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Journalo of Happiness Studies 4.4 (2003): 385- ... The How of Happiness: A New Approach to Getting the Life You ... The Happiness Trip: A Scientific Journey.
Symposium Resource Texts

Symposium Resource Texts

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Compiled by: The Carl B. Ylvisaker Library

General Abbe, Allison, Chris Tkach, and Sonja Lyubomirsky. "The Art of Living by Dispositionally Happy People."Journalo of Happiness Studies 4.4 (2003): 385404. Academic Search Premier. Web. 1 May 2013. Charry, Ellen T. "Happy Pursuits." Christian Century 124.15 (2007): 31-33. Academic Search Premier. Web. 1 May 2013. Lyubomirsky, Sonja. The How of Happiness: A New Approach to Getting the Life You Want. New York: Penquin, 2008. Print. Main Collection BF 575 .H27 L98 2008 Lyubomirsky, Sonja. The Myths of Happiness. New York: Penquin, 2013. Print. New Books BF 575 .H27 L986 2013 Lyubomirsky, Sonja, and Kristin Layous. "How Do Simple Positive Activities Increase Well-Being?." Current Directions in Psychological Science 22.1 (2013): 5762. Sage Journals Complete. Web. 1 May 2013. Nettle, Daniel. Happiness: The Science Behind Your Smile. New York: Oxford UP, 2005. Print. Main Collection BF 575 .H27 N48 2005 Schwartz, Barry, Andrew Ward, John Monterosso, Sonja Lyubomirsky, Katherine White, and Darrin Lehman. "Maximizing Versus Satisficing: Happiness Is A Matter Of Choice." Journal of Personality & Social Psychology 83.5 (2002): 11781197. PyscARTICLES. Web. 1 May 2013. Sheldon, Kennon M., and Sonja Lyubomirsky. "Achieving Sustainable Gains In Happiness: Change Your Actions, Not Your Circumstances*." Journal of Happiness Studies 7.1 (2006): 55-86. Academic Search Premier. Web. 1 May 2013. Tiberius, Valerie. The Reflective Life: Living Wisely With Our Limits. New York: Oxford UP, 2008. Print. Main Collection BJ 1581.2 T534 2008 Tiberius, Valerie. “Wisdom and Work.” The Value of Time and Leisure in a World of Work. Eds. Mitchell R. Haney and David A. Kline. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2010. 119-139. Print. Main Collection BD 435 .V359 2010

Art Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. "Happiness and Creativity: Going With the Flow." Futurist 31.5 (1997): 8-12. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Apr. 2013. Freeman, Damien. Art's Emotions: Ethics, Expression and Aesthetic Experience. Montreal: McGill-Queen's UP, 2012. Print. Main Collection NX 165 .F74 2002 Kemp, John R. “Overcoming Difficulties through Art.” American Artist 55.583 (1991): 48-55. Art Full Text (H.W. Wilson). Web. 12 Apr. 2013. Nehamas, Alexander. Only a Promise of Happiness: The Place of Beauty in a World of Art. Princeton: Princeton UP, 2007. Print. Main Collection BH 39 .N44 2007 Pannells, Tammy C., and Amy F. Claxton. "Happiness, Creative Ideation, and Locus of Control." Creativity Research Journal 20.1 (2008): 6771. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Apr. 2013. Young, Barbara. "The Integrative Power of the Creative Spirit." Psychoanalytic Inquiry 30.3 (2010): 276-83. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Apr. 2013.

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Compiled by: The Carl B. Ylvisaker Library



Barak, Yoram. "The Immune System and Happiness." Autoimmunity Reviews 5.8 (2006): 523-7. Academic Search Premier. Web. 19 Mar. 2013.

Ashkanasy, Neal M. "International Happiness: A Multilevel Perspective." Academy of Management Perspectives 25.1 (2011): 23-9. Business Source Premier. Web. 19 Mar. 2013.

Bok, Sissela. Exploring Happiness: From Aristotle to Brain Science. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 2011. Print. Main Collection BJ 1481 .B656 2011 Edelman, Shimon. The Happiness of Pursuit: What Neuroscience Can Teach Us about the Good Life. New York: Basic Books, 2012. Print. Main Collection BF 441 .E34 2012 Grinde, Bjorn. "Darwinian Happiness: Biological Advice on the Quality of Life." Journal of Social & Evolutionary Systems19.3 (1996): n. pag. Academic Search Premier. Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Nettle, Daniel. Happiness: The Science Behind Your Smile. New York: Oxford UP, 2005. Print. Main Collection BF 575 .H27 N48 2005 Punset, Eduard. The Happiness Trip: A Scientific Journey. White River Junction, VT: Science-writers, 2007. Print. Main Collection BF 575 .H27 P8613 2007 Swaminathan, Monkombu Sambasivan. In Search of Biohappiness: Biodiversity and Food, Health and Livelihood Security. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific, 2011. Print. Main Collection QH 75 .S93 2011

