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On receipt of the duly filled online exam enrollment form to SCDL, the online exam .... which their paper will not be assessed and the student would be marked  ...
SYMBIOSIS CENTRE FOR DISTANCE LEARNING (SCDL) SCDL/Exam-Dept/2007 To, The student of 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Batch – All Courses Sub: On Demand Online Examination 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Civil and Defense students -All semesters (Except PGDIM 2004 & 2005 Batch) Dear Student, We are pleased to inform you that we propose to conduct the On Demand Online Examination every month as per the Time Table attached herewith. The following enclosures have been uploaded on the website. You will be able to book your exam slots online through our website. o o o o

ON DEMAND ONLINE EXAM INFORMATION - Annexure I Important instructions for appearing in the exam - Annexure II Subject List and Subject Code – Annexure III Enrollment Form -IV

All students are advised to carefully read all the instructions and exam details thoroughly & for more details visit the website ( On receipt of the duly filled online exam enrollment form to SCDL, the online exam details for the students will get updated in our data base within 3 working days. Students can do their online exam slot booking in the same month as per the slot availability for the next three months. SCDL does not guarantee availability of specific slot/ specific day/ specific center. For 2006 & 2007 batch, for free attempt, once the exam details have been updated in our data base that updation will be counted as 1st attempt and not the actual slot booking. For Online Exam Enrollment forms processed after 20th at SCDL, the data for all such students will get updated in our data base & the online exam slot booking access for such students will be released during the 1st week of the next month and thereafter. To appear for any subject, student will have to pay Rs.150/- towards online exam fee per subject [not applicable for the 1st attempt of the 2006-2007 batch students]. Students have to submit the online exam fees in Cash at SCDL Cash Counter or by Demand Draft (DD). DD should be drawn in favour of “The Director, SCDL, Pune” and must be payable at Pune. SCDL shall not be responsible to process requests of students, who may have paid the online exam fee in ICICI Bank or any other bank. SLOT BOOKING :- ONLINE BOOKING will be open from 1st to 28th of each month. Availability of Slots is on “FIRST COME FIRST SERVE BASIS”. Students should take print out of the hall ticket immediately after booking slots. Students are requested to book exam slots within 3 working days, after the exam fee details have been uploaded by SCDL on its web site, to avoid the non-availability of slots. The online exam booking SHALL NOT be extended beyond 28th of any month and slots once confirmed or booked will not be changed or rescheduled in any condition. Incase of any queries, students may send an email on [email protected]. Please note any queries related to online exam, sent on other email addresses of SCDL, and shall not be replied. We wish students all the best for the forthcoming ON DEMAND ONLINE Examination. Regards,

Ms. Swati Mujumdar Director Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning (SCDL) Pune.

( ANNEXURE I ) ON – DEMAND EXAMINATION DETAILS 1) ON DEMAND ONLINE EXAMINATION is the examination wherein students can appear for their unattempted/uncleared subjects during the online exam session, every month. 2) Students are required to send their duly filled online exam enrollment form along with due exam fees to SCDL as per instructions given in previous pages. 3) On receipt of the duly filled online exam enrollment form at SCDL, the online exam details for such students will get updated in our database. After updating online exam details of the students in our data base, the online exam slot booking access will get released for respective students in 24 hours. 4) Slot Booking :- Students can book the slots for subsequent three months from date of processing of online exam data & uploading on SCDL web site, for subject wish to applied & appear uptil 28th of the same month. ( e.g. :- If a student has sent the duly filled online exam enrollment form to SCDL before 20th November and if the form is processed and processing details are uploaded by SCDL on or before 20th November then the student can do online exam slot booking for Dec., Jan., &/or Feb. respectively as per the dates & time slot available in respective Aptech Centers ) Students are required to book their exam slot on or before 28th of the same month after their online exam details are processed by SCDL. Form processing details can be found out by visiting your student center on our website. 5) Students whose exam form with due exam fees are received & processed at SCDL after due date i.e. ( 20th of every month ), such students’ data will be uploaded on the web site and booking access released by 1st week of next month & student will be able to book the exam slot for next 3 months. 6) If online exam form has been processed in our data base that will be considered as 1st attempt for the subject applied by the said student. If student, fails to book the exam slot or does not attempt the online examination in spite of exam slot booked, he/she will be required to repay the due online exam fees at the time of re-booking. 7) Online Exam Fees once paid are Non Refundable & Non Transferable. 8) Student who have booked the exam slot but not appeared or has attempted the online exam of particular subject but failed, will not be able to re-attempt the same subject until the declaration of exam results i.e. till the 12th of next month. If applied for any such subject/s, the form will not be processed and will be kept on hold. In this case, student needs to contact us. ON – DEMAND EXAMINATION TIME TABLE Activity Receipt and processing of duly filled Online Exam Enrollment Forms at SCDL Slot Booking for forms processed upto 20th of present month. Result Declaration on SCDL web site

