Mobile phone, 10 digits no spaces (area code + phone number). 17. Select the ... Write a 700-850 word essay on how you h
SWY - Online Application Form The link to our online application is found here: The online application will contain the following instructions and questions:
Welcome aboard to our online application form for the "Ship for World Youth Program" FY2017! Participation is 100% voluntary. Before you start, we share a few instructions: Please respond in English to EVERY question with the appropriate answer according to your own experience and abilities as it is indicated below. Please, avoid the use of accents in case of proper names. Notice that if you submit personal information (name, email, telephone) that contains errors, you will not be able to receive information from the selection process and we would not be able to modify your errors during the selection process. So, make sure you do not make any typing mistakes. Notice that duplicated applications will be automatically discarded, as well as those applications that do not answer EVERY QUESTION from the following sections: General Information, Personal Qualifications, Essay, Video and Feedback Information. The sections of "Letter of Recommendations/Reference Letter" and "Youth Participation and Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship Survey" are not mandatory. If you do not wish to answer them, you can just press the "Next" button to skip them. It is important for us to share with you that the questions in this section of "General Information" will not be used in the decision-making process to go on to the next stage, but for statistical purposes in order to know who SWYAA México is reaching as potential candidates. For the rest of the sections, the information will not be used for any other purpose other than the selection process, the preparation of the SWY delegation, its' goals and post program activities. We are very glad that you are considering sending your application. The SWY trip begins now, are you ready to set sail? We wish you a successful submission.
SWY - Online Application Form
1 2 3 4 5 6 8
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18 19 20 21 22
General Information Full name as it appears in passport (last name first) Age, as of April 1st, 2017 (write only a number between 18 and 30) Gender State City or Town of Residence Do you have any disabilities? Do you belong to any indigenous group? Do you speak any indigenous language(s)? Do you write any indigenous language(s)?
Answer Options (In case, it applies)
Female / Male / Other
Yes / No / I prefer not to say Yes / No / I prefer not to say Yes / No / I prefer not to say Yes / No / I prefer not to say Partial/incomplete primary school, primary school, partial/incomplete secondary school, secondary school, partial/incomplete high school, high school, partial/incomplete What level of studies have you had access to? Please bachelor degree, bachelor degree, partial/incomplete masters enter your highest level of education. degree, masters degree, partial/incomplete doctorate, doctorate Please indicate if you attended a private or public school. Private, Public or Both. Do you currently study? Yes / No / I prefer not to say Do you currently work? Yes / No / I prefer not to say a. From 1 to 3000 b. From 3001 to 6000 c. Frm 6001 to 9000 Monthly Income Average d. More than 9000 e. I prefer not to answer. Email Home phone, 10 digits no spaces (area code + phone number) Mobile phone, 10 digits no spaces (area code + phone number) Select the venue where you will present your exams in Mexico City/ Monterrey, Nuevo León/ Guadalajara, case of being elected. Your choice is definite. Jalisco/Oaxaca, Oaxaca. Personal Qualifications How would you rate your English language skills? How would you rate your Japanese language skills? How would you rate your interest on volunteering? How would you rate your interest on youth issues? Previous participation in international programs:
23 Participation in NGOs / NPOs:
Follow up Questions
If yes, which one(s)? If yes, which one(s)? If yes, which one(s)? If yes, which one(s)?
If yes, what do you study? If yes, what is your job?
0-None, 1-Poor, 2-Fair, 3-Average, 4-Good, 5-Excellent 0-None, 1-Poor, 2-Fair, 3-Average, 4-Good, 5-Excellent 0-None, 1-Poor, 2-Fair, 3-Average, 4-Good, 5-Excellent 0-None, 1-Poor, 2-Fair, 3-Average, 4-Good, 5-Excellent Yes, No / Please specify only your most recent participation Yes, No / Please specify Only your most recent and/or outstanding contribution (activity and contact info -address, phone, URL, supervisor’s name, etc.)
SWY - Online Application Form
Essay Write a 700-850 word essay on how you have excercised your leadership skills and contribution to society. Essays 24 must not exeed or fail to reach the word limit to be considered. Video
SWY - Online Application Form Please paste the link to your video, which must include the following content: 1.- A personal introduction where you tell us about yourself. Include at least: name, age, place of residence and main activity, in less than 30 seconds. 2.- Your response to the following question: In your opinion, what is the importance of the Ship for World Youth Program, and how would you contribute to its goals through your knowledge, experience and activities? Technical Specifications The total duration of the video must be between 1:00 and 1:30 minutes (60 to 90 seconds). Your face must be clearly visible while talking in front of the camera. 25 You can only talk in English. The video can be recorded using any kind of device, including smartphones, tablets, web cameras or similar. The video may include pictures, videos, music or any other audiovisual elements. However, videos will not be evaluated for production quality. Also, do not include any credits. Upload the video to a platform such as Youtube, Vimeo or similar with the following title: Name-Last Names-SWY2018, for example: Juan-Perez Hernandez-SWY2018 Ana María-Montes Rodriguez-SWY2018 Carla-Chávez DelCid-SWY2018 You must have the link to the video ready to paste it in your online application form. Please make sure that anybody with the link can watch the video, preferably make it “public”. Acknowledge
SWY - Online Application Form I have read and understood the document REGLAMENTO PARA EL PROCESO DE SELECCIÓN Y PROCESO DE PREPARACIÓN DE LA DELEGACIÓN MEXICANA PARA EL "SHIP FOR WORLD YOUTH 26 PROGRAM" FY2017, as well as the document "SHIP FOR WORLD YOUTH PROGRAM" FY2017 CONVOCATORIA and I am aware of the qualifications and requirements desired to participate. By clicking yes I declare that I accept and will respect them. Yes / No I understand and agree that the information I provided will only be used for the selection process, the preparation of 27 the SWY delegation and its goals as well as post program activities of SWYAA Mé xico. Yes / No Feedback Info- These questions do no affect your selection process Twitter / Radio / Facebook / Newspaper / Mailing List / World of Mouth / Priented ad / TV / Other- Please Specify
28 How did you know about SWY? Have you ever applied for the Ship for World Youth 29 Program, Ship for World Youth Leaders Program or the Global Leader Development Program? Apart from the venues available, what other venue would 30 you suggest for future editions of the Program? Your participation in this selection process is totally free of charge. Considering that the selection process is composed of many steps, we would like to know your thoughts on charging for a fee that would be used for 31 administration and volunteering activities. Your answer will not affect your selection process. Would you be willing to pay a fee to participate in this kind of Selection Processes? If you do, how much do you think would be a fair amount 32 to contribute with? Have you participated in volunteer activities (social 33 contribution) conducted by SWY Alumni Association Mexico?
