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Sweet & Maxwell

Fourth Edition

Sep 2011 HK$3,000


• Draws upon two decades of work in theory development, practice, training, research and assessment to provide an up-to-date, hands on resource for practitioners, students and all those involved in ADR processes and systems

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• Over 70% of new material with two new chapters

Sweet & Maxwell Mar 2012 HK$1,000


Arbitration in Hong Kong, A Practical Guide

Tania Sourdin

Jul 2012 HK$1,600


• Explores all key dispute resolution and management processes, as well as specific negotiation, complaints handling, option generation and problem solving strategies



China Arbitration Handbook General Editor: Dr Raymond H M Leung

The Hong Kong Arbitration Ordinance: Commentary and Annotations

Hong Kong Mediation Handbook General Editor: Dr Raymond H M Leung

General Editor: John Choong; Romesh Weeramantry

Written by top arbitration experts

• General Editor Dr Raymond Leung, Past President of Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators and Accredited Arbitrator for CIETAC, Beijing Arbitration Commission, Shenzhen Arbitration Commission, and Wuhan Arbitration Commission

• General Editors: John Choong and Romesh Weeramantry

Not your typical law and practice text

Guides legal practitioners and all relevant professions to grasp the new Ordinance

• The first part discusses the history, definition, resources and procedure of arbitration in China; the second part uses case analyses to show how arbitration is actually performed in China Comprehensive, up-to-date coverage • Key chapter on enforcement of arbitral awards (both domestic and foreign) by PRC courts by a judge of the Supreme People’s Court as well as analysis of actual disputes before arbitration commissions in areas such as construction, shareholder and investment, agency, intellectual property, real estate, labour, maritime and agricultural land Only book that covers all major jurisdictions and goes beyond CIETAC


• Only comprehensive book on mediation in Hong Kong

• A comprehensive work containing distinctions between the new and the old law

• Outlines the important process of mediation, including the legal aspect

• Covers every section of the Arbitration Ordinance. Each section is self-contained (with the law itself and the commentary) with useful cross references

• Enables readers to develop highly complex and technical mediation skills, and related methodology, and put these skills immediately into practice

Provides a technical approach to explore, understand and analyse the new law

• Includes chapters on specialist mediation, such as construction disputes and financial products disputes

• Practical analysis supported with authorities, including Hong Kong precedents, cases from other jurisdictions and/or international conventions Sweet & Maxwell May 2011 HK$2,000

Sweet & Maxwell Jul 2011 HK$2,000

• Contains expert commentary by fourteen arbitration specialists with experience in both international and domestic arbitrations in a wide range of industries and specialities

In recent years mediation in Hong Kong has attracted widespread interest. Since Practice Direction 31 came into effect on 1 January 2010, mediation has been at the forefront of all dispute resolution and litigation. Parties that do not resort to mediation may face adverse cost consequences. Even where the mediation is not successful it is likely to have the positive effect of reducing the conflict and the issues between the parties.



• Essential for solicitors and barristers involved in litigation, in-house counsel, and other professionals including architects, contractors, quantity surveyors, engineers, social workers and human resources personnel Sweet & Maxwell


Principles of Dispute Resolution

Dec 2009 HK$1,890




• Explains the theory, philosophy and practice of dispute resolution in Australia • Examines the basic methods of dispute resolution Thomson Reuters Australia May 2011 HK$518



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Alternative Dispute Resolution

Authors and editorial team are leading experts in the areas of arbitration and mediation

REUTERS/Tim Wimborne


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Banking and Finance REUTERS/Denis Balibouse

Banking and Finance

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Banking and Finance

Banking and Finance

The hong kong Securities and Futures Ordinance: Commentary and Annotations General Editor: Laurence Li


The Hong Kong Securities and Futures Ordinance: Commentary and Annotations is a concise reference work detailing section by section analysis of the complex rules and concepts that are contained in the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap 571). The Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap 571) came into operation on 1st April 2003, and has been assisting industries and protecting investors ever since. With the co-operation of all market participants, this ordinance firmly reinforces Hong Kong’s position as an international finance centre. Hong Kong’s Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap 571) is indeed Hong Kong’s landmark legislation that fully consolidated and revised all the pre-existing legislation regulating the securities, futures and leveraged foreign exchange contracts, intermediaries and markets in Hong Kong into one concise legal document. Sweet & Maxwell again continues its tradition of being the most up-to-date provider of legal information. The Hong Kong Commentary and Annotations Library examines and provides relevant commentary on every section of the Ordinance including the recent updates and amendments made to Sections 18, 102, 103, 104A, 106, 107, 108, 11, 182, 213, 379, 407, Schedule 1, Schedule 5, Schedule 8, and Schedule 10. Our aim here is to once again answer all the questions and shed light to all these amendments and revisions made to these sections of this Ordinance.


This publication continues the format where the exact text of each section of the Ordinance is reproduced and is then immediately followed by the detailed legislative history, analysis, explanations, and commentaries on the legal significance of that particular section. This Ordinance is what guides the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) of Hong Kong in overseeing and regulating the securities and futures markets in Hong Kong. The SFC is responsible for fostering an orderly securities and futures market, to protect investors and to help promote Hong Kong as an international financial centre and a key financial market in China. In this regard, the SFC was created and authorised in accordance to all relevant powers endowed to it under the Ordinance. Accordingly, this publication in addition to providing annotations and commentary on all sections of the Ordinance, also examines the following topics: • Setting and enforcing market regulations • Licensing and supervising market participants such as brokers, investment advisers and fund managers • Supervising market operators including exchanges, automated trading services and clearing houses • Authorising offering documents of investment products to be offered to the public • Overseeing corporate activities of listed companies under the Codes on Takeovers and Mergers and Share Repurchases

This publication will be the ultimate guide to the laws and legislation related to Hong Kong’s all important securities, futures, and money markets. Sweet & Maxwell Nov 2013 TBC


Banking Law in Hong Kong NEW

Claire Wilson

This title focuses on the fundamental aspects of Banking Law in Hong Kong with highlights in the commercial banking industry as well as regulatory and banking law issues. This book provides readers with an up-todate commentary of the current law governing the banking sector in Hong Kong. In discussing the core areas of Banking Law, the book addresses: (i) banking policy, regulation and supervision; (ii) the structure of banking business in Hong Kong; (iii) issues related to banking business; (iv) the prevention of financial abuse; and (v) electronic banking. This publication also focuses on the current status of banking in Hong Kong. Since the financial crisis in 2008, Banking Policy has been updated to promote stability and to address systemic risk. This has led to changes in legislation and other regulations and codes of conduct. Sweet & Maxwell Oct 2013 TBC

• Educating investors on markets, investment products and their risks

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A Practitioner’s Guide to the Regulation of Market Abuse NEW

Martyn Hopper

• Explains the key aspects of the UK Market Conduct Regulations • Covers the scope of the UK regime, and explains when it applies

Salinger on Factoring Fifth Edition


Noel Ruddy; Simon Mills; Nigel Davidson

• A comprehensive guide to the law and practice relating to factoring and invoice finance • Discusses the various forms, uses, and methods by which factoring can help businesses

• Explains when trading is considered misleading or a distortion of the market

• Looks at the origins and nature of modern factoring

• Shows how the market abuse regime applies in primary markets

• Covers commodities futures trading • Looks at how the market abuse regime applies to the fund management industry • Covers the review of the Market Abuse Directive and its implications • Discusses the UK’s new regulatory infrastructure including the transition from the FSA to the PRA and FCA • Looks in-depth at EU level regulatory structure changes and how they affect Market Abuse regulation in the UK Sweet & Maxwell UK Apr 2013 HK$1,850



Sweet & Maxwell UK Mar 2013 HK$2,886



Principles of Hong Kong Banking Law Mark Hsiao, LL.B, LL.M (LSE:Lond), PhD(IALS:Lond)


• Unveils the uniqueness of the Hong Kong banking supervisory and regulatory system • Explains monetary function of the HKMA under Basic Law as to the extent of its power in market stability and regulation • Covers all banking related topics including the settlement system in Hong Kong and its relationship with RMB offshore clearing system Sweet & Maxwell

Project Finance Fourth Edition

• Examines the use and misuse of factoring, the limitations on its use and its benefits

Feb 2013


Graham Vinter; Gareth Price; David Lee

• Explains the legal issues involved in the tendering, negotiation, financial structuring and management of infrastructure and energy products • Provides detailed guidance in one source on the many branches of law involved in a typical project financing • Covers all types of project financing, from large cross-border upstream oil & gas projects to small publicprivate partnership projects




Experienced authorship by Professor David C. Donald, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Law • Possesses years of experience in the areas of securities markets and market structure gained in Europe, the U.S. and Hong Kong • Executive Director of the CUHK Law Faculty’s Centre for Financial Regulation and Economic Development Comprehensive and completely up-todate, exploring hot topic issues such as: • Roles and powers of the SFC and the HKEx • The law and operation of securities trading on the SEHK and HKFE • The law and operation of clearing and settlement in HKSCC, CCASS, HKCC, DCASS • The place of Hong Kong within the international and Chinese financial systems The book offers an analysis and evaluation of the HKEx’s recent strategic initiatives, including: • The increasing role of trading in securities denominated in RMB • The upgrade of computer systems to handle more speed and data flow • The increasing importance of international alliances and acquisitions Sweet & Maxwell Dec 2012




Sweet & Maxwell UK Apr 2013 HK$3,700



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Banking and Finance

• Deals with market abuse and listed companies and in M&A transactions


David C. Donald

• Discusses what constitutes a misleading statement

• Covers tipping and insider trading

The Hong Kong Stock and Futures Exchanges – Law and Microstructure

the Chinese currency and its effects on:

Everett and McCracken’s Banking and Financial Institutions Law

i. International trade


ii. Banking

Sheelagh McCracken; Joanna Bird; John Stumbles; GJ Tolhurst

iii. Securities market

iv. Hong Kong’s monetary system

Eighth Edition

This title contains: • a new chapter analysing the operation of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth)

Banking and Finance

• a reworked and extended chapter on the regulatory framework, including a new focus on regulatory policy • a new chapter on regulatory regimes

Sweet & Maxwell Nov 2012 HK$780



Project Finance Andrew Thomas; Stewart Hills


• a new chapter on allocation of risk between financial institutions and their clients

found in FSMA, the FSA Handbook, various exchange rules, the Takeover Code and civil and criminal law • Includes coverage of the FSA, Takeover Code, Corporate Governance Code and other civil and criminal issues, and how they interact • Gives the reader detailed guidance on the establishment and maintenance of appropriate systems and controls and the steps to take to ensure effective risk management • Includes important guidance on US securities laws and how these impact on UK listed companies Sweet & Maxwell UK Sep 2012 HK$1,998



Thomson Reuters Australia Dec 2012 HK$1,210



The Renminbi’s Changing Status and the Chinese and Hong Kong Financial Systems Multiple Authors


• Reader friendly Q & A allowing for easy cross jurisdictional analysis • Point of reference for global practitioners, legal advisors and corporate counsel • In-depth analysis of the regulatory and structuring issues and solutions often encountered in project finance transactions • Assists in the understanding of the diversity of risks associated with project finance transactions and the consequential managing of those risks

This collection includes papers presented at the inaugural conference of the Law Faculty of the Chinese University of Hong Kong’s Centre for Financial Regulation and Economic Development (CFRED), held 11–13 August 2011. Contributors are academics, a consultant, a development bank official and a barrister who are well versed and familiar with the money markets in Hong Kong and China:

Sweet & Maxwell UK Nov 2012 HK$2,220



A Practitioner’s Guide to Inside Information Second Edition


Brian McDonnell


2012 - 2013 Edition


Multiple Authors

• Covers the all-important FoFA reforms, including details and analysis of the two Acts that have now introduced the first and second tranches of the reforms, covering opt-in, best interests duty, etc. The FoFA transitional rules concerning early adopters are also covered, as is ASIC’s focus on financial advice post-FoFA • Extensively covers financial planning compliance requirements, especially important given the increased attention from the Government and ASIC • Provides in-depth practical coverage concerning superannuation, including planning tips, checklists and examples, as well as impacts on retirement planning and social security benefits Thomson Reuters Australia

• Chapters and papers are the collected expert views of authors from around the world, each working in different disciplines, addressing the main and critical aspects of the Renminbi’s changing status Includes discussions on various issues arising from the changing status of

Australian Financial Planning Handbook

Sep 2012 HK$1,469

• Addresses the law and regulation with respect to inside information

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International Banking Law & Regulation

Partnering with Financial Planners

2012 - Second Edition

Scott Charlton


Center for International Legal Studies


A Practitioner’s Guide to Conflicts of Interest in the Financial Services Industry Rob Helm; Dick Frase; Martin Day


• Written by an international team of recognised experts in 60 jurisdictions

• Written for accountants in practice who are seeking to provide financial services and broader solutions to their clients

• Creates a comprehensive resource on international banking law and regulation

• An excellent publication which opens the door to providing extended services to clients

• Examines the complex laws and regulations concerning the concept of conflicts of interest as it has been applied to the financial services industry in the UK, US and other important jurisdictions

Thomson Reuters Australia

• Includes detailed coverage of the UK regulatory landscape

• Explores local regulatory bodies and the banking system; chartering or licensing of banks within the jurisdiction; regulatory and supervisory rules for banks

Sep 2012 HK$4,400




Third Edition


Professor Hal S Scott; Professor Anna Gelpern


• Gives advisers the necessary insights to better understand the mindset, motivations and expectations of people who use and don’t use financial planners • Gives advisers unprecedented access into the thinking of twenty Australians who in one way or another all need or will need education and direction with their financial affairs Thomson Reuters Australia

• Includes a new chapter on Chinese Financial Markets, giving you a detailed overview of the Chinese system with consideration of foreign exchange and capital controls; domestic banking regulation; securities markets and emerging issues • Brings you extensive coverage of the global financial crisis in 2008, looking at the regulatory and legislative reforms that have followed in its wake, for example, Dodd-Frank • Considers the issues surrounding the Eurozone and Greek debt crisis and the Irish debt crisis • Discusses systemic risk for hedge funds • Looks at the Basel II Revisions and the Basel III Accord and considers market discipline alternatives

Sep 2012 HK$562



A Practitioner’s Guide to Trade and Commodity Finance NEW

Geoffrey Wynne

• Provides expert guidance on how conflicts should be managed in the context of UK regulation • Advises on systems and controls to put in place to avoid conflicts arising

What do Financial Planning Clients Really Want? James Evangelidis

International Finance: Law and Regulation


• Looks at all aspects of trade and commodity financing, from preexport financing to enforcement of security and insolvency issues

• Covers the latest EU-level developments and their impact on UK financial institutions • Gives guidance on the impact of US law and regulation, including the Dodd-Frank Act, on institutions outside the US • Covers the situation in certain other jurisdictions including Ireland and Hong Kong, and considers the civil law approach with reference to France, Germany and Luxembourg • Provides a detailed case study illustrating how conflicts of interest can be managed and legal liability contracted out of by the use of appropriately worded engagement letters and the efficacy of information barriers • Looks at the potential future trends and developments Sweet & Maxwell UK Aug 2012 HK$2,146



• Covers the impact of post-credit crisis reforms, including the latest revised Basel Accord • Provides in-depth discussion of risk including risk management, risk transfer issues, regulation and due diligence Sweet & Maxwell UK Aug 2012 HK$2,220



Sweet & Maxwell UK Sep 2012




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Banking and Finance


Sep 2012 HK$648

A Practitioner’s Guide to The Financial Services Authority Listing Regime 2012 - 2013 Edition


• Fully updated in light of the new European regulatory structure, and the latest developments to the UK regulatory structure • Looks in-depth at all other changes to the Listing Rules, Prospectus Rules and DTRs • Includes up to the minute discussion of the FSA consultation on the sponsor regime

Banking and Finance

Sweet & Maxwell UK Jul 2012 HK$1,850



Regulation of Investment Management & Fiduciary Services 2012 Edition


• Covers all the key aspects of derivative products such as creating and structuring derivatives contracts, interpreting and performing standard market agreements, effecting security and collateral arrangements, set-off and netting • Considers the manner in which existing legal principles - such as contract, tort, trusts - relate to OTC derivatives transactions • Analyses the new code for the taxation of derivatives in the UK • Discusses conflict of laws issues • Analyses the standard market documentation in depth • Includes in-depth analysis of cases and regulatory changes • Considers real-world problems faced by practitioners working in-house or in private practice, and suggests solutions

• Clarifies the law governing liability and compliance aspects of the investment and fiduciary business • Provides comprehensive coverage and expert analysis of securities, banking and employee benefits laws, state and federal regulations, compliance requirements, and the avoidance of fiduciary liability



Fifth Edition


Professor Alastair Hudson


• Commentary for each jurisdiction is written and updated by expert practitioners who have first-hand experience with the regulations in their own jurisdiction West Jan 2012 HK$10,350



Sixth Edition Banking Regulation NEW

Rene Bosch


Geraldine Andrews, QC; Richard Millett, QC

• Provides a detailed analysis of the various statutory and contractual requirements relating to the law of guarantees • Looks at the elements of a guarantee, its construction, and its enforcement

• Offers a comprehensive overview of Banking Regulation across 24 jurisdictions • Topics covered include: Authorities, Regulators, Banking licenses, organisation of banks, liquidity and capital adequacy, consolidated supervision, shareholders in the acquisition of banks, resolution and bail out regimes to regulatory developments. Sweet & Maxwell UK

• Provides an extensive analysis and explanation of the legal and regulatory aspects of over-thecounter (OTC) derivatives in the UK and in the EU

• Provides in-depth analysis and expert commentary in the field of securities law are complemented by exact translations of all important regulations and law

Law of Guarantees


The Law on Financial Derivatives

• Focuses exclusively on jurisdictions around the Pacific Rim and is the perfect solution for practitioners and executives who need securities information for this rapidly expanding market of the world


West Jul 2012 HK$3,040


Gordon R. Walker

Sweet & Maxwell UK May 2012 HK$3,256

William Campbell Ries

International Securities Regulation: Pacific Rim

Apr 2012 HK$2,664



• Covers all areas of law including guarantees for loans, consumer credit, hire purchase, landlord and tenant, building contracts and commercial contracts • Examines the guarantor’s liability and rights against both creditors and debtors • Discusses revocation of contracts and discharge of the surety • Deals with insolvency in relation to guarantees • Provides workflow solutions in the format of checklists, specimen pleadings as well as fourteen precedents for use in drafting, making your day-to-day work quicker and easier Sweet & Maxwell UK Jan 2012 HK$3,774

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International Banking and Finance Law: Principles and Regulations Mark Hsiao, LLB, LLM (LSE:Lond), PhD ( IALS:Lond)

• Rules and regulations – discusses those which have an impact on the international transactions

Professor Eva Lomnicka; John L. Powell, QC Sweet & Maxwell Nov 2011 HK$1,280



The Essential Guide to Credit Management and Debt Recovery in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, India

Author Mark Hsiao is an expert in the field with a wealth of practical and academic experience

Encyclopedia of Financial Services Law

Bobby Roberto Rozario; Puru Grover

• Provides section-by-section analysis of the implications of the Financial Services and Markets Act • Details the orders and regulations made under the Act • Features the FSA Handbook • Includes the relevant rules of recognised investment exchanges and designated professional bodies Sweet & Maxwell 9780421368804

Looseleaf Banking and Finance

Since 1987 HK$30,310

• Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong • Taught financial law at University of London and was the director for the MBA Banking on the University of London External Programme • Lectured Equity & Trust, English Commercial Law, Company Law, and Banking & Finance at the Bangor University Contains legal and regulatory rules of the five main financial entities/ markets: Hong Kong, China, The United States, European Union and United Kingdom • Laws of each region are illustrated and compared • Provides information on how these markets interact with each other to co-exist in the international financial market • Covers the regulatory schemes in place to prevent the abuse of the banking system leading to another financial crisis Efficiently guides the reader through legal principles related to banking practice and financial regulations in four, convenient parts • Foundation of the markets – a view of what constitutes the markets • International transaction fundamentals – basic questions and answers asked in the beginning of international transactions, e.g. conflict of laws • Risk mitigation – examination of the important techniques and strategies essential to both international and domestic instruments

Written by experts in the financial and credit/money management industry • Authors have drawn upon their years of professional and academic experience to provide a definitive guide for the industries in Hong Kong as well as Malaysia, Singapore and India Outlines step-by-step processes • Provides knowledge to form a foundation for strong credit and credit collection management in a new, electronic and cyber-credit based economy • Offers on-going education and training as a result of the advent of new technology leading to new policies, regulations and communication preferences Up-to-date content with useful sample forms • Updated to ensure the principles, practices, and procedures outlines are effective and relevant to the focused regions of Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore and India • Includes helpful specimen invoices, letters, and reminders which can be modified to suit any businesses’ needs Sweet & Maxwell Sep 2011




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Hudson’s Building and Engineering Contracts Twelfth Edition, Mainwork & Supplement


Paula Gerber; Melissa Castan

Construction Litigation Handbook Third Edition NEW

• Incorporates material drawn from the Building NSW subscription service


Building Defects Under the Home Building Act 1989 (NSW)

• Provides sought after and up-todate coverage of the home building disputes, involving residential building work in New South Wales Thomson Reuters Australia

• Delivers in-depth explanation and interpretation of the law relating to construction contracts • Considers all key standard construction contracts: JCT, NEC, ICE, FIDIC • Provides guidance and clarification on issues arising from disputes relating to the interpretation of construction contracts • Considers contracts in context of the ever expanding associated legislation and case law Sweet & Maxwell UK Dec 2012 9780414023123 Hardback Mainwork & Supplement   HK$6,734 Dec 2012 9780414024601 Second Supplement   HK$1,110

Jul 2012 HK$1,598


James Acret

Topic includes: • Proximate cause • Duty of good faith and fair dealing • Frustration of purpose, criminal negligence, and recklessness • Breaches of contract • Changes, extras, scheduling, and delay • Exculpatory clauses • Damages • Appellate issues

Construction Law in Australia Third Edition

• Elements and formation of contracts • Interpretation of contracts

Ian Bailey, Matthew Bell

• Rescission

• Regarded as an authoritative yet accessible text on the law relating to building and construction in Australia • Provides a comprehensive overview of the law and is an invaluable resource for students, legal practitioners and construction professionals including engineers, architects and builders

• Warranty • Strict liability • Fraud West Aug 2012 HK$2,900

Paperback Thomson Reuters Australia Jul 2011 HK$1,097






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International Construction Arbitration Handbook

Construction Law & Practice

2012 Edition

Clive Lovatt; Edward Banyard Smith


Sassoon: CIF and FOB Contracts NEW

Troy L. Harris; John W Hinchey

• Offers Practical advice on CIF and FOB contracts and their most common variants with easy reference to solutions for issues you may be face

• Provides practice-oriented materials, including practice tips containing expert advice • Includes extensive appendixes of conventions, treaties, statutes, and arbitration rules relevant to international arbitration, plus sample contract provisions West 9780314801807


• An overview of the construction industry across jurisdictions • An assessment of each country’s legal system and how it applies to the construction industry • Advice on how construction works are procured in each country, including which standard form contracts are commonly used

NEW Sweet & Maxwell UK

• Covers the nature of each sales term under both Common law and the new Incoterms ® 2010 Rules, including: property and risk in the goods, the physical shipment, the documentary tender of bills of lading, policies and certificates of insurance, licences and certificates together with payment, remedies for breach and conflict of laws Sweet & Maxwell UK Feb 2012 HK$4,115



• Assessment on how disputes are commonly resolved

Keating on NEC3 Fifth Edition


Filippo Lorenzon; Lynne Skajaa; Professor Yvonne Baatz; Chris Nicoll

• Covers a current hot topic in the construction law area

Aug 2012 HK$1,880

Fifth Edition


David Thomas, QC; Keating Chambers Mar 2012 HK$2,220



Construction Law and Practice in Hong Kong Second Edition

Keating on Construction Contracts Ninth Edition

Teresa Cheng S.C.; Gary Soo


The Hon Sir Vivian Ramsey; Stephen Furst, QC

• Written by team leading barristers from Keating Chambers, hugely experienced in advising on NEC3 contracts

• Teresa Cheng S.C. – specialised in international construction, commercial and investment disputes in various jurisdictions; a Chartered Engineer

• Goes through the aims and creation of the NEC • Explains the structure of ECC contracts and clarifies how the contract works in practice • Takes you through the core clauses providing expert commentary on each • Gives you practical guidance on drafting and interpreting the contract helping you to find the best way to use the contracts for your situation • Outlines the dispute resolution options so you can agree on the best method when drafting the contract

• Provides detailed commentary on all issues relating to construction contracts • Gives practical help on interpreting legislation and analysing judicial decisions • Covers UK case law and relevant decisions from Europe and overseas • Includes Commentary on JCT Standard Form of Building Contract and Nominated Sub Contract

• Covers the contract data including works

• Features key sections of Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act

Sweet & Maxwell UK

Sweet & Maxwell UK

May 2012 HK$2,886



Only construction law publication written by professionals in construction law

Feb 2012 HK$6,364

• Gary Soo – specialised in construction related disputes; a Chartered Engineer Practical commentaries on all aspects of construction law • Includes specific chapters on construction contracts, covering the 2005 standard form of building contracts and the NEC3 forms Completely up-to-date covering the Arbitration Ordinance and Civil Justice Reform • Substantial revision and additions for various chapters with important local case law development in Hong Kong since the 2004 edition Sweet & Maxwell



Jul 2011 HK$1,200



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It’s never too early to be up-to-date! Watch this space for the latest developments in the Hong Kong White Book Service for 2014

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Civil Procedure and Evidence

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Civil Procedure and Evidence

REUTERS/Grace Liang

Civil Procedure and Evidence

weight of authority when referring to it in court.

Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2013 Edition


Editor-In-Chief: The Hon. Mr. Justice Chan PJ; General Editor: Mr. Martin Rogers

Audrey Campbell; Jack Burke

Civil Procedure and Evidence

CJR IN THE HIGHER COURTS In the three years since Civil Justice Reform has come into force, a large volume of civil procedure cases have now reached the appellate courts. In the Wing Fai case – a decision that is being read all over the world, the Court of Final Appeal recently pronounced on dismissal against want of prosecution and Civil Justice Reform. ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION Developments to alternative dispute resolution continue to gather pace. The development of modern commercial mediation has been covered in the April 2012 Special Release.

Nov 2012 HK$8,400


Editor-in-Chief: The Hon. Mr. Justice Bokhary NPJ General Editor: Godfrey Lam, SC



Bullen & Leake & Jacob’s Precedents of Pleadings Hong Kong is the essential guide to drafting statements of claim. It offers authoritative, structured precedents of statement of claim complete with guiding commentary across both mainstream and specialist areas of practice. This publication provides all the pre-requisite examples and precedents required to equip practitioners for drafting air-tight pleadings. It is encyclopaedic in scope, delivering structured, succinct precedents of statement of case for all branches of litigation.

Aug 2013 TBC


Trial Advocacy in Hong Kong is a highly practical work on how to carry out advocacy effectively in Hong Kong. It provides readers with the necessary skills to prepare a case, deliver opening submissions, conduct an examinationin-chief, succeed in the complex art of cross-examination and re-examination, and present closing submissions. Many illustrations of these various skills are included, with references to the legal context that govern these areas. Sweet & Maxwell Aug 2013 HK$880


Third Edition



Professor Adrian Zuckerman

• Compliments the White Book, outlining the significance of leading cases, highlighting current trends in judicial thinking and suggesting solutions to problems which have no clear answer • Outlines the significance of leading cases • Highlights current trends in judicial thinking

[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification


Zuckerman on Civil Procedure: Principles of Practice

Sweet & Maxwell

The impact of these developments and cases, and the precedential certainty that they create, add to the authority and weight of the 2013 Edition of the Hong Kong White Book. It is the book of the Hong Kong courts – written and reviewed by many esteemed judges and legal practitioners – giving you the



Sweet & Maxwell

Bullen & Leake & Jacob’s Precedents of Pleadings Hong Kong

The sheer volume of activity in the Hong Kong courts year-on-year continues to grow at an exceptional pace. The expectation of the courts that any practitioner appearing before them be up-to-date on new developments remains undiminished.

Trial Advocacy in Hong Kong

• Suggests solutions to problems that have no clear or satisfactory answer

• Sets out what remedies are available and to which situations they are best suited

• Looks backwards to precedents but will also provide arguments for pushing the law in certain directions

• Covers all matters of jurisdiction and the discretionary powers of different courts Sweet & Maxwell UK

Sweet & Maxwell UK Apr 2013 HK$2,798



Dec 2012 HK$1,406



for the increase in the cost of high court litigation in recent years • Most significant is a new chapter on “limited, selective and implied waiver” of privilege • Also includes a new chapter on exclusion of documentary evidence • The chapter on destruction and deletion of documents has been rewritten Sweet & Maxwell UK

Phipson on Evidence A-Z of Civil Litigation Second Edition


Seventeenth Edition, Mainwork & Supplement


Hodge M Malek, QC

James Pyke

Allan Leung; Douglas Clark

• Examines in detail all aspects of the complex principles and procedures which make up the law of evidence • Covers every area of the subject in depth, so that the work can be relied upon to solve even the most complex questions relating to evidence

Experienced and respected authorship

• Takes into account the introduction of the Civil Procedure Rules, the Criminal Justice Act 2003

• Douglas Clark: Barrister-at-law, Gilt Chambers

Dec 2012 9780414024137 Hardback Mainwork & Supplement   HK$6,586 Dec 2012 9780414027046 Second Supplement   HK$1,406

• Detailed commentary on the courts’ new powers on case management

Sweet & Maxwell UK 9780414047822


Injunctions Eleventh Edition

• Allan Leung: Senior Partner, Hogan Lovells

Completely up-to-date with new content covering numerous changes to the dispute resolution process as the result of CJR

Sweet & Maxwell UK Mar 2013 HK$1,022



• Updated section on mediation NEW

David Bean

• Updated chapter on the new Arbitration Ordinance

Documentary Evidence Eleventh Edition


Charles Hollander, QC

Provides a well-rounded guide to dispute resolution in Hong Kong • Detailed commentary and analysis from practitioners with real-world experience • Checklists • Sample documents Sweet & Maxwell

• Covers the full range of injunctions in one volume • Provides a concise and practical guide with particular emphasis on explanation of procedure

Oct 2012



• Includes a new chapter on electronic disclosure, arguably the single most important reason

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Civil Procedure and Evidence

• Published both as a handy paperback book and as an online product, to ensure convenient access to the content


Fourth Edition

• Clear explanations of the Civil Procedure Rules and what they mean in practice

• Includes cross-references to related topics, helping to pinpoint the exact information needed


Civil Litigation in Hong Kong

• A quick and easy guide to civil litigation and Civil Procedure Rules

• Each entry includes a resume of the applicable Rule, which explains the relevant procedure or particular requirements of the court, in plain language.

Nov 2012 HK$3,034



Dicey, Morris & Collins on the Conflict of Laws

The Conflict of Laws in Hong Kong

Fifthteenth Edition


Civil Procedure and Evidence

• Explains the rules, principles and practice that determine how the law of England and Wales relates to other legal systems, dealing (in volume 1) with general principles, procedure, state immunity, jurisdiction of courts, enforcement of foreign judgments and international arbitration, before covering (in volume 2) family law, property law, corporations and bankruptcy, contracts, torts, unjust enrichment and equitable claims, and foreign currency obligations • Sets out the nature and scope of conflict of laws, the interpretation of statutes which implement international conventions and the operation of statures in the conflict to laws • Defines a range of geographical and technical terms used in conjunction with conflict of laws Sweet & Maxwell UK 9780414024533

Ninth Edition NEW



John Forbes

• Provides practitioners and students alike with reliable and comprehensive commentary on the Evidence Act 1977 (Qld) for over two decades

Graeme Johnston

Multiple Authors

Oct 2012 HK$5,846

Second Edition

Evidence Law in Queensland

Completely up-to-date, reflecting all significant developments since the first edition • An entirely new chapter on the conflict of laws aspects of arbitration, taking account of the Arbitration Ordinance • Detailed analysis of the important post-2005 statutes affecting domicile and the cross-border enforcement of judgments • Full consideration of the law on state immunity following FG Hemisphere and Intraline, including issues such as waiver and state owned enterprises • The impact of the civil justice reforms, including the new regime on injunctions in support of foreign proceedings (replacing the Leiduck rule)

• Incorporates fresh analysis of legislative and case law developments, including commentary fully revised to accommodate relevant judicial developments since June 2010, amendments to the Evidence Act 1977 (Qld) effected by the Civil Proceedings Act 2001 (Qld) • Continues to be a leading resource, providing essential guidance to the law and practice of evidence in Queensland Thomson Reuters Australia Jul 2012 HK$1,365



Limitation Periods Sixth Edition, Mainwork & Supplement


Professor Andrew McGee

Authoritatively cited in court, comprehensive coverage with practical and detailed analysis covering the classic conflict of laws topics • Choice of law • Jurisdiction

2013 Edition

• Offers full, in-depth coverage of this important and growing area of law

• Enforcement of judgments

Supreme Court of Canada Practice NEW

Brown, Henry S., Q.C.

• The essential guide for practice before the Supreme Court of Canada • Brings reader up to date on changes to the rules and practice before the court, describes these changes in depth and provides comprehensive background and context behind them

Includes detailed discussions of approaches within particular legal contexts • Contract, tort, company law, property law, family law, insolvency and estates Sweet & Maxwell Aug 2012 HK$3,000



• Gives guidance and analysis on time limitations in all areas of law and from preliminary issues to proceedings • Provides over 150 statutory time limits appropriate to specific causes of action – this time-proven title cuts through the complexity to focus on what you need to know • Tells when time starts to run, how long the limitation period is, and the consequences of expiry in differing circumstances

Carswell Oct 2012




[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification

Sweet & Maxwell UK Jul 2012 9780414024229 Hardback Mainwork & Supplement   HK$4,514 Jul 2012 9780414024212 First Supplement   HK$888

Provides commentary on recent case law



Fourth Edition


Paul Matthews; Hodge M Malek, QC

• Covers areas such as sanctioned payments/offers, expert evidence, underlying objectives and case management Sweet & Maxwell

Uniform Evidence Law: Commentary & Materials Fourth Edition

Jan 2012 HK$980




Miiko Kumar; Stephen Odgers; Elisabeth Peden

• Provides essential case and legislative extracts and thoughtful, concise commentary covering the uniform evidence legislation in the UEL jurisdictions of the Commonwealth, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania Thomson Reuters Australia Jul 2012 HK$1,140



Uncle Anthony’s Unabridged Analogies: Quotes, Proverbs, Blessings & Toasts for Lawyers, Lecturers & Laypeople NEW

Thomas J. Vesper

• Contains a new section on movies about lawyers

Arlidge, Eady & Smith on Contempt

• Includes the latest developments in case law (mainly UK but also Commonwealth, Ireland and Channel Islands)

Fourth Edition

• Offers amended forms and precedents in line with key changes in the law • Discusses key areas of change: electronic disclosure, time of disclosure, Norwich Pharmacal and other pre-action disclosure Sweet & Maxwell UK Feb 2012




Civil Procedure in Hong Kong, A Guide to the Main Principles Second Edition



• Updated coverage of the Human Rights Act and Civil Procedure Rules • Discusses the issues of injunctions restricting the freedom of speech in the protection of privacy, and superinjunctions Sweet & Maxwell UK Dec 2011 HK$4,662



Seventeenth Edition Lord Dan Brennan, QC; The Hon Mr Justice William Blair; The Right Hon Professor Sir Robin Jacob; The Hon Mr Justice Brian Langstaff

• Organizes quotes by topic and then by sources within each topic


• Discusses the latest developments in practice, procedure and case law

Bullen & Leake & Jacob’s Precedents of Pleadings

• Includes a topical index and an author index for easy reference

Jun 2012 HK$1,490

• Comprehensive and authoritative commentary on the subject of civil and criminal contempt

Dave Lau

• Features biographies for every author/source to provide context for the reader


Sir David Eady; Professor A T H Smith

Civil Procedure and Evidence

Third Edition

• Updated to include the Civil Procedure Amendment Rules 2010

Covers main stages of civil litigation • Differentiates between the current rules and old versions of rules that are still potentially relevant; and in the context of the current rules, between new/amended rules under the CJR and pre-CJR rules which remain unchanged Completely up-to-date • Incorporates 2 full years of postCJR court decisions up to May 2011 • Includes updated judicial guidance on the interpretation and application of the many new provisions of Hong Kong’s civil litigation landscape.

• Covers all branches of litigation from common areas such as personal injury and employment to the more specialist ones such as sport and aviation • Includes a range of templates which can easily be modified to assist you with the case on which you are working • Contains example claims and

[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification


defences to help ensure you are aware of the correct procedures Sweet & Maxwell UK Dec 2011 HK$6,942


• Provides current information on the new legal aid regime under the Legal Services Act 2011 and regulations • Contains the only available annotated commentary on the new legislation, and tables that have been created to allow readers to compare the sections of the 2011 Act with those of the Legal Services Act 2000. • Ensures practitioners have the practical tools and support to meet their obligations in line with the new legislation Thomson Reuters New Zealand

Civil Procedure and Evidence

• A guide to the skills of advocacy for those new to the courtroom • Concentrates on the basics necessary to conduct an effective trial

David More; Margaret Sewell; Steven Zindel


Second Edition Lee Stuesser


Legal Aid Handbook

Nov 2011 HK$691

An Introduction to Advocacy


• Takes reader through the trial process step by step • Provides helpful tips and practical examples designed to show the principles of good advocacy at work Thomson Reuters Australia Mar 2011 HK$812



Proof: How to Analyse Evidence in the Preparation of Trial Second Edition Andrew Palmer

• Provides clear, simple and easyto-follow methods for organising and analysing evidence in order to construct the strongest possible case for presentation at trial

Fundamentals of Trial Techniques

• An essential reading for anyone involved in litigation

Third Edition

• Fills the gap between evidence texts focusing on the law of evidence and on the rules of admissibility, and advocacy texts focusing on techniques of trial presentation

Mauet & McCrimmon

• Continues to present readers with a comprehensive approach to trial preparation and strategy • Enables an advocate to approach a trial knowing what to do, how to do it, and why it needs to be done • Addresses each stage of a trial, including jury selection and persuasion, the opening address, examination-in-chief, and the cross-examination of witnesses

Thomson Reuters Australia Feb 2010 HK$777



• Covers closing arguments, the entry of exhibits, making objections, and trial ethics and etiquette Thomson Reuters Australia Jun 2011 HK$847




[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification

REUTERS/Jumana El Heloueh

Commercial Law Commercial Law

[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification


Commercial Law

British Virgin Islands Commercial Law Second Edition


Bermuda, British Virgin Islands and Cayman Islands Company Law Fourth Edition

Harney Westwood & Riegels


Christopher Bickley

Provides a useful, side-by-side comparison of these jurisdictions taking into account the impact of the global financial crisis • Presents updated analysis and commentary • New template forms for a variety of actions • Extracts of relevant regulations Sweet & Maxwell Dec 2012 HK$3,800

Written by practitioners who know the jurisdiction better than any other • Harney Westwood & Riegels is the leading international offshore law firm in the British Virgin Islands

Commercial Law

Incorporates major developments in 2012 including: • The new BVI Companies (Amendment) Act 2012 • The new BVI Business Companies Regulations 2012 • The new Investment Business (Approved Managers) Regulations 2012 • Amendments to the Securities and Investment Business Act 2010 • Amendments to the Mutual Legal Assistance (Tax Matters) Act 2003 • Amendments to the Partnership Act 1996 Three new chapters, plus updated content across all other chapters • Partnership Law

Experienced and respected authorship • Christopher Bickley- Partner at Conyers Dill & Pearman, a leading international offshore firm in Hong Kong Fully updated to reflect major developments in these three jurisdictions: • The use of private trust companies and the regulation that applies to them • The development and listing of special purpose acquisition corporations (SPACs) • Cayman Islands’ new merger law and new liquidation regimes • Recent BVI case law on BVI shareholder dissent rights on a merger • Plus new content on: Fund Litigation , Insolvency, Tax Implications and more!

• Banking Law • Tax and Tax Information Exchange Agreements Sweet & Maxwell Dec 2012 HK$4,388




[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification



Commercial Litigation in Hong Kong: A Practical Guide Editor-in-Chief: William Stone, SBS, QC General Editor: Denis Brock


Company Law in Hong Kong, Practice and Procedure Second Edition


Editor-in-Chief: The Hon. Madam Justice Kwan

Highly respected editorial and author team • Editor-in-Chief: William Stone, SBS, QC, Retired Judge of the Commercial Court, Hong Kong • General Editor: Denis Brock; Partner, King & Wood Mallesons Most in-depth, comprehensive and practical resource on the topic covering areas such as: • Injunctions and other interlocutory relief • Security for costs and summary judgment

Distinguished author team of experienced practitioners and academics • Editor-in-Chief: The Hon. Madam Justice Kwan (High Court) • General Editors: Mr. John Scott SC (Des Voeux Chambers); Brian Gilchrist(Clifford Chance); Mr. Thomas Vaizey (Dragon Capital) • Includes all the content from previous release completely updated

• Overseas advocates advising and conducting cases in Hong Kong

• All 13 chapters are updated with the latest and most recent legal precedents, case law, and opinions

Sweet & Maxwell Nov 2012 HK$2,300



Editor-in-Chief: The Hon. Madam Justice Kwan

Sweet & Maxwell Nov 2012 HK$2,000



Company Law in Hong Kong: Practice and Procedure 2013 Update


Nov 2013 TBC



General Editors: John Scott SC; Brian Gilchrist; Thomas Vaizey

The 2013 release of Company Law in Hong Kong - Practice and Procedure continues to revise and update the principles of company law and examines the practicalities of establishing and running a company. Its contents include nature of companies, share capital and transfer, membership, meetings and resolutions, enforcement of duties, protection of minorities, etc.


This most recent release of Company Law in Hong Kong - Insolvency focuses on all matters relating to Insolvency Law in Hong Kong and examines at every angle corporate insolvency law and practice. Several hundred new, local decisions keep you up-to-date and this release also incorporates all information from the first release to ensure you’ve got the most comprehensive information available to you. Content includes full coverage of voluntary and involuntary winding up, restructuring, the unique role of provisional liquidators in Hong Kong, costs, the treatment of assets, insolvency in the PRC and much more. Useful appendices include relevant legislation and rules, practice directions, precedent forms and more. Sweet & Maxwell Mar 2012 HK$2,000



These updates and precedents coincide with the enactment of the new Company Ordinance scheduled to be fully enacted in early 2014!

[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification


Commercial Law

• Particular emphasis on pre-emptive remedies

Sweet & Maxwell

Company Law in Hong Kong – Insolvency

Up-to-date covering all new developments

• The specialist rules that have developed within the Commercial Court

All 13 Chapters are updated with the latest and most recent legal precedence, case law, and opinions as of December 2013 with special references to the 2014 enactment of the new Companies Ordinance.

Comprehensive content

• Mediation and the enforcement of foreign judgments

Covers the unique nuances of the commercial court providing insights on:

Company Law in Hong Kong continues to be the essential reference work for company lawyers and practitioners in Hong Kong. Written and edited by a distinguished team of practitioners and academics, the service contains revised and up-to-date narrative and source materials and covers all aspects of company law from formation, share capital and dividends to takeovers, restructurings, winding up, crossborder issues and with references to the PRC’s new Companies Law (enacted January 1, 2006).

A Guide to Business Law

Joint Ventures

Twentieth Edition


European Lawyer

Business Law in Hong Kong NEW

Miles; Dowler

Third Edition


General Editor: DK Srivastava

• Updated throughout to take account of the many changes affecting business and commercial law practice in Australia that have arisen since the last edition • Provides a national focus, with references to all jurisdictions for applicable laws in key areas Thomson Reuters Australia Nov 2012 HK$1,080



Australian Commercial Law Twenty-Ninth Edition

• The essential reference book for JVs worldwide, covering over 30 major jurisdictions • Contributors are leading experts from the private practice in their own jurisdiction, deeply involved in trans-border transactions Sweet & Maxwell UK


Clive Turner; John Trone

Nov 2012 HK$2,664



Commercial Law

The new edition includes the following: • Consumer Protection (Ch 17) incorporates the changes made by the Competition and Consumer Legislation Amendment Act 2011 (Cth) and a number of significant cases since the last edition, including the High Court decisions in Miller and Associates Insurance Broking Pty Ltd v BMW Australia Finance Ltd (2010) and Insight Vacations Pty Ltd v Young (2011)

Model Agreements: Mergers and Acquisitions

• Credit Law (Ch 19) has been completely re-worked, following the enactment of the new national personal property securities regime by the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth), which replaces the State and Territory registration systems. Recent legislative amendments to the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 (Cth) have also been included in this chapter

• Covenants, including access to information, best efforts, nonsolicitation, notice of changes, interim operations, indemnification of directors and officers, and more

• The Law of Electronic Commerce (Ch 16) incorporates changes to the Commonwealth and State Electronic Transactions Acts necessitated by Australia’s accession to the United Nations Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts

2012 - 2013 Edition

• Representations and warranties, including financial statements, employee benefit plans, compliance with laws, material contracts, environmental matters, taxes, labor matters, intellectual property, and more

• Conditions, including consents, material adverse changes, and more • Termination, including procedures and effects

Nov 2012 HK$1,400


• Formerly Professor, School of Law, City University of Hong Kong • Pro-Vice Chancellor, O.P. Jindal Global University Revised and up-to-date with new content across all chapters including substantial revisions to the chapters on Contract Law, Tort Law and Agency • Incorporates the large body of Hong Kong law that has developed in the past five years Reader friendly layout and format • Legal principles in very simple language, followed by examples and cases • Problems are shaded in grey and the answers are found directly below • Case summaries are enclosed in a black border, making them immediately apparent to the reader Sweet & Maxwell Oct 2012 HK$1,200


Going Global: A Guide to Building an International Business with Forms on CD 2012 - 2013 Edition




• Addresses the important legal and business considerations of taking a business to the global level • Offers clear, concise advice on how to start doing business overseas and how to build and manage that business as it grows • Provides guidance for counseling clients who engage in business with foreign entities

Hardback West Oct 2012 HK$3,950



Alan S. Gutterman; Robert L. Brown


Thomson Reuters Australia Nov 2012 HK$1,080


General Editor: DK Srivastava

[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification


Book with CD-ROM

• Outlines the appropriate clauses for each section along with clear definitions and relevant legislation

Joske’s Law & Procedures at Meetings in Australia Eleventh Edition


• Explores the various sources of law that govern meetings in Australia: common law, the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and statutory law governing meetings of unit title and strata title companies in all Australian jurisdictions • Covers such topics as the convocation of meetings through notice and quorum, procedures, minutes, and the effect of irregularity in proceedings Thomson Reuters Australia Oct 2012 HK$1,011



Sep 2012 HK$2,590



Directors at Work: A Practical Guide for Boards Geoffrey Kiel; Gavin Nicholson; Jennifer Ann Tunny; James Beck


• A practical tool for directors and boards wishing to implement leading practice corporate governance in their organisations • Discusses contemporary issues in corporate governance, ways in which boards, directors and their advisers can be effective, and ways to improve their governance processes and procedures

• Regarded as a practical and easy to understand guide to the laws, procedures and strategies relevant to takeover bids in Australia • Updates and expands the work to take account of new techniques and strategies that have emerged since the last edition published

Thomson Reuters Australia 9780455229805



Doing Business In South Korea 2012 Edition


Robert L. Brown

Sixth Edition


• Organised by topic, it broadly follows the structure of a set of financial statements to give reader ready access to the answers needed


