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Krzysztof MURAWSKI. Institute of Teleinformatics and. Automatics. Military University of Technology. Warsaw, Poland. [email protected].
We prove that the spread of shape operator is a conformal invariant for .... Chen's fundamental inequality with classical curvature invariants (see [4]).
1605 King Street. Alexandria, VA 22314 ...... thin sections using polarization microscopy with UV light. She suggested that ...... 21 0,07429. 1,1867. 1,389. 0,522.
presented in Ledger & Zaglmayr (2010). We also present simulations, which indicate an excellent agreement between the asymptotic formula of Ammari et al.
MOTI LAL NEHRU COLLEGE (UNIVERSITY OF DELHI). BENITO JUAREZ MARG, DELHI 110 021. INDIA. Received 20 March, 2008; accepted 09 October, 2008.
Aug 29, 2013 - Figure 1. Elevation data obtained from the Pentacam. O, denoting the apex of anterior or posterior corneal surface, is the origin point of the.
Feb 22, 1974 - The latency of Micrococcus lysodeikticus membrane-bound Mg2+-adenosine triphosphatase ... offer one of the clearest examples of the regula- tory significance of such a ..... that, again unlike the shock wash enzymes,.
In wurtzite-based quantum wells and superlattices with the c-axis parallel to the layer plane, the plane is parallel to either .... periodic space group that will be labeled hereafter as the ... symmetry element, i. e., a symmetry plane parallel to (
Fourteenth International Conference on. Geometry, Integrability and Quantization. June 8–13, 2012, Varna, Bulgaria. Ivaïlo M. Mladenov, Andrei Ludu and Akira ...
Fourteenth International Conference on Geometry, Integrability and Quantization June 8–13, 2012, Varna, Bulgaria Ivaïlo M. Mladenov, Andrei Ludu and Akira Yoshioka, Editors Avangard Prima, Sofia 2013, pp 152–159 doi: 10.7546/giq-14-2013-152-159
SYMMETRY PROPERTIES OF THE MEMBRANE SHAPE EQUATION VLADIMIR PULOV, EDY CHACAROV† , MARIANA HADZHILAZOVA‡ and IVAÏLO MLADENOV‡ Department of Physics, Technical University of Varna, Studentska Str. 1, 9010 Varna, Bulgaria Department of Computer Science, Varna Free University, Chaika Resort, 9007 Varna, Bulgaria †
Institute of Biophysics, Bulgarian Academy of Science, Acad. G. Bonchev Str. Bl. 21, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria ‡
Abstract. Here we consider the Helfrich’s membrane shape model from a group-theoretical viewpoint. By making use of the conformal metric on the associated surface the model is represented by a system of four second order nonlinear partial differential equations. In order to construct the determining system for the symmetries of the metric we rely on the previously developed package LieSymm-PDE within Mathematicar . In this way we have obtained the determining system consisting of 206 equations. Using the above mentioned programs we have solved the equations in a semi-automatic way. As a result we end up with an infinite dimensional symmetry Lie algebra of the Helfrich‘s model in conformal metric representation which we present here in explicit form.
1. Helfrich’s Membrane Shape Model The Helfrich’s model of fluid membranes (biomembranes) is based on the equilibrium shape equation [1, 3] 2λH p ∆H + 2(H 2 + IhH − K)(H − Ih) − + =0 (1) k k often referred to as the general membrane shape equation or the Helfrich’s equation. The Helfrich’s equation (1) serves to describe the equilibrium forms of the simplest closed biological membrane structures – lipid vesicles. A lipid vesicle is 152