SYLLABUS. 2013-2014. CLASS : VII. Recog. by Directorate of Edu. Govt. of N.
Delhi. Aff. to C.B.S.E., Ministry of H.R.D., Govt. of India cation,. CT of. CD Block ...
2017 - 2018
* Recognized by Directorate of Education, Govt. of NCT, Delhi * Permanently Affiliated & Accredited to CBSE, MHRD, Govt. of India * Affiliation No. 2730165
Under the aegis of Seth Pokhar Mal Educational Society
Pitampura, Delhi - 110034
Tel : 27314235, 27313693, 64666462 Fax : 27311473
Website :
Email :
[email protected]
Our Vision : Excellence in Education Our Mission : To strive for the strong foundation of young learners in the age group of 3+ to 17 years which will facilitate them to become active participants in life long learning and earning by integrating both national and international dimensions in the curriculum supported by the state-of-the-art infrastructure. Our Philosophy : “You are a Child of immortality. Your roots go deep to eternity, Your reach is unto infinity." “ A child is not a vessel to be filled but a lamp to be lighted."
Mission Statement (2017 - 2022) “The school will develop a well-knit system to contribute towards Digital India Programme by digitalizing 40% of its processes by 2018 and 60% by 2022 consequently reducing the paper usage and promoting environmental sustainability. The school will contribute toward the clean India mission by organizing frequent cleanliness drives, spreading awareness about hygiene through street plays and other mass awareness programmes."
Page No.
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................
Examination Schedule ..............................................................................................................................................
English ....................................................................................................................................................................
Mathematics ............................................................................................................................................................
Science ...................................................................................................................................................................
Social Science ..........................................................................................................................................................
Hindi .......................................................................................................................................................................
German ...................................................................................................................................................................
French ..................................................................................................................................................................... 29-30
10. Spanish ..................................................................................................................................................................
11. Information and Communication Technology ..............................................................................................................
12. Physical and Health Education ....................................................................................................................................
13. Life skills ..................................................................................................................................................................
14. Visual and Performing Arts ........................................................................................................................................
15. Library Task .............................................................................................................................................................
16. Intra Class Activities ...............................................................................................................................................
17. Year Planner ............................................................................................................................................................
18. List of Holidays ........................................................................................................................................................
R.D.P.S. RUKMINI DEVI PUBLIC SCHOOL Session : 2017-2018 Class : VII This booklet provides an overview of scholastic and co-scholastic areas to be held in the academic session of the respective class along with concerned syllabi, evaluation system and tentative schedule of the same. I. INTRODUCTION The holistic development of the child involves both the scholastic and the co-scholastic areas of pupil's growth. Thus, we try to inculcate the habits of regular study, discipline, sense of responsibility, co-operation, community service and civic consciousness in our children. In order to meet our target of preparing young Rukminians to face the future challenges with confidence, the school believes in preparing and evaluating the students qualitatively in scholastic and co-scholastic areas. Areas of Assessment 1) Scholastic Areas
2) Co-Scholastic Areas
3) Co-Scholastic Activities
1. (A) SCHOLASTIC AREAS (Academic subjects) : This includes academic subjects and Internal assessment details of the respective subjects. The student will be assessed in the 6 academic subjects namely Language I, Language II, Language III, Mathematics, Science and Social Science. Regular classes are provided by the school in the above mentioned academic subjects. Students will be evaluated in all the subjects for their understanding comprehensively through Periodic Tests, Notebook submission, Subject enrichment activities, half yearly and yearly exam. Marks and grades both will be awarded for individual subjects as per the 8 point grading scale. Marks Range
32 & below
E (Needs Improvement)
1. (B) Periodic Assessment: Periodic assessment will be done by the respective subject teacher twice in the session in Term 1 and Term 2. Under periodic assessment, the students will be assessed through periodic Tests (30 marks); Notebook Submission (5 marks) and Subject Enrichment Activities (5 marks) for Language I, Language II, Language III, Science, Mathematics and Social Science. Under Subject Enrichment, activities related to speaking and listening skills will be taken up for languages, practical lab work for Science, Maths Lab practical for Mathematics, Map work & project work for Social Sciences. Details for the same are mentioned in the syllabus pages of respective subject.
R.D.P.S. 2.
CO-SCHOLASTIC AREAS (Non- academic subjects) For holistic development of the students co-curricular activities in Work Education, Art Education, Health and Physical Education will be carried out by respective teachers. The aspect of regularity, sincere participation, output and teamwork be the generic criteria for grading in co-scholastic activities.
Co- Scholastic Areas/ Activities Work Education
Art Education
Health and Physical Education
Work Education: Work education will hone the computer literacy skills of the students. -
ICT comprises of curriculum related to Information and Communication Technology. Regular classes are provided by the school in this subject. It will be assessed on the basis of 3 point grade scale term-wise (A = Outstanding B = Very Good and C= Fair) under the guidance of respective subject teacher.
Annual Project: Every student has to complete an annual IT project. The details are as follows: Guided by the mission statement and the ACT approach, an annual project is assigned to the students of classes V to VIII to equip them with the skills o a global lifelong learner. It is a research project in which student's work in groups to find answers of their research questions related to their chosen subject areas. In class VIII, the focus of the project work will be on collaboration with peers across the globe.
Annual Project work plan (2017-18) Phase
Expected Learning Outcomes
1.1) Orientation Session to brief guidelines and group details. 1.2) Formulation of research questions on the chosen topic. 1.3) Division of research question into four subquestions to reach conclusion.
03.04.17 to 5.05.17
Student will be able, 1. To comprehend the guidelines and support material to frame the 'research question'. 2. To collaborate on shared online platform within group.
2.1) Collection, analysis and organization of information, to reach conclusion in accordance to the research questions using Google docs for collaboration.
06.05.17 to 16.07.17
Student will be able, 1. To conclude and find answers to their research questions. 2. To prepare the final word document ready to be converted to digital flipbook.
R.D.P.S. 3
Preparing the digital flipbook using
17.7.17 to 24.9.17
Student will be able, 1. To create the d igital flipbook using the various features available on the flipbook creation platform (maximum 15 pages)
Preparation of research work Presentation (PPT / props / play etc.)
25.9.17 to 14.1.18
Student will be able, 1. To prepare the story board of their chosen mode of presentation 2. To use apt pictures, props, dialogues etc as applicable to their chosen mode of presentation. 3. To enumerate their content in bullet form.
Mock sessions
15.1.18 to 28.1.18
Student will be able, 1. To practice coordination between the partners in accordance to their final presentation -PPT / props / play etc.
Final Evaluation
29.1.18 to 2.2.18
Student will be able, 1. To give final presentation in confirmation to the guidelines of the presentation rubric within the time duration of 6 minutes.
It will be assessed on 3 point grading scale term-wise (A = Outstanding B = Very Good and C= Fair). •
Art Education: A student has to choose any one of the following options: Vocal Music, Instrumental Music, Indian Dance, Bharatnatyam & Contemporary Dance, Electronics, Dramatics. Drawing & Painting will be a compulsory subject under Art education It will be assessed on the basis of 3 point grade scale term-wise (A = Outstanding B = Very Good and C= Fair) under the guidance of respective subject teacher.
Health and Physical Education: Health and Physical activity (Sports) is given regular class twice a week. Students are provided with an opportunity to get professionally trained in the area of interest focusing on Physical Fitness, Sportsmanship, Self Sacrifice and Health Care. It will be assessed on the basis of 3 point grade scale term-wise (A = Outstanding B = Very Good and C= Fair) under the guidance of respective subject teacher.
