Jun 13, 2014 - 1 ticket per performer / accompanying teacher to the conservatories will also be given upon ... Email: Sa
Updated 13 June 2014
SYF Youth Got Talent! Select Showcases INFORMATION KIT FOR PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS OVERVIEW Congratulations to all students who have made it to the SYF Youth Got Talent! Select Showcases! This information kit provides the essential information to help the student performers and teachers-in-charge prepare for the event. The SYF Youth Got Talent! Select Showcases will comprise of 4 Select Showcases. The schedule is indicated in the table below:
SELECT SHOWCASES PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE Secondary/JCCI Category Friday 4 July, 5.00 – 7.30pm Select Showcase 1
5.00 – 5.45pm
Select Showcase 2
6.15 – 7.00pm
Guest Performance
7.00 – 7.15pm
Results & Prize Presentation
7.15 – 7.30pm
Primary Category
Saturday 5 July 4.30 – 7.00pm
Select Showcase 1
4.30 – 5.15pm
Select Showcase 2
5.45 – 6.30pm
Guest Performance
6.30 – 6.45pm
Results & Prize Presentation
6.45 – 7.00pm
RECOGNITION All students selected for SYF Youth Got Talent! Select Showcases will receive an award. In addition there will be a judges’ vote and audience vote for each of the Select Showcases to select the group or soloist for the Judges’ Choice and Audience Choice award respectively. JUDGES’ CHOICE AWARD The criteria f o r Jud ge s’ Ch o ice a wa rd a t ea ch of th e f ou r S e le ct Showcases will be based on the following criteria: Performance Performers display skillful execution of relevant technique in their chosen art form. They are able to make sound decisions in developing a performance item that is aligned to the objectives of SYF and fully demonstrates their strengths and talents. For group items, they display good teamwork and unity of purpose. Presentation Performers use appropriate costumes and props (where necessary) to enhance their performance. They display a positive attitude and a likeable disposition, and message the right values through their performance. X-Factor Performers are able to express their originality, creativity and personality through the performance. Through their energy, enthusiasm and confidence, they engage and excite the audience.
AUDIENCE CHOICE AWARD Audience Choice award will be based on the highest number of sms votes received for each of the four Select Showcases.
ATTIRE, PERFORMANCE DURATION, FEEDBACK FROM JUDGING PANEL & REPERTOIRE As per the Live Auditions, performers should be dressed as appropriate for their performance item. Each Select Showcase performance must not exceed 5 minutes in duration and feedback from the judging panel will be given at the end of each showcase. The choice of repertoire to be presented at the Select Showcase should be the same as what was presented at the Live Auditions. The organisers must be informed ASAP of any plans to change the repertoire.
VENUE OF PERFORMANCE The SYF Youth Got Talent! Select Showcases will be held at the Main Stage, Supertree Grove, Gardens by the Bay. Refer to Annex A for the location of the Main Stage, Holding Area and Toilets, and Annex B for the Main Stage Dimensions.
ORDER OF PERFORMANCE The order of performance for each of the Select Showcases is as follows. Please note that the number assigned to each performance (in the right column) also denotes the voting number for the Audience Choice award:
SELECT SHOWCASE 1, 4 JULY, 5.00 – 5.45PM (SECONDARY / JCCI CATEGORY) School Name (s) Art Form
Ngee Ann Secondary School
Liyana Bte Safari et al.
Rock Band
Ping Yi Secondary School
Tang Zuqing
Drum Solo
Admiralty Secondary School
Lara Johnson
Vocal Solo With Guitar
Yishun Secondary School
Irfan Bin Mohd Ali et al.
Vocal Trio With Guitar
First Toa Payoh Secondary School
Sanjita et al.
Percussion Ensemble
River Valley High School
Zhou Yunqi & Hu Simo
Vocal Duet With Guitar
Greenridge Secondary School
Sally James
Vocal Solo With Guitar
St Joseph’s Institution
William Cartie Halim
Piano Solo
Clementi Town Secondary School
Muhd Danish Dasuki
Freestyle Dance
APSN Tanglin School
Iman Adilah Binte Mohamed Ali et al.