Blanchflower, David G., and Andrew J. Oswald. "International Happiness: A New View on the Measure of Performance." Academy of Management Perspectives 25.1 (2011): 6-22. Business Source Premier. Web. 19 Mar. 2013. Coyle, Diane. The Economics of Enough: How to Run the Economy as if the Future Matters. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 2011. Print. Main Collection HD 87 .C69 2012 Dunn, Elizabeth. Happy Money: The Science of Smarter Spending. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2013. Print. Main Collection HG 179 .D866 2013 Hsee, Christopher K., et al. "Wealth, Warmth, and Well-Being: Whether Happiness is Relative or Absolute Depends on Whether it is About Money, Acquisition, or Consumption." Journal of Marketing Research 46.3 (2009): 396-409. Business Source Premier. Web. 19 Mar. 2013. Judge, Timothy A., and John Kammeyer-Mueller. "Happiness as a Societal Value." Academy of Management Perspectives 25.1 (2011): 30-41. Business Source Premier. Web. 19 Mar. 2013. Lindström, Martin. Brandwashed: Tricks Companies Use to Manipulate our Minds and Persuade Us to Buy. New York: Crown Business, 2011. Print. Main Collection HF 5415.32 .L563 2011 Lyubomirsky, Sonja, Laura King, and Ed Diener. "The Benefits Of Frequent Positive Affect: Does Happiness Lead To Success?." Psychological Bulletin 131.6 (2005): 803-855. PsycARTICLES. Web. 1 May 2013. Roberts, James A. Shiny Objects: Why We Spend Money We Don't Have in Search of Happiness We Can't Buy. New York: HarperOne, 2011. Print. Main Collection HC 110.C6 R637 2011 Stearns, Peter N. "The History of Happiness." Harvard Business Review 90.1 (2012): 104-9. Business Source Premier. Web. 19 Mar. 2013.

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Symposium Resource Texts

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Classical Studies

Christensen, Larry B. The Food-Mood Connection: Eating Your Way to Happiness. College Station, Texas: Pro-Health, 1991. Print. Main Collection RC 537.G7 2010

Annas, Julia. The Morality of Happiness. New York: Oxford UP, 1993. Print. Main Collection BJ 171.H35 A56

Faler, Catherine A., and Madeleine M. Joullie. "The Kulinkovich Reaction in the Synthesis of Constrained N,N-Dialkyl Neurotransmitter Analogues." Organic Letters 9.10 (2007): 1987-90. ACS Journals. Web.1 May 2013. Greenberg, Gary. Manufacturing Depression: The Secret History of a Modern Disease. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2010. Print. Main Collection RC 537.C47 1991 Jones, Jennifer D. "A Comparison of Songwriting and Lyric Analysis Techniques to Evoke Emotional Change in a Single Session with People Who are Chemically Dependent." Journal of Music Therapy 42.2 (2005): 94-110. Print. Print Periodicals Collection Kunz-Ebrecht, Sabine R., et al. "Differences in Cortisol Awakening Response on Work Days and Weekends in Women and Men from the Whitehall II Cohort." Psychoneuroendocrinology 29.4 (2004): 516-28. ScienceDirect. Web. 1 May 2013. McCrone, John. "Happiness Pills." The Lancet Neurology 2.4 (2003): 260. ScienceDirect. Web. 1 May 2013. Putman, Peter, et al. "Salivary Cortisol and Short and Long-Term Memory for Emotional Faces in Healthy Young Women." Psychoneuroendocrinology 29.7 (2004): 953-60. ScienceDirect. Web. 1 May 2013. Van, Honk J., et al. "Attentionally Modulated Effects of Cortisol and Mood on Memory for Emotional Faces in Healthy Young Males." Psychoneuroendocrinology 28.7 (2003): 941-8. ScienceDirect. Web. 1 May 2013.

Dewald, Carolyn. "Happiness in Herodotus." Symbolae Osloenses 85.1 (2011): 52-73. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Apr. 2013. Meyer, Susan S. Ancient Ethics: A Critical Introduction. London: Routledge, 2008. Print. Main Collection BJ 161 .M49 2011 Mutschler, Fritz-Heiner. "Happiness, Life Models, and Social Order in Republican and Augustan Rome." Symbolae Osloenses 85.1 (2011): 134-60. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Apr. 2013. Sande, Siri. "Life and Art in the Countryside: Happiness and/or Roman Virtue?" Symbolae Osloenses 85.1 (2011): 161-8. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Apr. 2013.

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Communication Studies

Chen, Zhenghui, and Gareth Davey. "Happiness and Subjective Wellbeing in Mainland China." Journal of Happiness Studies 9.4 (2008): 589600. Academic Search Premier. Web. 25 Apr. 2013.

Cameron, Deborah. Good to Talk?: Living and Working in a Communication Culture. London, UK: Sage, 2000. Print. Main Collection P 90 .C36 2000

Flath, James A. The Cult of Happiness: Nianhua, Art, and History in Rural North China. Vancouver, CA: UBC P, 2004. Print. Main Collection NE 1183.25 .F53 2004

Graham, Carol, and Milena Nikolova. Does Access to Information Technology Make People Happier? Working paper 53. Global Economy and Development. Washington, DC: Brookings Inst., 2012. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

Hao Yuan, et al. "The China Puzzle: Falling Happiness in a Rising Economy." Journal of Happiness Studies 10.4 (2009): 387-405. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Apr. 2013.

Jackson, Maggie. Distracted: The Erosion of Attention and the Coming Dark Age. Amherst, NY: Prometheus, 2008. Print. Main Collection E 169.12 .J338 2008

Mah, Adeline Yen. Watching the Tree: A Chinese Daughter Reflects on Happiness, Tradition and Spiritual Wisdom. New York: Broadway Books, 2001. Print. Main Collection B 126 .M34 2001

Mogilner, Cassie, Jennifer Aaker, and Sepandard Kamvar. "How Happiness Affects Choice." Journal of Consumer Research 39.2 (2012): 429-43. Communication & Mass Media Complete. Web. 23 Mar. 2013.

Wang Fei, et al. "China's Life Satisfaction, 1990-2010." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109.25 (2012): 9775-80. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Apr. 2013.

Vlahovic, Tatiana A., Sam Roberts, and Robin Dunbar. "Effects of Duration and Laughter on Subjective Happiness within Different Modes of Communication." Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 17.4 (2012): 436-50. Communication & Mass Media Complete. Web. 23 Mar. 2013.

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Hoyle, John R., and Robert O. Slater. "Love, Happiness, and America's Schools: The Role of Educational Leadership in the 21st Century." Phi Delta Kappan 82.10 (2001): 790-4. EBSCO MegaFILE. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

Colebrook, Claire. "Happiness, Theoria, and Everyday Life." Symplokē: A Journal for the Intermingling of Literary, Cultural and Theoretical Scholarship 11.1-2 (2003): 132-51. Project MUSE. Web. 23 Apr. 2013.

Huebner, Scott. "Students and Their Schooling: Does Happiness Matter?” Communique 39.2 (2010): 1, 24. ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center). Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

Gallagher, Victoria J., Kelly Norris Martin, and Magdy Ma. "Visual Wellbeing: Intersections of Rhetorical Theory and Design." Design Issues 27.2 (2011): 27-40. Art Full Text (H.W. Wilson). Web. 22 Apr. 2013.

Layous, Kristin, Katherine Nelson, Eva Oberle, Kimberly Schonert-Reichl, and Sonja Lyubomirsky. "Kindness Counts: Prompting Prosocial Behavior in Preadolescents Boosts Peer Acceptance and Well-Being." Plos ONE 7.12 (2012): 1-3. Academic Search Premier. Web. 1 May 2013.

Potkay, Adam. "Narrative Possibilities of Happiness, Joy, and Unhappiness." Nineteenth-Century Contexts 33.2 (2011): 111-25. Academic Search Premier. Web. 23 Apr. 2013.

McCabe, Kelly, et al. "Promoting Happiness and Life Satisfaction in School Children." Canadian Journal of School Psychology 26.3 (2011): 17792. Educator’s Reference Complete. Web. 18 Apr. 2013. Noddings, Nel. Happiness and Education. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP, 2003. Print. Main Collection LB 41 .N633 2003 Scoffham, Stephen, and Jonathan Barnes. "Happiness Matters: Towards a Pedagogy of Happiness and Well-being." Curriculum Journal 22.4 (2011): 535-48. ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center). Web. 18 Apr. 2013. Not available at Concordia Smith, Alistair, John Jones, and Joanna Kurlbaum. Winning the H Factor: The Secrets of Happy Schools. London, UK: Network Continuum, 2010. Print. Main Collection LA 632 .S65 2010

Pawelski, James O, and D J. Moores. The Eudaimonic Turn: Well-being in Literary Studies. Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 2013. Print. Main Collection PN 56 .H27 E93 2013 Schwarz, Daniel R. In Defense of Reading: Teaching Literature in the TwentyFirst Century. Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2008. Print. Main Collection PE 68 .U5 S39 2008

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Environmental Studies


Arbuthnott, Katherine D. "Sustainable Consumption: Attitudes, Actions, and Well-Being." Analyses of Social Issues & Public Policy 12.1 (2012): 2048. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Apr. 2013.

Davidson, Denise Z. ““Happy” Marriages in Early Nineteenth-Century France.” Journal of Family History 37.1 (2012): 23-35. SAGE Journals Complete. Web. 23 Apr. 2013.

Cato, Molly S. The Biogregional Economy: Land, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. New York: Routledge, 2013. Print. Main Collection HC 79 .E5 C386 2013

Kavanagh, Thomas M. Enlightened Pleasures: Eighteenth-century France and the New Epicureanism. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 2010. Print. Main Collection DC 133.8 .K38 2010

Lambin, Eric. An Ecology of Happiness. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2012. Print. Main Collection GF 51 .L3613 2012

Minois, Georges. L’ e ’or: Histoire De La Poursuite Du Bonheur. Paris: Fayard, 2009. Print. Main Collection BJ 1481 . M56 2009

Leyden, Kevin M., Abraham Goldberg, and Philip Michelbach. “Understanding the Pursuit of Happiness in Ten Major Cities.” Urban Affairs Review 47.6 (2011): 861-88. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Apr. 2013. Welsch, Heinz. “Implications of Happiness Research for Environmental Economics.” Ecological Economics 68.11 (2009): 2735-42. ScienceDirect. Web. 23 Apr. 2013.

Schlenoff, Zeina T. Le Bonheur Chez La Femme Colettienne. New York: Peter Lang, 1997. Print. Main Collection PQ 2605 .O28 Z8323 1997

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Global Studies

Corkhill, Alan, and Katharina von Hammerstein. "Reading Female Happiness in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century German Literature: Texts and Contexts.” Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies 47.2 (2011): 123-297. Academic Search Premier. Web. 23 Apr. 2013.

Bormans, Leo. The World Book of Happiness. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish, 2011. Print. Main Collection BF 575.H27 W67 2011

Delken, Ellis. "Happiness in Shrinking Cities in Germany." Journal of Happiness Studies 9.2 (2008): 213-8. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Apr. 2013. Hogwood, Patricia. "'How Happy Are You ...?' Subjective Well-Being in East Germany Twenty Years After Unification." Politics 31.3 (2011): 14858. Academic Search Premier. Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Ra elhus hen, ernd, and Klaus- eter hoppner. 2012. Mun hen, DE: Knaus, 2012. Print. Main Collection HN 446 .R34 2012

eutsc e ost l cksatlas

The Economics of Happiness. Dir. Norberg-Hodge, Helena, Steven Gorelick, John Page, et al. Totnes, UK: Intl. Soc. for Ecology and Culture, 2011. DVD. DVD/Video Collection HD 82 .E28 2011 Kuo, Gioietta. "Prosperity and Happiness." World Future Review 4.4 (2012): 14-8. Academic Search Premier. Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Graham, Carol. Happiness around the World: The Paradox of Happy Peasants and Miserable Millionaires. Oxford, NY: Oxford UP, 2009. Main Collection HB 74.P8 G73 2009 Polgreen, Linnea, and Nicole Simpson. "Happiness and International Migration." Journal of Happiness Studies 12.5 (2011): 819-40. Academic Search Premier. Web. 23 Apr. 2013. arra ino, Fran es o. “Determinants of Subjective Well-being in High and Low Income Countries: Do Happiness Equations Differ Across Countries?” The Journal of Socio-Economics 42 (2013): 51-66. ScienceDirect. Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Tiberius, Valerie. "Cultural Differences and Philosophical Accounts of WellBeing." Journal of Happiness Studies 5.3 (2004): 293-314. Academic Search Premier. Web. 1 May 2013.

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Symposium Resource Texts

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Compiled by: The Carl B. Ylvisaker Library



Bok, Sissela. Exploring Happiness: From Aristotle to Brain Science. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 2011. Main Collection BJ 1481 .B656 2011

Dodds, Peter Sheridan, and Christopher M. Danforth. "Measuring the Happiness of Large-Scale Written Expression: Songs, Blogs, and Presidents." Journal of Happiness Studies 11.4 (2010): 441-56. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Apr. 2013.

Kaufmann, Jean-Claude, and David Macey. The Curious History of Love. English ed. Cambridge: Polity P, 2011. Print. Main Collection BF 575.L8 K388 2011 McMahon, Darrin M. "From the Happiness of Virtue to the Virtue of Happiness: 400 BC - AD 1780." Daedalus 133.2 (2004): 5-17. JSTOR. Web. 23 Apr. 2013. McMahon, Darrin M. Happiness: A History. New York: Atlantic Monthly, 2006. Main Collection BJ 1481 .M36 2006 Redman, Jessica H. E. "The American Happy Family That Never Was: Ambivalence in the Hollywood Family Melodrama." European Journal of American Culture 22.1 (2003): 49-69. America: History & Life. Web. 23 Apr. 2013.

González, Mònica, et al. "Non-Linearity, Complexity and Limited Measurement in the Relationship between Satisfaction with Specific Life Domains and Satisfaction with Life as a Whole." Journal of Happiness Studies 11.3 (2010): 335-52. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Apr. 2013. Huta, Veronika, and Richard M. Ryan. "Pursuing Pleasure or Virtue: The Differential and Overlapping Well-Being Benefits of Hedonic and Eudaimonic Motives." Journal of Happiness Studies 11.6 (2010): 73562. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Apr. 2013. Knuth, Donald E. Surreal Numbers: How Two Ex-students Turned on to Pure Mathematics and Found Total Happiness: A Mathematical Novelette. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1974. Print. Main Collection QA 241 .K688 Tattersall, Graham. Geekspeak: How Life + Mathematics = Happiness. New York: Collins, 2008. Print. Main Collection QA 93 .T38 2008

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Collier, William G., and Timothy L. Hubbard. "Musical Scales and Evaluations of Happiness and Awkwardness: Effects of Pitch, Direction, and Scale Mode." American Journal of Psychology 114.3 (2001): 355-75. Academic Search Premier. Web. 19 Mar. 2013.

Edelman, Shimon. The Happiness of Pursuit: What Neuroscience Can Teach Us about the Good Life. New York: Basic Books, 2012. Print. Main Collection BF 441 .E34 2012

Etzel, Joset A., et al. "Cardiovascular and Respiratory Responses During Musical Mood Induction." International Journal of Psychophysiology 61.1 (2006): 57-69. ScienceDirect. Web. 19 Mar. 2013. Jones, Jennifer D. "A Comparison of Songwriting and Lyric Analysis Techniques to Evoke Emotional Change in a Single Session with People Who are Chemically Dependent." Journal of Music Therapy 42.2 (2005): 94-110. Print. Print Periodicals Collection Logeswaran, Nidhya, and Joydeep Bhattacharya. "Crossmodal Transfer of Emotion by Music." Neuroscience Letters 455.2 (2009): 129-33. Academic Search Premier. Web. 19 Mar. 2013. Punset, Eduard. The Happiness Trip: A Scientific Journey. White River Junction, VT: Sciencewriters, 2007. Print. Main Collection BF 575 .H27 P8613 2007 Schellenberg, E. G., Isabelle Peretz, and Sandrine Vieillard. "Liking for Happy – and Sad – Sounding Music: Effects of Exposure." Cognition & Emotion 22.2 (2008): 218-37. Academic Search Premier. Web. 19 Mar. 2013. Sutton, Catherine J. C., and Michael J. Lowis. "The Effect of Musical Mode on Verbal and Spatial Task Performance." Creativity Research Journal 20.4 (2008): 420-6. Academic Search Premier. Web. 19 Mar. 2013. Teachout, Terry. "The Mystery of Music." Wall Street Journal – Eastern Edition 254.92 (2009): W16. ProQuest Newsstand. Web. 19 Mar. 2013.

Hanson, Rick, and Richard Mendius. Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love & Wisdom. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger, 2009. Print. Main Collection QP 360 .H368 2009 Kringelbach, Morten L., and Kent C. Berridge. "The Joyful Mind." Scientific American 306.8 (2012): 40-5. Academic Search Premier. Web. 19 Mar. 2013. Kringelbach, Morten L., and Kent C. Berridge. "The Neuroscience of Happiness and Pleasure." Social Research 77.2 (2010): 659-78. Academic Search Premier. Web. 19 Mar. 2013.

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Nutrition & Dietetics

Bekhet, A. K., J. A. Zauszniewski, and W. E. Nakhla. "Happiness: Theoretical and Empirical Considerations." Nursing Forum 43.1 (2008): 12-23. Academic Search Premier. Web. 19 Mar. 2013.

“Food and Happiness.” Nutrition & Food Science 39.4 (2009): 449-454. Not available at Concordia

Ehrenreich, Barbara. Bright-Sided: How the Relentless Promotion of Positive Thinking has Undermined America. New York: Metropolitan, 2009. Print. Main Collection BF 698.35 .O57 E3678 2009 Elliott, Carl. Better Than Well: American Medicine Meets the American Dream. New York: W.W. Norton, 2003. Print. Main Collection RA 418.3 .U6 E455 2003 Scott, D. E. "Nursing that Works: Happiness at Work." South Dakota Nurse (South Dakota Nurses Association) 50.4 (2008): 16-7. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. Web. 19 Mar. 2013. Wooten, Patty. Compassionate Laughter: Jest for Your Health. Salt Lake City, UT: Commune-A-Key, 1996. Print. Main Collection R 705 .W64 1996

Graham, Carol. "Happiness and Health: Lessons – and Questions – For Public Policy." Health Affairs 27.1 (2008): 72-87. Academic Search Premier. Web. 18 Apr. 2013. McMahon, Anne-Therese, Peter Williams, and Linda Tapsell. "Reviewing the Meanings of Wellness and Well-being and their Implications for Food Choice." Perspectives in Public Health 130.6 (2010): 282-6. Sage Journals Complete. Web. 18 Apr. 2013. zymanski, Ileana F. “Choi es in Food and Happiness een From the erspe tive of Aristotle's Notion o Habit.” Philosophy in the Contemporary World 12.6 (2009): 12-21. Not available at Concordia Winterich, Karen Page, and Kelly L. Haws. "Helpful Hopefulness: The Effect of Future Positive Emotions on Consumption." Journal of Consumer Research 38.3 (2011): 505-24. Academic Search Premier. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

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Physical Education & Health

Bok, Sissela. Exploring Happiness: From Aristotle to Brain Science. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 2011. Print. Main Collection BJ 1481 .B656 2011

Allen Catellier, Jennifer R., and Z. Janet Yang. "The Role of Affect in the Decision to Exercise: Does Being Happy Lead to a More Active Lifestyle?" Psychology of Sport & Exercise 14.2 (2013): 275-82. ScienceDirect. Web. 22 Apr. 2013.

Burger, Ronna. Aristotle's Dialogue with Socrates: On the Nicomachean Ethics. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2009. Print. Main Collection B 430 .B878 2009

Ballas, Dimitris, and Danny Dorling. "Measuring the Impact of Major Life Events Upon Happiness." International Journal of Epidemiology 36.6 (2007): 124452. NCBI Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

McFall, Lynne. "Happiness, Rationality, and Individual Ideals." Review of Metaphysics 37 (1984): 595-613. Art Full Text (H.W. Wilson). Print. 22 Apr. 2013. Not available at Concordia

Estes, Cheryl, and Karla Henderson. "Enjoyment and the Good Life." Parks & Recreation 38.2 (2003): 22-31. Academic Search Premier. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

McCabe, Herbert, and Brian Davies. The Good Life: Ethics and the Pursuit of Happiness. New York: Continuum, 2005. Print. Main Collection BJ 1249 .M232 2005 Russell, Daniel C. Happiness for Humans. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2012. Print. Main Collection BJ 1481 .R87 2012

Gray, Peter. Free to Learn: Why Unleashing the Instinct to Play Will Make Our Children Happier, More Self-Reliant, and Better Students for Life. New York: Basic Books, 2013. Print. New Books BF 717 .G73 2013 Siahpush, M., M. Spittal, and G. K. Singh. "Happiness and Life Satisfaction Prospectively Predict Self-Rated Health, Physical Health, and the Presence of Limiting, Long-Term Health Conditions." American Journal of Health Promotion 23.1 (2008): 18-26. Physical Education Index. Web. 18 Apr. 2013. Not available at Concordia Spiers, Andrew, and Gordon Walker. "The Effects of Ethnicity and Leisure Satisfaction on Happiness, Peacefulness, and Quality of Life." Leisure Sciences 31.1 (2009): 84-99. Physical Education Index. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

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Political Science

Carlin, Laurence. "The Importance of Teleology to Boyle's Natural Philosophy." British Journal for the History of Philosophy 19.4 (2011): 665-82. Academic Search Premier. Web. 19 Mar. 2013.

Bok, Derek Curtis. The Politics of Happiness: What Government Can Learn from the New Research on Wellbeing. Princeton: Princeton UP, 2010. Print. Main Collection HN 60 .B656 2010

Lightman, Allan. A Sense of the Mysterious: Science and the Human Spirit. New York: Pantheon, 2005. Print Main Collection Q 172.5 .C74 L54 2005

Brülde, Bengt, and Krister Bykvist. "Happiness, Ethics, and Politics: Introduction, History and Conceptual Framework." Journal of Happiness Studies 11.5 (2010): 541-51. Academic Search Premier. Web. 23 Apr. 2013.

Smetham, Graham. Quantum Buddhism: Dancing in Emptiness: Reality Revealed at the Interface of Quantum Physics and Buddhist Philosophy. Brighton Sussex, UK: Shunyata, 2010. Print. Main Collection BQ 4570 .S3 S64 2010

Frey, Bruno, and Alois Stutzer. "The Use of Happiness Research for Public Policy." Social Choice & Welfare 38.4 (2012): 659-74. Academic Search Premier. Web. 23 Apr. 2013.

