Psychiatric Mental Nursing: Concepts of care. Philadelphia: F. A. Davis; Current
Edition. 2. M.C. Townsend. Nursing Diagnosis in Psychiatric Nursing: Care ...
CATALOG DESCRIPTION: ADNR-2120 Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing (Theory) Prerequisite: Successful completion of 3rd semester AD-N program; concurrent enrollment in ADNR-2125, ADNR-2140, ADNR-2145, ADNR-2170 or permission of instructor. In this course, the student is introduced to basic concepts of Psychiatric-Mental Health. The course provides the student with the knowledge base to apply selected theories, concepts and research in the nursing management of mental disorders in clients throughout the life span and in a variety of settings. Continuing themes of growth and development across the life span, therapeutic communications, socio-, cultural dimensions, pharmacology, teaching, client advocacy, and ethical standards are explored. Traditional psychotherapeutic and integrative health therapies are addressed. (2.5/37.5/0/0/0/2.5)
GENERAL COURSE OBJECTIVES: A. Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Compare selected theories, conceptual frameworks, and research related to human behavior and the etiology, prevention, and management of selected psychiatric disorders and behavioral issues. 2. Describe the role of the registered nurse in the prevention and treatment of mental health and behavioral disorders 3. Discuss psychiatric-mental health concepts, theories and specific therapeutic interventions used with clients demonstrating a variety of psychiatric behaviors and disorders. 4. Critically discuss ethical and legal issues pertaining to nursing assessment and interventions involving clients with psychiatric disorders. 5. Analyze the relationship of biophysical, cultural, psychosocial and spiritual issues in nursing assessment, diagnosis, planning, intervention, and evaluation involving clients with mental health disorders and problems. 6. Describe the therapeutic communication skills necessary for interacting with clients with psychiatric disorders and their families.
PSYCHIATRIC/MENTAL HEALTH NURSING (THEORY) ADNR-2120 7. Formulate specific evidence-based treatment plans for selected psychiatric disorders. 8. Describe the importance of collaboration with other professionals and members of the psychiatric health care system in providing nursing care for clients with psychiatric disorders.
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: A. Required Texts: 1. M.C. Townsend. Psychiatric Mental Nursing: Concepts of care. Philadelphia: F. A. Davis; Current Edition. 2. M.C. Townsend. Nursing Diagnosis in Psychiatric Nursing: Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications. Philadelphia: F. A. Davis. Current Edition. 3. American Psychiatric Association. Quick Reference to Diagnostic Criteria from DSM-IV-TR. Washington D.C: APA. Current Edition.
COURSE OUTLINE: A. UNIT 1: Introduction to Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing B. UNIT II: Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Interventions C. UNIT III: Care of Clients with Psychiatric Disorders D. UNIT IV: Psychiatric-Mental Health Care Nursing Of Special Populations.
METHODS OF PRESENTATION: A. Lecture B. Discussion C. Readings D. Analysis of case studies E. Written assignments F. Individual and group role play and demonstration
METHODS OF EVALUATION: A. Class attendance and participation.
PSYCHIATRIC/MENTAL HEALTH NURSING (THEORY) ADNR-2120 B. Quizzes C. Comprehensive Final Exam D. Research Paper E. Grading Determination is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor. F. Successful completion of ADNR-2120 Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Theory requires a C (75 %) or higher grade theory average and a Pass on each of the Critical Competencies of safe clinical practice in ADNR-2125 Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing Lab/Clinical. Failure of either course will cause the student to repeat both courses.