Percussion Ensemble
SELECT SHOWCASE 2, 4 JULY, 6.15 – 7.00PM (SECONDARY / JCCI CATEGORY) School Name (s) Art Form
Raffles Institution
Faith Ng Shi-en et al.
Jazz Quintet With Vocals
Queenstown Secondary School
Song Jun Wei Benetton
Guitar Solo
Tanjong Katong Secondary School
Layla Harris Kasee
Vocal Solo With Piano
Manjusri Secondary School
Goh Shu Yu & Alicia Tan
Vocal Duet With Guitar
Zhenghua Secondary School
Vesley Koh Yun Rui
East View Secondary School
Rusydyna Bte Mohamad Razali
Vocal Solo With Guitar
Peicai Secondary School
Charissa Tan Shi Ping & Tan Yong Rui
Vocal Duet With Guitar
Assumption Pathway School
Jannell Jolene Tan Si Hua & Nor Nabila Bte Md Yasin
Street Dance
Yishun Secondary School
Nurul Afiqah et al.
Malay Dance
St Joseph’s Institution
Ang Wei Heng et al.
Chinese Drums
SELECT SHOWCASE 3, 5 JULY, 4.30 – 5.15PM (PRIMARY CATEGORY) No School Name (s) Art Form 21
Juying Primary School
Nur Dalilah Binte Mohammad Asrianshah et al.
Percussion Ensemble
Ngee Ann Primary School
Jayda Lum Wern Xin
Jazz Dance
Qifa Primary School
Ewan Macrae
Vocal Solo
Bukit Panjang Primary School
Arpitha Vasudevan
Indian Dance
Tao Nan School
Jarell Tang Zhi Xian
Piano Solo
Stamford Primary School
Ong Sze Cheng & Manissa Sari Binte Mohamad Jailani
Jiemin Primary School
Nur Umairah Binti Mohammad Shafiq
Vocal Solo
Haig Girls’ School
Soh Yunci Kaelyn
Violin Solo
Kong Hwa School
Sun Yuanqing, Gerlyn et al.
Vocal Group with Piano & Guitar
SELECT SHOWCASE 4, 5 JULY, 5.45 – 6.30PM (PRIMARY CATEGORY) No School Name (s) Art Form 30
Bukit View Primary School
Dayne Chong et al.
Jazz Dance
Westwood Primary School
Gideon Lee Yan Zu
Greenridge Primary School
Siti Noor Halizah Bte Abdul Kadir
Vocal Solo
Bukit View Primary School
Aashna Jolhe
Indian Dance
Stamford Primary School
Lee Qi Zheng Keaton et al.