Special Study for Corporate Counsel on Joint Development Agreements NEW

• Explains how to raise capital in Korea • Includes a directory of services as an additional reference when doing business in South Korea • Teaches how to protect intellectual property


• Articles discuss each issue and contract provision in detail • Includes a helpful checklist • Includes an Executive Legal Summary of the key issues for management • Provides summaries of each agreement • The included CD-ROM contains the complete text of all of the agreements West Aug 2012 HK$2,460

Richard Christou


Publisher’s Editorial Staff

• Explains how to export products to Korea


Sep 2012 HK$1,998

2012 - 2013 Edition

• Describes how to set up a subsidiary or joint venture

Sep 2012 HK$2,010

• Uses real life examples drawn from across KPMG’s global network to illustrate application issues

Sweet & Maxwell UK



Boilerplate: Practical Clauses

• Helps reader cut through the increasing complexity of international standards and face the practical challenges of applying IFRS

Commercial Law

• Covers more than 75 new decisions of the Takeovers Panel relating to issues such as truth in takeovers, associations, downstream acquisitions, standstills and lock-up devices

Oct 2012 HK$1,693

Thomson Reuters Australia Sep 2012 HK$1,123

Rodd Levy


Hardback, CD-ROM

Takeovers Law & Strategy Fourth Edition

Ninth Edition

The KPMG International Financial Reporting Group

Sweet & Maxwell UK

Eilis Magner

Insights into IFRS


Book with CD-ROM

• Explains the rules, guidelines and principles of law behind the clauses to help reader draft, negotiate and advise with confidence • Covers all standard warranties and exclusions of liability, plus whole agreements and variation clauses

[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification



Benjamin’s Sale of Goods Eighth Edition, Mainwork & Supplement


Aug 2012 HK$2,010



Daniel CK Chow; Anna M. Han

Professor Michael Bridge

• Provides you with a one-stop source on the law of sale of goods, including terms and conditions, rights and obligations

Business Laws of Germany

• Includes discussions of unfair contract terms in commercial and consumer sales in both UK and internationally

• Offers analytical, concise discussion of all aspects of business law in Germany, offering one-stop research for practitioners

• Contains a full treatment of consumer statutes and regulations affecting sale of goods Sweet & Maxwell UK Aug 2012 9780414022928 Hardback Mainwork & Supplement   HK$8,348 Aug 2012 9780414022911 First Supplement   HK$1,318


2012 Edition


Thomas Wegerich

• Provides practice-oriented examples and case studies that make application of legal theory easy for busy practitioners • Written by highly regarded and well-known authors who quickly educate readers on key issues West May 2012 HK$2,380


2012 - 2013 Edition


Alem & Associates; Barristers & Solicitors

Bowstead and Reynolds on Agency

• Features authors from a leading Lebanese law firm

Nineteenth Edition, Mainwork & Supplement

• Offers concise yet broad coverage of topics important to doing business in Lebanon


Professor Peter G Watts

Commercial Law


Business Laws of Saudi Arabia 2012 - 2013 Edition


Alem & Associates; Riyadh Office; In association with Attayyar Law Firm

• Features authors from a leading regional law firm’s Riyadh office • Offers concise yet broad coverage of topics important to doing business in Saudi Arabia

• Examines current hot-button trade issues between China and the United States, such as the currency exchange rate issue, trade deficits, and the protection of intellectual property rights • Includes many short problems that can stimulate classroom discussion West Mar 2012 HK$1,780

• Covers the position of principal and agent in contract, tort, and considers many aspects of equity, company and property law • Incorporates all recent common law and statutory developments, including those relating to the EU Commercial Agents Directive and Regulations

Thomson Reuters Australia Feb 2012 HK$950

May 2012 9780414022904 Hardback Mainwork & Supplement   HK$6,808 Paperback

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• The financial analysis techniques covered in the book help readers to deliver practical outcomes that will be valued by senior management and help raise their profiles in the organisation from a commercial perspective

• Contains a detailed table of laws and rules and an index that make it easy to find the exact information needed quickly



• Designed to give financial controllers and corporate accountants practical financial analysis techniques so that they can improve the financial performance of the business and contribute to decision-making at the senior management level

Sweet & Maxwell UK

May 2012 9780414022898 First Supplement   HK$1,110


David Cartney

• Includes English translations of selected Lebanese laws


• Begins with an overview of the current business environment in China, including a review of China’s recent political history and the rise of its legal system

Financial Analysis & Cashflow for Financial Controllers & Corporate Accountants

• Includes practice tips that offer readers the benefit of the authors’ experience




Business Laws Of Lebanon

Aug 2012 HK$2,190

Chow and Han’s Doing Business in China: Problems, Cases and Materials



Business and Law in Australia Shayne Davenport; David Parker

• Assists students to understand the concepts and principles of business law in the current Australian commercial law environment

• How to launch a new law blog in just 15 minutes

Electronic Transactions Ordinance

• Nine strategies for effectively repurposing your content

Pádraig Walsh; Amita Kaur

• Over 50 ideas for unique blog posts • Success stories from associates to partners who have used LinkedIn and blogs to bring in millions of dollars of legal business

• Enables students to understand the legal framework which underpins business law • Contains a concise outline of the components that make up the historical and modern Australian legal system, a plain language explanation of contract law, and an overview of the different business organisations and their means of operation • Provides a precise summary of some of the diverse areas of law that impact on the conduct of business, including criminal law, the law of torts and business ethics


Blazey; Chan

• Contains chapters that focus on areas of the law pertinent to China’s continuing economic development

With detailed commentary for each section of the Ordinance

• The 2004 Amendments to the Ordinance are fully incorporated and explained in the commentaries Renowned author team

• Provides an examination of a number of highly relevant topics, such as Company Law, Labour Law, Property Law, Intellectual Property Law, Consumer Law, Energy Law and Renewable Energy Law Thomson Reuters Australia Hardback

Provides a technical, real-world application approach to exploring, understanding and analysing the Ordinance • The analysis and commentary provided is supported with authorities, including Hong Kong precedents, policy reasons, and cases from other jurisdiction and/or international conventions • Includes explanations with regard to the practical application of the relevant sections of the Ordinance as applied in practice in today’s financial and commercial transactions


An Outline of the Law of Partnership Fourth Edition Stephen Graw

• Explains and illustrates the major legal principles governing the formation, operation and termination of partnerships and the way they apply in practice • Incorporates updates to all statutory references and to all major new cases, expands on existing explanations and, where relevant, includes additional case examples to illustrate how those principles apply in practice Thomson Reuters Australia Aug 2011 HK$622



What do Accounting Clients Really Want? James Evangelidis

Sweet & Maxwell Nov 2011 HK$900




Linkedin and Blogs for Lawyers: Building High Value Relationships in a Digital Age

• Gives readers the necessary insights to better understand the mindset, motivations and expectations of people who buy accounting services • Ensure readers have the tactics and tools on how to service existing client base and attract new ones Thomson Reuters Australia

Adrian Dayton; Amy Knapp

Aug 2011 HK$562




• How to create meeting and business development opportunities through LinkedIn • How to design a strategic LinkedIn bio

[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification


Commercial Law

• Provides an analysis of the Five Year Plans and their effect on the development of and changes in commercial law.


Provides thorough analysis of the Electronic Transactions Ordinance

• Amita Kaur, Clyde & Co Hardback

Commercial Law of the People’s Republic of China

Dec 2011 HK$812

Sep 2011 HK$690

• Pádraig Walsh, Clyde & Co

Thomson Reuters Australia Dec 2011 HK$1,002


Mergers and Acquisitions in China

Financial Analysis & Cashflow for Practicing Accountants

Practical Commercial Precedents

Second Edition

David Cartney

Daniel Rosenberg

• Assist readers to generate improved financial performance for their clients’ businesses, help cement relationship with them, and facilitate a higher level of involvement as the client’s business progresses

• Contains complete contracts and agreements for commercial activity

Multiple Authors

Renowned author team • The main authors, Owen D. Nee Jr. and Jingzhou Tao, are both veteran China law practitioners and are widely recognised for their knowledge of Chinese law and procedure and their vast experience • Contributors from a diverse range in the academic, business and legal fields who have extensive experience in dealing with international and domestic businesses in and out of China offering breadth and depth of information Additional, new and practical content including outbound mergers and acquisitions

Commercial Law

• New chapter highlights Chinese companies’ efforts to invest their money in foreign companies and assets • Offers most current analysis of key issues and pitfalls to avoid in placing foreign businesses into China

• Provides processes and techniques to assess the financial risk and profile of their practice, develop strategies to ensure continuous performance improvement, improve the financial performance and profitability and generate more fees

• Offers alternative clauses to cater for specific situations • Provides detailed commentary on the meaning and significance of each clause • Examines relevant aspects of commercial law and considers the tax and stamp duty implications Sweet & Maxwell UK 9780851209388 HK$21,224

Thomson Reuters Australia Dec 2011 HK$950



International Commercial Arbitration Rashda Rana; Michelle Sanson

• Focuses on the practice of international commercial arbitration in the Asia Pacific region • Examines the cultural differences influencing the Asian dispute resolution arena, covering developments in legislation, institutional arbitration rules and cases from the major international arbitration jurisdictions in the Asia Pacific region: Australia, China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia

Goes beyond the law and legal practices

Thomson Reuters Australia

• Covers cultural and Chinese business customs

Jan 2011 HK$1,088



• Informs company officers of how to respect centuries old business customs, the cultural understandings and business norms that must be taken into account when dealing with Chinese businesses Sweet & Maxwell Jul 2011 HK$2,900




[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification


REUTERS/Toby Melville

Company Law and Insolvency Company Law and Insolvency

[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification


Company Law and Insolvency

Law and Practice of Hong Kong Companies Third Edition


Corporate Law in China: Norms, Structure and Operation Second Edition

John Brewer

Compliance and Company Secretarial Practice of Hong Kong Companies NEW

Professor Will Wei Shen

Company Law and Insolvency

The latest edition of this practical book presents everything that both the in-house counsel and practitioner will need for their day to day practice in regards to legal management of a corporation here in Hong Kong. The book is fully updated and incorporates the key aspects of the new Companies Ordinance ranging in topics from incorporation to dissolution, formation of joint ventures, the purchase of sole trader and partnership business to civil and criminal proceedings. The new edition of this highly popular and practical work offers you even more coverage and detail. Revised and updated content includes the practice and procedure on the listing of companies on the Hong Kong Exchange; the continuing obligations of directors and officers of such companies; and suspension, cancellation and withdrawal of listing of such companies’ shares as well as continuing insights on the regulation of listed companies and takeovers, mergers and reconstructions. Sweet & Maxwell Dec 2013 TBC



Corporate law in China: Norms, Structure and Operation provides a comprehensive and critical study of China’s corporate law regime and the newly revised PRC Company law. This title also consists of an in-depth analysis of the two types of corporations: Limited liability companies and joint stock companies. The structure of China’s corporate law is examined by the author and our book also discusses the broader context of recent developments in the field of the corporate law in China. With the author’s comparative insights into corporate law and their knowledge in the Chinese legal development, this is a “must-have” guide for practitioners, regulators, academics, students, business professionals, and especially foreign investors who are engaged or interested in understanding Chinese corporate law.

Andrew Tsang; Natalie L.Y. Chan

Compliance and Company Secretarial Practice of Hong Kong Companies aims to fulfill the needs of its readers by providing a neat and concise guide to everything you need to know about compliance and company secretarial practices. It consists of comprehensive analysis of explicit guidelines to help facilitate wider understanding to readers, and it also acts as an introduction to the compliance and company secretarial practice. With the inclusion of comparative insights of the compliance and company secretarial practice from the authors, this title is an invaluable source to practitioners, and anyone who is engaged or interested in the field of business law. Sweet & Maxwell Jun 2013 TBC

Sweet & Maxwell Oct 2013 TBC




[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification




Lindley & Banks on Partnership Nineteenth Edition, Mainwork & Supplement


Roderick I’Anson Banks

• Analyses recent case law and legislation, commenting on their relevance, direct and indirect implications • Examines the formation of partnerships and the content of partnership agreements • Details the relationships between partners, and between partners and third parties • Considers potential pitfalls and causes of disputes offering practical advice on avoiding and resolving them • Frequently cited in court, Lindley & Banks on Partnership gives expert advice you can rely upon Sweet & Maxwell UK Nov 2011 9780414023758 Hardback Mainwork & Supplement   HK$7,104 Apr 2013 9780414026711 Second Supplement   HK$1,022


• Includes related legislation to assist practitioners, and fully consolidates the legislation including the amendments to 1 January 2013 • Includes a subject index to help identify provisions within or across jurisdictions Thomson Reuters Australia Jan 2013 HK$596



Sweet & Maxwell Jan 2013 9789626615447 HK$1,200


Company Disclosure in Australia NEW

Andrew Tsang; Natalie L.Y. Chan Gillian North

• Provides readers with a detailed outline of listed company disclosure law and practice in Australia

Corporations Legislation 2013 Edition


Baxt & Finnane

• Includes the Corporations Act 2001, Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 and associated Acts and legislation, capturing the latest amendments up to 1 January 2013 • Includes cross references to indicate where particular sections of the Corporations Act have been affected by the Corporations Regulations, and to note related ASIC materials

• Highlights the need for broad, well-informed debate and makes a case for review and reform of the company disclosure framework on a comprehensive basis • Focuses on periodic and continuous disclosure regulation and practice Thomson Reuters Australia Dec 2012 HK$1,166



Company Directors NEW

Alessandro Varrenti; Matthew Hurlock; Fernando de las Cuevas

Thomson Reuters Australia

Companies and Securities Law: Commentary and Materials Sixth Edition


Companies Ordinance (cap. 622)

Thomson Reuters Australia 9780455230528


Corporations Court Rules & Related Legislation NEW

• Brings together in one volume the various court rules governing proceedings under the Corporations Act and the Australian Securities and Investments Act in superior courts around Australia

With an Introduction by ELG Tyler, Stefan Lo and Natalie Wong


The new Companies Ordinance (No 28 of 2012) is a hugely important development and it is imperative that lawyers, accountants, compliance officers, and academics become fully conversant with its new provisions. With only 12 months to go before the Ordinance comes into force, they should do so NOW. For the first time the full text of the Ordinance is available, together with an Introduction by members of the Companies Ordinance Rewrite Team at the Department of Justice, which highlights the major changes and the guiding principles behind the new Ordinance. It should be on the desk of every lawyer, accountant and other professional whose practice will be affected.

Topics covered: • General Information on the corporate governance of companies • Appointment, revocation, resignation and replacement of directors • Relationship between directors and the company • Directors’ obligation • Resolutions of directors and board of directors • Delegation of powers to single directors • Civil liability of directors • Criminal liability of directors Sweet & Maxwell UK Dec 2012 HK$2,664



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Company Law and Insolvency

• Incorporates principal case law developments since the previous edition published, including resolution of the appeals in the James Hardie and Bell Resources litigation and the Fortescue Minerals appeal reserved by the High Court

2013 Edition



Paul Redmond

Feb 2013 HK$1,123

Jan 2013 HK$683

Corporations Law: In Principle

Shareholders Agreements

Ninth Edition

Sixth Edition


Tony Ciro; Chris Symes

Sweet & Maxwell UK


• Includes many significant developments in both legislation and case law as a result of events such as the Global Financial Crisis and a range of government reviews and administrative changes Thomson Reuters Australia 9780455230399



eDiscovery for Corporate Counsel 2012 Edition


Carole Basri; Mary Mack

• Includes a selective glossary and materials from the Sedona Conference • Includes checklists to help boards of directors avoid liability • Includes updated state rules section with tables for proposed and completed rules • Offers human resource-ready job descriptions for e-discovery directors and technology counsel • Offers successful strategies and tactics from inside counsel, records managers, information technology professionals, and paralegals

Company Law and Insolvency

• Provides contributions from more than 20 outside counsel, including Wachtell, Dickstein, Wilkie, Cadwalader, Hunton, Jones Day, Dorsey, and others • Provides topic-area specifics, e.g., e-discovery for intellectual property, antitrust, employment, and privacy West 9780314615534

Second Edition, 2013 Edition



Tomi P. Asanti; Kenneth A. Cutshaw; Natalya V. Morozova; Olga V. Litvinova

• Updated with the latest case law since the last edition published in 2009 • Expert discussion on the impact of the Bribery Act 2010 on joint ventures • Updated commentary and precedents based on practical experience of the effect of the Companies Act 2006

• Provides updates on quickly changing areas of law, such as employment and environmental law • Includes a discussion on arbitration • Contains a directory of services that can be used as a reference when doing business in Russia West Sep 2012 HK$2,260



• Covers the effect of the recent economic and financial developments on private equity transactions

Corporate Counsel’s Guide to Insider Trading and Reporting

Sweet & Maxwell UK

Publisher’s Editorial Staff

Oct 2012 HK$3,034


Hardback, CD-ROM

2012 - 2013 Edition


Topics include: • Potential causes of action • Reporting and disclosure • Liability

Shareholders Rights Sixth Edition, First Supplement


Robin Hollington, QC

• Remedies and enforcement • Corporate compliance West Sep 2012 HK$2,680


Book with CD-ROM

Company Law Perspectives Michael Quilter

• Covers F&C Alternative Investments (Holdings) Ltd v Barthelemy on the exceptional recognition of a fiduciary relationship between shareholders and members of LLP’s • Examines recent cases on the construction and implication of terms in articles of association and shareholders’ agreements, including Cream Holdings v Davenport • Focuses on the construction, implication and application of contractual duties of good faith in shareholders’ agreements



Corporate Counsel’s Guide to Doing Business in Russia

• Provides an introduction with contributions from several magistrate judges

Nov 2012 HK$3,480


Sean FitzGerald; Graham Muth

• Continues the tradition of being one of the most easy to understand texts on corporate law in Australia

Jan 2013

Oct 2012 HK$962

• Brings a unique and fresh approach to this dynamic area of law • Provides significant impact as extracts from complementary sources are incorporated, placing the regulation of company law within the broader business context in which the law operates Thomson Reuters Australia Jul 2012 HK$821

[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification




Corporate Counsel’s Guide to Doing Business in India

Sealy & Milman Annotated Guide to Insolvency Legislation

Mergers & Acquisitions

Third Edition, 2012 Edition

Fifthteenth Edition

2012 - 2013 Edition


Kenneth A. Cutshaw; Rohit Kochhar & Co.



Professor Len Sealy; Professor David Milman

Charles Martin; Simon Perry; Andrew J. Nussbaum

• Includes the 2011 amendments by the Companies Act 2006 (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Order 2011 to the Insolvency Act 1986, the Insurers (Reorganisation and Winding Up) Regulations 2004 and the Credit Institutions (Reorganisation and Winding Up) Regulations 2004

• Offers a comprehensive overview for public Mergers and Acquisitions; from laws and regulation, to the process of bids, conditions of transactions, aftermath in merged companies and much more

• Provides sample forms for key transactions, including an agreement for the appointment of sole distributor for a defined area, an agreement for the appointment of a distributor, and a franchise agreement • An alternative collaboration agreement for provision of technical know-how West Jul 2012 HK$2,130



Corporate Counsel’s Guide to Doing Business in Vietnam 2012 Edition


Robert L. Brown; Nguyen Quy Binh

• Acts as a valuable reference book for attorneys needing guidance on doing business in Vietnam • Covers investment transactions, including acquisitions, joint ventures, and mergers • Discusses practical issues such as how to manage a local work force • Provides an overview of sales transactions, such as the sale and carriage of goods and consumer protection • Provides discussion of online crossborder business West 9780314931962


Sweet & Maxwell UK May 2012 HK$3,700



Navigating M&A Deals in the Asia-Pacific: Leading Lawyers on Examining the Trends and Strategies Impacting Mergers and Acquisitions in the AsiaPacific (Inside the Minds) Multiple Authors


• Provides best practices for facilitating mergers and acquisitions throughout countries in the Asia-Pacific • Features articles written by partners representing law firms across the region, including China, Japan, Vietnam, and Australia • Guides the reader through recent M&A transactions and what lawyers and clients can learn from them

Apr 2012 HK$2,664



Brookers Company and Securities Law Handbook 2012 Edition


• Consolidates in two volumes the key legislation relevant to the areas of company and securities law • With 25 section thumbtabs and six blanks for your own reference, a comprehensive subject index and an alphabetical list of legislation, this portable and convenient handbook ensures quick and easy access to the information you need Thomson Reuters New Zealand Mar 2012 HK$1,105



Shackleton on the Law and Practice of Meetings Twelfth Edition


Madeleine Cordes; John Pugh-Smith; Geraldine Caulfield; James Burton; Catherine Dobson; Zack Simons

• Covers a range of topics from setting goals and performing due diligence to drafting agreements and obtaining regulatory approval Aspatore Apr 2012 HK$900



• Deals comprehensively with

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Company Law and Insolvency

Jun 2012 HK$1,700

• Covers the Insolvency (Amendment) Regulations 2011 amendments of the Insolvency Regulations 1994 to exclude the use of the Insolvency Services Account in voluntary winding up

Sweet & Maxwell UK

legislative changes brought about by the Companies Act 2006 and the Localism Bill in its current form • Includes updated commentary on recent case law • Provides updated forms and precedents • Comments on relevant proposals outlined by the impending modernisation of the Insolvency (Amendment) Rules 2010 • Gives guidance on the increase in shareholders’ rights which can cause administrative burden in relation to meetings for quoted companies



Strategic Financial Analysis & Cashflow for Company Directors David Cartney

• Gives company directors strategic financial skills, which are aimed at improving business performance and assisting the director to contribute at the board level • Provides the company director with a pathway to understanding and developing skills in assessing the business and contributing to the strategic improvement of its performance overall Thomson Reuters Australia

Company Law and Insolvency

Dec 2011 HK$950



British Company Law & Practice Service Professor Len Sealy

• Provides lawyers, accountants and in-house advisers with all they need to know about this complex area, including coverage of the Department for Business, Enterprise & Regulatory Reform (formerly Department of Trade and Industry) proposals for reform in the fundamental review of core company law • Includes clear and succinct commentary


Sweet & Maxwell UK 9780421752504 HK$19,684


Palmer’s Corporate Insolvency Professor Ian F Fletcher; Professor Paul Davies; Michael Bridge; David Bennett

• A one-stop reference source containing all the commentary and materials you need • Devoted solely to corporate insolvency and compiled by a well respected team • Updated on a regular basis so you have the latest materials

Muir Hunter on Personal Insolvency

Sweet & Maxwell UK

John Briggs; Chris Brougham, QC

9780421565005 HK$13,143

• A complete picture of the law as it stands

Sweet & Maxwell UK Jan 2012 HK$2,590

• Provides, in British Company Cases, the full text of all important cases on the subject, which you can quote with confidence, since the reports are regularly cited in the High Court and appellate courts

• Expert interpretation of legislation, case law and court decisions • Three yearly updating releases inform subscribers of the latest developments in personal insolvency • Updated material to keep subscribers informed of the changes to personal insolvency legislation Sweet & Maxwell UK 9780420475602 HK$19,536


Palmer’s Company Law Professor Geoffrey Morse

• Offers authoritative guidance for every part of company law from formation through to winding-up • Helps you to adjust to the changes being brought about by Companies Act 2006 by providing integrated commentary on the Act as each part comes into force • Allows you to see where changes have occurred and to understand what they mean, so that responsibilities and obligations continue to be fulfilled • Clarifies areas of uncertainty or ambiguity to ensure compliance with the changing face of company law • Ensures that you are fully briefed and prepared for the changes due in 2010 and beyond Sweet & Maxwell UK 9780420446602



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Competition Law

Competition Law

[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification


Competition Law

The hong kong Competition Ordinance: Commentary and Annotations Thomas Cheng


This title examines the Competition Ordinance and aims to answer all the questions and controversies accompanying the enactment of this important Ordinance. Continuing with Sweet & Maxwell’s tradition of being the most up-todate provider of legal information, the Hong Kong Commentary and Annotations Library examines the ‘new’ Competition Ordinance and aims to answer all the questions and controversies accompanying the enactment of this all too important Ordinance.