SPECIFIC UNIT OBJECTIVES: A. UNIT 1: Introduction to Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Upon Completion of Unit 1 the student will: 1. Define mental health and mental illness. 2. Discuss the history of mental health treatment. 3. Analyze cultural influences in defining and treating behavioral disorders. 4. Identify the physiological responses to stress. 5. Discuss concepts of anxiety and grief as psychological responses to stress. 6. Define theories of personality. 7. Discuss the major components of Psychoanalytic Theory (Freud), Interpersonal Theory (Sullivan), Psychosocial Stage (Erikson), and Object Relations Theory (Mahler). 8. Discuss the relevance of theories of personality to the practice of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing. 9. Discuss Peplau’s Nursing Model of Interpersonal Development. 10. Describe the physiology and role of neurotransmitters in mood states and behavior. 11. Discuss the association of neuroendocrine function to the development of specific psychiatric disorders.
PSYCHIATRIC/MENTAL HEALTH NURSING (THEORY) ADNR-2120 12. Identify diagnostic procedures used to detect alterations in brain function. 13. Discuss the integration of psychobiological concepts with psychosocial factors in the practice of psychiatric mental health nursing. 14. Differentiate among ethics, morals, values, and rights. 15. Discuss ethical issues relevant to Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing. 16. Define an ethical dilemma. 17. Discuss the legal parameters defined within the State Nurse Practice Act as they pertain to Nursing Scope of Practice and nursing liability. 18. Discuss legal issues relevant to psychiatric mental health nursing including confidentiality, the right to privacy, informed consent, and restraints and seclusion. B. UNIT II: Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Interventions Upon Completion of Unit II, the student will meet the following goals in the specific areas: 1. The Nurse Patient Relationship a) Define the relevance, goals, and conditions of the therapeutic nurse-patient relationship. b) Describe the four phases of the therapeutic nurse-patient relationship. 2. Therapeutic Communication a) Describe the essential conditions of verbal and non-verbal therapeutic communication. b) Describe therapeutic and non-therapeutic verbal communication techniques. c) Describe active listening and therapeutic feedback. 3. The Nursing Process a) Review the nursing process and its components. b) Discuss application of the nursing process to clients within specified psychiatric settings.
PSYCHIATRIC/MENTAL HEALTH NURSING (THEORY) ADNR-2120 c) Discuss the history and implications of milieu therapy and the therapeutic community. d) Discuss the changing role of the psychiatric mental health nurse in an evolving health care system. e) Describe the role of the psychiatric mental health nurse on the interdisciplinary team. 4. Group Interventions a) Identify various types of groups. b) Discuss curative factors that occur in groups. c) Describe the phases of group development. d) Identify various leadership styles in groups. e) Discuss various roles assumed by group members. f) Discuss specialized forms of group therapy. g) Analyze the role of the nurse in group therapy. 5. Crisis Assessment and Intervention a) Discuss types of crisis. b) Identify developmental phases of crisis. c) Discuss phases of crisis intervention. d) Discuss the application of the nursing process to the client in crisis. e) Discuss theories and formulations of anger and aggression. f) Discuss the assessment of risk factors associated with anger and aggression in various inpatient and outpatient settings. g) Identify nursing diagnoses pertaining to anger and aggression. h) Define a disaster. i) Discuss the role of the nurse in a disaster. 6. Psychopharmacology
PSYCHIATRIC/MENTAL HEALTH NURSING (THEORY) ADNR-2120 a) Discuss the history of pharmacology in the treatment of psychiatric disorders. b) Describe indications, actions, contraindications, precautions, side effects and nursing responsibilities relevant to anti-anxiety agents, antidepressants, mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, antiparkinsonian agents, sedative-hypnotics, and agents for treating Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). 7. Complementary and Psychosocial Therapies a) Discuss various types of complementary and alternative therapies. b) Discuss psychosocial therapies. c) Discuss the role of the nurse in the implementation of complementary and psychosocial therapies. C. UNIT I1I: Care of Clients with Psychiatric Disorders Upon Completion of Unit III, the student will meet the following goals in the specific areas: 1. Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic Disorders a) Differentiate among delirium, dementia, and amnestic disorders. b) Discuss etiology of the different types of delirium, dementia and amnestic disorders. c) Describe how to assess delirium, dementia and amnestic disorders. d) Describe and Administer a Mental Status Exam e) Devise a Nursing Care Plan for A Client With A Cognitive Disorder. 2. Substance-Related Disorders a) Define abuse, dependence, intoxication, and withdrawal. b) Discuss the etiology of substance abuse and substance induced disorders. c) Discuss DSM IV TR criteria for differential diagnoses of intoxication, substance abuse, substance dependency and withdrawal.