Weisskopf, Victor. The Privilege of Being a Physicist. New York: Freeman, 1989. Print. Main Collection QC 71 .W443

Greve, Bent. Happiness. New York: Routledge, 2012. Print. Main Collection BF 575.H27 G74 2012 Kalman, Maira. And the Pursuit of Happiness. New York: Penguin, 2010. Print. Main Collection JK 275 .K35 2010

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Ballas, Dimitris, and Mark Tranmer. "Happy People or Happy Places?: A Multilevel Modeling Approach to the Analysis of Happiness and WellBeing." International Regional Science Review 35.1 (2012): 70-102. Sage Journals Complete. Web. 22 Apr. 2013.

Bstan-ʼdzin-rgya-mtsho, and Howard C. Cutler. The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living. New York: Riverhead, 1998. Print. Main Collection BQ 7935.B774 A78 1998

Diener, Ed and Robert Biswas-Diener. Happiness: Unlocking the Mysteries of Psychological Wealth. Malden, MA: Oxford/Blackwell, 2008. Print. Main Collection BF 575 .H27 D54 2008 Ehrenreich, Barbara. Bright-Sided: How the Relentless Promotion of Positive Thinking has Undermined America. New York: Metropolitan, 2009. Print. Main Collection BF 698.35 .O57 E3678 2009 Griffin, James. "What Do Happiness Studies Study?" Journal of Happiness Studies 8.1 (2007): 139-48. Academic Search Premier. Web. 19 Mar. 2013 Sauter, Disa A., and Sophie K. Scott. "More Than One Kind of Happiness: Can We Recognize Vocal Expressions of Different Positive States?" Motivation & Emotion 31.3 (2007): 192-9. Academic Search Premier. Web. 19 Mar. 2013. Tkach, Chris, and Sonja Lyubomirsky. "How Do People Pursue Happiness?: Relating Personality, Happiness-Increasing Strategies, and WellBeing." Journal Of Happiness Studies 7.2 (2006): 183-225. Academic Search Premier. Web. 1 May 2013. Uchida, Yukiko, Vinai Norasakkunkit, and Shinobu Kitayama. "Cultural Constructions of Happiness: Theory and Empirical Evidence." Journal of Happiness Studies 5.3 (2004): 223-39. Academic Search Premier. Web. 19 Mar. 2013. Weil, Andrew. Spontaneous Happiness. New York: Little, Brown and Co., 2011. Print. Main Collection RA 790 .W45 2011

Charry, Ellen T. God and the Art of Happiness. Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans, 2010. Print. Main Collection BV 4647.J68 C43 2010 Charry, Ellen T. "On Happiness." Anglican Theological Review 86.1 (2004): 1933. Academic Search Premier. Web. 1 May 2013. Charry, Ellen T. "Positive Theology: An Exploration in Theological Psychology and Positive Psychology." Journal of Psychology & Christianity 30.4 (2011): 284-293. Academic Search Premier. Web. 1 May 2013. Martin, James. Between Heaven and Mirth: Why Joy, Humor, and Laughter are at the Heart of the Spiritual Life. New York: HarperOne, 2011. Print. Main Collection BV 4647.J68 M378 2011 French, Sarah, and Stephen Joseph. "Religiosity and Its Association with Happiness, Purpose in Life, and Self-Actualization." Mental Health, Religion & Culture 2.2 (1999): 117-20. Academic Search Premier. Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Schwartz, Dannel I., and Mark Hass. Finding Joy: A Practical Spiritual Guide to Happiness. Woodstock, VT: Jewish Lights, 1996. Print. Main Collection BM 645.J67 S39 1996 Strawn, Brent A. The Bible and the Pursuit of Happiness. New York: Oxford UP, 2012. Print. Main Collection BV 4647.J68 B53 2012 Wadell, Paul J. Happiness and the Christian Moral Life: An Introduction to Christian Ethics. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2008. Print. Main Collection BJ 1251 .W334 2008

Symposium Resource Texts

Symposium Resource Texts

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Scandinavian Studies


Bjørnskov, C. "The Happy Few: Cross–Country Evidence on Social Capital and Life Satisfaction." Kyklos 56.1 (2003): 3-16. Academic Search Premier. Web. 23 Mar. 2013.

Graham, Carol, Soumya Chattopadhyay, and Mario Picon. "Adapting to Adversity: Happiness and the 2009 Economic Crisis in the United States." Social Research 77.2 (2010): 715-48. Academic Search Premier. Web. 23 Apr. 2013.

Bull, Torill, and Maurice B. Mittelmark. "Work Life and Mental Wellbeing of Single and Non-Single Working Mothers in Scandinavia." Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 37.6 (2009): 562-8. Academic Search Premier. Web. 23 Mar. 2013.

Layard, Richard. Happiness: Lessons From a New Science. New York: Penguin, 2005. Print. Main Collection BJ 1481 .L39 2005

Falkenberg, Andreas W. “Quality of Life: Efficiency, Equity and Freedom in the United States and Scandinavia.” The Journal of Socio-Economics 27.1 (1998): 1-27. ScienceDirect. Web. 23 Apr. 2013.

Lu, Luo, Robin Gilmour, and Shu-Fang Kao. "Cultural Values and Happiness: An East-West Dialogue." Journal of Social Psychology 141.4 (2001): 477-93. Academic Search Premier. Web. 23 Apr. 2013.

Hansson, Anna, Pernilla Hillerås, and Yvonne Forsell. "Well-Being in an Adult Swedish Population." Social Indicators Research 74.2 (2005): 31325. Academic Search Premier. Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Not available at Concordia

Schiffrin, Holly H., and S. K. Nelson. "Stressed and Happy?: Investigating the Relationship between Happiness and Perceived Stress." Journal of Happiness Studies 11.1 (2010): 33-9. Sociological Abstracts. Web. 23 Apr. 2013.

Hellevik, Ottar. "Economy, Values and Happiness in Norway." Journal of Happiness Studies 4.3 (2003): 243-83. Academic Search Premier. Web. 23 Apr. 2013.

Thin, Neil. Social Happiness: Theory into Policy and Practice. Bristol: Policy P, 2012. Print. Main Collection HN 17.5 T45 2012

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Spanish & Hispanic Studies


Campos, Maximiliano A. Salinas. “De Atenea a Afrodita: la Risa y el Amor en la Cultura Chilena.” Atenea 495 (2007): 13-34. HAPI Online. Web. 25 Apr. 2013.

Grodal, Torben. "Pain, Sadness, Aggression, and Joy: An Evolutionary Approach to Film Emotions." Projections: The Journal for Movies & Mind 1.1 (2007): 91-107. Expanded Academic ASAP. Web. 22 Apr. 2013.

Dominguez-Fuentes, Juan Manuel, and María Isabel Hombrados-Mendieta. "Social Support and Happiness in Immigrant Women in Spain." Psychological Reports 110.3 (2012): 977-90. Gender Studies Database. Web. 25 Apr. 2013.

Kasson, John F. "Shirley Temple's Paradoxical Smile." American Art 25.3 (2011): 16-9. Art Full Text (H.W. Wilson). Web. 12 Apr. 2013.

onzalez- uinones, JC, and . Restrepo-Chavarriaga. " revalen ia e Feli idad En Ci los Vitales Rela ion Con Redes e Apoyo En obla ion Colombiana." Re sta e Salud l ca 12.2 (2010): 228-38. NCBI Web. 25 Apr. 2013. Peiro, Amado. "Happiness, Satisfaction and Socio-Economic Conditions: Some International Evidence." The Journal of Socio-Economics 35.2 (2006): 34865. ScienceDirect. Web. 25 Apr. 2013. Weaver, Charles N. “Happiness of Mexican Americans.” Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 25:3 (2003): 275-94. Sage Journals Complete. Web. 25 Apr. 2013.

Marcus, Paul, and Gabriela Marcus. Theater as Life: Practical Wisdom Drawn from Great Acting Teachers, Actors and Actresses. Milwaukee: Marquette UP, 2011. Print. Main Collection PN 2071.P78 M37 2011 Salzer, Beeb. "’Is Everybody Happy.’" TD&T 42.3 (2006): 10. Art Full Text (H.W. Wilson). Web. 23 Mar. 2013.

Symposium Resource Texts

Symposium Resource Texts

Compiled by: The Carl B. Ylvisaker Library

Compiled by: The Carl B. Ylvisaker Library

Women’s Studies Ahmed, Sara. "Killing Joy: Feminism and the History of Happiness." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture & Society 35.3 (2010): 571-92. Academic Search Premier. Web. 19 Apr. 2013. Gore, Ariel. Bluebird: Women and the New Psychology of Happiness. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2010. Print. Main Collection HQ 1155 .G67 2010 Lee, Kristen Schultz, and Hiroshi Ono. "Marriage, Cohabitation, and Happiness: A Cross-National Analysis of 27 Countries." Journal of Marriage & Family 74.5 (2012): 953-72. Gender Studies Database. Web. 25 Apr. 2013. Ling-Yi, Zhou. "Can American Women Have It All and Be Happy?" Phi Kappa Phi Forum 93.1 (2013): 10-13. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Apr. 2013. Marjoribanks, Kevin. "Relations Between One- and Two-Parent Families and Young Adults' Happiness Scores." Psychological Reports 96.3 (2005): 84951. Gender Studies Database. Web. 25 Apr. 2013.