Competition Law

After years of consultation and debate, and in the face of continuing opposition from many business sector representatives, Hong Kong finally passed the Competition bill this past July 2012. Though somewhat watered down from the version originally conceived by the Administration in Hong Kong, the competition law is a significant piece of legislation that has the potential to impact the day-to-day trading activities and strategic commercial decision making of nearly all businesses in Hong Kong - big or small. Making price-related decisions, involvement in contractual negotiations, structuring of joint ventures, participation in trade associations, communicating with competitors, and imposing of exclusivity obligations on trading partners are just a few of the responsibilities that many business staff have on a daily basis and which may be regulated by the new law.


The new competition law opens the way for investigations into suspect fuel prices and promo programs being offered to the consumers, and if such practices are deemed to be anticompetitive, charges will be levied and companies would be taken to court. The goal of the new law is to ban such anti-competitive practices such as price-fixing and bid-rigging to help small-businesses and mid-level enterprises. Business representatives, Practitioners, In-House Counsel and all legal teams should therefore ensure they comprehend the broad scope of the law, how it may affect their business, and the steps that can be taken to ensure compliance. With significant penalties able to be levied for infringements of the law, the importance of risk management in this area cannot be understated. This publication’s aim is to be that reference guide to all these important aforementioned issues.

Miller’s Australian Competition and Consumer Law Annotated Thirty-Fifth Edition Russell V Miller AM, LLB (Hons)

• Provides the legislation consolidated for all 2012 amendments • Addresses all the key cases handed down in 2012 developments • Offers features to assist practitioners and students working with the Competition and Consumer Act and related legislation Thomson Reuters Australia Feb 2013 HK$1,140

Sweet & Maxwell Dec 2013 TBC



[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification




EU Antitrust Procedure Sixth Edition


Nicholas Khan

• National cases are included where relevant to a competition lawyer in other jurisdictions Sweet & Maxwell UK Nov 2012 HK$3,034



this year and relevant bilateral and regional negotiations • More on the role of the disputesettlement mechanism Sweet & Maxwell UK Nov 2012 HK$3,330



The Australian Consumer Law Second Edition

• About 80% of the text is either entirely new or has been substantially revised • Extensive analysis of the implications for the Commission’s competition procedures of fundamental rights under the ECHR and the Charter of Fundamental Rights, taking into account of the ECtHR’s latest judgments, such as Jussila and Canal Plus • Updated guidance on legal professional privilege after (Akzo Nobel) • Explanation of the latest developments in the Commission’s practice in accepting commitments and settlements in cartel cases • Extensive commentary on how the Commission’s 2006 Guidelines on Fines and Leniency Notice are being applied in practice, including analysis of the first judgments from the General Court on the 2006 Guidelines in International Removals Sweet & Maxwell UK Dec 2012 HK$4,070



EU Competition Law Handbook 2013 Edition


Professor Marc van der Woude; Christopher Jones

• Covers Commission decisions and competition cases before the EU and national courts, incorporating decisions and developments up to June 2012

Stephen Corones

• Summarises and explains the substantive rights of consumers, and the obligations of businesses under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL)

The EU Merger Regulation: Substantive Issues Fourth Edition


Alistair Lindsay; Alison Berridge

• Incorporates two significant legislative developments at the Federal and State level Thomson Reuters Australia Nov 2012 HK$1,166



The TRIPS Agreement Fourth Edition


• Considers important Commission decisions including Arsenal/ DSP, Oracle/Sun Microsystems, Lufthansa/Brussels Airlines, Lufthansa/Austrian Airlines and Syngenta/Monsanto • Analyses in detail the Commission’s prohibition of Olympic Air/Aegean Airlines

Daniel Gervais

• Analyses latest information on the DB / NYSE prohibition • Assesses the treatment of parallel mergers in the same industry in the light of Seagate/Samsung HDD and Western Digital/Hitachi • The most significant change is the addition of four early versions of the TRIPS text in the article-by-article analysis in Part II, with underline and strike-through to show the changes, which chart the evolution of the final text of the Agreement • The 1991 “Dunkel” text is incorporated in the commentary and compared to other versions (instead of being included as an annex) • The early history of TRIPS as it was pre-negotiated outside of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) is significantly enhanced

• Discusses key decisions of the European courts including (Ryanair v Commission and NVV v Commission) • Considers the impact of the revised US horizontal merger guidelines and the role of market definition in EU merger control • Analyses the latest academic thinking • Assesses the approach of the new Commission, as appointed in 2010 Competition Law

• Takes the pain out of research by identifying the key cases and legislation relevant to specific subjects and keywords under the broad spectrum of competition law


Sweet & Maxwell UK Aug 2012 HK$2,738



• The commentary on each article is updated and revised to reflect dispute-settlement panel reports and other developments, including the fate of the Doha Round later

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Miller’s Australian Competition Law and Policy Second Edition Miller

• Guides readers through the development of the Australian competition law, explaining its underlying concepts and policy directions • Explains the law and policy in clear terms, without oversimplifying this significant area of commercial law Thomson Reuters Australia Dec 2011 HK$1,150



Competition Law in China and Hong Kong Mainwork & Supplement Editor: Graeme Johnston

• First comprehensive English language textbook on the relevant competition law regimes • Practical and realistic approach to the subject by leading legal practitioners • Appendix with English translations with easy to use references with the official Chinese text of the relevant legislation, regulations and sample merger control decisions Sweet & Maxwell

Competition Law

Jul 2009 9789626613245 Hardback Mainwork & First Supplement HK$2,900


[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification

Contract Law REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon

Contract Law

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Contract Law

Contract Law

Contract Law in China Second Edition


Professor Bing Ling

The second edition of Contract Law in China offers readers an in-depth analysis of the 1999 law and the related judicial interpretations. With tremendous developments that have occurred in this area of law, the adoption of the PRC Contract Law in 1999 is contrasted with the pre1999 law and practices as well as equivalent laws in civil and common law jurisdictions. The new edition of Contract Law in China provides a comprehensive and critical study of the law of contract in China to readers. As the author discusses the demands of China’s burgeoning economy and the integration of this market into the international trading system, he also considers the international significance of these reforms. Sweet & Maxwell Aug 2013 TBC


Chitty on Contracts UK 31st Edition & Hong Kong Specific Contracts, Third Edition





Authoritative and highly respected – regularly cited in court

• Encompasses every part of contract law

• A must-have for any Hong Kong law library Comprehensive – covering all areas of commercial law • Chitty on Contracts, Hong Kong Specific Contracts is the only source of Hong Kong law for some areas such as Joint Ventures, Gaming, IT Law Up-to-date with new content across all chapters • Includes hundreds of new decisions on contract and commercial law since the last edition • Incorporates all the supplement content from the second edition

• Offers clear interpretation of the law which helps you when disputes arise • Incorporates extensive reference to relevant legislation and cases with thorough analysis • The most trustworthy reference when drafting, negotiating and disputing contracts Sweet & Maxwell Package 1 Dec 2012 41390589 UK Vol.1 and HK Vol.   HK$10,480


Package 2 41392474 Hardback Dec 2012 UK Vol. 1 & 2 and HK Vol.   HK$11,470

* Chitty on Contracts, Hong Kong Specific Contracts cannot be purchased as a standalone product. To purchase Chitty on Contracts, Hong Kong Specific Contracts, customers must purchase Chitty on Contracts 31st Edition, Volume 1 or Volumes 1 and 2.


[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification

Commercial Contract Clauses Principles & Interpretation

Misrepresentation, Mistake and Non-Disclosure

Thomson; Martin; Warnick

Third Edition


• A guidance on many issues of developing interest, including the limits which confine contractual discretions and the need to act in good faith, indemnity clauses and consequential loss clauses Thomson Reuters Australia Nov 2012




2012 Edition


• Contains a collection of consolidated contract and commercial legislation drawn from Brookers New Zealand Law Partner electronic database • The most comprehensive collection of contract and commercial legislation in bound form and is consolidated as to 1 February 2012

Mar 2012 HK$714


• Fully explains the role of misrepresentation in contract law • Further expands on the role of mistake and non-disclosure in a contractual dispute

• Structured around remedies available for misrepresentation, mistake and non-disclosure to give practical focus for practitioners • Fully updated in relation to both case law and statutory developments, including discussions of areas where points are still unclear or may be further reviewed by the courts or subject to statutory reform Sweet & Maxwell UK Feb 2012 HK$3,478

Thomson Reuters New Zealand Paperback


Professor Malcolm Clarke; Professor Neil Andrews; Professor Graham Virgo

Professor John Cartwright

• Provides a clear explanation into the definitions and differences between misrepresentation, mistake and non-disclosure

Brookers Contract and Commercial Law Handbook

Professor Andrew Tettenborn;

Contract Law

• Analyses the process of construing and interpreting commercial contracts on a clause by clause basis, to the benefit of Australian lawyers


Contractual Duties



• Presents a high level analysis of the law relating to termination of contracts supported by citation of leading cases • Focuses on the issues of performance and breach of a contract and how to respond • Offers new and authoritative insights into how to proceed when contracts are breached or for other reasons of non-performance • Presents a fresh and up-to-date view of termination based on recent tendencies in the Courts • Includes the application of termination in the context of categories required by the 1977 Unfair Contract Terms Act, so you can be confident you have the latest legislation to hand • Includes relevant statutes such as the Misrepresentation Act 1967, standard contract clauses and Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations • Discusses the traditional principles behind ‘breach’ and ‘frustration’ • Offers possible arguments and ideas that cross conceptual boundaries from established authors with experience in this field of law Sweet & Maxwell UK Jan 2012 HK$2,738



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Unfair Contract Terms in Australia

Contract Law


International Contract Manual NEW

Professor Albert Kritzer; Jarno Vanto; Jessica Vanto; Sieg Eiselen

• Provides up-to-date and detailed analysis of the new ‘Unfair Contract Terms Law’ (UCTL) that was introduced as part of the Australian Consumer Law reforms of 2010, and which took effect in each state and territory from 1 January 2011

• Covers each part of a contract when negotiating internationally

• Examines the background to the reforms and utilises precedents drawn from similar regimes that have operated in Victoria and the UK

• Gives national legal overviews of 33 territories

Thomson Reuters Australia Nov 2011 HK$1,382


• Features an exhaustive collection of checklists for drafting individual clauses • Includes a wide range of sample clauses

Sweet & Maxwell UK 9781847032959     Looseleaf HK$11086


Contract Law in Hong Kong Lee Mason

Written by an expert in contract law – Mr Lee Mason • Assistant Professor of Law at the University of Hong Kong, teaches primarily in the area of Contract Law on both the JD and LLB programmes • Has written extensively on contract law “Demystifies” complex principles • Explains the underlying principles of contract law • Elucidates some of the more intricate aspects of contract law Focuses on local law and application in particular • Provides a clear and comprehensive account of the modern law of contract, written in the context of Hong Kong setting • High relevance to Hong Kong’s contract law practice Sweet & Maxwell Sep 2011 HK$980




[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification

Criminal Law REUTERS/Toru Hanai

Criminal Law

[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification


Criminal Law

Criminal Law

The hong kong Anti-Money Laundering and CounterTerrorist Financing (Financial Institutions) Ordinance: Commentary and Annotations Sydney Yankson


Our Hong Kong Commentary and Annotations Library continues our legal analysis of the most influential laws enacted in Hong Kong with this publication on the “new” Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing (Financial Institutions) Ordinance (Cap 615). This legislation seeks to improve Hong Kong’s antimoney laundering (AML) regime by better alignment of the financial sector with prevailing international standards has just come into operation this past 1 April 2012. The new Ordinance provides a uniform set of requirements applicable to all financial institutions in the banking, securities, insurance and remittance and money changing sectors. In addition, the four relevant authorities (MA, SFC, IA and the Customs and Excise Department), in consultation with the Financial Services and Treasury Bureau, jointly drafted a set of guidelines applicable to all these aforementioned financial institutions. The individual relevant authorities also added supplementary or sector specific guidance that is necessary or appropriate for their respective sectors. Previous to the enactment of the Ordinance, banks, brokers and insurance companies all had different guidelines, provided by their own industry regulators, to prevent money laundering. These standards were varied and most importantly, noncompliance will not trigger through punishment. In addition, about 2,700


money exchangers and remittance firms in Hong Kong are registered with the police, but the force does not perform anti-money- laundering surveillance. This has now all changed with the enactment of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing (Financial Institutions) Ordinance (Cap 615). The new Ordinance plugs these loopholes because it imposes a single set of requirements on all financial firms. They must perform more due diligence on a customer’s background, keep records and have procedures to make sure staff report suspicious cases to the police. It also brings in a new licensing regime for money exchangers and remittance firms. They will need to apply for a license from the Customs and Exercise Department, which will undertake surveillance and punish non-compliance. More rigorous checks will now have to be made by Hong Kong based banks, brokers, insurance companies and money exchangers, with criminal sanctions for non-compliance. The most significant change under the new law; any failure to maintain appropriate customer due diligence has become a criminal matter, which is in line with global norms. With these significant penalties now able to be levied for any infringement of this law, the importance of risk management in this area cannot be understated. This publication’s aim is to be that reference guide to all these important aforementioned issues.


Herbert Smith

Corruption and corporate compliance are both a key business risk for companies around the world. This is driven by a number of factors including the introduction of the Bribery Act in the UK and the increased activity in the US by US enforcement agencies under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) to stem the tide of “dirty” business tactics in the Asia region. Local authorities in Asia are now also taking steps to address these challenges. Asia is now one of the largest regional markets in the world and continues to be of significant influence in the ever-growing global economy. The increase of globalization and trade coupled with heightened regulatory activity means that all businesses in the Asia region must take a more proactive approach to ensure they meet the statutory obligations of their respective jurisdictions. This publication provides In-House Counsel as well as Practitioners and Regulators with practical guidance to understand and ensure these regulations and practices are met and complied with. Sweet & Maxwell


[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification


This title emphasizes and focuses on the significant anti-corruption practices and legislation in: (i) Hong Kong; (ii) Mainland China; (iii) Taiwan; (iv) Korea; (v) India as well as growing economic countries such as Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.

Oct 2013 TBC

Sweet & Maxwell Oct 2013 TBC

Corruption and Fraud in Asia



Police and Criminal Evidence Act

May on Criminal Evidence

Sixth Edition

Sixth Edition


Youth Justice in New Zealand NEW

Professor Michael Zander, QC

Steven Powles; Lydia Waine; Radmila May

• Provides full coverage of the law surrounding the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 as amended

• A concise and analytical work examining evidence and procedure in criminal trials

Sweet & Maxwell UK Jun 2013 HK$1,081




Michael Ramsden; Hectar Pun; Benson Tsoi

• Sets out in detail what happens at trial and explains what is and is not admissable in different situations • Key topics include character, hearsay, identification, corroboration and disclosure Sweet & Maxwell UK

Renowned author team of experienced practitioners and academics

Mar 2013 HK$1,702

• Michael Ramsden: Barrister-atLaw, Faculty of Law - Chinese University of Hong Kong • Benson Tsoi: Barrister-at-Law, Parkside Chambers • Hectar Pun: Barrister-at-Law, Denis Chang’s Chambers


Archbold Hong Kong 2013 Edition


Editor-In-Chief: The Hon. Mr. Justice Bokhary NPJ General Editor: Mr. Michael Blanchflower SC

Over 200 new cases covered in the Archbold 2013 Service.

A concise, reader friendly format allows readers to quickly and easily find what they want


• The concise format gives readers exactly what they need to aid their understanding of the Ordinance Sweet & Maxwell Apr 2013 HK$900



• Discusses the principles, legislation and policies governing the operation of the youth justice system, as well as exploring practice and procedure in the distinctive Youth Court jurisdiction • Critiques the recent major reforms to the system, including the new powers to prosecute children and the new and expanded Youth Court orders, breaking down the changes and providing current guidance.

Dec 2012 HK$675



Wilkinson’s Road Traffic Offences Twenty-Fifth Edition, Mainwork & Supplement


Kevin McCormac

• Includes content on new sections such as 25A (1) and 25A (2)

• Each section and subsection of the Ordinance is highlighted in the headings for easy navigation

• The first and only book to comprehensively address the law, theory and practice behind the New Zealand youth justice system

Thomson Reuters New Zealand


Completely up-to-date and comprehensive including information on new sections of the Ordinance that will impact professionals in the financial industry • Commentary and analysis is provided for every section and subsection of the ordinance


The Hon. Mr. Justice Bokhary NPJ continues as the Editor-in-Chief. Mr. Michael Blanchflower SC has been appointed as the new General Editor. Archbold Hong Kong continues as the one and only companion for every criminal practitioner giving you confidence in the face of an ever changing legal environment within the courtroom.

• Shows both what the law is and how to proceed with prosecuting or defending a case • Sets out the basic principles and clarifies key terms • Covers specific offences chapterby-chapter ensuring relevant information is easy to find Sweet & Maxwell UK Dec 2012 9780414025110 Hardback Mainwork & Supplement   HK$5,787

Sweet & Maxwell Dec 2012 HK$7,500

• Explains the law, legal principles and procedure



Dec 2012 9780414024564 Second Supplement   HK$1,066


[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification


Criminal Law

Drug Trafficking (Recovery of Proceeds) Ordinance: Commentary and Annotations

• Covers all forms of criminal evidence with clear explanation throughout, and examination of what the burden and standard of proof is

Nessa Lynch

Archbold Magistrates’ Courts Criminal Practice

Court of Appeal Criminal Division

2013 Edition

Susan Holdham; Alix Beldam


District Judge Barbara Barnes

• Covers all criminal matters dealt with in the magistrates’ court

Criminal Law

• Follows a chronological order, so that you can find the information you need quickly • Gives you the law and procedures from those who really understand how it works • Provides practical guidance on substantive law, showing what the prosecution must prove, defences and sentencing for each offence • Includes full citation of authorities from statute and case law which can be cited in court • Features specialist coverage of youth courts, with guidance on proceedings and the regime for vulnerable witnesses • Sets out how to deal with mentally disordered offenders, showing what special arrangements apply • Contains flowcharts, procedural checklists, core statutory material, Codes, Rules and Practice Directions for ease of reference • Ensures portability with a onevolume format, ideal for court use Sweet & Maxwell UK Aug 2012 HK$2,946



Truth-Focused Interviewing for Investigators NEW

• Covers general practice and procedure of the Court of Appeal Criminal Division, providing guidance in all aspects of the process • Aids practitioners in preparing well drafted grounds of appeal • Identifies the principles underlying the various jurisdictions and the court’s practice • Covers the various specific applications and appeals, outlining the rights of appeal and the relevant legislation and rules • Includes core statutory material and relevant Criminal Procedure Rules and Practice Directions Sweet & Maxwell UK Aug 2012 HK$1,850



Traffic Law NSW Fourteenth Edition


Malcolm Britts

Kevin Byrnes


• Describes how to use interview techniques to get the truth in any investigation • Includes tips on building rapport, detecting deception, getting your subject talking, verifying the story, and ensuring the admissibility of statements in court Carswell Jul 2012 HK$700



Police Powers Newsletter Madam Justice Michelle K Fuerst;


Michal Fairburn; Scott K. Fenton

• Provides a comprehensive look at all aspects of policing, including powers of detention, arrest, and search and seizure in light of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms • Includes insightful articles and case commentaries to keep readers up to date on the latest changes in this rapidly evolving area of the law.

• Contains the most relevant NSW road and traffic legislation in one volume and is extracted from the authoritative subscription service Motor Vehicle Law New South Wales


• Provides an invaluable source of practical information about motor vehicle law and its application in New South Wales

Homicide - The Laws of Australia

• Incorporates changes to the Road Rules 2008 and a significant number of amendments to all pieces of road transport legislation contained in this work, current to 6 July 2012 Thomson Reuters Australia Aug 2012 HK$1,814



Jun 2012  A20212-12  Annual subscription newsletter HK$1,389

Fairall Paul


• An accessible and innovative text which uses a principles-based approach to analyse the central concepts of the law of homicide in all States and Territories, comparing their application at common law and under the Criminal Codes • Comprehensively covers the categories of murder, manslaughter and statutory formulations • Distills and clarifies the key areas of conduct and mental elements for unlawful killings, criminal responsibility for omissions and situations where a homicide may be justified or excused Thomson Reuters Australia Apr 2012 HK$1,036


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Misuse of Drugs and Drug Trafficking Offences Sixth Edition

Criminal Litigation in Hong Kong Third Edition NEW

Christopher Knight; Anthony Upham

Rudi Fortson, QC

• Explains complex concepts of drug laws clearly • Provides practical guidance as well as legal theory • Includes information on various substances, including ‘Legal Highs’ • Covers the impact of the Medicines Act 1968 • Provides helpful flow charts, diagrams showing mechanics of confiscation, summary of controls under existing drug legislation and tables highlighting invaluable statistical material • Written by one of the most prominent legal practitioners in this area


A practical ‘survival kit’ plus much more • Emphasises good professional practice and risk avoidance measures to protect the practicing solicitor from accusations of negligence or unprofessional conduct • Focuses on problems practitioners are likely to encounter, provides practical guidance on how to deal with these situations, and to obtain the maximum advantage for the client • Illustrates processes from receiving clients’ instructions to guidance through the entire litigation process • Contains sample documents to use, tricks of the trade, and detailed checklists Written by experienced criminal litigation experts

Sweet & Maxwell UK Jan 2012 HK$1,850

Criminal Law

• Offers a balance of UK drugs law in their international context


• Christopher Knight, senior partner at Knight & Ho, has been practicing law in Hong Kong for over 30 years • Anthony Upham has had international experience in practicing criminal law and now teaches on the LLB and the PCLL at the University of Hong Kong

Crime & Justice: A Guide to Criminology Fourth Edition Marinella Marmo; Willem de Lint; Darren Palmer

• Offers a comprehensive guide in criminal justice and criminology that is well suited to a dualsemester approach • Covers a wide range of topics including: different forms of crimes – from street crime to state crime and international crimes; who commits crimes and who are the victims of crimes; and how society responds to crime

Substantially new and expanded content • Topics such as preparation for trial and video recorded interviews have been expanded • New chapters on The Duty Lawyer and Legal Aid, The Solicitor as Prosecutor, and Conflicts of Interest Sweet & Maxwell Sep 2011 HK$980



Thomson Reuters Australia Oct 2011 HK$847



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Employment Law REUTERS/Yuriko Naka

Employment Law

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Employment Law

Employment Tribunal Practice

Employment Law


• Explains the mechanisms for bringing and defending an employment law claim and the procedures involved Sweet & Maxwell UK Apr 2013 HK$2,886



The hong kong Discrimination Ordinances: Commentary and Annotations

The Hong Kong Employment Ordinances: Commentary and Annotations

Multiple Authors

Multiple Authors


Renowned author team of experienced practitioners and academics

Renowned author team of experienced practitioners and academics

• Michael Ramsden: Barrister-atLaw, Faculty of Law - Chinese University of Hong Kong

• Michael Ramsden: Barrister-atLaw, Faculty of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong

• Hectar Pun: Barrister-at-Law, Denis Chang’s Chambers

• Luke Marsh: Barrister-at-Law, Faculty of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong

• Ann T.Y. Lui: Barrister-at-Law, Parkside Chambers Comprehensively covers the major Hong Kong Discrimination Ordinances • Cap 480: Sex Discrimination Ordinance (SDO) • Cap 487: Disability Discrimination Ordinance (DDO)

• Miriam France: Barrister-at-Law, Inner Temple Chambers (London) • Farzana Aslam, member of the University of Hong Kong Law Faculty • Susana Ng: Consultant, Allen & Overy

• Cap 527: Family Status Discrimination Ordinance (FSDO)

Comprehensively covers the major Hong Kong Employment Ordinances:

• Cap 602: Race Discrimination Ordinance (RDO)

• Cap. 57: Employment Ordinance

Clear, concise format with analysis that goes beyond the current state of legal implications under the ordinances • Each section and subsection of the Ordinance is highlighted in the headings for easy navigation • The concise format gives readers exactly what they need to aid their understanding of the Ordinance

• Cap. 282: Employees Compensation Ordinance • Cap. 380: Protection of Wages on Insolvency Ordinance • Cap. 509: Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance • Cap. 608: Minimum Wage Ordinance • Cap. 25: Labour Tribunal Ordinance

• Provides analysis of anticipated legal issues that may yet arise

Every section of each Ordinance is thoroughly discussed with extensive use of a wide range of background materials

Sweet & Maxwell

Sweet & Maxwell

Apr 2013 HK$2,500





Jan 2013 HK$2,500

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Employment Ordinance Multiple Authors


International Human Resources Guide

Corporate Counsel’s Guide to the Wage and Hour Laws

2012 - 2013 Edition

2012 Edition


Roger Herod

Publisher’s Editorial Staff

• Functions as a first point of reference when designing and implementing international policies and procedures

• Concise discussions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), the Portal-to-Portal Act, the WalshHealey Public Contracts Act, the Davis-Bacon Act, and child labor laws

• Includes practical step-by-step guides for developing each aspect of the plan

Renowned author team of experienced practitioners and academics

• Includes suggestions for customizing language on forms

• Michael Ramsden, Barrister-atLaw, Faculty of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong

• Farzana Aslam, member of the University of Hong Kong Law Faculty Provides a thorough analysis of the Employment Ordinance • Includes detailed commentary for each section of the Ordinance Presents a real-world approach to exploring, understanding and applying the Ordinance • The analysis and commentary provided is supported with authoritative sources including: Hong Kong precedents, policy reasons, and cases from other jurisdictions and/or international conventions • Includes explanations with regard to the practical application of the relevant sections of the ordinance as applied in practice

West Sep 2012

17414755    Book with CD-ROM


Nov 2012 HK$1,400



• Executive legal summaries, a comprehensive checklist, text of the FLSA, and relevant federal regulations

IDS Maternity & Parental Rights


2012 Edition

Jul 2012 HK$2,320





• Provides a straightforward treatment of wrongful dismissal law for the lawyer and human resources professional alike • The commentary and analysis include timely, accurate and practical information Sweet & Maxwell UK Aug 2012




Wrongful Dismissal Handbook Sixth Edition

The Modern Contract of Employment Ian Neil SC; David Chin


• Draws on jurisprudential developments in the United Kingdom and the United States over the last 25 years


The Honourable Mr. Justice John R. Sproat Sweet & Maxwell

• Discussion of topics such as compensable job functions, retaliatory conduct, salary basis, and liquidated and punitive damages

• Provides a straightforward treatment of wrongful dismissal law for the lawyer and human resources professional alike • The commentary and analysis include timely, accurate and practical information

• Written by practitioners for practitioners, it sets out what the Australian law is and where to find it • Focusing specifically on the law of employment contracts, it offers in-depth analysis of the modern common law of the contract of employment, written in a succinct way that aims to provide answers, not more questions Thomson Reuters Australia Jul 2012 HK$1,685



Carswell Aug 2012




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Employment Law

• Luke Marsh, Barrister-at-Law, Faculty of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong


Employment and Labour Law

Minimum Wage Ordinance

Fourth Edition

Multiple authors



General Editors: Rick Glofcheski; Farzana Aslam

Sian Keall

• A practical and user friendly guide to key employment rights, covering 22 countries worldwide

Employment Law

• Chapters written by leaders in their field in each jurisdiction • Useful for human resource professionals, in-house and employment lawyers • Answers key questions for multinational organizations • Facilitates the assessment of timetables and risk in cross border workforce issues • Chapters are formatted consistently and follow a Q & A approach to allow seamless cross referencing Sweet & Maxwell UK Apr 2012 HK$2,664

Employment Law and Practice in Hong Kong



Vital resource and reference for employment related professionals • Analyses and presents solutions in regards to the applicability of the Ordinance • Provides answers to the debates and criticisms brought by the new law • Gives advice from the perspectives of both sides of the debate Renowned author team of employment law academics & practitioners • Written by top academics and practitioners who have extensive experience in dealing with employment issues In-depth analytical commentary and thoughts on the new Minimum Wage Ordinance • Every section of the Ordinance is annotated and thoroughly discussed • Includes practical analysis supported with authorities, including Hong Kong precedents, cases from other jurisdiction and/or international conventions Sweet & Maxwell Jan 2012 HK$800



Employment Law & Practice in Hong Kong provides you with: • A fully comprehensive text on every aspect of employment law in Hong Kong including: employment contracts, leave entitlements, remunerations, termination, health and safety at work and more • Unique chapters with discussion and analysis on privacy at work, discrimination, cross-border employment and trade unions • Up-to-date contents, taking into account the newly passed legislation, consultation papers, codes and guidelines and government policies, recent court cases and upcoming legal developments • Practical advice on non-contentious day-to-day employment work and employment-related litigation including: how to interpret an employment contract, whether a bonus is discretionary, how to effect a termination clause, and what an employer should do to ensure protection of personal data is sufficient and in compliance with the law, plus a chapter on dispute resolution to help you when a matter becomes contentious Sweet & Maxwell


9789626613504 Oct 2010 Mainwork   HK$3,675


Dec 2011 9789626614549 First Supplement   HK$1,000


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Principles of Employment Law Fourth Edition


Multiple Authors

Price and Nielsen

• An accessible text for students and practitioners who seek lucid explanation of key topics in this area including identifying employment relationships, the position of contractors and casual employees, duties of employment, enterprise agreements and awards, unfair dismissal and discrimination

• A reliable, up-to-date and timely exposition of the law which covers both the applicable rules and their contexts in policy and politics Thomson Reuters Australia 9780455228631



IDS Discrimination at Work IDS

• Considers both reported and unreported decisions, not only of the higher courts but also of employment tribunals • Explains the scope of the law - who is protected, and who may be liable

Author team of highly experienced practitioners including (among others): • Duncan Abate – a renowned attorney highly knowledgeable in the area of employment law • Hong Tran - Leading AsiaLaw Labour & Employment Lawyer

Employment Law

• Contains new analysis of workplace safety and the changes brought forward by the Fair Work Act 2009 including the current approach to unfair dismissal, the provisions on adverse action, modern awards and National Employment Standards

Jan 2012

Discrimination Law and Practice in Hong Kong

Unrivaled, up-to-date coverage • From human rights to public law, no other text gives you more coverage including the new antidiscrimination law Practical advice and guidance • Discusses practical issues as well as incorporating relevant and recent Hong Kong legislation in regards to discrimination • Provides a technical approach to exploring and analysing legal arguments Sweet & Maxwell Oct 2011 HK$2,000



• Sets out the circumstances in which discrimination can arise before, during and after employment Sweet & Maxwell UK Nov 2011 HK$5,180



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Environmental Law REUTERS/Daniel Munoz

Environmental Law

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Environmental Law

The Law of Nuclear Energy Helen Cook


Environmental Law

• Provides a template for creating and developing a national nuclear law infrastructure and national regulatory authority

Burnett-Hall on Environmental Law Third Edition


• Identifies best international practice with reference to different national systems, particularly where they represent contemporary approaches or evolving international norms Sweet & Maxwell UK Feb 2013 HK$2,738



Stewart Sutcliffe

• Single starting point of reference for businesses, legal advisers and Mining professionals

• Includes new chapters on marine protection (dealing with the newly extended legislation on marine conservation, in particular marine protection zones), and environmental marketing (covering “green” advertising, eco-labelling, eco-design and information labelling)

• Provides an overview of Capital Markets and Mining Law across jurisdictions and an assessment of each country’s legal system, and how it applies to the Mining industry Sweet & Maxwell UK Aug 2012 HK$2,220

• Contains expanded coverage of the EU chemicals regime under REACH, the Plant Protection Products Regulation, and the proposed EU Biocidal Products Regulation • Provides fuller treatment of the Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act 2008 Sweet & Maxwell UK Dec 2012 HK$3,404



• Reader-friendly Q&A format allows for easy cross-jurisdictional comparisons

Richard Burnett-Hall; Brian Jones

• Discusses how to properly implement the obligations contained in the international conventions at a national level • Sets out the role and authority of various international agencies, including the IAEA, Nuclear Energy Agency of the OECD, Nuclear Suppliers Group, International Commission on Radiological Protection

Mining Law



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Family Law

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Family Law

REUTERS/Mukesh Gupta

Family Law

Domestic Violence: Practice and Procedure

Family Law

2012 Edition


Preparing for a Child Custody Trial: What You Need to Know (Quick Prep)

Isabelle Scott

Stan R. Weller

• Discussion of commonly encountered clients, jurors, and attitudes

• Provides a concise and relevant look at the entire judicial process during a custody case

• Examination of a full spectrum of physical and psychological injuries

• Offers readers the guidance they need to prepare for a child custody trial

• Coverage of key topics such as identifying domestic violence fact patterns, obtaining evidence, and determining civil causes of action • Analysis of federal and state law • Help in gauging the value of expert testimony and the process of litigating cases • Assistance in determining appropriate tort actions for various situations • A comparison of prosecution and defense strategies • Exploration of the Violence Against Women Act, including interstate violations of protection orders West Aug 2012 HK$3,460




Aspatore Apr 2012 HK$250



General Editor: Philippa Hewitt

This title covers recent, dramatic changes in the law • Replaces the “reasonableness needs” approach with a fairer 50/50 rights based approach

Australian Family Law in Context Fifth Edition



• Provides a contemporary and innovative examination of family law materials from a range of disciplines and a diversity of perspectives • All viewpoints that may be found in the legal literature on family law are represented in the book through extracts, notes and questions • Draws upon the latest research, including the findings of the Australian Institute of Family Studies in evaluating the 2006 reforms Thomson Reuters Australia Feb 2012 HK$1,210

Family Law and Practice in Hong Kong



• Covers Legal Aid changes to the Ordinary Scheme and Supplementary Scheme • Incorporates the 2011 amendments to the English Family Proceedings Rules Content reviewed by District Court Judges • Reviewed by District Family Court Judges: HHJ Bruno Chan, HHJ CK Chan, and HHJ Sharon Melloy Clear, concise, comprehensive and practical • Detailed Precedents provided in the Appendix for new/ first time family law practitioners • International Jurisdiction chapter written by practitioners of those jurisdictions • Provides practitioners with all the necessary tools to work within the realm of Family Law Sweet & Maxwell May 2011 HK$1,800


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Insurance Law

Insurance Law

Insurance Law

Arnould’s Law of Marine Insurance Eighteenth Edition

Construction All Risks Insurance NEW

Jonathan Gilman, QC; Professor Robert M Merkin

Insurance Law

• Provides an in-depth commentary and analysis of the principles, law and practice of marine insurance • Offers a first port of call for guidance and insight on the principles of marine insurance and their application in cases • Discusses legislation and market clauses • Provides commentary on the key decision of the last few years, so you are up-to-date on how the courts are applying the principles in fresh situations

Paul Reed, QC


• Offers reader a comprehensive and contextual analysis of Construction, Engineering and Erection All Risks (CAR) insurance as understood in English Law • Covers the fundamentals of CAR insurance both in relation to project policies and contractors’ annual policies, from its origins to current day practice • Takes reader through the many processes and pitfalls surrounding CAR claims and provides insight into CAR insurance law, practice and regulation Sweet & Maxwell UK Apr 2013 HK$3,626


• Covers the formation and contents of marine insurance policies Sweet & Maxwell UK Mar 2013 HK$5,550



Colinvaux’s Law of Insurance



Ninth Edition, Mainwork & Supplement Professor Robert M Merkin

• Offers a concise account of the essential components of insurance law • Presented in three logical sections - the foundations of insurance law, the parties involved and the specific types of insurance • Includes coverage of all types of insurance including marine insurance and reinsurance • Analyses numerous key decisions affecting every aspect of insurance law Sweet & Maxwell UK Nov 2012 9780414024656 Hardback Mainwork & Supplement   HK$6,512 Nov 2012 9780414024441 First Supplement   HK$1,776

[email protected]       www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk       +852 37623222 Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification



The Law of Reinsurance Third Edition, Mainwork & Supplement


Mann’s Annotated Insurance Contracts Act Fifth Edition


Terry O’Neill; Jan Woloniecki

Peter Mann

• The best analysis of English reinsurance law to have been published

• Provides a practical guide to the Insurance Contracts Act with annotations which discuss and analyse the provisions of this Act

• The only scholarly analysis of Bermuda reinsurance law to have been published

• An essential resource for insurance lawyers, insurance professionals, academics and students

Sweet & Maxwell UK 9780414024670 Hardback Oct 2012 Mainwork & Supplement   HK$6,868 Oct 2012



Thomson Reuters Australia Sep 2012




• Expands coverage and focus on specific classes of insurance including global war risks; People’s Republic of China; insurance structure; life insurance; property insurance; motor vehicle insurance; liability insurance; reinsurance… plus more! Comprehensive coverage beyond insurance law • Discusses Hong Kong regulatory legislation and all other relating Ordinances that lay down compulsory insurance requirements which affect insurance contracts Sweet & Maxwell Jun 2012 HK$3,775

First Supplement   HK$1,702



Insurance & Reinsurance MacGillivray on Insurance Law Twelfth Edition


Professor John Birds; Ben Lynch; Simon Milnes

Nigel Brook


• Brings together contributions from some of the world’s leading insurance and reinsurance lawyers in a reader-friendly Q&A format



• Takes the reader through the definition of insurable interests, the construction of an insurance policy, the formation of an insurance contract, and the relevant premiums and policy risks under particular contracts

Professor Robert Merkin

Sweet & Maxwell UK Sep 2012 HK$5,920



Christopher P. Staring; Graydon Shaw Staring

Topics include: • The background of reinsurance

• The extent and nature of government regulation

Second Edition


• The principle of good faith • The law of representations and disclosures in placing reinsurance • Commencement and termination of risk • The interpretation of terms • Reinsurance arbitration West Apr 2012 HK$6,270



Expert authorship in the insurance field, Professor Robert Merkin • Specialises in insurance, reinsurance and arbitration law • Has published over 40 books and numerous articles on insurance, reinsurance and arbitration law • President of the British Insurance Law Association and Vice-President of the International Association of Insurance Law (AIDA) Up-to-date with revisions on all chapters including nearly 100 new cases

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Insurance Law

Colinvaux’s Law of Insurance in Hong Kong

• Considers the separate classes of insurance, including: life, personal accident, property, motor and aviation


• Roles and responsibilities of broker, agent, and intermediaries

• Provides a valuable reference that aids a thorough understanding of the principles of insurance law and its applications in practice

• Looks at good faith and disclosure, misrepresentation, fraudulent activity, subrogation and where more than two insurers rights are involve

2012 Edition

• Recognized issues in American and English law

Sweet & Maxwell UK Aug 2012 HK$2,220

Law of Reinsurance



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Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law

Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law

Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law

Trademark Law in China - Pirates in the Middle Kingdom Third Edition


Earl Deng

Loke-Khoon Tan

In this new edition of Trademark Law in China, a comprehensive analysis of China’s developing trademark law is provided. The use of case studies to neatly illustrate the applications of relevant rules and regulations allows readers to have a better understanding of trademark laws in China. The author also included translations of the Chinese intellectual property and trademark laws, related notices and also regulations and cases decided by the Chinese Supreme People’s Court in this new edition of the book.

Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law

Sweet & Maxwell Dec 2013 HK$TBC

The hong kong Copyrights Ordinance: Commentary and Annotations



Kerly’s Law of Trade Marks and Trade Names NEW

This title enlightens readers to the intricacies and vast applications of the Copyrights Ordinance. It provides updated section-by-section annotations and commentaries to the Copyrights Ordinance and furthermore, comprehensive tables of cases and legislation are all included and cross referenced. The commentary and analysis provides references to the most recent cases assisting in the interpretation of each section, relevant rules of court, definitions of words and phrases, discussion on practical aspects of application and contentious issues. Hong Kong and international cases of the UK and US, related legislation and other authoritative materials are identified and discussed in detail. All commentary provided for each section/part of the Ordinance are fully cross-referenced with its relevant case law and precedents, other related sections of the Ordinance, and both local and foreign legislation. This publication will be an invaluable source of reference for intellectual property practitioners, in-house lawyers, patent agents, academics, students and all others who are engaged or interested in the administration of copyrights law in Hong Kong. Sweet & Maxwell Apr 2013 TBC




Fifthteenth Edition, Mainwork & Supplement David Keeling; David Llewelyn; James Mellor, QC; Tom Moody-Stuart; Iona Berkeley

• Provides full explanation of the UK law of trade marks and trade names • Covers classification, registration (UK & European), different types of marks, enforcement, infringement and litigation • Includes coverage of assignments • Goes through licensing, merchandising and franchising • Deals with infringement and available remedies • Looks at mediation and arbitration in the context of trade marks • Incorporates recent legislative change such as the Trade Marks Regulations 2008, the Trade Marks (Earlier Trade Marks) Regulations 2008 and the Community Trade Mark (Amendment) Regulations 2008 Sweet & Maxwell UK Dec 2011 9781847037701 Mainwork   HK$4,736


Mar 2013 9780414024625 First Supplement   HK$1,702


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Tritton on Intellectual Property in Europe Fourth Edition


Guy Tritton

2013 Edition

• A unique title that deals with the whole range of laws and regulations affecting IP in Europe, giving you all the information you need in a single reliable source • Unrivalled coverage of patents, copyright, designs, trademarks and plant varieties • Discusses each subject area in general European terms and highlights individual national differences • Provides expert commentary on the practical aspects of IP, such as licensing, franchising, joint ventures and enforcement Sweet & Maxwell UK Apr 2013


Sweet & Maxwell UK

Consolidated Intellectual Property Statutes and Regulations with Related Materials

Nov 2012 9780414023765 Hardback Mainwork & Supplement   HK$8,658


• Has been reorganized into seven sections: Patents; Copyright, Trade-Marks, Domain Names, Industrial Design, Miscellaneous Intellectual Property Legislation, and International Treaties and Agreements • Groups the relevant legislation, applicable regulations, enforcement guidelines and other related materials • Each section has a detailed Table of Contents and an introductory section reviewing the significant case law and legislative developments of the past year Carswell Dec 2012 HK$1,231




Rosemary Jay

Corporate Counsel’s Guide to Copyright Law 2012 - 2013 Edition


Publisher’s Editorial Staff

• Information on the major laws, such as the Digital Millennium Copyright Act • Guidance on what types of works are copyrightable • Copyright registration and licensing requirements • The important “fair use” defense to copyright infringement and copyright law issues with respect to the Internet (i.e., linking and framing) West Nov 2012   9781567890808   Book with CD-ROM

Data Protection Law & Practice Fourth Edition


Kevin L. Laroche; Anne Kinsman; Gordon J. Zimmerman; Bradley J. Freedman



Nov 2012 9780414047952 First Supplement   HK$1,998


Copinger & Skone James on Copyright Sixteenth Edition, Mainwork & Supplement


Kevin Garnett, QC; Gillian Davies; Gwilym Harbottle

Corporate Counsel’s Guide to Trademark Law 2012 - 2013 Edition


Publisher’s Editorial Staff

• Sample forms on accompanying CD-ROM help you handle trademark matters

• Examines the background, history and modern legal content of Data Protection • Discusses privacy rights, the possible misuse of private information, and the consequences • Looks at rights to prevent the procession and automated decisions, along with the principle levels of compensation and the possible remedies available • Examines key statutes such as the Data Protection Act, the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act and subordinate legislation Sweet & Maxwell UK Dec 2012 HK$3,330




• Presents the definitive guide to copyright and related rights in the UK

Nov 2012   9781567890761   Book with CD-ROM HK$2,100

• Is structured around four fundamental rights: copyright, moral rights, rights in performances and unregistered designs • Covers the exploitation of rights in specific industries • Looks at other related rights such as publication right, database right, artist’s resale right, and public lending rights • Covers EU law and the International Treaties affecting UK copyright law

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Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law

• Helps you manage a variety of dayto-day trademark issues

Copyright Litigation Handbook 2012 - 2013 Edition


Raymond J. Dowd

• Checklists and practice tips • Many forms including letters to clients, motions and pleadings, complaints, jury instructions, and more • Using cease-and-desist letters and declaratory judgment actions to obtain interim relief before the end of trial • Working with the U.S. Copyright Office to obtain registration and deposit documents West Oct 2012




Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing (Butterfield & Chambers) Second Edition

Entertainment and Intellectual Property Law

Intellectual Property Law for Business Lawyers

2012 - 2013 Edition

2012 - 2013 Edition


Mark S. Lee

Kinney; Lange, P.A

• Appendixes include relevant state and federal statutes and laws

Topics include:

• Discusses historical, economic, political, and technological forces shaping intellectual properties and helps you predict how laws may change

• Answer client questions about substantive and procedural law

• Discusses technological and economic forces shaping intellectual property law, helping you anticipate changes from technological and legal innovations

• Anticipate intellectual property issues

• Understand the unique facets of intellectual property litigation • Work more effectively with intellectual property law specialists West

• Provides historical perspective on how intellectual property has treated creative properties in the past

Sep 2012


Corporate Counsel’s Guide to Licensing

Sep 2012






2012 Edition



Publisher’s Editorial Staff


Gaming Law

David Chambers; Roger Butterfield

Second Edition


• Contains reprinted licenses and several summaries of licensing scenarios • Covers such topics as antitrust law, enforceability of shrink-wrap and click-wrap licenses, intellectual property issues, and bankruptcy law

Julian Harris

Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law


• Provides practical information on drafting issues, checklists, and alternative clauses • Deals with club premises certificates, including qualifying criteria, the application process and the variation, review and withdrawal of certificates • Covers personal licences, including the application process, forfeiture due to relevant convictions and the obligations of the licence holder • Outlines the role of the Designated Premises Supervisor Sweet & Maxwell UK Sep 2012 HK$414




• An invaluable reference tool providing an overview and core understanding of the law and regulation in key gambling territories, presented in a consistent and user friendly format by leading specialists in each jurisdiction • Senior executives and in-house counsel at international gambling operators, lawyers advising clients on gambling law and gambling entrepreneurs and start-ups

Aug 2012 HK$2,480



Data Protection Strategy: Implementing Data Protection Compliance Second Edition


Richard Morgan; Ruth Boardman

Sweet & Maxwell UK Sep 2012 HK$2,220



• Includes hands-on guidance for establishing data protection compliance


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• The structure enables a complex subject to be grasped easily and is ideal for those new to the subject • Looks at the key roles in Data Protection including Data subjects, Data Controllers, Data Processors, Obligations and exemptions

The Hong Kong Patents Ordinance: Commentary and Annotations Frederick Fong

IP Strategy: Complete Intellectual Property Planning, Access & Protection NEW

Sweet & Maxwell UK Aug 2012 HK$2,590



Licensing Law Handbook 2012 - 2013 Edition


Melvin F. Jager

• Covers technology licensing in the United States, trade secret rights and the enforcement of such rights, various types of technology licenses, such as trade secret, patent and hybrid licenses

• Helps you make informed decisions on the impact of General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT), limits on look and feel in copyrights, protecting trade secrets when employees move, protecting research results, and the need to inquire about others’ rights

• Appendices feature sample licenses and numerous guidelines and regulations West Aug 2012 HK$8,130



Authored by Frederick Fong • From Anthony Cheung’s Chambers Up-to-date and comprehensive covering each and every section of the Ordinance plus much more • Contains the most relevant and recent legal precedents, legislative history, and public policy concerns for readers to analyse and learn about that particular section/part of the Ordinance • Hong Kong and international cases from the UK and EU, related legislation and other authoritative materials are identified and discussed in detail Reader-friendly format provides precise, concise analysis and commentary • Ideal for busy practitioners, gets you to the information you need quickly • Each section and subsection is highlighted in the headings for easy reference Presents real-world and practical legal applications for daily practice • Gives references to the most recent cases assisting in the interpretation of each section, relevant rules of court, definitions of words and phrases, discussion on practical aspects of application and contentious issues Sweet & Maxwell Jul 2012 HK$2,000



• Offers scores of practical guidelines and strategies for contract formulation (handling the five phases of contract formulation with precise attention to detail), dayto-day work, planning (promoting inventiveness in companies), dispute resolution, and litigation (assess expense, timing, disruption, and efficiency of litigation) • Combines analysis of new developments with discussions of major doctrines, cases and strategies West Jul 2012 HK$8,030



Goldstein and Trimble’s International Intellectual Property Law, Cases and Materials Third Edition


Paul Goldstein; Marketa Trimble

• Organizes contemporary foreign and U.S. caselaw and literature to equip law students with knowledge they need to engage in international intellectual property transactions and litigation • Exposes students to the social, economic, and cultural considerations underpinning intellectual property law around the world • Each field of IP law is introduced by a comprehensive author’s note, placing the field in its international and comparative law context West Jul 2012




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Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law

• Explores patent and copyright preemption issues, antitrust laws, and the regulation of licensing in other jurisdictions, including Japan and the EEC


Howard C Anawalt

• Examines the processing of a range of data including personal data, sensitive material and other relevant records • Looks at how to comply with data protection principles, including those on Individual’s rights under the Act, security and on sending data abroad

2012 Edition

Managing Intellectual Property in Cyberspace: Leading Lawyers on Developing an Effective Internet IP Strategy (Inside the Minds)

Patent Applications Handbook

Multiple Authors

• Perfect for the novice attorney and the more seasoned attorney


• Provides perspective on the relationship between the Internet and intellectual property law • Discusses important court cases, such as Bilski v. Kappos, and their impact on both intellectual property owners and potential infringers • Analyzes the patentability of Internet technologies, the contract terms necessary to defend IP, and the means of monitoring the Internet for infringement

2012 Edition


Monika Kuschewsky

Stephen A. Becker; Michael E. Fogarty; Bernard P. Codd

• Contents include: Disclosure, Claims, Patentability and Infringement, Statutory Subject Matter, Filing and Prosecution



Thirteenth Edition


Irwin M. Aisenberg

• Answers pertinent questions of multinational organisations

May 2012




Japanese Patent Litigation NEW

• Infringement/inducement

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Topics include:

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Abe; Ikubo; Katayama

Modern Patent Law Precedent: Dictionary of Key Terms and Concepts

• Includes contributions from leading local practitioners who are experts in the field of data protection and privacy

• Single starting point of reference for businesses, data protection officers and legal advisers

Second Edition


• Provides key information and highlights all of the major aspects of data protection and privacy law in major jurisdictions • Facilitates understanding of the diversity of legislation and compliance with data protection frameworks in the global context • Helps in managing the legal risks associated with data processing and complying with the obligations under different national data protection laws • Covers the European Commission’s 2012 legislative proposal for a reform of the EU data protection framework Sweet & Maxwell UK Mar 2012 HK$2,960

West West May 2012 HK$6,260





• Also covers: Post-Issuance, Design Patents, Filing Through the Patent Cooperation Treaty, Record Keeping

Aspatore Jun 2012

Data Protection & Privacy Jurisdictional Comparisons

Apr 2012 HK$1,640



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Guide to European Patents 2012 Edition

Patent Litigation NEW

Intellectual Property: Commentary and Materials

Second Edition

Fifth Edition

Andrew Rudge

Thierry Calame; Massimo Sterpi

• Advises applicants how to draft applications to meet European requirements and secure the strongest patent rights

Following the success of the first edition of Patent Litigation, published in 2006 and widely well received by both practitioners and clients, this second edition aims to cover even more topics of importance to those involved in patent disputes.

