Our Genesis services utilize an environmental lighting effect called haze, a theatrical humidifier to thicken the air to
WELCOME Thank you for coming to First Presbyterian Church of Orlando this morning! We worship together as a church family in four services on Sundays: Traditional worship in the Sanctuary at 8:15am and 11am, and Genesis worship in the Sanctuary at 9:45am and in Lee Fellowship Hall at 11:00am. Check in and let us know you’re here: visit our Legacy Room for a cup of coffee and say hello, or text “FPCO” to the number 313131.
SAVE THE DATE • Through April 11: Recommendations for Elders and Deacons-Class of 2021 can be submitted at fpco.org/recommend
• March 29: Maundy Thursday. worship - 6:30pm, in the Sanctuary. • March 30: Good Friday worship - 6:30pm, in the Sanctuary. • March 30: Heart of the City Foundation scholarship application deadline. fpco.org/scholarships • April 4: Tournament for the Tots at Dubsdread Golf Course-1PM. For details or to signup, contact Magnolia Preschool at 407.425.1126. • April 6: Young at Heart Luncheon with Scott Schoonmaker, Mission Aviation Fellowship. RSVP to Maddy Vilar at 407.423.3441 x1159 • April 8: Information meeting for the Family Dominican Republic mission trip at 12:15pm in the Student Ministry space (3rd floor of Allen Yowell Hall)
• April 20-22: There are a few spots left for LIFEFEST 2018. Join in with your Church family for this weekend retreat. Register at fpco.org/lifefest.
MARCH 25, 2018
CONGREGATIONAL CARE As a caring body of believers, please remember in your prayers those who have recently been hospitalized or are recuperating at home: To be added to our prayer list call the Pastoral Care office at 407.423.3441 x1455, or submit an online prayer request at fpco.org/prayerrequest.
FAMILIES AT FIRST PRES First Pres has three rooms to help young families on Sunday mornings: one nursing room for mothers & infants, next to the Prayer Room, between the Sanctuary and Lee Fellowship Hall, and a second nursing room for mothers & infants, on the 1st floor of Clayton Life Center next to the elevators. In addition, we have a Family Room for infants, children and dads :-) , also on the first floor of Clayton Life Center. All three rooms have a live television feed from the worship services.
GENEROSITY Stewardship Report as of March 18, 2018. Thank you for your faithful generosity.
39.6% FEBRUARY 2018
Because we believe participation (and not a dollar amount) is key in our giving, we are now reporting our church’s giving participation percentage weekly. ö Our financial numbers will appear on a monthly basis for continued transparency in budgeting. Give easily and securely online from your smartphone at fpco.org/mobile.
Genesis Worship (Please silence all phones and electronic devices.)
WELCOME Easter Video The Sacrament of Baptism (9:45) SAnderson Michael Armesto, born June 22, 2017, son of Jeanine and Anthony Armesto. Charge to Congregation Song of Commitment Take His Life and Let It Be Prayer for Illumination *Scripture Reading
Dr. David Swanson Mark 14:51-52 pew bible p. 720
At the conclusion of our Scripture reading, the leader will say, “This is the word of the Lord.” The congregation is invited to respond, “Thanks be to God.”
The Naked Heart
Assisting in Worship: Rev. Becky Davis and Wil Brown. * All who are able are invited to stand.
Our Genesis services utilize an environmental lighting effect called haze, a theatrical humidifier to thicken the air to enhance lighting. Both Lee Fellowship Hall and Sanctuary hazers are water-based and safe.
Traditional Worship The emotional transition occurring during a Palm Sunday service is almost a kind of mirror of Holy Week itself. The worship begins on a high note of celebration for the expectation is that Jesus has come to rule and set up His kingdom and finally overthrow the Roman occupation. The Messiah King of Israel has come at last! The beginning of our worship portrays that joy and excitement. Palm branches were a reminder to the Jewish people of the Maccabean revolt against Greek customs and Syrian occupation some 160 years earlier. The palm branch was a symbol of victory, triumph, and peace. In spite of the great joy in the early part of worship, our service concludes with a more subdued note as Jesus prepares to die, having been betrayed and forsaken by those closest to Him. The rooster on the cross brings to mind both Peter’s denial and the times we have denied the Lord in our words and actions. As our worship concludes, the choir recesses signaling the end of celebration. There is no postlude as we head into Holy Week. Do plan to join us both nights at 6:30PM for the Maundy Thursday (communion and choir) and Good Friday Tenebrae services. Walking through Jesus’ final hours on earth brings a deeper understanding of the significance and emotion of the resurrection Easter morning. - Dr. Dan Sharp
(Please silence all phones and electronic devices.)
GATHERING Prelude All Glory, Laud, and Honor
arr. miller
Welcome Responsive Call to Worship Call to Worship
no. 206 young/arr. sharp
Hosanna! Loud Hosanna!
*Processional Hymn of Praise Hosanna, Loud Hosanna
*Ascription of Praise
no. 203 ellacombe no. 207
Organ Praise Pastoral Report Easter Video *Passing of the Peace Call to Prayer vikki cook
Before the Throne of God Above
Pastoral Prayer Scripture
Matthew 21:1-11; 14-16 no. 205 truro
Hymn of Redemption Ride On, Ride On in Majesty v. 1, 2, 3 only
THANKSGIVING Thanksgiving Through Tithes and Offerings *All Glory, Laud, and Honor (Refrain)
no. 204
*Prayer of Commitment (Give securely on your smartphone at fpco.org/mobile)
Anthem for Palm Sunday Ride On, King Jesus
robert decormier Chancel Choir Steve Sweet, Solo
PROCLAMATION OF GOD’S WORD Prayer for Illumination *Scripture Reading
Dr. David Swanson Mark 14:51-52 pew bible p. 720
At the conclusion of our Scripture reading, the leader will say, “This is the word of the Lord.” The congregation is invited to respond, “Thanks be to God.”
The Naked Heart
RESPONSE *Hymn of the Passion no. 205 Ride On, Ride On in Majesty v. 3, 4, 5 truro *Invitation and Charge *Benediction * All who are able are invited to stand. Assisting in Worship: Rev. Tanner Fox, Dr. Daniel Sharp, and organist, Steve Strite. The flowers on the communion table are given in loving memory of Dr. James Holly, by his wife, Gloria.