International Scholarly Research Network ISRN Mathematical Physics Volume 2012, Article ID 837241, 9 pages doi:10.5402/2012/837241
Research Article Symmetry Reduction, Exact Solutions, and Conservation Laws of the ZK-BBM Equation Wenbin Zhang,1 Jiangbo Zhou,2 and Sunil Kumar3 1
Taizhou Institute of Science and Technology, (NUST), Taizhou, Jiangsu 225300, China Nonlinear Scientific Research Center, Faculty of Science, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212013, China 3 Department of Mathematics, National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand 831014, India 2
Correspondence should be addressed to Wenbin Zhang,
[email protected] Received 22 April 2012; Accepted 4 July 2012 Academic Editors: A. Aghamohammadi and S. del Campo Copyright q 2012 Wenbin Zhang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Employing the classical Lie method, we obtain the symmetries of the ZK-BBM equation. Applying the given Lie symmetry, we obtain the similarity reduction, group invariant solution, and new exact solutions. We also obtain the conservation laws of ZK-BBM equation of the corresponding Lie symmetry.
1. Introduction Symmetry is one of the most important concepts in the area of partial differential equations, especially in integrable systems, which exist infinitely in many symmetries. These symmetry group techniques provide one method for obtaining exact and special solutions of a given partial differential equation. To find the Lie point symmetry of a nonlinear equation, some effective methods have been introduced, such as the classical Lie group approach, the nonclassical Lie group approach, the Clarkson-Kruskal CK direct symmetry method, and the compatibility method 1, 2. The purpose of this paper is to apply the classical Lie method to the following Zakharov-Kuznetsov-Benjamin-Bona-Mahony ZK-BBM equation: ut ux auux b uxxt uyyx 0,
which was presented by Wazwaz 3, 4. Wazwaz obtained some solitons solutions, periodic solutions, and complex solutions by using the sine-cosine method and the extended tanh
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method. Abdou 5 used the extended F-expansion method to construct exact solutions. Song and Yang 6 employed the bifurcation method of dynamical systems to obtain traveling wave solutions. This paper is arranged as follows. In Section 2, we get the symmetries and group invariant solutions of 1.1. In Section 3, the reductions of 1.1 are obtained, and in Section 4, we derive some new exact solutions of 1.1. Finally, the conservation laws of 1.1 will be presented in Section 5.
2. Symmetry of the ZK-BBM Equation The main task of the classical Lie method is to seek some symmetries and look for exact solutions of a given partial differential equation. The vector field of 1.1 can be expressed as ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ζ x, y, t, u τ x, y, t, u η x, y, t, u , V ξ x, y, t, u ∂x ∂y ∂t ∂u
and its third prolongation can be given as Pr3 V V φt
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ φx φxxt φyyx , ∂ut ∂ux ∂uxxt ∂uyyx
where φt , φx , φxxt , φyyx are given explicitly in terms of ξ, ζ, τ, φ, and the derivatives of φ. From Pr3 V F|F0 0, it follows φt φx aux φ auφx bφxxt bφyyx 0.
Letting the coefficients of the polynomial be zero yields a set of differential equations of the functions ξ, ζ, τ, and φ. Solving these equations, one can arrive at ξ c3 ,
1 c1 y c4 , 2
τ c1 t c2 ,
φ −c1
au 1 , a
where c1 , c2 , c3 , and c4 are arbitrary constants. The corresponding symmetries are σ c 3 ux
au 1 1 c1 y c4 uy c1 t c2 ut − c1 u. 2 a
The vector field can be written as ∂ ν c3 ∂x
∂ 1 au 1 ∂ ∂ c1 y c4 c1 t c2 − c1 . 2 ∂y ∂t a ∂u
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In order to get some exact solutions from the known ones of 1.1, we will find the corresponding Lie symmetry groups. To this end, solving the following initial problems: d x, y, t, u x, y, t, u , d
x, y, t, u | 0 x, y, t, u ,
where is a parameter. From 2.7 we can obtain the Lie symmetry group g : x, y, t, u → x, y, t, u. According to different ξ, ζ, τ, and φ in σ, we have the following group by solving 2.7: g1 : x, y, t, u −→ x , y, t, u , g2 : x, y, t, u −→ x, y , t, u , g3 : x, y, t, u −→ x, y, t , u ,
1 1/2
g4 : x, y, t, u −→ x, y e . ,t e ,u e − a We can obtain the corresponding new solutions by applying the above groups g1 , g2 , g3 , and g4 as follows: u1 f x − , y, t , u2 f x, y − , t , u3 f x, y, t − ,
1 u4 f x, y − e−1/2 , t − e− − e− . a For example, taking the following periodic wave solution 3 of 1.1 3c − 1 2 1 sec u x, y, t √ ξ , 2a 2 b
where b > 0 and ξ x y − ct. One can obtain new exact solution of 1.1 by applying u4 as follows: 3c − 1 2 1 1 sec u x, y, t √ ξ − e− , 2a a 2 b where b > 0 and ξ x y − e−1/2 − ct − e− .
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3. Reductions of ZK-BBM Equation Now we will reduce 1.1 by means of the symmetries 2.4. Here we discuss the following cases. Case 1. Letting c1 / 0, c2 0, c3 0, c4 0. Then σ
au 1 1 c1 yuy c1 tut − c1 u. 2 a
Solving the differential equation σ 0, one can get ξ x,
y2 , t
1 1 f ξ, η − . t a
Substituting 3.2 into 1.1, we have −f − ηfη ffξ b −fξξ − ηfξξη 2fηξ 4ηfηηξ 0.
0, c3 / 0, c4 / 0. Then Case 2. Letting c1 0, c2 / σ c 3 ux c 4 uy c 2 ut .
Solving the differential equation σ 0, one can get ξx−
c3 t, c2
c4 t, c2
u f ξ, η .
Substituting 3.5 into 1.1, one can reduce 1.1 to the following equation: c4 c3 c4 c3 fξ − fη affξ b − fξξξ − fξξη fηηξ 0. 1− c2 c2 c2 c2
Case 3. Letting c1 0, c2 / 0, c3 0, c4 / 0. Then σ c 4 uy c 2 ut .
Solving the differential equation σ 0, one can get ξ x,
c4 t, c2
u f ξ, η .
Substituting 3.8 into 1.1, we have c4 c4 fξ − fη affξ b − fξξη fηηξ 0. c2 c2
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4. Similarity Solutions of ZK-BBM Equation By solving the reduced equations 3.3, 3.6, and 3.9, we can get some new explicit solutions of 1.1. Now we discuss some cases in the following. Case 1. Assuming 3.3 has the following solution: f r η ξω η ,
where rη and ωη are the functions to be determined. Substituting 4.1 into 3.3 yields f
1 ξω η , 1 c1 η
then the new exact solution of 1.1 is expressed as 8btd1 1 1 2 u1 − 4bd − ln t d y ln y d x 2bd 1 1 1 2 2 − a , 2 a t d1 y 2 a t d1 y
where d1 and d2 are constants. Case 2. To solve 3.6, we apply the G /G-expansion method 7 and look for the travelling wave solution of 3.6 by setting
N G ω i αi α0 , Gω i1
αm / 0,
where ω kξ lη, αi are constants to be determined later. It can be seen m 2 by balancing fξ and ffξ in 3.4. Suppose that the solutions of 3.4 are of the form f α2
G ω Gω
G ω Gω
α0 ,
α2 / 0
with Gω satisfying the second-order linear ordinary differential equation G ω λG ω μGω 0,
where ω kξ lη, α0 , α1 , α2 , λ, and μ are constants to be determined later. Substituting 4.5 into 3.6 along with 4.6 and setting the coefficients of G ω/Gωi , i 0, . . . , 4 to zero yields a system of equations with respect to α0 , α1 , α2 , h, and l. Solving the corresponding algebraic equations and using 3.5, 4.5, and 4.6, we get three types of traveling wave solutions of 1.1 as follows.
