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J. I. 1 t. M i a in of of of af. 1 in. J. P. tne i ,. Sf a Ths sure m. JS fc at s ..Clearance Sale..! Our Annual Stock-Takin- g begins next Monday. All on hand this time will ...

Blobem rash Store la making koiiio very liberal reductions on the Stock on hand at this time. They are cloning out all linos left over from last fall. 1

Lakeview And Vicinity



Dutch lunch at the Brewery sal If oon. M . A. Bryan, tho northern stage Largest Suli evet on lit Ahlstrom It Contractor, returned to his home in Bros. Clover Flat Tuesday, after a several I n toll lunch at tho Brewery Su J) days' business visit In the County loon. seat. The latest In Ladies' Misses Caps at J. P. Puke was up town Tuesday. A. Bros. It liadies' and Misses Caps just in at He says that his brother Frank Is talking of planting a lot of macaroni Stock-Takin- g A. Bros. It in the Spring. Pont any one say a in towu last A. H. Hammorsloy word. Saturday. The Public Library and Heading M. NViiiKtlolvl wan over from Adol Kooin have iu contemplation, a bazaar, last wk. to le given February the eighth, for The snow Is about two foot deep in purpose of raising fluids, for urthe Camas prairie. gent Hoods. meals EU Uostauruut. First class reclosed W. P. Welch writes The Kxaminer at all hours. tf. from the desert northeast of Silver T. B. Vernon was up from the farm Lake that there is lots of winter out last Saturday. there; about ten inches of snow and diss. Lohrongol, is reported quite plenty of cold. sick at Bid well. The crowd that came over from SHelal Sale of Sdeoial Goods at Klamath Falls last week report having It repaired the telephone line where a Ahlstroiu Hros. Goo. Bennett was up from Altura tree had fallen across thowirj between hero and Hly. flrst of the week. T. W Johnson returned home to Something new in Ladies' and Miss0, AFTER THE BATH Paisley Monday after spending nearly Caps es It at A. Hros. UnJau 10th commencing of our annual a week iu the County seat in atten Sale. Ahlstrom Hros. It dance upon tho County Court ami other matters. 31 all C. II. Morris is spendiug the week F. M. Miller, Dan Malloy, and lino. iu town fiom Plush. WW,'WO. 'IVE.iVEU. IHV. Kffl. SAT. Harrow returned from Plush last SatYou will lose money if you miss the closed urday. Jelf Parrisli. came over with T sale at Ahlstrom Hros. It them. The snow was so badly driftC. A. Nelson was over from the ed that they had ditllculty iu getting West Side last Sunday. through. Mr. ami Mrs. Walter Paxtou rePeter Peterson was down from Sil1 ver Lake tirst of the week. turned from Calforniia Thursday, "g"i O. T. Anderson and G. S. Farra where they had intended to spend the winter but the climate did not agree were here from Hly Monday. Dout overlook trie Eli Restaurant with.Mr. Paxtou, hence their return tf to Lake Comity. when you want a gool meal. Have your eyes titled with glasses WELkLN WIIATIIliK REPORT. tM MOM For the best to be had In the liquor In the Circuit Court of the Slate Hue, go to Post and Kings. tf ty L. H. Whortou. His success iu Itelnw we give report of the weather the past assu es satisfaction. During Oregon, for t he County ol Lake. m reeuided by the ( iuver n meiil weather l." cent, -- o cent, 3 cent, 10 cent, the bad weather he can be found at Kuby Harvey and 1 bureau station at Tim Kxaminer t Mlice. Special Sule at Ahlstom Hios. his residence iu North Lakeview. Dick J. Wilcox, us Thin report i" changed each week, and II Execiltoi-of the The little daughter of Professor and Prices very low. of WiliUtu Estate our roadem wish to keep a yearly record Mrs. Leavitt is seriously ill. Dan (iraf, the Summer Lake sheep- - llarvev Deceased, weather conditions b.r future refer- E. S. Morris was among the West man, is iu Lakeview this week sport-Sid- I'l'lillliffs, Suit lc foreeluso euee, cut mil the reMii l aloii the black vs-- I. visitors iu towu last Saturday, ing. He says ho just came down to Ihio( ii line ami paMo it in a S. Field. Julia ih II lllurtglle. ,h iri Ceding his I'lcld, O'tie ChanIsaac Deter was uq from the farm Lave " littIe tin'week after another. Thin reord will lt th" olllt'r htn'P ur winter-ua- dler, (ieofmE. yesterday and made The Examiner a ,H"ll;s' taken on Tnesdu" to end each week and Chandler and Aning well on the desert. begin on Wednesday for the next week drew MiOllleU, w ill meet Shakespeare The Club, tiovernment Weather liureau SU- at Defendants. Marie Hull returned from Pailsov tion at Lakeview, Iregon, week, where she spent the lloli- - the hoi!ie of Mrs W. K. Steele, next this To J. S. Field. Julia Field and AnOF SAN FRANCISCO. CALIF.. ('. (). Niktzkkk, CiMiixTiitivit Observer. Thursday evening, The meeting w ill days. drew McCallen, the above named deopen promptly at seven o'clock. Mem-A creamery is to be started at tiers kindly take notice of the change fendants IX THE NAME OF THE by a company now being STATE OF OUEUOX : You and each Week ending; TucMduy. Jen. H, 11M)7 in night, as roll as hour. Have established a warehouse in Lakeview for the Wanted : 10 men in each Htute to of you are hereby required to appear E. E. Kiueharts' baby truvel jistriljljle blHll)ie8 ofourgoo.U aud answer the complaint tiled against Mrs. Mr. and I'njr max jmlti, rrwlp a'w i tum. u r accommodation of cattlemen and sheepmen of Lake nas oeen quite sick, oui is reponeu ((Hun lull ul day . aU(j Hinrt Ualary, fstuw per you iu the above entitled court and 31bt Janon cause or beforo day of the bettercounty, where they will bujr beef hides, horse hides, .'