PSYCHIATRIC/MENTAL HEALTH NURSING (THEORY) ADNR-2120 d) Identify classes of psychoactive substances. e) Describe biological, biochemical, psychological, and sociocultural factors in the development of substance abuse disorders. f) Identify nursing diagnoses common to clients with substance abuse disorders and appropriate nursing interventions. g) Identify topics for client and family teaching relevant for substance-use and substance-induced disorders. h) Describe relevant outcome criteria for evaluating nursing care of clients with substance abuse disorders. i) Discuss various treatments for clients with substance abuse disorders. 3. Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders a) Discuss concepts of schizophrenia and psychotic episodes. b) Discuss the etiological implications in the development of these disorders. c) Describe various types of schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders and the associated symptoms. d) Formulate nursing diagnoses and goals of care for treatment of clients with disordered thinking associated with psychosis. e) Describe appropriate nursing interventions for behaviors associated with these diagnoses. f) Discuss various treatment modalities for the treatment of schizophrenia and psychosis g) Identify topics for client and family teaching relevant for schizophrenia and psychosis. h) Describe relevant outcome criteria for evaluating nursing care of clients with schizophrenia and psychosis. 4. Mood Disorders a) Discuss historical perspectives of mood disorders. b) Identify epidemiological perspectives in the development of mood disorders. 7
PSYCHIATRIC/MENTAL HEALTH NURSING (THEORY) ADNR-2120 c) Describe various types mood disorders and the associated aymptoms. d) Discuss theories of depression. e) Formulate nursing diagnoses and goals of care for treatment of clients with mood disorders. f) Describe appropriate nursing interventions for behaviors associated with mood disorders g) Describe risk assessment and safety planning for the client with suicidal ideations. h) Discuss various treatment modalities for the treatment of mood disorders. i) Identify And Discuss Topics For Client And Family Teaching Relevant For Mood Disorders. j) Describe relevant outcome criteria for evaluating nursing care of clients with mood disorders. 5. Anxiety Disorders a) Differentiate among the terms stress, anxiety and fear. b) Discuss epidemiological aspects of anxiety disorders. c) Describe various types of anxiety disorders. d) Formulate nursing diagnoses and goals of care for treatment of clients with anxiety disorders. e) Describe appropriate nursing interventions for behaviors associated with anxiety disorders. f) Discuss various treatment modalities for the treatment of anxiety disorders. g) Identify topics for client and family teaching relevant for anxiety disorders. h) Describe relevant outcome criteria for evaluating nursing care of clients with anxiety disorders. 6. Anxiety-Related Disorders
PSYCHIATRIC/MENTAL HEALTH NURSING (THEORY) ADNR-2120 a) Describe various types of psychophysiological, somatoform, and dissociative disorders. b) Discuss the etiological implications in the development of these disorders. c) Formulate nursing diagnoses and goals of care for treatment of clients with anxiety-related disorders. d) Describe appropriate nursing interventions for behaviors associated with anxiety-related disorders. e) Discuss various treatment modalities for the treatment of anxiety related disorders. f) Identify topics for client and family teaching relevant for anxietyrelated disorders. g) Describe relevant outcome criteria for evaluating nursing care of clients with anxiety-related disorders. 7. Disorders of Human Sexuality a) Discuss the developmental processes associated with human sexuality. b) Discuss the historical perspectives and etiological aspects of paraphilias and sexual dysfunction disorders. c) Identify various types of paraphilias and sexual function disorders. d) Formulate nursing diagnoses and goals of care for treatment of clients with paraphilias and sexual function disorders. e) Describe appropriate nursing interventions for behaviors associated with paraphilias and sexual function disorders. f) Discuss various treatment modalities for the treatment of paraphilias and sexual function disorders. g) Identify topics for client and family teaching relevant for paraphilias and sexual function disorders. h) Describe relevant outcome criteria for evaluating nursing care of clients with paraphilias and sexual function disorders. 8. Eating Disorders