Yes / No State: City:
If Yes, tell us the year(s) when you did Please specify the reason why.
Yes / No $25 pesos $50 pesos $100 pesos $150 pesos $250 Voluntary fee (please specify) Yes / No Why?
Letter of Recommendation/Reference Letter
SWY - Online Application Form This section is not mandatory. If you do not wish to answer this section, you can just press the "Next" button to skip it. Applicants may submit a letter of recommendation or reference letter (whichever is optional). If you decide to do so, please paste the link to your pdf document. Make sure that access to your document is public and that the document follows this criteria: 1. It should be written by a person that can testify to your potential leadership or your contributions to social, environmental or economic development. Must provide evidence of your strengths and accomplishments, focusing on how you have shown your ability to work in a collective manner. 2. Preferably signed by a representative from the social, private, academic or public sector. Note that by representative, we mean any type of socially 34 organized group that works for a collective goal--that is, it can be legally constituted or not. If for any reason, you can't provide this letter from an organized group, we could also accept personal reference letters, as long as they comply with the previous criteria. You must have the link to the pdf document ready to paste it in your online application form. In order to do this, you may find helpful the following recommendations: 1. Upload your recommendation letter/reference to letter to dropbox or google drive. 2. Copy the link of your recommendation letter/reference letter. Make sure the link is made "public". 3. Paste the link below Youth Participation and Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship Survey This section is not mandatory. However, we deeply appreciate your participation. You input will allow us to improve our actions to achieve the goals of the program and our postprogram activities. Also, to inform global and public policies to empower youth participation in sustainable development, and education processes for sustainable development and global citizenship. If you do not wish to answer this section, you can just press the "Next" button to skip it.
Do you know the Sustainable Development Goals or 35 "Global Goals", also known as the Agenda 2030, signed by 193 World Leaders at the United Nations in 2015?
Yes / No
SWY - Online Application Form GOAL 1. NO POVERTY: End poverty in all its' forms everywhere. GOAL 2. ZERO HUNGER: End hunger, achieve food security and improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. GOAL 3. GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. GOAL 4. QUALITY EDUCATION: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. GOAL 5. GENDER EQUALITY: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. GOAL 6. CLEAN WATER & SANITATION: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation. GOAL 7. AFFORDABLE & CLEAN ENERGY: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. GOAL 8. DECENT WORK & ECONOMIC GROWTH: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. GOAL 9. INDUSTRY, INNOVATION & INFRASTRUCTURE: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation. GOAL 10. REDUCED INEQUALITIES: Reduce inequality Can you share any proposal within and among countries. ideas to achieve the six goals 36 GOAL 11. SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES. that you chose? Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. GOAL 12. RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION & PRODUCTION. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. GOAL 13. CLIMATE ACTION. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its' impacts. GOAL 14. LIFE BELOW WATER. Conserve and sustainable use the oceans, seas and marine urces for sustainable development. GOAL 15. LIFE ON LAND. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems., sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss. GOAL 16. PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. Select ONLY six of the following 17 Global Development Goals, those which concern you or your family. And tell us if the situation on GOAL 17. PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS. Strengthen your chosen goal has gotten better, stayed the same or got worse over the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development. the past 12 months? 7
SWY - Online Application Form
Have you ever participated on related decision making 37 processes, actions or programs developed by a government institution?
Yes / No / I prefer not to say
In either case, can you share why did you participate or why not? If your answer was yes, please let us know exactly what decision making process, action or program did you participate on? and how would you describe your participation (Example, voicing my opinion, submitting a concrete proposal related to..., etc.)?
From your perspective, what is the main obstacle and the 38 main strength for the development of young people in México? From your perspective, what is the main obstacle and the main strength for the development of young people around the world? From your perspective, what is the main obstacle and the main strength for the development of your community?
Congrats! You are done! The list of candidates that go on to the next stage will be posted on July 31st. You will be able to find the list on the websites of the Japanese Embassy in México, IMJUVE and SWYAA México, as well as on our facebook. Until then, thank you for your application!
SWY - Online Application Form
Note: This will be last screen you will have to see for a succesfull application: