son of Grace and Jeff Brown. Charge to Congregation. Song of ... the cloud of fire which led the Israelites through the
WELCOME Thank you for coming to First Presbyterian Church of Orlando this morning! We worship together as a church family in four services on Sundays: Traditional worship in the Sanctuary at 8:15am and 11am, and Genesis worship in the Sanctuary at 9:45am and in Lee Fellowship Hall at 11:00am. Check in and let us know you’re here: visit our Legacy Room for a cup of coffee and say hello, or text “FPCO” to the number 313131.
SAVE THE DATE • TODAY: Congregational meeting at 11am worship for the purpose of calling the Congregational Nominating Committee.
• March 21: Women's Cancer Support. Noon-1pm in room 320A. A light lunch is provided. Contact Maddy Vilar at 407.423.3441 x1159. • March 25: Palm Sunday. • March 29: Maundy Thursday. worship - 6:30pm, in the Sanctuary. • March 30: Good Friday worship - 6:30pm, in the Sanctuary. • March 30: Heart of the City Foundation scholarship application deadline. • April 4: Tournament for the Tots at Dubsdread Golf Course-1PM. For details or to signup, contact Magnolia Preschool at 407.425.1126. • April 20-22: LIFEFEST 2018 registration is now open! Join in with your Church family for this weekend retreat. Register at
SERVE AT EASTER Serving at Easter (April 1) is an incredible opportunity to welcome guests. We want to create a warm, welcome and joyful celebration at the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, and we'd love for you to be part of the team! Sign up at
MARCH 18, 2018
CONGREGATIONAL CARE As a caring body of believers, please remember in your prayers those who have recently been hospitalized, are recuperating at home: Virginia Wallace, Mary Haas, and Shari Minter. Our sympathy to Mark and Libbie Jordan on the death of his mother, Reba Jordan, February 23. Also, John and Pam Broschay on the death of his father, Charles Broschay, March 8. To be added to our prayer list call the Pastoral Care office at 407.423.3441 x1455, or submit an online prayer request at
NOMINEES FOR THE CONGREGATIONAL NOMINATING COMMITTEE Thomas Hewitt Billy Palmer Brett Krieder Branden Hueber Jess Burden Ryan Parsons Robbie Ball Katie Witter John Spears
GENEROSITY Stewardship Report as of March 11, 2018. Thank you for your faithful generosity. Tithes & Offerings Budgeted Received Surplus/(Deficit)
This/Last Week Fiscal YTD $114,936 $5,312,238 $115,345 $5,493,091 $409 $180,853
ARISE AND BUILD Capital Campaign Update Funds Given $6.6 Million Remaining to Give $1.1 Million Tithed to Mission $661,000 Give easily and securely online from your smartphone at
Genesis Worship (Please silence all phones and electronic devices.)
WELCOME Preparing for Easter
The Sacrament of Baptism (9:45) S David Montgomery Brown, born September 25, 2017, son of Grace and Jeff Brown. Charge to Congregation Song of Commitment Take His Life and Let It Be
Congregational Meeting (11:00) Prayer for Illumination *Scripture Reading
Dr. David Swanson Joshua 24:14-18 pew bible p. 168
At the conclusion of our Scripture reading, the leader will say, “This is the word of the Lord.” The congregation is invited to respond, “Thanks be to God.”
Choosing the Legacy of Your Household
Assisting in Worship: Scarlett Broughton and Wil Brown. * All who are able are invited to stand. Our Genesis services utilize an environmental lighting effect called haze, a theatrical humidifier to thicken the air to enhance lighting. Both Lee Fellowship Hall and Sanctuary hazers are water-based and safe.