R.D.P.S. 3
Discipline: Discipline significantly impacts career shaping and it helps build character. Sincerity, good behaviour and values develop strength and foster unity and co-operation. The students will be assessed for discipline based on the factors like attendance, sincerity, behaviour, values, tidiness, Respectfulness for rules and regulations, attitude towards society, nation and others. Grading on discipline will be done by the class teacher term-wise on a 3 point scale (A = Outstanding B = Very Good and C= Fair)
II. EVALUATION AND PROMOTION The students will be assessed via Periodic Assessment, half yearly and yearly exam spread over the complete academic session which is split in two terms.
Term/ Duration
Term-I (April –September)
Term–II (October-March)
Periodic Assessment
Half yearly exam
Periodic Assessment
Yearly Exam
Periodic Test–I (30) (Reduced to 10) Notebook Submission (5) + Subject Enrichment activities (5)
Written exam for 80 marks with syllabus covered till announcement of half yearly exam dates by school
Periodic Test–II (30) (Reduced to 10) Notebook Submission (5) + Subject Enrichment activities (5)
Written exam for 80 marks with 20% of 1st term covering significant topics + entire syllabus of 2nd Term.
Details of Subject enrichment activities are mentioned in the syllabus pages of respective subjects.
R.D.P.S. Assessment
1. Scholastic Areas
Notebook Submission
- Work Education: ICT Annual Project
Half Yearly & Yearly Exam
Periodic Assessment
Periodic Test
2. Co-scholastic Areas
Subject Enrichment Activities
- Art Education - Health & Physical Education
Written exam of 80 marks
3. Discipline
Attendance Sincerity Behavior Values Tidiness, Respectfulness for rules and regulations, - Attitude towards Society, Nation and others
Promotion to the next class will be as per the norms.
In case there happens to be a holiday on a particular Periodic Test date, the exam will be held on the next working day.
Each student should have 75% of attendance in the session to be eligible to appear in Periodic Test, Half yearly and Final Exam.
It is mandatory for each student to appear in all the Periodic test, Half yearly and Final Exam. If a student misses Periodic test, Half yearly and Final Exam for any reason, one chance of retest is permissible. Amount of Rs. 500/- per subject will be charged as retest fees. Retest date will be informed to the student / parents.
In case a student misses to appear in retest for any reason, absent will be marked and it will be considered as zero for final grading. No second chance will be given for retest.
The answer sheet of Periodic Test/ Half yearly after having been checked by the teacher and also checked by the concerned student will be sent to the parents for their information and acknowledgement.
Syllabus: 2017-2018
Examination Schedule
Class : VII
Test Exam Subject
*Periodic Test I
**Half Yearly
*Periodic Test II
**Yearly Exam
15.09.17 onwards
28.02.18 onwards
Social Science
Third Language (German/French/Spanish)
*M.M.:30 ; Duration: 1hr
(Date sheet will be provided one month prior to the commencement of the examination)
**M.M.: 80 ; Duration: 3 hr.
(Date sheet will be provided one month prior to the commencement of the examination)
***M.M :40 ; 1 hr 30 min
Subject : English Prescribed Books :
Syllabus: 2017-2018 1. CB: Pearson's Active Teach Images Course Book (7) 3. GB: Pearson's Cornerstone Grammar and Composition Skills (7)
30 03.04.17 to 09.07.17 Working days: 32 Test Date: 10.07.17
L9 Revision
Subject Enrichment Activity Assessment of Speaking Activity: Based on the lesson “Doctor Dolittle earns Animal Language ', students will be divided into groups. Each group will choose one insect or bird and will discuss that how different insects and birds communicate and behave.
: The Boy with a catapult (4pds) WB: L3 : The Boy with a catapult (2pds) WS : Bio-sketch (3 pds) Notice Writing (3 pds) GB: Unit 7 : Simple Tenses (4 pds) Unit 8 : Continuous Tenses (4 pds) Unit 9 : Perfect Tenses (4 pds) Unit 16 : Conjunctions (3 pds) PR: L1
2. WB: Pearson's Active Teach Workbook (7) 4. GK: Pick Your Brain (7)
CB: L3
Periodic Test– 1
Class : VII
ICT: Extra marks Presentation on the following topics: - Bio-sketch - Notice Writing - Simple Tenses - Continuous Tenses - Perfect Tenses - Conjunctions • E-Assessment of 'Grammar topics' • Speaking Activity in Language Lab • Self-exploration of Grammar Topics in Learning Lab
: Doctor Dolittle Learns Animal Language (1pd) : A Helping Hand (1pd) : (3 pds)
• Take your ward to a zoo and explore different animals and their behavior.
Subject Enrichment Activity Assessment of Speaking Activity: Listening Activity will be conducted based on the following themes through the worksheet provided and notified to the students through prior information.
Before Half Yearly 10.07.17 to 14.09.17 Working days: 46
CB: L6 : L12 : WB: L6 L12 : WS : GB: Unit 10 :
Somebody's Mother (8 pds) The Face on the Wall (8 pds) Somebody's Mother (3 pds) The Face on the Wall (2 pds) Formal Letter Writing (3 pds) Modals and Auxiliaries (8pds) Unit 24 : Simple, Compound and Complex sentences (5 pds) PR: L5 : A Battle of Monsters (2 pds) L10 : Mystical Japan (2 pds) GK
• • •
Tips on protection of children in the capital (Track No. 6.1) Conversation between two scientists (Track No. 6.2) Five extracts of people talking about Nanotechnology and Nano -science ( Track No. 6.3) Presentation on making Paper flowers for decorations (Track No. 6.4)
ICT: Extra marks Presentation on the following topics: - Formal Letter Writing - Modals and Auxiliaries - Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences - Conjunctions • Listening Activity in Language Lab • E-Assessment of 'Grammar topics' • Self-exploration of Grammar Topics in Learning Lab
: Language Arts- Art, Famous Oscar Movies, Braille Talk, Mystery Writers, Amar Chitra Katha, Facts and Fiction, Topical Learning – Page -54 (1 pd) : (4 pds)
• Parents and students can work together and make a mini dictionary of their choice including geographical location, brief history of the place and events occurred at that place.
R.D.P.S. Half Yearly 80
Syllabus and assignments covered from 03.04.16 till 14.09.17 + G.K. Worksheets
15.09.17 Onwards
CB: L7
Periodic Test -2 30 26.09.17 to 10.12.17 Working days: 48 Test Date: 11.12.17
: The Ingenious Scientist (7 pds) L13 : Macavity ,the Mystery Cat (7 pds) WB: L7 The Ingenious Scientist (3 pds) L13 : Macavity ,the Mystery Cat (3 pds) WS : Article Writing (3 pds) Diary Entry (3 pds) GB: Unit 15 : Prepositions (5 pds) Unit 19 : Direct and Indirect Speech (6 pds) Unit 12 : Transitive and Intransitive Verbs (4 pds) PR: L 4 : On the Grasshopper and Cricket (1 pd) L8 : Just Me (1 pd) L15 : The Most Important Day (1 pds) Revision : (4 pds)
Subject Enrichment Activity Assessment of Speaking Activity: Based on the lesson 'The Most Important Day', students will have a group discussion on “Disabled children should be admitted to normal school or special school”. ICT: Extra marks Presentation on the following topics: - Article Writing - Diary Entry - Prepositions - Direct and Indirect Speech - Transitive and Intransitive Verbs • Speaking Activity in Language Lab • E-Assessment of 'Grammar Topics' • Self-exploration of Grammar Topics in Learning Lab
• Research about your favorite Sport and play a match of the same game with your parents.