CHIJ (Kellock)
Simorrah Nadya Seow
Chinese Dance
East Spring Primary School
Chiew Hahn Yu Raine
Vocal Solo With Piano
Qifa Primary School
Sakura Yamakawa
Violin Solo
Jurong West Primary School
Lim Si Teng & Shazana Alysha Bte Shaiful
Vocal Duet With Ukulele
REPORTING TIME & VENUE The reporting times for Select Showcases performers are as follows: Date
Reporting Time
Reporting Venue
Friday, 4 July
Secondary / JCCI (Showcases 1 & 2)
Main Stage, Supertree Grove
Saturday, 5 July
Primary (Showcases 3 & 4)
Main Stage, Supertree Grove
DEPARTURE TIME (APPLICABLE ONLY TO PERFORMERS ARRIVING/DEPARTING ON BUSES) The departure times for Select Showcases performers departing on buses are as follows (please adhere to these timings to prevent congestion at the pickup/drop off area): Date
Departure Time
Departure Venue
Friday, 4 July
Main Pick-Up / Drop-Off Area
Saturday, 5 July
Main Pick-Up / Drop-Off Area
SOUND CHECK SCHEDULE Sound Check will be held on Thursday, 3 July and the schedule is as follows: Showcase
Reporting Time & Venue
Primary Category Select Showcase 4
9.00 – 10.00am
8.30am, Main Stage, Supertree Grove
Select Showcase 3
10.00 – 11.00am
9.30am, Main Stage, Supertree Grove
Secondary / JCCI Category Select Showcase 2
4.00 – 5.15pm
3.30pm, Main Stage, Supertree Grove
Select Showcase 1
5.15 – 6.30pm
4.45pm, Main Stage, Supertree Grove
THINGS TO BRING The following backline equipment will be provided at the Main Stage:
88-Key Fully Weighted Digital Piano with Piano-Style Sustain Pedal Amplifiers for Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar and Keyboard Stage Monitors Wireless and Wired Microphones for Voice and Instruments Drum Kit Audio System for Audio CD Playback
IMPORTANT! Teachers and students are advised not to bring any valuables. Accompanying teachers are to manage the safety and security of their students and belongings at all times. The following are the list of things to bring for your consideration: No
Minus one or dance audio CD
For singers and dancers using audio CD as music accompaniment
Your personal musical instruments
Drummers may wish to consider bringing your own snare drums and cymbals
Spare strings for your string instruments
In the event there is breakage of strings on your instruments
¼ inch line/instrument cable to connect your instruments to the amplifier
Especially for guitarists and bassists
Music stands
Music stands WILL NOT be provided
Plastic folders or paper clips
To secure loose music scores or song sheets
Waterproof covers or bags
To cover your instruments in the event of rain
Umbrellas and/or ponchos
In the event of rain
Sun block and/or sun shades
For protection against the sun
WET WEATHER PLAN On the event of rain, performers and accompanying teachers should take shelter at the holding area and ensure that personal items such as musical instruments and sound equipment are well covered from rain.
REPORTING PROCEDURES ON 4 AND 5 JULY 1. On the way to Gardens by the Bay, when exiting MCE, please SMS 8258 6555 in the following format: YGT_School Name (e.g: YGT_Yishun Sec Sch) 2. Upon arrival at Gardens by the Bay, drop off at Main Car Park 3. Report to ushers with placards 4. Ushers will bring teacher and students to the holding area (refer to Annex A)
REFRESHMENT & TICKETS TO THE CONSERVATORIES Every student performer and accompanying teacher will receive a snack pack upon arrival at Holding Area, Supertree Grove on 4 or 5 July. 1 ticket per performer / accompanying teacher to the conservatories will also be given upon arrival. The tickets are only valid for the day of the students’ performance. Student performers may visit the conservatories before or after their Select Showcase.
TRANSPORT CLAIMS Participating schools may apply for Transport Reimbursement using the accompanying form to this information kit (Refer to attached Word File: SYF 2014 Celebrations - Claim Form and SOP_ for GB). The reimbursement amount is up to $120 per vehicle (bus or lorry) per day. Schools may apply for reimbursement incurred on both the day of the Select Showcase (4 or 5 July) and the day of sound checks (3 July). The organiser will not provide reimbursement for any cost incurred by accompanying teachers on other modes of transport such as taxi or personal vehicle.
CONTACT INFORMATION For clarifications, please contact: Marvin Leung Arts Education Officer (Music) Email:
[email protected] Tel. No.: 6831 9805 Mobile (3, 4 & 5 July only): 9825 0927 Saiful Bahri Idris Arts Education Officer (Art) Email:
[email protected] Tel. No.: 6831 9787
Annex A: Location of Main Stage, Holding Area & Toilets, Supertree Grove, Gardens by the Bay
Main Stage, Supertree Grove, Gardens by the Bay
Toilets, Supertree Grove, Gardens by the Bay
Holding Area & Toilets, Supertree Grove, Gardens by the Bay
Annex B: Dimensions of Main Stage, Supertree Grove, Gardens by the Bay