Traditional Worship You may have noticed that each week another item has been placed on the cross and another candle extinguished. In contrast to Advent, where the light gets brighter each week as we approach the birth of the Savior, each of the weeks of Lent grow darker as we head toward death of the Savior. The purple robe reminds us of the cruel mockery of the soldiers in ridiculing the king of the Jews. The text of the opening hymn makes reference to the cloud of fire which led the Israelites through the desert as they followed the Lord’s leading during the forty years of wandering. They have now entered the Promised Land. As Joshua comes to the end of his days on earth, he challenges the Israelites to make a decision as to whom they will give their allegiance. For a people surrounded by a very pagan and alluring culture, it is a significant question. For every person in every age is asked the same question, “Whom will you serve?” in the world where you live. It is also a question we are confronted with every day. The choir anthem answers that question in a beautiful way. “You can have all the rest, give me Jesus.” Your presence in worship this morning is another indication of how you have answered that question. -Dr. Dan Sharp (Please silence all phones and electronic devices.)
GATHERING Prelude Be Thou My Vision
arr. cunrow
Welcome Call to Worship Open Now the Gates of Beauty
*Processional Hymn of Praise Let All Things Now Living
neander no. 53 ash grove
*Ascription of Praise Organ Praise Pastoral Report *Passing of the Peace Preparing for Easter
Call to Prayer (11:00) getty & townend
Kyrie Eleison
Pastoral Prayer no. 632
Lord's Prayer (11:00)
Galatians 5:13, 16-18
The Sacrament of Baptism (8:15) S Callie Marie Monroe, born September 5, 2017, daughter of Katie and Matthew Monroe. Charge to Congregation Song of Commitment Take Her Life and Let It Be
THANKSGIVING Thanksgiving Through Tithes and Offerings *Doxology *Prayer of Commitment
no. 809
Anthem of Commitment arr. robert sterling Chancel Choir
Give Me Jesus
Heritage Sunday Congregational Meeting (11:00)
PROCLAMATION OF GOD’S WORD Prayer for Illumination *Scripture Reading
Dr. David Swanson Joshua 24:14-18 pew bible p. 168
At the conclusion of our Scripture reading, the leader will say, “This is the word of the Lord.” The congregation is invited to respond, “Thanks be to God.”
Choosing the Legacy of Your Household
RESPONSE *Hymn of Courage God of Grace and God of Glory
*Invitation and Charge *Benediction
no. 669 cwm rhondda
*Choral Response Lantz Amen
daniel sharp
Postlude Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
arr. curnow
* All who are able are invited to stand. Assisting in Worship: Rev. Jack Peebles, Dr. Daniel Sharp, organist, Steve Strite, and John Heitala, trumpet. Flowers: The flowers on the communion table are given to the glory of God, in loving memory of David Heine, from his loving wife, Jo Ann.
If someone were to look at either your calendar or bank account, would it be obvious to them what you value most in this world? What do you prioritize?
2. The tribes of Israel are faced with a choice as to whom they will serve. In making their choice, the people reflect upon what God has done for His people. What do they say God has done (v. 17-18)? 3. God is revered for the protection (v. 17) he has provided to the Israelites against their enemies. Why was this important for them in their journey? 4. From the Renovare Spiritual Formation Study Bible: As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord” (24:15) “Joshua declares his intention to serve the Lord and tells the people to choose whom they will serve. Meditate on the phrase…What does it mean for a family to ‘serve the Lord’? Is it more difficult today than it was in Joshua’s time? Why or why not? (p. 339) 5. Jesus states in the Sermon on the Mount that "No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other." (Matt 6:24). Why do you think Jesus' disciples are cautioned against this? Why might this be significant for the Church today? What gods might tempt disciples (and even churches) today? 6. Based on our study so far, what did it look like for the Israelites to serve the Lord? What does it look like to serve the Lord today? How do you personally serve the Lord Monday through Saturday through either your vocation or in other ways? 7. What are the ways First Presbyterian Church of Orlando serves the Lord in the greater Central Florida area? How might you, your family, or your group become involved in what the church is doing across the community? How might you find out more? *This week's Year of the Book reading: Deuteronomy 32.