• Helps applicants understand European Patent Office procedure so they can make wise decisions during prosecution of the application • Explains the procedural possibilities open to the applicant during prosecution • Explains what subject matter is patentable in Europe • Explains how to draft descriptions, claims, and drawings to ensure successful prosecution before the European Patent Office • Explains what inventions will be considered to be novel and involve an inventive step • Explains the procedural possibilities open to the applicant during prosecution West Mar 2012




Price; Bodkin; Arnold; Adjei

To keep up with this continuously evolving area of law, more questions have been included addressing strategies for patent enforcement and defence, the role of expert evidence and the timescale for proceedings. A number of influential jurisdictions have also been added to this edition, making the coverage even more comprehensive and providing an indispensible guide to those involved in managing all aspects of patent litigation. Sweet & Maxwell UK Dec 2011




Kerly’s Law Of Trade Marks And Trade Names Fifthteenth Edition David Keeling; David Llewelyn; James Mellor, QC

Second Edition


James; Wells

• An authoritative reference point for practitioners, judges, patent attorneys and students which clearly and concisely explores key principles of intellectual property law • Offers a detailed and updated analysis of legislation and case law, analysing developments in the areas of patent law, copyright and trademarks especially, as well as covering new law from plant variety rights to layout designs, passing off and border protection

• Covers classification, registration (UK & European), different types of marks, enforcement, infringement and litigation • Goes through licensing, merchandising and franchising • Deals with infringement and available remedies and looks at mediation and arbitration in the context of trade marks

Dec 2011





Practitioner’s Manual for Trade Mark Prosecution and Litigation in the EU Dr Felix Hauck LLM

• Provides general knowledge of the trademark system in the EU, taking you through the basic legal principles and the significance of filing and litigation strategies • Shows how the trademark laws of the EU member states have been harmonised, as well as looking at the non-harmonised areas of law • Brings commentary on the Community Trademark Directive including the must-know decisions of the European Court of Justice, in particular with respect to the question of likelihood of confusion • Deals with the filing options provided by the EU trademark system and the Madrid Agreement, including the interplay between both systems; providing you with case examples and filing advice Sweet & Maxwell UK Sep 2011 HK$1,850

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Thomson Reuters Australia




Thomson Reuters New Zealand Mar 2012




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Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law

James and Wells Intellectual Property Law in New Zealand

• Deals with all the essential aspects of the nature of the property rights involved in copyright, patents, designs, trade marks, protection for confidential information and passing off

Kieff, Newman, Schwartz and Smith’s Principles of Patent Law

State Secrets and Trade Secrets in China

Intellectual Property Rights in China

Fifth Edition

May Tai; Damien McDonald

Multiple Authors

Only title that addresses the State Secrets Law

Renowned author and editorial team of IP Practitioners in China

F. Scott Kieff; Pauline Newman; Herbert F. Schwartz; EW Henry Smith

The fifth edition builds on the strengths of prior editions in providing a unique combination of the law and economic theory of patents with extensive and diverse legal analyses and practitioner insights. Updated to address the extensive developments that have arisen over the past few years, the edition offers a wealth of supplementary materials on the accompanying website, plus full versions of background documents, such as patent files and important cases, extra reading, and special materials designed to help students during their studies, as well as while seeking a job. West Jun 2011



Comprehensive coverage of relevant cases and judgments, laws & regulations • Covers significant cases giving rise to the law (eg. Rio Tinto) as well as English and official Chinese versions of relevant extracted judgments, laws and regulations Practical advice and guidance on how to do business


• Doesn’t analyse the law, rather gives readers practical information on how to organise and conduct business in the new legal environment (e.g. compliance systems, identifying potential risks and mitigating advice, etc.)

The Law of Passing-Off: Unfair Competition by Misrepresentation Fourth Edition Professor Christopher Wadlow

Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law

• While other titles deal with Trade Secrets, this is the only one that address the State Secrets Law

• Clear and logical structure which follows the Classical Trinity of goodwill, damage, and misrepresentation

Sweet & Maxwell Mar 2011 HK$1,500


• Structured treatment of misrepresentation in three separate chapters covering general principles, actionable misrepresentations, and misrepresentations conveyed by distinctive signs


• Including advice from Dr. Zhipei Jiang, former Chief Justice of IPR Tribunal Supreme People’s Court of the PRC Complete coverage • Covers trademark, copyright and patent laws • Includes discussion on related legislation such as anti-unfair competition law, anti-monopoly law, and border control (among others) • Contains thorough citations to Chinese laws and rules, making research in traditionally hard-toreach materials easier Tailor-made content • Chapters on industry-focused rights for businesses which have particular concerns over IP protection (e.g. Pharmaceutical products) Sweet & Maxwell Feb 2011 HK$2,900

• Integrated treatment of the law of malicious falsehood in a competitive context • Introduction and account of the place of passing off in European and international law • Chapters on defences under European and national law, including the European Convention on Human Rights, and on remedies and enforcement Sweet & Maxwell UK May 2011





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Intellectual Property Law and practice in Hong Kong

Domain Names: Global Practice and Procedure

Fleet Street Reports: Cases on Intellectual Property Law

Kenny Wong; Alice Lee

John R Olsen; Professor Spyros M Maniatis; Nick Wood; Daphne Zografos

Editor: Fiona Clark

• Presents the only English language work devoted to domain name protection • Compiles essential information on each country that is difficult to source • Comprehensive text covering every aspect of IP in Hong Kong • Most up-to-date contents with analysis on Companies (Amendment) Ordinance 2010 and the Copyright (Amendment) Ordinance 2009 • Unique practical content, including chapters on Commercial IP and Internet IP • Suitable for barristers, solicitors, corporate and in-house counsel, government departments, academics and students • Draws on valuable experiences and comparisons with the UK, US and EU Sweet & Maxwell Jan 2011




• Provides an overview of the history and framework of domain name systems Sweet & Maxwell UK 9780421727205     Looseleaf HK$13,394

Encyclopedia of Data Protection and Privacy John Cooper; Rosemary Jay; H Grant

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• Contains an unrivalled collection of primary materials relating to data protection, many of which are not otherwise publicly available Sweet & Maxwell UK

Copyright and Designs Law

Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law

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Professor Robert M Merkin; Jack Black

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International Intellectual Property Litigation Neil Jenkins

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Land Law

Land Law

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Land Law

Dilapidations: The Modern Law and Practice

Megarry & Wade: The Law of Real Property

Fifth Edition

Eighth Edition


Nicholas Dowding, QC; Kirk Reynolds, QC; Alison Oakes


Dr Charles Harpum; Stuart Bridge; Dr Martin Dixon

• Provides comprehensive and authoritative coverage of all aspects of the contemporary law of real property

• Provides detailed guidance on the law of both residential and commercial dilapidations • Concentrates on those areas of the law which give rise to problems in everyday situations • Discusses the legal principles with worked examples showing how they apply in practice Sweet & Maxwell UK Mar 2013 HK$3,034



• Covers the whole of the English law of real property, together with related subjects such as conveyancing, leases and wills and intestacy, in single volume, providing a vital tool for all property and conveyancing solicitors and barristers • Places the development of land law in a historical context and sets out clearly the legal framework for real property, enabling practitioners to put the current law in context • Incorporates the raft of recent legislation and case law that has transformed property law in England and Wales

Break Clauses Mark Warwick; Nicholas Trompeter

• Explains, step by step, the law and procedure relating to break clauses in commercial leases • Contains guidance on break clauses in residential tenancies • Aids a practitioner’s drafting of break clauses and break notices through the inclusion of precedents and by explaining the consequences and pitfalls of certain approaches • Provides comparisons between break clauses and other methods of terminating leases • Gives guidance as to how to interpret break clauses and break notices Sweet & Maxwell UK Nov 2011 HK$1,554

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Land Law

Feb 2012 HK$2,960


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The definitive guide to all aspects of landlord and tenant law, and the text most often cited in courtrooms. Its encyclopedic coverage combines authority and experience with a concern for the reader’s practical needs. Narrative sections treat each aspect of the subject in turn, incorporating recent case law into the text. • Appendices include all recent statutory material • Includes a free subscription to the Landlord and Tenant Reports Sweet & Maxwell UK

Preston and Newsom: Restrictive Covenants Affecting Freehold Land Tenth Edition


George L. Newsom


Landlord and Tenant Factbook Matthew Marsh; Zia Bhaloo; Members of CollyerBristow and Enterprise Chambers; Dechert LLP

Second Edition Edward Cousins; Richard Honey

• Explains how and when a restrictive covenant is enforceable in registered and unregistered land

• Explains what qualifies as common land and the rights and responsibilities that follow from such a classification

• Shows how the benefit or burden of a restrictive covenant is transferred upon the sale of land

• Highlights the various conflicts that can arise and how to deal with them

• Makes clear what is breach of restrictive covenant

• Goes through the capacity to register new town and village greens

• Explains the consequences of a breach and the available remedies, including injunctions • Gives practical advice on drafting an enforceable restrictive covenant • Explains the procedure of registration and the consequence of the failure to register restrictive covenants

9780421228207     Looseleaf

Gadsden on Commons and Greens

• Goes through the Lands Tribunal hearing procedure and its powers to award compensation and modify or discharge restrictive covenants • Reproduces Lands Tribunal forms in the appendices

• Significantly updates the position on common land registration, and the registration of rights of common, to take account of the new provisions, as well as covering the historical treatment of common lands in England and Wales • Deals with vehicular access and the “right to roam” over common land • Answers questions relating to commercial development Sweet & Maxwell UK Jan 2012 HK$2,354



Sweet & Maxwell UK Jan 2013 HK$2,886

• Sets out the law, practice and procedure, as well as including references to appropriate cases and legislation, tables of statutes and cases • Contains full explanation of each topic, along with key cases, legislation, precedents, tables and checklists • Gives you precedents for the principal Landlord and Tenant notices that may need to be served Sweet & Maxwell UK 9780900382673    Looseleaf HK$8,081



Gale on Easements Nineteenth Edition


Jonathan Gaunt, QC; The Hon Mr Justice Morgan

• The definitive text on this core area of property law • Sets out what constitutes an easement and goes on to focus on particular types, such as right of light, rights of way, air and support • Interprets both statute and case law, suggesting solutions to problems which may arise in practice • Explains the development of the law via in-depth analysis of historic case law Land Law

• Offers remedies and advice when an easement has been disturbed • Reproduces relevant legislation and regulations Sweet & Maxwell UK Dec 2012 HK$3,996



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Private International Law REUTERS/Jorge Silva

Private International Law

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Private International Law

Private International Law

The Law of Transnational Business Transactions 2012 Edition


Ved P. Nanda; Ralph B. Lake

• Allows fast, easy, and on-point research • Analyzes licensing, arbitration, agreements, business operations, relief mechanisms, and selected clauses • Covers labor and employment law in the international context • Covers, amongst others: securities, tax, contracts, investments, jurisdictions, and antitrust issues • Examines U.S. export controls and compliance • Outlines the key issues of international business transactions

Class Actions in Australia

Multiple Authors

• Offers complete and comprehensive coverage of class action law in Australia

Aug 2012 HK$9,390



• Provides key strategies for representing and advising clients in arbitration proceedings around the world • Offers tips on navigating recent legal developments, overcoming challenges, and managing client expectations • Discusses key elements of the arbitration process, such as selecting venues and appointing arbitrators, and how international environments affect these decisions

Second Edition


• Addresses the wide ranging developments since the first edition published in 2005 • Covers class action litigation fully, from commencement through choice of forum, opting-out, conduct, trial, settlement, costs and funding Thomson Reuters Australia Jun 2012 HK$2,548



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Damian Grave; Ken Adams; Jason Betts

Aspatore Jun 2012 HK$850



Strategies for International Arbitration: Leading Lawyers on Navigating Arbitrations in a Global Climate (Inside the Minds)



Local Authorities Law in New Zealand

Limitation of Actions - The Laws of Australia

The New Zealand Judicial Review Handbook

Professor Kenneth Palmer

Third Edition

Matthew Smith


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• Encompasses significant recent events that have impacted on local authorities including the unification of the Auckland Council, and the earthquakes in Christchurch in 2010 and 2011 which gave rise to the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011

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• Offers a comprehensive treatment of the law and practice of judicial review in New Zealand, recognising that New Zealand has developed a rich body of indigenous judicial review case law • Provides users with the full range of case law “answers” to the questions they have – helping readers to find the best solution in their particular legal context Thomson Reuters New Zealand Oct 2011

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Thomson Reuters Australia Paperback

Dec 2011 HK$1,209






Civil Remedies in New Zealand

Australian Media Law

Australian Companion to Harris - Cases & Materials on International Law

Second Edition

Fourth Edition

Second Edition

Rt Hon Sir Peter Blanchard

Des Butler, Sharon Rodrick

Rayfuse; Lacey; Cassimatis; McNaughton

• The definitive reference point for practitioners, judges, and law students seeking to find the appropriate remedy for liability in civil law in New Zealand

• Details and explains the complex case law, legislation and regulations governing media practice in areas as diverse as journalism, advertising, multimedia and broadcasting

• Provides readers with a comprehensive treatment of International law from an Australian perspective

• Continues to act as a reminder that it is unwise to put effort into proving or disproving liability without thoroughly considering what remedy may be available if the claimant is successful Thomson Reuters New Zealand Dec 2011 HK$1,811



• Examines the issues affecting traditional forms of media such as television, radio, film and newspapers as well as for recent forms such as the internet, online forums and digital technology, in a clear and accessible format

• Updated to reflect recent developments in the law, the second edition significantly expands on the coverage of the first edition and includes two additional, entirely new, chapters: International Criminal Law and International Environmental Law Thomson Reuters Australia

Thomson Reuters Australia Nov 2011 HK$1,089



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Private International Law

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Peter Handford

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Private International Law

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New Zealand Business Law Quarterly Peter Watts; Susan Watson

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New Zealand Journal of Taxation Law and Policy Adrian Sawyer; Lin Mei Tan

• Provides scholarly analysis of all aspects of taxation in New Zealand • All articles are subject to blind peer review by expert referees selected from the Editorial Board, Board of Advisors, or specialists in a particular field of study, prior to acceptance for publication Thomson Reuters New Zealand 0304 HK$4,725



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Professions / Practice Management

Professions/ Practice Management

Telecommunications Law Professor Ian Lloyd;


Professor David Mellor

Distribution and Promotion of Drugs

Lawyers’ Professional Responsibility

Eric Stupp; Markus Schott; Alison Dennis

Fifth Edition


Gino Dal Pont

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• Includes commentary on the impending attempts to procure uniformity in statutory regulation of lawyers across Australia

• Includes contributions from leading local practitioners who are experts in the field • Allows for easy cross-jurisdictional comparisons • Answers pertinent questions of multinational organisations • Provides key information and highlights all of the major aspects of drug distribution and promotion law in major jurisdictions

• Contains references to the most recent national model professional rules for barristers and to the Australian Solicitors’ Conduct Rules • Comprehensive, with detailed footnoting of relevant provisions and rules in each Australian jurisdiction, and evincing a truly comparative perspective with other common law countries Thomson Reuters Australia Nov 2012 HK$1,270

• Facilitates understanding of the diversity of legislation and compliance regarding drug distribution and promotion in the global context Sweet & Maxwell UK Dec 2012 HK$2,664





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Thomson Reuters Australia

• Reviews the Anti-Kickback Statute and safe harbor regulations as applied

Sep 2012 HK$303



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2012 Edition


Hildebrandt Institute

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• Provides an overview of administrative penalties and exclusions that are often overlooked and misunderstood

Twelfth Edition, Mainwork & Supplement

• Clearly sets out the powers and responsibilities of the coroner and the procedures that must be followed • The work’s wider coverage makes it essential reading for human rights practitioners • Includes an expanded medical content section • Includes a new chapter on Comparative Death Inquiry Law showing how matters are dealt with in non-UK jurisdictions Sweet & Maxwell UK

• Examines false claims - criminal, civil, and Qui Tam actions including their cases and theories

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Wage and Hour Law: Compliance and Practice


Jun 2012 HK$6,600


Les Schneider; J. Larry Stine

Health Law Handbook (Health Law Series)

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Alice G. Gosfield

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Coverage includes:


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Professions / Practice Management

Hildebrandt Handbook of Law Firm Management

Jervis on Coroners

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Public Law REUTERS/Philippe Wojazer

Public Law

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Public Law

Law of the Hong Kong Constitution General Editors: Johannes Chan SC (Hon); C.L. Lim

legal principles in relation to those Articles of the Basic Law most frequently litigated and advised upon

Hong Kong Basic Law Annotations and Commentary Michael Ramsden; Oliver Jones

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Public Law

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This leading work on the principles and practice of judicial review deals authoritatively and comprehensively with all grounds of challenge, including illegality, procedural impropriety and substantive review, Convention rights and European Community grounds. • Provides guidance on the practice and procedure of judicial review, setting out what to do at each stage of the process • Details the different remedies available, such as injunctions, prerogative orders, and pecuniary remedies • Explains the relationship between judicial review, ombudsmen, tribunals and other methods of redress.

Dec 2009 9781847034670 Hardback Mainwork & Supplement   HK$6,157 Dec 2009 9780421691001 First Supplement   HK$1,318



In Enforcement of Judgments the systems of countries around the world are being explained alongside a questionnaire style covering all relevant aspects across jurisdictions. The book gives easy insight in the (im) possibilities of enforcing judgments, awards and deeds around the world. Sweet & Maxwell UK Dec 2012 HK$2,220


Third Edition, Volume 1

Fourth Edition


Professor Sue Arrowsmith

Jeremy Woolf

• Deals with every aspect of the EU procurement rules and their implementation in the UK

• Looks at the development of the declaration in both private and public law proceedings

• Covers purchasing by public bodies as well as by the privatised water, energy, transport and postal services utilities

• Clearly shows the advantages of using declaratory proceedings, in particular the importance of the discretionary element is given full consideration

• Looks in depth at procedures for awarding PPP contracts • Offers detailed analysis of “grey” areas of practical importance, such as post-tender negotiations and corrections to tenders • Includes extensive advice on the consequences of non-compliance • Uses practical examples to show what legal issues mean in practice • Assesses the impact on procurement of developments in public law, including devolution, the Human Rights Act, and the Freedom of Information Act • Includes separate chapters on framework agreements, competitive dialogue, electronic procurement and information requirements • Explains the implications of the latest Court of Justice and UK court decisions

Enforcement of Judgments General Editor: Carel van Lynden

Zamir and Woolf: The Declaratory Judgment


• Focuses on procedure, from commencement in the High Court to Judicial Review • Shows practitioners how to bring a case before the court • Includes the jurisdiction of the High Court, county courts and tribunals to grant declarations, to statutory powers and the prerogative of the Crown, to the rules of international law, implications of the Human Rights Act 1998 and extra-legal issues • Examines in detail who is entitled to bring proceedings for declaratory relief – both claimant and defendant • Makes it clear which cases can and cannot be dealt with • A separate chapter provides a brief comparative study of the use of the declaratory process in Scotland

Sweet & Maxwell UK Sweet & Maxwell UK Apr 2013 HK$1,628


Hardback Sep 2011 HK$2,502



Public Law Editor: Maurice Sunkin

Since its creation in 1956 Public Law has been, and continues to be, the leading forum for information and debate in the constantly evolving area of law and government. Digests and commentary on cases and legislation ensure the reader is fully up-to-date with recent developments, while scholarly articles explore leading issues in depth. It is indispensable for both practitioners and those involved with the study of constitutional and administrative law in the UK and abroad. Sweet & Maxwell UK 0033-35BV HK$7,341


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Rick Glofcheski


Hong Kong Law Journal is the leading scholarly journal in the English language on common law in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and law in the mainland PRC. Eminent jurists from Hong Kong and abroad examine and discuss the latest developments in Hong Kong Law. All contributions are reviewed by a panel of experts. • Up-to-date, reliable, authoritative and academic critique of the law of the region • Includes comparative, jurisprudential, international, and interdisciplinary material relevant to the study of law Sweet & Maxwell Annual subscription    001653ISSER    Paperback HK$2,079

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The Hong Kong Lawyer is the official monthly journal of the Law Society of Hong Kong.

Human Resources is the Official Journal of the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management (HKIHRM) and is a leading forum that addresses the unique issues and challenges affecting HR and related professionals in Hong Kong.