ISRN Mathematical Physics When λ2 − 4μ > 0,
l2 d1 sin hω d2 cos hω 3b 2 λ − 4μ c3 k c4 l − c2 u2 ac2 k d1 cos hω d2 sin hω
2b 2 1 l2 l λ − 4μ −c3 k − c4 l c2 c4 − c2 c3 . ac2 k ac2 k
When λ2 − 4μ < 0,
l2 d1 sin hω d2 cos hω 3b 2 4μ − λ c3 k c4 l − c2 u3 − ac2 k d1 cos hω d2 sin hω
1 l2 l 2b 2 4μ − λ −c3 k − c4 l c2 c4 − c2 c3 . ac2 k ac2 k
When λ2 − 4μ 0, 12b u4 ac2
l2 c3 k c4 l − c2 k
d1 sin hω d2 cos hω 1 l c4 − c2 c3 , d1 cos hω d2 sin hω ac2 k
where ω kx ly − kc3 lc − 4/c2 t. Case 3. Let f fω, where ω kξlη. Equation 3.9 becomes the following ordinary partial differential equation: k−
c4 c4 l f akff b − k2 l kl2 f 0. c2 c2
Integrating twice with respect to ω in 4.10, we get 2 f A1 f 3 A2 f 2 A3 f,
where A1 c2 a/3blc4 k − c2 l, A2 c2 k − c4 l/bklc4 k − c2 l, and A3 is a constant. Since solutions of 4.11 have been given 8, we have some similarity solutions of 1.1 as follows. When A1 4m2 , A2 −4m2 1, A3 4, c4 u5 sn2 kx ly − lt . c2
When A1 4m2 , A2 −42m2 − 1, A3 41 − m2 , c4 u6 cn kx ly − lt . c2 2
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When A1 −4, A2 42 − m2 , A3 −41 − m2 , c4 2 u7 dn kx ly − lt . c2
When A1 f < 0, A2 > 0, A3 0, B2 u8 − sech2 B1
B2 c4 kx ly − lt . 2 c2
When A1 f > 0, A2 > 0, A3 0, B2 csch2 u9 B1
B2 c4 kx ly − lt . 2 c2
B2 c4 kx ly − lt . 2 c2
When A2 < 0, A3 0, u10
B2 sec2 B1
5. Conservation Laws of ZK-BBM Equation In this section we will study the conservation laws by using the adjoint equation and symmetries of ZK-BBM equation. For 1.1, the adjoint equation has the form vt vx auvx bvxxt bvyyx 0,
L v ut ux auux buxx vt buyy vx .
and the Lagrangian is
Since every Lie point, Lie-backlund and nonlocal symmetry of 1.1, provides a conservation law for 1.1 and the adjoint equation 9, the elements of conservation vector C1 , C2 , C3 are defined by the following expression:
C ξ LW i
∂L − Dj ∂uαi
∂L Dj W α − Dk ∂uαij
∂L ∂uαij
∂L ∂uαijk
Dj Dk
∂L ∂uαijk
∂L Dj Dk W α α ∂uijk
5.3 i 1, 2, 3,
where W α ηα − ξj uαj . The conserved vector corresponding to an operator ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ξ2 x, y, t, u ξ3 x, y, t, u η x, y, t, u . v ξ1 x, y, t, u ∂x ∂y ∂t ∂u
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The operator v yields the conservation law Dt C1 Dx C2 Dy C3 0,
where the conserved vector C C1 , C2 , C3 is given by 5.3 and has the components C1 w1 v1 au − Dx bvvt kuyy vw2 bvvt Dx w1 , C2 ξ2 L − Dy kvvx w1 bvvx Dy w1 ,
C3 ξ3 L w1 buxx vw2 . Thus, 5.6 define components of a nonlocal conservation law for the system of 1.1, 5.1 corresponding to any operator v admitted by 1.1. Let us make more detailed calculations for the operator v 1/2y∂y t∂t − au 1/a∂u. For this operator, we have w1 −au 1/a − 1/2yuy − tut , w2 1/2v − 1/2yvy − tvt and 5.3 written for the sixth-order Lagrangian equation 5.2 yields the conserved vector
1 1 C − u yuy tut v auv − bvx vt − bvvtx a 2 1 1 1 v − yvy − tvt − bvvt ux yuyx tutx , buyy v 2 2 2 1
1 yv ut ux auux buxx vt buyy vx − b vy vx vvxy 2 1 1 1 1 · u yuy tut − bvvx uy uy yuyy tuty , a 2 2 2 C3 tv ut ux auux buxx vt buyy vx 1 1 1 1 v − yvy − tvt . − u yuy tut buxx v a 2 2 2
Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Startup Fund for Advanced Talents of Jiangsu University no. 09JDG013, the Natural Science Foundation of the Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions of China no. 09KJB110003, the National Nature Science Foundation of China no. 71073072, the Nature Science Foundation of Jiangsu no. BK 2010329, the Project of Excellent Discipline Construction of Jiangsu Province of China, the Taizhou Social Development project no. 2011213, and the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions.
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