Pallant, Julie, SPSS Survival Manual, 4th edition, New York, NY, McGraw-Hill ... If
you want to be able to work at home, lease and download IBM SPSS 19 ...
City Planning 625: Quantitative Techniques in Urban Planning Dr. Richard A. Parker (858-279-5070--fax 858-279-1170) e-mail:
[email protected] Spring, 2012 Thursdays 7:00-9:40
General Purpose This course will introduce students to a variety of techniques in data analysis. A prerequisite for this course is PA 604. The material in this course builds upon and complements that previous course and provides the student with an opportunity to gain first-hand experience in formulating and analyzing problems in public affairs and the social sciences. Students will be expected to acquire basic skills in operating quantitative software on personal computers. Instruction in the application of such programs will be provided in this class.
Textbook: 1. Pallant, Julie, SPSS Survival Manual, 4th edition, New York, NY, McGraw-Hill (Open University Press), 2010 (from PA 604). 2. Rea, Louis M. and Parker, Richard A., Designing and Conducting Survey Research, 3rd. ed., San Francisco, Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2005 (PA 604 text) If you want to be able to work at home, lease and download IBM SPSS 19 Statistics Grad Pack Base online. A site recommended by SPSS is: There are many other sites that sell and lease the software. Please also be aware that the sites can be confusing in what is included in the base software. They seem to indicate that you need an extra Regression module. You do not—the base is sufficient. It is available for Windows or Mac at a cost of $40 for 6 months. (There is a one-year option for $70 or it can be purchased from SPSS for $226.00). You will only need 6 months for this class. You are free to acquire or rent versions 15, 16, 17, or 18 if they are available on other websites at a cost savings to you. You have free use of SPSS at school, if you prefer.
Requirements a. There will be two exams (3/1 and 4/19). Each exam will be worth 25% of the final grade.
b. Various computer exercises (total = 5) are assigned throughout the course. These exercises will count for varying values (depending upon length and complexity) that will sum to 25% of the course grade. c. There will be one original, independent statistical research assignment that will be due on 5/3, with presentations scheduled for 4/26 and 5/3. That assignment will count for 25% of the final grade.
Course Schedule Jan 19
Course Introduction
Jan 26
SPSS Basics (refresher from PA 604) 1. Read: Pallant.--Chapters 1-6, 7 (pp. 66-70 and 79-81) and 8. 2. Read: Rea & Parker—Chapters 7 (pages 131-139) and 10 (pages 179-191) 3. 4. 5. Computer Assignment— due 2/9--Blackboard #1
Feb 2-9 Tests of Significance (Chi-Square (from PA 604), Gamma and t-tests plus nonparametric alternatives) and Measures of Association 1. Read: Pallant—Chapters 10, 16 (pp.213-216 and pp. 227-232), and Chapter 17 2. Rea & Parker—Chapters 10 (pages 191-193) and 11 (through page 206) 3. es/0155074636_sullivan/spss/part03.html 4. stics_Spring_2010-2.pdf 5. 6. 7. Computer Assignment: Due 2/16-- Blackboard #2 Feb 16
Tests of Significance (continued) and One-Way Analysis of Variance/KruskalWallis 1. Read: Pallant—Chapter 16 (pp. 232-235) and 18 (to p. 255) 2. Read: Rea & Parker—Chapter 11 (pages 207-216) 3. mple.pdf 4.
Feb 23 Review for Test #1 and One-Way Analysis of Variance/Kruskal/Wallis (continued) 1. Computer Assignment: Due 3/8: Blackboard #3
Mar 1
Exam #1—through assignment that was due on 2/16
Mar 8
Regression,/Pearson’s r 1. Parker & Rea (3rd edition), Chapter 12 (pages 229-232) 2. Pallant—Chapters 7 (pp. 74-77), 11 (to p. 136), and 12 Computer Assignment: Due 3/15
Blackboard #4
Computer Assignment Due 3/22
Blackboard #5
Mar 15 Regression (continued)--Discuss Final Project 1. Read Pallant Chapter 13 (to page 162) 2. Regression/Correlation websites (MORE IMPORTANT THAN PALLANT) NOTE: These websites are very important—Pallant is weak on Regression Mar 22
Discuss project hypotheses
Mar 29—Spring Break Apr 5
Factor Analysis/Review project data and revised hypotheses 1. Read Pallant—Chpt 15
Apr 12
Work on projects/Review for Exam #2
Apr 19
Exam #2 (ANOVA, Correlation and Regression—Factor Analysis)
April 26-May 3
Project presentations
Chapter 7 a. p.136—the calculated Z on the page has a typo. The 0 should be an 8 such that the calculation is 1.789-not 1.709 Chapter 10 a. page 193, change the 35(25) to 55(25). Chapter 11 a. typos on pages 203-204 as follows:
1. Table 11.1 “Country” should be “County” 2. In the paragraph below Table 11.1, change the two references to “county” to “city” and the two “city” references to “county.” 3. Near end of first paragraph—page 204 should read “1.31 miles.”