L1 L17 WB: L 11 L17 WS
: : : : : :
Before Yearly Exam GB: Unit 11 : Unit 13 :
11.12.17 to 27.02.18
Working days: 44
Yearly Exam 80 28.02.18 onwards
L2 L14
: :
L16 GK
: :
The Miller Of the Dee (7 pds) Tom Sawyer (7 pds) The Miller Of the Dee (3 pds) Tom Sawyer (3 pds) Informal Letter Writing (3 pds) Email Writing (3 pds) Non- Finite Verbs (5 pds) Active and Passive Voice (5 pds) The Brook (1 pd) Music and Immortality (1 pd) Wandering Singers (1 pd) The World- Wildlife Enthusiasts, Great Leaders of the World, Unique Festivals, Interesting Inventors, The Nobel Prize, Tribes of the World, Famous Greeks, Topical Learning- Page 57 (1pd) (4 pds)
Subject Enrichment Activity Assessment of Listening Activity: Listening Activity will be conducted based on the following themes through the worksheet provided and notified to the students through prior information. • Tips on visiting an eco-friendly bazaar (Track No. 7.1) • A conversation between two office colleagues talking about coffee. (Track No. 7.2) • Five extracts of people talking about the adverse effect of global warming on the road conditions from Delhi to Jaipur. ( Track No. 7.3) ICT: A speech about people such as Irishman Grierson and Kumar Suresh Singh (Track No. 7.4) Extra marks on the following topics: - Informal Letter writing - Email Writing - Non- Finite Verbs - Active and Passive Voice • Listening Activity in Language Lab • E-Assessment of 'Grammar Topics • Self-exploration of Grammar topics in Learning Lab
• Research about your favorite Sport and play a match of the same game with your parents.
Syllabus and assignments covered from 26.09.17 till 27.02.18 + G.K. Worksheets +Literature: Chapter 6 Somebody's Mother Writing Skills: Formal Letter Writing , Grammar : Unit 7: Simple Tenses , Unit 8: Continuous Tenses, Unit 9: Perfect Tenses
Note: 1. Subject Enrichment Activity for 5 marks will be evaluated in Term I and Term II respectively. 2. Evaluation of Notebook submission for 5 marks will be done in Term I and Term II respectively on the basis of regularity, punctuality, neatness and notebook upkeep. Reference books: 1. High School English Grammar and Composition by Wren and Martin 2. BBC Compacta-7 3. English Grammar by W.H Wason * WS: Writing Skills * PR: Pleasure Reading
Subject : Mathematics Prescribed Books : TEST/EXAM (M.M.)
Syllabus: 2017-2018
1. NCERT Maths Class VII
2. Maths Lab Manual VII (RDPS)
03.04.17 to 16.07.17 Working days: 37 Test Date: 17.07.17
Periodic Test– 1 30
Ch-1 : Ch-2 : Ch-5 : Ch-14 : Revision :
Integers Fractions and decimals Lines and angles Symmetry
Class : VII
(8 pds) (10 pds) (09 pds) (5 pds) (5 pds)
Subject Enrichment Activity: Mathematics Lab Activities: Activity 1. To divide a mixed fraction by a proper fraction. Activity 2. To identify the conditions under which the given pair of angles are complementary. Activity 3. To identify the conditions under which the given pair of angles are supplementary. Activity 4. To verify that pair of vertically opposite angles are equal. ICT: • for the chapters: Ch-1: Integers, Ch-2: Fractions and decimals, Ch-5: Lines and angles ,Ch 14: Symmetry • Online videos and practice worksheets
PARENTS' INVOLVEMENT • Integers: Discuss with your ward the real-life examples where negative numbers are used. Help him/her to search out such situations from the newspaper. • Fractions and Decimals: Give ample practice on real life application based problems from the website • Lines and angles: Help your ward in preparing a collage on 3-D monuments and label the lines and angles in it. Also help him/her identify various angles formed by the transversal and parallel lines • Symmetry: Discuss with your ward the existence of symmetry in nature, human body, rangoli patterns, monuments etc. Assist him in preparing a greeting card using symmetrical designs.
: Triangle and its properties (8 pds) Ch-9 : Rational Numbers (6 pds) Ch-4 : Simple Equations 10 pds) Ch-11 : Perimeter and Area (11 pds) Revision + GK : Before Half yearly Sports-India Martial Arts, ILeague, Famous Sporting 17.07.17 Trophies, Athletic Games, to Stadiums, Formula 1, Topical 14.09.17 Learning- Pg 53 (6 pds) Working days: 41
Subject Enrichment Activity: Mathematics Lab Activities: Activity 5. To verify that if two parallel lines are intersected by a transversal, then i) The pair of corresponding angles are equal ii) The pair of alternate interior angles are equal iii) The pair of interior angles on the same side of the transversal are supplementary. Activity 9. To verify that sum of interior angles of a triangle is 180° Activity 10. To verify that exterior angle of a triangle is equal to sum of opposite interior angles. Activity 11. To verify Pythagoras theorem. ICT: • for the chapters: Ch-6: Triangle and its properties, Ch-9: Rational Numbers, Ch-4: Simple Equations, Ch-11: Perimeter and Area • Online videos and practice worksheets
• Triangle and its properties : Discuss with your ward the different properties of triangles and help him explore more about them. • Rational Numbers: Encourage your child to practice extra problems from Reference books. • Simple Equations : Assist your ward in framing equations for reallife situations like age problems, time-distance questions, time taken and work done etc. • Perimeter and Area: Help your ward design a house map or an office map and assist him/her in calculating the area of different rooms and hence estimating the cost of either tiling the floor or painting the walls.
Half Yearly 80
Syllabus and assignments covered from 03.04.17 till 14.09.17 + G.K. Worksheets
15.09.17 Onwards
R.D.P.S. • Algebraic Expression: Encourage your child in doing the worksheets of solving equations and framing equations from the word problems.
Periodic Test -2 30 26.09.17 to 17.12.17 Working days: 53 Test Date: 18.12.17
Ch-12 Ch-13 Ch-3 Ch-15
: : : :
Algebraic Expressions (15 pds) Exponents and Powers (15 pds) Data Handling (12 pds) Visualizing Solid Shapes (6 pds) Revision : (5 pds)
Subject Enrichment Activity: Mathematics Lab Activities: Activity 6. Finding the order of rotational symmetry. Activity 13. To find ratio of circumference of a circle to its diameter Activity 14. To obtain a formula for area of a parallelogram Activity 15. To understand the meaning of less likely and more likely outcomes of an experiment. ICT: • for the chapters: Ch-12: Algebraic Expressions, Ch-13: Exponents and Powers, Ch-3: Data Handling, Ch-15: Visualizing Solid Shapes • Online videos and practice worksheets
• Exponents and Powers: Discuss with your ward the use of exponents in different disciplines like science, computers and higher mathematics. Explain him/her the use of exponents in expressing very big or very small numbers. • Data handling: Draw a double bar graph of recent week on the basis of maximum and minimum temperatures of both weeks. Help your ward interpret the weather fluctuations and the possible causes of the same. • Visualizing Solid Shapes: Give your ward a small basket of vegetables and help in slicing them horizontally and vertically. Let him/her infer which shapes will be obtained as their cross section.
: Congruence of Triangles (13 pds) : Comparing Quantities (12 pds) : Practical Geometry (8 pds)
Before Yearly Exam Ch-8 Ch-10 Revision 18.12.17 + GK : to 27.02.18 Working days: 39
(6 pds)
: Out of the box- Airlines of the World, Flag Facts, World of Mascots, Exceptional Delicacies, Countries and their names, Topical Learning: Page 55
Subject Enrichment Activity: Mathematics Lab Activities: Activity 12. To verify that diagonals of parallelogram divide it into two congruent triangles. Activity 7. To draw a cuboid and cube on isometric dot paper. Activity 8. Making 3D shapes. ICT: • for the chapters: Ch-7: Congruence of Triangles Ch-8 : Comparing Quantities Ch-10: Practical Geometry • Online videos and practice worksheets
• Congruence of triangles: Assist your child in recognizing congruent figures around him. • Comparing Quantities: Take your ward to a bank and discuss the bank transactions and its operations (especially interest) which would help him/her in understanding the concept. • Practical Geometry: Encourage your child in doing the constructions of parallel lines and different triangles at home so that the child learns how to work systematically. Make sure that the child himself writes the steps of construction after every problem.
Yearly Exam 80
Syllabus and assignments covered from 26.09.17 till 27.02.18 + G.K. Worksheets + Ch-11 Perimeter and Area and Ch-4 Simple Equations covered in Term I
28.02.18 onwards Note: 1. Subject Enrichment Activity of 5 marks will be evaluated in Term I and Term II respectively. 2. Evaluation of Notebook submission for 5 marks will be done in Term I and Term II respectively on the basis of regularity, punctuality, neatness and notebook upkeep. Reference books: 1) Exemplar NCERT Maths class 7 2) Mathematics RD Sharma class 7
Subject : Science Prescribed Books : TEST/EXAM (M.M.)
Syllabus: 2017-2018 1. Science –Textbook for Class VII (NCERT)
30 03.04.17 to 23.07.17 Working days: 42 Test Date: 24.07.17
Periodic Test– 1 Ch-1 Ch-2 Ch-4 Ch-5 Ch-16
: : : : :
Nutrition in Plants (9 Pds) Nutrition in Animals (9 Pds) Heat (8 Pds) Acids, Bases and Salts (9 Pds) Water: A Precious Resource (5 pds) Revision : (2 Pds)
Class : VII
Activities/ Practicals 1. To show that sunlight is necessary for photosynthesis. 2. To study effect of saliva on starch under various conditions: Normal saliva, Boiled saliva, Saliva mixed with HCl. 3. To observe the action of indicators like litmus (blue and red), methyl orange and phenolphthalein on Acids, Bases and Salts. ICT: • Ch 1: Nutrition in Plants (Extramarks) Ch 2: Nutrition in Animals (Extramarks) • Ch 4: Heat (Extra Marks) • Ch 6: Acids, Bases and Salts (Extramarks) • Ch 16: Water: A Precious Resource • (Extramarks) International Dimension Activity: Project name – Harnessing Renewable energy for bright and clean future. Collect information on methodologies used in the following countries: a. Bio energy production using garbage in Venice. b. Waste water treatment in India.
• Discuss with your ward the importance of balanced diet in their life and hazards of eating junk food. • Help your ward in identifying Acids and Bases in daily need items using Litmus paper (Citric Acid, Acetic Acid, Lactic Acid, Malic Acid, Tartaric Acid, Calcium Hydroxide, Sodium Hydroxide, Magnesium Hydroxide)
Ch-13 Ch-11
: Motion and Time (9 Pds) : Transportation in Animals and Plants (9 Pds) : Weather, Climate and Before Half Yearly Ch-7 daptations of Animals to Climate (7 Pds) 24.07.17 Ch-8 : Wastewater Story (5 Pds) to GK : Science - Astronomy, Global 14.09.17 Scientists, Places in the periodic table, Amazing animals, Plant Working Days: 36 facts, Prehistoric Timeline, Topical learning - Page 52 (1 Pd) Revision : (5 Pds)
Activities/ Practicals 1. To find the time period of a pendulum. 2. To measure pulse rate. 3. To collect and study the weather report of 14 successive days and depict the data in the form of a graph. ICT: • Ch-13: Motion and Time (Extramarks) • Ch-11: Transportation in Animals and Plants (Extramarks) • Ch-7: Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals to Climate (Extramarks) • Ch-18: Wastewater Story (Extramarks)
• Highlight the importance of good immune system in our body supplementing it with food items that help in developing good immune system.
Half Yearly 80
Syllabus and assignments covered from 03.04.17 till 14.09.17 + G.K. Worksheets
15.09.17 Onwards
Periodic Test -2 30 26.09.17 to 25.12.17 Working days: 58 Test Date: 26.12.17
: Electric Current and its Effects (11 Pds) Ch-12 : Reproduction in Plants (12 Pds) Ch-9 : Soil (9 Pds) Ch-15 : Light (11 Pds) Ch-6 : Physical and Chemical Changes (10 Pds) Revision : (5 Pds)
Activities/ Practicals • Help your ward in the 1. To prepare an electromagnet. following activity: 2. To observe artificial methods of vegetative Visit a shop of propagation in plants. (Practical session with electrical goods. Ask school gardener) the shopkeeper to 3. To observe percolation rate of water in show you different different samples of soil. types of (a) switches 4. To demonstrate Rectilinear Propagation of (b) fuses (c) bulbs (d) Light. cells and (e) 5. To study displacement reaction between iron connecting wires. and copper sulphate. Identify which of ICT: these components • Ch-14: Electric Current and its Effects carry the ISI mark, a (Extramarks) symbol for good • Ch-12: Reproduction in Plants quality electrical (Extramarks) components. • Ch-9: Soil (Extramarks) • Ch 15: Light (Extramarks) • Ch 6: Physical and Chemical Changes (Extramarks)
Before Yearly Exam 26.12.17 to 27.02.18
Activities/ Practicals 1. To prove that exhaled air is rich in carbon dioxide. (8 Pds) 2. To show that high speed winds reduces air Winds, Storms and Cyclones pressure. (8 Pds) Fibre to Fabric (6 Pds) ICT: Ch-10: Respiration in Organisms Forests : Our Lifeline (5 Pds) • (Extramarks) The Universe- Asteroid Belts, • Ch-8: Winds, Storms and Cyclones Exploring space, comets and (Extramarks) Meteors, The Sun, Craters on the Ch-3: Fibre to Fabric Moon, Topical learning – Page 56 • (Extramarks) (1 Pd) Ch-17: Forests : Our Lifeline (7 Pds) • (Extramarks)
: Respiration in Organisms
Ch-3 Ch-17 G.K.
: : :
Working days: 35
Revision :
• Help your ward in finding breathing rate of family members.
Yearly Exam 80
Syllabus and assignments covered from 26.09.17 till 27.02.18 + G.K. Worksheets +Ch 5: Acids, Bases and Salts covered in Term I
28.02.18 onwards
Note: 1. Subject Enrichment Activity for 5 marks will be evaluated in Term I and Term II respectively. 2. Evaluation of Notebook submission for 5 marks will be done in Term I and Term II respectively on the basis of regularity, punctuality, neatness and notebook upkeep. Reference books: 1. I Explore- A Science Textbook-7 (Cambridge Publications) 2. Science power 7 –Srijan publications 3. Active Teach Universal Science-7 (Pearson)
Subject : Social Science Prescribed Books :
Periodic Test– 1 30 03.04.17 to 30.07.17 Working days: 47 Test Date: 31.07.17
Syllabus: 2017-2018
Class : VII
1. History: Our Pasts-II, Geography: Our Environment, Civics: Social and Political Life-II 2. Pick your Brian (Class 7 G. K) PERIODIC ASSESSMENT/ USE OF ICT
History Ch-2 : New Kings and Kingdoms (7 pds) Ch-4 : The Mughal Empire (7 pds) Geography Ch-1 : Environment Ch-2 : Inside our Earth
Subject Enrichment Activities•
(5 pds) (5 pds)
Create a manuscript of your own. (History Ch-1) Project work on the topic “The Delhi Sultans'. (to be done in summer break) (History Ch-3) Flow chart to show the hierarchy of Early Mughal Rulers with their pictures (History Ch-4)
Civics • Ch-1 : On Equality (5pds) Ch-2 : Role of Government in Health (4 pds) Ch-3 : How the State Government works ICT: (4 pds) Extra Subject Enrichment Activities + Revision (10 pds)
• Parents may discuss about the history of any of the Mughal ruler with their wards. • Discuss with your ward how man is degrading the environment. • Parents should accompany their wards for a visit to a Government and Private Hospital.
History Ch-5 : Rulers and Buildings (6 pds) Ch-6 : Towns, Traders and Craftsmen. (7 pds) Geography Ch-3 : Our Changing Earth (5 pds) Ch-4 : Air (6 pds) Before Half Yearly Civics Ch-5 : Women change the World 31.07.17 (6 pds) to Subject Enrichment Activities 14.09.17 + Revision (5pds) Working days: 36 GK : India- Prime Ministers of India, Indian Postal System, Door Darshan, Indian Co-operatives, Indian Writers, Indian Business Houses, Incredible India, National Parks (1 pd)
Subject Enrichment Activities•
Collage making – Women role models (Civics Ch-4) Map exercise- Important centers of trade and production (History Ch-6)
ICT: Extra
• Parents may visit any famous monument or temple with their wards and share its unique architecture. • Parents may aware their wards about the Dos and Don'ts during an earthquake. • Help your ward to find information about the role of women in the freedom struggle and short stories related to it.
Half Yearly 80
Syllabus and assignments covered from 03.04.17 till 14.09.17 + G.K. Worksheets
15.09.17 Onwards
Periodic Test -2 30 26.09.17 to 21.01.18 Working days: 67 Test Date: 22.01.18
History Ch-7 : Tribes, Nomads and Settled Communities (8 pds) Ch-8 : Devotional path to the Divine (8pds) Geography Ch-5 : Water (6 pds) Ch-6 : Natural Vegetation and Wildlife (5 pds) Ch-7 : Human Environment- Settlement, Transport and Communication (7 pds) Civics Ch-6 : Understanding Media Ch-8 : Markets Around Us Ch-10 : Struggle for Equality
(7 pds) (7 pds) (5 pds)
Subject Enrichment Activities + Revision
(14 pds)
• Guide the students to find the information on any organization which was able to fight for their rights against government Subject Enrichment Activities•
Poem writing- Importance of Water (Geog Ch-5) Make your own advertisement for an NGO taking any product. (Civics Ch-7) Map Work: Famous Tribes of India (History Ch-7)
ICT: Extra
• Parents should share the importance of judicious use of water.
• Parents can share any religious story with their wards. • Make a visit to weekly Market, Neighbourhood shops, shopping complexes etc with your ward to understand the chain of market and the difference between them.
History Ch-10 : Eighteenth Century Political Formation (8 pds)
Before Yearly Exam 22.01.18 to 27.02.18 Working days: 30
Subject Enrichment Activities-
• Case study on the Grasslands (to be done in Winter break) Geography (Geography Ch-9) Ch-8 : Human Environment InteractionsScrapbook: Regional Dance forms of Indian • Tropical and Sub-tropical region States (History Ch-9) (8 pds) Map Work: Sahara and Ladakh • Subject Enrichment Activities (Geography Ch-10) + Revision (12 pds) GK : Topical Learning: Page- 49-51, 58ICT: 60 (2 pds) Extra
• Parents may discuss the following topics with their wards: a) formation of Sikhism and Khalsa b) the purpose of collecting taxes
Yearly Exam 80
Syllabus and assignments covered from 26.09.17 till 27.02.18 + G.K. Worksheets + Ch-3 (Geography) + Ch-1 (Civics) covered in term I
28.02.18 onwards
Note: 1. Subject Enrichment Activity for 5 marks will be evaluated in Term I and Term II respectively. 2. Evaluation of Notebook submission for 5 marks will be done in Term I and Term II respectively on the basis of regularity, punctuality, neatness and notebook upkeep. Reference books: 1. Medieval Indian History : K N Chitnis 2. Environment : R Rajagopalan 3. Good Governance in India : C P Barthwal
Subject : German Prescribed Books :
Syllabus: 2017-2018
Class : VII
Hallo Deutsch 2 Lehrbuch+ Arbeitsbuch
Periodic Test– 1 30 03.04.17 to 13.08.17 Test Date: 14.08.17
Before Half Yearly 14.08.17 to 10.09.17
Modul 3 LeKtion 1 Arbeitsbuch Lektion 2 Arbeitsbuch
: : : :
Was isst du in der Pause? Lektion 1 Meine Schulsachen Lektion 2
Lektion 3 Arbeitsbuch Lektion 4 Arbeitsbuch
: : : :
Was gibt es im Fernsehen? Lektion 3 Um wie viel Uhr stehst du auf? Lektion 4
Subject Enrichment Activity: Role Play ICT : PPT on Speisen und Getränke, Language Lab
Subject Enrichment Activity: Mein Tagesablauf ICT : PPT on Zeit, Language Lab
Half Yearly 40
Syllabus and assignments covered from 03.04.17 till 10.09.17
Periodic Test -2 30 11.09.17 to 28.12.17
Modul 4: Lektion 1 Arbeitsbuch Lektion 2 Arbeitsbuch
: : : :
Kannst du inlineskaten? Lektion 1 Wem gehört das Fahrrad? Lektion 2
Lektion 3 Arbeitsbuch Lektion 4 Arbeitsbuch
: : : :
Wohin fährst du in Urlaub? Lektion 3 Alles gute zum Geburtstag Lektion 4
Subject Enrichment Activity: Reading Comprehension & Mein Lieblingssport ICT : PPT on Hobbies, Language Lab
Test Date: 29.12.17
Before Yearly Exam 29.12.17 to 18.02.18
Subject Enrichment Activity: Mein Geburtstag ICT : PPT on Birthdays & Important days, Language Lab
Yearly Exam 40
Syllabus and assignments covered from 11.09.17 till 18.02.18 +(Modul 3) Lektion 3 + Lektion 4 Covered in Term-1
Note: 1. Subject Enrichment Activity for 5 marks will be evaluated in Term I and Term II respectively. 2. Evaluation of Notebook submission for 5 marks will be done in Term I and Term II respectively on the basis of regularity, punctuality, neatness and notebook upkeep. Reference Books: Deutsch Interessant 2,3: Wir Plus
Subject : French Prescribed Books : TEST/EXAM (M.M.)
Syllabus: 2017-2018
Class : VII
Apprenons le français-2, Cahier d' exercices-2 PERIODIC ASSESSMENT/ USE OF ICT
Periodic Test– 1 30 03.04.17 to 13.08.17
LEÇON 0 - Un coup d' oeil sur la France
Subject Enrichment Activity: Reading Comprehension
LEÇON 1 - Voilà le frère et la soeur de Manuel LEÇON 2 - À la cafeteria
ICT : PPT on body parts in French, Language lab
Test Date: 14.08.17
Before Half Yearly
LEÇON 3 - Mon Pays : La France
14.08.17 to 10.09.17
LEÇON 4 - Les parents de Manuel
Subject Enrichment Activity: Culture and Civilization and vocabulary based quiz ICT : PPT on My Family, festivals in France Language Lab for pronunciation drill
LEÇON 5 - C' est Noel
Half Yearly 45
Syllabus and assignments covered from 03.04.17 till 10.09.17
R.D.P.S. Periodic Test -2 30 11.09.17 to 28.12.17
- Allons à l' école
Subject Enrichment Activity: Reading Comprehension
- Dans un grand magasin
Test Date: 29.12.17
PPT on prepositions, contracted articles, partitive articles, food items of France
Before Yearly Exam
29.12.17 to 18.02.18
LEÇON 8 - Les Repas LEÇON 9 - Ma maison LEÇON 10 - Une lettre de Rouen
Subject Enrichment Activity: Listening skills ICT :
PPT on adjectifs possessifs
Yearly Exam 40
Syllabus and assignments covered from 11.09.17 till 18.02.18 + LEÇON 0 + LEÇON 1 + LEÇON 2 + LEÇON 3 covered in Term 1
Note: 1. Subject Enrichment Activity for 5 marks will be evaluated in Term I and Term II respectively. 2. Evaluation of Notebook submission for 5 marks will be done in Term I and Term II respectively on the basis of regularity, punctuality, neatness and notebook upkeep. Reference Books: Flambeau 2
Subject : Spanish Prescribed Books : TEST/EXAM (M.M.) Periodic Test– 1 30 03.04.17 to 13.08.17 Test Date: 14.08.17
Syllabus: 2017-2018 Clave del Sol 2 PERIODIC ASSESSMENT/ USE OF ICT
DETAILS OF CHAPTERS TO BE COVERED La cultura de España L-1 : Bienvenidos L-2 : El Campamento de Verano Los Verbos (AR/ER/IR) (El tiempo presente) Ser y Estar L-3 : Ayudamos en casa El Gerundio L-4 : La Vuelta al cole El Preterito perfecto
Subject Enrichment Activity: La Rutina Diaria ICT :
Before Half Yearly 14.08.17 to 10.09.17
Class : VII
PPT on all present tense verbs, gerundio y Perfecto etc, Language Lab for Speaking Drill
Subject Enrichment Activity: Reading Comprehension Revision
PPT on Futuro Language Lab for Pronunciation Drill
Half Yearly 40
Syllabus and assignments covered from 03.04.17 till 10.09.17
R.D.P.S. Periodic Test -2
30 11.09.17 to 28.12.17 Test Date: 29.12.17
L-5 L-6 L-7 L-8 L–9 L-10 L-11 L-12 L-13
: : : : : : : : :
El Concierto La Aventura de Leer La historia del Chocolate El nuevo Compañero Una Vida mariana Cesar se pone en froma Planes para Pierre Dia del Arbol Problemas en casa
Before Yearly Exam
29.12.17 to 18.02.18
El Futuro L–14 : El museo de ciencias L -15 : Vacaciones otra vez Revision
Subject Enrichment Activity: Listening Comprehension Dialogue Writing ICT :
PPT on Preterite Indefinido Language Lab: Speaking Drill
Subject Enrichment Activity: Informal Letter writing ICT :
PPT on Perfecto, El Futuro Language lab for Pronunciation Drill
Yearly Exam 40
Syllabus and assignments covered from 26.09.17 till 18.02.18 + El Gerundio + Ser y Estar covered in Term 1
Note: 1. Subject Enrichment Activity for 5 marks will be evaluated in Term I and Term II respectively. 2. Evaluation of Notebook submission for 5 marks will be done in Term I and Term II respectively on the basis of regularity, punctuality, neatness and notebook upkeep. Reference Books: Español 2000
Subject : Information & Communication Technology MONTH
Syllabus: 2017-2018
Desktop Publishing
Desktop Publishing (contd.)
Programming through BASIC
Programming through BASIC (cond.)
Half Yearly Exam
Digital Painting & Photo Editing
Digital Painting & Photo Editing (contd.)
Number System
Number System (contd.)
Security Attacks in IT
Yearly Exam
NOTE: Students will be assessed by subject faculty as per grades prescribed by CBSE.
Class : VII
Subject : Physical and Health Education Syllabus: 2017-2018 MONTH
Class : VII
April’17 & May’17
• •
Historical Development of the game. Measurement of the field / court.
July’17 & August‘17
• •
Latest General Rules of the game. Fundamental skills of the game.
Half Yearly Exam
October’17 & November’17
• •
Specific warming up exercises related to the game opted. Match practice for utilization of skills.
December’17 & January’18
• •
Intra class/ inter class competitions Specific training for developing skills & techniques
Match practice session
Yearly Exam
* Yogic Practices for Health and Harmony : Surya Namaskara Asana, Tadasana, Hastottanssana, Trikonasana, Katichakrasana, Padmasana, Yogamundrasana, Paschimottasana, Dhamurasana, Makarasana, Suptavajrasana, Chakrasana, Ardhahasanas, Shavasana and Pranayamas. * Available options are Athletics/ Badminton/ Basket Ball/ Handball/ Kho-Kho/ Table Tennis/ Volleyball NOTE: Students will be assessed by subject faculty as per grades prescribed by CBSE.
Subject : Life Skills
Syllabus: 2017-2018
Class : VII
Reference Book : Life Skills Education : Class VII (C.B.S.E) MONTH
Ch- 1
Nurturing Inner self
Ch- 2
Growing up Beautifully
Ch- 3
Taking charge
Ch- 4
Civic Sense
Make a list of 3 things you constantly dream about and write a note on the same. Every night recall the events of the day. Focus on what you did and how you felt and analyze them for a week in the form of a paragraph.
• •
Prepare a balanced diet reference chart for yourself for a week. Discussion on 'steps to healthy adolescence'
• •
Make a priority list and time plan for a week. In pairs, prepare a school calendar mentioning Inter school Activities, workshops, events for your class.
• •
Write a paragraph on 'I am proud to be an Indian'. Make a list of which you can do for the betterment of your nation.
Half Yearly Exam
Ch- 4
Civic Sense
Ch- 5
Our Heritage
List down all traffic rules and prepare a chart on A – 3 sheet on various traffic Rules & Signals
• •
In groups of four, prepare a project on any one of the following: Hinduism/ Jainism/ Buddhism/ Sikhism/ Christianity Discuss the same in your class through a presentation.
Ch – 5
Our Heritage
Write a paragraph on 'Our Heritage'
Ch – 6
Life is Beautiful
Write a paragraph on 'Joy in helping others'
February' 18
Ch – 6
Life is Beautiful
Write an article on Optimism in life with reference to the saying ' Every Cloud has a Silver Lining'.
March' 18
Yearly Exam
Subject : Drawing & Painting THEORY
MONTH April’17 & May’17
Syllabus: 2017-2018
Basic elements of poster designing
Mask making : Materials Required: A4 size coloured pastel sheet (Green, Red, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Black, Blue etc.) , fevicol/fabric glue, scissors, cutter, scale, bold marker pen etc. Poster design: Preparation of poster on given theme/ topic with premium poster colours.
July’17 & August’17
Concept of perspective and its importance in composition
Study of Human figure: Study of Human Figure in stick & box technique. Composition on given topics: 1. A market visit. 2. A bus stop scene 3. A railway station scene.
Class : VII
Half Yearly Exam
October’17 & November’17
Concept of Negative & positive space in drawing
• •
Object drawing: Object drawing with pencil colours Landscape drawing in monochrome technique with premium poster colours, painting brushes and colour palate.
December’17 & January’18
Concept of Caricature Drawing
• •
Caricature Drawing: Create a caricature drawing on a famous personality or cartoon character Stippling drawing
• •
Sketching Revision
Yearly Exam
NOTE: Students will be assessed by subject faculty as per grades prescribed by CBSE.
Subject : Bharatnatyam
Syllabus: 2017-2018
Class : VII
& Contemporary Dance MONTH
April’17 & May’17
Introduction of German folk dance
• •
Warm up Learning steps of German (International Dimension)
July’17 & August’17
Dev dasi culture, life history of famous dancers
• •
Tatta adavus Mudras
October’17 & November’17
Half Yearly Exam
History and introduction of contemporary dance
• • •
Related exercise Body posture Practice for annual day
December’17 & January’18
Experiment with props and improvisation, semi classical item
Yearly Exam
NOTE: Students will be assessed by subject faculty as per grades prescribed by CBSE.
Subject : Instrumental Music MONTH
Syllabus: 2017-2018 Theory
Class : VII Practical
April’17 & May’17
• • •
Classification of instruments Alankar Teen taal (16 beats)
• •
Practice of Alankar Practice of Teen Taal
July’17 & August’17
• • •
4 beat practice School song School prayer 'o great god'
• • •
Practice of different type of patterns in 4 beat, rhythm. Practice of School song Practice of School Prayer 'O Great God'
Half Yearly Exam
October’17 & November’17
• •
National Song National Anthem
• •
Annual Day Orchestra School Prayer
December’17 & January’18
• •
Raag Desh Prayer 'Hey Sharde Maa'
• •
Practice of Raag Desh Practice of prayer 'Hey Sharde Maa'
Yearly Exam
NOTE: Students will be assessed by subject faculty as per grades prescribed by CBSE.
Subject : Vocal Music MONTH April’17 & May’17 July’17 & August’17
Syllabus: 2017-2018 Theory
• •
Different forms of Music Different types of Vocal Music
• •
Practice of 'Alankar' Qawali
Relation between 'Swar' and 'Alankar' Concept of 'Alankar'
• •
Patriotic song Folk Song
Class : VII
Half Yearly Exam
October’17 & November’17
• •
Classical Music Brief description of 'Raga'
• •
Annual Day song English Song- Showers of blessing
December’17 & January’18
Devotional music
Christmas Carol
• •
National song National Anthem
• •
Practice of National song Practice of National Anthem
Yearly Exam
NOTE: Students will be assessed by subject faculty as per grades prescribed by CBSE.
Subject : Dramatics MONTH
Syllabus: 2017-2018 Theory
Class : VII Practical
April’17 & May’17
• •
Speech, Diction Body Language
Solo performance on various issues
July’17 & August’17
Script writing on plays
Script presentation and performance
Half Yearly Exam
October’17 & November’17
Personality development test
Mime performances
December’17 & January’18
Discussion on current issues and social awareness
Public Performance on Social awareness
Reading and understanding the stories of various authors
Public performance on the same
Yearly Exam
NOTE: Students will be assessed by subject faculty as per grades prescribed by CBSE.
Subject : Indian Dance MONTH
Syllabus: 2017-2018 Theory
April’17 & May’17
Introduction of Indian Classical and Folk dance
July’17 & August’17
Knowledge of Folk Dance
Class : VII
Practice of Indian Classical dance, Kathak (Tatkar, Hastak, That, Amad)
• • •
Practice of Lavni Dance Basic steps, hand movements Choreography
Half Yearly Exam
October’17 & November’17
• •
Knowledge of classical dance Discussion on head gestures & neck movement
• • •
Practice of Lavni Dance Theme Dance (Nature) Basic Steps, hand movements
December’17 & January’18
• • •
Knowledge of Teen Taal Discussion of Bhajan Basic knowledge of Gharana
• •
Choreography of Theme Dance (Nature) Practice of theme dance
• •
Importance of Vandana Discussion on Hast Mudra
Practice of Vandana
Yearly Exam
NOTE: Students will be assessed by subject faculty as per grades prescribed by CBSE.
Syllabus: 2017-2018
Subject: Electronics
Class : VII
PARTICULARS MONTH April’17 & May17 July’17 & August’17
• •
• • • •
Introduction to Electricity and Electronics. Difference between Electrical and Electronic Components Resistance Resistance Color Coding Series and Parallel Connection Assignment 1
September ‘17
Introduction to tools and techniques Explanation of Electrical and Electronics Components
• •
Electronics tools Electrical and Electronic Components.
• •
Introduction to Soldering Series and Parallel Connection of LEDs
LEDs, resistors and Batteries
DC motors, small paperclips, big paperclips, AA Batteries, Battery holder, Wooden pearl, connecting wires, Sub-mini lever SPDT Switches
IC-7408, IC base, connecting wires, Toggle switches, LED, 9V battery, IC-7805
Half Yearly Exam
Beetle Robot
December’17 & January’18
• • •
Introduction to PN Junction diodes Logic Gates Assignment 3
Judge's Decision Board
• •
AC and DC Concept Introduction to conductor, insulators and semiconductors Assignment 2
October’17 & November’17
• •
Yearly Exam
NOTE: Students will be assessed by subject faculty as per grades prescribed by CBSE.
Subject : Library Task
Syllabus: 2017-2018
Class : VII
“All that mankind has done, thought, gained or acquired, it is lying as in the magic preservation in the pages of books”. It is thus imperative to develop reading ability and interest for reading amongst the students through extensive exploration of the library resources. Suggested readings will help in broadening the horizons of our students pertaining to general & contextual knowledge. It will also inculcate required moral values and life skills in the impressionable minds of young enthusiastic learners, Libopedia Booklet will enhance awareness of students in different areas of knowledge. It will complement the formal curriculum and the interest of the children in variety of areas. The details of the same are as follows:
Libopedia Booklet
Suggested Books for Reading
Booklet 1 will carry a set of 200 multiple choice questions and Booklet-2 will have 100 MCQ's from different areas.
The booklet will be given as per following schedule-
- Booklet 1
Summer Break
- Booklet 2
Winter Break
Objective type questions will be framed from various heads in every booklet- Language & Literature
- Plant & Animal Kingdom
- Information Technology
- Global Insight
- Mental Ability and LOGOS
- Sports: National & International
- Environment
- Important Dates & Events
- Current Affairs
- World & its people
The booklets will be issued to each student from the library.
Now or Never by Ramendra Kumar
Caravan To Tibet by Deepa Aggarwal
Harshavardhan by Devika Rangachari
Scientists of India by Dilip Salwi
The Wonder of Water by Nita Berry
Tales from Shakespeare by Charles and Mary Lamb
Indira Priyadarshini by Manorama Jafa
A bridge Inside a Casket and Other Tales by Manoj Das
Mystery of the Falling Mountains by Nilima Sinha
Letters from Grandparents Collection by Eminent Personalities
The students will fill in the booklet as per the given guidelines while referring different resources like – Books, Journals, Magazines, Newspapers, and Internet etc.
To measure the growth of knowledge of the students, each booklet will be evaluated and the Libopedia GK Test will be conducted in the month of January, 2018.
Our teacher by Sundra Ramaswamy
Indian Folktales by Anupa Lal
Questions will be framed on the basis of two booklets and current affairs in the Libopedia G.K Test.
Biography of Steve Jobs (Graphic Novel)
Based on the marks obtained in the Libopedia G.K Test and in the two booklets, the top scorers will be taken as a team for Libopedia QUIZ for each class.
Hamlet by William Shakespeare (Graphic Novel)
Leading like Nelson Mandela by Martin Kalungu- Banda
The quiz will be conducted in the month of February, 2018.
Andaman's Boy by Zai Whitaker
The winner team of the Libopedia 'QUIZ' will be awarded with the Prizes in Special Assembly.
Subject : Intra Class Activities
Syllabus: 2017-2018
Class : VII
Co-curricular activities are an intrinsic part of the school's educational endeavour. The Intra Class Activity is a platform that facilitates our young learners to showcase their Attitude, Communication and Thinking Skills (ACT) incorporating the five domains (Cognitive, Moral, Social, Aesthetic and Physical)via strategically designed activities to promote the inculcation of 12 C's simultaneously. For each activity, the winners will be awarded with a merit certificate. Material /Props required
Activity Details
Name of the Activity
Slogan Writing on the theme: World Heritage Day {Social & Aesthetics }
Students will make a poster Poster Making on nature (World Earth Day) {Moral} based on the theme.
Proverb Parabola {Cognitive}
Students will create a story in English using different proverbs given on the spot.
G.K./ IT Quiz {Cognitive}
Written GK /IT Test will be conducted to select two top scorers from each section. The selected teams from each section will participate in the final round.
Badminton (Physical)
Selection for the same will be done in the regular games periods. Final match will be taken up inter class wise.
Judgment Criteria
Best 3 slogans will be awarded from the class
Creativity, Clarity, Competence
½ cartridge sheet, colours of any medium
Best 3 posters will be awarded from the class
Creativity, Clarity, Constructivism
A-4 Size ruled sheet, pen
Best 3 stories from the class will be awarded.
Creativity, Clarity, Constructivism
One best team from the class will be awarded.
Competence, Cosmopolitanism Commandership (Reflected in scores)
One best team will be awarded from the class
Courageousness, Competence, Commandership (Reflected in scores)
Students will write a slogan in ½ cartridge sheet, English based on the given theme colours of any medium
R.D.P.S. 07.07.17
Best Out of Waste : Preserving Environment (World Environment Day) {Moral & Social}
Students will be preparing artifacts using waste material.
Waste Material
Rendezous with Nature (Extempore) {Moral & Social}
Students (4 per section) will share their opinion on the topic given on the spot.
G.K. & IT Quiz {Cognitive}
Written GK /IT Test will be conducted to select two top scorers from each section. The selected teams from each section will participate in the final round.
Show Casing diversityPot decoration
Students will decorate creative pot with waste, eco friendly and any kind of decorative material taking cues from different Art forms of India.
Basket Ball {Physical}
Selection for the same will be done in the regular games periods. Final match will be taken up inter class wise.
Mime Enactment (Swachhta Campaign) {Moral & Social}
Students (a team of 8-10 students per section) will present a mime based on the theme prepared by the class teachers & respective Hindi teachers.
Three best creative artifacts will be awarded the class.
Creativity, Clarity, Constructivism
Best 3 speakers will be awarded from the class
Confidence, Clarity, Communication
One best team from the class will be awarded.
Competence, Cosmopolitanism Commandership (Reflected in scores)
Best 3 artistic creations from the class will be awarded
Creativity, Clarity, Culture
One best team will be awarded from the class
Courageousness, Competence, Commandership (Reflected in scores)
One best Mine will be awarded from the class.
Confidence, Creativity, Clarity
Waste, eco friendly and any kind of decorative material.
Props & costume related to the theme
R.D.P.S. 18.08.17
Essay Writing on role of Freedom Fighters in India's Independence {Moral & Social}
Students will write an Essay in English based on the topic (250 words)
G.K. & IT Quiz{Cognitive}
Written GK /IT Test will be conducted to select two top scorers from each section. The selected teams from each section will participate in the final round.
Book Mark Making on 'Anti Students will create a Book mark Corruption' on the theme Theme: Vigilance awareness
“Singathon” Group Singing on New Year celebration {Moral & Social}
A group of (8-10) students from each section will present a group song in English or Hindi.
Character Dramatisation on Constitution Day
Students will showcase the contribution of any Indian leader.
'Great chefs of R.D.P.S' any snack related to China, U.K, Italy etc. (Cognitive and social)
Students will prepare any non fire snack related to the given countries. Students will bring the material from home and will assemble in the school to prepare a snack.
A-4 Size ruled sheets and pen
Best 3 Essays will be awarded from the class.
Creativity, Clarity, Competence,
One best team from the class will be awarded.
Competence, Cosmopolitanism Commandership (Reflected in scores)
Best 3 Book marks will be awarded from the class
Creativity, Clarity, Competence
One best group of singers will be awarded from the class.
Confidence, Clarity, Competence
Costume related to the theme
Best 3 characters from each class will be awarded.
Confidence, Clarity, Commandership
Material related to snack, cutlery set, apron, tissue paper, hand sanitizer etc.
Best 3 snacks from each class will be awarded.
½ cartridge sheet, colours of any medium
Creativity, Constructivism
R.D.P.S. 08.12.17
“Creative Expressions” – Article Writing: Human Rights Day
Students will be asked to write an A4 Size ruled sheets article in English based on the and pen theme Topic will be given on the spot. (150-200 words).
Best 3 articles will be awarded from the class.
Creativity, Clarity, Constructivism
Literary Quiz {Cognitive}
Quiz based on Book/ Authors, writings of Shakespeare & Vocabulary will be conducted
One best team from the class will be awarded.
Competence, Cosmopolitanism Commandership (Reflected in scores)
Power Point Presentation on World Famous Mathematicians (Mathematics Day)
The students will prepare and present Power point on the theme
Top 3 ppts from the class will be awarded
Creativity, Competence, Constructivism
Libopedia G.K Test {cognitive}
Written GK Test will be conducted to select two top scorers from each section. The selected teams from each section will participate in the final round on 09.02.18
Competence, Cosmopolitanism, Curiosity
Contra – Diction English Debate Topic: Social networking sites Bane or Boon {Cognitive}
4 students from each section (2 for & 2 against the motion in pairs) will present their opinion on the topic
Libopedia G.K Quiz {cognitive}
The selected teams of written GK Test held on 19.01.18 will participate in final round.
Power Point Presentation in Pen drives/ mail
Two best pairs from each class will be awarded
Confidence, Creativity, Clarity, Communication, Competence
One best team from the class will be awarded
Curiosity, Competence, Cosmopolitanism,
Year Planner: 2016-17 MONTH April’17 July’17
August’17 September’17
03.04.17, Monday
Commencement of the session
03.07.17, Monday
Session Re-opening
29.07.17, Saturday
Parent Teacher Meeting & Maths Exhibition
23.08.17, Wednesday
Educational Visit: Mother Dairy (VII A, C, E)
24.08.17, Thursday
Educational Visit: Mother Dairy (VII B & D)
11.09.17 Monday to 25.09.17 Monday
Half Yearly Exam
07.10.17, Saturday
Parent Teacher Meeting & Book fair
28.10.17, Saturday
'Chrysalis', Senior Annual Day & Prize Distribution Ceremony
02.11.17, Wednesday
Value Education Workshop Class VII A: Peace
09.11.17 Wednesday
Value Education Workshop Class VII B: Rights and Responsibilities
16.11.17 Wednesday
Value Education Workshop Class VII C: Freedom
17.11.17, Friday
Senior Sports Day
18.11.17, Saturday
Recreational Visit (Adventure Island)
23.11.17 Wednesday
Value Education Workshop Class VII D: Respect and Courtesy
29.11.17, Wednesday
Value Education Workshop Class VII E: Doing Your Best
11.12.17, Monday
Educational Visit: Haiderpur Class VII A
12.12.17, Tuesday
Educational Visit: Haiderpur Class VII B
13.12.17, Wednesday
Educational Visit: Haiderpur Class VII C
14.12.17, Thursday
Educational Visit: Haiderpur Class VII D
15.12.17, Friday
Educational Visit: Haiderpur Class VII E
20.01.18, Saturday
Parent Teacher Meeting & Book fair
28.02.18 Onwards
Yearly Exam
List of Holidays: 2017-2018 DATE & DAY
4th Tuesday 14th Friday
Ram Navami Good Friday
10th , Wednesday 13th, Saturday to 31st, Wednesday
Buddha Purnima Summer Break
1st, Thursday to 30th, Friday
Summer Break
August '17
7th Monday 15th Tuesday
Rakshabandhan Independence Day & Janamashtami
29th, Friday & 30th , Saturday
2nd Monday
Mahatma Gandhi Birthday Maharishi Valmiki Jayanti Deepawali Break
October' 17
5th Thursday 18th Wednesday to 21st Saturday
December '17
25th Monday 30th Saturday
Christmas Day Winter Break
1st, Monday to 14th, Sunday 26th , Friday
Winter Break Republic Day