! In . month: 8.'Un per day tor expenses. M j no chl.v McKune, Miss Dessio Ked aud Saunders Co., Department P. 4) Jack-so- uary, KXJ7, said date being the last Mi nr. .'!.'. o .'t'.t Uuy etc.. Francis?? kinds, hair, San horse pelts of all af day of the time prescribed iu the fri.i'yl I!l :'M .1 Mrs. A. Myers, were up from Pine u.IMl Houlevard, Chicago 111. ptcldy order for publication ot summons Miif.v! :il " 1 prices, freight deducted. o.oif Do Creek yesterday. clear The legislature meets at Salem next made herein, aud if you fail ho to apUl on 'i ji.oo Ver- - Mouady, Jan. 14. chl.v Vallty hiiii. Warner from prices Get Wareh ouse located in the J. P. Duckworth iuiid- pear or answer, for want thereof, the micii.:;7 o (i.'," :i " cautile Co., before buying elsewhere A Handkerchief and Apron liaaar, plaintilfs will apply to the Court for tiiTiM. i; oo ii.oo 38 tf. Adel and Plush. ing, near tne naning" Mm. will be held Friday evening, I'ebrua-- ! tho relief prayed for iu said com-rThe heavy wind of last Thursday H, tho proceeds to be given to the plaint, which is: That the plaintilfs drifted the snow, delaying the north Heading Loom and Lib-arFull take a decree agaiunt you, t he defend i , P. DUCKWORTH, Special Agent. and the cast stages. particulars will be given next week. ,ants, J. S. Field and Julia Field, Timber I nJ Notice. A .S. Down and wife were up from Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Cressler, will foreclosing a mortgage on real properI'niteil States I .mid Ollice, Lake-viethe ranch Tuesday evening to attend soon for California, where they ty, executed by you on December .'id, Oregon, Dc., 10, P.mh;, the Eastern Star installation. 1!M, in favor of plaintilfs testator, will spend the remainder of the win-Notice Ik hereby given thai in comFelix and Henry Linster of Hend, tor, returning in the Spring iu a line William Harvey ;to recover the money pliance with the provisions of the are here this week iu a land contest new automoliile, which they will pur- due aud owing on said mortgage, act of Coiign ss of Juno ;!, Is7s, The sum of Nine Hundred and case before the U. S. Laud Olttee. chase and learn to operate, while "An net for the sale of tlmln-Thirty four dollars and seventeen H. A. McDaniehi made The Exam- there. in theStutesof California, Orelands cents, together with interest thereon gon, Ncvaibi mid Washington Terriner oUice a pleasant call first of. the Fd. Draper, who had his feet fro-- at the late of ten per cent, per annum itory," as extended to all the Public week aud subscribed for the paper. zen on New Years day, was adjudged from June i"th, llKfJ, and ?U(HJ attore The Examiner has again beeu desand was committed to the ney's fees and costs of suit; for an Land Stutcn by net of August I, lS'.L', ignated by the County Court of Lake state asylum. He was taken charge order of sale of the lauds and premises Harry W. Crawford, of Klamath No matter how modest as the County Ofllcial paper, of by Mr. E. W. Stubbs, who, with retained and existing as security in Fulls, county of Klamath, State of County Iu this olliec his, 3'our demands in other diSf Geo. Nelson came over to town his wife, came lit re to convey Mrs. said mortgage, aud described as fol- Oregon, has died .'t.'los for tho No. sworn statement rections, to want Salem. a Ths Doctor A. L. Thorn-- 1 3'ou Tuesday. His wife is taking care of Striplin Commencing at the purchase of the N WJ of Section No. 10 lows, wno is very; I'. T. Gunthor, who whs hurt tho South east comer of Hlock "O", in THE BEST PERFECT ton is the fig hur mother, Mrs. Carter, in Township No. .'