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semiconductor colloidal quantum dots synthesis for application in biology and medicine as well as summary of sensors based on colloidal quantum dots and ...
Synthesis of Colloidal Quantum Dots for Medical and Biological Scientific Research V. A. Moshnikov, S. F. Musikhin

А. О. Drobintseva, I. M. Kvetnoy, Y. S. Krylova, V. О. Polyakova,

Electrotechnical University “LETI”, Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation

Electrotechnical University “LETI”, Ott Institute of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductology, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation

O. A. Aleksandrova, D. S. Mazing, L. B. Matyushkin, O. A. Ryzhov Electrotechnical University “LETI”, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation Abstract—A review of the up-to-date methods of semiconductor colloidal quantum dots synthesis for application in biology and medicine as well as summary of sensors based on colloidal quantum dots and metal nanoparticles are presented. The principles of sensors interaction with biological objects are examined.

high quantum yield of nanoparticles, including for those emitting in near infrared region, which allows in-vivo visualization of the processes happening in the deeplying organs; high chemical resistance, including photobleachng (photoquenching);

The stages of optical fluorescence microscopy development are reviewed including description of the state-of-the-art methods of high resolution fluorescence microscopy, the authors of which (Eric Betzig, William Moerner and Stefan Hell) were awarded the Noble Prize in chemistry in 2014. Realization of these techniques allowed fluorescence signal acquisition from the area with dimensions significantly smaller than diffraction limit.

stability of the photoluminescence properties which enables prolong investigation; small size of quantum dots which provides deep penetration in the tissue samples and thus acquisition of information about quantity and characteristics of the objects being detected; broad absorption spectrum which makes it possible to separate excitation and detected signals, to utilize complex color combinations in confocal microscopy and carry out multiplex studies;

The methods of fluorescence microscopy that provide a nanoscale definition including 4Pi microscopy, STORM, STED, PALM and techniques utilizing Förster resonance energy transfer are examined. Classification of fluorophores and their comparison with colloidal quantum dots in biology and medicine applications were carried out. Main principles of non-linear optical methods for microscopy diagnostics and their application in biomedical studies are reviewed. Special attention was given to the potential of colloidal quantum dots based fluorescence systems application in biomedicine. Substitution of the organic fluorophores for semiconductor quantum dots allows to overcome fundamental physical limitations connected with application of organic fluorescent markers in medical diagnostics. Depending on their size quantum dots have different photoluminescence spectra. Synthesis methods enable to control nanoparticle size and as a result to set the color of emission. The main advantages of quantum dots over organic fluorophores being used nowadays are following: narrow symmetric Gaussian luminescence band;


the possibility of conjugation to sensitive biological components (antibodies, antigens, nucleic acids and other complex organic compounds). There are several issues concerning quantum dots application in the biomedical studies: the possibility of high level of quantum dots retention and accumulation in biological tissues; incomplete removal from the body; toxicity issues. More comprehensively these issues are discussed in the monograph [1] written by the authors’ team and accessible for downloading in electronic form as well as in the series of publications [2–16] The monograph is logically divided in three parts. The first part, which consists of two chapters, covers optical methods in which quantum dots may be used as fluorophores, main principles of non-linear optical techniques for microscopic diagnostics and their application in microbiological studies are discussed. Principles of two-photon fluorescence, second and third harmonics generation are explained. It should be noted that achievements in the development of the non-linear optical


978-1-5090-0442-3/15/$31/00©2015 IEEE

methods have led to creation of non-invasive diagnostics techniques giving way to ex vivo as well as in vivo studies.


The second part deals with main features of nanoparticle synthesis in polar and non-polar media and experimental results of cadmium selenide and doped zinc chalcogenides nanoparticle synthesis.


In the part III the main principles of functioning and design of sensors are discussed, including biosensors based on colloidal quantum dots and metal nanoparticles. Principles of interaction between biosensors with biological molecules such as antibodies, antigens and nucleic acids are reviewed as well as principles of detection of biological objects, e.g. proteins, DNA, bacteria, glucose, ions of heavy metals and toxic organic compounds.





The presentation is prepared by the authors’ team in the frame of the grant from Russian Science Fund (contract № 1415-00324 from 01.07.2014) being implemented jointly by employees of Electrotechnical University “LETI”, Ott Institute of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductology and Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University.