PSYCHIATRIC/MENTAL HEALTH NURSING (THEORY) ADNR-2120 a) Differentiate among the various eating disorders. b) Discuss epidemiological statistics related to eating disorders. c) Describe the assessment process associated with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, and obesity. d) Identify the etiological and cultural implications in the development of eating disorders. e) Formulate nursing diagnoses and goals of care for treatment of clients with eating disorders. f) Describe appropriate nursing interventions for behaviors associated with eating disorders. g) Discuss various treatment modalities for the treatment of paraphilias and eating disorders. h) Identify topics for client and family teaching relevant for eating disorders. i) Describe relevant outcome criteria for evaluating nursing care of clients with eating disorders. 9. Personality Disorders a) Define personality. b) Compare stages of personality according to Sullivan, Erikson, and Mahler. c) Identify various types of personality disorders. d) Describe symptomatology associated with borderline personality disorder, anti- social personality disorder and associated assessment of these disorders. e) Formulate nursing diagnoses and goals of care for treatment of clients with personality disorders. f) Describe appropriate nursing interventions for behaviors associated with personality disorders. g) Discuss various treatment modalities for the treatment of personality disorders. h) Identify topics for client and family teaching relevant for personality disorders. 10
PSYCHIATRIC/MENTAL HEALTH NURSING (THEORY) ADNR-2120 i) Describe relevant outcome criteria for evaluating nursing care of clients with personality disorders. D. UNIT IV: Psychiatric-Mental Health Care Nursing Of Special Populations. Upon Completion of Unit IV, the student will meet the following goals in the specific areas: 1. Children and Adolescents a) Identify psychiatric and behavioral disorders usually diagnosed in infancy, childhood, and adolescence. b) Discuss etiological implications for mental retardation, autism spectrum disorders, reactive attachment disorder, ADHD, conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, Tourette’s syndrome, and separation anxiety disorder. c) Identify symptoms associated with these disorders. d) Formulate nursing diagnoses and goals of care for treatment of childhood onset disorders. e) Describe appropriate nursing interventions for behaviors associated with childhood onset disorders. f) Discuss various treatment modalities for the treatment of selected disorders of infancy, childhood and adolescence.
2. Victims of Abuse and Neglect a) Discuss the historical perspectives associated with domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse and neglect. b) Describe the epidemiological statistics associated with domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse and neglect. c) Discuss characteristics of offenders and victims. d) Discuss the etiological implications of biological theories, psychological theories and sociocultural theories in the manifestation of domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse and neglect. e) Formulate nursing diagnoses and goals of care for treatment and interventions for care of victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse and neglect.
PSYCHIATRIC/MENTAL HEALTH NURSING (THEORY) ADNR-2120 f) Discuss various community interventions and treatment relevant to treatment of domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse and neglect. 3. Community Mental Health Nursing a) Discuss the evolving focus of mental health care. b) Define the concepts of care associated with the public health model. c) Discuss primary prevention of mental health illness in the community. d) Identify populations at risk for mental illness within the community. e) Discuss nursing intervention in primary prevention of mental illness within the community. f) Discuss secondary prevention of mental health illness in the community. g) Describe treatment alternatives related to secondary prevention within the community. h) Discuss tertiary prevention of mental health illness in the community as it relates to the chronically mentally ill and the homeless. i) Relate historical and epidemiological factors associated with caring for the chronically mentally ill and homeless populations within the community.
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