!." S., Kauge No. 17 'ownight of thi! lire, and who has been the West Addition to the Town ot E., W. M, mid will offer proof to MEDICINES. sure that only gradu- China Eli has purchased th restaur sick ever since, is aiile to be out. He Lakeview, hi ImUo County, show that the bind Hoiight U more What is the use of having ate Pnartna gi ant aud took charge last night. Eli had the middle linger of his left hand Oregon, accord ing to tho plat htateof pre- thereof, valuable for Its timber or stone than m his desires all his old patrons to give him taken and the bone removed back filed iu tho ofllce of the County Clerk for I'grleutt urnl purposes, aud to es a good Doctorif youhave'nt cist in Lake scriptions joint, as a result of a of the County and State aforesaid, on tablish his claim to said land beforo a call. It tothewrinl filed a good DRUGGIST? JS County. Al- - S received bruise the night of the fire. the '3)th day of July, 1878; Thence County Clerk of Klamath Co., at Ida We understand that Miss Mabel AT THORNTON'S Fresh ways on fc rioht at registered at Ho- running North along tho Eastern official place of hiiHlncsH at Klamath Among who were Kiggins married thooi! Laird and Hilly Hlock "0,"Oue Falls, Oregon, on Tuesday, tho fith recently at the P. ranch, iu Harney tel Lakeiew from Klamath Falls dur- Houndary line of said Thornton s Medicines, Exact Skill and hand- Seventy-threand feet; day of March, 1!K)7. Hundred ing the past week are: C. F. Stone, County. Perfect Care enter every Prer thence at right angles running West II. II. F. Frank Johnson, Lynn Low e, I). W. Hafer, Johnson, J. Archie of H. A. Erattain, One Hundred and Forty feet; thence HuhhcII and .Jesse (.'ravens, scription. M. Dooher. C. F. Oliver, J. all of Kimball, the First National Hank of Lakeview, at right angles running North Klamath Fulls, Oregon. X. Dennis, Harry Caden, and Mr. came down from Chewaucan first of One Hundred and two feet; thenco at Any and all persons claiming Dalzell, cashier of the First National the week. right angles running West One Hun- adversely the land Hank of Klamath Falls. dred audForty feet, to the West bound- are requested to file their claims In Hiebers' Cash Store is closing out ary line of Block "N", In said West this office on or beforo said 5th day all odds and ends left over from last Addition ; theuco South along the of March, 1!K)7. Now is your time for a Btock. Fall Successor boundary lines of said Hlocks West 51 good I'argain. It Register. J. X. Watson and "N" "O", Two Hundred and HEALTH MATTER A WarJ. C. Dodsou came over from Seventy-fivfeet to the South-wes- t ner Tuedsay on business connected corner of said Iilock"0;" thence East with his recent investment in tho JJ along the South boundary line of said cattle ranch. f KfXS Two Hundred Hlock "O" and Eighty feet, to the place of beginThe manufacturers of J. H. Cutter ll ning. whiskey have supplied Hotel Lakeview Also that a certuin deed executed by bar with a line of their goods. Hest you, the said J. S. Field, on April Kl, tf. on the market. 1808, to the above named defendant, .PELTS AND HIDES.. Post and King are nowr receiving When you buy Chandler, conveying to her the Gttie WF.T their winter stock of liquors, the best BOUGHT lauds above described, be, by decree WEATHER line of "wet" goods ever put over a of tho court, adjudged void an against CLOTHING tf. bar in Lakeview. the said mortgage, and that all of the you want complete There- was said to be a severe wind defendants be barred aud foreclosed The Lakeview Mercantile protection lasting one Phibh week, storm ot all right, claim or equity of redeniat last a.nd long shook nights, which two aud day tion iu or to the said premises. service. Co. will pay, for hides in y y r. things up pretty lively. This kummons is served upon you first-clas- s condition, other good points , by publication by order of the HonS. II. Chandler and wife started last are combined tn orable II. L . Benson. Judge of the 17c per lb where California, Sunday lower for Beef Hides TOWERS Trie School that Placcs Absolutely A(f AND above named Court, which order is they will spend the winter. Roy drove m 14c per lb KMX), CLOTHING Position. Sheep Pelts OILED the 15th day of December, them to Madeline in a sleigh. SUBSTITUTE dated HAS Toil CAirt nora publication of and the first tho date to bvry any other The report of the appraisers iu the A Cream of Tartar Powder, of the summons is the 20th day of appoved was last estate of Whittemore free from alum or phoa BUSINESS COLLfGE December, 1900. Call and see us before WASH. TftNTH.STS. phatlo acid of Court Saturday by Superior the Oa'O'i Ul J TO( W. A. WILSIIIRE, CO PORTLAND, OREGON TQwl. New says Era. Modoo County, the ftAKINO aOVAl POWDER NEW YORK. CO.. Attorney for Plaintiffs. selling elsewhere.





..Clearance Sale..! Our Annual

begins next Monday.

All goods on hand at this

out at Get the markable reductions. time will be


offerings by

of our

making early selections. Shoes, Furnishing Goods, Outing


Flannels, Calicoes, Ladies'



odds and ends of

this stock will be



7 JiJa 8

out at



U lO 11 ja 0 13" 141 15 lO 17 18 lf 2 o a 1 z z 'a v a4 as: JJft











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A. L.


















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