О.А. Aleksandrova, D.М. Galieva, А.О. Drobintseva, I.М. Kvetnoy, Y.S. Krylova, D.S. Mazing, L.B. Matyushkin, V.А. Moshnikov, S.F. Musikhin, V.О. Polyakova, О.А. Ryzhov, А.А. Shcheglova. Nanochastitsy, nanosistemy i ikh primeneniye. Part.1. Kolloidnyye kvantovyye tochki / ed. V.А. Moshnikov, О.А. Аleksandrova. Ufa: Aetеrnа, 2015. 236 p. (In Russian) V.А. Moshnikov, О.А. Aleksandrova, А.О. Drobintseva, I.М. Kvetnoy, Y.S. Krylova, D.S. Mazing, L.B. Matyushkin, S.F. Musikhin, V.О. Polyakova, О.А. Ryzhov. Ot lazernoy opticheskoy mikroskopii do fluorestsentnoy mikroskopii vysokogo razresheniya. Kolloidnyye kvantovyye tochki – biomarkery v poiskovykh nauchnykh issledovaniyakh // Biotekhnosfera. 2014. N 6 (36). P. 16–30. (In Russian) Y.S. Krylova, А.О. Drobintseva, V.О. Polyakova, I.М. Kvetnoy, L.N. Panteleev, S.F. Musikhin, V. Barzda. Nelineynaya opticheskaya mikroskopiya v primenenii k biomeditsinskim issledovaniyam // Biotekhnosfera. 2015. N. 2 (38). P. 2–7. (In Russian) S.F. Musikhin, О.А. Aleksandrova, V.V. Luchinin, А.I. Maksimov, V.А. Moshnikov. Poluprovodnikovyye kolloidnyye nanochastitsy v biologii i meditsine // Biotekhnosfera. 2012. N. 5–6 (23–24). P. 40–48. (In Russian) S.F. Musikhin, О.А. Aleksandrova, V.V. Luchinin, А.I. Maksimov, L.B. Matyushkin, V.А. Moshnikov. Sensory na osnove metallicheskikh I poluprovodnikovykh kolloidnykh nanochastits dlya biomeditsiny i ekologii // Biotekhnosfera. 2013. N. 2 (26). P. 2–16. (In Russian)






L.B. Matyushkin, О.А. Aleksandrova, А.I. Maksimov, V.А. Moshnikov, S.F. Musikhin. Osobennosti sinteza lyuminestsiruyushchikh poluprovodnikovykh nanochastits v polyarnykh i nepolyarnykh sredakh // Biotekhnosfera. 2013. N. 2 (26). P. 27–32. (In Russian) O.A. Aleksandrova, L.B. Matyushkin, V.A. Moshnikov, O.A. Ryzhov. A flow reactor for synthesis of nanoparticles with a system of optical diagnostics //Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE North West Russia Section Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Conference, ElConRusNW 2015. 2015. P. 12. (In Russian) D.S. Mazing, O.А. Аleksandrova, L.B. Matyushkin, V.А. Moshnikov. Sintez kol-loidnykh kvantovykh tochek selenida kadmiya v vodnoj srede// Izvestiya Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo ehlektrotekhnicheskogo universiteta LETI. 2014. N. 7. P. 15–19. (In Russian) D.S. Mazing, L.B. Matyushkin, O.A. Aleksandrova, I.I. Mikhailov, V.A. Moshnikov, S.A. Tarasov. Synthesis of cadmium selenide colloidal quantum dots in aquatic medium // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2014. V. 572. N. 1. P. 012–028. O.A. Aleksandrova, D.S. Mazing, L.B. Matyushkin, V.A. Moshnikov, N.S. Pshchelko. Features of colloidal quantum dots synthesis in nonpolar and aqueous media // Smart Nanocomposites. 2014. V.5. N. 2. P. 1–10. S.A. Tarasov, O.A. Aleksandrova, A.I. Maksimov, E.V. Maraeva, L.B. Matyushkin, E.A. Men’kovich, V.A. Moshnikov, S.F. Musikhin. Study of the Self-Organization Processes in Lead Sulfide Quantum Dots // Semiconductors. 2014. V. 48. N. 13. P. 1729–1731. O.A. Aleksandrova, O.E. Gordushenkov, L.B. Matyushkin, E.A. Menkovich, I.I. Mikhailov, V.A. Moshnikov, D.S. Romanovskiy, S.A. Tarasov. Phosphine-free synthesis of CdSe colloidal quantum dots with inverse order of fluorescence color // 21st Int. Symp. «Nanostructures: Physics and Technology» Proceedings, St. Petersburg, Russia. 2013. P. 298–299. Y.S. Krylova, S.F. Musikhin, L.B. Matyushkin, V.A. Moshnikov, O.A. Aleksandrova, D.S. Masing, V.O. Polyakova. Efficacy and safety of a novel CdSe/L-Cys quantum dots for investigation of pathology of women reproductive system: in vitro analysis // The MacroTrend Conference on Health and Medicine, Paris, France December 19–20, 2014. P. 2. А. Drobintseva, V. Polyakova, L. Matyushkin, Y. Krylova, D. Masing, O. Aleksandrova, V. Moshnikov, S. Musikhin, I. Kvetnoy. Characterization of ZnSe/ZnS QD Conjugated with Antibody Labeling Kisspeptins // 3-rd Int. Conf. of BioPhotonics, Florence, Inaly, 20–22 May, 2015. А.О. Durnova, Y.S. Krylova, L.N. Panteleev, S.F. Musikhin. Konfokalnaya lazernaya skaniruyushchaya mikroskopiya – primeneniye v patomorfologicheskikh issledovaniyakh // Biotekhnosfera. 2014. N. 5 (35). P. 30–35 (In Russian) O.A. Aleksandrova, D.S. Mazing, L.B. Matyushkin, S.F. Musikhin, A.V. Nikiforova, V.A. Moshnikov, V. Barzda. Synthesis of Transition Metal Doped Zinc Selenide Nanoparticles for Bioimaging// 17 th Photonics North Conference, 9–11 Iune, 2015 / Ottawa, Canada. Abstract Reference Number: 255-bQwg-44.