Date 1st through 20th of Present Month From 1st to 28th of Present Month 12th of every month for the previous exam month

(ANNEXURE II) SYMBIOSIS CENTRE FOR DISTANCE LEARNING (SCDL) INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 BATCH STUDENTS 1. Students are requested to report minimum 30 minutes prior to the commencement of the examination. 2. Students are warned not to use any unfair means in the examination hall. 3. Students are requested to carry their Exam Hall Ticket and their SCDL Identity Card to the exam centre. No other proof of identity shall be accepted. 4. Students would be responsible for signing the attendance sheet available at the centre without which their paper will not be assessed and the student would be marked absent for the exam. 5. Students are not allowed to bring Digital Diary, Cell Phone, Pager, Palmtops, iPods & Jewellery etc. in the examination hall. SCDL or the exam centre is not responsible for the safekeeping / loss of your belongings. Incase a student is found using any of the above mentioned gadgets, the same shall be confiscated and the student shall be debarred from the course. All Cell Phones should be Switched Off during the examination. 6. Smoking is not allowed in the campus area. High standards of discipline have to be maintained during the examination sessions. Defaulters will be dealt with strictly. 7. Note :- The online exam is an objective type of examination and has to be attempted using computers provided in the Exam Hall. Students are assumed to have basic knowledge of using a computer such as scrolling up & down, some typing, clicking with mouse etc., In the event of any force measure due to which the student is unable to attempt the exam in his/her slot or at the exam hall, SCDL will make required arrangements for such student(s) to reattempt the exam at another convenient date/time at no cost to the student (s). Force measures are described as natural disasters, sudden / unexpected failure of electricity / computer, hardware & software, local unrest / riots etc. In any conditions, apart from those mentioned above rescheduling of exam/slots will not be possible. 8. Procedure of Online Exam form submission:  Please logon to SCDL website:  Login into the student center with your student username and password.  In your Student Center, click on the “Exam Forms” link on left menu bar in the page  You will see a list of subjects applicable to your program for the current semester and also for any pending* exams/subjects for previous semester/s [if applicable]. Disclaimer* i. Please note that you will see a subject for which you may have already appeared in the previous month or have sent the exam form in present month and the result or booked/ unbooked status has not yet been communicated to SCDL. In this scenario, you will need to be careful not to select the same subject. For cases where the same subject may be selected and sent, the form will not be processed. Please note Exam Fees are non-refundable/non transferable.

 Click the check box to select the subject/s that you wish to appear for. This form gives the list of subjects that are unattempted, unbooked or uncleared subject/s with the attempt information such as free or paid and total applicable fees to be paid, if any, in order to appear for exams.  Click on Submit button. Note: Once confirmed the selected subjects cannot be again selected/deselected.  This confirms the exam form to be sent to SCDL for processing with your personal details (registration number, name, program or specialization if any, tel. no, email id), and total amount payable for selected subjects to be paid through DD or cash at SCDL. If you find all the information correct then scroll down to the end of the page and click on the “Approve” button which will refresh the form in PDF format. i.e. printable format. Note: Here before clicking on approve button one can close the browser and can repeat the same process to fill the form again where he/she can change or add the previously selected subjects.  Save the copy of this PDF form and click on the print button to print the form.  On the printed form, please enter the DD details such as DD number, DD date and Bank name on which the DD is drawn and post the form along with the DD to SCDL. Please note that forms without DD details will not be processed (if applicable).

9. Procedure of Online Slot Booking:  Login to SCDL website:  Login into the student center with your student username and password.  Click on the link “Book Exam Slot” below your exam subject details.  You will be linked to the Aptech Booking page.  Follow the instructions clearly while booking your slots.  Ensure that you print the Hall Ticket once your slots are booked. (Slots once booked cannot be changed / modified.) Please attach your photo on the hall ticket.  Please carry your Exam Hall Ticket & your SCDL Identity Card with you to the exam center. No other proof of identity shall be accepted. The exam centre representative is not responsible to admit you in the exam centre, if you fail to carry your SCDL Identity Card. 10. You are advised to visit our website regularly for any news/changes regarding online examination.