Oct 31, 2016 - Sydney Fish Market is committed to sound environmental ... of this grant you may be required to participa
SYDNEY FISH MARKET ENVIRONMENTAL GRANT APPLICATION INFORMATION Sydney Fish Market is committed to sound environmental management. As a company we actively seek to both minimise the impact of our activities and operations, while supporting and promoting sustainable practices at every stage of the seafood supply chain. We are proud to offer an annual grant of up to AU$10,000 to adopt better fishing practices. This grant is available to an individual or group of fishers/aquaculturists who are active suppliers to Sydney Fish Market. SELECTION Applications will close 31 October 2016. A selection panel comprised of Sydney Fish Market and OceanWatch Australia representatives will select the winner(s) based on answers provided in the application. All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by end of November 2016. SFM is the sole arbiter in respect of any determination or decision in respect of the Grant and SFM’s determinations and decisions are final, binding and not appealable. No discussion or correspondence will be entered into. SFM in its absolute discretion may suspend or cancel the Grant for any reason. For further information contact Stephanie Williams, SFM Corporate Social Responsibility & External Relations Manager at
[email protected] or (02) 9004 1110. APPLICATION FORM Please complete and return this application along with any supporting documentation to Sydney Fish Market by 31 October 2016. Please send the applications to: Stephanie Williams, Corporate Social Responsibility & External Relations Manager Sydney Fish Market Email:
[email protected] Post: Locked Bag 247, Pyrmont, NSW, 2009 The information in this application will be treated as confidential and will only be disclosed to members of the selection committee. Please note however, if you are selected as the recipient of this grant you may be required to participate in promotional and media activity. Date: Name: Address: Postal Address: Phone number(s): Email: SFM supplier name: SFM supplier account:
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Describe the environmental initiative you would like to implement.
Please describe how this activity will benefit the environment and/or industry
Provide background information about yourself and your experience / involvement in the fishing industry to date.
Outline any current or previous environmental efforts you have been involved in.
Please provide any additional information that you believe may support your application:
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Please provide initial budget estimates for expenditure related to proposed grant activities (exclusive of GST) Activity
Date completed
List the main activities of your planned activity the approximate dates of completion and the approximate costs associated with each.
Value of contribution:
Will any other organisation contribute to your environmental initiative?
Will you (applicant) make any contribution ($ or inkind) to the environmental initiative?
Please note; the recipient of this Environmental Grant may be required to provide substantiating evidence of costs as well as an interim and final progress report.
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