VALUABLE INSIGHTS & ANALYSIS Hong Kong Lawyer provides the legal community with news and insights necessary to keep abreast of latest trends and developments. The magazine focuses on topical, relevant content through features and regular sections, and ensures that each issue is read and trusted amongst the legal community. DIRECT ACCESS Hong Kong Lawyer goes out to every lawyer registered with the Law Society of Hong Kong, as well as members of the Hong Kong Bar Association, corporate and government counsel. ONLINE WWW.HK-LAWYER.ORG The way people engage content is constantly evolving. The Hong Kong Lawyer offers multiple channels for readers to access content and for advertisers to engage with them. e-newsletter Receive our regular e-newsletter to stay up-to-date with key developments. Sign up at www.hk-lawyer.org Sweet & Maxwell Annual subscription   Paperback HK$3,360

INDISPENSABLE CONTENT From contracts to employer branding, from interviewing to staff wellness, Human Resources is an important part of every HR professional’s tool box and provides a voice and platform for experts in these fields as well as development and support for its readers. The journal contains news, analysis and commentary relating to HR management covering topics such as: • compensation and benefits • employment laws • training and succession planning • business and management knowledge ENGAGING LOOK & LAYOUT The fresh look of Human Resources combines those sections readers value so much with new features and content, such as: Cover Story Engaging, thought-provoking stories on leading topics and issues of the day Interview A platform to hear and learn from key thought leaders in the industry Leisure Time A section that keeps readers informed of the latest lifestyle trends affecting the workplace – NEW SECTION Sweet & Maxwell Annual subscription   Paperback HK$2,420


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Varsity Directory of Investigators and Process Servers 2013 Edition

Craies on Legislation Tenth Edition NEW


Stroud’s Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases Eighth Edition

Daniel Greenberg


Daniel Greenberg

• Contains over 700 entries, classified geographically • List names, addresses, telephone, fax, DX and e-mail details • Shows the type of services offered and to which professional bodies the organisation or individual belongs • Includes a postcode index to further aid the location of appropriate services Sweet & Maxwell UK Dec 2012 HK$652



• An account of developments in legislative procedure (including new arrangements for financial legislation, involvement of the public, and Law Commission Bills) • Discussion of quasi-legislation and of local and private legislation • Expanded discussion of arrangements for devolved legislation and of EU and EU-based legislation (including the Technical Standards Directive) • Covers developments in relation to the exercise of statutory powers

• Judicial intervention in legislation (including the correction of mistakes) • Features a new Appendix discussing the application of the work in relation to the law of India Sweet & Maxwell UK Oct 2012 HK$4,278



• An authoritative guide to the present construction of words and phrases occurring in legislation, decided cases and other legal documents • Sets out, where applicable, the evolution of a term’s meaning • Assists practitioners in construing legislation and other documents or in the drafting of documents Sweet & Maxwell UK Jul 2012 HK$8,214



Police and Constabulary Almanac 2012 Edition


• The most comprehensive reference work of its type for the police, all other public authorities, and for those who have dealings with them Sweet & Maxwell UK Feb 2012 HK$518



The Authorised Hong Kong Chinese Law Reports & Translations Mr Justice Patrick Chan PJ, The Late Hon. Mr Arthur Leong GBS; Mr Patrick WS Cheung

Since the first High Court trial and judgment in Chinese in December 1995, there has been an increasing use of Chinese in courts resulting in a growing number of Chinese judgments of jurisprudential value as yet unreported.

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• An updated account of the application of the presumptions and canons of statutory interpretation (including Pepper v Hart)

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COMPREHENSIVE • DEPTH Representing over 100 years of case law in Hong Kong (since 1905), HKLRD has twice the historical depth of other reporting services. • BREADTH Includes not only case selection of the most important cases by the General Editor, but HKCFAR and Chinese judgments with official English translations approved by the judiciary. • QUANTITY OF CASES From the 2012 service we will feature even more English cases.

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General Editor: Dr Gerard McCoy, SBS, SC

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The Hong Kong Law Reports & Digest (HKLRD) is the only AUTHORISED law reporting service in Hong Kong endorsed by the Judiciary. HKLRD provides an authoritative, consistent and authentic statement of the law. AUTHORISED • AUTHORITATIVE HKLRD, Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Reports (HKCFAR) and Hong Kong Chinese Law Reports & Translations (HKCLRT) are the official reports of the courts of Hong Kong. • QUALITY Every headnote is reviewed by experienced practitioners, judges and leading counsel before inclusion in HKLRD and HKCFAR.

HKLRD Now is a Hong Kong Official Case Law update delivered to your inbox every two weeks that gives you the catchwords of the cases in the next HKLRD print part. To register visit www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk and click on the HKLRD Now registration button. Sweet & Maxwell Fortnightly Service The Authorised HKLRD Print Parts Service Product Code: 001655PPSER   HK$14,460 2013 Bound Volume Product Code: 001659BVSER02   HK$14,460 2013 Print Parts + Bound Volume Product Code: 001655PK2   HK$21,560

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Jowitt’s Dictionary of English Law Third Edition

Second Edition West Editorial Staff

This set provides a broad coverage of all fields of American law state and federal, civil and criminal, substantive and procedural. • The articles collate, examine, and summarise the broad principles of American law • Provide direct leads to supporting cases, related annotations, forms, proofs, and trial techniques • Alphabetically arranged in more than 400 topics or chapters. West Since 2001 HK$118,880



First published in 1959, Jowitt’s Dictionary of English Law is the authority to be cited and relied upon in court when establishing the definition of each expression which forms part of the fabric of English law. Thoroughly revised and updated since the last edition in 1977, this new edition covers English law from earliest times up to the present day, providing detailed explanations of legal terms as well as their historical context. Sweet & Maxwell UK May 2010 HK$6,882


Black’s Law Dictionary Ninth Edition Garner, Bryan A.

Firmly established as the most widely cited law book in the world, Black’s Law Dictionary is the definitive legal resource for lawyers, law students and laypeople alike. The Ninth Edition is the most comprehensive law dictionary ever published. It contains:

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• This set also features detailed indexes with thousands of entries not found anywhere else

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As the authorised reports of the High Court, the prestigious Commonwealth Law Reports have published full text High Court decisions since 1903. Being the authorised reports, every judgment and headnote is checked by the judges of the High Court before inclusion in the Commonwealth Law Reports. Each reported judgment includes a comprehensive headnote, written by an expert reporter, and approved by the High Court. Headnotes highlight the key issues of each case and include a summary of counsels’ arguments to the High Court. The Commonwealth Law Reports also include tables of cases reported, affirmed, reversed, overruled,


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Kennedy and Rose on the Law of Salvage Eighth Edition


Summerskill on Laytime

Sassoon: CIF and FOB Contracts

Fifth Edition


Simon Baughen

Fifth Edition


Filippo Lorenzon; Lynne Skajaa; Professor Yvonne Baatz; Chris Nicoll

Professor Francis Rose


• Offers Practical advice on C.I.F. and F.O.B. contracts and their most common variants with easy reference to solutions for issues you may be face

• Focuses on English law and the relationship of the Convention with English law

• Presents a detailed and authoritative statement as to laytime, demurrage, detention and dispatch under English law

• Considers the law of salvage in other jurisdictions in relation to English law

• Provides working examples for various calculations, such as demurrage and dispatch

• Takes you through the situations in which a claim is entitled

• Gives you coverage of English arbitration awards

• Examines the duties of each party and the consequences of misconduct

• Includes a new chapter on damages for detention

• Looks at salvage payments, covering who is liable and how it is distributed • Includes coverage of the growing area of underwater cultural property and treasure

• New commentary on the interplay between claims arising from sale of goods contracts and voyage charters Sweet & Maxwell UK Dec 2012 HK$3,552



• Covers the nature of each sales term under both Common law and the new Incoterms ® 2010 Rules, including: property and risk in the goods, the physical shipment, the documentary tender of bills of lading, policies and certificates of insurance, licences and certificates together with payment, remedies for breach and conflict of laws • Includes commentary on all the significant legislative and contractual developments and new decisions of the European Court of Justice, the Supreme Court/House of Lords, the Court of Appeal and the Commercial Court Sweet & Maxwell UK Feb 2012 HK$4,115

Sweet & Maxwell UK Feb 2013 HK$4,366




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• Includes all the important new cases and Supreme Court decisions

Brice on Maritime Law of Salvage Fifth Edition


• Gives you an in-depth treatment of specialist commercial contract area • Gives you practical guidance through commentary on case law and legislation

John Reeder, QC

• Organised so that each chapter deals with a particular clause or group of clauses found in day to day practice

• Takes a detailed look at the Lloyds Open Form (LOF) of Salvage Agreement including amendments to Lloyds Standard Salvage and Arbitration Clauses and Lloyds Procedural Rules • Discusses the current decision making trends of LOF Arbitrators, giving you insight into future decisions that could affect your cases

Sweet & Maxwell UK Jan 2012




Carver on Bills of Lading Third Edition


Sir Guenter Treitel, QC; Professor Francis M B Reynolds, QC

• Helps clarify uncertainties in points of principle



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Sep 2011 HK$4,366



Maritime Law Second Edition Professor Yvonne Baatz

David Lucas

Shipping & International Trade Law aims to provide a first port of call for clients and lawyers to start to appreciate the issues in numerous maritime jurisdictions. Each chapter is set out in such a way that readers can make quick comparisons between the litigation terrain in each country, determining the differences between, for example, the rights of cargo interests to claim for cargo loss or damage in Italy and England. A remarkable breadth of jurisdictions is covered, while the contributors are all leading lawyers in their countries and are ideally placed to provide practical, straightforward commentary on the inner workings of their respective legal systems.

• Covers recent developments since the First Edition including new international conventions such as the Bunker Pollution Convention; European Regulations such as Rome I and Rome II; recent case law; and European Commission proposals • Brand new chapter on shipbuilding, sale, finance and registration • Expanded chapter on marine insurance, covering the 2009 Institute Cargo Clauses and the Third Parties (Rights Against Insurers) Act 2010


• Examines recent SCOPIC clause changes and their effect on payments to a Salvage contractor

Jan 2012 HK$5,906

• Provides a first port of call for research when both drafting and disputing contracts

Sweet & Maxwell UK

Sweet & Maxwell UK

• Provides expert commentary on the key areas salvage operations including: Law of Salvage, Admiralty Court decisions, The Salvage Agreement, Salved property and Salved values

• Covers the different types of charterparties: time charters, voyage charters, and demise charters, and lays out the nature, validity, and the construction of each

Sweet & Maxwell UK Aug 2011 HK$2,590



Sweet & Maxwell UK Dec 2011




Scrutton on Charterparties and Bills of Lading Twenty-second Edition

• Provides a guide to the nature and uses of a Bill of Lading • Provides a detailed analysis of common standard form clauses and the legal principles that apply to them • Includes a new chapter providing key commentary on the Rotterdam Rules

Mr Justice Eder, QC; David Foxton, QC; Steven Berry, QC; Christopher Smith; Professor Howard Bennett

• Provides and overview of the legal principles of Charterparties and Bills of Lading based on Scrutton’s original commentary and the accrued experience of previous authors

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Tort and Personal Injury

Tort and Personal Injury

Tort and Personal Injury

Tort Law in China

Tort Law in Hong Kong

D.K. Srivastava; Min Kang Gu


Tort Law in China is the first and only book that fully examines the impact and ramifications of China’s Tort Liability Law enacted on 1 July, 2010. This title is an invaluable resource, providing readers with a comprehensive analysis and critical studies of this law, leading cases, and relevant legislation.

Tort and Personal Injury

Explains the intricacies of China’s new Tort Law and how to properly commence a tort action before China’s civil court system • Informs how an entity’s activities in China are most likely to be affected • Helps identify issues which may potentially create liability Comprehensive- fully examines: • The 92 articles of China’s new Tort Law and the legal history behind its enactment • Legal precedence, general applications, rights and interests protected under the law • Defenses, remedies, and tortfeasors under the law Renowned and respected authorship • D.K. Srivastava, Professor (retired), City University of Hong Kong School of Law and Chinese University of Hong Kong School of Law • Min Kang Gu, Professor – City University of Hong Kong School of Law Sweet & Maxwell Mar 2013 HK$2,500




Third Edition


Personal Injury Tables Hong Kong 2013 Edition

Rick Glofcheski


General Editor: Neville Sarony, QC, SC

Substantially revised and up-to-date with new content across all chapters

Fully revised and updated content

• Incorporates the large body of Hong Kong law that has developed in the past five years

• Takes into account 2012 Hong Kong mortality projections by the Census and Statistic Department

• Cites more than 300 new cases including: Luen Hing Fat Coating & Finishing Factory Ltd v Waan Chuen Ming (2011); Blakeney-Williams v Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd (2012); Oriental Press Group Ltd v Fevaworks Solutions Ltd (2012); Payam Tamiz v Google Inc (2012); Oriental Daily Publisher Ltd v Ming Pao Holdings Ltd (2012); plus many more!

• Quantum of damages table fully updated

Places the law in a Hong Kong context • Only in Hong Kong could a court decide that the burning of incense on a daily basis in the 8th floor corridor of a residential building might not be nuisance: Hu Wei Hsin v Ma Hung Wing (2011)

Only compilation that covers both accepted regimes • Multiplier precedents • Actuarial precedents Respected and authoritative • General Editor: Neville Sarony, QC, SC, Pi Chambers • Frequently cited in court Sweet & Maxwell Nov 2012 HK$1,080

Expert authorship by a leading academic • Rick Glofcheski, Professor, School of Law, University of Hong Kong Sweet & Maxwell Nov 2012 HK$1,300



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Tort Law and Practice in Hong Kong Second Edition Multiple Authors

duties of care in tort arise • Discusses and analyses virtually all of the significant reported cases on this topic in England and the Commonwealth Sweet & Maxwell UK Feb 2013 HK$5,550



Third Edition

• Two new chapters: Privacy and Misfeasance in Public Office • Encompasses all the changes in Tort Law over an eight year period • Provides in-depth treatment in a number of key areas, e.g. professional negligence, nuisance Content substantially localised to fit the increasing demand in Hong Kong

Renowned author team of highly experienced practitioners


• Goes through the origins of the action for breach of confidence, the present state of the law, and discusses possible solutions in areas of uncertainty

Sweet & Maxwell UK 9780414041363



Robby Bernstein

• Deals with situations in which one person’s negligent act or omission causes another person to suffer a loss which is not to his person or his property, and where the relationship between them is usually non-contractual • Sets out and comments on the principles applied by the courts in pure economic loss cases • Covers general themes and alternative approaches before dealing with the broad categories of situations in which questions concerning pure economic loss and

Professor Anthony Dugdale; Professor Michael Jones

• Covers all areas of tort, including negligence, defamation, nuisance and trespass, and statutory torts

• Offers unequalled explanation of the general principles and shows how these apply in different situations through detailed analysis of case law Sweet & Maxwell UK Dec 2012 9780414023406 Hardback Mainwork & Supplement   HK$6,512 Dec 2012 9780414024540 Second Supplement   HK$1,110


McGregor on Damages Eighteenth Edition, Mainwork & Supplement


Harvey McGregor, QC

• Provides detailed explanation of how general principles apply to particular cases through analysis of case law • Includes coverage of general principles, heads of damage, damages in contract and tort, human rights and procedure

Jackson & Powell on Professional Liability Seventh Edition, Mainwork & Supplement John Powell, QC; Roger Stewart, QC; Mark Cannon, QC; David Turner, QC; A Team from 4 New Square Chambers

Economic Loss Third Edition

• Provides comprehensive guidance on the law of confidentiality and its impact on different areas of the law

Dec 2012 HK$2,206


• Offers comprehensive coverage of the law of professional liability • Discusses the difference between contractual liability and tortuous liability

• Has been written with great clarity and a logical structure, by the accepted authority in the area of damages Sweet & Maxwell UK Nov 2012 9780414043282 Hardback Mainwork & Supplement   HK$6,956 Nov 2012 9780414024427 Third Supplement   HK$1,110


• Provides essential reference point as it aids practitioners in establishing whether a duty of care exists , whether it has been breached, the cause and remedies available Sweet & Maxwell UK Dec 2011 9780414047808 Mainwork   HK$4,588


Dec 2012 9780414026780 First Supplement   HK$1,318


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Tort and Personal Injury

Sweet & Maxwell 9789626613863

The Hon Mr Justice R.G Toulson; Charles Phipps Barrister

• Demonstrates which relationships give rise to duties of confidence

• Editor-in-Chief: The Hon. Mr Justice Bokhary PJ; General Editors: Neville Sarony QC, SC and Professor DK Srivastava, and a team of expert academics, senior and seasoned practitioners

Nov 2011 HK$3,750


• Details what can and cannot be protected as confidential, and what constitutes abuse of confidential information

• Highlights local jurisprudence rather than international jurisprudence

Twentieth Edition, Mainwork & Supplement

• Deals with common law, statutory, individual and commercial torts individually and chapter by chapter


Detailed, authoritative:

Clerk & Lindsell on Torts

Contemporary Perspectives on Human Rights Laws in Australia

Charlesworth & Percy on Negligence

Paula Gerber; Melissa Castan

Twelfth Edition, Mainwork & Supplement


• Provides a comprehensive, accessible and scholarly examination of many of the key human rights issues facing Australia today • Provides a timely and intriguing discussion on the law and policy regarding the application of human rights standards in Australia today



Facts & Figures 2012 - 2013 Edition



Third Edition


Andrew Ashworth, QC (Hon); Alison Macdonald

His Honour Judge Christopher Walton; His Honour Judge Simon E Wood; Roger Cooper; Stephen Todd

• Sets out the general principles, covering duty of care, liability and causation • Deals with both the standard of care in different situations and areas where strict liability applies • Explains what remedies may be available, including damages

Thomson Reuters Australia Oct 2012 HK$804

Human Rights and Criminal Justice

Sweet & Maxwell UK

• The foremost guide for UK criminal practitioners showing how their work is affected by human rights considerations • Combines analysis of theory and principles with practical guidance • Deals in turn with the practical impact of human rights principles on each area of criminal practice • Provides a full and systematic analysis of UK human rights law and the criminal justice system

9780414023376 Hardback Sep 2012 Mainwork & Supplement   HK$5,624

Sweet & Maxwell UK

Sep 2012 9780414024410 Second Supplement   HK$1,036

Jul 2012 HK$1,910




Robin de Wilde, QC

Tort Law

Torts: Commentary & Materials

Tort and Personal Injury

Fifth Edition

Brings together all the information in one volume, to assist you in assessing special damages information quickly, easily and efficiently • Provides access to the latest, up-todate material and includes the sixth edition of the Ogden tables • Ensures accuracy in the calculation of special damages and claims for loss of earnings • Provides you with up-to-date financial and statistical information • Helps with the production of schedules and counter-schedules

Oct 2012 HK$829



Eleventh Edition


Lewis N. Klar

Carolyn Sappideen; Prue Vines; Penelope Watson

• Provides a thorough coverage of Canadian tort law, with both historical and philosophical context, and contemporary developments in case law and legislation

• Provides expert commentary on carefully selected cases and materials from each core area of tort law

• Includes discussion of such topics as the continuing effect of the refined duty of care formula on Canadian negligence law, particularly with respect to liability of public authorities and pure economic loss recovery; expansion of freedom of expression as regards to public interest; defamation on the internet; new developments in nuisance and strict liability; and the new tort of protection of privacy, among others

• Substantially rewritten and reworked to streamline and structure content to reflect the subject as taught in the majority of Australian universities, in particular to reflect the modern role of tort within legal structures, including constitutional torts and torts protecting human rights Thomson Reuters Australia Jun 2012 HK$1,296

Carswell Aug 2012 HK$2,415

Sweet & Maxwell UK





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A Practitioner’s Guide to the European Convention on Human Rights Fourth Edition


Fleming’s The Law of Torts Tenth Edition

First supplement:

Carolyn Sappideen; Prue Vines

• Distinguished throughout the world of tort scholarship as a work of enormous significance

Karen Reid

• The must have resource for all practitioners and scholars of Tort law within the common law jurisdictions

A practical and detailed reference guide to the procedure for taking a case to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) • Explains the principles of the European Convention on Human Rights (and its role in UK law) • Provides step-by-step guidance on the practices and procedures involved in bringing a case before the ECHR, ensuring that practitioners have a comprehensive guide to practising in the Court Sweet & Maxwell UK Jan 2012 HK$2,146



Degeling; Edelman; Goudkamp (Eds)

• Guides practitioners through a complex, difficult and controversial area of the law, offering a resource illuminating the many particular and difficult issues at this intersection • Brings together in one volume a series of chapters from a team of prestigious contributors analysing the interaction of common law and equity in commercial law


• Significant new guidance in malicious falsehood claims



Nov 2010 9781847034939 Hardback Mainwork & Supplement   HK$6,261 Nov 2010 9780414042179 First Supplement   HK$888

Law into Action Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Aotearoa New Zealand

Human Rights Practice

Margaret Bedggood; Kris Gledhill

Jessica Simor


• A comprehensive reference work for lawyers, policymakers, activists and all those interested in the history and protection of economic, social and cultural rights in New Zealand • Divided into four parts and twenty chapters, which cover: the origins and framework of economic social and cultural rights; the difficulties in getting recognition of those rights; the delivery of those rights to different groups in New Zealand; and the institutions and organisations that are responsible for promoting and protecting those rights Thomson Reuters New Zealand Mar 2011 HK$614


• Explains the Human Rights Act 1998 and its impact on domestic law • Guides you, chapter-by-chapter, through each Article and Protocol of the European Convention on Human Rights • Contains extensive case law from both the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg and UK courts

Paperback Sweet & Maxwell UK 9780421625402     Looseleaf HK$7,312

Gatley on Libel and Slander Eleventh Edition, Mainwork & Supplement Patrick Milmo, QC; W V H Rogers MA (Cantab); Richard Parkes, QC; Godwin Busuttil; Professor Clive Walker; Adam Speker

Thomson Reuters Australia Dec 2011 HK$2,185

• Full updates on all the important recent privacy and injunction


• Provides an authoritative and all encompassing guide to the law of defamation • Includes expert commentary and analysis from a distinguished team of writers • Brings practitioners up-to-date with the latest developments, both

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Tort and Personal Injury

Torts In Commercial Law

• Full updates on all developments in defamation case law in this jurisdiction

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substantive and procedural, in the law of defamation

Kemp & Kemp: Personal Injury Law, Practice and Procedure William Norris, QC; Grahame Aldous; Simon Allen; Jenny Kennedy; Nigel Lewers; Myles Hickey; Timothy Petts; Jason Rowley

• Provides practical guidance on the tactics and strategies that you should adopt • Covers all types of cases, including fatal accidents, industrial accidents, road traffic accidents, occupational health and clinical negligence, so you can take on even unfamiliar and complex cases with confidence • Provides a balanced approach, considering both claimant and defendant viewpoints Sweet & Maxwell UK 9780421905108     Looseleaf HK$5,240

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Trusts and Equity Trusts and Equity

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Trusts and Equity

The hong kong Property Ordinances: Commentary and Annotations Christine Yu


• Examines the laws on Housing Policy which guide the Hong Kong Government as well as the private sector of real estate developers who play an important role in meeting the housing needs of the community

Trusts and Equity

• Examines the laws enacted to strengthen the Government’s resolve to make private home ownership more accessible to all members of the Hong Kong community Real estate has traditionally been important in the economic life of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong stock market has been heavily dependent upon property development companies. With all the news about the continuing rising costs of property preventing Hong Kong Citizens from affording a home, this publication publishes at the ideal time. Levels of home ownership are high but there is still a very active private rental market and even more active commercial rental market. Confidence and the performance of the Hong Kong economy generally are reflected strongly in the property market. With the continuing rising costs of home ownership here in Hong Kong, Property speculators, Real Estate Practitioners, as well as In-House Counsel must be aware and conscious of all the relevant property laws in Hong Kong. Hong Kong’s Housing Policy is currently formulated, co-ordinated and monitored by the Secretary for Transport and Housing. The Housing


Department supports the Transport and Housing Bureau in dealing with all housing-related policies and matters. The Government’s housing policy is premised on three major guiding principles: (i) First, the thrust of the Government’s subsidised housing policy is to assist low income families who cannot afford private rental housing through the provision of public rental housing; (ii) Second, the Government’s role should primarily focus on land supply; and (iii) Third, the Government should maintain a fair and stable operating environment to enable the sustained and healthy development of the private property market. The Government needs to ensure adequate supply of land together with the necessary supporting infrastructure to meet market demand.

Lewin on Trusts Nineteenth Edition Lynton Tucker; Nicholas Le Poidevin, QC; James Brightwell

• A key mainwork of the private client list and is frequently cited in court • Provides the practitioner with the definitive guide to trust law and practice • Covers the definition, classification and creation of trusts, trustees, beneficiaries, administration, breach of trust and remedies, and variation of trusts Sweet & Maxwell UK Sep 2013 HK$4,440

The Government is committed in using the authority granted to them in the Property Ordinances to enhancing the transparency of property and transaction information on the sales of first-hand private residential properties. In the past few years, the Transport and Housing Bureau has implemented through Lands Department’s Consent Scheme and the guidelines of the Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong to enhance the transparency of the price lists, sales brochures, show flats and transaction information. Our publication examines these laws enacted to strengthen the Government’s resolve to make private home ownership more accessible to all members of the Hong Kong community. Sweet & Maxwell Dec 2013 TBC



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Drafting Trusts & Will Trusts in the Channel Islands

Drafting Trusts and Will Trusts

James Kessler, QC; Paul Matthams

Eleventh Edition


• Highlights the differences between Jersey and Guernsey trust law

Snell’s Equity NEW

James Kessler, QC; Leon Sartin

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Williams, Mortimer & Sunnucks Executors, Administrators and Probate Twentieth Edition


John Ross Martyn; Nicholas Caddick, QC

• Broaches all aspects of drafting settlements and will trusts from first principles and definitions of common terminology to types of trusts and their various uses • Covers the technical issues involved in drafting settlements, common mistakes and traps, which matters are essential to cover and matters which may safely be omitted • Includes a large selection of newly updated precedents which are drafted in a straightforward, modern way, and are accompanied with an explanation of why the text is there and the choices which need to be made • Written in an easy to understand style enabling the less experienced drafter to understand more complex issues • Serves as a guide to the interpretation of Trust documentation

• Offers in-depth guidance to the law of probate and the administration of estates after death

• Frequently cited in court and is therefore relied upon by the user to give definitive guidance to debatable points Sweet & Maxwell UK Jan 2013 HK$4,070



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• Offers expert interpretation of the rules of equity and how they can be applied in different situations The Supplement includes:

• Andrews v. Australian & New Zealand Banking Corporation considering jurisdiction to relieve from penalties • Suggitt v. Suggitt on the idea of proportionality in granting relief based on estoppel • GHLM Trading v. Maroo on a fiduciary’s duty of disclosure • Various cases on the question of the relationship between equitable liability for breach of confidence and liability in tort Sweet & Maxwell UK Nov 2012 9780414048751 Hardback Mainwork & Supplement   HK$5,180 Nov 2012 9780414025103 Second Supplement   HK$1,110


Trade Secrets Throughout the World 2012 - 2013 Edition


Melvin F. Jager

• Each chapter covers distinct nation states or regions, to aid in quickly finding exactly the information one needs in a given jurisdiction • Select chapter appendices provide English translations of pertinent statutes, regulations, guidelines and forms • Full index aids in research West Nov 2012 HK$3,180



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Trusts and Equity

• Considered in the market to be one of the leading authorities on the subject offering an in-depth analysis of the law and how it applies in practice

John McGhee, QC

• Contains the most comprehensive coverage of this area, and frequently cited in court

• Advises on the best trust to use in each situation and provides solutions to drafting problems

• Covers both lifetime trusts and will trusts


• Explains equitable principles and remedies and their application in trusts, probate and mortgages

• Enables you to understand the law and to draft safe, accurate trusts, according to the law in either jurisdiction

• Highlights common mistakes and traps

Thirty-Second Edition, Mainwork & Supplement

Corporate Counsel’s Guide to Unfair Competition 2012 Edition


Publisher’s Editorial Staff

Shareholder Agreements and Joint Ventures in China: Business Laws of China Second Edition


Probate Practice in Hong Kong Third Edition


Christopher Sherrin

Owen Nee, S.C.

Topics include: • Risk assessment and internal audits • An overview of national and international antitrust law (including the E.U., Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Japan, and Australia) • Monopolization

Comprehensive coverage

• Price discrimination • Government enforcement • Sentencing guidelines • Criteria for effective programs • Exemptions from antitrust laws • How to avoid illegal competitive practices West Oct 2012   9780314609342   Binder/Looseleaf HK$2,490

The second edition is completely upto-date with new content across all chapters including ‘hot topic’ areas such as: • An analysis of the twelfth Five-Year Plan • Open Door Policy • Domestic, foreign and corporate land users • National security review Offers analytical, concise discussion of all aspects of shareholder agreements, providing a one-stop resource for practitioners • Draws together overarching issues and gives reference to real-life practices and procedures to explain the complex process throughout the text • Issues include transaction structure and process, merger control, government regulations and approvals

• The only text in Hong Kong which covers both the substantive law and practice of non-contentious probate matters • Divided into four parts: matters pre-grant, obtaining the grant, administration and distribution of the estate Practical approach • Explains probate practice in a straightforward and sequential way with ample use of essential sample documents and checklists to help ensure all steps are completed Written by Christopher Sherrin, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong • Has written extensively in key practitioner texts on wills, intestacy, and trusts in Hong Kong and the UK Sweet & Maxwell Apr 2012 HK$900

Trusts and Equity

Written by a highly regarded and wellknown author – Mr. Owen Nee, Senior Counsel, Freenberg Traurig LLP • Was named in the 2008 Asialaw Leading Lawyers survey as “one of the most highly acclaimed legal experts in the Asia-Pacific region” in the areas of capital markets and corporate finance. Sweet & Maxwell Jul 2012 HK$3,000




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Australian Trusts Tax Handbook

Goff & Jones: The Law of Unjust Enrichment

2012 - 2013 Edition

Eighth Edition


Professor Charles Mitchell; Professor Paul Mitchell; Dr Stephen Watterson

• A practical guide to the rules relating to the distribution and taxation of trust income to assist accountants and tax practitioners deal with this common, but complex issue • Outlines the relevant trust law concepts (including the importance of the trust deed) that play a key role in setting the scene for determining the trustee’s and beneficiary’s tax position • Explains the trust income tax provisions and the operation of other tax provisions such as capital gains tax to trust estates and deceased estates in clear nonlegalistic terms with numerous examples, tips and alerts Thomson Reuters Australia Dec 2011 HK$1,944



• A new writing team of established experts in the field ensures you have the latest and most reliable reference tool • Provides a clear introduction to the principles behind unjust enrichment • Covers of the essential ingredients of a claim such as enrichment, at the claimant’s expense and in circumstances that the law deems unjust, such as mistake, undue influence, duress, failure of basis, necessity, secondary liability, and more Sweet & Maxwell UK Dec 2011 HK$4,810

The Law Of Trusts



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This highly respected, all encompassing service pays detailed attention to the underlying general principles and the impact of recent developments in trust law.

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INDEX Administrative Law


Australian Media Law


ADR: Principles and Practice


Australian Trusts Tax Handbook


A Guide to Business Law


A-Z of Civil Litigation Banking Law in Hong Kong

Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing (Butterfield & Chambers)


ALR International


Alternative Dispute Resolution


American Jurisprudence


Analytical Commentary to the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules


An Introduction to Advocacy


An Outline of the Law of Partnership


A Practitioner’s Guide to Conflicts of Interest in the Financial Services Industry 81

32, 78 82

Banking Regulation Benjamin’s Sale of Goods Bermuda, British Virgin Islands and Cayman Islands Company Law

A Practitioner’s Guide to the European Convention on Human Rights A Practitioner’s Guide to The Financial Services Authority Listing Regime A Practitioner’s Guide to the Regulation of Market Abuse A Practitioner’s Guide to Trade and Commodity Finance

Arbitration World

58, 100

Civil Procedure in Hong Kong – A Guide to the Main Principles

42, 66, 93

36, 96

Civil Remedies in New Zealand

153 152

Class Actions in Australia

Boilerplate: Practical Clauses


Clerk & Lindsell on Torts

Bokhary Recollections


Colinvaux’s Law of Insurance

Bowstead and Reynolds on Agency 58, 100 148 171

57, 175 134

Colinvaux’s Law of Insurance in Hong Kong

21, 135

Commercial Arbitration in Australia


British Company Law & Practice Service 108

Commercial Contract Clauses – Principles & Interpretation



British Virgin Islands Commercial Law

35, 96

Commercial Law



Brookers Company and Securities Law Handbook


Commercial Law of the People’s Republic of China



Brookers Contract and Commercial Law Handbook



Building Defects Under the Home Building Act 1989 (NSW)


23, 74 73

Bullen & Leake & Jacob’s Precedents of Pleadings 59, 93 Bullen & Leake & Jacob’s Precedents of Pleadings Hong Kong 34, 90 Burnett-Hall on Environmental Law


Business and Law in Australia


Arbitrators’ Insights, Essays in Honour of Neil Kaplan

40, 73

Business Law in Hong Kong

Archbold Hong Kong

17, 119

Business Laws of Germany


Business Laws Of Lebanon


Business Laws of Saudi Arabia


Archbold Magistrates’ Courts Criminal Practice

41, 91

Civil Litigation in Hong Kong


Break Clauses


40, 62, 98

Commercial Litigation in Hong Kong: 37, 97 A Practical Guide Commonwealth Law Reports


Companies and Securities Law: Commentary and Materials


Companies Ordinance (cap. 622)

35, 105

Company Directors


Company Disclosure in Australia


Company Law in Hong Kong – Insolvency Company Law in Hong Kong, Practice and Procedure

38, 97 37, 38, 97

Company Law Perspectives

Carver on Bills of Lading


Arnould’s Law of Marine Insurance


Casebook on Scottish Criminal Law


Australian Commercial Law


Cases and Materials on International Law

Compliance and Company Secretarial Practice of Hong Kong Companies



Central Issues in Jurisprudence


Consent in Context: Fulfilling the Promise of International Arbitration (Multiparty, Multi-Contract, and NonContract Arbitration)

Australian Companion to Harris – Cases & Materials on International Law 153 Australian Criminal Reports


Charlesworth & Percy on Negligence 58, 176

Australian Family Law in Context


China Arbitration Handbook

Australian Financial Planning Handbook 80

Chitty on Contracts UK

28, 75 57


Competition Law in China and Hong Kong 30, 112

Arlidge, Eady & Smith on Contempt 59, 93




41, 65, 74

Arbitration in Hong Kong, A Practical Guide

Chow and Han’s Doing Business in China: Problems, Cases and Materials

Black’s Law Dictionary

Brice on Maritime Law of Salvage

A Practitioner’s Guide to Inside Information

Arbitration in China: Regulation of Arbitration Agreements and Practical Issues


Chitty on Contracts UK 31st Edition & Hong Kong Specific Contracts, Third 18, 114 Edition

33, 104 175



Construction All Risks Insurance

134 74

Construction Arbitration Handbook

Construction Law and Practice in 24, 68, 87 Hong Kong Construction Law in Australia


Construction Law & Practice


Construction Litigation Handbook


Contemporary Perspectives on Human Rights Laws in Australia


26, 114

Contract Law in China Contract Law in Hong Kong

43, 67, 116

Contractual Duties


Copinger & Skone James on Copyright 139 Copyright and Designs Law Copyright Litigation Handbook


Craies on Legislation

Consolidated Intellectual Property Statutes and Regulations with Related Materials

145 140

Corporate Counsel’s Guide to Copyright 139 Law


Cretney and Probert’s Family Law

Crime & Justice: A Guide to Criminology 121 Criminal Appeal Reports (Sentencing)


Criminal Litigation in Hong Kong 43, 67, 121 Data Protection Law & Practice


Data Protection & Privacy – Jurisdictional Comparisons


Data Protection Strategy: Implementing 140 Data Protection Compliance Davies: Principles of Tax Law


De Smith’s Judicial Review


Dicey, Morris & Collins on the Conflict of Laws


Dilapidations: The Modern Law and Practice


Directors at Work: A Practical Guide for Boards




Discrimination Law and Practice in Hong Kong

23, 127

Encyclopedia of Data Protection and Privacy


Encyclopedia of European Union Law


Encyclopedia of Financial Services Law Enforcement of Judgments


73, 161

Entertainment and Intellectual Property Law


EU Antitrust Procedure


EU Competition Law Handbook


EU Environmental Law


Everett and McCracken’s Banking and Financial Institutions Law


Evidence Law in Queensland


Facts & Figures


Family Law and Practice in Hong Kong

24, 68, 132

Federal Appendix


Federal Law Reports


Federal Reporter


Financial Analysis & Cashflow for Financial Controllers & Corporate Accountants


Financial Analysis & Cashflow for Practicing Accountants


Fleet Street Reports: Cases on Intellectual Property Law


Fleming’s The Law of Torts


Corporate Counsel’s Guide to Doing Business in India


Corporate Counsel’s Guide to Doing Business in Russia


Corporate Counsel’s Guide to Doing Business in Vietnam


Domain Names: Global Practice and Procedure

Corporate Counsel’s Guide to Insider Trading and Reporting


Domestic Violence: Practice and Procedure


Fundamentals of Trial Techniques


Drafting Trusts and Will Trusts


Gadsden on Commons and Greens


Drafting Trusts & Will Trusts in the Channel Islands

Gale on Easements



Gaming Law


Corporate Counsel’s Guide to Licensing 140 Corporate Counsel’s Guide to the Wage 125 and Hour Laws Corporate Counsel’s Guide to Trademark Law


Corporate Counsel’s Guide to Unfair Competition


Corporate Law in China: Norms, Structure and Operation

26, 104

Distribution and Promotion of Drugs


Documentary Evidence


Doing Business In South Korea

99 145

Drug Trafficking (Recovery of Proceeds) Ordinance: Commentary and Annotations


Gatley on Libel and Slander

Economic Loss


eDiscovery for Corporate Counsel


Glanville Williams Textbook of Criminal Law

Effective Legal Research

Gateway to Land Law


Corporations Court Rules & Related Legislation


Electronic Transactions Ordinance

Corporations Law: In Principle


Employment and Labour Law

Corporations Legislation


Employment Law and Practice in Hong Kong

22, 126

Employment Ordinance

51, 125

Corruption and Fraud in Asia Court of Appeal Criminal Division

33, 118 120

Employment Tribunal Practice

52, 101 126

Goff & Jones: The Law of Unjust Enrichment

64 60, 177 64

59, 183

Going Global: A Guide to Building an International Business with Forms on CD 98 Goldstein and Trimble’s International Intellectual Property Law, Cases and Materials




INDEX International Contract Manual



International Finance: Law and Regulation



International Human Resources Guide



International Intellectual Property Litigation


Gower & Davies: Principles of Modern Company Law


Guide to European Patents Hanbury & Martin: Modern Equity Health Law Handbook (Health Law Series) Hildebrandt Handbook of Law Firm Management


Holiday Law


Homicide – The Laws of Australia Hong Kong Basic Law Annotations and Commentary Hong Kong Civil Procedure

120 160 16, 90 70

Hong Kong Evidence Casebook Hong Kong Law Journal

15, 164

Hong Kong Law Reports & Digest

14, 166

Hong Kong Lawyer

164 70

Hong Kong Legal Research

68, 75

Hong Kong Mediation Handbook Hudson’s Building and Engineering Contracts


International Law


International Securities Regulation: Pacific Rim


Introduction to Law in the Hong Kong SAR


IP Strategy: Complete Intellectual Property Planning, Access & Protection 141 Jackson & Powell on Professional Liability

56, 175

James and Wells Intellectual Property Law in New Zealand


Japanese Patent Litigation


Jervis on Coroners


Joint Ventures


Joske’s Law & Procedures at Meetings in 99 Australia


Jowitt’s Dictionary of English Law


Human Rights and Criminal Justice




Human Rights Practice


Keating on Construction Contracts


IDS Discrimination at Work


Keating on NEC3


IDS Maternity & Parental Rights


Kemp & Kemp: Personal Injury Law, Practice and Procedure


Kemp & Kemp: Quantum of Damages



Insights into IFRS


Insurance & Reinsurance


Kennedy and Rose on the Law of Salvage


Intellectual Property: Commentary and 143 Materials

Kerly’s Law of Trade Marks and Trade Names

Intellectual Property Law and Practice in Hong Kong

Kieff, Newman, Schwartz and Smith’s Principles of Patent Law

45, 68, 145

Intellectual Property Law for Business Lawyers


Intellectual Property Rights in China 29, 144 International Banking and Finance Law: Principles and Regulations 42, 66, 83 International Banking Law & Regulation 81 International Commercial Arbitration International Construction Arbitration Handbook


102 87


Lawyers’ Professional Responsibility

Human Resources


Law of the Hong Kong Constitution 23, 160

Lewin on Trusts


Licensing Law Handbook


Limitation of Actions – The Laws of Australia


Limitation Periods


Lindley & Banks on Partnership


Linkedin and Blogs for Lawyers: Building High Value Relationships in a Digital Age


Local Authorities Law in New Zealand


MacGillivray on Insurance Law


Managing Intellectual Property in Cyberspace: Leading Lawyers on Developing an Effective Internet IP Strategy (Inside the Minds)


Mann’s Annotated Insurance Contracts Act


Maritime Law


May on Criminal Evidence


McGregor on Damages

Land Law

144 69

Landlord and Tenant Factbook


Law and Practice of Hong Kong Companies

20, 104

Law into Action Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Aotearoa New Zealand


Law of Guarantees


Law of Reinsurance


57, 175

Mediating with Families


Mediation: Law, Policy & Practice (Trial Practice Series)


Medicare and Medicaid Fraud and Abuse (Health Law Series)


Megarry & Wade: The Law of Real Property

64, 148

Mergers & Acquisitions Mergers and Acquisitions in China

138, 143


Legal Aid Handbook

107 28, 102

Miller’s Australian Competition and Consumer Law Annotated


Miller’s Australian Competition Law and Policy


Minimum Wage Ordinance

52, 126

Mining Law


Misrepresentation, Mistake and NonDisclosure


Misuse of Drugs and Drug Trafficking Offences


Model Agreements: Mergers and Acquisitions


Modern Patent Law Precedent: Dictionary of Key Terms and Concepts

Principles of Dispute Resolution 142 63

Morris: The Conflict of Laws


Muir Hunter on Personal Insolvency Multi-Tasking Judge: Comparative Judicial Dispute Resolution


Navigating M&A Deals in the AsiaPacific: Leading Lawyers on Examining the Trends and Strategies Impacting Mergers and Acquisitions in the AsiaPacific (Inside the Minds)


New Zealand Business Law Quarterly


New Zealand Journal of Taxation Law and Policy


75 127

Principles of Employment Law

Principles of Hong Kong Banking Law 33, 79 Probate Practice in Hong Kong

41, 64, 182 79, 80

Project Finance Proof: How to Analyse Evidence in the Preparation of Trial


Public Law


Regulation of Investment Management & Fiduciary Services


Salinger on Factoring


Sassoon: CIF and FOB Contracts

87, 170

Schmitthoff: The Law and Practice of International Trade


Scrutton on Charterparties and Bills of Lading


Sealy & Milman Annotated Guide to Insolvency Legislation


Shackleton on the Law and Practice of Meetings


Nutcase: Constitutional & Administrative Law


Nutcases European Union Law


Nutcases Land Law


Nutshell Company Law


Nutshell Contract Law


Nutshell European Union Law


Osborn’s Concise Law Dictionary


Palmer’s Company Law


Shareholder Agreements and Joint Ventures in China: Business Laws of 27, 182 China

Palmer’s Corporate Insolvency


Shareholders Agreements


Shareholders Rights


Parker and Mellows: The Modern Law of 69 Trusts Partnering with Financial Planners


Patent Applications Handbook


Patent Litigation


Personal Injury Tables Hong Kong Phipson on Evidence

38, 174 56, 91

Police and Constabulary Almanac


Police and Criminal Evidence Act


Police Powers Newsletter


Practical Commercial Precedents Practitioner’s Manual for Trade Mark Prosecution and Litigation in the EU


Snell’s Equity


Special Study for Corporate Counsel on Joint Development Agreements


State Secrets and Trade Secrets in China

44, 144

Strategic Financial Analysis & Cashflow 108 for Company Directors


Strategies for International Arbitration: Leading Lawyers on Navigating Arbitrations in a Global Climate (Inside the Minds)



Stroud’s Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases


Summerskill on Laytime


Supreme Court of Canada Practice


Takeovers Law & Strategy


Telecommunications Law


Preparing for a Child Custody Trial: What You Need to Know (Quick Prep)


Preston and Newsom: Restrictive Covenants Affecting Freehold Land


Principles and Practice of Civil Procedure in Hong Kong

Shipping & International Trade Law


The Australian Consumer Law


The Authorised Hong Kong Chinese Law Reports & Translations

15, 165

The Authorised Hong Kong Court Of Final Appeal Reports (HKCFAR)


The Conflict of Laws in Hong Kong 21, 63, 92 The Essential Guide to Credit Management and Debt Recovery in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, India The EU Merger Regulation: Substantive Issues

44, 83 111

The Hong Kong Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing (Financial Institutions) Ordinance: 48, 118 Commentary and Annotations The Hong Kong Arbitration Ordinance: Commentary and Annotations

52, 75

The Hong Kong Competition Ordinance: Commentary and Annotations

46, 110

The Hong Kong Copyrights Ordinance: Commentary and Annotations

49, 138

The Hong Kong Discrimination Ordinances: Commentary and Annotations

49, 124

The Hong Kong Drug Trafficking (Recovery of Proceeds) Ordinance: commentary and annotations


The Hong Kong Employment Ordinances: Commentary and Annotations

50, 124

The Hong Kong Mediation Ordinance: Commentary and Annotations

49, 72

The Hong Kong Patents Ordinance: Commentary and Annotations

51, 141

The Hong Kong Property Ordinances: Commentary and Annotations The Hong Kong Securities and Futures Ordinance: Commentary and Annotations

47, 180

47, 78

The Hong Kong Stock and Futures Exchanges – Law and Microstructure 20, 79 The Law and Practice of Hong Kong Companies The Law of Nuclear Energy

69 130


INDEX What do Accounting Clients Really Want? 101

The Law of Passing-Off: Unfair Competition by Misrepresentation


The Law of Public and Utilities Procurement


The Law of Reinsurance


The Law of the Hong Kong Constitution


The Law of Transnational Business Transactions


The Law of Trusts


The Law on Financial Derivatives


The Modern Contract of Employment


The New Zealand Judicial Review Handbook


The Renminbi’s Changing Status and the Chinese and Hong Kong Financial Systems

39, 80

The TRIPS Agreement


Tort Law


Tort Law and Practice in Hong Kong 22, 175 Tort Law in China Tort Law in Hong Kong

27, 174 39, 62, 174

Torts: Commentary & Materials


Torts In Commercial Law


Trademark Law in China – Pirates in 32, 138 the Middle Kingdom Trade Secrets Throughout the World


Traffic Law NSW


Trial Advocacy in Hong Kong

34, 62, 90

Tritton on Intellectual Property in Europe


Truth-Focused Interviewing for Investigators


Uncle Anthony’s Unabridged Analogies: Quotes, Proverbs, Blessings & Toasts for 93 Lawyers, Lecturers & Laypeople Unfair Contract Terms in Australia


Uniform Evidence Law: Commentary & Materials


United States Code Annotated®


Varsity Directory of Investigators and Process Servers


Wage and Hour Law: Compliance and Practice



What do Financial Planning Clients Really Want?


Wilkinson’s Road Traffic Offences


Williams, Mortimer & Sunnucks Executors, Administrators and Probate


Woodfall Landlord & Tenant


Words and Phrases


Wrongful Dismissal Handbook


Your Professional Headspace


Youth Justice in New Zealand


Zamir and Woolf: The Declaratory Judgment


Zuckerman on Civil Procedure: Principles of Practice



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