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An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese “GENKI” I ; Second Edition ... and understanding Japanese along with mastering elementary grammar and.
Fall, 2011

JAPN B1 Elementary Japanese COURSE RESOURCES 1. Course Information •

JAPN B1 CRN # : 75291 MW

6:00 pm – 8:30 pm

@ Room: LA 201

2. Required Materials •

An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese “GENKI” I ; Second Edition Eri Bannno, Yoko Ikeda, Yutaka Ohno, Chikako Shinagawa, Kyoko Tokashiki The Japan Times, 2011

ISBN: 4-7890-1440-3

Japanese B1 Workbook ;

Yuki Takeuchi

BC Bookstore

3. Recommended Materials •

Good Motivation!

Any type of Japanese/English or English/Japanese dictionary

4. Instructor Contact •

Yuki K. Takeuchi



Office :


Phone :

395-4252 (Foreign Language Dept. Assistant)

Email :

[email protected]


Office Hours :


5:25 pm– 5:55 pm

Before class, after class or by appointment Note: I will encourage you to contact me by email or in person. If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer you ASAP.

Fall, 2011 COURSE DESCRIPTION JAPN B1 – Elementary Japanese (5 units) Introduction to Japanese language and culture. Special emphasis is on speaking and understanding Japanese along with mastering elementary grammar and compositions while learning the characters of Japanese alphabets. Requires practice with audiotape/CD program outside of class. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES At the completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Communicate on topics covered in class or relevant to everyday life using useful expressions with proper pronunciations and flow of speech. 2. Read Japanese sentences written in Hiragana. The reading materials are presented in the typed texts or hand-written. 3. Write sentences using appropriate symbols (Hiragana, Katakana) with at least 80% accuracy. The texts of email, memos, messages and simple letters are used as writing materials. 4. Demonstrate an understanding of Japanese conversations on video or in real life on a given topic, and participate in them on topics covered in class. 5. Compose more than three sentences that are grammatically and culturally correct on a given topic. 6. Explain and use expressions associated with Japanese culture and social structures including honorific expressions. GRADING SCALE Homework Conversations


Class Participation






Hiragana Exam


Each lesson exam (4 lesson x 8%) 32% _____________________________________ Total


Fall, 2011 ATTENDANCE / HOMEWORK CONVERSATIONS All students are required to attend class. It is very important to learn another language. Please make every effort not to arrive late; late arrival distracts the instructor as well as your classmates. Traffic congestion, parking problems, and work schedule conflict are NOT acceptable excuses. After 4 absences, you need to talk with me to decide if you continue to stay my class or not. I strongly recommend you contact your classmates to find out what took place in class and what homework/assignment is due by the next class after you are absent from a class. After 5 absences, I will drop you from the class. Attendance includes the performance of homework conversation when I take attendance. You earn 3 points every class. If you are late for the call, you can make up the performance during the break or after class. In that case, you can earn 1 or 2 out of 3 points. Details are in your homework conversation packet.


Tel # / Email

________________________ ___________________________ _________________

______ ____________ _____________

____________________________________ ______________________ ________________________________

___ ________ _______

CLASS RULES 1. Absolutely NO cell phones, MP3 players, iPod, pagers, text messengers or noise-makers of any kind are allowed. (This includes those that vibrate.) You may NOT have your phone on, text or answer it during class. If it occurs, you must leave class and you will have to see me later for any assignments and class activities for that day. 2. If you are late for class, please come in quietly. Do not interrupt your classmates.

Fall, 2011 3. It is very rude and disruptive to everyone, especially your classmates to talk during class. If you are engaging in this kind of behavior, I will ask you to leave the class for the remainder of the day. It is also important for you to participate in all class activities. If you are merely sitting and watching, or doing work for another class, I will also ask you to leave the class. 4. If you are absent from a class and miss a quiz or exam, it is your responsibility to make an appointment with me to make it up. If you do not let me know within 48 hours, you will NOT receive the points for the quiz or exam. You can email me to let me know. 5. You must take all exams. Missing exam(s) results in dropping/failing the class automatically.


90 – 100%

B (Superior)

89 – 80%

C (Average)

79 – 70%

D (Barely passing)

69 – 60%

F (Failure)

59 –


ACADEMIC DISHONESTY Plagiarism and Cheating Cheating is NOT acceptable at all for any reason. There is NO second chance for it. If anyone gets caught for cheating, you are automatically failed for the class. Please avoid suspicious actions and follow the directions when you take quizzes and exams. Source : See p.31-32 at Bakersfield College 2010-2011 Catalog.

Fall, 2011 STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Students with disabilities who believe they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact “Disabled Student Programs & Services (661-395-4334)”, FACE 16, as soon as possible to better ensure such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.

IMPORTANT DATES September 2 – Last day for a Refund for semester-length classes September 19 – Last day to Drop from a semester-length class without receiving a “W” October 31 – Last day to Withdraw from a semester-length class and Receive a “W”

REMEMBER Please keep in your mind that it is my job and my pleasure to help you learn Japanese. Please ask me for help before you struggle by yourself. I am available to you by email, before class, after class, or a previously arranged appointment. Let’s enjoy learning Japanese!!

Fall, 2011 COURSE CALENDAR (JAPN B1) Fall 2011 Date Aug





Assignment/HW Due



Introduction, Roma-ji, Greetings











Greetings cont. & Lesson 1 Lesson 1 cont. (Q. p.40) Lesson 1 cont. (Q. p.41) No school!! Lesson 1 cont (Q. Hiragana 1-2)











































Lesson 4 cont. Lesson 4 cont. Lesson 4 cont.



No school!!

Happy Thanksgiving!



Lesson 4 Review (Q. Grammar 4)

RHW4 (Wb pp. 11-112)



L.4 Review & L.4 speaking Exam

Lesson 1 cont. Lesson 1 cont. (Q. Hiragana 3-5) Lesson 2 (Q. Grammar-L.1) Lesson 2 cont. (Q. p.60) Lesson 2 cont. (Q. p.61 & 83) Lesson 2 cont. (Q. Hiragana 6-7) Lesson 2 cont. (Q. Grammar 2) L.1 & 2 review (Q. Hiragana 8-10) Midterm (L. 1-2) w/speaking Hiragana Exam & Movie Lesson 3 Lesson 3 cont. (Q. p. 86) Lesson 3 cont. (Q. p. 87) Lesson 3 cont. Lesson 3 cont. (Q. Grammar 3) Lesson 3 review Lesson 3 Exam w/speaking Lesson 4

Read pp. 18-31 Hiragana 1,2 & Knowing Japan Labor Day holiday! Hiragana 3,4,5 Hiragana 6,7 Hiragana 8,9,10

RHW1-2 (WB pp. 103-106)

Movie Review Name practice sheet Katakana 1 RHW-3 (WB pp. 107-110) Katakana 2

(Q. p. 104, 106) (Q. p. 105) Katakana 3

*** Schedule may change depending on how quickly we move through the material.

*** Final Exam is on December 5th (M) 6 pm – 7:50 pm